Review for Unit 1 Assessment Quizlet

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How is a Creative Commons license different from a regular copyright?

A Creative Commons license is basically like a public copyright where the creator gives permission for people to share their work for free. Regular copy right is exclusive to the creator and what they want to do with their work.

An author is preparing to send their book to a publisher as an email attachment. The file on their computer is 1000 bytes. When they attach the file to their email, it shows as 750 bytes. The author gets very upset because they are concerned that part of their book has been deleted by the email address. If you could talk to this author, how would you explain what is happening to their book?

I would tell the author that none of their work went missing, it was compressed, meaning that repeated words were given a symbol so that we could use less bytes to show the whole book.

Your computer science teacher asks you to sample a black and white image that is 4" x 6". How would you sample the image to provide a good digital approximation using the pixelation widget? What sample size would you use? How would your decision affect the digital representation?

If I wanted an approximation, I would increase the sample size, maybe to at least 16 by 24. This is because they are both multiplied by 4. The higher the lengths and widths, the better the would affect my representation because the smaller the pixels, the more you can put, the bigger the pixels, the less you can put.

Imagine you were using some of our pixelation tools to create an image and you posted it online for your friends to see - but, a week later you find out someone took that image and put it on a T-shirt that they're selling for $10 each. Now that we understand Copyright, what would need to change in order for the scenario from the warm-up to be okay?

It would be ok if I, the creator, gave them permission to share my work freely, like the Creative Commons license.

How would you explain a number system to someone who had never seen numbers before?

A number system is a set of intergers/ symbols called numbers that escalate up as you count higher. The number system typically starts from 0 or 1, and it goes higher as you count; 2,3,4,5...

What are the similarities and differences between the binary and decimal systems?

Binary uses 2 numbers whereas decimals have the number system.

What would result in a better digital approximation of an analog black and white image?

Decreasing the size of each sample square, thus increasing the number of samples taken.

You've been given a new cell phone with a 2 gigabyte data plan. You plan to use your phone for text messages, images, video, and music. Which of these categories are best compressed using lossless compression? Which of these categories are best compressed using lossy compression? Why?

For more important and professional things such as music or professional images should use lossless compression because they are more important and may need a symbol, you can't throw it out completely. Things such as text messages can use lossy compression so that you can save space, and it's not as important.

Modern car odometers can record up to a million miles driven. What happens to the odometer reading when a car drives beyond its maximum reading?

If the car drives beyond the limit, the odometer would not be able to keep track of it; therefor, it most likely will reset

Describe how the process of sampling, RGB pixels, and binary sequences work together to display a digital color image.

Like a light switch, we use binary to turn certain colors "on" and certain colors "off". This way, we can get a certain color we want using binary.

What is true about analog and digital images?

Sampling an analog image more frequently produces a digital image with a better representation.

Many museums have digital catalogs of their collections. What are the potential benefits and harms of creating these digital catalogs?

Some benefits are that the artist work is organized and can be put into categories. It can show off the artist work to people. However, some harms can include that the artist work isn't artistically shown and that their work can be stolen and used.

What is the most important quality of lossless compression?

The data is transformed to usually make it smaller. It can always be re-constructed back to the original.

When using bits to represent fractions of a number, can you create all possible fractions? Why or why not?

We cannot because the only fractions (decimals) we could get would be .25, .5, and .75 so we would have to round.

Why should we care about information being represented digitally? How does this impact you personally?

We should care about information being represented digitally because it stores a lot of data in a database which can be used more many benefits depending on what the data is used for. This impacts me personally because I, and many others, put our information down which we want to be kept safe. We don't want anyone such as hackers going through our information and it being used.

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