Sampling Definitions and Fill in Blanks

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stratified random sampling

A form of probability sampling; a random sampling technique in which the researcher identifies particular demographic categories of interest and then randomly selects individuals within each category.


A ratio that shows the relation between size of the population N and the actual sample size n

Systematic Random Sample

A sample where every kth individual is selected from a list or queue. For example, we select every 5th or every 10th person on the class list.

Stratified random (fill in the blank)

In a __________ sample, the population is divided into mutually exclusive groups and random samples are drawn from each group.

cluster sample (fill in the blank)

In a _______________ a researcher who is studying the training of nurses may randomly select 1 hospital out of all the city's hospitals. The researcher then surveys the entire poulation of nurses at that hospital.

Systematic Random Sampling (fill in the blank)

The Roman army used a __________________ when it lined up its soldiers and selected every 10th soldier to be taken out of line for punishment.


The population or total number from which a sample will be created

probability sample

a sample in which every element in the population has a known statistical likelihood of being selected

cluster sampling

a sampling technique in which whole groups of participants that represent the population are used. It may be one campus from the HCT system. Probability sampling.

nonprobability sample

any sample in which little or no attempt is made to get a representative cross section of the population

simple random sample

every member of the population has a known and equal chance of selection


process by which participants are selected


sample size

Response Rate

the percent of people contacted in a research sample who complete the questionnaire

convenience or accidental sampling

whereby the researcher uses the most convenient people available (another name for convenience sampling). A form of non-probability sampling

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