Revelations during the Enlightenment

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In which revolutionary documents did Enlightenment ideas influence

-American Declaration of Independence during the American Revolution -the French "Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen" during the French Revolution,

French Revolution vs American Revolution

-Differ in the way it's influenced spread -US became a world power at the end of the 19th century -France spread through conquest under the leadership of Nepoleon

The hierarchy of France during the revolution

-Frist estate- Clergy: 130 000, the church and court exempt from certain taxes -Second estate- Nobility-120 000-350 000, royalty, nobility lords/ladies, sword rights (from serfdom) special law treatment, exempt form certain taxes/military service -Third estate: 27 mill, everyone else, no special right

The social classes of Saint domingue

-Grand Blancs- rich white landowners wanted greater autonomy for the colony fewer economic restrictions on trade -Petit Blancs- white non landowners who sought equality of citizenship for all whites -Gens de Couleur (Libre)- Free POC who wanted equality for everyone -Enslaved ppl of African descent- wanted to end slavery

Slave revolts

-Majority unsuccessful -Enslaved Africans outnumbered white people tend to one -enslaved Africans were allowed to keep their African customs -Vodou (Vudon) was widely practiced among the slaves. Religion gave this dumb a form of cultural expression, and rallying points for protest.

What was the social hierarchy in the south (US)

-Planters: Wealthiest members of society. Dominated political life -Small Farmers: Owned land with less than 20 slaves participated in government but rarely held office -Poor farmers: Largest segment of the free population. Mostly of Scots-Irish decent. -Slaves

what kind of kickstarts the revolutions in the US

-The colonies start to feel like they no longer part of their countries occupying them. -People developed a new sense of commonality based on language, religion, social customs, and territory (nationalism). -Discontent with monarchist and imperial rule encouraged the development of systems of government and various ideologies, including democracy and 19th-century liberalism. (Women wanting votes)

Facts about toussaint

-former slave -Began organizing, enslaved Africans into military units -Did not participate in the original uprising -Organize the military to fight the French, Spanish and English

Who is Toussaint L'Overture and what did he do?

-he led a slave revolt in the French colony of Saint Domingue in the late 18th century and led to the end of slavery on the island in 1804 -Newly independent nation of Haiti became the first country in the Americas to end slavery

Causes of the American Revolution

1. Taxation- Britain needed money after its war with France which ran up their national debt 2. Revocation of Royal Charters 3. Enforcement of Navigation Acts 4. •American colonists were upset & armed with ideas of the Enlightenment (popular sovereignty, natural rights, consent of the governed) - they went to war 5. Oppression by King 6. Interference of Parliament in Colonial Affairs. 7. No Representation in Parliament.

When was the American Revolution?


When was the French Revolution?


When was the Haitian Revolution?

1791-1804 also during the French Revolution

When was The Radical Phase of the French Revolution


What started the reign of terror

1793 king Louis XVl and Marie Antoinette executed

When dose the moderate phase of the French Revolution take place


What was the geatine seen as

A fair way to execute ppl Very quick Everyone was excuted by it Different classes would get excuted by differ ways

What was the Nepoleonic code?

All male citizens are equal Hereditary nobility, and class privileges are extinguished Civilian institutions are emancipated from church control Freedom of person, freedom of contract, and inviolability of private property are fundamental principles. Authority of men over their families Deprived women of individual rights Reduce the rights of illegitimate children All male citizens were also granted equal rights under the law and the right to religious dissent Colonial slavery was reintroduced

What was the Women's March on Versailles?

Angry housewife's marched to Versailles to protest the raising bread prices, and starvation. Goal is for Marie Antoinette to realize her country is starving and move the King and Queen and back to Paris Also Marie is Austrian french don't like them Women so mad that there kids are starving that they march for 13 miles

How is nepoline defeated

At the battle of Waterloo after an alience between every country at war with then fight together

Why did the excute Robespierre

Bc he was to radical

What do colonies that pushes them to revolt

Colonies start to realize being part of an empire isn't good They don't get to go political further make less money bc of mercantilism

Who is Olympe de Gouges?

Feminist thinker towards the revolution who made her an enemy and was executed She rewrote the the declaration of the rights of Man to the declaration of the rights of Women

Who are the French at war with

French Russia British Crussia (Germany ) Austria

Which Revolution influenced the Haitian Revolution

French Revolution had a huge influence on the French Caribbean colony of Saint Domingue

What item of execution was used during this time (radical piriod of French)


How dose nepolien show he is more powerful then the church

He brings the pope back to France so he can be crown as king He takes the crown and crowns himself Then crows his wife as empress

Why was slavery reintroduced while Neapolitan ruled

He wanted Haiti to Purdue's coffee

How was the Haitian triggered

In 1791 triggered by rumors that the French king had already declared an end to slavery slaves burned 1000 plantations and killed hundreds of whites as well as mixed race people

Context for the United States revolutions

In North America (England and France): NOT plantation economies in need of forced labor Exception: Southern colonies of "United States" NO missionary pressure VERY LITTLE interaction/intermarrying/merging of native, African, European people/culture Developed a formal culture with values and institution that were much more culturally "pure" to European ways than the culture created in Latin America Side note: France lost Seven Years War and all their North American colonies to England in 1763

Context for nepolien

In his 20s Very popular Wins every war He overthrew the directory (walks into a meeting, bloodless cou) He brings back the church bc ppl want the church He allows freedom of religion

How did the US revolution inspired the Haitian revolution?

Inspired, however it's similar to the French because it was bloodier and violent. It's different from the American revolution because the plantation owners wanted independence from the British slaves. Had nothing to do with the revolution.

How did Haiti gain its independence?

Jean Jacques Dessalines led a revolt following the capture Toussaint Horrific war broke out we're both sides resorted to mass murder Napoleon wants to remake empire, maximize profit to fight therefore we introduced to slavery Because France cannot resupply their troops and suffered fever in their camps Haiti wins the war in November 1803

How did Toussaint beat the French, Spanish and English?

Join forces with the Spanish army against the French (this is where he learns to fight and organized with the Spanish) He rose to high ranks within the Spanish army When French abolish slavery, his switch sides promoted to general in the French army Tucson ruled the colony as the French governor general Force the British troops to draw

When was the Tennis Court Oath?

June 1789

What happened to Toussaint?

Liberated the entire island from slavery, but still the man in the production of sugar and coffee Wanted to rebuild the French/Haitian economy Napoleon site to return Saint Domingue to French control and reinstate slavery Sent French forces to recapture the island Tucson is captured in prison in France

What is the declaration of the rights of Man and the Citizen and when was it written

Life, liberty, property, freedom from oppression, freedom of expression (only men) August 1789

Who is Bolivar

Like the Gorge Washinton of South America Pushed for Libertisum

Who led the riegh of terror

Maximilien Robespierre and his committee of public safety

Who is the leader during the moderate phase of the French Revolution

Napoleon Bonaparte

What unites ppl (French)

Nationalism, race, belief

What is the rain of terror

Ppl where scared Anyone who questions this will be excuted

What did Saint Domingue purduce

Saint domingue was the richest colony in the world purdused 40% of sugar 50% of coffee

Context for Haitian Revolution

Slave labor force made up majority of the population 500,000 France controles the western part of the island Spain the other haft French plantations owners learned about the events of the French Revolution

What is the Storming of the Bastille?

The 3rd estate knowing weapons were in the prison they decided to storm in kill the guards, cut their heads off and parade them through the streets on sticks.

What is the Bastille?

The Bastille was a medieval fortress, armory, and political prison in Paris and represented royal authority - the French people overthrew the Bastille and the Fr Rev began

Why was the Tennis Court Oath written?

The Estates General would not allow for equal representation, so the 3rd estate separated and formed the National Assembly to make these demands for equal representation. No one would let them in, so they went to the tennis court and wrote up a new constitution. Turns out there wasn't a meeting in the first place.

Slavery in Saint Domingue

The conditions on the island where the worst in the world The death rate of enslaved Africans was around 50% Most died of overwork in the sugar coffee and indigo plantations Torture of slaves who resisted was common Most enslaved Africans had memories of freedom in Africa

What was the 7 years war?

The war between the British and French (made its way into India and the Americas)

What is the Tennis Court Oath?

Third estate agreed to stay together and fight until there is a written constitution

What was the role of women during the french revolution

Women believed they should fight side by side with men

How did Robespierre die?

executed by guillotine in 1794 He was given a gun the day before he shots himself in the jaw he lived next day excited face up

How did the French try and fix the country's dept

he government tried to fix the countries economic problems and debt by taxing the third estate.

Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette

queen and king during the French Revolution, Marie was Austrian (French hate Austrians) lived a spoiled, lavish lifestyle when the rest of France was starving They both didn't know the suffrage and poverty of peasants (lived in versity) Marie spent 1 mill $ on dresses a year.

Immediate context of the french reveloltion

•Bad Harvests- ppl hunger since they can't afford bc of expensive taxes •Louis XVI and the Estates General •Power to levy taxes and reform laws •French soldiers returned from assisting America (full of republican enthusiasm) •France was also bankrupt from assisting the Americans •King Louis XVI - knew there needed to be tax reform so he called the Estates General which contained representatives from the three "estates" or legal orders

Who helped the Americans gain independence from the British

•By 1781 they had prevailed with help from the French (who were ironically still a monarchy themselves)

What did Atlantic Revolutions have in common?

•Caused by taxes •Shared Enlightenment ideas like popular sovereignty •Global impact (Nationalism)

What where the reasons the American Revolution was able to happen

•For much of the 17th and 18th centuries, the British colonies in North America had a great deal of autonomy •The British gov't had its own internal conflicts which allowed N. American colonies to be dominated by the wealthier property-owning settles - gave them something close to self-government. •Colonists came to regard such autonomy as a birthright and part of their heritage •No one wanted to break away b/c British Empire provided many advantages (protection in war, access to British markets, etc) - few drawbacks

What drove the French Revolution?

•French Revolution was driven- Members of the nobility resented the monarchy's efforts to subject them to new taxes The growing middle class resented the rights of the aristocracy, •These gave the French Revolution a much more violent, far-fetching, and radical character than the American Revolution

Why did the British want the Haitian territory?

They thought the Haitian and the Haitian revolution because they saw that France was weak. Saw an opportunity to get the territory. They also wanted the land.

What was the religion created during the French Revolution

Cult of Supreme Leader

when and where are the revolution

!750-1900 USA France Haiti

When was the storming of the Bastille?

July 14, 1789

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