Revolutions-Period 5

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How did the end of slavery affect the lives of the former slaves?

-Their economic lives didn't improve dramatically -Sharecropping replaced slavery -Didn't achieve political equality -Many believed that their years of unrequited labor gave them a claim for land -Caused more homelessness and still didn't get equal rights

Karl Marx

A German philosopher, economist, sociologist, journalist and revolutionary socialist. Born in Prussia, he later became stateless and spent much of his life in London.

Mexican Revolution

A major armed struggle from 1910-1920 that transformed Mexican politics and society. It was a war with the belief that wealthy landowners could no longer continue the old ways of Spanish colonial rule and should be replace with a modern system in which those who actually worked the land should extract its wealth through their labor.

Labour Party:

A political party formed to represent the interests of ordinary working people. A political party in Great Britain, formed in 1900 from various socialist and labor groups and taking its present name in 1906.

lower middle class:

A subdivision of the middle class in which they are somewhat educated and somewhat financially stable.

steam engine

An engine that uses the expansion or rapid condensation of steam to generate power.

How did the Industrial Revolution interact with the Scientific Revolution and the French Revolution to generate Europe's modern transformation?

Both combined to have a strong political and economic impact in Europe. This included individualism and secularism(Protestant legacy). The scientific revolution aided the industrial revolution with new technological innovations that were encouraged.

In what ways did the Industrial Revolution mark a sharp break with the past? In what ways did it continue earlier patterns?

Break: nonrenewable fossil fuels replaced renewable fuels like water, wind, etc., changed environment, altered landscape as sewage and industrial waste was emptied into rivers, smoke was released into the air (increased illness), people spoke against conditions (romantic poets), increase in population, energy crisis--wood and charcoal become scarcer and prices began to rise, increased access to new sources of energy led to large output of goods and services, changed the way work was done--mass production, new social class (urban factory workers), europe becomes globally dominant Continue: new transportation(trains), increased technological innovation (spinning jenny, cotton gin, steam engine), women received no rights (patriarchy), built on ideas of scientific revolution, social inequality

What was distinctive about Britain that may help to explain its status as the breakthrough point of the Industrial Revolution?

Britain was commercialized, had high population growth, a strong interest in commerce, a large royal navy, promoted innovation in technology during the scientific revolution, had coal and iron ore (unlike other countries, who may have had to import their coal and iron for machinery), and had an island location (helping prevent attacks).

How did Britain's middle classes change during the nineteenth century?

Britain's middle class changed from from peasant farmers to white collar job holders which were educated and managed others from office jobs.

dependent development:

Dependent development is a central concept of dependency theory. Dependent development has typically involved the exporting of primary resources. Rather than seeing the world's nations dividing economic labor and interacting as equal partners, dependent development suggests that some nations are able to impose unequal exchanges on others and thus retard the economic development of these nations or make their development dependent on stronger or more economically advanced nations


Essentially the working class, working factories and mines, often for little compensation.

What was the most important outcomes of the Atlantic revolutions, both immediately and in the century that followed?

Following the revolutions, the common people began to gain more rights while the aristocracy and kings began to lose power in colonies. Forms of government such as Republics and constitutional monarchies started to become more widespread, replacing the existing feudal societies and absolute monarchies. Constitutions became common, limiting the power of government and increasing the power of the people.

Indian cotton textiles:

For much of the 18th century, well-made and inexpensive cotton textiles from India flooded Western markets; the competition stimulated the British textile industry to industrialize, which led to the eventual destruction of the Indian textile market both in Europe and in India.

What did humankind gain from the Industrial Revolution, and what did it lose?

Gains: increase in goods and availability, technological innovations, new sources of power, new opportunities Losses: destruction of older ways of life, demise of older methods of production, miserable working and living conditions, bitter/social class conflicts, environmental degradation

In what ways and with what impact was Latin America linked to the global economy of the nineteenth century?

In Latin America, the Spaniards set up plantation systems that exported mostly tobacco and sugar to Europe. The Spaniards also set up the encomienda system and and adopted the mita system of labor, which were used to force the natives to work on crops and silver mines. Silver then became part of global trade after reaching Europe, which traded silver to other nations.


In Spanish speaking regions) a military or political leader

What were the differences between industrialization in the United States and that in Russia?

In the United States, social and economic change came as free farmers, workers, and businessmen created an industrialized economy without much direct government intervention. In autocratic Russia, change was far more often initiated by the state itself, in its continuing efforts to catch up with the more powerful and innovative states of Europe. In the United States, working-class consciousness among factory laborers did not develop as quickly and did not become as radical unlike Russia, in part because workers in the USA were allowed to unionize and vote. As a result USA workers got better wages and conditions.

What was distinctive about the Haitian Revolution, both in world history generally and in the history of Atlantic revolutions?

It is the only successful slave revolt lead by slaves. It was originally started as just a slave revolt, yet eventually lead to their independence.

In what ways might the Industrial Revolution be understood as a global rather than simply a European phenomenon?

It was easily adopted across various cultures Spread across Europe Started with the extraction of raw material from the americas and its dominance in the growing market of the americas Latin America's economy was set by the exports of raw material they supplied to the factories and the workforce of the industrial countries

How did Karl Marx understand the Industrial Revolution? In what ways did his ideas have an impact in the industrializing world of the nineteenth century?

Karl Marx criticized capitalism and divided society into the proletariat and bourgeoisie which were the working class and the upper class. He believed that the working class was being abused by the upper class which allowed him to gain philosophers for his Communistic philosophy.

Did Latin America follow or diverge from the historical path of Europe during the nineteenth century?

Latin America turned down a different path after they gained their independence. For one, a long succession of military you leaders began. Also, a division began between the conservatives and the liberals, the conservatives being mainly the Catholic Church. Some laws were changed, like the abolishment of slavery and end of social distinctions in law. But the overall change was little, as the people who held power before remained in power. And Latin America was still very dependent on other countries for their survival.

What accounts for the growth of nationalism as a powerful political and personal identity in the nineteenth century?

People had power over the government and saw themselves as citizens of a nation Science weakened religion Industrial cities diminished local communities Printing presses standardized dialects of nations Nationalism was seen as reawakening old customs Governments claimed to act on behalf of their nations Certain political groups used nationalism as a means to get what they want


Progressives are people who believed in progressivism, they believed that solutions to social problems lay in more active role in the government.

What were the achievements and limitations of nineteenth-century feminism?

Raised issues such as women's suffrage and gender equality for the next century. In the middle class, more women found educational opportunities and freedom from domestic life. Expansion of property rights, divorce rights, and legal rights. Right to education, to get employment, to vote, and to legally manage their own money. Women took part in temperance movements, charities, abolitionism, and missionary work. Number of states passed legislation allowing women to manage and control their own property and wages. Limited by disagreements among feminists, oppressive regimes, and status quo. Men disagreed strongly about feminism and feminists were sometimes viewed as selfish.

In what respects did the roots of the Industrial Revolution lie within Europe? In what ways did that transformation have global roots?

Roots of Industrial Revolution High demand in products Technological inventions Global roots caused by Industrial Revolution > Environmental destruction > Cheaper production > More workers > More urban areas

What was revolutionary about the American Revolution, and what was not?

The American Revolution was spurred by a series of grievances from the colonies against the king of England; they later when to war. The Colonies won, and started a government spurring a series of political changes. It is not considered a social revolution because the existing social stratification was not changed, but is considered a political revolution because of the start of a bicameral legislative branch, series of checks and balance, and the concept of separation of powers.

To what extent did the Atlantic Revolutions reflect the influence of early modern historical developments (1450-1750)?

The Atlantic revolutions impacted the early modern historical developments in many ways. To elaborate the Atlantic Revolutions sparked a new era of new social organization such as the emergence of democracies and the spread of capitalism.

How did the French Revolution differ from the American Revolution?

The French Revolution was caused due to debt issues and a desire for change while the American Revolution was caused by a rejection to king of England's policies, taxes, and unfair representation. The American Revolution resulted in a series of political changes that many other countries followed.

What was common to industrialization everywhere, and in what ways did it vary from place to place?

The Industrial Revolution, which took place from the 18th to 19th centuries, was a period during which predominantly agrarian, rural societies in Europe and America became industrial and urban. Before the industrial revolution manufacturing was often done in people's homes, using handtools or basic machines. Industrialization marked a shift to powered, special-purpose machinery, factories and mass production.The iron and textile industries, along with the development of the steam engine, played central roles in the Industrial Revolution, which also saw improved systems of transportation, communication and banking. While industrialization brought about an increased volume and variety of manufactured goods and an improved standard of living for some, it also resulted in often grim employment and living conditions for the poor and working classes.

Russian Revolution of 1905

The Revolution of 1905 was a wave of mass political and social unrest that spread through vast areas of the Russian Empire, some of which was directed at the government. It included worker strikes, peasant unrest, and military mutinies.

socialism in the United States:

The Socialist Party of America was established in 1901. By that time anarchism also established itself around the country while socialists of different tendencies were involved in early American labor organizations and struggles.

How were the Spanish American revolutions shaped by the American, French, Haitian, and Spanish American revolutions. What are the most significant categories of comparisons?

The Spanish American revolutions were shaped by preceding events in France, North America, and Haiti as well as their own distinctive societies and historical experience. Most were caused by the dissatisfaction with rulers or with their colonizing countries. For example Haiti began its revolution as a result of French dominance of the island as well as an independence movement for the countries; slaves, While France had a revolution because of the corruption of the government and incompetence of their rulers. Likewise North America particularly the 13 colonies started a revolution to rid themselves of their mother country of Britain. The most significant categories of comparisons are reasons for revolution and effects of the revolutions.

What factors contributed to the making of a revolutionary situation in Russia by the beginning of the twentieth century?

The czar in Russia was able to rule however he wanted meaning that he was the sole source of law, of taxation and justice. He controlled the army and all the officials. Through his special position on the Holy Synod, he controlled even religious affairs. His autocratic rule was supported by the privileged nobles, who possessed land and serfs, and held all the chief offices in the Czar's administration. Most people were serfs and worked in estates of the nobles were they were treated badly by the nobles. The serfs weren't the only ones suffering, there was a very small middle class in the towns that were discontented with the backwardness of Russia.The main theme of the Russian history in the 19th century is that the non-noble classes asked for an improvement in their wretched and poor conditions of life. When the Czarist government failed to do so, they revolted for the first time in 1905 and then for the second time in 1917, by which Czardom was finally overthrown.The causes of the 1905 Revolution went far back into Russian history. It was the product of more than a century of discontent and the discontent grew more rapidly after 1861.

What accounts for the end of Atlantic slavery during the nineteenth century?

The end of Atlantic slavery in the nineteenth century was due to the abolitionist movement. The abolitionist movement first moved to stop slave trade between countries which would then lead to the abolition of slavery entirely in individual nations.

In what ways did the ideas of the Enlightenment contribute to the Atlantic revolutions?

The ideas of Enlightenment caused everyone to challenge authority and fight for their freedom, natural rights, and equality.

Why did Marxist socialism not take root in the United States?

The immense religious, ethnic, and racial divisions of American society undermined the class solidarity of American workers and made it far more difficult to sustain class-oriented political parties and a socialist labor movement. The country's remarkable economic growth generated on average a higher standard of living for American workers than their European counterparts experienced. By 1910, a particularly large group of white-collar workers in sales, services, and offices outnumbered factory laborers.

How did the Industrial Revolution transform British society?

The initial stages of the Industrial Revolution destroyed old standards of living and gave people a chance to make new ones for themselves, without any guidance as how to go about it and how high or low expectations should be set per social class. For many it was a painful, sometimes traumatic process with social conflict, insecurity, and false starts in addition to new opportunities. Later, higher standards of living and greater participation in public life were found among these originally socially unorganized groups.

Ellen Johnston

Working class citizen during Industrial Revolution who wrote the book 'the Factory girl'

middle-class values

middle-class values do not have a set definition but they are ones that people in the middle-class wish to achieve and they are values that include equality in the workforce, fairly paying jobs and equal rights.

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