Rel Final Mini Review

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Which one of the time periods below was a spiritual highpoint in many cultures and included the life of the Buddha, the Hebrew prophets, and the birth of Daoism and Confucianism?

6 BC

Shiva was originally___

A wild and frightening deity.

Most Hindus believe in (i) karma, (ii) samsara, (iii) moksha.

All of the above

Myths may contain lessons concerning

All of the above

Sweat lodge ceremonies


The Reform Movement embraced the idea that Judaism is

An evolving religious culture

In Muslim belief, angels

Are helpers of God

Which of the following is a rite of passage?

Both A and B (kinaalda and Vision Quest)

The Supreme Being for most indigenous peoples is a god who is a


*Hindus believe that humankind is understood to be currently in the first of the four yugas or ages.


According to Native American religious traditions, humanity is rarely thought to live in a reciprocal relationship with the land.


Buddhism accepts the Hindu caste system.


Buddhism is the most popular religion in India today.


Buddhism teaches that the soul resides in the heart, that it is no bigger than the thumb, and that to know it is to be immortal.


In Buddhism the gods were not subject to death and rebirth.


Orthodox followers of a religion believe that practices must change with the times.


The Buddha appointed his disciple Ananda to be his successor.


The term Sunnah refers to chapters of the Qur'an.


The most popular form of yoga, for practicing Hindus, is Raja yoga.

F; bhakti yoga

Because the split between the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches occurred only recently (in 1822), most observers believe that their reunification might well happen soon. T/F


Despite their geographical diversity, indigenous religions can often times operate under a similar social structure or hierarchy.


From the beginning, Christian leaders sought to maintain a strict separation of church and state. T/F


In Hinduism, nature itself is not regarded as the most immediate form of the divine, so trees, rivers, and mountains were not deemed important.


Jews commonly believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ. T/F


Jihad means to interpret Islamic law.


Mythic narratives will never contain stories about creation, supreme beings, and humanity.


The Septuagint is a translation of the Hebrew Bible into Latin. T/F


The compilation (i.e. canonization) of the New Testament was completed at the end of the first century. T/F


The compilation of the New Testament was completed at the end of the first century. T/F


The god Vishnu has not come down to earth and manifested in physical form as an avatara.


The prophet who led the Israelites out of Egypt was Abraham. T/F


Yoga is primarily a practice of physical motions that promotes flexibility and good circulation.


Zhuangzi studied with Laozi and became his most prominent disciple.


Black Elk was a famous Cherokee religious leader.

False, he was a Lakota relgious leader

The books that make up the New Testament were written in


All of the following are components in the human body whose refinement may help to attain immortality except for


Gandhi called the untouchables


Gandhi referred to the untouchables as


When Muhammad began preaching in Mecca

He faced opposition

The Hindu holiday that encourages mischief and mayhem is called


Which of these terms is the closest opposite to the term transcendent?


Solomon's Temple was built in


Jesus was


Religion functions in an unhealthy manner as an "opiate" that deters the suffering individual from attending to the true cause of affliction, according to

Karl Marx

The Scripture of the Way and Its Potent Manifestation (also known as the Daode Jing) was supposed to have been written by


The definition that describes a religion as "an institution consisting of culturally patterned interaction with culturally postulated superhuman beings" was set forth by

Melford Spiro.

The term anatman means

No-self; no-soul

The Qur'an was revealed to Muhammad

Over the course of many days

The Native American Church

Religious movement combining elements of Christianity and native American religions

Shangdi was the principal deity of the

Shang dynasty

The term "Islam" means


An example of Stoicism, the belief that the divine is identical to nature or the material world, is


Hindu worship may be carried out both in the home and in temples.


Many indigenous North American religions emphasize the interrelationship of all things.


Most Buddhists celebrate the birth, enlightenment, and death of the Buddha all on the same day


Myths of North America often times account for the origins of subsistence activities like hunting and farming.


Native American religions emphasize the idea that humans are not the masters of animals and other living creatures.


Quasi-divine figures, such as angels and demons, though difficult to categorize, are important elements of religion nonetheless.


Researchers have identified many similarities in the use of symbols across different cultures.


The Hindu gods periodically appeared in earthly incarnations in later epics & puranas.


The attempt to define religion is an ancient phenomenon, beginning for the most part in first century Rome.


The biblical account of creation is not commonly or naturally taught alongside the theory of evolution in public schools in predominantly Christian societies today.


Tibetan Buddhists believe that it is possible to achieve enlightenment even after death during the time before one is reborn.


Usually explanation of the nature and role of the divine takes center stage in a religion's belief system.


Siddhartha's first act of renunciation was

Taking off his fine clothes and cutting his hair.

Brahman is

The all-pervasive one supreme conciousness

*We refer to a religion as theistic when

The divine is thought of as God or Gods

A statement that is foundational to the field of religious studies is:

To know one just one religion is to know none.

A key teaching of Islam is the belief in the oneness of God.


According to Luther, Christians do not need mediators such as priests to stand between themselves and God. T/F


Buddhism is more concerned with human experience than with the realm of the gods.


Christians believe that Jesus Christ was both fully human and fully divine. T/F


In ancient Chinese religion, yin and yang were considered to be mutually inclusive and compatible.


Many claim the intelligent design movement seeks scientific backing for creationism.


Orthodox Jews believe in an afterlife. T/F


Religious cosmologies typically describe both the origin and the status of the universe, and typically these two issues are intertwined.


Roman Catholic and Orthodox Christians recognize seven rituals as sacraments. Protestants recognize two. T/F


The founder of the Hasidic movement was known as the Baal Shem Tov. T/F


The vast majority of Muslims today are not Arabs.


Samkhya and Advaita are

Two major Hindu philosophical systems

Which of the following is not among the prominent questions addressed by religions?

What is the correct definition of religion.

From which Buddhist tradition does the following statement originate: "What is the sound of one hand clapping?"


Muslims believe that Muhammad was

both B and C (final and one of many prophets)

A symbol for the unity that many indigenous cultures use is that of the


The word "canon" refers to a(n)

collection of sacred writings

The term tafsir refers to

commentary on the Qur'an.

*After enlightenment the Buddha immediately realized that he must teach others.


According to William James, religion is "the feelings, acts and experiences of individual men __________."

in their solitude

The Confucian virtue ren basically means

innate goodness

When Christians speak of "grace" they mean God's


The essential teachings of Native American religions are often found in

sacred narratives or myths

In Buddhism, "Dharma" refers to the __________ of the Buddha.


A primary concern regarding a sound academic approach to the study of world religions involves the fact that it arose within an intellectual culture that

tended to take for granted that Christianity was a model of what religion ought to be.

The Middle Way is the path between

the extremes of sensual indulgence and self-mortification

The term shaman means

the one who knows

French sociologist Émile Durkheim insists in his definition of religion on

the unification brought about by "beliefs and practices," culminating in a "moral community called a Church."

Renunciation is practiced by many Hindus

to help transcend the ego and achieve moksha

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