Religion: Section 1 Part 3

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What is The Didache, when was it written, and what teachings does it contain?

The full title of the Didache is the *Teaching of the Twelve Apostles*. Scholars believe it was *written anonymously* in the late first or early second century AD. It offers the Christian community *a pastoral manual of teachings and practices*, including instructions on the Eucharist and the form of the Eucharistic Prayers.

Choose one of the early apologists and give a brief summary of his work and teachings.

*Saint Justin Martyr* was a *Gentile convert* to Christianity. He was *influenced by Stoicism and Platonism*. In his writings he included details of his life to make certain points. For example, he described meeting an old man who told him that *human knowledge alone cannot lead to God and that we need instruction from the prophets*. He also described being *unable to believe the Roman Empire's accusations against the Christians* because he saw how courageous they were in spite of fear and death. He was martyred after refusing to offer sacrifices to pagan gods.

Explain the roles of bishops and presbyters in the early Church. How does the role of bishops remain unchanged?

Christ gave the Apostles and their successors, the bishops, a share in his own mission: to proclaim the faith and to plant his kingdom on earth. From Christ they have receive the power of acting in his very person. Their role remains unchanged:

Compare the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist in the earl Christian Liturgy and in the Mass today.

In the early Christian Liturgy, the Liturgy of the Word *included readings from the Old Testament and the epistles, as well as a Psalm*. There is *no Gospel reading*, as we have today; but the *readings were followed by a homily*, as they are today. *Petitions* for various needs are found in the Liturgy of the early Church and the Mass today. The early Church *concluded the Liturgy of the Word with the sign of peace*, which *today happens in the Liturgy of the Eucharist*, after the consecration. In both the early Liturgy and the Mass of today, the *Liturgy of the Eucharist included the offering, the Eucharistic Prayer, and the distribution of the Eucharist*. The Mass today includes the sign of peace in the Liturgy of the Eucharist, before we receive Communion.

Briefly summarize some of the practical, social, and political factors that contributed to the spread of Christianity.

Several practical, social, and political factors contributed to the spread of Christianity. For example, because Jews had established population centers in Gentile areas outside Israel, t*he Christian evangelists could easily travel to these population centers and preach to both Jews and Gentiles*. The Jews often rejected their message, but the Gentiles in the community were often open to the message of Jesus. Another factor is that *the Roman Empire shared a common language (Greek the Latin) and common culture (including good roads, regular sea travel and Roman troops to guard both)*. A third factor was the *Pax Romana*, the peace imposed by the Roman Empire on all the Mediterranean lands. Although the peace included persecution of Christians, it did mean that the spread of the Christian message was not interrupted by war.

Tertullian has said, "The blood of martyrs is the seed of Christians" (CCC, 852). Explain how this statement is borne out in the early history of the Church.

The early history of the Church demonstrated the truth of Tertullian's statement. The courage and conviction of the martyred Christians won hearts. During these first centuries, the Church thrived. One reason is that *those who found the faith worth dying for inspired others*. In a society capable of such cruelty, the lives of the Christians stood out in their *love for one another* and their *care for those living outside the Roman mainstream*: the poor, slaves, and women. The basic goodness of the Christian way of life also appealed to intellectuals and others of good will who were *looking for spiritual values as an alternative to cruelty as entertainment and to the worship of sadistic and corrupt emperors*.

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