REL C - New Testament Final

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which holdiay? The teachings on "living water" and "light of the world" and the healing of the man born blind in John 7-9 (see John 7:2)

Tabernacles or Sukkot / Booths

Means "I am." Echoes the name of the Lord in the Old Testament (Yahweh or Jehovah; Exod 33:11-14), and forms part of many "I am" sayings in John, such as "I am the bread of life," "I am the Good Shepherd," "I am the way, the truth, and the life," etc.

egō eimi

Means "overcome" or "seize," and is translated "comprehendeth" in the King James Version of John 1:5. Jesus is the source of light, and just as the forces of darkness did not overcome Christ in the pre-mortal conflict, the forces of darkness in this world did not overcome Jesus in a lasting way, for he rose from the dead.


Means "Word." Jesus is the divine expression, the communication of the Father to the world.


The story in Luke 2:40-52 is framed by mirroring statements in verses 40 and 52 (another inclusio), which gives us a clue to what the story means to Luke. Which of the following statements about Jesus is illustrated through this story? A. By age 12 Jesus had grown aware of the special relationship he had to God the Father. B. Jesus grew in wisdom and exemplified wisdom. C. The grace or favor of God was upon Jesus in rich measure. D. All of the above.

D. All of the above.

Which of the following is true regarding the KJV (King James Version) gospel accounts of Jesus in Gethsemane? A. Only Matthew and Mark call the place a "garden" B. All four gospels say Jesus suffered C. Only John calls the place "Gethsemane" D. Only Luke uses the word "agony"

D. Only Luke uses the word "agony"

which gospel(s)? "Woman, behold thy son... Behold thy mother." "I thirst." "It is finished."


which gospel? Relates the stories of Thomas's disbelief, Thomas's ultimate confession, and Jesus's appearance to seven disciples at the Sea of Galilee (aka Sea of Tiberias).


How did Christians over the centuries misinterpret Matthew 27:25 (the "blood cry")? A. As an implication that all Jews, at all times and places, were collectively guilty of Jesus's death. B. As an ironic reference to the truth that Jesus's saving blood also applied to the crowd. C. As the crowd's plea to spare Jesus's life and punish them instead of him.

A. As an implication that all Jews, at all times and places, were collectively guilty of Jesus's death.

Jewish festivals at Jerusalem, such as the feasts of Passover, Tabernacles (or Sukkot, "Booths"), and Pentecost (or Shavuot, "Weeks"), play an important role in the Gospel of John. What does JANT suggest about their function in John? A. Jesus displaces the Jewish festivals. B. Jesus observes the festivals out of devotion to the Law of Moses. C. Jesus intentionally disrupts the festivals.

A. Jesus displaces the Jewish festivals.

What is meant by the "high christology" in John (as discussed by Strathearn and Judd)? A. John emphasizes Jesus's divinity as one who comes "from above." B. John uses complex, sophisticated terminology to present his theology. C. John emphasizes that Jesus is the Christ. D. The historical content of John's gospel is highly reliable.

A. John emphasizes Jesus's divinity as one who comes "from above."

Which gospel account of Gethsemane gives the detail that Jesus "fell on his face"? A. Matthew B. Mark C. Luke D. John E. All of the above

A. Matthew

Which is the only gospel to make a point of telling readers that the tomb was sealed and guarded, a shining angel with a countenance like lightning dramatically descended from heaven on resurrection morning and rolled away the stone, causing the guards to faint, and later the chief priests and elders bribed the guards to say Jesus's disciples had come and stolen his body (a saying that the gospel author says "is commonly reported among the Jews until this day")? A. Matthew B. Mark C. Luke D. John

A. Matthew Remember, Matthew's audience were Jewish-Christians who were in some tension with Jews of the synagogue who did not believe in Jesus. One can hear echoes of the arguments that took place between the two groups. "Jesus was resurrected!" "No, his disciples came and stole his body!" "No, that's just what you guys say, but what really happened was..."

Which of the following verses in today's reading most clearly indicates that the gospel author has a different, higher christology for Jesus after his resurrection than he did for Jesus during his mortal life? A. Matthew 28:18 B. Luke 24:41-43 C. John 20:21

A. Matthew 28:18

Mark's account describes Jesus in Gethsemane becoming "sore amazed" and "very heavy." What do these expressions mean? (Check footnotes.) A. "surprised, alarmed" and "lumbering" B. "feeling physical pain" and "feeling deep fatigue" C. "amazed, awestruck, atonished" and "depressed, dejected, in anguish"

C. "amazed, awestruck, atonished" and "depressed, dejected, in anguish"

As the essay by Strathearn and Judd indicates, the Gospel of Luke is the first of two books in a two-part work. What is its sequel? A. The book of Revelation B. The Gospel of John C. Acts of the Apostles D. The Two Towers

C. Acts of the Apostles

What did the article by Eric Huntsman propose about the meaning of the "inn" in Luke 2:7? A. It was a type of hotel whose innkeeper turned away Joseph and Mary. B. It was a caravanserai that was filled with travelers. C. It was a guest room or upper room in Joseph's family home. D. It was a stable for domestic animals.

C. It was a guest room or upper room in Joseph's family home.

Which individual(s) is/are mentioned in all four gospel accounts of Jesus's burial? A. Mary Magdalene B. Nicodemus C. Joseph of Arimathea D. Another woman named Mary

C. Joseph of Arimathea

In which gospel does Jesus instruct his disciples to eat the bread "in remembrance" of him? A. Matthew B. Mark C. Luke D. John E. All of the above

C. Luke

Where do we read the account of the angel appearing to strengthen Jesus, and Jesus's sweat being "as it were great drops of blood falling to the ground"? A. Matthew B. Mark C. Luke D. John E. All of the above

C. Luke

which holdiay? The Good Shepherd analogy and related teachings in John 10 (see John 10:22)

Hanukkah or Dedication

Notice the terms of address the Samaritan woman uses when she speaks to Jesus or refers to him. Arrange the following terms in the order in which they appear in John 4:1-29. Christ, Sir, Jew, Prophet

Jew, Sir, Prophet, Christ

which gospel(s)? "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." "Verily, I say unto you, today you will be with me in paradise." "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit."


which gospel? Emphasizes that Jesus's resurrected body is a tangible, physical body of "flesh and bones," not a mere spirit.


Simeon, Luke 2:29-32

Nunc dimittis

which holdiay? The healing of the man at the pool of Bethesda and teachings about passing from death to life in John 5 (see John 5:9-10, 16-17)


Zecharias, Luke 1:68-79


which gospel(s)? "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"

Matthew, Mark

Arrange the following statements of the formerly blind man in chronological order, as they appear in John 9. (Question to ponder: What do these statements imply about the growth of the man's spiritual sight?) A man named Jesus made clay, put it on my eyes, and told me to wash, and I did and received sight. Jesus is a prophet. I don't know whether Jesus is a sinner or not, but here's what I know: I used to be blind, and now I see. If Jesus were not of God, he could do nothing. Lord, I believe.

A man named Jesus made clay, put it on my eyes, and told me to wash, and I did and received sight. Jesus is a prophet. I don't know whether Jesus is a sinner or not, but here's what I know: I used to be blind, and now I see. If Jesus were not of God, he could do nothing. Lord, I believe.

What point did Strathearn and Judd make as they compared Matthew and Luke's versions of the saying "Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick..."? A. The differences in wording reflect that Matthew was written for a Jewish/Jewish-Christian audience, and Luke for a Gentile audience. B. Both texts together serve as two witnesses to the importance of letting our light shine and living as good examples of Christ's followers. C. These texts come from the hypothetical Q source and therefore predate Matthew and Luke.

A. The differences in wording reflect that Matthew was written for a Jewish/Jewish-Christian audience, and Luke for a Gentile audience.

Which of the following most closely represents the meaning of John 5:39 in its original context? (Again, you may need to consult a modern translation in a study Bible.) [Question to ponder: How does this contrast with Peter's statement two pages over in John 6:68?] A. You study the scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But they testify of me! B. You should study the scriptures diligently because they'll bring you eternal life. They testify of me. C. You should look for the scriptures because [when you find them] they'll give you eternal life. They testify of me.

A. You study the scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But they testify of me!

The cleansing of the temple occurs at the beginning of Jesus's ministry in John 2:13-22, but near the end of Jesus's ministry in the synoptic gospels. What possible explanation for this is presented in JANT? A. Similar episodes of cleansing the temple occurred on two difference occasions during Jesus's ministry. B. Gospel authors presented the same basic story in different ways to teach that Jesus's body was the "temple" (John) or relate what led to the plot against Jesus (synoptics). C. The differences are likely due to human errors in translation and transmission of the text over the centuries.

B. Gospel authors presented the same basic story in different ways to teach that Jesus's body was the "temple" (John) or relate what led to the plot against Jesus (synoptics).

What is unique about how John begins his gospel? A. He starts with a birth narrative. B. He starts in the pre-existence. C. He starts with the baptism of Christ. D. He starts with a genealogy of Christ.

B. He starts in the pre-existence.

As examples of the theme of seeing in John, the following statements appear in the narrative about Jesus's first disciples in John 1:35-51. Which of these is spoken to Andrew, another disciple of John the Baptist, and Nathanael? A. "Thou shalt see greater things than these" B. "Come and see" C. "Ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man" D. "I saw thee"

B. "Come and see"

How does Matthew alter Mark's phrasing in Matthew 26:37? A. Changes "very heavy" to "very burdened." B. Changes "sore amazed" to "sorrowful." C. Changes "Peter" to "Simon."

B. Changes "sore amazed" to "sorrowful."

The beatitudes in Luke 6:20-26 are different from those in Matthew 5. Which of the following themes in Luke is most clearly represented in these Lukan beatitudes? A. Jesus is the universal savior for all people. B. Dramatic reversals. C. Salvation goes from Jerusalem (and the Temple) to the ends of the earth. D. Jesus and his disciples are innocent of crime and pose no threat to the Roman empire.

B. Dramatic reversals.

Scholars have noticed that the people's response to this miracle, "A great prophet is risen up among us!" (Luke 7:16), seems to refer to 1 Kings 17:17-24 and 2 Kings 4:32-37, where great prophets in Jewish history restored widow's sons back to life. If so, which prophets did the people think Jesus was like? A. Moses and Aaron B. Elijah and Elisha C. Isaiah and Jeremiah D. Lehi and Nephi

B. Elijah and Elisha

What does Theophilus mean? A. One who loves theology B. Friend of God C. Philosopher D. Gentile Christian

B. Friend of God

Which of the following is NOT one of the differences between the Sermon on the Plain in Luke 6:20-49 and the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew? A. "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect" (Matt 5:48) is changed to "Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful." B. In Matthew, Jesus says that "even the publicans" love those who love them (Matt 5:46-47), while in Luke Jesus replaces "publicans" with "tax collectors." C. When Jesus says to love one's enemies and do good to them (Matt 5:44), in Luke he adds, "hoping for nothing again" [meaning "hoping for nothing in return"]. D. Only Luke has the statement, "Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over..."

B. In Matthew, Jesus says that "even the publicans" love those who love them (Matt 5:46-47), while in Luke Jesus replaces "publicans" with "tax collectors."

Which of the following is true regarding the Last Supper? (See "A Synopsis of the Passion Narratives in the Four Gospels"). A. It is a Passover meal in all 4 gospels B. It is a Passover meal in the synoptics, but occurs before Passover in John C. It occurs before Passover in all 4 gospels D. It is a Passover meal in Matthew and Mark, and occurs before Passover in Luke and John

B. It is a Passover meal in the synoptics, but occurs before Passover in John

Here's a picture of P52, the credit card-size papyrus fragment of John discussed by Strathearn and Judd. Which of the following is true of this fragment? A. It is the original manuscript authored by John. B. It is the earliest surviving manuscript of any New Testament text. C. It dates to about AD 150. D. It is part of the Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in 1947.

B. It is the earliest surviving manuscript of any New Testament text.

In John 4:43-54, the healing of the nobleman's son at Capernaum, when Jesus was in Cana, demonstrates Jesus's power to heal with a word, without being physically present with the one being healed. In this respect, this miracle resembles each of the following healings except: A. The centurion's servant in Matthew 8:5-13 B. Jairus's daughter in Mark 5:22-43 C. The Syro-Phoenecian woman's daughter in Mark 7:24-30

B. Jairus's daughter in Mark 5:22-43

What common theme appears in both the story of Jesus's appearances to two disciples on the road to Emmaus and to the eleven disciples, as recorded in Luke 24:27, 44-46? A. Jesus broke bread. B. Jesus taught them how his suffering, death, and resurrection had fulfilled the scriptures (the Old Testament). C. There were some present who doubted. D. Jesus taught that the gospel must go forth from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth.

B. Jesus taught them how his suffering, death, and resurrection had fulfilled the scriptures (the Old Testament).

What "new commandment" did Jesus give his disciples in John 13:34-35? [Question to ponder: Why is the wording of this instruction significant? What is "new" about it?] A. Love the Lord thy God, and love thy neighbor as thyself. B. Love one another as I have loved you.

B. Love one another as I have loved you.

In which of the gospels does Jesus answer the question, "Are you the Christ/Son of God?" with the straightforward, unambiguous statement, "I am"? A. Matthew B. Mark C. Luke D. John

B. Mark

What is another way "Touch me not" could be translated? (See John 20:17 in your synopsis.) A. Do not touch me. B. Stop holding on to me. C. Stay away from me. D. Depart from me.

B. Stop holding on to me.

Both Luke and the longer ending of Mark agree that when the disciples heard the testimony of women on resurrection morning... A. They ran to the tomb. B. They didn't believe. C. They gathered together to pray. D. They were blessed for believing even though they had not seen.

B. They didn't believe.

Take a look at other modern English translations of John 14:2 at What is an alternative translation of the word "mansions"? [Question to ponder: How does this change your feelings or mental image of God's "house" and what awaits Christ's followers hereafter?] A. kingdoms of glory B. rooms C. realms

B. rooms

Read Acts 1:3, and check alternate translations at What does the word passion mean here? A. strong feeling B. suffering C. deep, gut-level emotion D. passing away

B. suffering

One of the most common biblical precepts is obedience to the Lord's commandments brings blessings. We see this especially in Deuteronomy, the sections of the Old Testament called the "Deuteronomic history," and the Book of Mormon, whose authors were influenced by Deuteronomy (Lehi was living in Jerusalem when King Josiah caused Deuteronomy to be read to the people). However, people have often misinterpreted the axiom, "If you obey, you'll be blessed," and have concluded, "If you suffer misfortune, it must be because you've been disobedient." In which of the following passages does Jesus refute this kind of thinking? A. Luke 11:5-13 B. Luke 12:13-21 C. Luke 13:1-5 D. Luke 13:11-17

C. Luke 13:1-5

What does the phrase "My Father worketh hitherto" in John 5:17 mean? (You may need to consult or a study Bible like this: [Question to ponder: How does this cast light on the discussion about the Sabbath day in this chapter?] A. To this end, or for this purpose, does my Father work. B. My Father has worked up to this point but is now at rest on this holy day. C. My Father is always at work to this very day.

C. My Father is always at work to this very day.

Which of the following points did Raymond Brown make in his discussion of crucifixion? A. Jesus was the first person to have been crucified. B. Victims were always tied to the crossbeam, and there are no indications in the Gospels that Jesus was nailed to the cross. C. Pagan writers in the centuries after Jesus regularly criticized Christianity because its founder had been executed by the worst, most shameful death. D. All of the above.

C. Pagan writers in the centuries after Jesus regularly criticized Christianity because its founder had been executed by the worst, most shameful death.

According to 2 Nephi 29:4-7, how does the Lord feel about how the Gentile nations have treated the Jews throughout history? A. The Lord recognizes that the Gentiles have felt grateful to the Jews for the Bible (scriptural inheritance) they have received from them. B. The Lord applauds the Gentiles for remembering the labors of the Jews in bringing salvation to the Gentiles. C. The Lord will hold the Gentiles accountable for cursing, hating, and neglecting the Jews.

C. The Lord will hold the Gentiles accountable for cursing, hating, and neglecting the Jews.

In "The Many Faces of the Good Samaritan," which interpretation did Amy-Jill Levine support as the most likely first-century Jewish understanding of the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)? A. The priest and Levite didn't help the wounded man because they were obeying the Law of Moses. B. The parable's most profound point is that we should help people that are hurt. C. The parable shocks hearers into considering that people they view as enemies may actually be neighbors, and compassion has no boundaries. D. The Samaritan was an outcast and reflects Luke's concern for the "outcasts" of society.

C. The parable shocks hearers into considering that people they view as enemies may actually be neighbors, and compassion has no boundaries.

In John 14:15, the verb "keep" is in the future tense, so this verse is often translated, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments" in modern translations. That might change the way you understand what Jesus said here. It seems that Jesus isn't giving a commandment here, but is teaching that his disciples' obedience will result naturally from their love for him. With that in mind, compare John 14:15 and John 15:10. These two verses might raise the question: Wait, what comes first, obedience or love? Which of the following options best accounts for the relationship between obedience and love implied in the two verses? A. Love always comes first; obedience is always preceded and motivated by love for Christ. B. Obedience must come first; obedience leads to abiding in Christ's love. C. The two verses together suggest that obedience and love have a reciprocal, mutually reinforcing relationship, perhaps like an upward spiral. D. The two verses are fundamentally unrelated; love and obedience have no connection.

C. The two verses together suggest that obedience and love have a reciprocal, mutually reinforcing relationship, perhaps like an upward spiral.

What is the immediate response of the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem to the raising of Lazarus? (See John 11:47-53.) A. They resolve to leave Jesus alone, believing people will forget about him. B. They see how much Jesus loved Lazarus and believe in Jesus. C. They met in council and began planning how to put Jesus to death. D. They recognized that Jesus needed to perform the Atonement.

C. They met in council and began planning how to put Jesus to death.

As discussed in the reading, "Jesus's Synagogue Sermon" from the Jewish Annotated New Testament (JANT), why did people in the Nazareth synagogue respond to Jesus with anger? A. They were ethnocentric and xenophobic and so they hated Jesus's positive regard for Gentiles. B. They opposed the idea that righteous Gentiles would be redeemed. C. They were angry that Jesus would do miracles in Capernaum but not in his hometown, like Elijah and Elisha did miracles outside their homeland rather than in Israel. D. They felt Jesus had misinterpreted the teachings of Isaiah.

C. They were angry that Jesus would do miracles in Capernaum but not in his hometown, like Elijah and Elisha did miracles outside their homeland rather than in Israel.

What point do Richard Holzapfel and Thomas Wayment make about Easter (in the Foreword to Celebrating Easter)? A. It was a holy day that was called "Easter" from earliest times. B. In early Christianity it was not celebrated as early or with as much importance as Christmas. C. Ultimately it is far more important than Christmas.

C. Ultimately it is far more important than Christmas.

According to the narrative in Luke 24:13-35, when Jesus appeared to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, at what point did they recognize him? (Question to ponder: What's significant about this?) A. When he asked them why they were sad. B. When he taught them out of the scriptures. C. When he took bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to them. D. When their hearts burned within them

C. When he took bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to them.

Strathearn and Judd point out that Luke's genealogy of Jesus goes back to Adam rather than to Abraham, Luke omits distinctively Jewish details from Mark, and Luke's geographical references to the regions of Palestine are not very specific and tend to emphasize the well-known city of Jerusalem. These details suggest that Luke was intended for... A. a predominantly Jewish audience. B. a predominantly Jewish-Christian audience. C. a predominantly Gentile (or Gentile-Christian) audience.

C. a predominantly Gentile (or Gentile-Christian) audience.

As Strathearn and Judd discuss, the Gospel of John in its present form was probably written... A. before the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in AD 70. B. between 80-90 AD. C. between 90-110 AD. D. around the mid second century AD.

C. between 90-110 AD.

Which of the following translations does NOT convey the sense of the perfect tense Greek verb in Luke 7:47? A. "her many sins have been forgiven, as her great love has shown" (NIV) B. "because her many sins have been forgiven, she has loved much" (Berean Bible) C. "her many sins have been forgiven; that's why she loved much" (Christian Standard Bible) D. "her many sins are forgiven her because she loved much" (Aramaic Bible in Plain English)

D. "her many sins are forgiven her because she loved much" (Aramaic Bible in Plain English)

In Jesus's analogy of the Vine and the Branches in John 15:1-10, which of the following verses most clearly teaches the idea that followers of Christ are utterly dependent upon him for the spiritual life, strength, and nourishment that result in good "fruit" (good works, good lives)? A. 15:1 B. 15:2 C. 15:3 D. 15:4-5

D. 15:4-5

If everything after the statement "teach all nations/make disciples in all nations" defines what it means to "make disciples," what do these verses teach about discipleship? A. Disciples are baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit B. Disciples believe in observing Jesus's commandments C. Disciples have the assurance that Christ is with them always D. All of the above

D. All of the above

As discussed in Eric Huntsman's article, what is distinctive about how the miracles of Jesus are portrayed in the Gospel of John? A. In the Greek, John uses the term sēmeion "sign" or ergon "work" instead of dynamis "powerful deed." B. The miracles are signs that point to key ideas about Jesus. C. There are seven main signs or miracles in the first half of the Gospel of John, which is often called "The Book of Signs" (John 1-11). D. All of the above.

D. All of the above.

How did Eric Huntsman explain the "flesh and blood" passages in John 6 as "a hard saying"? A. They're disturbing if taken literally. B. Even for Jesus's disciples who might have understood them as a metaphor for Jesus's future death, it would have been hard to accept the idea of a Messiah who dies rather than conquer's Israel's enemies as a king. C. The difficulty the disciples felt with these sayings parallels accounts in the synoptics where the disciples have a hard time accepting Jesus's predictions of his death. D. All of the above.

D. All of the above.

Which of the following is NOT a point made in the discussion of the English word "atonement" in Jesus Christ and the World of the New Testament? A. The English word "atonement" appears only once in the KJV of the New Testament, but the Greek word it translates appears in many places in its various forms. B. The English word "atonement" appears to have been invented in the early 1500s. C. The English word "atonement" has a broad range of biblical uses representing a sacrificial act or ransom that in some way pleased God, purged sin, and reconciled separated parties. D. The English word "atonement" does not appear in the KJV because wicked men removed plain and precious parts of the Bible.

D. The English word "atonement" does not appear in the KJV because wicked men removed plain and precious parts of the Bible.

Which of the following points did Eric Huntsman argue in his article on Peter's denials? A. The grammar of the statement, "Thou shalt deny me thrice," suggests it's unlikely the statement was meant as a command. B. Ironically, Jesus's prophecy of Peter's denials is fulfilled at the very time the Sanhedrin is accusing him of being a false prophet. C. The story of Peter's denials underscores how alone and forsaken Jesus was, making Jesus someone any forsaken, betrayed person can relate to. D. Peter, too, is someone the audience can identify with, as one who means well, fails, tries again, and exemplifies the inadequate efforts we all make to love and serve Jesus. E. All of the above.

E. All of the above.

In the article "Lift Up Your Eyes," what does Jeffrey R. Holland point out about Jesus's use of such imagery as wind, water, temple, and bread in the Gospel of John? A. Jesus wanted people to understand his teachings literally, in their plain sense. B. Jesus used this imagery to invite people to understand heavenly truths, including truths about Himself. C. This imagery was one way Jesus met people on their own level and helped them grow. D. All of the above. E. B and C.

E. B and C.

Which of the following is NOT one of the major themes or perspectives in Luke, based on the discussion in Strathearn and Judd's essay? A. The important role of the Holy Spirit in the events of the gospel narrative and its sequel. B. The importance of Jerusalem and the Jerusalem Temple as the place from which the gospel spreads throughout the world. C. The gospel is for all people, not just Israel and not just the privileged classes of people. D. Jesus is the universal savior for all humankind. E. Jesus pre-existed with God the Father before he came to earth.

E. Jesus pre-existed with God the Father before he came to earth.

What is a paraclete? (paráklētos) A. A word translated "comforter" or "advocate" in the writings of John. B. A title for both Jesus and the Holy Spirit. C. A term that comes from para "beside" + kaleo "to call or summon," meaning someone who is summoned to stand beside another as a friend, spokesperson, or source of strength. D. Another word for parakeet. E. All of the above. F. A, B, and C

F. A, B, and C

The angels, Luke 2:14

Gloria in excelsis

Mary, Luke 1:46-55


which gospel? Tells of Jesus's ascension into heaven and sitting down at the right hand of God (in fulfillment of an earlier verse in the same gospel).


which gospel? Tells of a time Jesus appeared to the apostles in Galilee, and mentions that "some doubted," which echoes the story of "doubting Thomas" in another gospel.


which holdiay? The multiplication of the loaves and fishes and "bread of life" sermon in John 6 (see John 6:4)


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