Religion Mid-Term

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What aspect of the Bible does, in fact, change? What remains the same?

The Bible's languages, features, media, covers, and prices may change, but God's Revelation does not change.

How did God respond to the complaints of the Israelites in the desert?

The final plague sent by God, the death of the first born, struck fear into the Egyptian people and their pharaoh. The Israelites escaped the plague by taking lamb's blood and smearing it on their doors. They ate bitter herbs and unleavened bread because they were in a hurry.

6. Why are there so many English translations of the Bible? In what languages was the Bible written?

There are over 7,000 languages in the world; Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek.

What does it mean to say that the New Testament describes its content?

These books describe the Good News of Jesus Christ and his New Covenant with humanity.

Explain what means to call the bishops "stewards" of God's Revelation.

They are called to continue christ's mission on Earth.

How was Sacred Scripture passed on by the early Christians? Explain.

They passed it on orally and through writing. They told stories and wrote it down on paper.

Explain the role of the bishops in preserving Sacred Tradition.

They preserve the sacred tradition. They ensure the gospel be spread till the end of time

What are four common reasons why atheists do not believe in God?

They see so much suffering in the world, Others look at the sins of believers and see them as hypocrites, Some are too busy, lazy, or indifferent, and Still others are afraid that if they did believe in God they would have to change their behavior.

What was the job of editors of the Old Testament?

To collect, combine, and improve the texts.

27. What is the goal of source criticism?

To find out where biblical material came from

What is the Church's responsibility according to Dei Verbum?

To preserve, share, and spread the good news.

These writings encourage the Jewish people through inspiring works of fiction.

Tobit, Judith and esther

25. Briefly explain the objectives of historical criticism.

Tries to determine historical text of the bible

4. True or False? God respected the freedom of the human writers, but in every case, the Holy Spirit guided the author in the truth.


9. True or False? The Church discerned the inspired books for the Bible through her Sacred Tradition.


True or False? By requiring circumcision at infancy, the covenant emphasized the lifelong and eternal nature of relationship to God.


True or False? Chapters 1-11 contain the prehistory portion of Genesis which means that they took place before recorded history.


True or False? Each of Paul's writings addressed the needs of the community to which he was writing.


True or False? In short, the Pentateuch reveals God's patient and constant love for all humanity.


True or False? Proverbs uses parallelism, in which the second line of a couplet restates, contrasts, or advances the thought of the first line.


True or False? The Apostles followed Jesus' command to "go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature" because they believed that he was the Messiah and Son of God.


True or False? The Apostles used passages from the Hebrew scriptures to show how Jesus fulfilled the Messianic prophecies.


True or False? The Israelites belonged to the Twelve Tribes of Israel, meaning that they were descendants of Israel's twelve sons.


True or False? The Letter to the Hebrews emphasizes how Christ is the High Priest whose perfect sacrifice on the Cross fulfilled all the promises in the Old Testament.


True or False? The Protoevangelium--the "first gospel"-- is the initial sign that God did not abandon humanity's first parents or their descendants.


True or False? The divine-human covenants in the Bible resemble political suzerainty covenants in which one people or area was under the rule of a more powerful nations.


True or False? The first things scribes wrote were the oral traditions about Israel's history up to the conquest of Canaan and stories about the creation of the world.


7. What is the Vulgate? What is its significance?

Vulgate- St. Jerome's fourth-century translation of the Bible from Greek into the common language of the people of his day, Latin; It made the bible popular so that people could read it.

Encouraged the Jews living in Egypt to remain faithful to their religious heritage


18. Name the literary genre. A story which reveals the reason why something is the way it is


19. Name the literary genre. A short story in which animals speak like humans


True or False? Atheism and theism in all their forms are a sin against the virtue of religion


True or False? The Israelites were unique because unlike their neighbors who were monotheistic (meaning they worshipped multiple gods) the Israelites were polytheistic, or believed in one God.


36. What is the meaning of this quote from Dei Verbum: "Sacred Scripture must be read and interpreted in the light of the same Spirit by whom it was written?"

if you want to understand the Bible, you must ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit while reading it.

8. Explain the meaning of the word canon.

it refers to the standard list of books recognized by a religious community.

22. Name the literary genre. A standard of behavior established by authority


List the three key forms of the preaching by the Apostles:

(1) The kerygma, or preaching to unbelievers; (2) The didache, or further teaching to those who had accepted Jesus; and (3) The liturgy, or Christian worship.

List the three stages in the formation of the Gospels:

(1) the time of Jesus' own life; (2) the years when the Apostles and early disciples of Jesus orally preached the Good News; and (3) the actual writing of the Gospels.

What were the three main reasons the early Christians realized that the Good News about Jesus had to be committed to writing?

(1.) The end of the world was not coming as quickly as anticipated. (2.) Some people were distorting the true Gospel. (3.) Christians needed more instruction. (pp. 87-88)

What sources did the four Evangelists draw on to help compose their Gospels?

... some disciples began to assemble collections of material about Christ, such as miracle stories, his parables, and the Passion narratives.

Sacred scripture recalls the events of salvation history and the ____(1)_ of God made with humanity. It includes the _(2)_testament which has _(3)__ books and the new testament which has (4)_books - that tell the story of God the father's___(5)__action thru his son and the Holy Spirit work thru the early _(6)_.

1 2. old 3. 46 books 4. 27 books 5. 6.

List three specific details in the story of Noah and the Flood.

1) God favored Noah and told him to build an ark. 2) God saw that men were wicked. 3) It rained for 40 days and nights.

List the three elements of the Sinai Covenant.

1) It bound God and his chosen people, 2) it revealed God's special love and mercy for them, and 3) it stipulated that God's people were to respond to his love through the obedience to the Law, summarized in the Ten Commandments.

Why do you absolutely need God's Revelation to understand the truths of religion?

Because of a result of original sin, we need God to understand religion.

34. Why does the Catholic Church welcome and encourage the research of historians and scientists?

Because the truth does not contradict the truth; scientific evidence does not contradict religious beliefs

What proof is this? For anything to exist there must be an eternal being who always existed who brought all other beings into existence.

Everything comes from something, and God is the something

11. What is the critical interpretation of Sacred Scripture? What are some examples of questions it seeks to answer?

Exegesis- studying the passage of what God really means to me

A prophet in Babylon who promised Salvation and a New Covenant if the Jews returned to God


Tells the story of the return of the Jews from the Babylonian Exile.

Ezra and Nehemiah

13. True or False? Historical criticism identifies literary genres and seeks to determine how each biblical book took shape in the period of oral tradition before the authors put it into writing.


3. True or False? The Catholic Church teaches that God dictated the Bible to the authors.


38. True or False? The Bible's literal senses depend on the spiritual sense achieved by good exegetical work.


True or False? Sacred Scripture is a body of written literature that grows over time as times change.


True or False. A compilation is the work of a single writer and editor.

False. A compilation is the work of several writers and editors.

True or False? Oral storytelling is unreliable among illiterate peoples.

False. Oral storytelling is very reliable among illiterate peoples.

True or False? The Acts of the Apostles is really the second part of the Gospel of John.

False. The Acts of the Apostles is really the second part of the Gospel of Luke.

True or False? The Apostles first announced the marvelous things God had accomplished in Jesus to the Gentiles and then to their fellow Jews.

False. The Apostles first announced the marvelous things God had accomplished in Jesus to their fellow Jews and then to the Gentiles.

True or False? The Old Testament prepares the people for the coming of the prophets.

False. The Old Testament prepares the people for the coming of the Savior, Jesus Christ.

True or False? The didache was catechetical instruction for those who were still debating about whether or not to become disciples Jesus.

False. The didache was catechetical instruction for those who had already accepted Jesus.

True or False? The two creation stories in Genesis are contradictory rather than complementary.

False; they are complementary rather than contradictory

True or False? The Israelites agreed to the terms of the Sinai Covenant by building a temple with twelve pillars to represent the Twelve Tribes and by sacrificing some young bulls and splashing their blood on the people and the altar.

False; they built an altar, not a temple.

True or False? The stories of Cain and Abel and Noah and the Flood describe how Original Holiness spread in the world following the Fall.

False; they describe how sin spread in the world following the Fall.

True or False? The Book of Leviticus picks up the Israelite's story when a new Egyptian Pharaoh enslaved the Israelites and God call Moses to free them from slavery in Egypt.

False; this is the Book of Exodus.

20. Name the literary genre. A story which conveys religious truths


21. Name the literary genre. An idea that mirrors God's will


37. What are the three ways of interpreting Scripture in accordance with the Holy Spirit?

read specific passages with the whole content and unity of Scripture in mind, "read the Scripture within 'the living Tradition of the whole Church', and pay attention to the analogy of faith: the unity of the truths of the faith among themselves and within the whole plan of Revelation

23. Name the literary genre. A statement that teases the mind requiring thought and application


28. Explain the focus of redaction criticism.

the editor or editors who collected and arranged sources in a biblical chapter or book.

What do the Historical Books describe?

the events of Salvation History, namely how God remained faithful to the covenant and how the Israelites struggled over time to live according to the Law.

What is the story retold in the Acts? What was one of the central debates in the early Church?

the history of the early Church and reports the spread of the Gospel from Pentecost to the imprisonment of St. Paul in the late 50s; whether Gentiles could join the Church without becoming Jewish.

Why are the Gospels the heart of the whole Bible?

through them you can know Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and learn how to live as his disciple.

What was the purpose of the book of revelation? What reassurance does he offer to his readers?

to encourage Christians who were undergoing persecution for their faith in Jesus Christ; Using apocalyptic language, the author reassures his readers that Christ will reward the faithful with a heavenly home at the end of time.

33. What is one of the Magisterium's responsibilities?

to identify the truths of the Faith revealed in Sacred Scripture

What was the early Church's primary interest?

to interpret the meaning of Jesus' main deeds and sayings and to share the Good News with as many people as possible.

35. True or False? Scientific research and Christian faith do not contradict one other; they neither prove nor disprove one another.


8b. Canon

Hebrew word for "measure"

31. Which biblical criticism is this? Example 3: For Jews, a "Sabbath day's journey" was the equivalent of approximately 2000 cubits.


16. Name the literary genre. The development of a people


True or False? After the Resurrection, Jesus' followers understood that Jesus is God.


True or False? Although it is clear that left to yourself you can know that God exists, you cannot get a truth and complete picture of who God really is.


True or False? The People of God are called to listen to all that the bishops teach, especially dogmas.


True or False? There will be no further Revelation now that Jesus has suffered, died, risen from the dead, and ascended into heaven.


Who were the stewards of the promises that God gave to Abraham?

Isaac, his son Jacob, and his grandson Joseph.

Written by a prophet and his disciples over a period of three centuries


In what ways did the coming of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles on Pentecost change them?

It blessed them with the courage to speak publicly, the authority to baptize, and the enthusiasm to share the good news or Gospel about Jesus Christ.

Explain the challenge of the Book of Deuteronomy.

It challenges the nation to choose between obedience to God and he law, which brings life, or disobedience, which brings death.

What does the temptation of Adam and Eve illustrate about sin?

It illustrates that the lure of sin and its results. We sin when we make choices that don't align with what God wants for us.

What does it mean to call St. Thomas Aquinas' arguments for God's existence "proofs?"

It means that they are not scientifically proven, but they are convincing arguments that God exists.

Offered a message of both warning and hope to the Jews living in Jerusalem prior to the Babylonian Exile and then those living in Egypt during the Exile


Who are the "New Adam" and the "New Eve?"

Jesus and Mary

Jesus' ____________ life probably began in AD _____ when he began to travel the countryside and small ____________ where he taught, _____________, and proclaimed the coming of God's _________________.

Jesus' PUBLIC life probably began in AD TWENTY EIGHT when he began to travel the countryside and small TOWNS where he taught, HEALED, and proclaimed the coming of God's KINGDOM.

This story raises the questions as to why bad things happen to good people


Story of a military leader who led the Israelites into the Promised Land


Tells how the Israelites fell into apostasy and how God sends leaders called judges.


An expression of deep sorrow over the fall of Jerusalem


Focuses on holiness and particulars of the Law


39. In summary, what are the four senses of Scripture?

Literal sense: the meaning the author intended to convey. Allegorical Sense: teaches what individual passages relate to salvation history. Moral sense: Teaches us to live our lives. Anagogical Sense: teaches how we get to heaven

What proof is this? The material universe cannot explain free will.

Love and intelligence

Explain what each of the four Evangelists emphasized in their respective Gospels.

Mark highlighted Jesus' suffering, portraying a man who freely gave his life for humanity. Matthew emphasized Jesus as a teacher who perfectly fulfilled the Jewish prophecies made about him. Luke presented Jesus as a Savior for all people, one who reaches out especially to the poor and neglected. John's Gospel, written approximately ten to thirty years later than the others, focused on Jesus' divinity.

What proof is this? Everyone has a deep sense that some behaviors are wrong such as thievery or terrorism.

Moral goodness, voice of conscience, and freedom

Explain the relation between Natural Revelation and reason in trying to understand God's existence.

Natural Revelation- when you figure out that God exists through your senses and reason. Using your senses and reason, you can uncover that God exists and identify some of God's attributes.

Continues the story desert wanderings of the Israelites


What does it mean to say that Abraham is a model of faith? When was this faith tested?

One who was put aside his own desires to follow his God. When he was going to sacrifice his own son for God.

Why is it that God alone can fill your yearning for happiness?

Only God can fill your yearning for happiness. God created you with a desire for him that nothing else can satisfy so that you would search for him and find him.

Why is the oral tradition important to the recounting of Salvation History?

Oral tradition preserved the history and wisdom of the Chosen People until God inspired authors to record the material in writing

What are the four divisions of the Old Testament?

Pentateuch, Historical, Wisdom, and Prophetic book

A letter sent by Paul from prison in which he emphasizes Christ who teaches the meaning of true humility


Includes census lists, genealogies, numbers, and dates


10. Explain how Catholics and Protestants differ in the way they refer to the seven Greek books of the Bible.

Protestants don't include those books (Apocrypha). Catholics do (Called the deuterochronical books).

Short sayings that educate one about how to live a good life


A collection of 150 song lyrics or poetry that praise and thank God, ask God for help, and express sorrow and repentance


29. Which biblical criticism is this? Example 1: An important theme in the Gospel According to St. Matthew is that Jesus is the new Moses.


Paul stresses faith in Jesus and offers instructions about how to live as a Christian


The story of a Gentile woman who showed great faithfulness to her mother-in-law


40. What is an integral part of every Mass and all sacraments?

Sacred Scripture

Explain what is known by salvific religion.

Salvific Religion is revealed first to the Chosen People of the Old Testament, that told about the coming of a Savior, Jesus Christ. When Jesus came, this came true and now humans can know God more accurately and intimately.

Scholars date the birth of Jesus at around ____ BC before the death of ___________________. He lived the life of a typical Jewish boy growing up in _______________ where he likely learned the ______________ trade from ________________, his foster father.

Scholars date the birth of Jesus at around SIX BC before the death of HEROD THE GREAT. He lived the life of a typical Jewish boy growing up in NAZARETH where he likely learned the CARPENTER trade from JOSEPH, his foster father.

Why does God want to communicate his own divine life to you?

So it can be possible for you to know him, love him, and respond to him beyond what you could ever do on your own.

Why do many historians believe God's Chosen People began to preserve their stories in writing during the reign of King Solomon?

Solomon's court would have been wealthy enough to employ scribes who did the actual writing.

The patriarch Abraham is a central figure


Emphasizes the images of the Church as Bride of Christ and Body of Christ


What proof is this? God gives you a taste of heaven here on earth.

Beauty and truth

Fill in the blanks: Moses—after _____(1)_____—is the main figure in the Exodus story. Appearing to him in a _____(2)_____, God called him to lead the Chosen People out of _____(3)_____. After appointing _____(4)_____ as his spokesperson, the two shared God's plan with the Israelite _____(5)_____ and the pharaoh. Only after God sent _____(6)_____ was the pharaoh finally persuaded to _____(7)_____ the Israelites.

1. God 2. burning bush 3. Egypt 4. Aaron 5. elders 6. the 10 plagues 7. free

Fill in the blanks: Jacob had two important encounters with _____(1)_____ . God reaffirmed with him the terms of his _____(2)_____ with Abraham while he was on the road to _____(3)_____. Years later, Jacob _____(4)_____ with a mysterious person all night. This meeting blessed Jacob and transformed him from a crafty deceiver into an _____(5)_____ man and God gave him a new name—_____(6)_____—meaning "one who contends with God."

1. God 2. covenant 3. Bethel 4. wrestled 5. honorable 6. Israel

Explain the three elements of the Sinai Covenant.

1. It bound God and the chosen people in a personal, loving union. 2. It revealed God's special love and mercy for them. 3. It stipulated that God's people were to respond in his love through obedience to the law, summarized in the ten commandments, and to be faithful to God in conduct and worship.

Fill in the blanks: There are 613 ____(1)____ listed in the last four books of the _____(2)_____ and the Ten Commandments summarize the Law by serving as a basic ____(3)____ for the Israelites to follow in order to keep their commitment to the ____(4)____. The many Israelite laws reflected a major advance over their _______(5)_______ because they prescribe the type of ____(6)____ Israel should have as God's People.

1. Laws 2. Pentateuch 3. guide 4. covenant 5. neighbors 6. culture

Fill in the blanks: The tribe of ____(1)____ —which takes its name from one of the sons of ____(2)____—was the priestly tribe in charge of Israel's public ____(3)____, animal sacrifices, and ritual offerings. The Book of ____(4)____ stresses the theme of God's holiness and the human ____(5)____ to worship him with respect and ____(6)____ and seeing God as part of ____(7)____.

1. Levi 2. Israel 3. worship 4. Leviticus 5. obligation 6. love 7. daily life

Fill in the blanks: The term _____(1)_____ refers to the "_____(2)_____" sin committed by Adam and Eve and it is their choice that affects all their _____(3)_____. It is sometimes simply called "the _____(4)_____" and describes their move from paradise to _____(5)_____. The term also describes the _____(6)_____ in human experience which includes inner harmony, discord with other, apathy toward creation, and _____(7)_____ from God.

1. Original 2. first 3. decadents 4. fall 5. exile 6. brokenness 7. harmony 8. seperation

Fill in the blanks: The _______(1)_______ is a gathering of different kinds of writings from different _______(2)_______ or sources. It focuses on the _______(3)_______ and their relationship with God. The name of the Pentateuch literally means "_______ (4) _______" and it includes a variety of types of literature including ___(5)___, laws, stories, speeches, and ____(6)____.

1. Pentateuch 2. authors 3. editors 4. five books 5. myths 6. songs

What are three radical differences in the Genesis creation stories when compared with those of other civilizations?

1. The Genesis stories reveal one God rather than the many false gods of other religions. 2. Genesis tells you that God created humans out of his own goodness, not as a by-product of conflict between warring gods. 3. The relationship between God and the people is positive rather than adversarial.

Fill in the blanks: God _____(1)_____ his promises to Abram in a dream and later changed his name to _____(2)_____ and his wife's name to _____(3)_____ to show that they were beginning a completely new _____(4)_____ together. God promised him that the covenant would continue _____(5)_____ covenant.

1. formalized 2. Abraham 3. Sarah 4. life 5. descendants 6. everlasting

Fill in the blanks: The first pages of the Bible tell the ____(1)____ about God's ____(2)____ of the world and human beings. The two creation stories explain what __(3)__ wanted for all human beings and the subsequent chapters tell of the human's loss of ____(4)____ through sin. However, God promised to ___(5)___ humanity from ____(6)____ immediately after this loss.

1. story 2. creation 3. God 4. paradise 5. save 6. sin

Paul instructs the community on the Resurrection and the Eucharist

1st and 2nd Corinthians

Gives an account the revolt among the Jews and a period of Jewish independence.

1st and 2nd Maccabees

Tells the stories of both Saul and David's rise to kingship in Israel.

1st and 2nd Samuel

Paul tells converts how to live until Christ returns

1st and 2nd Thessalonians

Focuses primarily on the southern kingdom from the time of King David until the conquest of Judah by the Babylonians

1st and 2nd chronicles

Tells of the rise of King Solomon and the division of the united kingdom of Israel.

1st and 2nd kings

"Pastoral letters" between the "shepherd" and the community of Christians

1st and 2nd. Timothy, Titus

How many books in the new testament?


Refers to God as Elohim and was the last of the four traditions put into writing


A _______________ spoke to the people of _____________ on behalf of God to encourage them to stay _______________ to their covenant with him. Prophets tried to keep the Chosen People or ____________ in line when they strayed from the _________________.

A PROPHET spoke to the people of ISRAEL on behalf of God to encourage them to stay FAITHFUL to their covenant with him. Prophets tried to keep the Chosen People or KINGS in line when they strayed from the COVENANT.

What is a covenant?

A binding and solemn agreement between human beings or between God and people, holding each other to a particular course of action.

What three promises did God make to Abraham in Genesis 12:2-3?

A land and a nation, a kingship and a name, and a blessing to all nations.

A period of _________ tradition preceded the physical writing of the Old Testament. These traditions came from the people's _________________ with God and with each other. In order to _________________ their religious heritage, the Chosen People told _______________ to pass them down to younger _____________________.

A period of ORAL tradition preceded the physical writing of the Old Testament. These traditions came from the people's EXPERIRENCES with God and with each other. In order to PRESERVE their religious heritage, the Chosen People told STORIES to pass them down to younger GENERATIONS.

What is an amazing truth about the Bible?

An amazing truth is that God is revealing himself to you through the Bible just as he did to biblical readers hundreds and thousands of years ago, and yet he is revealing something new at the same time.

As one who trusted God totally, _________________ is a symbol of faith. He is "the father of a ________________________" and both Christians and __________ consider him the father of their faith. _________________ understand him to be the father of the Arab people and a __________________ on the same level as Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad.

As one who trusted God totally, ABRAHAM is a symbol of faith. He is "the father of a MULTITUDE OF NATIONS" and both Christians and JEWS consider him the father of their faith. MUSLIMS understand him to be the father of the Arab people and a PROPHET on the same level as Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad.

God inspired the ______ of the Bible to reveal religious _____ through their writing. It is a written record of _______ , not a science or history book. God _______ its authors to reveal religious truths in their writing which reveal who you are in _______ to God and the ________ He created.

Authors... truth... Divine Revelation... inspired.. .relation...w orld

This book serves as a reminder that the Exile was a result of the people's unfaithfulness to God


Why did Jesus' followers call him "the Christ?"

Because they realized he was the messiah or the "anointed one."

1. Why is the Bible relevant to you?

Because you are not simply reading words that god once said. Instead, god speaks to us directly through the bible.

Church ______________ had discerned that God had _______________ the four Gospels, the Pauline _______________, Acts, and some other epistles by the year AD 200. By ________, the canon consisted of _______________________ books in the New Testament and the Council of ____________ reemphasized that this canon was God's inspired __________.

Church LEADERS had discerned that God had INSPIRED the four Gospels, the Pauline EPISTLES, Acts, and some other epistles by the year AD 200. By 367, the canon consisted of TWENTY SEVEN books in the New Testament and the Council of TRENT reemphasized that this canon was God's inspired WORD.

Instructs the Christian community to reject false teachings circulating about Jesus Christ


Christians initially interpreted this as prophetic literature although it's an apocalyptic book


What is the Church's Deposit of Faith? What is its source and goal?

Deposit of Faith- It is made up of sacred tradition and sacred scripture. God is the source, The goal is human salvation through christ.

Highlights the speeches of Moses


Places great emphasis on morality and the Law


Literally means "second law"


Repeats much of the material found Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers


What are two example of ultimate questions?

Do you ever think about where your life is going? Do you wonder what will happen to you after you die?

Qoheleth teaches lessons about living through questions, sayings, and proverbs


Paul insists that the Gentiles also receive the Gospel because the love of Christ extends to everyone


15. Name the literary genre. A record of one's lineage


Literally means "beginning"


Relates the stories of the patriarchs


Explain the difference between the gifts of Original Holiness and Original Justice.

Gifts of Original Holiness was for people to share in God's life. Gifts of Original Justice were that people would not have to suffer and die, guaranteed an inner harmony of the human person, between man and woman, and between Adam and Eve and all of creation.

What proof is this? Everything that exists results from something or someone that came before it.

God is the First Cause

What proof is this? It is statistically highly improbable that human life in the universe could have formed out of chance alone.

God is the Grand Designer

What proof is this? There are different degrees of beauty, truth, justice and goodness in the world.

God is the Supreme Model

What proof is this? For the world to move forward there must have been a "First Mover."

God is the unmoved mover

Explain how the Israelites escaped the final plague.

God provided the Israelites water, food in the form of quail and Manna, and protection from local people who wanted to destroy them.

Explain how humans have attempted to describe the roles of the Three Persons of the Holy Trinity.

God the father created the world and directs salvation history. God the son saved the world. God the Holy spirit sustains the church, now that Jesus is not physically here.

2. Explain what it means to say that God inspired the writers of the Bible.

God worked through the writers under the influence of the holy spirit.

Explain how John the Baptist paved the way for Jesus' own ministry.

He introduced people to Jesus and did many baptisms.

Some of the first _______ Testament books written were the _____________ of St. Paul. The four Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, and ___________________ were written in the latter ____________ of the first century to the early second century. The Gospel writers told the story ___________________ to different communities of ______________________.

Some of the first NEW Testament books written were the LETTERS of St. Paul. The four Gospels, the Acts, and REVELATION were written in the latter HALF of the first century to the early second century. The Gospel writers told the story DIFFERENTLY to different communities of CHRISTIANS.

What point did Johannes Kepler make to his friend about the existence of God through the use of senses and reason?

Something does not come from nothing. There has to be a creator behind everything that exists.

An allegory of God's love for his People which celebrates the ideal of romantic love

Song of Songs

30. Which biblical criticism is this? Example 2: In addition to the Gospel of Mark, both Matthew and Luke seem to have shared another source typically referred to as "Q" source.


Contrast the difference between source criticism and redaction criticism.

Source criticism is when biblical scholars are interested in the origins of biblical material; asks the question "Where did these writings come from?" Redactions criticism focuses on the editors who put together sources and arranged them in a biblical chapter or book.

A sage who recalls many wise sayings and lessons


The ________________ epistles contain general advice to help all the _____________. The Letter of ____________ advises that faith in Jesus should lead to good works. The Letters of _________ emphasize that Christians should ___________ Jesus when they suffer. And the letters of _________ focus on love as proof of ____________ in Jesus and the letter of __________ warns against false teachers.

The CATHOLIC epistles contain general advice to help all the CHURCHES. The Letter of JAMES advises that faith in Jesus should lead to good works. The Letters of PETER emphasize that Christians should IMITATE Jesus when they suffer. And the letters of JOHN focus on love as proof of FAITH in Jesus and the letter of JUDE warns against false teachers.

What does sensus fidei mean?

The Church as a whole cannot be wrong about matters of faith.

List three differences between the Genesis creation stories and the creation stories of other civilizations.

The Genesis stories reveal one God rather than the many gods of other religions. Genesis says that God created humans out of his own goodness, not as a by-product of the warring between gods, and that the relationship between God and the people in the Bible is positive rather than adversarial

What does the story of Ruth show about God?

The God's love extends not only to the chosen people, but to everyone

What are examples of the constant "murmurings" of the Israelites?

The Israelites complained about their food, said they wanted to return to Egypt, and doubted God's abilities to defeat their enemies.

The Old ________________ is the inspired record of _________________ History prior to the coming of ____________________. It centers on the _________________ God entered into with the _____________ People.

The Old TESTAMENT is the inspired record of HISTORY prior to the coming of JESUS CHRIST. It centers on the COVENANT God entered into with the JEWISH People.

The Old Testament was formed over the course of about _________________ years. Some books like the ___________ and Proverbs are really _______________ of wisdom from many ___________ over the years.

The Old Testament was formed over the course of about NINE HUNDRED years. Some books like the PSALMS and Proverbs are really COLLECTIONS of wisdom from many PEOPLE over the years.

26. What do scholars believe happened to the Ark of the Covenant?

The babylonians destroyed it and melted it down for its gold.

List the four main sources for the Pentateuch and identify one characteristic of each source.

The four main sources of the Pentateuch are: the Yawhist which uses a vivid, earthy style of writing, Elohist, in which Abraham is the central figure, Deuteronomist, which is most likely composed by priests of the northern kingdom, and the Priestly Source, which is the latest of the four and contributed to a coherent framework of the Pentateuch.

24. Explain an important difference between a literal and a literalist reading of the Bible.

The literal interpretation considers what the author intended to convey. But a literalist interpretation takes into account only the exact meaning of the words without considering any other factors.

How does the story of Joseph set the stage for the Book of Exodus?

The story explains how the family got to Egypt.

In short, what is the Magisterium?

The teaching authority of the church.

5. What does it mean to say the Bible is the inerrant Word of God?

The truths are without error

What has every skeptical scientist been unable to prove?

The universe created itself or evolved from matter

Explain the difference between the major prophets and the minor prophets.

The work of the major prophets are longer than. those of the minor prophets, not necessarily more important

Employs a anthropomorphic view of God


Uses the name YHWH for God


41. Why should prayer always accompany your growing knowledge or Scripture?

You are talking to god just like when you pray.

What does it mean to say that faith requires you to take a leap of sorts?

You must believe in something that you cant see, take a leap of faith.

12. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, what does it mean to seek the literal sense of Sacred Scripture?

You must seek the meaning conveyed by the words of scripture and discovered by exegesis.

What conflict does every human being experience regarding the desire for happiness?

You share with all human beings a deep yearning to be happy, satisfied, and complete. The truth is that nothing in this life can make you fully happy or content.

17. Name the literary genre. A protracted story in which elements of a story stand for moral qualities or spiritual realities


14. Name the literary genre. A statement of religious beliefs


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