RDH- pathology

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systemic lupus erythematosus Can be seen in the oral cavity

False Classic signs of the condition include butterfly rash over the bridge of the nose and lesions on the fingertips

A herpetic lesion can be found on the floor of the mouth

False a herpetic lesion can only occur on keratinized Makossa, that is fixed to the bone those areas are the hard palate and gingiva

A class one occlusion is typical for patients with down syndrome

False they typically have a class III malocclusion

A mucocele is generally painful. True or false?

False. A mucocele is swelling caused by fluids accumulated in the salivary glands. Both mucocele and rankle are soft and painless.

A papilloma is cancerous. True or false?

False. A papilloma is a benign tumor of the squamous epithelium.

A periapical abscess appears radiopaque

False. A periapical abscess generally appears radioLucent, at the root Apex

A plague is a lesion with a large attachment at the bottom. True or false?

False. A plaque is a slightly raised lesion.

If you see a red lesion on the palate, in a pt who has HIV, you can suspect that this is a major aphthous ulcer. True or false?

False. A red lesion is most likely to appear on the palate and gingiva in an immunocompromised pt is Kaposi sarcoma. Major ulcers are a light color.

If you see scalloping around the roots on a radiograph, you can suspect that the patient has fibrous dysplasia. True or false?

False. A simple bone cyst, also called a traumatic bone cyst, appears as a well defined radiolucent lesion that is characterized by scalloping around the roots. Fibrous dysplasia happens when the bone is replaced by fibrous connective tissue.

A torus can appear radiolucent on a radiograph. True or false?

False. A torus is the abnormal growth of bone. Because the area is dense, this will appear radiopaque.

Ameloblastoma is mostly seen in the maxilla. True or false?

False. Ameloblastoma is a benign, slow-growing, and aggressive odontogenic tumor. It is characterized by a soap bubble-like radiolucency. They develop on the maniple, especially the rams.

An irritation fibroma can appear red and bleeds easily. True or false?

False. An irritation fibroma is a scar tissue and appears as a light-colored elevated lesion. Those lesions appear most likely on the buccal mucosa because of cheek biting.

Basal cell carcinoma is a common lesion of the oral cavity. True or false?

False. Basal cell carcinoma is a malignancy of the basal cell, located in the deeper layers of the epidermis. this tumor is generally related to excessive sun exposure and is the most common type of skin cancer. However, this does not occur in the mouth.

If you see that the patient has bechet Syndrom on his medical history, you remember yourself to check for hypercementosis

False. Bechet Syndrom is a rare disorder that causes inflammation in the blood vessels throughout the body

If the pt is regularly using chewing tobacco, you should be more concerned about cancer once palate. True or false?

False. Chewing tobacco can irritate the oral tissues. Even if the tobacco can cause damage to all parts of the oral cavity. Because it is generally placed int he mucobuccal fold.

If the Child is born with syphilis, you should check for the white lesions on the tongue

False. Congenital syphilis is characterized by Hutchinson incisors, Which are screwdriver shaped incisors, and Mulberry molars, which feature small globules on the cusp

Fordyce granules appear as tiny red lobules. True or false?

False. Fordyce granules are clusters of oil glands, and they appear as tiny yellow lobules.

Hyperplasia related to dentures is a malignant. True or false?

False. Hyperplasia is a term referring to normal cell proliferation in response to tissue damage. This not directly related to cancerous disease.

If the child has impetigo, you may see vesicles and vestibules of the oral cavity

False. Impetigo is a highly contagious infection and is characterized vesicles resembling herpes around the nose and mouth

Epulis fissuratum is characterized by cobblestone-like projection and is most commonly found not he palate. True or false?

False. It appears usually on the vestibule along the denture borders. The description of cobblestone appearance is related to papillary hyperplasia.

A primordial Cyst is caused by the information of the dental pulp

False. It develops a lesion replacing a tooth. This can be found instead of a third molar, or other posterior teeth

A dentigerous cyst Happens when the tooth extraction is followed by complications

False. It happens Because there is an accumulation of fluid between the reduced enamel epithelium and the crown of an unerupted or impacted tooth tooth

Denture stomatitis is always accompanied by pain. True or false?

False. It is a chronic form of candidiasis. It is antinflammatory response to irritation from oral appliances.

A geographic tongue presents as a light color lesion with red borders. True or false?

False. It is a red patch surrounded by white or yellow borders.

Cleidocranial Dysplasia is characterized by high pallet, open bite, and fish like mouth

False. It is characterized by many supernumerary teeth, even a third dentition

A nodule is smaller than 5mm and is hard to the touch. True or false?

False. It is larger then 5mm.

A lateral periodontal cyst is most likely to be found on the posterior mandible

False. It is located in the bone. It is most commonly found on the mandibular canine and pre-Mohler areas

A vesicle is larger than 5mm and contains serum. True or false?

False. It is smaller than 5mm.

A median rhomboid is fuzzy to the touch. True or false?

False. It is soft and smooth texture because the filiform papillae hav disappeared.

A black hairy tongue can be cancerous. True or false?

False. It occurs because of dark staining from bacteria, tobacco, alcohol, etc. It is harmless.

A leukoplakia is malignant. True or false?

False. Leukoplakia is a white plaque-like, flat lesion of the oral mucosa that cannot be diagnosed with a specific disease.

Linear gingival erythema is caused by heavy dental plaque accumulation. True or false?

False. Linear gingival erythema is characterized by a dark band along the free gingival margin. It is not related to plaque.

Multiple myeloma originated at the nerve. True or false?

False. Multiple myeloma is a tumor originating int he bone marrow. The lesion is painful and is more common in elderly patients.

Papillon-Lefevre Syndrome Affects the oral cavity because it creates compound odontoma

False. Papillion lefevre syndrome is caused by a chromosomal disturbance.

All stages of syphilis are contagious and can cause ulcers

False. Syphilis has three stages, and each stage is marked by distinct symptoms and lesions

A periapical cyst usually is painful.

False. The condition is usually a symptomatic as the tooth is not vital

If you see a pt with ulcers not he lateral borders of the tongue, with crusted and bleeding lips, you can suspect that the pt has pemphigus vulgaris. True or false?

False. The lesion is characterized by ulcers on the lateral borders of the tongue, crusted and bleeding lips is erythema multiforme.

The lingual thyroid is located on the dorsal surface of the tongue, anterior to the circumvallate papillae. True or false?

False. The lingual thyroid is a mass that is visible in the midline of the dorsal surface of the tongue, posterior to the circumvallate papillae.

A nosopalatine cyst appears around the roots of the molars. True or false?

False. it is located within the nasopalaine canal, or the incisive papilla. Those landmarks are around the maxillary central incisors not he palate.

Verrucous carcinoma is related to excessive sun exposure. True or false?

False. it presents as a slow-growing tumor that is white/red and looks like a cauliflower.

An ulcer can be seen on the dorsal surface of the tongue. True or false?

Fasle. An ulcer is typically seen on the moveable mucosa of the oral cavity.

A patient who has diabetes is a higher risk for candidiasis


An odontoma Can cause swelling and displacement of erupted teeth


If your adolescent patient has an abnormally Read tongue, you may ask the patient if he/she has strep throat


The human papilloma virus cause a wart, significantly known as Verruca vulgaris


The most infectious stage of oral herpes is the vesicle stage


regional odontodysplasia Will display as ghost teeth on a radiograph


Pericoronitis can be seen around the crown of an erupting toorh

True it is between the tooth and the overlapping flap. This swelling is most common interrupting third molars

Squamous cell carcinoma is more likely to be present on the ventral lateral surface of the tongue, floor of the mouth, soft palate, and tonsillar pillars. True or false?


A macule has a different color than the surrounding skin. True or false?

True. A macule is a late and skin patch that is altered in color.

A Periapical abscess can also present with a fristula.

True. A periapical abscess is a pocket of pus. It can have severe pain and the pus can create a path out of the tissue

A salivary gland stone can cause pain. True or false?

True. A salivary gland stop can cause inflammation and pain.

A sarcoma is a malignant tumor. True or false?

True. A sarcoma is a tumor of the connective tissue and is malignant. Malignant tumors invade and destroy surrounding tissues and can spread throughout the body.

An amalgam tattoo on a tissue can appear radiopaque. True or false?

True. Amalgam tattoo if left in the tissues can be radiopaque because of the amalgam particles.

And eruption cyst is more likely to occur on the permanent first molar

True. And eruption cyst can happen in both the deciduous and permanent dentitions. The cyst is most likely to appear on the permanent first molars and incisors

Candidiasis is more common in pts with immunodeficiencies. True or false?

True. Candidiasis is a fungal infection and is linked to immunodeficiencies.

Hairy leukoplakia appears as white patches on the sides of the tongue. True or false?

True. Hairy leukoplakia is a lesion caused by the Epstein Barr Virus (Easter bunny virus). It appears as a white patch on the side of the tongue.

A median rhomboid glossitis looks flat and red. True or false?

True. It appears flat, slightly raised, and generally red. It is located in the middle of the dorsal surface of the tongue, int he shape of a rhomboid or diamond shape.

A focal sclerosis osteomyelitis is related to periodontal diseases

True. It appears on the Apex of the teeth and is related to low grade infections that may be caused by diseases and dental caries

Hypercementosis is a common characteristic of gardner syndrome

True. It is a chromosomal disturbance and is created by osteomas in the bones

Osteosarcoma can present with tooth mobility. True or false?

True. It is a malignant tumor of the bone-forming tissue. Some pmts can have toothache and tooth mobility.

A periapical granuloma is related to inflammation of a non-vital tooth

True. It is a mass of inflamed tissue at the apex of a non-vital tooth

If the patient states that her child has herpangina, and she's worried About ulcers on the tongue, you can reassure her that it is normal

True. It is characterized by ulcers that appear on the soft palate, tongue, and throat

Its who have Sjogren's syndrome are at higher risk for caries. True or false?

True. Its who have Sjogren's syndromes are affected by fry mouth and dry eyes because of the lack of salivary flow, the pt can be at high risk fro dental caries, perio and oral candidiasis.

Leukoedema is more common with smokers. True or false?

True. Leukoedema is a lesion that appears gray and is most commonly seen in smokers. It is considered harmless.

Nicotine stomatitis can develop into a malignant condition. True or false?

True. Nicotine stomatitis is a benign lesion the hard palate cause by heat. The palate will look light in color with raised red dots. This lesion can develop into a malignancy.

Oral herpes can be found on the hard palate. True or false?

True. Oral herpes is only present on keratinized mucosa, fixed to the bone. Those areas are the hard palate and gingival in the oral cavity.

Patients with Paget's disease are likely to complain about pain. True or false?

True. Paget disease is a chronic bone disease characterized by resorption, osteoblastic repair, and remineralization of the involved bone.

A patient with down syndrome is likely to have few were teeth then in the normal adult dentition

True. Patients with down syndrome can have microdontia With malformed teeth, abnormalities in eruption, and congenitally missing teeth

Among the different glands int eh oral cavity, the submandibular gland is more likely to be affected by the salivary stones. True or false?

True. Salivary stones are more likely to affect the submandibular glands.

The most common area of smoker's melanosis is the anterior labial gingival. True or false?

True. Smoker's melanosis appears as dark pigmentation in the oral tissue. This happens because the chemical in the cigarette have stimulated the melanocytes. The most common area is the anterior labial gingiva.

If the patient is grinding and clenching at night, you are more likely to see a white line along the occlusal plane. True or false?

True. The whit line along the occlusal plane is called lineament alba.

If you see multiple cyst in the jar on the radiograph, and you look at the medical history and found out that the patients has Gorland syndrome, you can also expect the patient to have dark spots on their hands and feet

True. They might have dark spots on the hands and feet, and cysts in the jar

If you see a white lines distributed bilaterally not he buccal mucosa, you can suspect that theft has lichen planes. True or false?

True. This is a benign inflammatory condition of the skin. it is characterized by white line called Wickham striata and is frequently distributed symmetrically.

If the patient has cyclic neutropenia, the periodontal disease tends to be more severe than normal

True. This is a disorder characterized by decrease in the number of neutrophils that last a few days

A pyogenic granuloma can happen in male adults. True or false?

True. This is a lesion commonly called pregnancy tumor. However, this name is misleading as men and not pregnant women can also be affected by their tumor.

Hutchinson's incisors and mulberry molars are both associated with which condition? a. Congenital syphilis b. Amelogenesis imperfects c. Ectodermal dysplasia d. Tuberculosis

a. Congenital syphilis

Also called a follicular cyst, what is the name of a very common odontogenic cyst that forms around the crown of an unerupted or developing tooth? a. Dentigerous cyst b. Intraosseous cyst c. Radicular cyst d. Residual cyst e. Periapical cyst

a. Dentigerous cyst

Which of the following is NOT considered a variant of normal? a. Hairy leukoplakia b. White hairy tongue c. Fissured tongue d. Geographic tongue e. Migratory glossitis

a. Hairy leukoplakia

When treating a pt with diabetes mellitus, a dental professional should do all of the following EXCEPT? a. Schedule appts before a meal b. Consult with the pt's physician c. Limit the length of the appt d. Be prepared for an emergency

a. Schedule appts before a meal

The hypocalcification of a single tooth, usually a maxillary permanent incisor, is called? a. Turner's tooth b. Hutchinson's incisor c. Dens en dente d. Enamel pearl e. Concrescence

a. Turner's tooth

The condition where the frenum of the tongue is attached higher not he floor of the mouth than normal is called? a. Fissured tongue b. Ankyloglossia c. Cleft palate d. Lupus

b. Ankyloglossia

Hairy leukoplakia occurs because of an infection form the? a. Candida fungua b. Epsetin-barr virus c. Herpes simplex virus d. Mycobacterium tuberculosis

b. Epsetin-barr virus

Which radiopaque lesion forms around the apex of the tooth and is often associated with a restored or carious tooth? a. Periapical granuloma b. Focal sclerosis osteomyelitis c. Periapical abscess d. Compound odontoma

b. Focal sclerosis osteomyelitis

Which of the following is NOT correct regarding denture stomatitis? a. It is related to full or partial denture wear b. It is painful and always symptomatic c. It Amy occur if the pt does not remove and clean he prosthetics d. It affects the area covered by the denture

b. It is painful and always symptomatic

.Slowly progressing, multiple purplish malignant vascular tumors arising in multiple sites that often are associated with HIV as well as other forms of immunodeficiency are most likely? a. Lymphangioma b. Kaposi's sarcoma c. Hemangioma d. Melanocytic nevi e. Malignant melanoma

b. Kaposi's sarcoma

During an oral cancer examination, you notice a red patch on your patient's buccal mucosa. Which of the following would you immediately rule out? a. Kaposi's sarcoma b. Leukoplakia c. Pyogenic granuloma d. Erythroplakia

b. Leukoplakia

Upon performing an intraoral examination, the clinican notices a mass not he dorsal surface of the tongue posterior to the circumvallate papillae. The pt chart has noted this finding consistently, with no specific changes. Which condition could the clinician suspect? a. Exostosis b. Lingual thyroid nodule c. Squamous cell carcinoma d. Lipoma

b. Lingual thyroid nodule

Which of the following conditions will cause severe pain? a. Pulpitis b. Periapical abscess c. Periapical granuloma d. Periapical cyst

b. Periapical abscess

Upon examining the dental radiograph, the clinician noticed a reduction of radiodensity on one quadrant, and "ghost-like" appearance of teeth in that area. Which condition can the clinical suspect? a. Multiple neurofibroma b. Regional odontodysplasia c. Shingles d. Down syndrome

b. Regional odontodysplasia

Which of the following conditions is characterized by many supernumerary teeth or a third dentition? a. Cyclic nuetropenia b. Squamous cell carcinoma c. Cleidocranial dysplasia d. Congenital syphilis

c. Cleidocranial dysplasia

Which condition is related to Mulberry molars? a. Neurofibromatosis of Von Recklinghausen b. Regional odontodysplasia c. Congenital syphilis d. Down syndrome

c. Congenital syphilis Congenital syphilis is caused by the bacteria Treponema palladium and spreads from he mother to the infant. Children affected by this condition may have screwdriver-like incisions and mulberry molars

Which of the following cysts appears as a pear-shaped radiolucency in between the roots of the maxillary lateral incisor and the canine? a. Nasopalatine canal cyst b. Dentigerous cyst c. Globulomaxillary cyst d. Odontoma e. Primordial cyst

c. Globulomaxillary cyst

Your client has arrived for her appointment and has a 6mm, slightly elevated encrusted lesion on her lower lip. She says that it has been there for approximately 1 week. You find that she has a history of cold sores on her chart. The infectious agent responsible for this infection is the? a. Varicella-zoster virus b. Epstein-Barr virus c. Herpes simplex virus d. Papillomavirus e. Hepatitis B virus

c. Herpes simplex virus

Tissue or organ enlargement resulting from an increase in the number of normal cells is termed? a. Erythematous b. Edematous c. Hyperplasia d. Hypertrophy

c. Hyperplasia

A bilateral, scalloped, benign oral lesion that often presents as a horizontal white streak along the buccal mucosa at the level of the occlusal plane is most likely? a. Herpetic whitlow b. Wickham's striae c. Linea alba d. Myelin sheath e. Candidiasis

c. Linea alba

Which term bEST describes a freckle? a. Pedunculated b. Sessile c. Macule d. Papule

c. Macule

Which of the following is associated with the loss of lamina dura and cotton-wool appearance of the bone? a. Fibrous dysplasia b. Type 1 diabetes mellitus c. Paget's disease

c. Paget's disease

Which of the following is the greatest single risk factor for oral and pharyngeal cancer? a. Alcohol b. Genetics c. Tobacco d. Diet

c. Tobacco

Which of the following clinical signs and symptoms is characteristic of necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis NUG? a. Lack of pain b. Periodontal pocket formation c. Ulcerated, crater like, papillary gingival lesions d. Gingival bleeding e. Severe erythema

c. Ulcerated, crater like, papillary gingival lesions

Chickenpox is caused by the? a. Coxsackie virus b. Herpes virus c. Varcilla zoster virus d. Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria

c. Varcilla zoster virus

Sjogren syndrome can cause xerostomia. Sjogren syndrome is caused by a viral infection. a. Both statements are true b. Bothe statements are false c. the first staement is true and the second is false d. The first stamens is false and the second is true

c. the first staement is true and the second is false

Which of the following lesions is characterized by its "bull's eye" or "target" appearance and explosive onset. a. Dermatitis b. Pyogenic granuloma c. Pemphigus vulgaris d. Erythema multiforme

d. Erythema multiforme

Which of the following conditions is related to the formation of cafe-au-lait spots, enlargement of the bones, and ground grass radiopacities? a. Paget's disease b. Cherubism c. Thalassemia d. Fibrous dysplasia

d. Fibrous dysplasia. WUMT: -Appearance? FIBRous> FIBERglass> GLASSES> GLASS appearance -Location? FIBRous> FIBERglass> GLASSES> Glasses sit on your nose and cheeks> Maxilla. -Characteristics? GLASSES> Sunny day, you get a tan with sunGLASS marks> brown> Cafe au last (coffee with milk)

Cluster of sebaceous glands observed not eh buccal mucosa is? a. Linea alba b. Lipoma c. Mucocele d. Fordyce granule

d. Fordyce granule

A middle-aged pt is new to the office. Upon examining the dental and medical history, you discover the pt has been smoking for the past 30 yrs, at least half of a pack per day, and occasionally uses chewing tobacco. The pt does not wear dentures. Which of the following is NOT an abnormality that the clinician is likely to find from an intraoral exam? a. Raised red dots on the palate b. Kaposi sarcoma c. Dark pigmentation of the oral tissue d. Hyperplasia all around the vestibule

d. Hyperplasia all around the vestibule

Which of the following diagnostic processes is used if the clinician is performing a brush test on a pt? a. Laboratory diagnostic b. Radiographic diagnosis c. Clinical diagnosis d. Microscopic diagnosis e. Historical diagnosis

d. Microscopic diagnosis

Which of the following is NOT a characteristics of nevoid basal cell carcinoma? a. Skin pigmentation b. Pits that become dark c. Cysts int he jaw d. Polyps in the intestines

d. Polyps in the intestines

Which of the following stages of syphilis is properly matched with the clinical manifestation? a. Primary-rash b. Secondary-chancre c. Primary-gumma d. Tertiary-gumma

d. Tertiary-gumma

Its affected by cyclic neutropenia. a. Exhibit severe caries b. Exhibit severe periodontal diseases c. Exhibit a weakened immune system d. A & B e. B & C

e. B & C

What do you call a lesion that is larger than 5mm with a large base containing some fluid? a. Macule b. Plaque c. Pustule d. Pedunculated lesion e. Bulla

e. Bulla

Oral lesions are described by their various characteristics. A legion having a stalk-like base is referred to as? a. Papular b. Serous c. Sessile d. Palpable e. Pedunculated

e. Pedunculated

Your first patient of the day is a 23 year old, seven months pregnant smoker who frequents tanning salons. On several gingival papillae, you notice deep red-purple exophytic, ulcerated lesions measuring several millimeters in diameter. Which of the following is most likely the cause? a. Smoker's melanosis b. Sialadentitis c. Giant cell granuloma d. Solar cheilitis e. Pyogenic granuloma

e. Pyogenic granuloma

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