Respiratory System

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Thoracic and Abdominal Cavity

What does the diaphragm separate?

Blood coming from the cells release CO2; Blood going to cells receives O2

What takes place through the tissues of the alveoli?

Emphysema/Chronic Bronchitis

a condition resulted by the breakdown of the alveoli or cigarette smoking


a sheet of muscle which the lungs depends on for us to breathe; stretches across the inside of the body below the lungs


a substance that lines and keeps the alveoli open and prevents them from collapsing


a very tiny tube that dead ends in an alveolus within the lungs


an elastic cartilage located at the root of the tongue that folds over the windpipe to prevent food from entering during swallowing

Asthma attack

caused when breathing unfiltered air through the mouth

C(H2O) + O2 => CO2 + H2O + energy for living

chemical formula for cellular respiration

Larynx (voice box)

contains the vocal cords; Adam's apple

Respiratory System

designed to reject solid and liquid material


involves the exchange of two gases between your body and the enviroment

Internal or Cellular Respiration

is the actual use of oxygen by the cells of the body and the release of carbon dioxide in exchange

External Respiration

is the mechanical exhaling and inhaling that is needed to get the oxygen from the air and into the lungs


short filaments which wave in a coordinated fashion to move mucus

Bronchial tube

smaller branches of the bronchi within the lungs


substance that stimulates the production of an antibody

Gas exchange

takes place by diffusion through the walls of the alveoli

Pharynx (throat)

the back part of the mouth and nasal cavity; where air passes through

Abdominal cavity

the cavity that lies between the thorax and the pelvis


the two tubes into which the trachea divide to go into each lung

Alveoli (Alveolus: singular)

tiny sacs within the lungs which increase the surface available for gas exchange; makes up most of the lung tissue

Inhalation and Exhalation

two steps in the process of breathing


where air entering from the lungs is terminated


where inhaled debris sticks to before entering the lower reaches of the lungs; produced by glands at the airways of the lungs


where the air entering the lungs are filtered

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