Religion Bowl...

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Which Apostle doubted Jesus and how did he find out Jesus had risen?

"Doubting" Thomas, Thomas didn't believe it until he touched Jesus's wounds in his hands & feet

What was the moral of the Parable of the Mustard seed?

"If you have faith of the side of a mustard seed, it will grow" (our faith will grow throughout our lives, we have the Holy Spirit & the sacraments to guide us)

Give one of the two phrases that are used as themes or mottoes for the Jubilee Year.

"Open wide to the door son Christ" & "Christ yesterday, today, & forever always"

What are the Great Commandments?

"love one another as I have loved you" // "love God with your heart, soul, & mind"

Name the 4 dioceses in KS.

(Archdioceses) KS City, Wichita, Salina, & Dodge City

Besides writing the Gospel According to John, which other books of the New Testament did St. John write?

1 John, 2 John, 3 John, & the Book

How long was John Paul I the pope?

1 month

List the 7 Spiritual Works of Mercy.

1. Counsel the Doubtful 2. Pray for the Living & Dead 3. Instruct the Ignorant 4. Admonish the Sinner 5. Forgive all Injuries 6. Comfort the Sorrowful 7. Bear Wrongs Patiently

What are the precepts of the church?

1. Fast & Abstain on days required 2. Go to mass on days required 3. Provide for the needs of the Church 4. Go to confession once a year 5. Receive communion once during the Easter season

List the 7 Corporal Works of Mercy.

1. Feed the Hungry 2. Give Drink to the Thirsty 3. Clothe the Naked 4. Shelter the Homeless 5. Bury the Dead 6. Visit the Sick 7. Visit the Imprisoned

List the parts of the mass in order.

1. Penitential Rite (Confiteor) 2. 1st Reading 3. Responsorial Psalm 4. Homily 5. Profession of Faith 6. Eucharistic Prayer 7. Lord's Prayer 8. Concluding Rite

List the 4 pillars of Stewardship.

1. Service 2. Formation 3. Prayer 4. Hospitality

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, there are four forms in which prayer can be categorized. Name at least 3.

1. praise, blessing or adoration 2. reparation, contrition, sorrow/asking forgiveness 3. thanksgiving or gratitude 4. petition or supplication

What are the roles of the Holy Spirit?

1. revealed to us in scripture 2. tradition 3. magisterium 4. consubstantial with the Father 5. we are to pray to the Holy Spirit

Why did the Word become Flesh?

1. to know God's love 2. to be our model of holiness 3. to save us

What was Bishop Jackels' Together Vision?

1. to promote unity between all parishes & diocese 2. raised money for remodeling the cathedral 3. raised money for the Katharine Drexel fund for low income schools

When did the Western Schism between the Churches in the East & the West occur?


When did the Crusades begin?


When was the first Holy Year, and who proclaimed it?

1300, Boniface VIII

During which century did the Popes reside in Avignon, France?


How many psalms are in the Bible?


When did Abraham live?

1850 BC

Name the year when Pope John Paul II became pope.


What happened during the story of the Road to Emmaus and how did they find out Jesus had risen?

2 disciples were walking on a road & talked about Jesus' death, then Jesus came up to them and talked about the events // the disciples asked Jesus to come and stay at their house and have a feast // when Jesus broke the bread at the feast, the disciples found out Jesus had risen

When did Noah live?

2000 BC

There have been how many ecumenical councils?


How many different kinds of Catholic Churches recognize the authority of the Pope in Rome?


How many books are in the New Testament?


How many pieces of silver did Judas rate Jesus for?


When was the Council of Nicea held?

325 AD

What are the dates of the Apostolic Age?

33-99 AD

How long had Lazarus been dead?

4 days

The first Church recognized apparition of Mary occurred when?

40 AD Spain to the Apostle James

How many books are in the OT?


How many books are in the Old Testament?


Which Crusade went off course, never reaching the Holy Land?


When does "Rose Sunday" occur?

4th Sunday of Lent/3rd Sunday of Advent

How many different Liturgical Rites are celebrated by various Catholic Churches?


Which commandment was committed: copying test answers from the person next to you.

7, You shall not Steal

For how long did the Popes reside in France during the Avignon Papacy?

70 years

How many books are in the Bible?


How many books are there in the Bible?


To take someone's property without their permission, what commandment is the sin against? (Include the #)

7th, You shall not Steal

Which commandment was committed: going on the internet to look at objection pictures.

9, You shall not covet your neighbor's wife

How large is the Vatican?

96 acres

Name the 3 items the Israelites carried in the Ark of the Covenant.

Aaron's staff, manna, & Ten Commandments

"Abbot" comes from what Greek word?


Which book of the Bible tell she early Church after the death of Christ?

Acts of the Apostles

According to the Book of Genesis, who is the father of the human race?


Name the only English pope.

Adrian IV

Name the Greek letters used to symbolize God's eternity.

Alpha & Omega

Who founded the Ursuline Order of teaching Sisters?

Angela Merici

Who is the mother of Mary?


What does AD stand for?

Anno Domini

Which feast does the Church observe on March 25?

Annunciation of the Lord

Name the saint who is known as the "Miracle Worker".

Anthony of Padua

What do we call the complete rejection of one's Catholic faith?


Name the doctrine for unbroken continuity between bishops & Apostles.

Apostle succession

Name the 3 languages Jesus spoke.

Aramaic, Hebrew, & Greek

As Moses & his followers journeyed to the Promise Land, the Ten commandments were kept in what container?

Ark of the Covenant

Name the two days of the year that Catholics are called to both fasting and abstinence?

Ash Wednesday & Good Friday

Which saint was a troubled child that eventually turned his ways, was the patron of Brews, overcame strong heresies, and was converted by St. Ambrose?


In which concentration camp, was St. Maximillian Kolbe put to death?


Who is our Mediatrix?


Nebuchadnezzar was the ruler of what empire?


What group destroyed Solomon's Temple in 587 BC?


Name the first American diocese.


Who was called the "Defender of the Indians"?

Bartolome de las Casas

What type of buildings were originally used by Romans to conduct business in?


What term means "seeing God face to face"?

Beatific Vision

Which saint was buried with St. Scholastica?


Name the pope who gave his name to a popular egg dish.

Benedict XIII

Which saint is the patron of illnesses and poverty, had asthma, and became a Sister of Charity?

Bernadette Soubirous

Who is known as the father of monastic theology?

Bernard of Clairvuax

What is the inspired word of God?


'Name the feast of Mary celebrated nine months after the feast of the Immaculate Conception.

Birthday of Mary, September 8

Name the feast of Mary celebrated nine months after the feast of the Immaculate Conception.

Birthday of Mary, September 8

Name America's first Catholic televangelist.

Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

Who is our Mediatrix?

Blessed Virgin Mary (BVM) or Mary

Which saint was known as the "apostle to Germany"?


Who was a missionary to Germany who held up a Bible to protect himself, in vain, from a barbarian's sword?


What's the longest book of the Bible?

Book of Psalms

Name the book of the Bible, written by John, which contains a message to churches in it's first part and a series of visions in it's second part.

Book of Revelation

Besides the Latin or Roman Rite of the Catholic Church, what other Rite of the Catholic Church has a community in Wichita?


Which Biblical figures were the first to make an offering to God?

Cain & Abel

Where Jesus performed his first miracle at the wedding.


Name the city where Christ spent most of his adult life preaching to the people.


What is the name of the national Catholic Cathedral in Washington DC?

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

Which saint was a doctor of the church and told the pope he should live in Italy, not Avignon France?

Catherine of Siena

What does CYM mean?

Catholic Youth Ministry

Which saint is the patron of musicians, was forced to marry, converted her husband, and had an angel protect her virginity?


By what name is Charles the Great, the first Holy Roman Emperor, better known?


Who was crowned Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire by the Pope on Christmas Day, 800 AD?


Who established the Holy Roman Empire?

Charlemagne/Charles the Great

Who was the patron saint of seminarians?

Charles Borromeo

What is the Greek monogram for Christ?

Chi Rho

Which saint was too sick to go to mass, but then saw the mass being performed on the wall, was attacked, and St. Francis helped her?

Chiara Offreduccio

What is the term referring to those countries which profess Christianity?


What was John XXIII's encyclical "Mater et Magistra" about?

Church as Mother & teacher

What do we call the container in which the consecrated hosts are stored that are reserved in the tabernacle?


Which order of monks cleared land from swampy marshes?


Who elects the new Pope?

College of Cardinals

Which sacrament gives us strength to profess our faith even under difficulties and persecutions to give good example to others?


Where is the phrase "through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault" added to the part of the mass?

Confiteor/Penitential Rite

Who was the first Christian Roman Emperor?


After the fall of the Roman Empire in western Europe, the center of Christianity shifted to the city of __________________


Which Church council called for Crusaders to free the Holy Land from the Moslem infidels?

Council of Clermont

Which church council solved the Western Schism?

Council of Constance

Name the Church council that allowed gentiles to join Christianity without converting to Judaism.

Council of Jerusalem

At which Church council was the method for determining Easter decided?

Council of Nicaea

At which council were the sacraments defined?

Council of Trent

Which church council was convened to discuss forms in the church following the Protestant Reformation?

Council of Trent

Which great Church council took place between 1545 & 1563?

Council of Trent

What was the Church's reaction to the Reformation called?


What is the name given to the officials who assist the pope/bishop?


Who were the 2 brothers who introduced Christianity into Russia?

Cyril & Methodius

Who coined the famous description of Mary's face as "the face that most resembled Christ"?


Name the classical medieval poem that has three parts called Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso.

Dante's Divine Comedy

What is the lowest body of water in the world?

Dead Sea

When is the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe?

Dec 12

What is the feast day of Juan Diego?

December 9

Which saint founded the Order of Preaching Friars?


What is the oldest Christian feast celebrated by the faithful?


When is Resurrection Sunday?


Where did the Holy Family flee to avoid Herod?


In the Old Testament, who was considered the "Father of the Prophets"?


Name the OT prophet that ascended into heaven in a chariot fire.


What Old Testament prophet was taken into heaven in a flaming chariot?


Which saint was the first Native-born citizen of the US to be canonized by the Catholic Church and dedicated her time to the poor?

Elizabeth Ann Seton

Who is the first North American-born saint?

Elizabeth Ann Seton, born in NYC

Jesus appeared to two unnamed disciples and explained how he fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies.


Who were Isaac's twin sons?

Esau & Jacob

What group of Jews was responsible for the Dead Sea Scrolls?


Who was the OT Jewish queen of Persia who saved her people from destruction?


Name the two sacraments instituted by Jesus at the Last Supper.

Eucharist & Holy Orders

What are the four major variations of this part of the Liturgy of the Eucharist that the priest can choose to use?

Eucharistic Prayer

What was the name of the city where Mary appeared to three shepherd children 1916 Portugal?


This miracle teaches us about the mass.

Feeding of 5000

Which saint was the 1st canonized American citizen?

Frances Xavier Cabrini

Which saint converted many people to the Catholic faith, was a Basque Roman Missionary, is the patron of missions, and died on the way to a mission in China?

Francis Xavier

Which saint was the patron saint of ecology and started the Order of Friar Minors/Franciscans?

Francis of Assisi

Who did the pope name the saint of ecology?

Francis of Assisi

Name 3 mendicant orders of monks & nuns, & define "mendicant".

Franciscans, Dominicans, Carmelites, Augustinians, Mendicant Order which begs for a living

What was the name of the place where Jesus endured His agony?

Garden of Gethsemane

What books made up the Pentateuch?

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, & Deuteronomy

What country is Pope Benedict from?


What is the part of the introductory rite that can be sung/spoken & isn't used during Lent?


What happened during "The Bread of Life"?

God gave his people manna, Jesus said he was the Bread of Life, & "Whoever eats & drinks my flesh will have an eternal life" (which means the sacrament of the Eucharist will help us get to heaven)

Who is God?

God is the supreme being who is the creator of heaven & earth

What does Emmanuel mean?

God is with us

What does "Emmanuel" mean?

God with us

Where was Jesus crucified?


When is the "Pasch for the Crucifix"?

Good Friday

Name the parable that Jesus taught to answer the question, "Who is my neighbor?"

Good Samaritan

We must always help others in need.

Good Samaritan

What type of church architecture began toward the end of the period of the Crusades?


What was the separation of most of the Eastern Churches from the Western Church in AD 1054?

Great Schism

What are the 2 main languages of the Bible?

Greek & Hebrew

Which popes were given the tile "the Great"?

Gregory, Leo, & Nicholas

Old Testament - Samuel's mother promised to dedicate Samuel to the Lord & then praised the Lord when she finally conceived. What was her name?

Hanna (Anna)

Which Renaissance king, who later broke from the Roman Church, wrote a powerful book entitled, "In defense of the Seven Sacraments"?

Henry VIII of England

Where did John Paul I get his name from?

His two predecessors, Pope John XXIII & Pope Paul VI

Which sacrament nourishes our love of God and one another and helps to overcome our natural selfishness?

Holy Eucharist

Name the 2 Sacraments celebrated on Holy Thursday.

Holy Orders, Eucharist

Name the 2 Sacraments gun on Holy Thursday.

Holy Orders, Eucharist

What did the crowd shout as Jesus rode into Jerusalem before the Passover?


Who started the Society of Jesus, was a former army-man, a missionary, and is the patron saint of education/educators?

Ignatius of Loyola

Name four ways Jesus is present in every Mass.

In the assembly, priest, Word proclaimed, in the Eucharist

What do we call the mystery of God becoming human?


Which mystery teaches us that Jesus is truly human & divine?


From the Old Testament, name the son born to Sarah, when she was 90 years old.


What were the names of Abraham's two sons?

Isaac & Ishmael

In which OT book are the "Suffering Servant" images that point to Jesus given?


What is the first & longest prophetic book of the Bible which contains the 4 Suffering Servant Songs?


What did God change Jacob's name to in the OT?


During the Apostolic Age, which apostle was the head of the Church in Jerusalem?


In the New Testament, who are the "sons of thunder"?

James & John

Who was the first Apostle to die a martyr's death?

James the Greater, AD 41

What are the 6 days of Holy Obligation?

Jan 1 - Solemnity of Mary (Mary Mother of God) Every Sunday - Resurrection of Jesus 7th Sunday of Easter - Ascension August 15 - the Assumption of Mary November 1 - All Saints Day December 25 - Christmas

What is the name given to the symbol of a large cross with a smaller cross in each of the four sections?

Jerusalem Cross

Name the religious order whose motto is "For the Greater Glory of God".


Which religious order was the first to establish Catholic schools & churches in Kansas?

Jesuits/Society of Jesus

Proclaiming the Kingdom of God was the mission of who?


What is the fulfillment of both the Old & New Covenant?


What words do the initials in the Ichthus stand for?

Jesus Christ Son of God Savior

What happened while Jesus was Waling on Water?

Jesus asked one of his Apostles to come out and walk on water with him, but the Apostle didn't have faith in Jesus, eventually, the Apostle started sinking & Jesus reached out his hand to him and said "wHaT LitTlE fAItH yOu hAVe"

What was the Feeding of 5000 about?

Jesus feeding 5k people with a couple loaves of bread & fish, this symbolized the mass

What did Simeon tell Mary in the Presentation in the Temple?

Jesus was the Son of God

What was the Parable of the Vine & Branches about? (I DON'T HAVE ALL THE INFO)

Jesus was the vine & God was the vine grower (??)

What happened during the Washing of Feet and when do we usually celebrate it?

Jesus washed his disciples feet to show he was a servant & wanted his disciples to be a servant // on Holy Thursday

Name the two times in the New Testament when God the Father spoke, saying, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased."

Jesus' Baptism & Transfiguration

Name the two times in the New Testament when God the Father spoke, saying, "This is my belovedSon, with whom I am well pleased."

Jesus' Baptism & Transfiguration

What was the Wedding at Cana?

Jesus' first miracle when he turned water to wine

What do the initials JMJ stand for?

Jesus, Mary, Joseph

Which saint was burned at stake for being charged of many crimes, is the patron saint of France, and had visions of Saints Michael, Catherine, and Margaret, speaking to her?

Joan of Arc

"The Lord gives & the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord." What Old Testament character spoke these words?


Which of the Apostles is symbolized with a goblet of snakes?


Which of the Gospels does not have an account of the Last Supper?


Which one of the gospels is not considered a synoptic gospel?


Which saint was the patron of magicians and helped kids learn their prayers in exchange for a magic trick?

John Bosco

Name the first American bishop of the US.

John Carroll

Name the only Catholic to ever be elected to Presidency of the US.

John F. Kennedy

Who founded the Catholic School System, was the patron saint of immigrants, was the first American man saint, and made over 200 Catholic schools?

John Neumann

Which saint was a pope, wrote many encyclicals, and took on John Paul I's name because of his early death?

John Paul II

Who was the last pope to be called a saint?

John Paul II

Who was the most recently canonized pope?

John Paul II

Who was the last pope to be called a saint?

John Paul II or John XXIII

Which pope called Vatican Council II/


Which pope called the Vatican Council II?


Who prepared the way for Jesus by proclaiming repentance?

John the Baptist

Who was the prophet who was told by God to go to Nineveh and tell the people to repent of their sins?


Who was sold by his brothers as a slave to Egypt?


Name the Jewish leader that offered his own tomb for the burial of Jesus.

Joseph of Arimathea

Name the man who gave his tomb for Jesus' burial.

Joseph of Arimathea

What do the initials JMJ stand for?

Joseph, Mary, Jesus

Name the 12 Fruits of the Holy Spirits.

Joy Patience Peace Self-Control Kindness Charity Gentleness Generosity Goodness Chastity Modesty Faithfulness

Name the 3 religions making up the "People of the Book".

Judaism, Christianity, Islam

Betrayed Jesus.


Whatever you do to the least of these, you do to me.

Judgement of Nations

What is the name of the cardinal virtue that helps us respect and protect rights of all?


Who was the first man to collect and write down the canon laws?


Which saint receives he inheritance of her rich family, donated it toward Native Americans and blacks, and founded Xavier University?

Katherine Drexel

Name the Israelite king who succeeded King David & built the magnificent temple in Jerusalem.

King Solomon

Name one group of soldier monks who fought in the Crusades.

King Templar/Knights of Malta

Name a group of soldier monks.

Knights Templar

What is the prayer at Mass that reminds us that Jesus died for our sins?

Lamb of God

Before the 2nd Vatican Council, what was the language of the Roman Rite Mass?


Most Americans belong to which rite of the Catholic Church?


Jesus resurrected him from the dead.


We must take care of the poor or risk suffering ourselves.

Lazarus & the rich man

Name the 9 popes of the 20th century in order.

Leo XIII, Pius X, Benedict XV, Pius XI, Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II

Name the first pope after St. Peter.


What is the most important part of the Mass?

Liturgy of the Eucharist

What is another name for the Divine Office?

Liturgy of the Hours/Breviary

What did Jesus use to teach his apostles to pray?

Lord's Prayer

Jesus leaving the 99 sheep to look for the one that was lost.

Lost Sheep

Which one of the gospels was written by a Gentile?


Give the Bible verse for the following, "Rejoice O highly favored daughter, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women."

Luke 1:28

Name the prayer that is called "Canticle of Mary".


Give the two dates when the Church honors St. Joseph (husband/spouse of Mary & the foster father of Jesus).

March 19/May 1

Which saint is the youngest saint, was raped by Alessandro, and was the only saint that had her mother (St. Monica) attend her canonization along with her rapist?

Maria Goretti

Which evangelist was the first to write his Gospel?


Which one of the gospels is the shortest and was written first?


Who were the 2 evangelists who were NOT Apostles.

Mark & Luke

Who were the 2 sisters of Lazarus?

Martha & Mary

Who is the "Mediatrix of all Grace"?


Which repenant sinner washed Jesus' feet with her tears, dried them with her hair, and anointed them with costly perfume?

Mary Magdalen

Who was the first person to see Jesus after His resurrection?

Mary Magdalen

Who found Jesus' tomb empty?

Mary Magdalene

What was Mary Magdalene told to do and who told her?

Mary Magdalene was told to tell the disciples & Apostles Jesus had risen, the angels had told her

Name the Patroness of the US.

Mary as the Immaculate Conception

What happened during the Visitation?

Mary visited Elizabeth

When we are in Year A of the cycle of Lectionary readings at mass, which gospel will we be primarily reading from?


Name 4 evangelists.

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

Replaced Judas as one of the apostles.


Which apostle was chosen to replace Judas?


Who replaced Judas as an Apostle?


Where did a group of young people report to have visions of the Blessed Mother in the late 1900's?


Who was the king of Salem who prefigures Christ as a priest?


What is the area between the Tigris & Euphrates Rivers called?


What's the Hebrew word meaning "anointed one".


In the Book of Exodus, who was the sister of Moses?


Name the vessel that holds the Blessed Sacrament during Adoration.


What vessel is used for exposition of the Blessed Sacrament?


In the Old Testament, who spoke to God "face to face"?


Who is the main character in Exodus?


Name the two Old Testament figures that appeared with Christ at the Transfiguration.

Moses & Elijah

What did the Vatican II proclaim Mary to be?

Mother of the Church

Another name for Mt. Sinai?

Mt. Horeb

Where did the Sermon on the Mount happen and what was given?

Mt. Sinai, the Beatitudes

It only takes a little faith to accomplish anything.

Mustard Seed

Name the last step in the RCIA process which is a time for sharing the Eucharist & serving of others.


Name the "new" mysteries of the Rosary that were added by Pope John Paul II in 2002.

Mysteries of Light

Name the Roman emperor who began the persecution of the Christians.


Name the heresy that states that Mary was the mother of the human Jesus, but not the Mother of God.


Name the 4 councils of the early Church which clarified the Catholic teachings regarding heresies.

Nicaea, Constantinople, Ephesus, Chalcedon

Define Hebrew Scripture.

Old Testament

Explain the Four Marks of the Church.

One - All its members profess the Pope Holy - The Church is Holy because it was founded by Jesus, who is all-holy, and because it teaches holy doctrines and provides the means of leading a holy life Catholic - The Church is universal and continues to teach all nations all the truths revealed by God Apostolic - The Catholic Church was founded by Christ on the apostles & has always been governed by their lawful successors

Name the popular Lenten parish program of the Catholic Relief Services.

Operation Rice Bowl

Name the Catholic Bishop & martyr from El Salvador, in Central America.

Oscar Romero

Name the patroness of Americas

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Name the saint, canonized in 2002, who bore the stigmata.

Padre Pio

What is the name of the doctrine that the Pope is free for error in matters of faith and morals?

Papal Infallibility

What is the term that refers to the truth that the Pope is divinely preserved from error when defining a doctrine about faith & morals?

Papal Infallibility

What do we call the Pope's representative to the US government?

Papal Pro-Nuncio

Christ's suffering, death, and resurrection.

Paschal Mystery

What is the Latin title for the Our Father?

Pater Noster

Who was known as the "second founder of Christianity"?


Who wrote the most Epistle?


Who wrote the most Epistles?


Who was the first Pope to visit the US?

Paul VI

The Kingdom of God is worth sacrificing everything for.

Pearl of Great Price

Which apostle had been married?


Name some of the 12 Apostles.

Peter (Simon), Andrew, James the Great, James the Less, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, Jude ,Judas, (Matthias replaced Judas)

Who introduced the concept of scholastic theology?

Peter Abelard

Who witnessed the Transfiguration of Jesus?

Peter, James the Greater, & John

Who witnessed the Transfiguration of Jesus?

Peter, James, & John

What is the title given to Michelangelo's sculpture, located at St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, of Mother Mary with Jesus in her arms?


What is the title given to Michelangelo's sculpture, located at St. Peter's Basilica, of Mary holding Jesus in her arms?


Name the KS hometown of Father Emil Kapaun.


Which pope called Vatican Council I?

Pius IX

Which pope was known as the "Pope of the Eucharist" because of his promotion of Holy Communion at the early age & often?

Pius X

Who was the most recently canonized pope?

Pius X

Who was the Roman procurator who handed Jesus over to be crucified?

Pontius Pilate

Name the Franciscan Order for women.

Poor Clares

What persons make up the Magisterium?

Pope & bishops in communion with him

Who is Joseph Ratzinger?

Pope Benedict XVI

Which pope revised the calendar we use today?

Pope Gregory XIII

Name the Pope who called the 2nd Vatican Council.

Pope John XXIII

Who called Vatican II?

Pope John XXIII

Name the 2 popes canonized on April 27, 2014.

Pope John XXIII & Pope John Paul II

Which Pope called the Second Vatican Council to renew the life & mission of the church?

Pope John XXIII (23)

Name the pope awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Lydon Johnson.

Pope John XXIII - for his work behind the scenes in the Cuban Missle Crisis

What is the name of the pope who convened the Second Vatican Council?

Pope John the 23rd

Name the Pope who called the 1st Vatican Council.

Pope Pius IX

Who was known as the Pope of the Eucharist?

Pope Pius X

Which pope is known for promoting the reception of the Eucharist more often and for making communion available to children?

Pope Plus the Tenth

Who was Joseph's wife (Joseph the Patriarch aka coat of many colors)?


Who was Joseph's wife?


What do we call the 6 laws of the Church?

Precepts of the Church

Where did Simeon say to Mary "a sword will pierce thy own soul"?

Presentation in the Temple

Name the 2 sisters married to Jacob.

Rachel & Leah

Who did Isaac marry?


What is the Latin tile for the 1881 encyclical of Pope Leo the 13th on the rights of the worker?

Rerum Novarum

What did the peacocks on the tomb of the early Christians symbolize?


What is the name given to the Roman congregation that assists the Pope in the government of the universal Church?

Roman Curia

Who assists the pope?

Roman Curia

Name 2 personal devotions which began during the Middle Ages.

Rosary, Stations of the Cross, Nativity Scene

What do we call the revealed truths taught by Christ & His apostles, which were given to the Church by word of mouth and not through the Bible?

Sacred Tradition

Name the 4 great Fathers of the church who are featured near the dome of our cathedral:

Saints Augustine, Jerome, Gregory, & Ambrose

Name the 4 saints given the tile "Great" by our Church:

Saints Basil, Gregory, Leo, & Albert

Which religious order did John Bosco found?

Salesian Fathers & Sisters

Which religious order was founded by St. John Bosco?

Salesian Order

In which book of the OT does David slay Goliath?

Samuel 1

Who anointed Saul as the first king of Israel?

Samuel the prophet

Name the ruling body which plotted against Jesus.


Who was Ab's wife?


By what name was St. Paul known to before his conversion?


What was St. Paul's name before his conversion?


What do we call the deliberate refusal of a Catholic to submit the authority of the Pope?


When is the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows celebrated on?

Sept 15

Name the Jewish prayer recited twice a day.


Who was the saint who helped Jesus carry his cross?


What order of Sisters did St. Elizabeth Ann Seton found?

Sisters of Charity

What cities did God tell Lot & his family to leave because He was going to destroy them by fire since the people were so wicked?

Sodom & Gomorrah

Jesus will always present his message but it will fall on fertile ears.

Sower of Seeds

Name the Louisiana nun well-known for her work in opposition to the death penalty.

Sr. Helen Prejean, CSJ

Who is the patron saint of the Universal Church?

St Joseph, husband of Mary

Who was St. Thomas Aquinas' teacher that was also the patron saint of natural scientists?

St. Albert the Great

Name the Father of the Church who converted ST. Augustine.

St. Ambrose

Which apostle is the patron saint of Scotland and was martyred by being crucified on an X-shaped cross?

St. Andrew

Which priest known as one of the founders for monasticism lived as a hermit for 33 years of his life?

St. Anthony of Egypt

Which saint is credited with founding monasticism?

St. Anthony of the Desert

Who wrote City of God?

St. Augustine

Who wrote the City of God?

St. Augustine

Name the young girl associated with Lourdes, France, who saw apparitions of Mary.

St. Bernadette

What saint, a young girl, is associated with Lourdes, France?

St. Bernadette

Which saint wrote to Pope Gregory in 1373 and urged him to return the papacy to Rome from Avignon, France?

St. Catherine of Siena

What saint wrote an alphabet that is named for him?

St. Cyril

Name the saint who was crucified on the right side of Jesus, he showed sorrow for his sins.

St. Dismas (the Good Thief)

Who was the founder of the religious order known as the Preaching Friars?

St. Dominic

Which Polish sister of the 1930s began the Divine Mercy devotion & was recently canonized by Pope John Paul II?

St. Faustina

Which Jesuit saint was a missionary to India & Japan in the 16th century?

St. Francis Xavier

Which American saint, the first American citizen to be canonized, lies in a glass coin in NYC, where she helped the poor, especially the Italian immigrants?

St. Francis Xavier-Cabrini

Name the saint who started the tradition of the Nativity scene at Christmas.

St. Francis of Assisi

Who did Pope John Paul II name as patron saint of ecology?

St. Francis of Assisi

Which Pope introduced the practice of reciting the "Our Father" and preaching homilies at Mass?

St. Gregory the Great

What saint was the mother of Constantine?

St. Helena

What saint is credited with finding the true cross of Jesus?

St. Helena the mother of Constantine

Which bishop was the first to call the Church catholic?

St. Ignatius

Who first translated the Bible into Latin?

St. Jerome

Name the official Cathedral of the Pope.

St. John Lateran

Name the Redemptorist priest credited with founding the Catholic school systems the US.

St. John Neumann

Who is known as the "herald of the Messiah"?

St. John the Baptist

Who is the patron saint of the Universal Church?

St. Joseph

Name the first Native American to be beatified.

St. Kateri Tekakwitha

The phrase, "Totus Tuis", which refers to the devotion to the will of God through Mary, originated with who?

St. Louis Marie de Montfort

Who wrote the Acts of the Apostles?

St. Luke

Which saint introduced the devotion to the Sacred Heart?

St. Margaret Mary

Who was the youngest canonized saint & the only saint to have her mother present at her canonization?

St. Maria Goretti

Where is the largest church in the world that is dedicated to Mary?

St. Mary Major in Rome

Which saint's feast day is Aug. 27 and is recognized as the patron saint of mothers & widows?

St. Monica

Name the patron saint of children, sailors & pawnbrokers.

St. Nicholas

Who was the first Christian writer to urge the abolishment of slavery?

St. Patrick---he had been a slave in Ireland

Name the largest cathedral in NYC.

St. Patricks

Name the patron saint of cancer patients.

St. Peregrine

Where is Michelangelo's statue the "Pieta" located?

St. Peter's Basilica

Name the saint who lived in Kansas & was called "the woman who always prays" by the Indians.

St. Rose Phillippine Duchesne (do-shane)

Who was the first saint of the Americas to be canonized?

St. Rose of Lima

Who was the first martyr after Christ rose from the dead?

St. Stephen

Who was the first martyr?

St. Stephen

Who was the first martyr and how did he die?

St. Stephen - stoned to death

Who was the first woman saint to be named a Doctor of the Church?

St. Teresa of Avila

Which saint was known for her "little way" and said that when she die & went to heaven, she would send down a shower of roses?

St. Therese of Lisieux/St. Therese the Child of Jesus

Who wrote the Summa Theological?

St. Thomas Aquinas

The first martyr.


Name the 3 saints which spoke to St. Joan of Arc.

Sts. Catherine, Michael, Margaret

Name the 4 great Latin Doctors of the Church. They are depicted on the dome of the Cathedral here in Wichita.

Sts. Jerome, Gregory the Great, Augustine, & Leo the Great

Who are the 3 woman doctors of the Church?

Sts. Teresa of Avila, Catherine of Siena, & Therese of Liseux (luh-sue)

What is the most ancient formal prayer to Mary?

Sub Tulum Praesidium

You shouldn't hide your gifts, but share them.


What does the phrase "we are all created in the image of God" mean?

Temple of the Holy Spirit

Name the 4 cornerstones of the Catholic Church.

Ten Commandments, Our Father, Creed, & Sacraments

Which saint was the first woman doctor of the church?

Teresa of Avila

During the French Revolution, what were French priests force to sign?

The Civil Constitution of the Clergy, which meant they supported the Revolution

What do we call the movement which weeks to unite Christians everywhere?

The Ecumenical Movement

At which point is the apex/high point of the mass?

The Great Amen

Which saint was known as "The Little Way/Little Flower" because she did ordinary acts for God?

Therese of Lisieux

Doubted that Jesus rose from the dead until he touched his wounds.


Which saint wrote the Summa Theological, was called the Dumb Ox, and is the patron saint of writers?

Thomas Aquinas

Who wrote "Utopia" about our perfect home in Heaven?

Thomas More

Name 2 English men who became martyrs after they refused to follow Henry VIII's Act of Supremacy making himself head of the English Church.

Thomas More & Bishop Fisher

Jesus being transformed in front of three apostles and two Old Testament prophets.


Name the medieval prohibition of war on holy days & during Advent & Lent.

Truce of God

God will always forgive us so we must forgive others.

Unforgiving Servant

Name the library where the documents of all the popes are kept.

Vatican Archives

Who was the saint who wiped Jesus' face with a cloth on his way to Calvary?


What do we call the reception of the Holy Eucharist by one who is dying?


Which saint gave to others and did charity work?

Vincent de Paul

What do Muslims share our belief in?

Virgin Birth

The standard Latin translation of the Bible is known by what name?


Teaches us never to doubt the power of Jesus.

Walking on Water

When the College of Cardinals convenes to elect a new Pope, what sign do they give to the world to show a new Pope has been elected?

White smoke

What title is used when addressing the Pope?

Your Holiness

The tax collector Jesus called out of a tree & forgave his sins.


What happened in the Parable of Zacchaeus the Tax Collector?

Zacchaeus was a sinner and told Jesus he'd sell his possessions to the poor to forgive his sins, & Jesus forgave him

Who were the parents of John the Baptist?

Zechariah & Elizabeth

Who did Moses marry?


What does the term Black Madonna refer to?

a Polish icon which has become black from years of exposure to soot & other elects and an entire school of images in which the icons & statues of Mary have dark skin

While the Church is the suitable place for parish community prayer, what is suitable for personal prayer?

a corner/space with Sacred Scriptures & sacred images

What do most icons of Mary often show her wearing?

a red robe & a blue mantle

What is the Aramaic won for "father"?


What is the Aramaic word for "father"?


What was the Judgement of Nation about?

about how Jesus told his disciples "You do unto others, you do unto me" which means what you do/don't do to others, you don't provide for Jesus/God // corporal works

Define Inspiration.

action of Holy Spirit enabling the human author of the Bible to make no errors

What is a Concordat?

agreement between Pope & other ruler

Who are the saints and when is their feast day?

all persons in heaven and November 1

What began the Great Schism?

an unstable pope, Urban VI, was elected; then cardinals elected another pope - an antipope - which moved to France

What happened during the Annunciation?

angel Gabriel announced to Mary she'll be Jesus' mother

Name 5 levels of angels.

angels, archangels, cherubim, seraphim, powers, thrones, dominions, virtues, principalities

What does the Greek word Christos mean?

anointed one

What is the meaning of the word "Christ"?

anointed one

Who were the "fishers of men"?


What is the word for spiritual athlete?


When does the Holy Spirit first come to us?

at Baptism

When did Jesus say, "Do this in remembrance of me"?

at the Last Supper

Denial of the existence of God is known by what name?


Why is the Red Sea named as it is?

because it was originally named for the reeds which grew in it

What is deism?

belief in a god who has no interest in his creation

Name 5 of the 7 plagues that happened to Egypt.

boils, hail, gnats, flies, locusts, frogs, first born, darkness, water turned to blood

The world Bible comes from the Greek word billion meaning...


What is a schism?

breaking away from the Catholic church

What is simony?

buying & selling of church offices

What is the name of sin that ruins a person's good name by the telling of lies?


What is the name for Church law?

canon law

What is the name for the vessel used for wine and water at the consecration of the Mass?


Name the administrative office of the diocese, where the ordinary business is conducted.


What provides for the proper living of one's sexuality in the context of your vocation?


What is "lay investiture"?

clergy is put under control of lay people

Two or more priests saying Mass together are called what?


What were the 2 outcomes of the Council of Nicea?

condemnation of the Arian heresy and the Nicene Creed

What is the breviary?

contains the prayers of the divine office

Define Temperance.

controlling our desires & using correctly the things which please our senses

What does the word "Testament" mean?


What is a solemn binding agreement between God & Man?


What is a "cloistered" order?

cut off from the world

Where did the devil tempt Jesus?


Define infallibility.

doctrine stating Church is free from error when defining faith or morals

Define Virgin Birth.

doctrine stating Mary was preserved from all sin including original sin

Define Trinity.

doctrine stating that in One God are 3 Persons, equal and distinct

What does the Eastern Orthodox Church refer to Mary's Assumption into heaven as?


What are the letters called?


What are the letters of the New Testament called?


Give the term that means: direct intervention to end the life of people who are terminally ill.


What is the subject of the encyclical "Rerum Novarum"?

fair & just wages & working conditions

What symbol did the early Christians use as a secret sign of their faith?


What is having the courage to do the right thing even when it will have painful consequences?


What are the 4 lit. forms of the New Testament?

gospels, letters, history, prophecy

Which color of liturgical vestments symbolizes hope?


Define Tradition.

handing down of faith by word, custom, & example

What positive effect did the Roman Emperor Theodosius have on the Church?

he made Christianity the official religion of the whole Empire

How was Peter killed?

he was crucified upside-down

During the Last Supper, how did Jesus show the apostles how they were to love & serve one another.

he washed their feet

What did Judas say at the Last Supper?

he wouldn't betray Jesus

What was the moral Parable of the Good Samaritan?

help others i need, care for them, and don't ignore others in need

What are the 5 literary forms of the Old Testament?

history, law, prophecy, prayer, wisdom

What word from the Old Testament means "burnt offering"?


What is another name for sermon?


We expect & desire from God both eternal life & the grace we need to attain it.


What did the Prodigal Son symbolize?

humanity sinning and how we confess our sins and ask for forgiveness by God & repent

Name some of the Capital Virtues (7).

humility, generosity, chastity, meekness, temperance, love of others, diligence

What was the moral of the Parable of the Sewer & the Seed?

if someone does good, more will come from it, the seed symbolizes God's word, the sower symbolizes God // (Soil - us) if the seed is thrown onto healthy soil, the healthy soil understands & includes God's word in their lives // hard & rocky ground - they do not incorporate God's word in their lives

What was the moral of Jesus Walking on Water?

if you have faith in God, he'll give you all you need, & Jesus has power

Name one of the two occasions in the last 150 years when the Pope has defined a Dogma, which we as Catholics, met believe?

in 1854, Pope Pius IX defined the doctrine of Mary's Immaculate Conception. IN 1950, Pope Pius XIII defined the doctrine of Mary's Assumption into Heaven

Where was Jesus tempted by the devil?

in the desert

What was the name of the Catholic court which examined charges of heresy during the Middle Ages?


What happens with the book of John since it isn't a synoptic Gospel?

it is spread among 3 of the synoptic Gospels

What was the parable of the Prodigal Son about?

it was about how a son wasted all his father's money and became poor, eventually, came back to his father and asked forgiveness (throughout all of this, the son's brother was jelly af)

What is the constant & firm will to give their due to God & neighbor?


What name is given to all baptized faithful who are neither bishops, priests, deacons nor members of religious orders?


Name 3 foods eaten at Passover which are symbolic.

lamb, bitter herbs, unleavened bread

What does Vulgate mean?

language of the people

What does Isaac mean?


Define encyclical.

letter from the pope to the whole church

The earliest record of a flower named after Mary is?


Name 4 categories of saints:

martyrs, apostles, confessors, evangelists

Name the 4 categories of saints.

martyrs, confessors, evangelists, & apostles

What's the memorial of the Last Supper?


What is a synod?

meeting of Bishops

What is the name given to traveling religious orders that shared the faith with a dedication to poverty & simplicity of life?

mendicant orders

What is a person called who chooses to bring Christ to other lands?


What encourages purity & chastity in one's words, actions, & dress?


What was the outcome of the Western Schism?

multiple popes for several years

What is the central aisle of the church called?


What is a bishop expected to do on or about his 75th birthday?

offer his resignation to the pope

The Church that the primary religious educators of children are who?


What should we do as a parish steward?

participate in the sacraments

In 1054, a schism occurred between the Roman church and Orthodox church in the East. What is the title of the leader of the Orthodox church?


In 1054 a schism occurred between the Roman Church and the Orthodox Church in the East. What was the title of the leader of the Orthodox, and where did he reside?

patriarch, Constantinople

Name the Latin word for peace.


What is it called to speak a falsehood while under oath?


Who adopted Moses?

pharaoh's daughter

What was the profession of ST. Luke?


Who is the Vicar of Christ?


What is the raising of one's heart & mind to God?


Name at least four of the 7 capital sins.

pride, gluttony, wrath, envy, lust, sloth, avarice

What disposes a person to discern the good and choose the correct means to accomplish it?


Define Liturgy.

public worship of Church including the Mass, Sacraments, & Liturgy of the Hours

What are the liturgical colors?

purple green, red, white, black, rose

What is the container for communion of the sick called?


What are the small chapels around the inside of a large cathedral called?

radiating chapels

What color vestment does the priest wear on Pentecost?


What is the term for a piece of saint's body or clothing?


What was the outcome of the Edict of Milan?

religious freedom for Christians

Define indulgence:

remission of time in purgatory due to certain actions, prayers, etc.

What is all that God has told us about himself and his plan for us?


Define Prudence.

right judgement about what we must and must not do

Which Catholic devotion is closely associated with St. Dominic & the Dominicans?


Define Covenant.

sacred agreement between God and his people

Vestments & altar linens are stored in a special room where the priest vests for mass. Name this room.


In which part of the church is the altar found?


What is the Parousia?

second coming of Christ

What happened when Mary found Jesus in the temple?

she found he was teaching

What is "theophany"?

showing forth of God

What is a deliberate thought, word, deed, or omission contrary to the law of God?


Why do we end a prayer with "Amen"?

since Amen means "Yes, I believe"

Why is Mary called the "new Eve"?

since Eve's disobedience brought death, by Mary's obedience to God's plan for salvation, Mary became "the new Eve"

Why is Mary called "Blessed Virgin Mary"?

since Mary conceived without a human father, she remained a virgin her entire life before, during, & after the birth of Jesus

Why do Catholics honor Mary as the greatest of all saints?

since she is the Mother of God & Jesus

What was the moral of the Pearl of Great Prize?

sometimes we need to sacrifice everything to go to Heaven ? ? ?

What did the Ark of the Covenant contain?

stone tablets with the 10 Commandments

Define Salvation History.

story of God's loving relationship with His people and their response to Him

Define Fortitude.

striving to do good in spite of any difficulty

Give the name for a gathering of bishops that is outside a full ecumenical council.


What name is given to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke?


Define Magisterium.

teaching authority of the Church

What moderates our natural desires & provides balance?


What did Jesus tell Peter and what did it mean?

tend my sheep & lamb - meant Peter will lead the church and become the first pope

What important decision was made at the Council of Jerusalem?

that a gentile did not need to become a Jew in order to then become a Christian

What happened during the Epiphany?

the 3 kings visited Jesus and brought him gifts

Who were the Fishers of Men?

the Apostles

Define Church.

the Baptized People of God, Body of Christ, alive and acting in the World

What are the earliest surviving Biblical manuscripts?

the Dead Sea Scrolls

What is the "Good News"?

the Gospel

Why did the early Christians use the symbol of the fish as a secret sign of their faith?

the Greek word for fish stands for "Jesus Christ God's Son Savior"

Which book has the most direct references to Mary?

the Koran

What is the name of the beautiful prayer that Mary sang when she went to visit Elizabeth and being with the words "My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior"?

the Magnificat

Which mysteries of the rosary were added by Pope John Paul II in 2002?

the Mysteries of Light

Devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help has been promoted by which religious order?

the Redemptorists

What is the crowning mystery of our Christian faith?

the Resurrection

What are the writers of the Gospels called?

the evangelists

What is "conciliarism"?

the heretical belief that councils, not the Pope, hold the supreme authority in the Church

What is scholasticism?

the intellectual explanation of faith

Name the traditional gesture which symbolizes the conferring of ministry.

the laying of hands

What was the moral of the Parable of the Lost Sheep?

the lost sheep resembles us & the shepherd is God, one of the sheep wandered away and was lost, the shepherd left the other 99 sheep to find the lost sheep // the lost sheep symbolized sinners, & meant Jesus loves us

What is polygamy?

the marrying of multiple spouses

According to Jesus, who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?

the one who serves the needs of all

Define Paschal Mystery.

the passion, death, Resurrection, & Ascension of Jesus

What was the moral of the Persistent Widow? (NOT SURE IF THIS IS CORRECT)

the persistent widow kept asking the judge to pray (???)

Define catechumenate.

the process of becoming a Catholic

What do we call an object, word, or action given by the Church that can make us holy by the prayers of the Church and the way in which we use them?

the sacramental

Define theology.

the study of God

Define grace.

the supernatural of God's life in us

What types of Gospels are Matthew, Mark, & Luke?

the synoptic Gospels

What word means "appearance of God"?


What do Catholics have blessed on the Feast of St. Blaise?


What was Jacob's trick?

to feed Esau a bowl of food (since he was starving) in trade for Esau's birth right

Why were the Courts of the Inquisition established?

to fight the Albigensian heresy

What was the moral of the Unforgiving Servant?

to forgive others & don't hold grudges (God forgives us, so we should forgive others)

Define Justice.

to give everyone what belongs to him

What is Mary's role in the salvation of humanity?

to give us Jesus - leading us to Him, showing us how to live & interceding on our behalf

What was the purpose of the Peace of God & the Truce of God during the Middle Ages?

to limit fighting to certain times & to certain people

What was the moral of the Parable of Talents?

to use your gifts wisely, use your talents & share them (stewardship)

State the Benedictine motto.

to work is to pray

What was the name for the priestly practice of shaving part of the head to symbolize the crown of thorns?


Define Communion of Saints.

union of faithful on earth, souls in Purgatory, & saints in heaven

What is a habitual & firm disposition to do good?


Name the symbolic action ritually observed on Holy Thursday.

washing of feet

What are the 3 types of Baptism?

water, desire, blood

What is the Ascension and when does it happen?

when Jesus rises to Heaven, 40 days after Easter

What was the Transfiguration?

when Jesus showed of his divine power, Elijah represented the prophets & Moses represented the law, Peter, James, & John witnessed his Transfiguration

What was Pentecost?

when the Holy Spirit descended among Mary & the Apostles to give them strength

When are we not bound to obey the law?

when the law is immoral

When the College of Cardinals convenes to elect a new Pope, what sign do they give to the world to show a new Pope has been elected?

white smoke

Name at least 3 of the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

wisdom, knowledge, understanding, counsel, fortitude, piety, fear of the Lord

The custom of the Advent Wreath is not originally Catholic. Where & with whom did it originate?

with German Lutherans

Martyr comes from what Greek word?


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