RBT Study Questions

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Which of the following is an example of using a token economy?

A child receives point for correct responses to exchange for an activity later on

What is a stimulus class?

A set of stimuli that share a common attribute

Which of the following is an example of how a stimulus control could be augmented?

A timer to signal how long to brush teeth

Which of the following is an example of punishment

After a student got scolded in the hallway for making noises in class, he quit making noises in class

Which of the following could be considered a "multiple relationship" according to the RBT ethics code?

An RBT and parent of a client who have a romantic relationship

Who may conduct the competency assessment?

An experienced assessor with BCBA supervision

What part of the 3-term contingency is the most responsible for stimulus control?


Which of the following dimensions of ABA refers to the social importance of problems?


When a RBT does not know how to perform an intervention or strategy, which of the following is the best course of action?

Ask for training and supervision on the skill

Which of the following is a learner characteristic that could impact the development of a stimulus control?

Attending skills

Which prompt fading strategy involves using the most intrusive prompt initially then fading to a less intrusive prompt?

Decreasing assistance

A time delay method for fading prompts would be

Delay the delivery of prompts and wait for the person to respond

Which of the following makes reinforcements more effective?

Deprivation state, immediacy, adequate size, and contingency

Recently, Mario's tantrums seem to last longer. Which data recording procedure might be the best one to use to determine this?


Which of the following functions of behavior involves avoiding a task or interaction?


Two main reasons why individuals engage in a particular behavior are?

Escape and gain

True or False: an RBT can be the employer of their supervisior


Which of the following is an example of a primary reinforcer?


Which of the following is an example of secondary reinforcement?

Getting a good grade on a test

Which of the following is an example of positive reinforcement?

Giving someone a compliment for doing good work

Joint attention skills should be targeted for increase for those individuals who:

Have difficulty responding to cues made by another to attend to a stimulus

Which of the following is operationally defined?

Hitting so hard a picture fell off the wall

Which of the following is an explanation of the "dead man's test"?

If a dead man cannot do it, then it is a behavior

Which of the following is an example of a motivating operation?

Jan is hungry, so she works harder to get crackers as a reward

Which of the following is an example of overcorrection?

Marty had to clean the bathroom wall because she wrote on it

In order to randomly rotate trials, what must a learner have done first?

Mastered some targets they can be mixed in the rotation

Naturalistic techniques are used to help learners generalize skills and for learners who

Might initially resist more structured settings

Stimulus control transfer is important for

Moving artificial prompts to naturally occurring ones

Which of the following could be considered a violation of the portion of the RBT Ethics code that addressed accurate representation of credentials and work?

Not renewing credentials and still claiming to have a current RBT status

which of the following data recording procedures is best used for behaviors that have a clear ending and beginning, do not occur throughout an interval, but still occur at high rates?

Partial interval

Which of the following is an illustration of the most-to-least prompting

Partial physical, modeling, visual, gestural

Motivating operations can exert stimulus control over a behavior by:

Playing a role in the effectiveness of the reinforcer at the that point in time

How can consistently and routine help to increase the display of a desired behavior?

Predictability that goes along with consistency and routine helps learners focus on whats important

The doctrine of "least restrictive alternative" when it comes to punishment states that:

Punishment is a last resort after other interventions have been attempted and failed

Which terms replaced "responsible certificant" in the latest RBT updates?

RBT requirements coordinator and RBT supervisor

Skinner used the term "operant conditioning" to describe:

Rats pressing a lever to receive food until they were full

Which of the following is true about concept of motivating operants (MO).

Reinforcers work better when they are in effect

Differential reinforcement works by:

Reinforcing only the behaviors that should be increased while removing reinforcement from behaviors that should be decreased

Which of the following is the best definition of shaping?

Reinforcing successive approximations of a behavior

Behavioral shaping involves:

Reinforcing successive approximations of a larger behavior

Walter can ride a bicycle and shoot a basketball through a hoop, it he cannot draw a picture of a dog. Which of the skills would you say are in Walters "behavioral repertoire"?

Riding a bicycle and shooting a basketball

Which of the following is a behavior?

Running a race, running can be observed and measured

Which of the following is a discriminative stimulus (SD)

Saying "matching blue" and receiving a blue card

Which of the following is an example of a naturally occurring discriminative stimulus at work

Seeing a stop sign and stopping

Differential reinforcement of other behavior DRO invovles:

Setting an interval for the problem behavior not to be displayed and reinforcing if it is not displayed

Marcia is teaching Denise how to clean a kitchen. She taught her how to rinse dishes and put them in the dishwasher, how to wipe counters, and how to sweep


Why would the prompt level necessary to perform the skill be an important part of data collection?

Skills performed with prompts are not mastered until they are performed without prompts

In ABA, which is the best reason why behaviors are targeted to increase?

So learners can increase overall skill repertoires

Why is it important to record data as close to the time the behavior actually occurred as possible?

So the data will be more likely to reflect an accurate picture of the behavior

Spontaneous recovery refers to:

Sudden reoccurrence of behavior that was extinguished

Which of the following is an example of negative reinforcement?

Taking away a chore for making good grades?

Extinction of the behavior maintained by positive reinforcement works by:

Taking away the reinforcer for problem behaviors

______ is when target behaviors are broken down into steps

Task analysis

Forward chaining invovles

Teaching the beginning steps and reinforcing each subsequent step

Which of the following behaviors could be reinforced on a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement?

The amount of time spent on a task

Which of the statements is true about the new RBT updates?

The changes are based on recommendations from a panel of experts

Phase change lines indicate

The division between one condition and another

Which of the following is an advantage of backward chaining:

The learner experiences the culmination of the steps of the chain more quickly

Prior to the creation of the RBT ethics code, which set of ethical standards did RBTs follow?

The professional and ethical compliance code of the BACB

What is the difference between differential reinforcement of alternative behavior DRA and differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior DRI?

The replacement behavior selected in DRA does not have to be incompatible with the problem behavior

If a behavior is maintained:

Then the individual continues to perform it after intervention has stopped

When behaviors are being maintained, reinforcement schedules move from

Thick to thin

Susan records data after every discrete trial she delivers. What type of data recording is this?

Trial by trial

True or False: videoconferencing and webcams can be used in RBT supervision


Which of the following should be used for teaching the concept of blue

Various shade of blue on identical objects

Which of the following replacement behaviors might functionally equivalent to the undesirable behavior of screaming a demand?

Verbalizing what is wanted

Antecedents are:

What happens before a behavior occurs

Which of the following is true about reinforcement?

What one individual finds reinforcing may not be true for others

For which of the following examples is it critical to seek clinical supervision?

When a client displays unexpected behavior

Under which of the following circumstances should extinction not be used?

When it could cause harm to the individual or others in the environment

Cumulative graphs are used

When progress toward a predetermined number of behaviors should be demonstrated

A trend that ascends from left to right means

a behavior is increasing

Stimulus equivalence occurs when

a response is correctly displayed in the presence of a stimulus that has not been trained or reinforced

Extinction works by:

abruptly stopping reinforcement for problem behavior

Type 1 punishment invovles:

adding a condition to reduce a behavior

Which of the following is an example of negative punishment

paying a speeding ticket

Which of the following should you do if you are using errorless learning to deliver a trial

provide the most intrusive prompt necessary for correct responding

Which of the following is a pivotal skill that helps individuals "learn to learn"?

responding to multiple cue in the environment

Which of the following could be a successive approximations for shaping the behavior of "having a conversation"

saying "hello" to another person

Data collected during naturalistic teaching should always include information about

target behaviors, prompt levels needed, and activities

if a learner is requiring more and more prompting to perform a skill, the first concern is

the learner is becoming prompt dependent

generalization across settings occurs when

the learner performs the behavior in different environments

Stimulus discrimination training helps:

the learner to discern what is correct in the presence of an incorrect stimulus

Data are plotted on line graphs according to

the number of instances of the behavior across time

a disadvantage of bar graph is

the variability of data can be lost

The transitivity aspect of stimulus equivalence is the result of:

training 2 other stimulus relations

Which of the following data collection methods involves recording the results of each trial presented

trial by trial data

Which would be the next step in a shaping program to increase time on task from 3 minutes

4 minutes

What percentage of time of the provision of ABA services must be devoted to supervision?


The quote "all behavior has a communicative intent" can be best explained by the statement:

Behavior always serves a purpose for the person engaging in the behavior

John Watson used which term to describe the study of behavior?


Which of the following is an antecedent variable that could play a role in the display of a behavior?

Being in a quiet environment

How does functional communication training (FCT) address problem behaviors?

By addressing communication skills needed to replace the problem behavior

Which of the following statements is true regarding learning complex behaviors

Complex behaviors cannot be learned all at once

Punishment has occurred when the behavior it followed:


In order for reinforcers to be effective a(n) _____ state must exist for that reinforcer


If a learner starts displaying a skill learned in DTI within natural environment, we might say that the leaner

has generalized the skill from DTI to the natural environment

Which of the following is a drawback of probe data?

it is less accurate

prompting procedures help a behavior technician to

know how to prompt and how to fade prompts

visual inspection is

making a judgment abut the effects of an intervention by examining graphed data

Which of the following verbal operants is used when a learner requests a cookie?


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