Refraction occurs when light passing from one medium to another
Two-word semantic relations
By 2 years most children are beginning to combine words into simple 2 word phrases
Item-based constructions
Children are learning to make sentences not by learning the abstract syntactic function of words but by hearing how words are involved and what functions were being performed.
representational gestures
Signify some features of an object or its function such as pretending to eat with a spoon, or they can be social in nature such as waving good bye.
a single word used by a young child that conveys meaning that is more like a sentence: where is daddy? daddy come here. daddy is home.
deictic gestures
call attention to or indicate an object or event ex: it is right here pointing gestures
Pivot-open grammar
particular words or phrases with predictable pragmatic functions that are used repeatedly to structure utterances Ex more milk more juice more candy
protoimperative pointing
protoimperative pointing-]gestures used by children to control or manipulate the behaviors of others. Pointing to milk for his milk bottle or shaking head to say he's done.
protodeclarative pointing
to describe when a child points to the objects or events of focus by the child and adult.Ex; pointing to cow to establish is fastinating creature "hey look at that"