SAVVAS USH Topic 10 Questions

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Put these events in order: U.S widens war into Cambodia, Paris Peace Accords are signed, Kent State students are shot, American troops withdraw from Vietnam

1. U.S widens war into Cambodia 2. Kent State students are shot 3. Paris Peace Accords are signed 4. American troops withdraw from Vietnam

Analyze the effects of the My Lai massacre and the publication of the Pentagon Papers on Nixon's efforts to obtain "peace with honor."

Americans killed innocent South Vietnamese during the My Lai massacre and the pentagon papers showed bombings that weren't reported on media. These things just led to even more opposition. It also shed bad light on Nixon bc the pentagon papers showed that peace with honor wasn't what he was really doing.

after the gulf of Tonkin resolution, President Johnson's policy involved a BLANK in a strategy to BLANK

More active role in Vietnam for American forces; Americanize war efforts

Describe characteristics of hawks

Mostly conservative and supported containment of communism

what do you know about the elections of 1968 (Nixon elected) and 1972 (elected again), how was the 1972 presidential election most like the 1968 election?

Nixon used promises to end the war to his advantage

How did U.S. policy in Vietnam change following the Tet Offensive?

Policy makers thought the war was unwinnable and began to negotiate for peace

Describe characteristics of Vietnamization

Richard Nixon, withdrawal of U.S troops

In what ways were the U.S at a disadvantage in Vietnam?

South Vietnam didn't trust U.S, the Vietcong were hard to identify, they didn't know the terrain and the urban fighting wasn't what they were used to

when citizens were asked if the U.S made a mistake sending troops to Vietnam what did the answers show?

Support for the war declined after March 1966. By April 1968, the number of Americans who disapproved was somewhat higher than those who approved

Discuss how the news media helped shape public perception of the war in Vietnam and contributed to the so-called "credibility gap" in the Johnson administration.

Tech showed a never before seen view of the battlefield in U.S homes. When President Johnson made statements about the war, the tv showed differently.

compare and contrast Peace Corps and the Alliance for Progress

The Alliance for Progress was focused on Latin America (U.S hoping to keep communism out of Americas) and the Peace Corps were all around the world. Both were helping countries and by doing so preventing communism

What was the turning point in the relationship between the U.S and the Soviet Union?

The Cuban Missile Crisis

What was the Domino Theory? What happened after the Vietnam War called it into question?

The Domino theory was that if Vietnam fell, then the rest of the countries around would also fall to communism. After the war, however, it was discredited bc they didn't take into account the struggle north Vietnam would have

What event led to President Johnson to increase the number of American forces involved in Vietnam?

The Gulf of Tonkin

what is one reason why South Vietnam fell to the communists after the Paris Peace Accords?

The Soviets continued to supply North Vietnam while the U.S stopped supplying South Vietnam

Discuss the U.S. plan to win the "hearts and minds" of the Vietnamese people, and why it failed.

The U.S killed Vietnamese which went against what they were trying to do. They may have said they wanted to do one thing, but it ended up being the opposite

How did George Wallace's third party candidacy impact the 2968 presidential election?

It siphoned votes from Humphreys candidacy (democrat) allowing Nixon to win

which of the following was a challenge that american forces faced while fighting in Vietnam?

The Vietcong used guerilla warfare tactics

Eventually the costs of BLANK forced President Johnson to reduce spending on BLANK

The Vietnam War; his Great Society Initiatives

after north Vietnamese torpedo boats fired on the USS Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin, the United States responded with force. Which of the following statements best explains the subsequent escalation?

The attack caused american casualties so they had to retaliate

Why was the U.S unwilling to commit to a full-scale ground war in North Vietnam?

The country's close proximity to China

During the 1960s, protests and demonstrations were the only way many college students could participate in the political process, because BLANK. In addition, soldiers serving in Vietnam who were the same age were BLANK

The minimum voting age was still 21; asked to risk their lives for a country in which they could not vote

Why did the U.S decide against invading North Vietnam?

They didn't want to risk a China and Korean involvement and start wars with any more countries like that

How were Nixon's actions in the Vietnam War related to the shootings at Kent State and Jackson State universities and the growing sense of distrust between American antiwar protestors and the government?

This was the first time a student has been killed in an anti war shooting so eventually Nixon had to take less aggressive action in Vietnam and eventually end the war

how did defense spending during the Vietnam war affect most Americans?

a high rate of inflation and a weaker dollar

why did it take some time before the provision lowering the voting age would apply nationwide?

an amendment requires ratification by individual states

What can be inferred, with the split of the nation with hawks and doves, about President Johnson's political standing in 1968?

by 1968, Johnson had difficulty maintaining the support of his own party

Assess the rationale behind Kennedy's decision to launch the Bay of Pigs invasion and the repercussions of that decision.

Kennedy was pressured by the CIA to run the Bay of Pigs (overthrow Castro) invasion. The invasion ended up being a disaster due to poor planning and it failed, helped Castro, and turned many Cuban Americans against Kennedy.

what statement best compares Kennedy's flexible response defense policy to eisenhower's massive retaliation policy?

Kennedy's policy supported conventional warfare without ruling out the use of nuclear weapons, while Eisenhower's focused strictly on the nuclear option.

Describe Americanization

Lyndon Johnson, increased troop commitment

How did the Vietnam War affect American's attitudes towards foreign policy in the years after the war?

Many Americans became wary about sending troops abroad to avoid involvement in "another Vietnam"

the image of students on the steps of the Pentagon lighting their military draft cards in the 1960s is associated with?

disagreement with registering for the draft

what point is President Eisenhower making with his domino theory analogy?

if Vietnam were to fall to communism, it would only be a matter of time before its neighbors did

during the Vietnam war, African American soldiers

made up a disproportionally high number of casualties

When looking at a picture with mass people outside the democratic national convention center what impression does it give?

the nation was in disorder and the democrats had lost control

In the picture of a man laying dead on the ground in the street, how does it relate to the Vietnam war?

the use of National Guard to preserve order led to unintended consequences

What can be inferred about the Berlin Wall from a photo of an East German soldier leaping over to the western side of the wall?

the wall was mainly intended to keep East Germans from escaping to the west

President Kennedy decided that the BLANK was the best way to BLANK

Bay of Pigs invasion, stop the spread of communism

What conclusion can be drawn about North Vietnamese and south Vietnamese from their refusal to honor the agreements in the Paris Peace Accords?

Both sides were entrenched in their beliefs

what strategy did president Johnson's advisors Robert McNamara and General Westmoreland insist was necessary to winning the war in Vietnam?

Committing more troops and taking a more active role in combat activities

the national income tax was most likely raised 10 percent to account for...

Costs associated with the war effort

Why did Kennedy administration decide to help overthrow Ngo Dinh Diem?

Diem's lack of popular support weakened his war efforts

What major difference between President Eisenhower and Kennedy is illustrated in Eisenhower's farewell address?

Eisenhower's fears about the expanding scope of the defense industries

What best describes the "Americanization" strategy recommended by Robert McNamara and William Westmoreland

Having american forces take on a more active role in helping South Vietnam in the Vietnam war

What did Ho Chi Minh believe this strategy of fighting only when victory was assured would ultimately accomplish against the American Military?

He believed that if the North Vietnamese wore the American forces down enough, they would eventually leave.

What was Johnson's view towards communism?

He was willing to do anything to prevent the spread of communism which led to him sending more troops in Vietnam without really any checks and balances from congress

Which of the following was a way that the United States opposed communism in Southeast Asia?

It provided economic and military aid to the government of South Vietnam

Compare soldiers drafted during World War II with those drafted during the Vietnam War. What was similar and different about soldier's experiences during the two wars? How might the opinions of soldiers about each war have been different?

In WW2 many of the soldiers wanted to be there and felt they should but there was a lot of controversy during the Vietnam War and a lot of people believed they shouldn't be in Vietnam. They also didn't get as much praise as WW2 vets

As the war stretched on, many American Soldiers in Vietnam came to believe that the South Vietnamese people were BLANK and Americans at home began to BLANK

Indifferent or hostile to the American presence in their country; doubt Johnson's foreign policy

How did the passage of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution affect U.S. military policy in Vietnam?

It gave the power of all military actions to President Johnson

Describe characteristics of doves

Pacifists and civil right leaders, questioned the war on moral grounds

who were the hawks and the doves during the Vietnam War, and how did they lower moral?

hawks were people who supported the war, and doves were those who opposed it. They divided the nation

After learning about the Missile Gap, how did President Kennedy respond?

he adopted a flexible response policy to prepare the military for any type of conflict

what did Ho Chi Minh believe his fight only when victory is assured strategy ultimately accomplish against the American military?

he believed that if the North Vietnamese wore the American forces down enough, they would eventually leave

why did Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev order the construction of the Berlin Wall?

he decided to build the wall after Kennedy refused to give up West Germany. People in East Germany were fleeing so he wanted to keep them in the country

Why did President Truman agree to help France regain control over Vietnam?

he wanted France to be an ally in the Cold War

What was most likely cost Humphrey the election in 1968

his refusal to go against president Johnson on the Vietnam war

How did the Tet Offensive in 1968 lead to a shift in american policy?

the Tet offensive showed that they have not given up and they are still going strong. It led to U.S policy trying to find peace, not a W

Which of its usual foreign policies did the U.S depart from in its decision to support the French in indonchina?

the U.S was generally in favor of decolonization

how does that wierd domino graphic relate to the U.S decision to support the French in their struggle against Ho Chi Minh?

the United States wanted to stop the spread of communism in Southeast Asia

the Tet offensive demonstrated that...

the Vietcong was capable of a full scale attack throughout South Vietnam

Under the Requirements of the War Powers Resolution (also known as the War Powers Act) the president must tell congress what?

the extent and time period of the hostilities.

What finally convinced the North Vietnamese to return to negotiations and sign the Paris Peace Accords?

the renewal of American bombing in North Vietnam

Why did Secretary of State Rusk likely insist that Russia's leader blinked first

to bolster Kennedy's image as a strong and resolute leader

What is tied most directly with Kennedy's larger goal of containing the spread of communism?

to spread prosperity and democracy

Why did Krushchev want to gain control of West Berlin?

wanted to keep the skilled workers from fleeing east Germany

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