Revature Panel - NodeJS/Express
What are some of the HTTP Status Codes Examples?
- 100: Continue - 200: OK - 202: Accepted - 300: Multiple Choices - 302: Found - 400: Bad Request - 401: Unauthorized - 404: Resource not found - 403: Forbidden - 500: Internal Server Error - 503: Service Unavailable
What are Sessions?
- A session is a place to store data that you want access to across requests. - Each user that visits your website has a unique session
What does Middleware do?
- Enables seamless communication between disparate applications. - Enables applications to communicate synchronously or asynchronously, and can provide encryption.
What are some of the HTTP Methods?
- GET - retrieve resources (has nobody) - POST - create resources - PUT - create/update resources [if resource doesn't exist put it, else update] - DELETE - delete resources - PATCH - partial update on resources
What cand Node.js do?
- Node.js is a free and open source server environment - written in c++. - It allows us to run javascript outside of a browser. - It's platform independant.- npm is node package manager. - It allows developers to create and use open source packages. - Similar to Maven, we can use it to manage what dependencies we have and the versions we want to use. - This is done through the package.json file - It's both a platform and a command line interface.
What does NPM do?
- npm is the world's largest Software Registry. - The registry contains over 800,000 code packages. - Open-source developers use npm to share software. - Many organizations also use npm to manage private development.
What are HTTP Status Codes?
100s: Info 200s: Success 300s: Redirect 400s: Client-side Error 500s: Server-side Error
What is Express?
A routing and middleware web framework.
European Computer Manufacturing Association
What is Middleware?
Functions that receive the request and response objects.
Why are Sessions inadequate?
It can be accessed in the console of the application, leaving user data vulnerable to malicious actions.
What's the purpose of the Body Parser?
It extracts the entire body portion of an incoming request stream and exposes it on req.body
What does Express do?
It facilitates the rapid development of Node based Web applications.
What is Node.js?
It is a JavaScript run-time environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a browser.
What is Node?
It is a Server side JavaScript runtime environment.
Why use Node.js?
It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient
What is a Router in Express?
It's used to make applications more modular and flexible by creating multiple instances of the router and applying them.
What language does Express use?
What is NPM?
Node Package Manager
What platform does Express run on?
Node.js platform
What's the ECMA?
Standardized specification for JS