Research Methods Exam 1

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Which of the following statements best represents a hypothesis

"Amount of time spent studying and test performance are related."

The statistical significance of findings is largely irrelevant in the decision to publish a paper


The steps in the research processes are independent form one another


if you are not sure about which keyword to look up in the Psychological Abstracts, you should use the Social Science Citation Index


A researcher measured how much violent television children watch at home. These children were also observed for their aggressiveness on the playground. The researcher found that as the amount of violence watched on TV increased the amount of playground aggressiveness increased. The type of relationship found was

Positive linear

Igor notices that the more time he spends working in the laboratory the more familiar he becomes with the standard laboratory procedures. What type of relationship is this?


When the results of an experiment are consistent with a prediction developed from a theory we conclude that the theory is

Supported by the results

Two researchers tested the hypothesis that college student's grades and happiness are related. One researcher operationally defined happiness as the number of hours spent at leisure activities. The other defined happiness as the amount of achievement one feels as measured on a 10 pt scale. Which of the following statements is accurate?

The difference in operation definitions of happiness could lead to quite different results

Which of the following statements would be appropriate for the method section of a research report?

While the tree men and three women discussed the issue, the experimenter measured time spent talking by starting and stopping stopwatches.

Participants read an account of a crime in which the perpetrator was described as an attractive or unattractive woman. They then assign the length of prison sentence they felt the woman deserved. The ______ would be a _____ variable.

Woman's attractiveness; situational

Unlike scientific explanations, commonsense explanations are

accepted at face value

Belief-based explanations are

accepted because they come from a trusted source and require no evidence to support them

According to the text, reviewing the literature is important because

all of the above

According to the text, the basic strategy for conducting library research involves

all of the above

When determining whether to accept or reject a paper for publication, editors and reviewers

all of the above

According to the text values in science can affect

all the above

In the methods section of a paper you will find a description of

all the above

When conduction a search for previous literature using PsychInfo you

all the above

Which of the following would you find to be part of a full PsycINFO citation

all the above

An advantage of a poster session over a paper session is that the poster session

allows the author to present more details of the study and allows you to talk directly to the researcher about the research

A laboratory experiment uses ______ while a field experiment does not

an artificial environment

By employing randomization the researcher ensures that

any extraneous is just as likely to affect one group as it is to affect the other

General internet search engines can provide a treasure trove of information on a given topic. However, you should be careful when using such sources because

anyone can publish anything on the internet and there is no guarantee that the info you obtain will meet scientific standards

When evaluating a results section you should determine whether the

appropriate statistics were applied

Dr. King asks student teacher to assign a punishment for misbehavior displayed by an attractive versus unattractive child. The response variable would be

assigned punishment

The most up-to-the-minute information about research can be obtained

at a professional convention or meeting

"The scientific method is a ay of thinking in addition to a way of gathering information." This statement shows that the scientific method is an


Your primary concern when reading a discussion section is whether the

authors conclusions follow from the data reported

An explanation is empirical if it is

based on evidence of the senses

A researcher investigated the relationship between alcohol intake and reaction time in a driving stimulation task. Participants drank either one ounce or three ounces of alcohol and were then measured on braking speed at a simulated red light. The DV was

braking speed

A researcher had participants eat the same flavored ice cream packaged in a round or square carton. The participants then indicated how much they liked the ice cream. The DV is

ice cream rating

Critically reading and analyzing research literature involves a

initial appraisal and careful analysis of content

According to the text, hypothesis development is important because

it drives other decisions concerning how variables are to be measured and manipulated in your research and poorly conceptualized hypotheses may lead to invalid results

What is the primary advantage of the laboratory experiment over find experiment?

it is easier to hold extraneous variables constant

One advantage to using PsychINFO over the Social science Citation Index is as a method for obtaining past research is

it will give you abstracts of the research articles

Making a photocopy of a published article is

legal but unethical

Findings that do not make sense within the currently accepted framework are

looked on with suspicion

According to the text the best way to deal with research fraud is to

make maximum use of the review process

In the search for causes of behavior, Cialdini's idea of scouting involves

making systematic observations of naturally occurring behavior

According to the text, a successfully completed research project

may raise more questions than answers

A measure has construct validity if it

measures what it intended to measure

Two steps suggested by Cialdini to explore the causes of behavior are

non of the above

A researchers investigated the relationship between age and participation in a discussion human sexuality. She found that younger students contributed more to the discussion than did older students. What was the research method used in this study?


Dr. Sears observes that the more time a person spends in a department store the more purchase they tend to make. The research method used in this study can best be described as


A disadvantage of publishing multiple experiments in a single paper is that

none of the above

If the police of a journal is to not send articles out for review prior to publication that journal is


Extensive research has been conducted on the subject of "bystander intervention" Interest in this topic was generated following the stabbing of Kitty Genovese in the presence of her neighbors. This source f idea for this body of research was

observations of the world around us

Peters and Ceci (82) found that when previously published articles were retyped as manuscripts and resubmitted to the journal that originally published them

only 3/12 papers were identified as resubmissions and rejected for that reason

You are looking at a periodical that has slick, attractive appearance with many photographs. Sources are rarely, if ever, cited and the relatively short articles are written in simple language. You are looking at a

popular periodical

At the beginning of any research project, it is necessary to explore throughly prior to research on the topic of interest because

prior findings are useful for clarifying and generating research ideas

The "file drawer phenomenon" relates to the problem of

published research appearing more reliable that it actually is

The method of inquiry that involves logically deducing conclusions from self-evident truths is the

rational method

The most up-to-date published information about research in a given area can be found in a

scientific journal

A _____ source summarizes information from sources of original research reports


If you wanted to look up research on a particular topic in the Psychological Abstracts, you would use the

subject index

Once a disconfirmed hypothesis has been revised it is

subjected to rigorous testing

A researcher manipulates the amount of lighting in a workspace and then observes its effects on a groups productivity. This situation represents which element of inference of cause?

temporal precedence

A hypothesis is a

tentative statement that something may be true

A researcher investigated the relationship between test length and grades in a Wester Civilization class. After randomly assigning students to groups, she found that studies who took longer exams received better grades than students who took shorter exams. The Dependent variable was

test grades

We can usually have more confidence in scientific explanations than commonsense explanations because

testing a scientific explanation rules out alternative explanations for observed behavior

When reading a discussion section you should determine whether

the author made assertions that went far beyond the data reported and whether the findings reported fit with previous research and theory

In most cases reviewers are

unaware who conducted the research being reviewed

According to the text, you can narrow your PsycINFO search by

using the Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms

You detect some research fraud in your laboratory. You decide to blow the whistle and turn in the offender. According to the text, you will probably be

vilified and your own credibility called into question

When reading the introduction to a paper, you should pay special attention to

whether the literature was reviewed adequately

A disadvantage of using PsycARTICLES exclusively when doing a literature search is that

you can only obtain journal articles that were published since 1988 and you can only obtain articles from journals published by the APA

The final step in the research process is analyzing your data


The method of authority has no place in science


The results from basic research are not applicable to solving everyday problems


The index that is similar to the Psychological Abstracts is the

Permuterm Subject Index

Which section of the research article summarizes the hypothesis, the procedure and results, usually in 150 words or less?


An operational definition of the variable "anxiety" might be

All of the above

A researcher found that as the amount of violence watched on TV increased, the amount of playground aggressiveness increased. Which of the following conclusions might be correct?

All the above

A researcher observed that people who have a larger number of pets also live in houses with more bathrooms than people with fewer pets. Which of the following conclusions might be correct?

All the above

Which of the following is a source of ideas for a research project

All the above

Which of the following periodicals publishes articles that summarize recent developments in various areas of psychology

Annual Review of Psychology

A behavioral scientists will usually accept which condition for a variable to be labeled a cause?

Any of the above

You are hired by a local company to do research on improving employee morale. The research you do would be classified as

Applied research

Dr. Smith conducts an experiment to test the limits of Leon Festinger's cognitive dissonance theory. Dr. Smith is doing

Basic research

You read in a newspaper about a prison riot that followed minor changes in the rules governing prisoners. Your immediate explanation for the riot is that "Prisoners are just the type of people who would be expected to riot over such a small thing." this is an example of _____ explanation


Which one of the following would not be found when you search the PsychINFO abstracting system?

Complete article

A psychologists studied dependency by measuring how many times children in school asked an adult for help. A critic argued that asking for help is not a good measure of dependency. In fact the critic said asking for help shows resourcefulness and initiative. The critic in this situation was disputing the ____ of the dependency.

Construct validity

You should adopt a ____ point of view when reading research literature


Which of the following is most likely not a variable

Current U.S. president

A researcher finds that the more a song is played on the radio, the greater the linking for the song. However, she also finds that if the song is played too much people start to dislike the song. This is an example of what type of relationship?


When increases in the values of one variable are associated with both increases and decreases in the values of a second variable, what type of relationship is present?


Science and pseudoscience both use basically the same methods to derive explanations for phenomena


Which of the following is not a step of the scientific method listed in the text?

Developing a comprehensive theory about a phenomenon

According to the text, ____ is the first step in the research process

Developing a research idea

A critical question you should ask yourself when evaluation a method section is

Does the method used allow for an unambiguous test of the stated hypothesis?

Which method allows you to say that one variable cased a change in another variable?

Experimental method

Explanation A makes four assumptions about behavior, Explanation B makes three. Which of the following is true?

Explanation B is more parsimonious than explanation A

When the results of a study can be generalized to other populations and settings, the study is said to have _____ validity


A list of the equipment used in an experiment is usually found in the introduction to a research report


A secondary source is as good as a primary source for obtaining information about research


Because scientific explanations cannot be applied to all questions, explanations based on beliefs are superior


Despite all its problems the peer review is a highly reliable process


Generally, research that has received funding from a granting agency is better than research that has not


Only novice scientists must worry about falling into the trap of psyeudoexplanation


A researcher asks male and female participants to rate the desirability of potential neighbors on the basis of the potential neighbor's occupation. Which of the following is a participant variable?

Gender of the research participant

A theory

Generates new knowledge by guiding our observations

In which section of a research article would a reader find a description of what was done in the past and why the present study is being conducted?

Introduction section

The experimental method eliminates the third-variable problem by

Keeping extraneous variables constant and randomly assigning participants to a group

When a researcher manipulates temperature of a room in order to examine the effect it has on task performance, the different temperature conditions are refereed to as the _____ of the variable


Professor Brown found the more alone a person feels, the more time they spend watching TV. This finding would be an example of a _______ relationship.


Dr. Kramer found that the average number of miles driven decreases as the price of gasoline increases. This relationship can best be described as a _______ relationship


When increases in the values of on variable are associated with decreases in the values of a second, what type of relationship is present?


Which of the following sets the scientific method apart from other methods of inquiry

Observing and explaining

The process of clearly identifying how a variable is measured or manipulated is referred to as the _____ of the variable

Operation definition

Because of tension between the police department and the citizens of Metropolis, the city council surveys residents for suggestions on how to improve police-community relations. This example best illustrates ____ as a source of research ideas

Practical problems

A researcher designs a study to look at the relationship between gender and time spent talking in a group. Researcher states "In a balanced mixed gender group, males will talk more than females." This is an example of


The statement "Females will report greater incidences of sexual harassment than will males" is an example of a ____, while the statement "Reported incidences of sexual harassment will vary according to gender" is an example of a ___

Prediction; hypothesis

Obtaining independent measures of the behavior of interest and the explanatory concept helps us avoid


According to the text, using PsycINFO to preform a literature search has which of the following advantages

PsycINFO indexes over 1800 scientific journals and book chapters and using PsycINFO makes previously tedious, time-consuming work easier and faster

In which section of a research article would a reader find a description of the findings using statistical language


To find out how many authors have cited a particular article in the years since it was published, you would consult

Social Science Citation Index

The method of authority is not relied on for developing scientific explanations because

Some sources of information are not authoritative and a source of information may be based by a particular theoretical orientation

A study examined the relationship between years spent smoking and attitudes toward quitting by asking participants to rate their optimism for the success of a treatment program. If there were a negative relationship between these variables, what should the results be?

The more years spent smoking, the less optimistic for sucess

Although books can be good sources for a literature review, the material in them should be considered with caution because

The review process that books undergo may not be as rigorous as the process that articles in scientific journals undergo

An editor of a journal can significantly affect the character of a research filed by publishing a new editorial policy


Because research usually raises more questions than it answered, reporting your results is usually not the final step in the research process


Further observing and experimenting set the scientific method apart from other methods of inquiry


Primary sources provide the best source of full reports of research


PsycARTICLES allows you to obtain full copies of articles published in the journals of the APA since 1988


Research fraud can arise from scientific elitism


The "file drawer phenomenon" refers to the fact that many studies that fail to obtain significant results are never published, making published finding less reliable than they seem


The review process that books undergo may not be as rigorous as the review process that journal articles undergo


The scientific method is the most powerful method for acquiring scientific information


When an allegation of research fraud is made, it should be made based on hard evidence and investigated by an independent fact-finding body


To assess the strength of relationship between beer sales and outdoor temperatures Adolph would want to

calculate a correlation coefficient

Scientific explanations are superior to those based on belief for questions that

can be addressed with objective observation

According to the text, unfounded but commonly accepted explanations for behavior

can have widespread consequences when they become the basis for social policy

__ explanations are based on the limited information at hand and on our own previous experiences


In the satirical book "Motel of the mysteries" an archeologists discovered a container marked "ICE" in the motel room she unearthed. The archaeologists would be making an error of inference if she said that the

container was an "internal components enclosure" used to store internal body organs after death

Two designs that you can choose to use in your research are

correlational and experimental designs

Issues such as equipment needs and preparing materials are most relevant when you are

deciding on a research design

In which section of a research article would a reader find an explanation for the findings


Random assignment is a critical element of the experimental method because it

eliminates consistent effects of extraneous variables

In the experimental method the researcher makes sure that the influence of all extraneous variables are kept constant. This process is referred to as

experimental control

A pseudoexplanation is an

explanation that is nothing more than a new name for behavior

Major difference between scientific explanations and explanations based on belief

explanations based on belief are assumed to be true, whereas scientific explanations are accepted only provisionally

According to the text the most serious form of fraud in research is

the outright fabrication of data

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