Sc 8th grade, Greek (About the Persian War)

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One of the most important/main export items in Ancient Greece

Olive oil

Temple dedicated to the Goddess Athena


What was built in honor of this battle?

Parthenon (192 figurines carved into walls to commemorate those who died in battle)

Three reasons why Persia set out to attack/conquer Athens in the first place

Payback, Expansion, Broken Pact/Agreement


Persian Heavy Infantry

The tactical advantages the Athenians had during the Persian War

Phalanx Formation and Expert Sailors

What formation did Athenians use to block Persian cavalry

Phalanx formation

Who was the messenger that ran from Marathon to Athens to announce victory


What was the type of religion of the Ancient Greeks


Acropolis of Athens

Protected part of the city where the most famous buildings in Athens were (and are still currently) located

Son of Darius who invaded Greece


Who led the 2nd invasion of Greece (Persian Empire)

Xerxes I

Thermopylae Pass

a narrow passage with steep mountains on one side and a sea cliff on the other. By doing this, the Greeks could limit the advantage the large Persian army had, since only a small portion could fit through the pass at a time.

Results of the battle of Marathon

an outnumbered Athenian army used geography and phalanx tactic to their advantage. forcing the Persians to retreat and return home.

Why did the Persia Empire wanted to Expand?

domination = more land = more power

City-State Argos

established/organized system

City-State Rhodes

features the giant titan Helios (Considered one of the seven ancient wonders in of the world)

Where did the Persian empire stretch to

from North Africa and the eastern Mediterranean to the Indus River Valley in India


government ruled by rich men (Aristocrats/King) // Two or more Kings.

What is a satrapies?

province or state

What was the result when Xerxes had to postpone his planned land offensives for a year

the delay gave the Greek city-states time to unite against him. This would eventually lead to a decisive victory at Plataea, which is viewed as the end to the Persian invasion of Greece.

What was the Council of Ten Generals' job?

to decide on war strategies for Athenians

The two sons of Cyrus the Great

Cambyses and Dariues

The Athenian general


Span of the Persian war

499-449 BCE

Span of Persian Empire

559-331 BCE

How many Persian warships sailed across Aegean Sea taking over Greek islands (Where did they dock)

600 in Marathon Bay

Span of Greek city-states

800 - 146 BCE


A land form surrounded by water on three sides.

Results of the battle of Platae

A large unified Greek force was able to deliver a sever blow to the Persian army, ending the 2nd Persian Invasion of Greece.

Why couldn't Sparta assist Athens during the Battle of Marathon

A religious festival

The city-state of Delphi

A religious/spiritual center

Triremes (Greek)

A very large, low military/war or trade ship that could carry large amounts of cargo. Had three sets of oars.

Who started the Ionian Revolt?


The breaking vote from council to attack Persians



Athenian heavy infantry

Why did the Persia Empire wanted to have revenge?

Athenians helped in the Ionian Revolt against Persians (c. 500 BCE several Greek city-states assisted Ionians in burning Sardis - The Persian capital, to the ground)

How did the Greeks from mainland Greece aid in the Ionian Revolt?

Athens and Sparta were asked to send manned ships. Only Athens provided help. (along with Eretria)

Places involved

Athens, marathon (easteen greece) and vrana valley

Which battle put down the rebellion during the Ionian Revolt

Battle of Lade in 494 BCE,


Before this battle, Persian ruler Xerxes received this advice from his trusted female advisor Artemisia.

Greek Hoplites Equipment

Bronze Greeves legs & Sandals, Short Sword, Hoplon bronze shield, Dory (Long spear), Bronze Helmet, Curaisses (Vest)

Who led the 1st invasion of mainland Greece at the Battle of Marathon in 490 BCE (Persian Empire)

Darius I

Who was the Persian emperor

Darius I

Key figures in the Persian Empire during the Persian War

Darius I, Xerxes I

Who was the Persian commander


What type of government was Athens and Sparta

Democracy (Athens), Oligarchy (Sparta)

Three different types of government found in Ancient Greece

Democracy, Oligarchy, and Monarchy

What was the broken pact/agreement that made Persia set out to attack/conquer Athens?

Earth and Water offering (c. 540 BCE - To the Athenians a regular/simple pact or agreement to provide military aid [ mostly against Spartans]. To the Persians = sacred pact that meant Athens was now a Persian colony and subjected to Persian ruler )

Persian Infantry equipment

Felt Cloth Cap, Wicker Shield, Cloth Shoes, Cloth & Leather Armor, Assorted weapons: Short Swords, spears, axes

Who was the Greek general who successfully defended against a larger Persian force at the Battle of Marathon

General Miltiades

who decided to lure the Persian fleet into the narrow waters of the strait at Salamis, where the large Persian ships had difficulty maneuvering.

Greek Commander Themistocles

Results of the battle of Thermopylae

Greeks used the narrow Thermopylae pass to defend wave after wave of Persia attack; 300 Spartans stayed behind while the Greeks retreated and regrouped.

Results of the battle of Salamis

Greeks used their geography and skills of sailing to defeat the larger Persian fleet, giving the Greeks more time to organize a larger force.

Why did Cyrus the Great take over the Greek colonies in Anatolia/Asia Minor (present-day Turkey) c. 546 BCE

He wanted to expand his empire

Who led the first Persian Empire?

King Cyrus the Great

Who led his 300 Spartans and Greek allies at the battle of Thermopylae

King Leonidas

Key figures in the Greek city-states during the Persian War

King Leonidas, General Miltiades

King of Sparta


The 4 Key battles in the Persian War (in chronological order)

Marathon, Thermopylae, Salamis, Platea

Why were satraps valuable to the established Persian provinces?

Since they were the "governors" of those areas, their presence helped to facilitate communication & influence trade with the building of the Royal Road.

Span of royal road

Sousa to Sardis (Not much later, the capital was moved to Persepolis under King Xerxes (486-465 B.C.) son of Darius

Describe the geography of Greece

The Greeks lived on rocky, mountainous lands surrounded by water on a peninsula.

How did the Persian Wars begin?

The Ionian Greeks rebelled against their Persian rulers

Achaemenid Empire

The Persian Empire established by Cyrus the Great

Who is Herodotus?

The historian that predicted the Ionian Revolt was "just the beginning of trouble for both the Greeks and the Persians," foreshadowing the Persian Wars

The Phalanx formation

The line of hoplites in battle with their shields and spears up

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