RELI 1001 - Judaism

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What is Gemara?

(part of Talmud) -Additional later Rabbinic commentary (legal analysis) on the commands ca. 500CE)

What is the specific reason for punishing the Sodomites?

- Abuse of human rights - no consensus

*D Source* What does it stand for? Time period? Name for God?

- Deuteronomy - 689/640/587 BCE - Unspecified

What is Messiah ("Mashiach")?

-"Anointed one" (kings and priests); closer with God; leadership position -From Hebrew Mashiach. Greek translation is "Christos", from which "Christ" is derived -Concept of awaited Messiah is extremely critical to Judaism -Without Messiah, there is no 'Salvation' or 'Redemption' Messiah will only come when Israel is 'loyal' to God -After God Mercy, Messiah will be sent By Acting on the Mitzvot, Jews expect to expedite Messiah's arrival -title used for kings and other figures in Tanakh

Performance in Judaism

-God -Torah -Israel -Mitzvot (613 comm.) -Messiah

Jewish Population in numbers

.2% (14,270,000)

What are the 5 books of the Torah?

1. Genesis 2. Exodus 3. Leviticus 4. Numbers 5. Deuteronomy

What object that God gives Moses allows him to perform signs and wonders?

A wooden staff

*People* Shem's Son


*People* Zilphah and Jacob's offspring

Gad and Asher

These Jews are ultra-Orthodox


*Jewish Movements* "Loving kindness" - emphasize enthusiasm and love over studying Torah


*Jewish Movements* Countered Rabbinic scholarship for not including unscholarly Jews


*People* Abraham and Sarah's son


*Jewish Groups* Emphasize a more literal approach to Hebrew scripture


*Jewish Groups* Rejected interpretation of Talmud as divinely revealed truth


*Jewish Sects* Talmud not a thing, bigger focus on Torah


*Jewish Sects* Oldest group of Palestinian Jews of the Hellenistic Era; Aristocrats


*Jewish Sects* Rejected belief in Angels, and resurrection of body in afterlife.


First female Rabbi

Sally Priesand, ordained in North America

Nephilim (Gen 6:4)

Were on the earth in those days-and also afterward-when the sons of God went in to the daughters of humans, who bore children to them. These were the heroes that were of old, warriors of renown.

Did the flood cover the entire earth?

Yes, Gen. 6:9

Was Noah given exact specification to build an Arc?

Yes, in Gen. 6:15

*Jewish Holidays* Day of Atonement, dedicated to solemn and reflection and examination of one's conduct

Yom Kippur

*Jewish Holidays* Falls ten days after Rosh Hashanah, usually in September.

Yom Kippur

*Jewish Holidays* Fasting for 25 hours and reflecting on one's sins

Yom Kippur

*Jewish Holidays* Holiest Day of the Jewish Ritual Year; Communal Confession of Sins

Yom Kippur

*Jewish Sects* Encouraged Jews to engage in violent rebellion; First Jewish Revolt: most of Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed and much of the Jewish population was killed or forced into slavery


*Jewish Sects* Later group which refused to cooperate with Romans


*Jewish Sects* People who banded together during the time of Christ to violently resist Roman occupation.


Of 613 commandments, 248 Prescriptions...

"One Ought to Do"

Of 613 commandments, 365 Proscriptions

"One Shalt Not"

~1,200BCE "The Beginning of Months" marked by

"Passover" and eating only Unleavened Bread

The book of proverbs in the _____ of the Tanakh is quintessential Hebrew wisdom literature

"Writings" (Ketuvim)

*E Source:* What does it stand for? Time period? Name for God?

- Elohim - 922-722 BCE - EL/ELOHIM ("God")

What was the event in the text that this important name change to Yisrael happened? Why?

- Gen 32:35-31 - Yisrael = struggle with God - "For you have fought with God and with people and have prevailed"

What is the importance of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah?

- Gives us the traditional negative understanding and treatment of homosexuality. -Traces back to persecution of homosexuality

*J Source:* What does it stand for? Time period? Name for God?

- Jehovah - 922-722 BCE - YHWH ("LORD")

Which country today represents the original communities of Moabians and Ammonites? What's this generation now?

- Mountainous regions of Jordan, present day region of Jordan - 12 tribes of Israel = 12 sons of Jacob who came and populated it themselves

Possibility of textual conditioning:

- Potential of gender bias in Adam and Eve's first sin - Potential of race bias

*P Source* What does it stand for? Time period? Name for God?

- Priestly - Post 722 BCE - EL/ELOHIM ("God")

*R Source* What does it stand for? Time period? Name for God?

- Redactor - Approx. 550 BCE - Unspecified

*RJE Source* What does it stand for? Time period? Name for God?

- Redactor J&E - Post 722 BCE - Unspecified

*Documentary Hypothesis* Why do we need it in an academic study? Why do we need the different sources?

- We need it for a better understanding of the context: not the divine as the author, but a human as the author, and understanding what they mean - Assists in interpreting text with the author's context

539BCE King Cyrus rules Persia and conquers Babylonians

-538BCE Cyrus issues Edict allowing Jews to return and rebuild the Temple -Sizable Jews did not return and were the source for Babylonian Talmud -Persians provided furnishings including gold and silver to reestablish the temple. -*Potential Period for the start of Old Testaments writings

What was the Babylonian Exile?

-586 BCE, during time when Temple in Jerusalem and city of Jerusalem had been destroyed -Israelites still in south (Judah) fell to Babylonian superpower; leaders of Judah exiled to Babylonian -Didn't fully destroy the population, but they moved the leaders to their region (present Iraq) to keep from causing conflict in their home territory -Began Exile or Babylonian captivity -Solomon's first temple destroyed

TORAH "guidance" is the WRITTEN Divine Laws/Commands: Total commandments in Torah =


Second Temple

-70 CE Destruction of the Second Temple by Romans Beginning of Rabbinic Judaism with focus on Written Torah and Oral Talmud -516 BCE

What was the Assyrian Exile?

-722 BCE -Assyria conquered Northern Kingdom of Israel, deported some of the Israelites to other parts of their empires, and imported ppl from other places of Israel, ruining the unity (deported into exile, these exiles became the Lost Tribes of Israel) -Leaders of Israel exiled/deported to Assyria -Start of Jewish Diaspora

What is a rabbi?

-A Jewish religious leader and teacher; literally "teacher," but by the second century BCE the official title of an expert on the interpretation of Torah; once priestly sacrifices had ended with the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE, the rabbi became the scholarly and spiritual leader of a Jewish congregation -The Rabbis, since the destruction of the Second Temple, have primarily filled the role of scholars or sages of the Jewish faith

What is Talmud?

-A collection of authoritative Jewish writings that comment and interpret biblical laws; collection of rabbinical sayings commenting on the Mishnah -Talmud = Mishnah + Gemara -Oral Torah - way of life put together by Jewish leaders by gathering commandments from Torah

What is Mishnah?

-A collection of early rabbinical sayings about Torah collected by Judah the Prince ca. 250 CE (part of Talmud) -oral Torah and commentary on Torah -Aggadah = Jewish Stories -Halachah = Sum total of Rabbinic religious law defining the Jewish way of life

What is Ladino?

-A language composed mainly of old Spanish and Hebrew, spoken by some Sephardic Jews

What is the Ark of the Covenant?

-A sacred chest that housed the tablets of the 10 Commandments. It was placed within the sanctuary where God would come and dwell. -Ex. 25:10 built by Israelites to recognize God's presence

Who is Hagar?

-Abraham's concubine who conceives and bears Ishmael -Sarah's servant

Who is Lot?

-Abraham's nephew; settled in the prosperous plains, leaving Abraham in the wilderness of the hill country

What is a covenant?

-Agreement between God and a human where mutual commitments are made; promises are made under oath to either carry out or withdraw specific actions (typically b/w two groups of unequal power, where a powerful ruler would promise protection to a less powerful one under the condition that obligations were fulfilled) -Throughout the Old Testament, they were established, broken, and re-established b/w God and Israelites -"Brits" or treaties -Special relationship b/w God and Jewish ppl

*Kosher Laws* Meat preparation

-Animals that died naturally are not allowed -Animals that are slaughtered because of the law are acceptable

*Kosher Laws* Sea animals

-Both scales and fins -Shellfish and mussels are NOT kosher

*Kosher Laws* Birds

-Chicken, turkey, goose, and duck are acceptable -Birds of prey are not

Explain the Six Days of Creation

-Created heavens and earth -"Let there be light" and there was light -Separated dark from light - called light day and darkness night -Evening and morning, the first day -"Let there be a dome in the midst of waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters" Dome = sky -"Let the waters under the sky be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear" Dry land = Earth, waters = Seas -On the seventh day, God finished his work and rested -In the day that God made the earth and heavens, there was no rain and no one to till the ground and water the whole face of the ground; God formed man from the dust of the ground, breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being -God planted a garden in Eden in the east and put this man here

What are the Dead Sea Scrolls?

-Discovered in 1947 (and authored by) the Essenes in a cave near the Dead Sea -Collection of written scrolls containing nearly all of the Old Testament; texts produced between 2nd and 1st centuries BCE that were discovered accidentally by shepherd searching for sheep -These important manuscripts shed light on the Essenes -Library contains earliest manuscripts of every book of the Hebrew Bible (some in fragmented form only), except for the Book of Esther

Who is the Priest of Midian?

-Ethro is called a priest of Midian and became father-in-law of Moses after he gave his daughter, Zipporah, in marriage to Moses.

Success after 10th Plague "Death of First Born"

-Ex. 12: Flight from Egypt "Exodus" -Partitions of the Sea, Pharaoh and his army drowns

Post-Enlightenment Biblical Criticism:

-Expanded beyond analysis as divine revelation. - Focused on Origin, Source, Reason of Revelation. - Study of What/When/Why the Biblical Authors Wrote?

NEVI'IM (The Prophets) = 8 books

-Former prophets and latter prophets -Dated 200BCE -12th century BCE to 6th century BCE -Divinely inspired

During 7th to 12th Century, how was the Jewish experience living under Muslim rule, in comparison with life under Christian rule. Focus on social rights, religious freedom, intellectual and theological development.

-Freed from injustice -Respected by Muslims -Guaranteed protection of their lives and freedom of religious expression as long as they adhered to certain rules -Less tension -Increase in Jewish trade and commerce -Arabic replaced Aramaic as Jewish native language as its culture grew

Describe God and Abraham covenant

-Gen 15 -Abraham was promised Canaan to offspring as long as he obeyed God -Undergo circumcision leading to ability of Sarah to conceive Isaac -Sacrificing Isaac to prove loyalty

TORAH (Guidance) = 5 books

-Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy -"Pentateuch" in Greek Septuagint Translation -Divinely inspired

Describe God and Noah covenant

-God promised Noah to never again create flood to destroy the world -Bow in clouds as sign for remembering covenant and protection of every human

Who is Jacob?

-Grandson of Abraham, son of Isaac and Rebekah, brother of Esau, and the traditional ancestor of Israelites. His name was changed to Israel, and his 12 sons became the 12 Tribes of Israel

How has the meaning of Messiah changed over time and through tradition?

-King David was considered Messiah by some because David was Anointed as King by Prophet Samuel -King Cyrus was also considered by few Jewish leaders as Messiah. His Edict allowed Jews to return to Jerusalem and aided In redevelopment of the temple

First Temple

-King Solomon (~986-932 BCE); his temple (~960 BCE) -Established temple dedicated to YHWH around 1000 BCE -Son Rehoboam was unable to keep kingdom united -586 BCE Babylonian Exile destructed Temple -Conceived by King David, constructed by King Solomon (c. 1000-586 BCE)

Who is King Cyrus?

-King of Persia who allows the Israelites to return to their land after Persia takes over Babylon -539 BCE rules Persia and conquers Babylonians -538 BCE issues Edict allowing Jews to return and rebuild the Temple -Potential Period for the start of Old Testaments writings

Moses's Siblings from Levite mother Jochebed

-Mariam (7 years older) -Aaron (3 years older) - "Moses was eighty years old and Aaron was eighty-three when they spoke to Pharaoh" Ex7:7 -Moses may have also been "raised" with a son of Pharaoh in the Egyptian Palace.

Who are the Levites?

-Members of the tribe of Levi, who would be the priests for the rest of Israel

*Rabbinic Judaism* Without Holy/Sacred Venue for Sacrificial Rituals

-More emphasis on Prayers with self-scrutiny -Obedience to Torah scrolls -Diligent study of the Tanakh

Who is Zipporah?

-Moses's wife

*Kosher Laws* Meat consumption

-Not to be consumed alongside dairy

Gen 22: Abraham commanded to sacrifice Isaac

-Obedience to God will kill son -Trust in God will provide alternative -Non obedience will result in loss of Blessing, Land, and Descendants

Hebrew Bible Scrolls and Books

-Old Testament -first section of the Christian Bible, based primarily upon the Hebrew Bible, a collection of religious writings by ancient Israelites believed by most Christians and Jews to be the sacred Word of God

How frequently are Jewish prayer services held, and what do some Jews wear to prepare for prayer services?

-Practicing Jews daven three times a day in places of worship for Shacharit, Minchah, and Ma'ariv. -Services are also held during Shabbat and holidays/festivals. -In most Conservative and Orthodox synagogues, males wear kippot and tallit, and tefillin on weekday morning. -Traditionally only men wear these, but some Conservative and Reform women wear them now

*Kosher Laws* Products

-Products of non-kosher animals are non-kosher, except for honey

*Rabbinic Judaism* 587 BCE Babylonian Captivity saw the beginning of Scriptural Canonization

-Shift from sacred place to sacred scripture -More importance to acts of worship not requiring priests, like Sabbath and Passover

*Kosher Laws* Land animals

-Split hooves -Chew their own cud -Pigs and rabbits are NOT kosher

What is a Zionist?

-Supporter of Jewish nationalism, especially a creation of a Jewish state in Palestine.

What are the 10 Commandments?

-The 10 laws given to God by Moses: 1. You shall have no other *g*ods before me 2. You shall not make for yourself an *i*dol, whether in the form of anything in heaven, on earth, or in water.... You shall not bow down to them or worship them; .... 3. You shall not make wrongful use of the *n*ame of the Lord your God 4. Remember the *S*abbath day, and keep it holy. 5. *H*onor your father and your mother.... 6. You shall not *m*urder 7. You shall not commit *a*dultery 8. You shall not *st*eal 9. You shall not bear *f*alse witness against your neighbor 10. You shall not *c*ovet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife.... GIN SH/MA ST. F & CO

What is Septuagint?

-The Greek translation of the Hebrew scriptures, made in Alexandria during the Hellenistic period, beginning in the 3rd century BCE; translation by 70 scholars -seen as what God wanted them to do since all 70 scholars had the same translation

What is Elohim?

-The Hebrew word for God as creator -Referred to by P and E sources

What are the Ten Days of Penitence?

-The Ten Days of Repentance are the first ten days of the Hebrew month of Tishrei, usually sometime in the month of September, beginning with the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah and ending with the conclusion of Yom Kippur

What is the House of David?

-The awaited Messiah in Judaism must be from this -The Lord established a house (dynasty) for David, which would be an eternal kingship, passed down from David, like a priesthood -God had special relationship with Davidic King. Monarchy ended in 587 w/ destruction of First Temple and exile and Jews continued (and some still continue) to wait for the re-establishment of this

What is the Torah?

-The first five books of Jewish Scripture, which they believe are by Moses, are called this -The First Five Books of Moses in the Hebrew Bible; Pentateuch -"Law"

What is Zionism?

-The modern movement, initiated by Austro-Hungarian journalist and playwright Theodor Herzl in 1897, for a Jewish nation-state in the ancient land of Israel; the idea of the return of Israel to the land of Israel

What is Haran?

-The place Abram was living when he was first called by God; located in the modern country of Turkey

What is YHWH?

-The shorthand initialism (Tetragrammaton) used by the Israelites for the name of God, "I AM WHO AM," which out of great respect for God could not be uttered.

What is documentary hypothesis?

-The theory that the Pentateuch was not written by one person (Moses) but was compiled over a long period of time from multiple sources; Torah came to exist through combination of several originally separate "documents" -Proposed by German scholar Julius Wellhausen in 1883

What is Tetragrammaton YHWH? How is YHWH different from Jehovah, Adonai, & HaShem?

-This is a more personal name for God, consisting of four Hebrew letters yod, hay, vav, and hay. -Some religious Jews consider the Tetragrammaton too sacred to ever be pronounced, and one of the commandments they follow says to never use God's name in vain. -Modern Jews who come across YHWH in text read the name aloud as "Adonai," meaning Lord, or "haShem," meaning the Name. -The name "Jehovah" came about because of a mistake in the vowels of "Adonai." At the time, Protestants were in a disagreement with the Catholic Church of Rome and turned to ancient biblical texts in the original Hebrew and Aramaic to support their argument. Because they lacked knowledge in the languages, they did not realize that the vowels they combined with Tetragrammaton actually created another word, known as "Jehovah". Today, some Christians, especially Jehovah's Witnesses, use the name Jehovah, but it was never used by Jews.

KETUVIM (The Writings) = 11 books

-Traditionally not considered divinely inspired -Influenced by Hellenism, Egyptians, and Persians

How were the relationships between the Moabians and the Ammonites?

-Warfare - Lots of fights;considered enemies -Text was probably ironic and way to put down the enemy, so scholars assume the author was on one of the sides

What are High Holidays and how can one determine when they take place?

-called High Holy Days and the Days of Awe. -They are the ten days from the beginning of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, through the end of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. -These days are spent at synagogue, asking God's forgiveness and fasting for 25 hours. -It all depends on what days they fall on in the Jewish calendar.

What is an exile?

-forces assimilation into new societies -Jews still try to keep religion though because they want to succeed

What is tefillin?

-small black leather boxes, also termed phylacteries, containing parchment scrolls on which the words of four paragraphs from the Torah (Exodus 13: 1-10, 11-16; and Deuteronomy 6: 4-9, 13-21) are written, tried to the forehead and upper arm by leather thongs -placed on forehead

What is Kosher?

-term for food that is ritually acceptable, indicating that all rabbinic regulations regarding animal slaughter and the like have been observed in its preparation (ex: can't eat unclean animals, cloven hoof)

What is a synagogue?

-the building where a Jewish assembly or congregation meets for religious worship and instruction. -The Greek name ("gathering together" representing Jewish communal places for teaching and prayer -became central to the tradition after the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple

What is Tanakh?

-the canonical collection of Jewish texts -Jewish Scripture = 'Hebrew Bible' = 'TANAKH' = ~'Old Testament' -the entire Hebrew Bible, consisting of Torah (Law - instruction and teaching; first 5 books), Nevi'im (Prophets - i.e. Isaiah and Jeremiah), and Ketuvim (Sacred writings - i.e. Job and Eccelsiastes); the name is an acronym of the initial letters of those three terms

What is Yiddish?

-the language spoken by many Central and Eastern European Jews in recent centuries; although it is written in Hebrew characters and contains some words derived from Hebrew, it is essentially German in its structure and vocabulary

What are the 10 Plagues on Egypt?

1) *W*ater turned to blood 2) *F*rogs 3) *G*nats 4) *Fl*ies 5) Diseased *Li*vestock 6) *B*oils 7) *T*hunder and hail 8) *Lo*custs 9) *Da*rkness 10) *De*ath of the first born WFr (Wednesday, Friday) GFl (GA, FL) Li BT Lo Da De

What are the 4 categories of Interpretation of Biblical Text? Provide meanings and examples.

1) Literal: textual meaning (example: "Jesus Wept" = Jesus shed actual tears) 2) Allegorical: spiritual meaning (example: "Jesus Wept" = symbolic meaning or to be deeply sad) 3) Moral: lesson meaning (example: "Jesus Wept" = lesson to show compassion towards others) 4) Analogical: heavenly sense (example: "Jesus Wept" = insight into essence of God

Law of Moses

10 Commandments

How many sons did Jacob have?


Hebrew Bible aka 'TANAKH' contains: ____ Scrolls or ____ Books Finalized in 90CE

24 scrolls 39 (35) books

US Jews (2013)

35% Reform 30% No Denom 18% Conservative 10% Orthodox

Around 1,000 years from first word to last sentence, involving around 75-100 Authors

4-6 Editors collected and sourced Biblical works of Prose, Poetry, & Laws in one text Each source can be read on its own without perceiving discontinuity

Beginning of Second Temple

516 BCE

Destruction of Judah

586 BCE, by Babylonians

How many days did it take for God to create the heavens and the earth?


How many pairs of clean and how many pairs of unclean animals did Noah collect?

7 pair of clean, 1 pair of unclean

Destruction of Jerusalem took place in the year

70 CE

Destruction of Israel

722 BCE, by Assyria

Year that Solomon's Temple was completed

950 BCE

Gen 12:1-12:2 'Now the LORD said to Abram, "Go from your country and your kindered and your father's house to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing" *What event is this?*

Abraham's commissioning

Who is Terah?

Abraham's father

Was the Bible divinely revealed/inspired to Moses, Jesus or Authors?

Academically, we do not know - This is a matter of personal belief

In Gen, how does Joseph's experience cause later Jewish generations to reside in Egypt as oppressed aliens?

After Jacob died, Joseph and his descendants, the Israelites, returned to Egypt and grew rapidly. Jacob eventually dies after instructing his family to one day return to the land God promised to give Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Through Joseph's power and games of punishment and redemption with his brothers, he led later Jewish generations to reside in Egypt

How does God first appear to Moses?

As a burning bush

*Jewish Groups* Central and Eastern European ancestry (settled in Central Europe after having been driven out of Jerusalem)


*Jewish Groups* Diaspora in Europe and US


*Jewish Groups* Speak Yiddish


What are the conditions for the Messiah in Judaism?

Awaited Messiah in Judaism must fulfill the following conditions: -Davidic Line (from House of David), Signs of the kingdom of God apparent, Messianic Peace/Return of Jews (return Jews back in Israel and usher in an era of peace), Construction of Temple in Jerusalem (rebuild third Temple), Is Master of written and oral Torah?, not Jesus of Nazreth

What happened in 586 BCE?

Babylon took over Judah

Destruction of First Temple

Babylonians in 587 BCE

Why does Cain kill his brother Abel?

Because God is more pleased by Abel's sacrifice than by Cain's

Why does God reprimand Job?

Because Job uses human knowledge to question God's ways

How does Reconstructionism look similar to Conservativism?

Because Reconstructionism developed out of Conservative, it kept many traditions, including dietary laws and wearing kippot, as well as Hebrew in the liturgy, making its practice look similar to that of Conservative Jews.

Why does God reject Saul as king of Israel?

Because Saul does not completely destroy the Amalekites

Why does God curse the Israelites to wander the desert for forty years before entering the promised land?

Because a group of Israelite spies incites an uprising to return to Egypt

Why does Moses break the stone tablets inscribed with God's commandments at Mount Sinai?

Because the people are worshiping a golden idol

How does God feed the Israelites in the desert?

By a strange bread-like substance (manna) from heaven

Which of the following is not a sign of God's covenant, or promise, with Abraham? a) The rite of circumcision b) God renaming Abraham and his wife Sarah c) God destroying the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah d) God providing Sarah with a son, Isaac


Which of the following is not one of Israel's judges? a) Deborah b) Gideon c) Ahab d) Jephthah


*People* 3 sons of Adam and Eve

Cain, Seth, Abel

What group posed the greatest threat to Jews in Europe in the Middle Ages?


*What is the event?* -Ex3:4 "God called to him out of the bush" -Ex3:14 God said to Moses "I AM WHO IAM" -Ex:3:16 God's name revealed "The LORD (YHWH), the God of your ancestors, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, has sent me to you"

Commissioning of Moses at Mt Horeb/Sinai

*Branches of Judaism* Attempts to blend and serve as a middle-ground


*Branches of Judaism* Majority of North American Jews (1 million)


*Branches of Judaism* Mid-19th century - Solomon Schecter


*Branches of Judaism* More liberal congregations allow for female rabbis and full female participation.


*Branches of Judaism* Rabbi interprets scripture w/ the congregation


*Branches of Judaism* Response to Reform movement w/ focus on dietary laws and traditional practices like Sabbath


*Branches of Judaism* Teachings divinely revealed but open to interpretation


*Branches of Judaism* Traditions open to interpretation (more literal than Reform); follow dietary laws but allow for change


Which Jewish group(s) allow bat mitzvot?

Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist allow girls to become bat mitzvot.

*People* Bilhah and Jacob's offspring

Dan and Naphtali

Who is Messiah in Judaism?

David (also Saul, Solomon)

Define Jewish Diaspora

Diaspora is a term for the dispersion Jewish people living outside the land of Israel. It began with the Babylonian Exile, when not all Jews returned home to Judea.

What was mankind permitted to do after Noah's flood that was not permitted beforehand?

Eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

*People* Isaac and Rebekah's firstborn son


*People* Isaac and Rebekah's sons

Esau and Jacob

What is the Kabbalistic belief of God?

Esoteric or mystical discipline of Judaism; God is an infinite point (beginning of all creation - Ein Sof)

*Jewish Sects* Discovered the Dead Sea Scrolls


*Jewish Sects* Established community at Qumran in Judean desert after expressing their disapproval of the way the Hasmoneans were running the temple cult


*Jewish Sects* Held an apocalyptic worldview, believing the world was under the control of evil forces and that God would soon intervene the defeat the powers of darkness


*Jewish Sects* High expectations from Kingly Messiah towards restorations of peace


*Jewish Sects* Monastic community of meticulously observant priests; community in Qumran, surrounding area of Jerusalem


*Jewish Sects* Saw importance of cultic purity (bodily state in which one is sufficiently pure to be acceptable in the sacred spaces of God)


*Jewish Sects* Sought to apply Bible to everyday life, but rigorously (maintained Oral Torah different from Sadducees)


*Jewish Sects* Viewed selves as the new children of Israel, biding their time until the day when, with God's help, they would take back the promised land from what they saw as the corrupt leadership of Hellenized Jews


*Jewish Sects* pious, ultraconservative Jews who left the Temple of Jerusalem and began a community by the Dead Sea, known as Qumran


*People* Married Adam


From what catastrophe does Joseph save Egypt?


What are the creation stories?

First story: written by P source, explains the ritual of the Sabbath (day of rest) Second story: written by J source, explains marriage

*Jewish Groups* Learned leaders of Jewish theological academies under Muslim rule in Iraq; rabbis wrote theological questions to this group for responsa (answers from Jewish scholars on everyday living matters based on Talmudic laws)

Gaonim (750 CE)

*Jewish Groups* Senior rabbinical authorities ("rabbanites") in Mesopotamia under Persian and Muslim rule

Gaonim (750 CE)

Overcame Karaites due to recognition by Muslim authorities

Gaonim (750 CE)

Ham punished, Shem blessed

Gen 9:25-26

How did Noah know that the water had subsided?

Gen. 6:11 - "and the dove came back to him in the evening, and there in its beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf"

Who is the son of Abraham through whom the Jewish people descend?


Prophets of the Hebrew Bible interpreted the events of the Assyrian and Babylonian Exiles as...

God's discipline for abandoning exclusive worship of Yahweh and treating one another unjustly (e.g., Jeremiah 1-4)

*People* Was promised a strong, masculine, "wild ass of a man" son after trying to run away


*People* These 2 were cast out once Isaac was born

Hagar and Ishmael

*People* Abraham's 3 "wives"

Hagar, Sarah, Keturah

*People* The father of Canaan


*Jewish Movements* Hebrew "pious ones"; make up significant part of Orthodox Judaism


*Jewish Movements* Splinter group of Kabbalah


*Jewish Movements* Taught emphasis on direct divine experience via Prayers instead of traditional study of Torah


Leaders of this movement are called righteous ones


Movement founded in Eastern Europe (Poland based) by 18th century mystic Baal Shem Tov. Today it encompasses many subgroups, each of which has its own charismatic leader.


*Jewish Movements* -Israel ben Eliezer aka Ba'al Shem Tov (1699-1760) from Ukraine/Eastern Europe


What does King Solomon do in Israel?

He builds a grand temple in Jerusalem.

Who chose Saul as Messiah?

He was chosen by God through Samuel

What is Adonai?

Hebrew name for God

How did Jewish Nationalism led by Herzl influence the development of Jewish state?

Herzl became persuaded that Zionism was necessary during the Dreyfus affair and the resulting rise in anti-Jewish sentiment. Several countries offered Jewish settlements in parts of their land, but after consideration Herzl decided that Palestine was the only suitable location and that the future state would have to be recognized by international law. Half a century later, Israel was established, and by then the need for a Jewish nation-state could no longer be argued.

Why was King Cyrus considered Messiah by a few Jewish leaders?

His Edict allowed Jews to return to Jerusalem and aided in redevelopment of the Temple; frees Jews from Babylonian rule -Represents God getting victory over the Babylonians

By Acting on the Mitzvot, Jews expect to expedite Messiah's arrival

Horizontal axis of time and history

According to Dr. Friedman, what is the attitude taken by academic Biblical scholars about linking a divine source to the authorship of Bible? What is the reason for this attitude?

Instead of linking a divine source to the authorship, they were trying to study the authors in historical context (what they wrote, when they wrote, and why they wrote). Proving the Bible's words as being divine to the authors was not their concern because rather than being a question of scholarship, it is a question of faith.

*People* Abraham's son by Hagar; founder of the Arab tribes


*People* Hagar and Abraham's son


*People* Who is this quote about? "He shall be a wild ass of a man, with his hand against everyone, and everyone's hand against him; and he shall live at odds with all his kin."


Northern part of modern-day Israel


What is Jacob's alternative name?


Messiah will only come when

Israel is 'loyal' to God

Who was killed by Levites for worshipping Golden Calf?


When is it estimated that first 5 books likely took their final form, according to documentary hypothesis?

It is estimates that the first five books took their final form in the post-exilic period, between the sixth and fourth centuries BCE.

How does Reconstructionism look different from Conservatism?

Its rejection of the idea that Jews are the chosen people, its gender-neutral prayer book, and the fact that some of its supporters consider themselves atheists provides a clear distinction between Reconstructionism and Conservative.

*People* Gen 32:25-31 "You will not be called _____ anymore but rather Israel (Yisrael = struggle with God) for you have fought with God and with people, and have prevailed" -Was ordered to move back to Bethlehem


*People* Isaac and Rebekah's son who steals his brother's blessing


Who is Leah?

Jacob's first wife

Through whom do the people groups of the world descend?


*People* 3 Sons of Noah

Japheth, Shem, Ham

What event triggers the division of Israel into two kingdoms?

Jeroboam leads a rebellion against the wicked King Rehoboam

What is Hashem?

Jewish name for God used to avoid saying the name of God

*People* Became a dream interpreter for Pharaoh


*People* Given a multi-colored coat that is destroyed by his brothers; sold into slavery and "dead" as his brothers tell their father


*People* Interprets Visions, is sent to Egypt from Canaan, Father Jacob and All 12 Brothers united in Egypt (Gen. 37-50)


*People* When his brothers came to Egypt to purchase food, he put them through tests to challenge their good will


*People* Rachel and Jacob's sons

Joseph and Benjamin

*People* Joseph's son


*People* Succeeds Moses in leading Israelites to Canaan; From the tribe of Joseph

Joshua (son of Nun Ex. 33:11)

Southern part of modern-day Israel, where Jerusalem and the Temple are located


What finally caused Joseph to reveal his identity and persuade his brothers to return to Egypt with Jacob?

Judah, one of the brothers, offered his life in exchange for another brother

*People* Joshua manages 12 tribes under Judges which later become managed by Sanhedrin for 5 Centuries

Judges [1250-1020BCE]

*Jewish Traditions* Began in Spain and France in 12th and 13th century


*Jewish Traditions* Means "receiving tradition"


*Jewish Traditions* Medieval Jewish mystical tradition; its central text is a commentary on scripture called the Zohar, which is thought to have been written by Moses of Leon (d. 1305) but is attributed to Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai, a famous second-century rabbinic mystic and wonder-worker


Understood to be originally sourced from Oral traditions of Moses


*Jewish Groups* Eighth century anti-rabbinic movement of Babylonian Jews that rejected the authority the Talmud, taking only the Bible as authoritative;


Which group is known as "scripturalists?"


Which group was overcome by Gaonims?


*Scripture* "Writings"; 3rd section


*Scripture* Consists primarily of poetry, proverbs, and literary works


*People* -A shepherd and a poet from the tribe of Judah who kills Goliath -Becomes Messiah after Anointment by Prophet Samuel -Becomes the best King of Israelite Kingdom -Possible author of some Psalms -Had 700 wives & 300 Concubines

King David (~1037-967BCE)

*People* Judah's son

King David - Messiah

*People* Benjamin's son

King Saul

*People* From the Tribe of Benjamin; tries to unify Israelites under one monarchy; Recruits David who becomes famous after killing the giant Goliath

King Saul (Talut)

*First King* Who was it? What tribe was he from?

King Saul from tribe of Benjamin

*People* Son of King David; established Solomon's temple dedicated to YHWH around 1,000BCE; Son Rehoboam was unable to keep kingdom united

King Solomon (~986-932BCE) & Solomon's Temple (~960BCE)

*Covenants* Abrahamic

Land, descendants, blessing

Exodus Ch. 19-20: God gives this to Moses on Mt. Sinai

Law (10 Commandments)

722BCE Assyrians Conquer Northern Kingdom of Israel

Leaders of Israel exiled/deported to Assyria Start of Jewish Diaspora

587/586 BCE Babylonian Conquer Southern Kingdom of Judah

Leaders of Judah exiled to Babylonia Destruction of Solomon's (First) Temple

Beginning of Exodus genre

Legendary folklore

Aaron and following priests come from the tribe of


Jewish traditional calendar follows _____ month


Where did the Zealots go?


*Scripture* "Search"


*Scripture* Non-literal interpretation of the scripture


*Scripture* Rabbinical commentary on scripture and oral law


*Scripture* Story about a story


*Jewish Groups* Arab lands/Middle Eastern Ancestry (Diaspora in Middle East)


*Jewish Groups* Speak Arabic


*People* Spends 40 days & 40 nights


*People* "Tent of Meeting" established outside of camp


*People* -(Old Testament) Hebrew prophet who led Israelites from Egypt across the Red Sea on a journey known as the Exodus -End of Deuteronomy, dies in Moab before reaching Canaan


*People* Born to Israelite parents


*People* Ex. 20: 10 Commandments are delivered to him


*People* Exodus Chapter 3, he receives divine name YHWH


*People* Flees to Midian after killing an Egyptian


*People* Kills an Egyptian soldiers while defending another Israelite


*People* Rescued by Pharaoh's daughter from Nile River, raised as a Prince in Pharaoh's palace (dual identity)


*People* Returns to Egypt to negotiate with Pharaoh the exit/freedom of Israelites


*People* Sees the actual form (back) of God on Mount Sinai; makes new tablets; covenant renewed; returns with shiny face and written tablets after spending 40 days and nights


*People* With Aaron asked to go up Mt Sinai surrounded by consecrated elders


*People* burned the golden calf and breaks the tablets in anger (Ex. 32:19)


*People* handed the Two Tablets of the Covenant "written with the finger of God"


Who leads the Israelites out of Egypt and parts the Red Sea?


Who wrote the book of Genesis?


*People* Levi's sons

Moses and Aaron

Son named "Gershom" for Moses said, "I have been an alien residing in a foreign land."

Moses' and Zipporah son

Under ______ leadership, God sustains Israelites with miracles in wilderness for long period


Who is Eve?

Mother of all living

*Scripture* "Prophets"; 2nd section


*Scripture* Made up of historical and prophetic books


*Kosher Laws* A tallit

No longer kosher once its fringes are cut off

*People* Son of Seth


922BCE Solomon's Kingdom of Israel split

Northern Part of Israeli Kingdom = Israel Southern Part of Israeli Kingdom = Judea

*Branches of Judaism* Believe in Torah as the "revealed word of God" & Talmud an several scriptures originated by Moses (and follow the laws of Torah)


*Branches of Judaism* "Torah with the way of the land"


*Branches of Judaism* Established once Reform Judaism spread, as a response to it


*Branches of Judaism* No women as rabbis


*Branches of Judaism* Observing the traditional rabbinical Halakhah; the strictest form of Judaism/ most traditional, conservative dress


*Branches of Judaism* Samson Hirsch


*Branches of Judaism* While men are praying they often wear a tallit and tefillin


*Jewish Holidays* A major spring festival (usually 8 days) that began as a celebration of agricultural rebirth, but came to commemorate the supposed liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt under Moses' leadership


*Jewish Holidays* April


*Jewish Holidays* Celebrates the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt; Celebrates the angel of God passing over the people in Egypt


What is the name of the festival celebrating Israel's deliverance out of Egypt?


In Gen, who are the Patriarchs and Matriarchs of the Jewish tradition, and how are they related?

Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob Matriarchs: Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Leah Abraham and Sarah were the parents of Isaac. Isaac and Rebekah were the parents of Jacob. Jacob had two wives, Rachel and Leah.

Who is the grandson of Abraham through whom the twelve tribes of Israel descend?


*People* Follows Israelites between the divided sea and is drowned with his army


*People* Ignores Moses powers and faces 10 plagues on Egypt


*People* King of ancient Egypt, considered a god as well as a political and military leader


*Jewish Sects* "Hypocrites"


*Jewish Sects* At time of Jesus known for its strict adherence to the Law and focus on Torah study and Oral Tradition


*Jewish Sects* Educated group of Jewish Palestinians


*Jewish Sects* God's law permeates all of life


*Jewish Sects* Interpreted texts more broadly. They practiced religious rituals and believed in things that the Sadducees did not.


*Jewish Sects* Sought to incorporate Jewish law into their daily life and how a Jew should live to satisfy God. In today's society, they would be the kinds of people who hold Bible study classes and do deep interpretations of religious scripture to gain an understanding of God's intentions for people. They focused their morals around living in accordance with the Torah. (God's law permeates all of life)


*Jewish Sects* Worked hard to correctly understand and interpret the Torah's instructions and God's commandments so they could obey and teach other Jews to do the same


*Jewish Sects* One of the only groups to survive the destruction of the Temple. Their traditions survived, but developed further under rabbis, who inherited their culture.


What sect is still around and as what?

Pharisees as rabbinic Judaism

After 70 CE, worship under the ordained rabbis focused especially on...

Prayer, study, and dedicated obedience to the Torah (oral and written)

*People* Prophet but also Last of the Judges; Organized Israelites to fight Philistines who had settled around 1100BCE; Israelites demand a King figure, so against his own advice, chooses Saul as first Israelite King

Prophet Samuel

Which Jewish festival results from the events in Esther?


*Jewish Movements* Legal teachers and leaders who inherited the teachings of the Pharisees and became the dominant voices in Judaism after the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE

Rabbinic Judaism

*Jewish Movements* clarified Jewish practice, elevated the oral law to equal authority with the written Torah and enabled Judaism to evolve flexibly

Rabbinic Judaism

*Jewish Movements* main form of Judaism, which emerged during the first century AD under the leadership of the rabbis

Rabbinic Judaism

In Reform (since 1971) and Conservative (since 1983) Jewish settings, who are typically the only ones to wear tefillin and tallit?

Rabbis, including ordained female rabbis

*People* Isaac's wife


*Branches of Judaims* God is source of morality, innate in humans


*Branches of Judaism* Care more about community participation to preserve Jewish history, symbols, and customs, than they do about individual faith. (synagogue = heart of community, not just prayer center)


*Branches of Judaism* Founder gave his daughter the first ever bat mitzvah, which are now practiced regularly by some branches.


*Branches of Judaism* God is source of morality, innate in humans; do not believe that Torah was divinely revealed


*Branches of Judaism* Modern movement founded by Mordecai Kaplan (1935), emphasizing Judaism as a civilization


*Branches of Judaism* Originated in America


*Branches of Judaism* The founder, Mordechai Kaplan, claimed that the synagogue and religion are more social and cultural than strictly religious. He argued that Jewish scriptures were created by Jewish people themselves, and not the divine, and that the traditions existed for the people and could be modified.


*Branches of Judaism* 1768-1828 German Israel Jacobson / 1854 German-born Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise


*Branches of Judaism* Believed Torah is culture bound, written by humans, with divine inspiration


*Branches of Judaism* Do not observe dietary laws


*Branches of Judaism* Do not see contradiction between secular and traditional religious values


*Branches of Judaism* First female Rabbi "Sally Priesand" ordained in North America


*Branches of Judaism* Founded on the goal of making Judaism meaningful for Jews living in 18th century Germany.


*Branches of Judaism* The founders supported Enlightenment ideals and associated them with Judaism.


*Branches of Judaism* Typically do not observe the dietary laws of Judaism. Instead of directly following the traditions, they view Judaism as a flexible religion because it changes as society changes.


*Branches of Judaism* Major Jewish denomination that emphasizes the evolving nature of the faith, the superiority of its ethical aspects to the ceremonial ones, and a belief in a continuous revelation not centered on the theophany at Mount Sinai.


How does David, Saul's successor, prove to be the more enthusiastic follower of God?

Returning the Ark of the Covenant from the Philistines to Jerusalem and dancing in priestly garments when it arrives

*People* Leah and Jacob's offspring

Reuben, Simon, *Levi*, Zebulun, Issachar, *Judah*

Destruction of Second Temple

Romans in 70 CE

*Jewish Holidays* Celebrates the beginning of time and Jewish New Year; observed for 2 days; generally falls in September

Rosh Hashanah

*Jewish Holidays* Color White is decorated to symbolize moral purification

Rosh Hashanah

*Jewish Holidays* Shofar (horn) is blown on first day

Rosh Hashanah

*Jewish Holidays* The day when God is said to open the Book of Life in which he will inscribe the individual's fate for the year on Yom Kippur

Rosh Hashanah

"On ________ I open the Book of Life and at the end of ________ I shall close it again, and your faith shall be sealed for the coming year."

Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur

Ex 20:8-11: Commands ______ because God rested from creating on the 7th day

Sabbath rest

*Jewish Sects* -Follow literal interpretation of text; emphasize Torah


*Jewish Sects* Closely linked with Temple and its priests and Sanhedrin


*Jewish Sects* Focused on Sacrificial Rites, not Oral Law


*Jewish Sects* Main focus was the need for Jews to be involved with worship as stated by the Torah. The Torah was the only text they strictly followed, so they demanded literal interpretations of the scripts. They did not believe in any of the afterlife theories relating to people's consequences; they believed everyone only had this one life to live.


*Jewish Sects* at the time of Jesus known for its strong commitment to the Temple in Jerusalem


Who are the Second Temple Sects

Sadducees, Pharisees, Therapeutae, Essenes, Zealots

Earliest kings are recorded in the book(s) of _______, which is at the beginning of the Nevi'im


*People* Cannot become pregnant so she sends servant Hagar to sleep with Abraham

Sarah (Sarai at the time)

515/516BCE Second Temple Re-Built with Edict of King Cyrus

Second Temple built by Zerubbabel first (Davidic) & later by King Herod (Roman ruler of Palestine)

What is the significance of 70 CE?

Second Temple was destroyed

*Jewish Groups* Diaspora in Portugal, Spain, and Islamic Mediterranean


*Jewish Groups* Spanish-Portuguese ancestry


*Jewish Groups* Speak Ladino


*Jewish Holidays* Also known as the Festival of Weeks for the seven weeks that separate the second day of Passover and the day before Shavuot

Shavuot (Pentecost)

*Jewish Holidays* Harvesting one-day festival celebrating God's revelation of the Torah to Moses on Mt. Sinai

Shavuot (Pentecost)

*Jewish Holidays* Late May or Early June

Shavuot (Pentecost)

*Jewish Holidays* Means "week of weeks" - spring + 7 weeks

Shavuot (Pentecost)

Which continents do the children of Noah cover?

Shem - Middle East Ham - Africa Japheth - Europe/Russia

*People* The sons of Noah who went out of the ark

Shem, Ham, Japheth

Which of Noah's Sons is related to Abram?

Shem, as Abram was from Ur

Who was the 3rd king of Israel?


Moses' and Zipporah's son

Son named "Gershom" for Moses said, "I have been an alien residing in a foreign land

Who was King Solomon?

Son of King David

Heavy focus in Old Testament on treating neighbors well

Start of Exodus

*Jewish Holidays* "Booths", Feast of "Tabernacles"


*Jewish Holidays* Ancient barley festival, way of thanking God for harvest


*Jewish Holidays* Festival in the late autumn that recalls the Jews' period of wandering in the desert after their exodus from Egypt.


*Jewish Holidays* Similar to secular Thanksgiving


Contains arguments between founding scholars Rabbi Hillel [d. 10CE] (Lenient) vs Rabbi Shammai (Strict Literal) "What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor; This is entire Torah....."


Oral divine command


*Jewish Holidays* first ten days of the Hebrew month of Tishrei

Ten Days of Penitence

What does David bring to Jerusalem to bless the religious city?

The Ark of the Covenant

Israel Jacobson

The Father of Reform

What is Pentateuch?

The Greek name for the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, ascribed by tradition to Moses but regarded by modern scholars as the product of several centuries of later literary activity -Refers to first five books of Old Testament

"there I will meet with you, and from above the mercy seat, from between the two Cherubim that are on the ark of the covenant, I will deliver to you all my commands for the Israelites." Ex25:22

The Tabernacle / Tent of Meeting with Ark of Covenant inside

How does "documentary hypothesis" aid in determining the source of Biblical authorship?

The best solution they have found so far for determining this authorship is the documentary hypothesis. The idea is that the Bible's first books came about through a long process, like documents of poetry and prose over many centuries. Editors took these documents and used them as sources, thus creating the Bible we are familiar with.

What are the related sources of the documentary hypothesis?

The most common "documents" are labeled J, E, P, and D

Haredim Jews

The most conservative and strict members of the Orthodox branch. While all Orthodox Jews strictly observe Judaism, the less conservative Jews interact with non-Jewish society in some form. However, Haredi Jews live every part of their lives according to the Halakhah.

Who is Sarah?

The wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac

*Rabbinic Judaism* 70 CE Destruction of Second Temple by Romans: Changes that occurred

Transition from Priestly Judaism to Rabbinic "Teacher" Judaism More focus on Oral Torah = "Talmud"

The 70 CE Destruction of the Second Temple by Romans led to what transition?

Transition from Priestly Judaism to Rabbinic Judaism

What is the country with the second largest population of Jews with nearly 5.5 million?


Gen 11:26 - Abraham's Trip with Father, Sarai, & Lot

Ur to Haran Haran to Canaan

*People* Jacob's 4 wives

Zilphah, Leah, Rachel, Bilhah

-Not religious denomination; concerned with Judaic political existence -917 British Government's Balfour Declaration established Jewish homeland in Palestine


Who does Moses marry?

Zipporah, daughter of Jethro the priest

What is a tallit?

a shawl with fringes at the corners, worn for prayer; usually white with blue stripes

What is a Sukkah?

a small shelter made from organic material; idea is to sleep outside with the harvest

Oral Divine Command Two Efforts:

a) Babylonian Talmud (6th Century) b) Jerusalem/Palestine Talmud (5th Century)

David wants to build a Temple ("house") for God; God doesn't want this kind of confinement and instead promises David...

an everlasting "house" in Jerusalem

What is Ur?

ancient city in Mesopotamia

*Covenants* Davidic

centralized political and religious center in Jerusalem of united kingdom of Israel

Samuel's sons were appointed ______ upon his death


Jewish state led by


What are the medieval four senses of scripture?

literal, allegorical, moral, anagogical (heavenly)

Through the prophet Samuel, God shows displeasure for....

peoples' desire for a king, which is seen as self-subjugation and a rejection of divine rulership; but God grants their insistent request to "be like other nations" politically

Jewish Liturgical community led by


Jewish Nation led by


By which name does the E source (author) refer to God? Where does E source most likely reside?

refers to God as God, and E most likely also resides in Judah or Israel.

By which name does the J source (author) refer to God? Where does J source most likely reside?

refers to God by the name of YHWH. J source resides in Judah.

Jewish Disciple community led by


What did the common use of "Temple" for Synagogue imply?

that these houses of worship were adequate for serving all the purposes the Jerusalem Temple once did

*Covenants* Mosaic

the Law/Torah and the priesthood

What is Exile?

the deportation of Jewish leaders from Jerusalem to Mesopotamia by conquering the Babylonians. It disrupted Israelites and marked the transition from an Israelite religion to Judaism. This marked the beginning of the Diaspora.

How is the Mishnah similar in form toe the Proverbs of the Tanakh?

this text constitutes a significant portion of the rabbinic tradition, or "oral Torah," which serves as a guide for interpreting and obeying the written Torah; in other words, this tradition of the Rabbis builds a "fence around the Law"

Does the P source (author) use the same name for God as source J or source E? What does the P stand for?

uses the same name for God as source E, because it follows the idea that the name YHWH wasn't known until Moses' time. The P stands for the Priests who wrote it.

Who is Rebekah?

wife of Isaac and mother of Jacob and Esau

Moses led by God in Exodus to

ordain his brother Aaron as first Priest

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