religion chapter 1

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Father; destination; faith; presence; guidance

God is our loving ____________ who is in charge, directing us to our __________________. We need to have ___________ and enjoy the life journey by recalling God's ______________ and _________________ and by helping others on our journey together.


true or false: A covenant is an open-ended contract of love in which God commits himself totally to human beings.

false (can -> cannot)

true or false: Although human reason cannot discover that God exists, left to itself it can get a true picture of who God really is -- a mystery.


true or false: Baptism erases Original Sin and restores our relationship with God.


true or false: Deism is the belief that God created the universe but that he takes no further interest in it.


true or false: Jesus Christ was the climax of Salvation History because he is the fullness of God's Revelation.


true or false: The Bible is inerrant -- It contains no errors.

false (Sinai -> with Abraham)

true or false: The Sinai covenant involved circumcision for Jewish males as a way to set apart the people God would form from Abraham's descendants.


true or false: To say that God is omnipotent means that he is almighty, his power is unlimited.

library; writings; authors; nothing

Sacred Scripture is like a ____________ of divinely inspired ___________. God used human _____________ to put writing what he wanted written, and _____________ more.

sinful; Chosen People; History; Messiah

God never abandoned his __________ creatures. He created the __________________ and was passionately faithful to them. The high point of Salvation ______________ was his promise to send a ___________.

deposit; Scripture; Tradition

God reveals himself through a single "______" of faith, found in both the Sacred _____________ and in the Sacred ______________ of the Church.

It shows that God is not some impersonal force but one who creates everything out of nothing and keeps it in existence.

If a name expresses a person's inner identity, how should we understand the name of "Yahweh?"

There are signs all around us that point to God. Intelligent people can discover these signs, reflect on them, and reasonably conclude that they point to a Supreme Being. Some of these signs appeal to the intellect, others appeal to the heart or feelings.

If there is no ironclad way to prove God's existence, how can human beings know God? Explain.

~ God is unique ~ God is infinite and omnipotent ~ God is eternal ~ God is immense ~ God contains all things ~ God is immutable ~ God is utterly simple -- a pure spirit ~ God is personal ~ God is holy

List and briefly describe, the nine attributes of God explained by St. Thomas Aquinas.

~ God freely created an orderly and good world out of nothing. ~ God is totally beyond us. At the same time, God is present to us, upholding and sustaining creation. ~God guides creation through divine providence. ~ God created humans in his image and likeness. ~God created us male and female out of love and for love. ~ God is the creator of all that is seen and unseen. ~Though essentially good because God made us, humans are tainted with sin. ~Through Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit, God invites us into a personal relationship with him.

List eight truths taught by divine revelation.

Everything Comes from Something

Match St. Thomas Aquinas's proofs for God's existence with the description below. Nothing creates something.

Grand Designer

Match St. Thomas Aquinas's proofs for God's existence with the description below. The symmetry, beauty, and power in the world.

Supreme Model

Match St. Thomas Aquinas's proofs for God's existence with the description below. We can only speak of degrees of goodness, truth, and beauty by comparing them to a reference point.

The Unmoved Mover

Match St. Thomas Aquinas's proofs for God's existence with the description below. Whatever is in motion had to be moved by something else.

First Cause

Match St. Thomas Aquinas's proofs for God's existence with the description below. Nothing causes itself.

Both Scripture and Tradition firmly teach that the Triune God created to redeem his creatures from their sin. (redeem his creatures from their sin -> show forth and communicate his glory)

One of these statements is false. Which is the false one? ~Both Scripture and Tradition firmly teach that the Triune God created to redeem his creatures from their sin. ~ Creation is the result of God's love, wisdom, and great desire to share his beauty, truth, goodness, and life. ~ The first verse of the Bible says that God is the Creator of all that exists outside of himself.

creation; beautiful world; Adam and Eve; Original Sin; covenants

Salvation history begins with the ____________ of the first humans and the _____________________ we live in. But ___________________ disobeyed God and committed the ____________________, falling out of friendship with God. But God does not abandon his creatures, rather, he established a series of ________________ with humankind.

mystery; visible; sent by the Father

The Blessed Trinity is the central ____________ of faith. This mystery revels that Jesus is the ____________ image of God the Father and that the Holy Spirit is _____________________ in the name of the Son.

mystery; omnipotent; understanding; Holy One; love

The name "Yahweh" acknowledges God's ____________. His _________________ and eternal nature is beyond human ______________. He reveals himself to be the ____________ in our midst whose only motive for revealing himself is his totally free gift of ________.

great religions; 50

The number of people who belong to the world's ___________________ attests to his belief. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam together claim more than _____ percent of the world's population.

Adam and Eve; friendship; misuse; disobedience

Genesis tells how ________________ rejected God's love, resulting in humankind's loss of his ____________. Their Original Sin was their ___________ of their God-given freedom and their ________________ in not relying on his goodness.

Trinity; Father; Jesus; Holy Spirit

God has revealed himself as a ____________ of Persons. God the _______________ is the first person of the Blessed Trinity. The Father named _____________ as his Son and God the Son revealed that the father would send the _______________ in his name.

Sacred Tradition; Gospel message; teaching; Apostles; faith

________________ is the living transmission of the Church's _______________, found in the Church's ______________, life and worship. The ____________ were the first to receive the gift of ____________ and they in turn entrusted it to their successors.


true or false: It is right and proper to cal God "Father," but it is also proper to use images of motherhood to emphasize God's closeness to us.

false (we -> Jesus Christ)

true or false: Only we have the powers to free ourselves from sin.

Apostles; Word; authority; bishops; Magisterium

Christ commissioned the _____________ to interpret authentically God's ____________. This teaching ___________ extended to the Pope and _______________ in communion with him and is known as the _______________________.

inclination; weakened; condition; evil

Concupiscence, the ____________ to sin, is a consequence of the fallen human nature we have ______________. Due to Original Sin we are born into a _________________ where we are inclined to surrender to the powers of _________ in the world.

existance; worshiped; 90; world

Few questions are more important than the question of God's ______________. Through history, the vast majority of people have ________________ some kind of deity. Today over _______ percent of people around the __________ believe in some type of God.

a person who denies the existence of God.

What is an atheist?

Monotheistic religions believe in only one god, while polytheistic religions believe in multiple gods and goddesses.

What is the difference between a monotheistic religion and a polytheistic religion?

~Scientists have yet to explain how life could have evolved from matter. ~Statisticians say it is virtually impossible for intelligent, human life to appear by mere chance. ~When we look at the course of human development, we can detect a hidden but powerfully present Intelligence that is leading and guiding us.

What three insights can we gain from asking the question: "How did we humans get here?"

the immediate loss of the grace of Original Holiness and Justice received from God.

What was the consequence of Original Sin?

1.6; atheists; 2.4; agnostics; known

A recent study found that ______ percent of Americans claim to be __________, while _______ percent describe themselves as ________________, someone who claims that God's existence cannot be ___________.

desire; heart; God; yearning

According to the CCC, the __________ for God is written in the human ____________, because man is created by God and for ________. We can observe this deep _____________ for God in many ways.

prayer, ritual, sacrifice, and an ethical code

What are four common elements typically found in religion?

~an unquenchable thirst for joy and happiness ~an experience of beauty and truth ~a sense of personal conscience, moral goodness, and justice ~love

What are the four ways we see the human yearning for God?

~The Covenant with Noah ~The Covenant with Abraham ~The Sinai Covenant ~Jesus Christ, the New Covenant

What are the most important covenants recorded in the bible?

~ We come to knowledge of God's greatness and his love for us. ~ Our life has meaning. ~ God will always care for us.

What are three ways the reward is manifested for those who believe in the one, true God?

The account of God's saving activity for humankind.

What is Salvation History?

A central truth of Revelation that Catholics are obliged to believe

What is a dogma?

Abba; endearment; loving; confidence

Jesus taught us to pray to _________, Our Father, an Aramaic word of ______________ and love. By this, Jesus showed us that God is a ____________ Father whose children should approach him with love and _______________.

religions; intellect; identity; revelation

The great variety of __________ point out that the human _________ can discover a Supreme Being, but that God's complete _____________ remains a mystery, only to be discovered with God's direct help or _________________.

unveiling; free gift; divine plan

The word "revelation" means "_____________." It is God's ______________ of self-communication by which he makes known the mystery of his _________________.

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