Sales note

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Being able to think of new ways to solve old problems requires

Creativity. Being able to think of new ways to solve old problems requires creativity. All of us have some degree of creativity. You can even learn to be more creative. Adaptability involves adjusting to the changes that are constantly occurring in your life. By developing team spirit, you can demonstrate cooperation. Organizational skills involve the development of systematic behavior. These are all important traits, but they do not necessarily help you think of new ways to solve problems.

Which of the following examples best depicts the relationship between personal values and careers:

Isaac decided to take a position that aligned with his values. When you know what your values are, you can seek out a career that will allow you to experience those values every day and focus your professional goals around them. If Riley only spends time with people who share her values, this does not necessarily relate to the relationship between personal values and careers. A company that only hires people that fit with its vision is not focused on personal values, though it might be considering company or brand values. If Tomas's values give him the skills to confront his coworker, his values are impacting his professional relationships, although not necessarily his career itself.

Juanita has spent a great deal of time practicing and perfecting her sales presentation. What aspect of selling does this illustrate?

It is planned communication. Planned communication doesn't mean you're reading off of a script. Instead, it means you've spent some time learning about your product and figuring out what makes your customers tick. That way, you know how to demonstrate your products' features in a way that speaks to your particular customers' needs. The time Juanita has spent preparing her sales presentation represents this planning. Selling should enhance future business opportunities, be personalized, and take place to influence purchase decisions, but these are not illustrated by Juanita in this situation.

Alex has a naturally outgoing and talkative personality. How could this relate to his values?

He might place a high value on social interaction. Your personality, temperament, and preferences can impact your values. Alex's outgoing, talkative personality might encourage him to place a high value on social interaction. There is no indication that Alex's values might not align with his behavior, that he might place less emphasis on his values, or that he might have more confidence in his values.

If a purchasing specialist and a supplier discuss potential issues and ways to resolve them prior to making a purchase, what are the two parties doing?

Negotiating. In negotiations, a purchasing specialist and a supplier may discuss potential issues and ways to resolve them. To transform something means to change its shape or appearance. To bid means to submit a proposal to complete a job or order. To forecast means to predict something, such as sales or trends.

In the business world, distribution channels are

More direct. In the business world, distribution channels are used, but they are more direct than in the consumer world. Businesses often buy products through wholesalers or straight from the manufacturer, whereas individual consumers make most of their purchases through retail outlets. Not all business distribution channels are separate from consumer distribution channels (e.g., Costco or Sam's Club). Business distribution channels are not necessarily controlled by a few large wholesalers.

In order for communication to take place, there must be both:

Senders and receivers.

Food Service Monthly magazine released a report stating that fast-food chain sales are declining, while locally owned cafés are on the rise. This source of data is called a(n)

Trade publication. A trade publication provides information on the state of the industry, trends, and news in the field. Food Service Monthly is an example of a trade publication in the food service industry that provides information on trends within the industry. This example is not an economic indicator, financial statement, or market share analysis.

A personal characteristic expressed by a consistent pattern of behavior is called a personal

Trait. There are three types of personal traits: physical, mental, and emotional. A particular trait may or may not be an asset. The term "feature" is used more commonly to refer to physical characteristics, as opposed to behavioral characteristics. A person's image is influenced by all of his/her personal traits.

Your company, a dairy, delivers ice cream to its customers. Other dairies in the area do not offer this service. This is an example of a

Unique feature. This is an example of a unique or novel feature. The dairy offers a service not available from the competition. A product's use focuses on what the product can do and how it can be used, while a product's durability involves how long the product will last. Style considerations focus on appearance.

Which of the following is a tangible product:

A shirt. A shirt is a tangible product because it can be detected through the senses. Alterations to a shirt, a personal-shopping service, and dry cleaning are all intangible services because they cannot be detected through the senses. They are productive activities someone is paid to perform.

Acquiring product information makes sales presentations more

Accurate. Acquiring product information makes sales presentations more accurate because salespeople know exactly what they're talking about. This doesn't necessarily mean the sales presentation will be more exciting or simpler. Incredible means "unbelievable"—salespeople generally want their sales presentations to be credible.

To explain a product's quality to customers, a salesperson should stress the product's

Construction. To explain a product's quality to customers, a salesperson should stress the product's construction. Knowing the details of a product's construction and materials helps salespeople show a product's quality. Stressing a product's style relates to its appearance. Explaining a product's uses enables salespeople to relate what a product will do and how it can be used. By explaining a product's warranty, salespeople can stress the nature of the service that the business will provide.

Which of the following factors has the greatest effect on a consumer's buying behavior:

Cultural influences. Cultural influences have the strongest effect on a consumer's buying behavior, even stronger than social influences, individual influences, and situational influences.

Cedric just spent $150 taking a potential customer out to dinner. He will submit this information in a(n)

Expense report. Cedric will submit information regarding his client dinner in an expense report. Expense reports detail the money spent on sales activities, such as food, travel, lodging, and entertainment. Sales invoices are itemized statements of money owed for goods or services. Call reports are records of meetings with customers. Product reviews are descriptions and critiques of products from customers.

Which of the following statements is the most concise:

I'm going to the grocery store to buy ingredients for an apple pie. Being concise means including only the most relevant and necessary information in a message. "I'm going to the grocery store to buy ingredients for an apple pie" is the most concise statement because it informs the receiver about what the speaker is doing without overwhelming the receiver with unnecessary details.

Which of the following is an example of marketing literature that can provide useful product information:

Product brochure. A product brochure is an example of marketing literature that can provide useful product information for use in selling. A wiki is a website that allows its users to contribute and edit content. Internal sales records are for company use and are not marketing tools. Industry publications are trade-related magazines or periodicals—they are not considered marketing literature.

ABC Appliances has received several service calls to fix its latest model of washing machine. This is an example of Correct Answer

Product data. Marketers can obtain useful information from their products themselves that assists in decision making. One example of product data is service calls. Products sometimes need to be serviced or repaired. Just as with product returns, the number and type of products that undergo servicing, as well as the reasons that servicing was needed, are important data for marketers. Service calls are not financial information, economic indicators, or customer records.

If you are strongly affected by your experience studying abroad, you should

Reassess your values and behaviors in relation to this experience. As you make decisions and engage in new activities such as a study abroad experience, it is important to reassess these experiences in relation to your values. Your values might change, or you might become involved in a new situation that diverges from what is important to you. You should take the time to check in with your feelings and make adjustments as necessary. You should not necessarily make sure this experience fits in with your established values because your values might have changed. You should not change your behavior without consulting your values, nor should you try not to let your experience affect your values, because you may find yourself experiencing conflict between your values and behavior.

Which of the following could you get from customers that would be useful in the selling process:

Testimonials. Testimonials from customers are useful during the selling process. Satisfied customers are often a good source of information about products. Their comments, or testimonials, can be of value in making future sales. Catalogs, manuals, and other promotional materials are provided by the business or manufacturer.

What are two things that a purchasing specialist should consider when making a make-or-buy decision?

The company's production capabilities and the cost of making the needed parts. When making a make-or-buy decision, a purchasing specialist should consider whether the company is capable of making the needed parts and whether it would be cost effective for the company to make the parts instead of purchasing them. A purchasing specialist does not need to consider the sales of the finished product, the purchasing department structure, or the marketing mix when making a make-or-buy decision.

Each of the following can cause a communication breakdown except:

:Correct usage

An example of a final consumer in action would be a person buying

A chair for his/her apartment. A person buying a chair for his/her apartment is an example of a final consumer in action. This is an individual making a purchase for personal, not business, use. The other examples all illustrate business purchases.

Which of the following is a helpful way for salespeople to remain customer focused?

Ask questions. Asking questions is a great way for a salesperson to remain customer focused when recommending specific products. Asking specific questions is a helpful method for uncovering a customer's true wants and needs. Reviewing product information and acting with confidence are also helpful guidelines when recommending specific products—but they are not specifically customer focused. A salesperson should never push for the sale—s/he could lose the customer!

When you know what your values are and align your behavior with them, you will:

Be able to set priorities and goals easily. When you know what your values are and align your behavior with them, you will easily be able to set priorities and goals that will make you feel fulfilled, motivated, and happy. You will not necessarily feel conflicted in your decision-making. You will also not necessarily find fulfillment in your career but not your personal life. While knowing what your values are will help you with ethical situations, it will not necessarily help you avoid any struggles with ethical dilemmas.

Which of the following is an example of how building a clientele benefits the business:

Increased sales volume. A clientele is a group of regular, repeat customers. An increase in sales is a direct result of building a clientele. Loyal customers return to buy regularly, thus providing the financial backbone for a growing business. Building a clientele helps reduce selling costs, not increase them. Personal satisfaction and increased knowledge are salesperson benefits of building a clientele, not business benefits.

Susan volunteered to conduct a customer-complaint survey because she felt it would benefit the business. Which of the following personal traits is Susan displaying:

Initiative. This trait identifies a willingness to take on additional or unpleasant duties without being asked to do so. Dependability is exhibited when a person does what s/he says s/he will do. Creativity is the ability to generate unique ideas, approaches, or solutions. Empathy is the ability to put yourself in another person's place.

An intranet is a place a salesperson might look for product information included in

Internal sales records. An intranet is an internal computer network that is accessible to employees. It can be used to store internal sales records that are useful for acquiring product information for selling. Industry publications are trade magazines or periodicals—they would not likely be stored on an intranet. Marketing literature includes catalogs, brochures, etc. These are often printed as hard copies and not usually stored on the intranet. Podcasts are audio files made available for downloading from the Internet—they are also not usually stored on an intranet.

You can recognize a true brand promise if it Correct Answer

Is authentic and credible. You can recognize a true brand promise if it is authentic (real) and credible (believable). A true brand promise is tied to customer feelings and product benefits, not features and specifications. It should also relate to the entire organization and demonstrate the brand's uniqueness from the competition.

Jennifer notices that stock prices have been steadily increasing for several months. How could this piece of data impact her marketing decision making?

It indicates that the economy is growing, so marketing decisions might involve expansion or growth. The stock market is an example of an economic indicator. Economic indicators can help marketers make adjustments to strategy based on the growth or decline of the economy as a whole. If Jennifer notices increasing stock prices, she can make an informed decision based on the growth of the economy. These decisions might include expansion or growth. The stock market does not tell Jennifer what competitors are planning, what products are the most profitable, or why customers are unhappy.

Spending a lot of time on customer complaints can cause a business to be

Less efficient. Spending a lot of time on customer complaints can cause a business to be less efficient, and, therefore, less profitable. It's important for businesses to set up systems to deal with customer complaints swiftly and effectively. The amount of time spent on complaints will not necessarily make a business either unpopular or more successful.

Ted is planning a new advertising campaign for his company, a stable that offers private horseback-riding lessons. Which of the following data would be most useful for Ted's marketing decision making:

Market share data for his company during the past year. Having the appropriate data is very important for marketing decision making. Knowing about his company's market share during the past year can help Ted while he is planning the new ad campaign. Sales volume data for the horse-racing industry would not be helpful because Ted's industry is different. Strengths and weaknesses of local horse veterinarians would not be helpful because Ted's business isn't competing with these businesses. Demographic data for local dog and cat owners would not be helpful since Ted's business caters to those who wish to take horseback-riding lessons.

Simon wants to know how well his company did last quarter in relation to other companies in its industry. He needs to conduct a __________ analysis.

Market share. If Simon wants to know how well his company did last quarter in relation to other companies in its industry, he needs to conduct a market share analysis. This tool uses sales data to measure a company's sales performance against that of its competitors. Sales volume analysis uses sales data to measure actual sales against any number of different criteria. SWOT analysis measures a company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. A customer analysis would focus on customers or potential customers, not sales.

You successfully sell the company's new product line to Ms. Jones, and she offers to put you in touch with other businesses that might be interested in your product. What type of clientele-building benefit is this?

Referral. Referrals are individuals or businesses to whom salespeople are recommended. Loyal customers often provide salespeople with leads to new clients. Repeat sales are sales made to the same customer over and over again. Word-of-mouth advertising is promotion or publicity for a business provided by customers who tell others of their satisfaction. Loyalty is preference for a business that results from building goodwill.

Which of the following is a common source of complaints about personnel

Rudeness. Rudeness is a common source of complaints about personnel. Customers are not going to be happy if they have to deal with a discourteous employee. Creation of policies and hidden costs are sources of complaints about the business itself. Faulty design is a source of complaints about the product.

Business customers differ from final consumers in that

There is a greater emphasis on personal selling in business-to-business marketing. In consumer marketing, the emphasis is on promotion and advertising; in B2B marketing, however, there is a greater emphasis on personal selling. Businesses tend to buy products that are more technical in nature than consumer products. Businesses also tend to buy in bulk more than individual consumers do. Both business customers and individual consumers care about service, but it tends to be more important to businesses.

Salespeople should be confident when recommending specific products to customers because

They are providing a needed service. Salespeople should be confident when recommending specific products to customers because they are providing a needed service. Customers want and expect salespeople to lead them to the best products to meet their needs. Customers may or may not buy if the salesperson does not seem confident. Confidence will not necessarily earn a salesperson higher commissions. Customers may or may not know what they want, but salespeople must be ready to recommend specific products to them.

A salesperson can suffer from "expert-itis" if s/he

Uses too much industry jargon. A salesperson can suffer from "expert-itis" if s/he uses too much industry jargon or technical language. This can be confusing to customers and may cause the salesperson to lose the sale. A salesperson would not be an expert if s/he doesn't acquire product information. Taking vacation days does not necessarily affect a salesperson's product knowledge. "Expert-itis" refers to giving customers too much product information; it does not matter if the information comes from other salespeople or not.

Which of the following is an example of a sender-created barrier to effective communication:

Using a communication method inappropriately. When senders use a communication method inappropriately, they may offend or upset the receiver. For example, it would be inappropriate to text your boyfriend or girlfriend saying that you want to break up—this is something you should probably discuss face-to-face. Forgetting to respond to a written message, failing to engage in active listening, and failing to complete a requested follow-up action are all receiver-created barriers to effective communication.

Which of the following is an example of a product being sold without the use of an intermediary:

A Mary Kay cosmetics party. A Mary Kay cosmetics party is an example of a product being sold without the use of an intermediary. A company representative sells the products directly to consumers at the party. A tanning salon, a construction-supply distributor, and a car-rental agency are all intermediaries who resell goods or services to consumers.

Which of the following is an example of a product being sold directly to the user for ultimate consumption:

A person sells bouquets of roses on the side of the road. A person selling bouquets of roses on the side of the road is an example of a product being sold directly to the user for ultimate consumption. The person who buys the roses is the ultimate consumer. A perfume maker selling perfume to a boutique is an example of a product being sold to an organization for resale. A grocer selling powdered sugar to a bakery for its doughnuts is an example of a product being sold to an organization for use in producing other goods. A car dealership selling a van to a plumber is an example of a product being sold for use in general business operations.

Which of the following roles of selling in our economy helps products be "in the right place at the right time":

Adds utility. A product being "in the right place at the right time" means a skilled salesperson has added utility, or usefulness, to it. Selling also promotes competition, affects employment, and helps customers determine needs, but these are not illustrated in this situation.

Which of the following data are most likely to be found in a business's customer records:

Annual purchases and product usage. A customer's annual purchases and product usage are data likely to be found in a business's customer records. Data about lodging and food expenses would be found in expense reports. Data regarding sales in relation to prior time periods would come from sales reports. A business is not necessarily privy to a customer's personal financial data.

Why are behaviors such as spelling words incorrectly or using filler words barriers to effective communication?

Because these behaviors distract from the actual message. Behaviors such as using poor spelling and using filler words such as "um" or "like" are barriers to effective communication because they are distracting and may even offend or upset the receiver. These behaviors do not make the sender appear intelligent; in fact, they tend to make the sender appear less intelligent. These behaviors might cause the receiver to think the sender is nervous, but not necessarily. The sender may or may not feel self-conscious about his/her behavior, but that is not necessarily a barrier to effective communication.

Samantha never uses "strong-arm tactics" or attempts to pressure her customers into making a purchase. Which characteristic of a successful salesperson does Samantha display?

Belief in selling as a service. Samantha displays her belief in selling as a service by refusing to use "strong-arm tactics" or pressure her customers into making a purchase. Her focus is on the customer and what s/he wants. Education and training, creativity, and personal appearance are all characteristics of successful salespeople, but they are not displayed by Samantha in this situation.

Which of the following is an organizational factor that influences a business's buying behavior:

Business policies. Business policies are an organizational (internal) factor that influence a business's buying behavior. For instance, a business may have certain procedures in place for purchasing products, such as using cash or credit, etc. Perception is a psychological factor that influences consumer buying behavior. The economy and laws and regulations are environmental (external) factors that influence business buying behavior.

Because not all sales calls result in sales, it's important for salespeople to track customer contacts in

Call reports. Because not all sales calls result in sales, it's important for salespeople to track customer contacts in call reports, or records of communication with customers and potential customers. Expense reports detail the money spent on sales activities, such as food, travel, lodging, and entertainment. Sales invoices are itemized statements of money owed for goods or services. Sales reports are records of total sales for a certain time period.

Which of the following is a true statement about company policy:

Employees don't necessarily make policies, but they need to follow them. Employees aren't usually in charge of making company policies. That's typically the job of management. However, employees must enforce these policies when dealing with customers. Company policies do not necessarily change frequently. They are not necessarily focused on profitability, either—they should center on customer satisfaction. Every company should have policies in place to guide employees through common situations they encounter.

When other salespeople and industry trade groups assist a company in locating new clients, the company is using

External sources. External sources are contacts outside the business, such as other salespeople, specialized lists and directories, and industry trade groups. Personal sources are contacts that individuals have through clients, family, or friends. Company leads are considered internal sources. They include information about, and contacts with, potential customers; the information is available within the company and may be obtained through its advertising, participation in trade shows, or telephone or mail solicitation. Using external sources is not unethical.

Which of the following tasks should you perform when identifying your values:

Group together similar values. Once you have compiled a comprehensive list, you can begin to group similar values together. This will help you identify underlying themes and narrow down your core values. You should not necessarily come up with as many values as possible because if you try to align your behavior with too many differing values, you may find yourself stretched too thin or in conflict within yourself. You should not refrain from changing your values once you have decided on them; values change as you do, and they do not have to be set in stone. Finally, you should not eliminate values just because they are similar; two similar things can both be important values in your life.

Which of the following examples best demonstrates the ideal relationship between values and behavior:

Leyla values personal growth, so she enrolls in a cooking class. In theory, your values should be in tune with your behavior. They should be the basis for your decision-making and help you know whether or not you are living your life in the way that you want. Leyla's decision to enroll in cooking class aligns with her value of personal growth. Being a doctor does not necessarily relate to Brent's value of personal health; rather, he could engage in activities such as exercise or healthy eating. If Aurora values helping others, she will make time to volunteer, even though she is busy with school. Finally, Zeke's attempt to be competitive does not necessarily support his values if he does so in an attempt to fit in with his teammates.

A person's interests and activities influence her/his buying behavior. This is referred to as

Lifestyle. A person's interests, activities, and opinions make up his/her lifestyle. Lifestyle can have a strong influence on a person's buying behavior. Subculture is a culture within a culture that is usually based on ethnicity, religion, geographic location, etc. Social influences include family, membership groups, reference groups, and opinion leaders. Personality is made up of a person's unique traits and characteristics, not interests and activities.

After you have determined what behaviors match with your values, you should

Look for gaps between your values and your behavior. When you have an idea of some of the behaviors that align with your values, you can start to compare what you have learned to your own actions and choices. Ask yourself whether or not you act in the manner listed, and how often you take such actions. Comparing your values with those of your friends and family is not a part of the process of assessing your values and behavior. You should not expect yourself to always act in accordance with your values because no one is perfect. Finally, you should not necessarily identify new values that you would like to adopt because at this point, you have already identified what your values are.

How do your values change over time?

Many of your values will change, but some will remain important. Your values will most likely change as you get older and experience new things. What is important to you now might not be quite as important in five, 10, or 20 years. Some of your current values, however, will probably remain important to you for the rest of your life.

Communicating positively with individuals who are different from you can provide you with

New perspectives and ideas about life. Positive communication with individuals who are different from you can provide you with fresh insight about life, and perspectives and ideas that you may not have considered before. Positive communication should not reinforce stereotypes or generalizations or give you feelings of distrust towards other people. Communicating positively with someone does not mean that you are automatically an expert on his/her culture—there will likely still be things you don't understand.

If marketers want to know how salespeople are performing over a period of time, they should consult You Answered

Sales reports. Sales reports might cover the month, the quarter, the year, or an even longer period of time. Sales invoices are itemized statements of money owed for a good or service. They include information about individual sales transactions. Expense reports detail the costs of travel, lodging, food, and entertainment while salespeople are on the road or calling on current or potential clients. Customer records keep track of customers—who they are, where they are, how your company interacts with them, etc.

A business that has built a loyal clientele is at an advantage because its

Selling costs are usually reduced. Clientele is a body of customers upon which an organization can rely for considerable repeat business. Selling costs for a business with an established clientele are usually reduced because it costs less to make a repeat sale than the initial sale. Customers will not remain loyal to the business if factors such as customer service or physical facilities deteriorate. Freeing salespeople to care for stock is not a reason to build a clientele. Although building a clientele contributes to business success, it does not directly result in better discounts from vendors.

A customer interested in buying a set of wireless speakers was told by the salesperson the speakers' size, transmission range, and the number of audio inputs, but the customer left without buying. What did the salesperson do wrong?

Sold product features instead of customer benefits. The salesperson made a mistake by selling product features instead of customer benefits. Customers buy benefits, not features. Describing how the speakers would sound, that they are powerful, and that they can easily transmit sound throughout their home would have been more meaningful to the customer and might have resulted in a sale. The salesperson may have provided too much information rather than too little. There is no indication that the information was inaccurate or that the salesperson spent too much time with the customer.

n addition to purchasing, Sherita's job responsibilities include developing partnerships and alliances with suppliers, watching for business threats and opportunities, and looking for ways to improve processes. Sherita is involved in

Strategic planning. When a purchasing specialist develops partnerships and alliances with suppliers, watches for business threats and opportunities, and looks for ways to improve processes, s/he is engaging in strategic, long-term planning for the company. Negotiation is the process of one party reaching an agreement with another party to meet specific needs and wants. Marketing planning involves developing strategies for attracting the target customer to a business. Productivity is the amount and value of goods and services produced from set amounts of resources.

Paying attention to a speaker involves making eye contact, putting aside distracting thoughts, and

Taking note of the speaker's body language. It is important to take note of a speaker's body language and nonverbal cues during a conversation in order to fully understand the speaker's message. Listeners should not focus on the speaker's clothing during a conversation; instead, they should make direct eye contact and focus on the conversation. Preparing responses to the speaker's comments and writing down questions during the conversation would distract the listener from the speaker's message.

Why are a company's suppliers and distributors sources of competitive data?

They work with many companies in the same industry. Suppliers and distributors have direct contact with the competition, as similar companies often use the same suppliers and distributors. Talking to suppliers and distributors might provide information regarding a competitor's marketing plans. Suppliers and distributors do not have access to competitors' internal financial records, cannot provide market share analyses, and do not have access to competitors' websites.

Why should a purchasing specialist evaluate supplier performance?

To determine whether s/he should use the supplier again. A purchasing specialist should evaluate supplier performance to determine whether s/he should use the supplier again and if there need to be any changes next time. The purpose of evaluating supplier performance is not to assist in new product development, to purchase items to sell to wholesalers and retailers, or to develop a purchase contract.

Mark is unhappy with the way his new shirt wrinkles, and he shows it to the salesperson. Mark's complaint is an example of a

True complaint. True complaints are honestly felt dissatisfactions by the customer. In this case, Mark dislikes the wrinkled fabric and explains that to the salesperson. Hidden complaints are the concealment of true complaints with believable but secondary reasons for dissatisfaction. Mark's complaint isn't a false accusation, and he isn't necessarily a difficult customer just because he is dissatisfied.

What is the relationship between values and ethical decision-making?

Values can encourage ethical decision-making. Knowing your values helps you to make ethical decisions and act with integrity. Since your values are what matter most to you, they can help you uphold your principles in difficult situations. You will be less tempted to act unethically if you have a strong sense of what is important to you. Values do not usually conflict with ethics; in fact, they usually correspond with them. Ethical decision-making is not necessarily a way to determine your values.

Which of the following must a salesperson know to translate features into benefits for customers:

Where to get necessary information. Salespeople must be thoroughly familiar with the features of goods and services and be prepared to translate features into benefits for individual customers. To do this, they must know where to get the information they need. They might obtain information about features from the good or service itself, from customers, from manufacturer's literature, from other sales personnel, or from advertising materials. Knowing how to prepare sales checks, ask questions, and arrange delivery will not help translate features into benefits for customers.

Which of the following is most likely to be a source of values:

Your friends. A person's friends can influence what s/he values. The way you behave, what people think of you, and your appearance are not likely to be sources of your values.

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