Review: Eastern Europe from 1450-1789

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How does the nobility of France differ from the nobility of Prussia?

French Nobility: Pomp, privilege, but exempted from service Prussian Nobility: Pomp, privilege, expected to serve in the state or military. This expectation created a nobility that served the state in the Army and civilian bureaucracy, making them vital for success of the state.

What class suffered most under the "Most Catholic Monarch", the "Sun King", and Catherine "the Great"?


What were the two German states that emerged as the dominant powers in German politics after the 30 Years War?

Prussia and Austria

How did the Prussian state change between 1640 and 1763?

Prussian territory expanded and Prussia emerged as a Great Power after consolidating resources by taking control of Silesia.

General trends over time in Romanov Russia

1) Autocracy - Absolutism 2) Plutocratic Aristocracy - Small percentage controlling power and wealth 3) Orthodoxy - Everyone must be of the same religion (Russian Orthodox) 4) Expansion - They expanded and the conquered lands were given to the aristocrats to ensure loyalty.

Three policies associated with Catherine the Great

1) Expansion - formerly Ottoman territory in Black Sea region and Polish Partitions. 2) Reputation for carrying on conversations with the Enilghtenment philosophes. She did allow for a greater degree of publications of a variety of types and is generally considered a supporter of the arts (literary, music, drama, etc.). 3) Established schools for girls of the nobility and orphanages for the abandoned.

How did Peter the Great deal with the princes of Russia?

1) Forced the nobility to participate in the military or new government bureaucracy. 2) Demanded that certain noble families build palaces resembling those found in Amsterdam at his newly constructed capital located on the Gulf of Finland. 3) Gave the nobility virtually complete control over their peasant populations in exchange for conscripted serfs to serve in the Czar's army. 4) Crushed noble rebellions with typical Russian fury.

Reforms of Peter the Great

1) Military - The Prussians trained his military after he lost to the Swedes 2) Mining - Imports German and Welsh miners. (Needed fir guns, weapons, transportation) 3) Mercantilism - Economic self sufficiency (not depending on others for weapons) 4) Hires foreign exports - Hires those who know how to make weapons 5) Education and Technical Schools - Focuses on STEM to improve military 6) Military academies 7) Educational Requirement for the Nobility 8) Taxation system 9) Creates the first Russian Navy

Policies associated with the Peter the Great

1) Never forgot the peasant rebellion of his childhood and supported policies that resulted in an increasingly oppressive life for the Russian peasantry. 2) Worked on the docks of Amsterdam during his trip West and was the first Czar to invest heavily in a Russian navy. 3) Peter left his family with a larger empire that was firmly part of the European family of nations. He attempted to European Russia after witnessing the technological advancements found in the Great Western Powers.

Describe "Enlightened Absolutism" (Enlightened Despotism)

1) Philosophes believed that enlightened rulers would enact the enlightenment ideals. 2) Enlightened despots nurtured the arts and sciences 3) Enlightened despots increased the efficiency of governmental bureaucratic institutions. 4) Enlightened absolutists practiced a degree of religious tolerance in comparison to the policies of Louis XIV or the Hapsburgs of previous generations and centuries.

What did Enlightened monarchs believe in?

1) Reform of government bureaucracy. 2) Military preparedness. 3) Increased food production. NOT DEMOCRACY

How did Frederick the Great impact the development of Prussia?

1) Silesia doubles the size and population of Prussia and adds one of the richest regions of central Europe to Hohenzollern domains. 2) Religious tolerantion 3) Published "Anti-Machiavel" 4) Established basic law codes 5) Increased efficiency and modernized agriculture embraced the arts and literature of the Enlightenment 6) Limited torture and cruel and unusual punishments 7) Lifted censorship of the press to a degree

How was moving the capital to St. Petersburg symbolic and practical?

1) Symbolic - Moving the capital to the West was a part of Peter's westernization campaign. 2) Practical - It was a "window to the west" and allowed Russia to trade with the west. It was a diplomatic center of Russia and styled after a western European city (Amsterdam).

Before Peter the Great's reign, Russia had been influenced by all of the following:

1) The Byzantine Empire 2) Orthodox Christianity 3) The Mongol "horde" 4) The Muscovite princes

Describe the development of absolutism in eastern Europe

1) The Hohenzollerns emerged as the rulers of Prussia under the leadership of Frederick William who created an army that became Europe's fourth largest. 2) The Hapsburgs centralized their authority in the modern nations of the Czech Republic, Austria, and Hungary with the capital at Vienna. 3) The Austrians expanded south into Transylvania, Croatia, and Slovenia after fighting against the Ottoman Turks repelled the invading Muslim armies. 4) The Romanovs came to power in 1613 and would remain the Czars of Russia until 1917

In the quid pro quo between the Prussian monarchy and the Junkers, what were the two major concessions enjoyed by the Prussian monarchy?

1) The Junkers were the service nobility of the Prussian State and they were officers in the military . 2) The Junkers provided serfs to serve in the Prussian military. 3) The Junkers deferred to the Hohenzollern monarchy in decisions of war and foreign policy.

Who was at conflict with the emerging Russia states during the 17th and 18th centuries

1) The Republic of Poland 2) Sweden 3) The Ottoman Empire

Facts on the Formation of the Prussian State

1) The elector of Brandenburg saw his territories devastated during the 30 years war. 2) The "Junker" nobility in Prussia served in the officer corps of the army in exchange for autonomy over their serf populations. 3) The Prussian state emerged as a powerful army despite a relatively small population.

What were the consequences of royal absolutism in eastern Europe?

1) growth of the power of the aristocracy over their serfs 2) stagnant class structure 3) growing militarism 4) increased tax burden on the most vulnerable in society

What are policies associated with Joseph II? (took over from Maria Theresa)

1) religious tolerance---Jews also 2) artistic expression 3) war and consolidation of military encampments on the borders of the empire 4) he attempted to gain control over the Catholic Church and shut down many monasteries 5) he increased agricultural science increased elementary school education 6) attempted to emancipate the serfs

Feature of the Old Regime

Contrasts in the lives and experiences of people of different social ranks

Why was Frederick I called the least Prussian of his family?

He patronized art and literature

What was the Middle Passage?

It describes the journey from Africa to the Americas to be sold into slavery for African slaves. Millions died on the Middle Passage and many, many more were sold into slavery in the New World.

What happened to the Polish nation-state in 1795?

Liberum veto and constitutionalism in Poland.

Who were the two major powers in the German Dualism?

Maria Theresa of Austria and Frederick the Great of Prussia (they fought for control over Silesia and the influence over other German territories)

The gain of which territory helped establish Prussia as a great power in the mid-17th century?


Which areas of Germany felt the largest bond with the Catholic Hapsburgs?

Southern Germany

What state was the dominant state in the Baltic Region from 1650-1750?


Who was the backbone of the Prussian army?

The Junkers

What was the overall goal of Peter the Great?

To create a self-sufficient military empire

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