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Mani is the Mahavir (Great hero) who founded Jainism


Personhood is not an important attribute of God in monotheism.

Not support for the Big Bang Theory

The Anthropic Principle has given rise to what, according to Livingston?

setting the seasons

The Babylonian creation epic finishes with Marduk doing all the following except:


The Intelligent Design movement affirms evolution.

a deliberate, willed action

The Mayan creation story is characterized by which of the following?

NOT Death is the main concern in life

The Stoic philosophy is encapsulated by which of the following statements?

NOT Live a pleasurable life while it lasts

The Stoic philosophy is encapsulated by which of the following statements?

they were led by John Wycliffe

The following statements all apply to the Taborites EXCEPT:


The law of cause and effect in religion is called


The law of karma is simply the law of cause and effect.


The more nationalistic understanding of salvation in the text is found in:

Submission to God

The most central and dominant concept in Islam is:

hydrogen would have been converted to helium, and there would be no enduring formulation of stars

What would have happened if the cosmological constant of hydrogen were slightly larger?

Religious behavior and beliefs are simply projections of social realities unto a higher plane

When he described Religion as the deification of society Emile Dukhiem meant:

struggle between the powers of chaos and order

Which of the following themes/imagery best depicts Japanese cosmogony?


According to the text, in a religion such as Islam the sexual patterns of Arab society are mirrored by the limited role of women in the religion itself. This statement is


According to traditional Christian teachings no one can claim to be free from the taint of sin, so humans are not responsible for their predicament in life. This statement is


Forms of mysticism that emphasize the annihilation of the ego in its union with the Divine are also considered theodicies of participation.


Generally, creatio ex nihilo is associated with all the following religions except:

he considered them secondary and futile questions

How does the Buddha refer to cosmogonic theorizing?


"Natural religious communities" are defined as being dependent on a charismatic leader and/or his teachings.

Christianity, Islam, Mahayana Buddhism

According to Livingston, the three great missionary religions are

they seek harmony with nature

According to The Council of American Witches, what do Wiccans believe?

from the blood of Kingu

According to the Babylonian epic, how is mankind created?

NOT the active creation of Tepeu, the sole god of the Mayan civilization

According to the Quiche Maya, the cosmos is perceived as emerging from what?


According to the text the human problem refers exclusively to natural or humanly caused disasters such as epidemics, wars, famine, earthquakes, floods that come with a lot of pain suffering.


According to the text what Confucius refers to as Te, is what we might call ______in the West.

NOT Dictatorship

According to the text what Confucius refers to as Te, is what we might call ______in the West.


African Traditional Religions are very good examples of natural religions. This statement is:


Albert Einstein believed that God controlled the physical universe


All of the following are examples of cosmic dualistic religions/movements EXCEPT:


All of the following were discussed as being related to pantheism in the textbook EXCEPT for:


All of these are characteristics of, or related to, God in monotheism EXCEPT:


As a cure to the human problem Confucius prescribed


Brahman is often depicted as a personal deity in art and idols. False

NOT imperfection and the incompleteness that life exhibits and which are behind the constant worry and anxiety that we experience as humans.

Buddhists insist that to focus on Dukkha is not to be pessimistic but rather, to be realistic, to see things as they truly are. Dukkha means:


Christianity and Buddhism hold the same notions of the true nature of the "self"


Confucius suggested that the only real hope for eradicating our pain and suffering, our illusions and guilt lies in the deference and respectful obedience of the young toward their elders, especially towards their parents? This statement is:


Cults are simply: Religious movements in their very early stages; there is nothing inherently negative about cults as we are often made to believe. This statement is:

Theravada Buddhism

Denies the existence of an immortal self or soul:

'the deep' and 'the waters'

Even though it is generally assumed that Genesis supports the theological idea of creatio ex nihilo, which of the following phrases seem to contradict that thesis?

Vedic polytheism became Hindu pantheism

In Livingston's discussion about Hinduism, what does he claim happened to Hinduism's development in India?


In Taoism, yin and yang are mutually conflicting.


In the Bible, the early Hebrews were henotheists.


In the West, Christianity introduced natural law concepts previously unknown.


In the vocabulary of stoics Phusis is:


Job's friends in the Hebrew book of Job, accuse him of impiety for questioning God about his suffering.


Judaism and Islam both acknowledge that the source of the human problem is disobedience toward God and His commandmentts


Kali, Isis, and Ishtar were all revered as mother goddesses in their particular traditions.

does not have a fully developed sense of self

Levy-Bruhl's "law of participation" refers to someone who


Livingston believes that religion is a one-way social determinism.

"I will be with you"

Martin Buber understands YHWH to mean:


One definition for "eternity "is timelessness.

Karl Marx and Max Weber

One of the following pairs of scholars sought to demonstrate correlations between certain social structures and specific types of religion

Karl Marx

One of the following scholars was very critical of the role of religion in society. The scholar believed that religious ideas were ideological tools pressed into service by the elite of society who seek to maintain their privileges. Religion stifles initiatives at changing society, he argues.

None of these

One of the following statements does NOT describe a way in which religion is a social phenomenon.


One of the following was a great Stoic philosopher:

NOT gratuitous

One of the problems with the testing of Job is that it presents God as

NOT They are normally small religious communities

One of these is NOT a distinguishing characteristic of sects:

God is excluded from change

Process theodicy is associated with all of the following EXCEPT:

NOT Hermaphrodite and bears within himself the seed of all the gods and the foundations of the earth

Protoganous, the first god in the Greek Orphic religion, had what special features?

the concern to find answers to the chaos of the times

Stoicism's origin in Athens was influenced by:


The belief in the Earth Mother encouraged miners to dig for ore.

St. Paul

The concept of a "spiritual body" is due to:

Legal decisions

The concept of halakhah in Judaism is associated with:

the subjective experience of the spiritual present overcomes evil in the world

The conversionist sect believes in which of the following?


The cosmological proof of the existence of God was first proposed by:

The 4 noble truths

The discourse that launched the career of the Buddha contained

NOT fertilization

The dominant themes developed in third millennium BCE creation texts include all but which of the following?

NOT generation

The dominant themes developed in third millennium BCE creation texts include all but which of the following?


The religion of Israel had the concept of a supernatural figure called the "Son of Man" who would come and establish a kingdom of heaven on earth.

the present order must be destroyed to make way for salvation

The revolutionist sect believes in which of the following?


The teaching that each soul passes through a series of bodies through the process of reincarnation is called:

humans have to reconstruct the world via a communitarian effort

The utopian sect believes in which of the following?

The social correlates of religion

This describes the central focus of sociologists interested in religion

Max Weber

This scholar is associated with the Protestant Ethic and the spirit of Capitalism

A pamphlet written by the main Christian Protestant group circa 1910.

What are the "Fundamentals of Faith"?

collection of pantheistic writings

What best describes the writings known as the Upanishads?

NOT it defines what is in your mind Which of the following best describes creation science?

What does Nous do?

all of these

What does the work 'karma' mean in Theravada Buddhism, according to Livingston?

the illusion of plurality in the world

What is Sankara's contribution to Hindu philosophical thought?


What is the name of the Babylonian creation epic?

NOT by offering compelling reasons as to how scientists might establish a comprehensive scientific explanation of cosmology based on the Genesis account

What is the primary approach of 'creation science' to show that it belongs in the classroom?

our likeness to God

What is the root of the human problem in Christianity, according to Livingston?

an account of the creation of the gods

What is theogony?


Where were the Religious pamphlets "The fundamentals" published?

a religious belief

Which of the following best describes creation science?

NOT The ecclesia

Which of the following can be described as a product of demands for new eruptions of spiritual zeal and stricter discipline within a religious group?

All of these

Which of the following characteristics are applicable to modernization?

religion is a powerful causal factor influencing social action and social structures

Which of the following does Max Weber believe?


Which of the following does the J-E source not focus on?

Reliance on God's grace

Which of the following does traditional Christian thought prescribe as a way to liberate the self from bondage to sin and humanity's unease and tragic plight?

God speaking to Moses on Mt. Sinai

Which of the following events in religious history does Livingston describe as a theophany?


Which of the following four traditions has an emphasis on filial piety?

all of these

Which of the following is a belief that both Christianity and Zoroastrianism have in common?

it is most often based on religious experience and new insight

Which of the following is a unique feature of a voluntary religious community?

NOT the Christian Pietists

Which of the following is considered an example of a monastic religious community?

Laicite is a French term used to describe absolutism.

Which of the following statements is not true?

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