Renaissance Test EVANS

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What is the great political line Queen Elizabeth used about marriage?

"I don't have time to be married, I'm married to the throne of England." - Queen Elizabeth

Sir Thomas Wyatt wrote

"Whoso List to Hunt" and "Divers Doth Use"

The name of Donne's wife

*Ann More* (Lady Egerton's niece; married in 1601)

Why Donne was incarcerated

*Ann's father found out that he married his 16 year old daughter* and had him dismissed from office and imprisoned

The writer and explored who was friends with Donne

*Walter Raleigh* (he also traveled w/ the Earl of Essex)

King James and what he is best-known for...

- "okay" king - wrote King James Bible

What quote does the Renaissance begins with? When was it written and by who? What does it mean?

- *"All men by nature desire to know." - Aristotle (written before Christ)* - we are all naturally curious; we want to be smart, not dumb, we want to learn

What river was named after King Charles and why?

- *Charles River* - because of the *slow current*

Explain meaning: "If they be two, they are two so As stiff twin compasses are two," (lines 25-26)

- *Comparison is based on idea that circle is symbol of perfection and it can be opened and closed from time to time and that's okay* - *Sees his love as having no beginning or end* - Donne speaks on this when also stating: "But trepidation of the spheres, through greater far, is innocent" and "Dull sublunary lovers' love..."

Who ripped off Aristotle's quote? How so? What does this show?

- *St. Thomas Aquinas* - made it popular later on, *adding "thanks to God" at the end* - *shows that Church was still in firm control of England*

What U.S. state was named after Queen Elizabeth and how so?

- *Virginia* - named after Queen Elizabeth b/c her nickname was *"The Virgin Queen"*

What were created under King Charles' reign? When did he leave the country?

- *income and property taxes to pay for a war w/ Spain* - wasn't aware of how much money it cost to have war, especially war w/ Spain which was expensive - *left country in midst of Civil War*

Why Donne failed to graduate from college—and the college he attended

- *refused to take oath of supremacy* to graduate b/c he was Catholic; he believed no man was superior to the other - went to *Oxford University*

How were King Charles' presentation skills? What did he believe in?

- *very slow talker and mispronounced things* - didn't like theater/closed theaters b/c he *felt like the actors and writers were mocking him* (which they were) - believed in *divine right* of kings

"Song": the assurances the poet makes to his love

- Donne leaves on trips for extended periods of time in order to prepare his young wife for his death (because he assumes he will die before her) - He has to keep reassuring her that he loves her and isn't looking for someone else; even if he dies he tells her to keep him alive by thinking of him

Why did Donne enter the ministry in 1615?

- King James I recognized Donne's potential and declared *if Donne wanted to any advancement or employment from him, it had to be in the Church* - Became the *Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral*, the London center of the Church of England

How did Queen Elizabeth help save London? What did she create?

- London was *overcrowded* and people were building everywhere - She *banned new construction in London* and said to *build outside city* - She created *suburbs*

How did Queen Elizabeth save New York?

- NY was *overcrowded* - She *taped off Central Park*

Explain meaning: "Yet when the other far doth roam, It leans, and hearkens after it, And grows erect, as that comes home." (lines 30-32)

- When a lover leaves for a while, the other one longs for them to come back - Donne sees them as one, so if one leaves, it's almost as if they are missing a piece of themselves

What is Sir Thomas More's "Utopia" about? Why is it labeled as a society that's a Utopia?

- about a society everyone thinks is perfect - speaks on the irony of a Utopia; no society can be perfect, it is impossible

When did England became a world power? What was it recognized as by the rest of the world?

- during *Queen Elizabeth's reign* - recognized as *center of industry, business, government, finance, and law*

King Henry VIII: why he broke from the Roman Catholic Church

- he wanted to get a *divorce* - had *6 wives* - disregarded *papal authority*

The jobs and titles that Donne held

- soldier - adventurer - private secretary for Sir Thomas Egerton (1598) - minister - preacher - poet

The symbols that appear in "A Valediction..."

1. *Compares his parting from his lady to parting of the soul from a man at death:* "So let us melt, and make no noise" (line 5) - melting of precious metal by a goldsmith/alchemist "Gold to airy thinness beat" (lines 15-24) - finest gold leaf will float in air like a feather 2. *Tears and sighs of parting lovers* described as "tear-floods" and "sigh-tempests" (line 6)

Michelangelo's most famous works

1. *The Creation of Adam* 2. *The Fall of Man* 3. painting the *ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican* on his back

Who had Queen Elizabeth been rumored to be with?

1. Billy Shakes (she was ruling during his lifetime) 2. Christopher Marlowe 3. Sir Walter Raleigh

What languages was Queen Elizabeth fluent in? (6 languages; GEFISL)

1. Greek 2. English 3. French 4. Italian 5. Spanish 6. Latin

3 Types of Plays During Renaissance

1. Mystery/Miracle Plays 2. Morality Plays - *30 min* long 3. Interludes - *10-15 min* long, skit, humourous *all religiously themed*

DaVinci's most famous works

1. The Last Supper 2. Mona Lisa

*Sir Thomas Wyatt*


*Edmund Spenser*


*Sir Walter Raleigh*


*Sir Philip Sidney*


*Christopher Marlowe*


*John Donne*


Before DaVinci died, he acquired _________________ pages of notes.


What is "A Valediction" about?

A parting or farewell

Who is the song dedicated to?

Ann More

Who was "A Valediction" for?

Ann More

Explain this quote from "Song": "Yesternight the sun went hence, and yet is here today"

Ann isn't smart, so Donne explains to her in a simpler form; how the sun returns every time it sets, just like him when he goes on the long trips

Who does the deer belong to in "Whoso List to Hunt"?


The type of love that is found in "A Valediction..."

Donne defines and celebrates a love that transcends the physical and can therefore endure and even grow through separation

*"Sonnet 75"*

Edmund Spenser

*"The Faerie Queen"*

Edmund Spenser

Explain this quote from "Song": "Thou sigh'st not wind, but sigh'st my soul away;"

Every time Ann sighs she makes Donne feel bad

Explain this quote from "Song": "Sweetest love, I do not go for weakness of thee"

He isn't leaving because he's tired of her or looking for someone else

What is the song about?

How distance takes a toll on his relationship

Explain this quote from "Song": "To use myself jest, thus by feigned deaths to die"

Imagined death (when he leaves its like he's gone)

The origin of the Renaissance—where and when it began

Italy from 1485-1660

*"A Valediction: Forbidden Mourning"*

John Donne


John Donne

King James' son

King Charles (wasn't a good king)

epitome of a Renaissance Man (guy who can do anything: paint, write, draw)

Leonardo DaVinci

- Gave way towards the end of the Middles Ages (dark and troubled times) - Tended to be elaborate and sophisticated *dramatic allegories in which characters representing various virtues and vices confronted one another*

Morality Plays

Rough *dramatizations of Biblical stories performed* on large wagons or on platforms erected in marketplaces or innyards

Mystery/Miracle Plays

Sir Thomas Wyatt frequently imitated and translated sonnets of great 14th century Italian poet named


King Henry VIII's most famous child

Queen Elizabeth

Explain this quote from "Song": "O feeble is man's power, that if good fortune fall,"

Religious reference; man is weak compared to god (he's a preacher)

The American novel that was inspired by John Donne

Reverend (Puritan minister: Arthur Dimmesdale) in *The Scarlet Letter* was based on John Donne

Explain this quote from "Song": "If in thine my life thou waste, that art the best of me"

She's the best thing that he's ever had

What was the first big hit of the Renaissance?

Sir Thomas More's "Utopia"

*"Divers Doth Use"*

Sir Thomas Wyatt

*"Whoso List to Hunt"*

Sir Thomas Wyatt

What is the irony with Donne's writing "Song"?

The whole time he was preparing his wife for his passing, but she ended up dying first during her labor of their 7th child

meaning *nowhere, no place* in Greek


When was Donne's final public performance?

a few weeks before he died he delivered his own funeral sermon

Sir Thomas Wyatt was responsible for

bringing Sonnets to England

What is the main difference of the King James Bible?

changed part about divorce; *leaves divorce and marriage stuff out*

Sir Thomas Wyatt jobs

courtier and diplomat for Henry VIII

As a young man, how did Donne begin to feel about the Roman Catholic Church?

he drifted away from it

How did DaVinci feel about his notes? How did he write them?

he was *paranoid someone would take his notes and use them, making money off them* so he *wrote his notes backwards*

What were in DaVinci's notes?

included blueprints for tanks, machine guns, parachutes, and flying machines

What did Donne study at the Inns of Court in the early 1590s?


What three things was Leonardo DaVinci?

painter, scientist, and engineer

Who was Sir Walter Raleigh?

poet and explorer who cheated on Queen Elizabeth

What two things was Michelangelo?

sculptor and painter

How did being fluent in so many languages help Queen Elizabeth?

she can *understand countries she is negotiating with* w/o a translator and could *read about their history*

King Charles started _______ for no reason which resulted in ___________.

wars, taxes

What kind of family was Donne born into?

wealthy, Roman Catholic family

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