The following words are signals for what type of text structure: similarly, alike, unlike, although, and both?
What genre is informational text?
The following words are signals for what type of text structure: threat, resolve by, concern, challenge, prevent, and help?
Problem & Solution
Which type of text structure describes an issue and at least one way to solve it?
Problem & Solution
What makes problem and solution different from cause and effect?
Problem and solution offers a solution while cause and effect doesn't.
This type of writing considers similarities and differences
compare & contrast
The school hallway carried the smell of wax, varnish, and cleaning supplies. Bright,yellow light glared into the hall through the freshly cleaned windows. This highlighted the deep scrapes in the lockers, the chips in the wall tiles, and the spider webs hanging in the corner.
In this type of writing, the reader will see words/phrases such as because, as a result of, and due to.
cause & effect