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QN=1 (22987) A top manager of a chocolate bar manufacturer asks for a report on how a new competing chocolate bar is being advertised. This is an example of: a. (i) employee research. b. (ii) marketing research. c. (iii) management consultancy. d. none of (i), (ii), and (iii).


QN=10 (23089) Research design will be informed by _____ a. your research philosophy. b. your choice of methodology. c. your choice of strategies. d. your choice of time horizon.


QN=11 (23073) Which one of the following is a data collection method? a. Positivism. b. The onion. c. The case study. d. The interview.


QN=12 (23103) The participant lacks knowledge and the researcher uses deception to collect data. What is this? a. Implied consent. b. Informed consent. c. Lack of consent. d. Something else.


QN=13 (23111) Which of the following strategies may NOT help you to gain access? a. Using existing contacts and developing new ones. b. Facilitating replies when requesting access. c. Planning to have cognitive access right at the beginning. d. Establishing your credibility.


QN=14 (23107) Email contact will be improved if: a. you use colored paper. b. you enclose a stamped addressed envelope. c. you give a link to a web page with more explanation of the project. d. you offer to call back.


QN=15 (23117) The target population be defined in terms of: a. (i) extent - the geographical boundaries. b. (ii) time - the time period under consideration. c. (iii) sampling units - the set of elements available for selection during the sampling process. d. all of (i), (ii), and (iii).


QN=16 (23123) Which of the following are NOT criteria for the selection of stratification variables in stratified sampling? a. Stratification variables should be easy to measure and apply. b. The strata should be mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive so that every population element should be assigned to one and only one stratum. c. Across the strata, the elements should be as heterogeneous as possible. d. Stratifications variables should not be closely related to the characteristic of interest.


QN=17 (23124) A truly random sample of the general population would be obtained by: a. Allocating each individual a unique number and using a computer to randomly generate numbers for selection. b. selecting an individual from every fourth house on a street. c. selecting every individual with a surname beginning with the letter S. d. Closing your eyes and sticking a pin into a telephone directory.


QN=18 (23151) Most governments in the world have statistical departments but they are unlikely to provide: a. agricultural census results. b. industrial output figures. c. television programme viewing figures. d. general population census records.


QN=19 (23159) Overall suitability of secondary data concerns with which of the following: a. (i) Measurement validity. b. (ii) Reliability and validity. c. (iii) Coverage. d. Both (i) and (iii).


QN=2 (22991) Respondent selection is also known as: a. grossing. b. weighting. c. coding. d. sampling.


QN=20 (23147) Experimentation, questioning and ______ are primary methods. a. web surfing b. observation c. weighting d. multiplication


QN=21 (23174) Observation is a form of: a. (i) primary research. b. (ii) qualitative research. c. (iii) quantitative research. d. all of (i), (ii), and (iii).


QN=22 (23169) What error may occur when research subjects are studied in situations that are inconsistent with their normal behaviour patterns, leading to atypical responses? a. Reactivity. b. Observer effect. c. Subject error. d. Time error.


QN=23 (23162) An observation form must not: a. record irrelevant details. b. be easy to use. c. be self explanatory. d. cover the objectives.


QN=24 (23178) A valid example of the observer-as-participant role is _____ a. an interviewer. b. a policeman standing on a booth and directing traffic. c. a supervisor who may jump in to help his/her employees. d. an officer watching security cameras.


QN=25 (23170) What error may occur when research subjects are affected by the researcher? a. Observer effect. b. Subject error. c. Time error. d. Reactivity.


QN=26 (23199) Regarding data quality issues associated with semi-structured and in-depth interviews, reliability refers to _____ a. whether alternative researchers would reveal similar information. b. a situation where the interviewer's verbal and non-verbal behavior stimulates bias in the way interviewees answer questions. c. a situation where the interviewees choose not to reveal and discuss sensitive information and try to make a partial "picture" only. d. the extent to which the findings of a research study are applicable to other settings.


QN=27 (23192) Similar respondents are often chosen for group discussions because: a. they will talk to each other. b. they are random. c. they are representative. d. they will believe in research.


QN=28 (23189) Which one of these methods is qualitative? a. Daphna. b. Delta. c. Delphi. d. DEMON.


QN=29 (23182) Which method will allow the interviewer to use items from the environment as stimulus materials? a. Delphi. b. Groups. c. Observations. d. In-depths.


QN=3 (23015) Projects do go wrong. In one case a student was indecisive and collected anything, just in case it came in useful: web sites, photocopies, brochures. The questionnaire even included irrelevant questions, just in case the information could be useful. Which ONE of the following would have been realistic and would have helped the most with this problem? a. Regular progress reports to the supervisor. b. Being less ambitious. c. Setting a clear objective. d. Using a Gantt chart.


QN=30 (23195) Some common ways to stimulate respondents to provide more detail are to: repeat the question, pause to motivate the respondent to speak, and repeat the respondents answer. This is called: a. priming. b. prizing. c. probing. d. prompting.


QN=31 (23220) Which of the following is an interviewer-completed questionnaire? a. (i) Delivery and collection questionnaire. b. (ii) Telephone questionnaire. c. (iii) Structured interview. d. Both (ii) and (iii).


QN=32 (23205) Which one of these is an interviewer-administered questionnaire? a. Telephone questionnaire. b. Delivery and collection questionnaire. c. On-line questionnaire. d. Postal questionnaire.


QN=33 (23215) It is sensible to send a return envelope with: a. postal questionnaires. b. telephone questionnaires. c. on-line questionnaires. d. delivery and collection questionnaires.


QN=34 (23225) If you want to know about the degree of customer satisfaction of a hotel's services, what type of question would you typically use? a. List question. b. Ranking question. c. Rating question. d. Quantity question.


QN=35 (23212) Indirect questions are of great use for investigating: a. demographics. b. sensitive topics. c. food purchases. d. business issues.


QN=36 (23230) A pictogram is: a. a line drawing. b. a way of measuring the impact of data presentation techniques. c. an illustration where each bar is replaced by a picture or series of pictures chosen to represent the data. d. a photograph.


QN=37 (23232) Which one of these is not a way of measuring central tendency? a. Measuring the value that occurs most frequently (mode). b. Measuring the value, often known as the average, that includes all data values in its calculation (mean). c. Regression analysis. d. Measuring the middle value or mid-point after the data have been ranked (median).


QN=38 (23239) The coefficient of determination (sometimes known as the regression coefficient) enables you to: a. assess the strength of relationship between a quantifiable dependent variable and one or more quantifiable independent variables. b. establish whether the data is telling you what you think it should tell you. c. assess whether two variables measure the same phenomenon. d. measure the difference between two variables.


QN=39 (23234) Parametric and non-parametric are: a. two main groups of statistical significance tests. b. alternatives to standard deviation tests. c. terms used in medical practice. d. general tests of statistical relevance.


QN=4 (23007) What is the main advantage of producing a written research proposal? a. Informs all interested parties. b. Helps with credibility. c. Helps keep people employed. d. Helps the institution.


QN=40 (23246) If the linear trend line through a scatter diagram of two variables is downward sloping, we can say that the two variables are _____ a. positively correlated. b. not correlated. c. negatively correlated. d. none of (i), (ii), and (iii).


QN=41 (23249) Qualitative analysis software cannot: a. make report writing easier. b. find concealed data. c. re-analyse data easily. d. be done without training.


QN=42 (23255) What is described here? Creating and developing a hierarchical outline of data codes or categories representing themes revealed in the data collected and the relationships between these. This is revised throughout data collection. New codes may be added, some may be deleted or they may be switched from one level to another. a. Analytical induction. b. Data display. c. Grounded theory. d. Template analysis.


QN=43 (23252) What is described here? These procedures are designed to develop an explanation. They are not designed to test existing theory. a. Analytical induction. b. Template analysis. c. Data display. d. Grounded theory.


QN=44 (23268) Qualitative studies use the following to report results: a. (i) Own text. b. (ii) Quotations of participants. c. (iii) Flow charts and diagrams for conceptual frameworks. d. All of (i), (ii), and (iii).


QN=45 (23254) Analysis takes place during data collection in: a. (i) quantitative studies. b. (ii) qualitative studies. c. Both of groups (i) and (ii). d. None of groups (i) and (ii).


QN=46 (23275) The results section is where you present the findings in a readable format. In a qualitative report it is likely that you will always use: a. graphs. b. pie charts. c. words. d. tables.


QN=47 (23271) The report writer should always remember that people have expectations about what information they will find and where it will be. It is unusual for final reports to have a section with: a. recommendation. b. executive summary. c. appendices. d. research costs.


QN=48 (23287) To evaluate each draft of your project report, you should ask yourself which of the following questions? a. (i) Is there a clear structure? b. (ii) Is there a clear storyline? c. (iii) Are your methods clearly explained? d. All of (i), (ii), (iii) and other relevant questions.


QN=49 (23285) Regarding a typical report structure, which of the following has the WRONG position? Executive summary Introduction Methodology Findings and discussions Literature review Conclusions and recommendations References Appendices a. References b. Literature review c. Methodology d. Introduction


QN=5 (23040) Which of these is the most efficient way to locate relevant journals? a. Browsing in a newsagents. b. Browsing the shelves in the library. c. Searching using tertiary sources. d. Following up references in articles.


QN=50 (23284) The report is NOT: a. a research proposal. b. tangible evidence of a research project. c. a basis for decision-making. d. future secondary data.


QN=6 (23028) Literature review is not usually concerned with helping in: a. subsequent data collection. b. literary appreciation. c. objective setting. d. research instrument design.


QN=7 (23050) Epistemology refers to: a. acceptable knowledge in a field of study. b. a form of interviewing. c. a statistical test. d. a software package.


QN=8 (23061) Buchanan et al. (1988:59) argue that "needs, interests and preferences (of the researcher) ... are typically overlooked but are central to the progress of fieldwork". Is this: a. a license to do what you like? b. a realization that we are likely to sustain our interest longer if we're conducting or research in a way that we prefer? c. a possible justification for research approach decisions which are not reflective of the research question and objectives? d. a legitimization of the opportunity to exhibit your prejudices?


QN=9 (23076) A study is based on 30 people across three focus groups. What type of study is this? a. Quantitative study. b. Questionnaire study. c. Qualitative study. d. Structured study.

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