Reading Quizzes 15-20

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The key feature that distinguishes the largely terrestrial vertebrates from aquatic vertebrates such as sharks, ray-finned fishes and lungfish is the presence of: the amniotic egg (the shelled egg, has four membranes). limbs that are used for locomotion on land and in the air. ALL of these are shared derived characteristics that unite the terrestrial vertebrates. jaws (used for ingesting large prey).

*ALL of these are shared derived characteristics that unite the terrestrial vertebrates.

Which of the following statements about prokaryote relationships are not true? (Use this tree for the next 2 Qs.) The "domain" Archaea and "domain" Bacteria together form a monophyletic group "Prokaryotes". Members of the Archaea will have some key elements of their genome that are more similar to the human genome than they are to the Bacterial genome. All lineages within the domain Bacteria are each other's closest relatives. The domain Archaea forms a monophyletic group. NONE of these statements are true.

*All lineages within the domain Bacteria are each other's closest relatives. Incorrect. Prokaryotes are NOT a monophyletic group; it is paraphyletic because Archaea shares a more recent common ancestor with Eukaryotes than with Bacteria

Which of the following is a correct tree of the major tetrapod groups? C D B A BOTH C and D show the correct tree


Wednesday we learned about tetrapods = (amphibians + (reptiles + mammals)). Which of the following structures were the evolutionary precursor to limbs? (legs, arms, bird wings, etc.) thickened fins called lobe-fins vestiges of a vertebral column (evolutionary loss) gill arches NONE of these

thickened fins called lobe-fins Good The thickened lobe fins found in many Coelacanths and Lungfish have thick strong tissues, muscle and bone that were good "preadaptations" that facilitated the evolution of limbs from those structures.

All the animals we have studied up to this point are all vertebrates (clade Vertebrata). This monophyletic group has two key shared derived characters (termed synapomorphies): 1) cranium (hard case that encloses the brain), and 2) _________________ (form a column of bony or cartilaginous structures). pharyngeal pouches notochord post-anal tail vertebrae NONE of these

vertebrae Correct - All vertebrates have vertebrae - not surprisingly :-). These form the bony spinal column in fishes and tetrapods.

A detailed fossil record provides very clear evidence of the transition from water to land, for example with a series of five fossils from rocks dated from 385-360 mya. One of the most famous and important of these is ______________, a key transitional form found in ~375 mya rocks of the Canadian Arctic. Acanthostega Panderichthys NONE of these Tiktaalik


Approximately how many species of ray-finned fishes have been described by scientists? 2 10 1,000 30,000 100,000

30,000 Good. This comes right off Table 32.1 - the Key Lineages of Jawed Fishes (or on 5th edition pgs. 698-699)

Just to get a sense of some of the diversity in the domain Bacteria, how many different lineages of Proteobacteria are shown in Fig. 26.5? (Fig. 29.7 5th edition) 1 2 3 4 5

5 Correct - the tree shows 5 lineages of proteobacteria, along with other lineages you may have heard of such as Cyanobacteria and Actinobacteria.

Rather than focus on the incorrect paraphyletic group "Protists", the book now highlights ________ major lineages of Eukaryotes. (Use this tree to answer the next three questions.) 2 5 6 7 10

7 Correct - the figure shows 7 major lineages of Eukaryotes.

Arthropods include approximately ___________ of all known species of animals on Earth. 70 20 50 80 95

80 Correct - insects alone make up about 70% of all known animal species, so when you add crustaceans and spiders etc. that means approximately 80% of known species are arthropods.

Which of the following tetrapod groups are now classified in the monophyletic group Reptilia? turtles & tortoises crocodiles & alligators ALL of these birds & dinosaurs lizards & snakes

ALL of these CORRECT - surprising birds and dinosaurs are sister groups. Birds are now understood to be reptiles.

Our closest relatives outside the Animal clade are Choanoflagellates (animal-like protists) and Fungi. After fungi, our next closest relatives are: Amoebas and Slime Molds Plantae including Green Algae and Red Algae Ciliates (such as paramecium) and Apicomplexans (such as the malarial parasite) NONE of these

Amoebas and Slime Molds Correct - amoebas and slime molds are are next closest cousins after fungi.

Which of the major branches on the tree of life is the oldest? Bacteria Archaea Eukaryota Can't Tell

Can't Tell Can't tell is correct. There are really two descendent branches from LUCA - each of those descendant branches has been evolving 3.5 billion years.

There are four major lineages of jawed fishes: 1) lungfishes, 2) coelacanths, 3) ray-finned fishes and 4) cartilaginous fishes. This last group has approximately 1,200 species including sharks, rays and skates - and it has the formal scientific name: Chondrichthyes Actinopterygii Dipnoi Cartilagana NONE of these

Chondrichthyes Yes - The correct answer is Chondrichthyes: Chondr = cartilage. Ichthyes = fish

Which of the following large groups are NOT in the Lophotrochozoa? ALL of these are in the Lophotrochozoa Annelida (segmented worms including roundworms) Cnidaria (jellies, corals, sea anemones) Platyhelminthes (flatworms including planaria) Mollusca (clams, snails, octopus, squid)

Cnidaria (jellies, corals, sea anemones) Good - cnidarians are NOT even protostomes.

The four main lineages of extant reptiles are 1) lizards and snakes, 2) turtles, 3) crocs and 4) ____________ (the most diverse lineage of reptiles with over 10,000 species). alligators birds monotremes NONE of these marsupials

birds That's right - birds really are reptiles. In fact alligators are more closely related to birds than they are to lizards.

_________ are invertebrates that must molt to grow (Clade Ecdysozoa, Protostomes). segmented worms both arthropods and roundworms roundworms both roundworms and segmented worms arthropods

both arthropods and roundworms Good - arthropods and roundworms must molt to grow; they are in the Ecdysozoa.

When you are petting the back of a furry pet carnivore tetrapod standing next to you, you are petting the _______________ part of the animal. ventral anterior posterior NONE of these dorsal

dorsal Good - the whole back of a dog or cat is the dorsal surface (all the way from the top of the snout [anterior end] to the tip of the tail [posterior end]). You can feel the backbone of that pet tetrapod, which houses the dorsal hollow nerve cord. BTW do you know any pet canine carnivores in the mammal clade who also likes to have his/her belly or ventral surface rubbed?

There are two major lineages of mammals, one with over 5,000 species and the other with only 5 species. The species poor lineage is the Monotremes, which includes the Platypus and four species of ___________. possum Tasmanian devil hedgehog wombat echidna

echidna Good. Both platypus and echidnas lay eggs. (Echidnas are also known as "spiny anteaters". Note however that true anteaters are placental mammals.)

Mammals and birds have convergently evolved a physiological adaptation that helps maintain high levels activity known as _____________. (Also loosely known as "________".) gestation, placenta amniotic egg, live birth NONE of these. ectothermy, cold blooded endothermy, warm blooded

endothermy, warm blooded Correct. Endothermy enables muscles to always fire fairly rapidly. A cold lizard in the morning is a sitting duck - or rather a sitting lizard - for predators. Lizards bask i the sun to increase their metabolism.

There are two species poor lineages of jawless fishes that are our most distant cousins in the fish world, namely the scavenger/predatory __________ (~65 species) and the parasitic ____________ (~40 species). rays, skates hagfishes, lampreys lobe-finned fishes, bony fishes jellyfish, starfish NONE of these

hagfishes, lampreys Good. We will talk about lampreys quite a bit.

Which of the following are NOT classified in the Amphibia? legless amphibians (caecilians) frogs & toads NONE of these are amphibians lizards salamanders

lizards Good - Lizards and salamanders may look alike, but lizards have waterproof scaly skin.

Based on the tree "Phylogeny of the Chordates", which lineages of "fish" expected to have genomes most similar to humans? cartilage fishes ray-finned fishes coelacanths lungfishes NONE of these are related to humans

lungfishes Good. Lungfish are more closely related to us than they are to salmon. Thus, their genomes will generally be more similar to ours than to salmon.

There are two clades of bilaterally symmetrical animals: protostomes, including worms and arthropods, and deuterostomes, which include chordates and echinoderms. Indeed, the larvae of echinoderms have two equal halves similar to humans. However, adult echinoderms such as sea stars or sea urchins have something called ____________ symmetry, which enables them to move across the seafloor in all directions. hexaradial symmetry NONE of these octaradial symmetry pentaradial symmetry

pentaradial symmetry That's right - adult echinoderms have pentaradial symmetry (penta- means five). A sea star generally has five distinct arms (or some multiple of five). It is harder to see the five-fold symmetry of say sea urchins, but their flat cousins the sand dollars have clearly visible five parted pattern.

Marsupials - pouch bearing mammals - are a mainly found in Australia and South America. (One species has made it as far north as Maryland - the Virginia Opossum.) Which of the following mammals are not marsupials? rodents koalas kangaroos opossums wallabies

rodents Good - Rodents are not marsupials. They do not have a pouch.

Which of the following are NOT arthropods? roundworms millipedes crustaceans spiders insects

roundworms Correct - none of the "worms" are arthropods. Arthropods have a hard exoskeleton.

Which of the following invertebrate lineages do NOT have mouth first development. (Which of these are not protostomes?) segmented worms sea squirts mollusks roundworms arthropods

sea squirts Correct - sea squirts are deuterostomes, and have mouth second development.

Which of the following marine invertebrates are NOT in the Echinodermata? sea cucumbers sea urchins brittle stars feather stars sea squirts

sea squirts Good. All of the groups listed are echinoderms except sea squirts, which are actually chordates.

The so called phylum chordata is made up of three major clades, again, formerly termed "subphyla": 1) vertebrata (all the vertebrate lineages from last week; 2) cephalochordata (lancelets, we won't discuss much) and 3) urochordata (tunicates) whose largest group is the _______________ with over 2,000 species. NONE of these corals sea stars sea anemones sea squirts

sea squirts Well done - Urochordata or tunicates include three major clades, with the largest group being the sea squirts.

The placental mammals (Eutheria) include over 5000 species. One of the largest clades in the mammals are the artiodactyls (the even toed herbivores). The artiodactyls include pigs, hippos, deer, sheep, etc., as well as some surprising aquatic members in the __________ group. otter seal NONE of these manatee whale

whale Good. Surprisingly, whales are in the same major mammal group as deer.

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