Religion LAUX ch1-4 (sections I & II)

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What is man according to the Pantheist? According to the Materialist?

According to the Pantheist, man is a part of God. According to the Materialist, man is nothing but a highly developed brute.

Why cannot conscience be the effect of education and environment?

Conscience cannot be the effect of environment or education because many different men, all from different parts of the world and different levels of education, have a conscience.

How does Darwinism try to explain the order and beauty so evident in the universe?

Darwinism tried to explain the order and beauty so evident in the universe as the blind operation of nature. "Natural Selection, Survival of the Fittest, Struggle for Life" were the terms he used.

Show from the public character of the Gospels that they could not have been tampered with.

Early Catholics believed that and words inconsistent with their original were falsified.

Briefly state the Cosmological argument.

Every event is determined by a cause, thus there must be a cause which had no cause, the the ultimate and supreme cause, God.

Show that life must be the result of a special act of creation.

Every living thing comes from a living parent, every life-cell from another life-cell, from organic matter alone can the smallest particle of organic matter be derived.

Is faith an abdication of reason? Why not?

Faith is not an abdication of reason. On the contrary, it is a "seeing faith", a "reasonable service."

What attributes of God can be deduced from the fact that He is a Self-existent Being?

From the fact that He is a self-existent being, it can be deducted the God is a Pure Spirit, the only God, eternal, immutable, omnipresent, endowed with understanding and free will, infinite in perfection, and infinitely incomprehensible.

What follows from the spirituality of the soul?

From the spiritual matter of the soul, the possibility of immortality follows.

What conclusion must be drawn from these facts?

From these facts, we must conclude that man is by nature religious in intellect and will.

In what case would a supernatural revelation be absolutely necessary? Why?

Man is destined to a supernatural end (the vision of God), which could never be revealed to man if God had not given him a supernatural revelation.

What objections does Materialism raise against the immortality of the soul?

Materialists argue that "as life depends on a material organism, thought is a function of the brain, and the soul is but a sum of mental states, to which physical changes always correspond."

Write a brief account of the four Evangelists.

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were the four Evangelists.

Show that miracles and prophecies are Conclusive proof of divine authority.

Miracles and prophecies are, when legitimate, conclusive proofs of divine authority because: Miracles are only possible because God is omnipotent, a prophecy because He is omniscient.

What are miracles?

Miracles are extraordinary works which cannot be done by the powers of nature, but only through the omnipotence of God.

Is the theory that the body of the first man was evolved from the lower animals condemned by the Church? Why can this theory never be proved?

No, however, this theory cannot be proven since man was created not evolved.

Why do the non-Christian contemporaries of the Apostles tell us so little about Christ and Christianity?

Non-Christian contemporaries had little to say about Christ and Christianity because both the Jews and pagans despised a religion whose founder had died the shameful death of the cross.

Why is there no doubt in regard to the historical authority of the Acts of the Apostles?

St Luke, the author of the Acts of the Apostles, has historical accuracy and trustworthiness that is admitted by all critics.

What facts does Tacitus record about Christ?

Tacitus records the founding of Christianity by Christ, the death of Christ under Pontius Pilate, and the rapid spread of Christianity.

What are the infallible credentials of God's messengers?

The infallible credentials of God's messengers are miracles and prophecies.

What is the difference between human and divine faith?

While Divine Faith cannot err, human faith holds the possibility of error.

Show that motion is not a property of matter.

A body at rest will stay at rest forever unless compelled by some force to move.

What is a private revelation?

A private revelation is made by God for the benefit of one or few individuals.

What do we know about the age of the human race from the Bible? From profane history? From the Prehistoric sciences?

According to Hebrew text, there were 4166 years between the creation of Adam and the Birth of Christ. Profane history seems certain that about the year 4000 B.C. the peoples had already developed a high degree of civilization. Prehistoric science offers nothing but guesses.

Refute the objection: "We do not know all the powers of nature, therefore we cannot tell whether a true miracle has ever happened."

Although we do not know everything that nature can do, we know things which nature can never do. In order to decide whether a miracle has taken place or not, two things are necessary: First, the fact itself must be clearly established. Second, every possible natural explanation of the event must be excluded.

What does an examination of the Gospels themselves reveal in regard to their authors?

An examination of the Gospels reveals that their writers learned to write in the Jewish style. The accounts are vivid, that the men who wrote them must have been present.

Define Apologetics. What three questions does it answer?

Apologetics is the science which proves the reasonableness of the Catholic Faith. Apologetics answers three questions: Why must we worship God? Why must we be Christians? Why must we be Catholics?

State and refute two objections brought against the Teleological argument.

Argument: There are aimless and inactive parts in the bodies of man and animals. Truth: These body parts in both man and animals serve a purpose which we cannot yet understand.Argument: Insects and harmful vermin should not exist. Truth: These vermin, though we ourselves do not understand, serve a purpose.

How do we require knowledge of truths which are not self-evident?

Besides self-evident truths, we can obtain knowledge through the process of reasoning, through the use of our senses, and through the authority of others.

Give a false and a true notion of God's omnipresence.

By omnipresence, God must be present everywhere, not only by His power, but also by His substance. His omnipresence is not a sort of infinite extension.

By what three tests can the historical authority of a book be established?

By the tests of genuineness, integrity, and veracity.

Show that God reveals Himself to us in many ways.

God reveals Himself in the contemplation of the universe, of nature, and of the human soul. God has always been near to His creature.

Explain the terms Gospel, Evangelist, Synoptic Gospels.

Gospel - glad tidings or good news concerning Christ, the kingdom of God, and salvation. Evangelist - writers of the Gospels. Synoptic Gospels - variant in matter, arrangement, and language.

What is meant by self-evident truths?

If a truth is in itself so evident as to be understood clearly by all who have the use of reason, it is self-evident. These truths require no demonstration.

What is our position in regard to mysteries?

In regard to mysteries, we must contend ourselves with proving that they are not contrary to reason and that they possess an inestimable value for our souls.

What must we hold in regard to the origin of the soul?

In regards to the creation of the human soul, we must hold that each human being's soul is a special creation of God.

What does the Book of Genesis say about the creation of man?

In the Book of Genesis the creation of man is described as the forming of man's body out of the slime of the earth, and the infusion of the soul into this body.

When can we speak of supernatural revelation in the strict sense of the word?

It is only when God takes one of us into His confidence and gives him a message for his fellow-men, that we can speak of Supernatural Revelation.

What testimony does Josephus bear to Christ?

Josephus speaks of Christ with reverence, as a wise man who worked miracles. He also records Christ's death on the cross and rising after three days.

Show why man needs God.

Man as an individual and a social being needs God. Without God marriage is without dignity, the family without authority, education without its highest appeal, the State without a basis for law and right.

When are our judgements true? false? certain? uncertain?

Our judgment is true if it is in harmony with reality. Our judgment is false if it is not in harmony with reality. Our judgment is uncertain, and therefore merely an opinion, if it is tittered with fear of error.

When are our senses infallible sources of truth?

Our senses are infallible sources of truth if the sense we are using is in a normal condition and properly applied to the object.

Do you know any reason why God should permit pain and suffering?

Pain is not all bad. It can also be a stimulus and a helper in our spiritual life. Furthermore, without pain, we could likewise feel no pleasure.

Why can neither Pantheism nor Materialism explain the origin of the universe?

Pantheism is false because, if God is not really distinct from the world, then the world is without cause. Materialism is false because, if nothing but dead matter existed in the beginning, we should have nothing but dead matter now.

hat does Pliny tell us about the belief and manner of life of the early Christians?

Pliny tells us that the early Christians had numbers, influence, and pertinacity.

Give four proofs to show that the lower animals have no intellect or reason.

Proofs that the lower animals have no reason are as follows: First, they have never shown the faintest sign of progress. Second, they have no language to express their thoughts. Third, they have no moral notions. Fourth, their brain capacity is very insignificant.

What are prophecies?

Prophecies are a foretelling of a future event, which God alone could know because it depends either on the free will of God or the free will of man.

Show that revelation is possible and probable.

Revelation is possible because God gave men the power to communicate with one another and can, if He so wills, communicate with men. Revelation is probable when taking into consideration the unhappy condition of man and the goodness and mercy of God.

Show that the Gospels existed in the earliest days of the Church.

The Didache (80 to 100 A.D.) quotes passages from Matthew and Luke. Several early saints wrote in reference and allusion to the Gospels.

Show that the Evangelists had to tell the truth.

The Evangelists had to tell the truth since many of those who had seen or heard Jesus were still alive.

Show that the Evangelists could know the facts they record.

The Evangelists knew the facts they wrote since they experienced them firsthand. Matthew and John had been companions of Christ; Mark and Luke were disciples of the Apostles.

Show that there is stronger evidence for the integrity of the Gospels than for the integrity of the classics.

The Gospel is a real-life account which is venerated by Christians as the infallible word of God.

On what facts is the Historical argument based?

The Historical Argument is based on the facts that nature and the voice of conscience compel us to affirm the existence of God. There is no race of men without religion.

What is the Law of Causality?

The Law of Causality is that: "Anything which begins to exist must have been brought into existence by something distinct from itself."

Briefly discuss the Pre-Adamite theory.

The Pre-Adamite theory claims that there were men not of the race of Adam still on the earth.

Which are the Seven Riddles of the Universe?

The Seven Riddles of the Universe are: First, What is Matter and Force? Second, What is the cause of Motion? Third, What is the origin of Life? Fourth, What produces Sensation and Consciousness? Fifth, What produces rational Thought and Speech? Sixth, what is the Order and Design in Nature? Seventh, What is Free Will?

What is the Synoptic Problem?

The Synoptic Problem is the origin and relations of the Synoptic Gospels presented by their resemblances.

Why could they not have invented the portrait of Christ?

The apostles were upright, God-fearing men. No one lies gratuitously: the apostles faced persecution or even death. No one could invent a story such as that of Christ's. The Gospels appear to contradict each other at some points.

Why cannot Blind Chance be the designer of the universe?

The argument of Blind Chance can be refuted by the words of Cicero: "If anyone supposes that this most beautiful and glorious world was made by the accidental coming together of atoms, I do not understand why he should not suppose that the Annals of Ennius might be produced by pouring out on the earth the twenty-one letters of the alphabet in countless profusion."

Classify the arguments for the existence of God. Define the terms Teleological and Cosmological in their verbal sense.

The arguments for the existence of God are classified into two groups: First, those which are derived from the contemplation of the visible world; Second, those which are derived from the consideration of the human soul. Teleological - having an end or purpose. Cosmological - having to do with the world.

What is the central theme of the preaching of St. Paul?

The central theme of the preaching of St. Paul is the Resurrection.

In what does the greatness and littleness of man consist?

The greatness of man consists in being a creature of God, to whom is given an immortal soul made to His own image and likeness. His littleness consists in his being made out of nothing and in his body being related to the beasts of the field.

What kind of certainty can we attain in regard to the foundations of our faith?

The highest kind of certainty we can have in regard to the foundations of our faith is that it is that which excludes all reasonable doubt.

What is meant by the judgment of credibility? One what other judgements does it rest? What are these called?

The judgment of credibility, I may and can believe these truths proposed for my belief because God has revealed them, rests on three other judgments: First, There is a God who can neither deceive nor be deceived. Second, This God has revealed Himself to us in the Old Testament. Third, Christ founded a Church which He endowed with infallibility.

What are the marks of a true prophecy?

The marks of a true prophecy are: First, it must be made before the event; Second, it must be definite, not ambiguous or obscure; Third, the event predicted must be of such a nature as to be beyond the possibility of guess or human prevision.

On what facts does the Moral argument rest?

The moral argument rests on the facts that we have a conscience, a sense of right and wrong. We must avoid evil and do good. All men have a conscience.

Which are the most ancient manuscripts and translations of the Gospels?

The most ancient manuscripts of the bible are the Codex Vaticanus, the Codex Alexandrinus, the Codex Sinaiticus, and the Codex of St. Ephrem.

What are the natural sources of our knowledge of God?

The natural sources of our knowledge of God are our natural reason and created things.

What is the nature of our knowledge of God?

The nature of our knowledge of God is indirect, or mediate.

What is the basis for the Teleological argument

The necessary connection between order and plan, between design and designer, is the basis of the Teleological argument for the existence of God.

What is the only explanation of these facts?

The only explanation of these facts is that there be a just, holy, and merciful God.

Who are the opponents of the Catholic Apologist?

The opponents of the Catholic Apologist are: First, Atheists, Pantheists, and Materialists, who deny the existence of a Living, Personal God. Second, Jews, Mohammedans, Deists, and Indifferentists, who deny the divine origin of the Christian Religion. Third, Heretics, who deny one or more articles of the Catholic Faith.

Show that Prehistoric man was truly human in every respect.

The prehistoric man was human in every respect: He invented the art of producing fire. He invented nearly all the weapons, tools, and other appliances. He loved and practiced art. He buried his dead reverently and believed in life after death.

Why do we say that the question of miracles is a question of evidence?

The question of miracles is the question of evidence because we know some things that nature can never do, such as raising a dead body to life, restoring a missing member of an existing body, or instantaneously cure a wound or fracture. Anyone who admits the existence of a personal God, the Creator of all things, must admit the possibility of miracles.

What is the real function of Apologetics?

The real function of Apologetics is: First, to satisfy the intellect of the honest inquirer, and, with the aid of grace, to awaken in him the pius credulitatis affectus (pius longing for the faith). Second, to strengthen in the believer the resolve never to barter his holy Faith for the shallow theories of a false philosophy or the mess of pottage of a false morality.

On what facts does the Teleological argument rest?

The universe is full of natural works of art which in beauty, variety, grandeur, and perfection far surpass the highest achievements of human craftsmanship.

What part does the will play in the act of faith?

The will plays a very important part in the making of an Act of Faith. Only he who is willing to believe can believe.

What facts prove that the human soul is a spiritual substance?

There is within us a power which we call intellect, reason or mind; In other words, a thinking or rational substance which we call soul.

Define divine faith. What is its motive? Its object?

To have Divine Faith is to hold firmly and without doubt, all that God has revealed. The motive of Divine Faith is the authority of God, implying infallibility in knowledge, and truth in utterance. The object of Divine Faith are the truths of revelation.

Which Epistles of St. Paul are regarded as genuine even by Rationalists?

Very few Biblical scholars, even rationalists, question the principle Epistles of St. Paul.

Give three proofs for the fact of immortality.

We can find proof of immortality in the facts: Man alone thinks the thought of immortality. The soul can only perish if God annihilates it. The impulse to seek proof of immortality is in itself the strongest proof of all.

Why can we not have a full knowledge of God?

We can not have a full knowledge of God because God has communicated the infinite riches of His Being only in a limited manner to the material world and to the human soul.

What is meant by the sources of knowledge?

We can obtain reasons for forming our judgment from sources of knowledge.

How can we prove that a work is genuine?

We can prove that a work is genuine using the extrinsic argument (external sources) and the intrinsic argument (internal sources).

In what form do we possess all our knowledge?

We possess all of our knowledge in the form of judgments.

Why should we study Apologetics in the spirit of humility?

We should study Apologetics in the spirit of humility, for since there is a God, the attitude of our soul towards Him must necessarily be the humble petition: Lord, that I may see

Briefly refute each objection.

Weight of one's brain has proved to little affect the soul. Phosphorus cannot determine such since animals have more of this than us. If perspiration of the brain existed, we should be able to see or smell the material products of the brain. Chemical or electrical action in the brain leading to power is easily refuted.

What should we bear in mind when reading the first chapter of the Book of Genesis?

When reading the Book of Genesis, we should bear in mind that the writer had no scientific intention, only to stress divine origin.

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