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SOCIOLOGY | 1600 | This pollster founded his American Institute of Public Opinion in Princeton in 1935


SCIENCE GUYS | 800 | Surely this rings a bell: the name of this physiologist who studied the secretory activity of digestion from 1890 to 1900

Ivan Pavlov


a fish

SCIENCE FICTION TITLES IN FRENCH | 1200 | ""Le cycle de Fondation""

The Foundation Trilogy

BODY PART-POURRI | 400 | Even one ""for news"" can get put ""out of joint""

a nose



SCIENCE | 200 | The ragweed variety of this material is seen here under the microscope--achoo!


ANIMAL IDENTITY | 1600 | Seen here, it's one of the few animals whose common and binomial names are the same

the Boa constrictor

PLACES, EVERYBODY | 400 | Country:It's 2 letters shorter & much smaller than Australia, & it's German-speaking


ANTHROPOLOGY | 2000 | In 1899 Franz Boas of this NYC university founded the first major college anthropology department


GO HAMILTON FISH! | 800 | A park & library on Houston Street are named for Ham, who graduated from this Ivy League school


I AM A MAN OF SCIENCE! | 1600 | He didn't carry a blue security blanket when he won a Chemistry Nobel for research on the nature of chemical bonds

Linus Pauling

ANIMAL TITLES | 400 | ""The Island of the Blue ____""


PLANET FILL-IN | 400 | Fuller's ____, an absorbent compound


PLANETS OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM | 400 | It's the only planet not named for a Greek or Roman god


WHERE IS THAT PLANET? | 200 | After Google; before wind & fire


FLIGHTLESS BIRDS | 400 | This country's flightless Auckland Island & Campbell Island teals are among the rarest ducks in the world

New Zealand

WHICH PLANET? | 200 | It has flowing water from time to time, NASA announced in 2015


BODY PART-POURRI | 1000 | Nora Ephron wrote the book ""I Feel Bad About"" this

My Neck

ART & MYTHOLOGY | 1200 | Cupid, Flora & 3 dancing Graces appear in this Botticelli masterpiece whose name means ""springtime ""


GEOGRAPHIC ETYMOLOGY | 1600 | This noted prince consort has the gateway city to northern Saskatchewan named for him -- what an honor!

Prince Albert

MEDICINE | 1000 | Your oil-secreting sebaceous glands can produce their own type of this, a 4-letter abdominal sac

a cyst

WHAT KIND OF MOVIE ANIMAL ARE YOU? | 800 | Winter, who gets a new tail in a 2011 movie

a dolphin

OFFICIAL STATE ANIMALS | 200 | The West Indian species of this sea cow is Alabama's official state marine mammal

a manatee

SOCIOLOGY | 1600 | Sociologists now consider America more of a ""salad bowl"" than these 2 words for many cultures becoming one

a melting pot

YOU DISCOVER THE ASTRONOMICAL BODY | 800 | Traveling near one of these would be no vacation

a nova (in no vacation)

ANTHROPOLOGY | 600 | This term for a basic social unit of parents & their offspring sounds like they are radioactive

a nuclear family

ASTRONOMY | 800 | The only permanent feature on a comet is this central part, also part of an atom

a nucleus

NOT ON THE PERIODIC TABLE | 1000 | Small, 8-letter piece of plastic used to play guitar strings

a plectrum

IS THERE A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE? | 400 | Step on up with this doctor who specializes in the treatment of foot problems

a podiatrist

SCIENCE | 1000 | Self-healing like the T-1000, the ""terminator"" type of this macromolecule compound was discovered in 2013

a polymer

EATYMOLOGY | 800 | Not surprisingly, the name of this fruit is from the Latin for ""seedy fruit""

a pomegranite

5-LETTER MAMMALS | 200 | Ewe ought to know it belongs to the genus Ovis

a sheep

METEOROLOGY | 800 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows an animated weather map on the monitor.) It's the 2-word term for a transition zone between an advancing mass of higher temperature air & a retreating cooler one

a warm front


a wasp

MEDICAL MATTERS | 1000 | Brand names of this pain reliever include Tylenol & Feverall


TECHNOLOGY | 1000 | Most welding torches use this colorless gas, C2H2, burned with oxygen to produce a heat high enough to cut metal


PSYCHOLOGY | 400 | A division of the American Psychological Association is devoted to these, such as to gambling


STATE ANIMAL FIGHT! | 1600 | Texas' state small mammal, it's just roadkill to California's grizzly bear

an armadillo

BIRDS OF A FEATHER | 200 | Bald,harpy

an eagle

ANTHROPOLOGY | 800 | This type of social group, from the Greek for ""nation"", is linked by language, culture, origin or religion

an ethnicity (or ethnic group)

BIOLOGY | 400 | It should take just a wink to tell us a nictitating membrane is a third one of these found in birds

an eyelid

SCIENCE | 400 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows an atomic animation on the monitor.) Ca, calcium, has two electrons in its outer shell; when they're lost, Ca2+ is formed; it's one of these charged atoms, with the same electronic structure as an argon atom

an ion

ANIMAL SIMILES | 1000 | I'm ""as strong as"" this adult castrated male of the genus Bos (but feeling much better it, apparently)

an ox

ASTRONOMY | 1600 | In 2014 images of the surface of this largest Saturnian moon showed the Sun's reflection off its polar seas


BODY SNATCHERS | 600 | Anyone with common sense knows that in 1820 this American revolutionary's body was exhumed & lost

Tom Paine



WE'RE ON MARS! | 2000 | Seen here in a model, on July 20th, 1976, this first U.S. Mars lander successfully soft-landed


GRAND MARSHALS OF THE ROSE PARADE | 400 | This beloved L.A. personality did the honors in 2014

Vin Scully

BODY LANGUAGE | 800 | ""In the ____ of Morpheus""


MEDICAL HISTORY | 1600 | In 1982 Dr. William DeVries implanted the Jarvik-7, one of these, into patient Barney Clark

artificial heart

OVER MY DEAD BODY | 400 | In a cemetery near Palm Springs, the lyric ""The best is yet to come""

Frank Sinatra

LATIN MAMMALS | 1600 | Vacca


THE HUMAN BODY | 1200 | The zygomatic bone is this facial one that may lead people to praise your bone structure

a cheekbone

OFFICIAL STATE ANIMALS | 1000 | The peregrine this is Idaho's state raptor

a falcon

WHAT KIND OF MOVIE ANIMAL ARE YOU? | 400 | Mumble in ""Happy Feet""

a penguin

BIRDS WITHIN WORDS | 200 | It's a symbol of wisdom & knowledge

an owl

HEALTH & MEDICINE | 2000 | The insipidus type of this endocrine disorder can affect the kidneys or the pituitary; the mellitus type is more common


SCIENCE TERMS | 200 | The vernal one of these, around March 21, marks the start of spring in the northern hemisphere


BODY LANGUAGE | 600 | The 4 equal parts of a relay race


MYTHOLOGY | 400 | The mythical birthplace of this pre-Columbian people was Aztlan, the ""White Land""

the Aztecs

ARCHAEOLOGY | 800 | In 2012 scientists in Guatemala unearthed the tomb of Lady K'abel, who ruled the Snake Dynasty of this civilization

the Maya

PLANETARY PEOPLE & THINGS | 2000 | This cremation services company was incorporated in 1985

the Neptune Society

ANIMAL PLANET | 200 | The screwhorn antelope: this desert

the Sahara

PHYSICAL SCIENCE | 1600 | Willard Libby won a 1960 Nobel Prize for developing the use of this number isotope of carbon to gauge the age of fossils


FISHY WORDS | 1000 | From the old Norse for ""brag"", it means to complain or find fault in a petty way


ART & MYTHOLOGY | 800 | An early sculpture by Michelangelo depicts ""the battle of"" these mythical half-man, half-horse creatures


SCIENCE | 1200 | The Celsius temperature scale is also known as this scale because it's divided into 100 parts


SCIENTIFIC & MEDICAL ABBREV. | 1000 | CP is an abbreviation for chest pain, as well as for this crippling disorder caused by damage to the brain

cerebral palsy

ELEMENTAL ETYMOLOGY | 1000 | In 1803 2 scientists named this new element for the first asteroid discovered, 2 years earlier


BODY LANGUAGE | 1000 | Nerve or impertinence; in a 1904 novel Lord Elmsdale says, ""That chap's got some""


BODY LANGUAGE | 600 | ""Tongue in ____""


ARCHAEOLOGY | 1600 | 3rd c. Roman soldiers found near sulfur crystals were apparently early victims of this type of warfare

chemical warfare

WOMEN IN SCIENCE | 600 | Using triethylene melamine on tumors, Dr. Jane Cooke pioneered research on this, the use of drugs to treat cancer


ARCTIC ANIMALS | 1200 | This ""white whale"" is known as the ""canary of the sea"" for the chirps & other sounds it makes


ANIMAL WORDS & PHRASES | 1200 | If you mess with this formal papal document, you get the horns


BIRDS IN THE BIBLE | 2000 | In the wilderness God provided the Israelites manna & large quantities of this small plump game bird


A FISH IS STILL A FISH | 200 | Though guppies are freshwater fish, add this to their tank to help them build up a protective slime coat


WHICH BODY PART? | 400 | Nephrolithiasis

the kidneys

ORGANS OF THE BODY | 800 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows an anatomical diagram on the monitor.) The largest gland in the body, it metabolizes proteins, removes waste matter, destroys old cells, & even synthesizes blood clotting factors

the liver

WHICH BODY PART? | 400 | Hepatitis:This organ

the liver

NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED | 1000 | Mom & balm


MEDICAL TERMS | 1600 | It might ring a bell that ringing in the ears is known medically by this 8-letter name


BODY PART VERBS | 800 | To hit or bang on the head

to brain

ANTHROPOLOGY | 400 | Indians of the Pacific Northwest carved family & clan emblems & histories on these that were made of cedar

totem poles

ALL ABOUT ANIMALS | 1600 | With 4 toes on each foot, pigs are classified as even-toed members of this hoofed animal group


THE ELEMENTS | 1600 | Some studies say lozenges of this element, atomic number 30, help ease the severity of colds


SCIENCE | 1000 | Alphabetically, they are the last 2 chemical elements

zinc & zirconium

DOUBLE-LETTER SCIENCE | 800 | Rust on steel is an example of the atmospheric type of this


HEALTH & MEDICINE | 800 | Those who suffer from carpal tunnel or arthritis may get a shot of this 9-letter steroid to reduce inflammation


PHYSICS | 800 | This branch of physics deals with the structure & nature of cosmic bodies

cosmology (or astrophysics)

ASTRONOMY | 400 | On the Moon, Hell, Billy & Julius Caesar are these


PHYSICS | 800 | It's the term for the minimum amount of fissile material needed to achieve a self-sustaining chain reaction

critical mass

NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED | 800 | Rock & tears


BIRDS WITHIN WORDS | 400 | If you've been humiliated into eating this bird, don't microwave it


THAT ANIMAL IS SOMETHING ELSE | 2000 | This bird becomes a verb when used to mean to gloat; you don't want to ""eat it,"" though


SOCIAL SCIENCE BOOKS | 800 | James Surowiecki wrote of ""The Wisdom of"" these large groups, as opposed to elites


ANTHROPOLOGY | 1600 | Divisions of anthropology include this type also called ethnology, which studies human social behavior

cultural anthropology

METEOROLOGY | 2000 | Typhoons, hurricanes & the lows on weather maps are all examples of these atmospheric circulations


SONG BIRDS | 1000 | Louis Jordan headed out to the barnyard for ""ain't nobody here but us"" these birds


COIF MEDICINE | 600 | When your blond hair goes green after a dip in a pool with too much of this, a club soda rinse can help


THE ELEMENTS | 400 | Magnesium is an essential component of this green pigment that's found in almost every plant


BIOLOGY | 1600 | These hairlike projections on protozoans are used for locomotion


SCIENCE-Y STUFF | 1200 | In cloud names, stratus means ""spread out, cumulus means ""heap"" & this 6-letter type means ""curl""


MEDICAL HISTORY | 800 | Around 1747 British navy doctor James Lind discovered that eating these could prevent scurvy

citrus fruits

PSYCHOLOGY | 2000 | Ivan Pavlov training dogs to salivate when a bell rings is an example of this classic type of reflex or response

classical conditioning

EARTH SCIENCE | 800 | Ancient Greek for ""slope"" gives us this weather word much in the news for the way it's changing


ANIMAL COLLECTIVE NOUNS | 1000 | Termites & penguins both get collective with this collective name


BIOLOGY | 400 | Protanopia is a type of this in which a person can't distinguish red from green

color blindness

ART & MYTHOLOGY | 1200 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew presents the clue.) In Botticelli's painting of Athena restraining a centaur, the interlocking rings on her clothing are a symbol of this family,a member of whichcommissioned the work

de Medici

MEDICINE | 1200 | This medical therapy is necessary to eliminate wastes & maintain fluid balance in cases of kidney failure


EVERYBODY MUST GET BIRTHSTONES | 1200 | April:A 726-carat one was found in 1934


BODY TALK | 800 | This word can be a synonym for number or finger


BIOLOGY 101 | 2000 | Red tide is caused by a proliferation of these 15-letter aquatic organisms


ALASKAN AQUATIC LIFE | 600 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew scuba dives with an octopus in Alaska.) The Giant Pacific Octopus has a 24-foot armspan and two horn-like papillae above each eye, which some say give it this satanic fish nickname


GREAT MEN & WOMEN OF MEDICINE | 400 | (Dr. Oz presents the clue.) Frederick Banting, an orthopedic surgeon, went into research & won a Nobel Prize for his work extracting insulin from the pancreas, the first effective treatment for this disorder


MEDICAL TALK | 400 | During pregnancy, insulin resistance may result in the gestational type of this condition


CHEMISTRY | 1200 | Increasing the percentage of U-235 in a sample of uranium is called this process; Iran says it has the right to do it


WHAT'S THE ""-OLOGY""? | 1200 | If your specialty is Lepidoptera, you're an expert in this field


A SPAIN IN THE BODY PART | 800 | Los dedos are these, part of la mano


PLANETS OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM | 200 | There are now 8 planets, including this many ""inner"" ones whose orbits lie inside the asteroid belt


LATIN MAMMALS | 2000 | Vulpes


BODY PARTS IN SONG | 1000 | Kelly Clarkson sang ""Behind These"" colorful body parts

hazel eyes

BODY PART PREFIXES | 600 | Cephalo-


MEDICAL PROBLEMS | 800 | This viral disease that causes inflammation of the liver has A, B, C, D & E types


ECOLOGY | 400 | Of insectivores, herbivores or carnivores, the group whose food source is most likely to live to be fed on again


ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE | 1600 | The royal family were big supporters of the RLH hospital, the H for this type of diluted medicine practice


ASTROLOGY | 400 | The 12 divisions of the heavens as seen from Earth are called these, & no realtors were involved


PHYSICS | 400 | The first shell around a nucleus can have a maximum of this many electrons


PHYSICS | 800 | Before this element can be used in a fission reactor, it has to be enriched to increase the level of its 235 isotope


THE ELEMENTS | 1200 | Martin Klaproth discovered this element in 1789 & named it for a discovery of 1781


THE ELEMENTS | 200 | Pre-reactor use, this-235 must be separated from this-238, which is more plentiful but doesn't fission easily


BIRDS OF A FEATHER | 1000 | Andean condor,turkey,Egyptian


DIRTY BIRDS | 800 | A 2014 study says the guts of these scavengers are adapted to not get sick from their putrid diet


BODY PART PREFIXES | 800 | Hystero-


COIF MEDICINE | 200 | It may smell weird but the apple cider type of this culinary item can soften your tresses & give them shine


MEDICINE | 200 | Latin for ""poison"", it's a submicroscopic agent infecting living organisms & causing disease


STARTS WITH A 3-LETTER BODY PART | 1200 | Comically vulgar or indecent in speech




THE ELEMENTS | 1600 | The name of this element is from the Greek word for ""moon""


HEALTH & MEDICINE | 600 | The OED defines it as ""to administer to oneself a drug or (perceived) remedy (sometimes... alcohol)""


ANIMAL PARTS | 400 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows an anatomical diagram on the monitor.) Cows don't really have 4 of these organs; it's just 1 divided into 4 sections--the reticulum, omasum, abamasum & rumen; 3 of the 4 are usually sold as food we call tripe


ANTISOCIAL SCIENCE | 600 | The book ""Dancing at Armageddon"" has in its subtitle this ""-ism""of preparing to endure massive social disaster


ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE | 400 | In the SARE program, S stands for this type of ""agriculture"" that protects both crop yields & the environment


ANIMAL LIT FILL-IN | 400 | E.B. White: ""The Trumpet of the ____""


BIRDS WITHIN WORDS | 200 | I found this graceful word in Botswana

swan (in Botswana)

ANTHROPOLOGY | 400 | It's a culture-specific prohibition of certain behavior, like...well, things we don't talk about


SOUNDS MEDICAL | 400 | To test the reception to our approach, let's do this & hope for 98.6

take a temperature

AROUND THE BODY | 400 | Savor the difference, girls; there are more of these receptors in a woman's mouth than in a man's

taste buds

BIOLOGY | 400 | In lactation, milk is produced; in lacrimation, these are produced


GEOLOGY | 1200 | Naturally, plenty of coal was formed in this geologic period, 360 million to 300 million B.C.

the Carboniferous Period

BLUE BIRDS | 200 | Both blue-faced boobies & blue-footed boobies nest in these Ecuadorian islands

the Galápagos

HUGO AWARDS FOR SCIENCE FICTION | 1200 | J.K. Rowling for ""Harry Potter and"" this burning vessel

the Goblet of Fire

MYTHOLOGY | 600 | The yoke of a chariot was lashed to a pole via this, named for the man who tied it so intricately

the Gordian knot

MYTHOLOGY | 2000 | Heracles used the blood of this many-headed monster to poison his arrows

the Hydra

NEW IN SCIENCE | 1200 | In March 2016 an eclipse ended the day before it began as the Moon's shadow moved east across this line

the International Date Line

VULCANOLOGY | 400 | The ""Ring of Fire"" is a large circle of active volcanoes on both sides of this ocean

the Pacific Ocean

PRO TEAMS ARE FOR THE BIRDS | 1000 | Until 2010 this Metropolitan Division team played its NHL home games in an arena known as the Igloo

the Pittsburgh Penguins

BODY WORKS | 800 | This largest artery in the body is over a foot long

the aorta

ANATOMICAL ETYMOLOGY | 400 | From the Latin for ""to hang"", it's the thin, closed tube with no known function that hangs from the large intestine

the appendix

SCIENCE | 1200 | THC binds to receptors, making food smell better & possibly explaining this craving with a plural name

the munchies

ARCTIC ANIMALS | 2000 | The Eskimos of Alaska's North Slope call this beast an oomingmak, or ""animal with skin like a beard""

the musk ox

THE HUMAN BODY | 2000 | This gland's main duct, the duct of Wirsung, collects its juices & empties into the duodenum

the pancreas

OLD-TIME SCIENCE | 800 | The 1862 telluric screw organized atomic weights on a cylinder, a 3D version of this table

the periodic table

ANATOMICAL ETYMOLOGY | 1000 | This small gland in the brain is named for its resemblance to a conifer's cone

the pineal gland

BODY | 600 | An ophthalmoscope is used to check the eye's interior, including this tissue that covers the back 2/3 of the eyeball

the retina

STATE BIRDS | 400 | New Mexico's state bird is this desert dweller

the roadrunner

SCIENCE & NATURE | 800 | Common in the east, the yellow-bellied this is a member of the woodpecker family

the sapsucker

YOU DISCOVER THE ASTRONOMICAL BODY | 400 | All that we are came from this unmistakable entity

the sun (in this unmistakable)

MEDICAL EQUIPMENT | 400 | Alexander Wood, who invented the hollow-needled hypodermic one of these, became a morphine addict

the syringe

SCIENTIFIC & MEDICAL ABBREV. | 800 | Abbreviated TM, it separates the outer ear from the middle ear

the timpanic membrane

BODY LANGUAGE | 800 | You may be ""chilled to"" this; I'm ""bad to"" it

the bone

MEDICAL EQUIPMENT | 200 | An ECG measures the electrical activity of the heart, while an EEG measures the activity of this organ

the brain

STATE FISH | 2000 | In 1987 Tennessee chose the channel species of this as a state fish; Nebraska followed in 1997

the catfish

ANATOMICAL ETYMOLOGY | 600 | The flap of cartilage known as the epiglottis is so named because it lies at the root of this organ

the tongue

GENERAL SCIENCE | 200 | Muscles in this sensory organ include the genioglossus & the hyoglossus

the tongue



THE ELEMENTS | 800 | The gold standard in hip replacement isn't gold at all but this super-strong metal name for mythical figures


THE BODY | 800 | After 50 you might want to get an -oscopy of this longest segment of the large intestine

the colon

EARTH SCIENCE | 1200 | It's Earth's 25-mile-deep surface layer

the crust

THE BODY | 800 | When you hiccup, this large sheet of muscle contracts involuntarily, then the epiglottis closes over the vocal cords

the diaphragm

THE HUMAN BODY | 800 | The principal muscle of respiration, it's the proud owner of a silent ""G""

the diaphragm

YOUR BODY HAS A SYSTEM | 800 | It's not 15 miles on the alimentary canal but about 30 feet, as part of this system

the digestive

AROUND THE BODY | 200 | This joint has a type of macaroni named for it

the elbow

THE BODY OF EVIDENCE | 800 | 2 muscles in this 4-letter body part automatically adjust the size of the pupil to the level of light through the lens

the iris

BIOLOGY | 1200 | In the human body the process of osmoregulatrion is primarilly carried out by these organs

the kidneys

BODY LATIN | 1600 | Genu

the knee

WITH SCIENCE | 2000 | The 15 metallic elements at the bottom of the periodic table are ""L""abeled these

the lanthanides

BODY CHECK | 400 | This reddish-brown gland weighs 3 pounds & sits in the upper right part of the abdomen

the liver

SCIENCE SURVEY | 1000 | This roughly 3-pound organ converts glycogen to glucose

the liver

MEDICAL CENTER | 200 | A lobotomy is an operation on the brain; a lobectomy is usually an operation on this body part

the lungs

WHICH BODY PART? | 200 | Asthma

the lungs

BIOLOGY | 1200 | Appropriately, the name of this bone is from the Latin for ""to chew""

the mandible

SPOT THE MAMMAL | 800 | Hyrax,pterodactyl,barracuda


& THE FISH WAS THIS BIG! | 1000 | If you're doing this type of ""Fishing in America"", remember that New Jersey's record for a lake one is over 32 pounds


PERSONAL SPACE INVADERS | 1000 | This word, the big no-no in intellectual property law, can also mean encroaching on personal space


THE ELEMENTS | 400 | An adult man has about 1/8 ounce of this element whose chemical symbol comes from the Latin word for it, ferrum


2-WORD SCIENCE TERMS | 1200 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew demonstrates with a magnet.) Science teachers love to use these, tiny bits of a certain metal, to demonstrate magnetism

iron filings

MEDICAL HISTORY | 2000 | Using identical twins, Dr. Joseph Murray performed the first of these organ transplants in 1954


SCIENCE | 400 | Where m is mass & v is velocity, this type of energy possessed by a moving body is defined as 1/2 mv2


ELEMENTAL ETYMOLOGY | 600 | In 1898 this noble gas, symbol Kr, was discovered hidden in a liter of liquid air, so it was named for the Greek for ""hidden""


MEDICINE | 2000 | Epidemic parotitis is another name for this common childhood disease


BODY PART VERBS | 400 | As a verb, it's a way to force your way ""in"" to something; as a noun, it's the thugs who might help you


ANIMAL NAMES | 1000 | This hoofed animal of the far north is named for the odor produced by glands beneath its eyes


RANDOMNESS IN SCIENCE | 400 | From the Latin for ""change"", these random variations are retained in a species gene pool


SCIENCE CLASS | 800 | In the title of his 1859 book, Charles Darwin used this 2-word term to describe the process & means of evolution

natural selection

BODY PARTS | 1000 | When used normally, a garrote fits snugly around this part of the victim's body


PHYSICS | 1600 | Ground effects on race cars are to keep the tires on the track, fighting this 4-letter force that tries to raise them


WE LOVE PLANET EARTH | 600 | North Dakota is a leading producer of this low-grade brown coal


SCIENCE IS A 7-LETTER WORD | 1200 | The most common drug used to treat bipolar disorder is a compound of this light metal


MEDICAL AKAs | 1000 | Tetanus is also called this, typically the first sign of the disease


ANIMAL COLLECTIVE NOUNS | 800 | It's a cloud of grasshoppers & a plague of these relatives


ETYMOLOGY | 1200 | This word that follows ""land"" in a term for a nautical newcomer is from the Middle English for ""lazy lout""




ANIMAL IDENTITY | 800 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows us a photo of a Cardinal bird with unusual markings.) The Cardinal seen here with its colors split down the middle is a genetic anomaly known as a gynandromorph, meaning it exhibits the qualities of both these

male and female (both genders)

THERE'S AN ANIMAL IN MY DICTIONARY | 200 | This synonym for ""giant"" is an extinct woolly critter of the Pleistocene epoch


ANIMAL CARE | 800 | Preserving the forest is the best way to care for this Asian arboreal ape that only gives birth every 8 years


WRITERS ON THE PERIODIC TABLE | 2000 | British mistress of mystery___ ___ James

palladium (Pd)

SCIENCE IN SPORTS | 2000 | Geometric arch that's the natural path of a projectile; a narrower one helps free throws, Dwight Howard


PSYCH! (-OLOGY) | 1600 | This Latin word for ""mask"" refers to one's public image as distinguished from the inner self


THE MAP OF SCIENCE | 2000 | Elie Metchnikoff got on a Soviet stamp for discovering these white blood cells that ""eat"" bacteria


ELEMENTS IN THE HUMAN BODY | 600 | Your bones don't glow in the dark, but they do contain this ""light-bringing"" element that makes up 1% of you


ECOLOGY | 1000 | Fallen branches from these trees are key to nourishing marine ecosystems


AROUND THE BODY | 2000 | This spongy substance that fills the bones produces the body's blood cells


PHYSICAL SCIENCE | 1200 | Shorter than radio waves, this type of useful radiation has a frequency of about 1 to 300 gigahertz


6-LETTER ELEMENTS | 1000 | Its 35 known isotopes are all radioactive




SPACE STUFF | 2000 | In 2006 the large dwarf planet known as UB313 was renamed this, after the Greek goddess of discord


GIANTS OF TECHNOLOGY | 800 | In 2014 co-founder John Zimmer shaved the pink mustaches off the grills of its rides when it began servicing New York City


WHICH PLANET? | 800 | It has been under observation by the Cassini spacecraft since 2004


WE'RE ON MARS! | 800 | Valerie Ambroise won an essay contest & named this rover for a 19th-century African-American woman


BIRDS OF A FEATHER | 200 | Western screech,snowy,elf


SPACE SHUTTLE FLYOVERS | 600 | Discovery took a different kind of trip to the mall over this city.

Washington, D.C.

YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! | 1200 | In 1925 Australia sent the San Diego Zoo Snugglepot & Cuddlepie, its first pair of these


WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU? | 800 | Anole &frilled


FUN WITH SCIENCE | 400 | One method to show movies this way divides the image into red & blue parts that your brain combines


DESCRIBING THE ANIMAL | 1000 | Caballine

a horse

MARINE BIOLOGY | 800 | The pearly or chambered type of this mollusc jet-propels itself around the ocean

a nautilus


a peacock

STATE FISH | 1600 | This denizen of the deep, Florida's state saltwater fish, could give some boats a run for their money

a sailfish

SCIENCE MYSTERIES | 2000 | Newton thought light was a particle; Huygens said it's this; scientists are still debating

a wave

HEALTH & MEDICINE | 1200 | In 1911 a Swiss psychiatrist coined this term for a withdrawal into one's inner world in patients with schizophrenia


THE HUMAN BODY | 400 | Tiny blood vessels; also, tiny channels that carry bile


NEW IN SCIENCE | 800 | The World Health Organization says that due in part to a Tali-ban on vaccinations, this paralytic disease is on the upswing


SCIENCE IN THE WORLD | 1600 | An eco-issue is protection of creatures that act as these for plants--honeybees of course, but also beetles & birds


ALL ABOUT ANIMALS | 400 | Hedgehogs are often confused with these quilled rodents


ANIMAL GROUPS | 600 | A prickle is a group of these large rodents--which makes sense, as ""prickle"" means sharp point or spine


BODY WORKS | 400 | Skin color ranging from pale yellow to black is largely determined by the amount of this dark pigment in the skin


CHEMISTRY | 1600 | In a standard lead-acid battery, lead plates & an electrolyte of this diluted acid create electrical energy

sulfuric acid

CHEMICAL ELEMENTS IN POETRY | 1000 | Milton:""With ever-burning ____ unconsum'd, such place eternal justice has prepar'd""


ANIMALS ON THE MAP | 1200 | Slide mountain is the highest point in these mountains in southeastern New York known for their resorts

the Catskills

EARTH SCIENCE | 1200 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a diagram on the monitor.) Passenger planes typically cruise at an altitude in the lower part of this atmospheric layer, between the troposphere & the mesosphere

the stratosphere

STARTS WITH A FARM ANIMAL | 400 | To shrink with fear

to cower

HEALTH & MEDICINE | 400 | Heartburn is also called acid this


ANTISOCIAL SCIENCE | 800 | A book in the ""Law, Justice and Power"" series is called ""Showing"" this synonym for ""regret"", as judges like you to do


SYSTEMS OF THE BODY | 800 | Your teenage students might be curious about this system that includes the ductus deferens and the Fallopian tubes

reproductive system

A CHEMISTRY SET | 2000 | Change 1 letter in the material rubbed on violin bows to get this type of compound that can be solid or semisolid


SCIENCE UPDATE | 200 | A single ""leap"" of this time unit was added to June 30, 2015; we hope you used it well




FISHY WORDS | 200 | Exclusive, or the one & only


BEHAVIOR & PSYCHOLOGY | 600 | Sleepwalking is also called this -ism


CHEMICAL ELEMENTS | 2000 | The name of Ununoctium may lead you to this atomic number, the highest yet assigned


MOON WALKING | 1000 | This first American in space was also the first to use a 6-iron on the Moon; he said ""The ball went miles & miles""

(Alan) Shepard

THE 8 PLANETS | 1200 | It's where you'll find the Haviland Crater


MYTHOLOGY | 200 | This leader of the Argonauts was raised by the centaur Chiron


ANTHROPOLOGY | 1600 | Eugene Dubois traveled to the East Indies in search of early hominins; he struck paydirt on this island in 1891


UNMANNED SPACE EXPLORATION | 400 | In 2014 the Rosetta spaceship's Philae Probe landed on one of these tailed bodies 310 million miles from Earth

a comet

ANIMAL YOUNG | 200 | A panda baby & a hyena baby are each called this

a cub

5-LETTER MAMMALS | 600 | The prey of this wild dog of Australia includes kangaroos & wallabies

a dingo

ANIMAL IMPOSTORS | 1600 | The horned toad isn't a frog or toad & is sometimes more correctly called the ""horned"" this

a lizard

NATIONAL ANIMALS | 800 | Bolivia uses this animal for wool, to carry loads &, going back to 1827, on coins

a llama

WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU? | 2000 | You get closure with this type of clasp, seen here

a lobster claw

STATE BIRDS | 1200 | Texas adopted this mimic as its state bird in 1927; Tennessee mimicked the pick in 1933

a mockingbird

LITERARY ANIMALS | 1200 | In a trilogy Katniss Everdeen wears a gold pin of this genetically altered bird

a mockingjay

A CHEMISTRY SET | 1200 | In zoology, it's an insectivore; in chemistry it's a unit related to atomic weights

a mole

SCIENCE IS A 7-LETTER WORD | 1600 | Examples of this type of soft-bodied invertebrate include the snail & the octopus

a mollusk

SCIENCE UPDATE | 400 | Boo! The 2012 Chem. Nobel Prize was awarded for the discovery of how cells respond to this ""emergency hormone"" & others


THE BODY | 200 | Epinephrine, a hormone that increases the pulse rate, is also known by this name


BIOLOGY | 2000 | This gelatinous substance derived from red algae is used as a culture medium for bacteria (& to thicken soups)


ANIMALS PLAYING DEAD | 1600 | Found in the Southwest, the 9-banded type of this plays dead if captured, but if that fails, kicks like crazy


1930s SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY | 1600 | In 1930 astronomer Clyde Tombaugh discovered not only Pluto but Shawna, a main-belt one of these


HEALTH & MEDICINE | 400 | One of the leading causes of school absenteeism is this respiratory disease that often arises from allergies


BEHAVIOR & PSYCHOLOGY | 800 | From the Greek for ""self law"", it's the ability of an individual to behave independently of others' control


THAT ANIMAL IS SOMETHING ELSE | 1600 | Nickname for someone from Oshkosh, or to harass or urge persistently


COIF MEDICINE | 400 | Sodium bicarbonate, aka this, added to shampoo makes for a deep cleanse

baking soda

PREFIXATED ON SCIENCE | 2000 | Osteo- & myelo- refer to these 2 related things

bones & bone marrow

MEDICAL MATTERS | 400 | On the minus side, it's a type of food poisoning; on the plus, the toxin that causes it can be used to smooth wrinkles


GEOLOGY | 1200 | The largest type of rock fragment, it's defined as more than 10"" across, though we think of it as huge


BIOLOGY | 800 | First found in French bakeries, Neurospora crassa, a type of this fungus, led to many genetics discoveries

bread mold

YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! | 1600 | Pray tell, it's the monkey seen here


6-LETTER ELEMENTS | 400 | Vital for life, it forms more compounds than all the other elements combined



cesium (Cs) (or chlorine (Cl))

HEALTH & MEDICINE | 800 | This medical specialist also takes care of your hair & nails


CHEMISTRY | 2000 | Used as a purification process, it's the evaporation of a liquid & then the condensation of the vapor


SPACE SHUTTLE ENDEAVOUR | 600 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew reports from the California Science Center in Los Angeles.) On Endeavour's first mission, 3 crew members stood atop the shuttle to capture & repair an out-of-control satellite; the hazardous 8½-hour procedure set a record for the longest EVA--this type of activity


BODY PART PREFIXES | 1000 | Blepharo-


BODY PARTS | 600 | Brannock is the name of the device that measures these from widths of 3A to 3E


BIOLOGY | 800 | During this process, an enzyme in yeast called zymase converts sugar into alcohol


ANIMALS ALL AROUND | 1000 | This creature is used to drive rabbits out of their burrows, which is why its name also means ""to search out""


RANDOMNESS IN SCIENCE | 1000 | These ""liberated"" molecules are unstable & their random reactions can damage proteins in tissues

free radicals

SCIENCE MYSTERIES | 400 | In the not fully understood Mpemba effect, hot water sometimes does this faster than cold


GENERAL SCIENCE | 400 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from the NASA Glenn Research Ctr in Cleveland, OH.) I'm at the Simulated Lunar Operations Facility; NASA re-invented the wheel: a wire wheel with springs molds around rocks & creates better traction with more of this, surface resistance to relative motion


SCIENCE IN SPORTS | 800 | Hockey pucks are frozen before a game to reduce this motion-resisting force


SCIENCE & GEOMETRY | 400 | It's basically a cone, but tornado-producing clouds aren't called cone clouds but these


ASTRONOMY | 1200 | The collection of stars called the M104 one of these is also called the sombrero one, after the hat it resembles


WITHIN THE FICTIONAL PLANET | 1600 | Insolence in the ""Doctor Who"" planet

gall (in Gallifrey)

PSYCHOLOGY | 800 | Dracula had alliumphobia, fear of this plant


""G--OLOGY"" | 1600 | The medical specialty of the digestive system


OLD-TIME SCIENCE | 1600 | 17th c. scientists thought adding a soiled shirt to wheat can create mice--the theory of the spontaneous type of this


""G--OLOGY"" | 1200 | The study of old age & aging


BIOLOGY | 1600 | For a giraffe, this, the period of pregnancy, is about 15 months


MEDICAL EQUIPMENT | 800 | A tonometer, which tests hydrostatic pressure within the eye, is used to detect this condition


GEOLOGY | 800 | This commonest coarse-grained plutonic rock is desirable for countertops


FISH | 1600 | This popular food fish is the largest of the flatfish, with some species approaching 500 pounds


CHEMISTRY | 1200 | The name of this group of elements that includes fluorine means ""salt-producing""


BODY LATIN | 400 | Manus


ANIMAL COLLECTIVE NOUNS | 200 | Buffalo & other bovines gather in these


ELEMENTS IN THE HUMAN BODY | 200 | These 2 chemical elements make up 100% of a glass of water & 75% of the human body

hydrogen and oxygen

GENERAL SCIENCE | 800 | (Sarah demonstrates the clue in the science lab.) The sideways pull of the hoop won't generate enough friction to pull the cap along with it, so the cap drops, showing an object at rest staying at rest, or this 7-letter concept


BIOLOGY | 800 | Normally, when the glucose level in the blood is high, the pancreas secretes this hormone to lower it


BIOLOGY | 800 | Like nails, horns & hair, feathers contain this fibrous structural protein


A SPACE ODDITY | 200 | The surface of Jupiter's moon Io is continually re-formed by flows of this, hotter than the same stuff on earth


ORDERS OF MAMMALS | 600 | An ancient living order of mammals, the Monotremata are oviparous, meaning they do this

lay eggs

METEOROLOGY | 400 | In these discharges associated with cumulonimbus clouds, temperatures can reach 50,000 degrees


RECENT SCIENCE | 2000 | Chinese scientists captured the first video & spectrum of the elusive ball type of this atmospheric phenomenon


ANIMAL WORDS & PHRASES | 800 | If you get this predator's ""share"" of food, you're getting the biggest portion

lion\'s share

BODY LANGUAGE | 1000 | Cowardly? You're ""lily-"" this


SHELLFISH | 800 | In 2004 the city of Reggio Emilia, Italy passed a law banning the killing of this shellfish by dropping it in boiling water


MEDICAL MATTERS | 200 | Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is in the same disease family as bovine spongiform encephalopathy, aka this

mad cow disease

WATER SCIENCE | 1200 | The water in most hot springs is heated by this 5-letter substance


4-LETTER FISH | 2000 | The name of this shark, a popular gamefish, is from the Maori


MARSH MADNESS | 800 | Pope Sixtus V died of this disease contracted at the Pontine Marshes, which he wanted to reclaim


PHYSIOLOGY | 200 | This spongy tissue in most bones is also known as myeloid tissue


ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE | 1600 | ""Fugitive"" these pollutants don't come from smokestacks but rather, say, dust in the air from strip mining

methane emissions

SCIENCE TERMS | 800 | mtDNA is short for this type of DNA; it was used in 2013 to identify Richard III's remains


HEALTH & MEDICINE | 400 | (I'm Dr. Jen Arnold.) In 2015 the U.N. reported the good news that improvements in care over the last 25 years have led to a nearly 50% worldwide drop in this type of mortality, from Latin for ""new born""


PSYCH! (-OLOGY) | 1200 | Accepting a task & then procrastinating is a classic sign of this oxymoronic disorder

passive aggressiveness

MYTHOLOGY | 400 | Norse goddesses called norns include 3 who decide men's fates, each in charge of one of these 3 aspects of time

past, present, future

WOMEN IN SCIENCE | 200 | This process in milk is now routine because Alice Evans found that brucellosis could be passed from cows to humans


MEDICAL HISTORY | 400 | In March 1942 Anne Miller, suffering from a streptococcal infection, became the first person saved by this drug


HYDROLOGY | 600 | The gradual movement of water through porous openings in rock or soil, it's also a way to make coffee


SCIENCE | 600 | A plant that lives & dies in one growing season is an annual; irises are this type that lives 3 or more years


MIND & BODY | 800 | Put ""psycho"" before this word & you get the 18-letter study of the effects of drugs on the mind


ANIMAL TALK | 400 | If your feet are turned inward toward each other, you've got this avian condition


ENDANGERED ANIMALS AT THE SMITHSONIAN'S NATIONAL ZOO | 1600 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from Smithsonian's National Zoo in Washington, D.C..) With fewer than 50,000 left in the wild, Asian elephants, like their larger African cousins, are facing extinction due to habitat loss, human-elephant conflict, & this crime, the illegal killing, capturing, or stealing or wildlife


YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! | 800 | While a little awkward on land, these rodents are actually good swimmers; their quills help them float


MARSUPIAL MATTERS | 200 | These babies aren't playing dead as they cling to their mother's back


TRUST THE SCIENCE | 2000 | Make this kind of ""grab"" & tell us it's the P in P=fv, f symbolizing force & v, speed


CHEMISTRY | 1200 | In Boyle's Law the ""P"" in the formula PV=k stands for this


WHO ORDERED THE MAMMAL? | 400 | Lemurs & tarsiers are members of this order of mammals, just like us


PHYSICS | 1600 | The smallest discrete amount of radiant energy is called this, also a name for a branch of physics

quantum physics

PHYSICS TEST | 800 | I'll find it strangely charming if you can identify these particles with a word taken from ""Finnegans Wake""


GENERAL SCIENCE | 400 | The fifth & sixth of these subatomic particles, bottom & top, were once called truth & beauty


WE'VE GOT CHEMISTRY | 1600 | Though it's much more common in the Earth's crust than lead, say, cerium is known as this type of ""earth"" element

rare earth

CHEMISTRY | 800 | A redox reaction is one in which this, a gain of electrons, & oxidation, a loss of electrons, go on simultaneously


PSYCHOLOGY | 1200 | (I'm Anderson Cooper.) In an unsettling experiment, I test a device that simulates hearing voices in your head, a symptom of this mental disorder


HEALTH & MEDICINE | 1000 | In 1753 Naval surgeon James Lind published a study showing that citrus fruit prevented this disease


MARINE BIOLOGY | 2000 | Soon after hatching, loggerhead ones ride currents out to sea to escape predators & grow

sea turtles

SHELLFISH | 1200 | Some of these shellfish, such as genus Crangon, change color to fit surroundings; maybe to cocktail-sauce red?


MEDICINE | 1200 | In 1910 physician James Herrick became the first to identify this blood disease that affects many African Americans

sickle-cell anemia

NEW IN SCIENCE | 400 | Northwestern U. researchers have developed new photovoltaic cells for these panels that use tin rather than lead

solar panels

BODY LANGUAGE | 1000 | ""An army marches on its ____""


4-LETTER SCIENCE | 2000 | This mineral rates a 1 (softest & easiest to scratch) on the Mohs scale


PRO TEAMS ARE FOR THE BIRDS | 600 | Go, Pinocchios! Nope...yay, Bambis! far as we can tell, it's the only NHL team that got its name from a Disney film

the (Anaheim) Ducks

SCIENCE MUSEUMS | 1200 | ""Try"" to name this final orbital space shuttle built, now on display at the California Science Center in Los Angeles

the Endeavour

MEDICINE | 600 | During a tonsillectomy, the surgeon may also remove this mass of lymphoid tissue behind the nose

the adenoids

BIOLOGY | 2000 | In vertebrates, this sac contains the embryo; it has its own fluid, too

the amniotic sac

PHYSICAL SCIENCE | 800 | Nima Arkani-Hamed is using this number dimension, the next one beyond time, to rock the physics world

the fifth dimension

PHYSICS TEST | 400 | On the once widely used Reaumur scale, 0 degrees & 80 degrees represented these 2 points

the freezing & boiling points of water

HEALTH & MEDICINE | 800 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows an anatomical diagram on the monitor.) When you're fighting an infection, you may notice the glands get swollen, as the ones in the neck do with strep throat. They belong to this system that helps provide immunity

the lymphatic system

MEDICAL TALK | 2000 | A little bird told us smoking or dentures can cause this most common fungal infection of the mouth & throat


FILL IN THE BODY PART | 1000 | A little device to transfer data:____ drive


4-LETTER FISH | 400 | The Atlantic bluefin species of this fish can swim 45 miles per hour


GENERAL SCIENCE | 800 | This metal was discovered by 2 Spanish chemists in 1783 in samples of the mineral wolframite


GREAT MEN & WOMEN OF MEDICINE | 800 | Working for NYC's Health Dept., Dr. Sara Josephine Baker helped track down Mary Mallon, a carrier of this infectious disease


DICTIONARY OF SCIENCE | 1200 | ""V"" is for this, defined as the speed & direction of motion of a moving body


HEALTH & MEDICINE | 800 | A study published in 2014 showed that this ""sunshine vitamin"" can reduce the pain some fibromyalgia patients suffer

vitamin D

ANIMALS | 600 | Pinnipeds, meaning ""flipper-footed"", include sea lions, seals & these, of the family Odobenus


PSYCHOLOGY | 1600 | Ablutomania is an obsession with doing this


COLD SCIENCE | 2000 | As wind speed rises, so does heat loss from skin, leading to this, a number that the weatherman gives after winter temps

wind chill

SCIENCE & NATURE | 200 | In the 19th century the plant pest Phylloxera vitifoliae nearly wiped out this industry in France, Italy & Germany


THE ELEMENTS | 1000 | More often used in Europe, this other name for tungsten derives from the mineral from which it was originally extracted


DIRTY BIRDS | 200 | Hardened sap from its drill holes typically surrounds the nest of the red-cockaded this


BIRDS OF A FEATHER | 800 | Cactus, Carolina,house


SCIENCE GUYS | 400 | The very first Nobel Prize for Physics went to Wilhelm Roentgen for his discovery of these, used in radiology


MYTHOLOGY | 400 | This Greek sun god loved Hyacinthus, a beautiful young man


ROBOTS & CYBORGS | 600 | The Fembots battle this movie title Brit

Austin Powers

TECHNOLOGY | 800 | The name of this colorful wireless headset technology refers to a tech trade association founded in 1998


HAPPY DECEMBER, EVERYBODY! | 400 | This British observance on the first weekday after Christmas doesn't refer to pugilists but to gift packages

Boxing Day

SOMEBODY CALLED FOR A DOCTRINE | 1000 | The doctrine named for this '60s & '70s leader asserted the Soviet Union's right to intervene in socialist countries


THE MOON | 1000 | Pluto:This biggest one


ANIMALS IN KIDS' BOOKS | 400 | Ferdinand, who only wants to smell flowers under his favorite cork tree

a bull

STATE BIRDS | 600 | The cactus wren represents this state where Cardinals play


U.S. MARSHALS | 1200 | Each year Marshals move some 100,000 prisoners on an airline nicknamed this, like a 1997 Nicolas Cage film

Con Air

THE SPACE RACE | 2000 | This commander on his 1970 flight: ""Our mission was a failure but I like to think it was a successful failure""

James Lovell

U.S. MARSHALS | 2000 | In 1962 and 1963, Marshals gave round-the-clock protection to this University of Mississippi student

James Meredith

TECHNOLOGY MILESTONES | 1000 | In 2004 Morse code added a new character, a combination of the letters A & C, to denote this symbol


PHYSIOLOGY | 600 | In medical speak, it's the calcaneal tendon

Achilles tendon

ROBOTS | 800 | This yellow-eyed ""Star Trek"" android had a more human-like brother, Lore, also played by Brent Spiner


ANIMAL TITLES | 1000 | ""Lad: A ___""


WHERE IS THAT PLANET? | 800 | After Veronica; before Blackmon


MYTHOLOGY | 2000 | Loki & Heimdall kill each other in this final battle of the Norse gods, aka the Day of Doom


PSYCHOLOGY | 1200 | This 2-word term has its origins in a hostage taking that followed a botched 1973 robbery of a Swedish bank

Stockholm syndrome

WE'VE GOT CHEMISTRY | 1200 | In 1938 a DuPont chemist's try at a gas refrigerant didn't pan out, but did lead to a solid non-stick polymer now known as this


MY ROBOT PAL | 400 | Though originally the enemy, the T-800 became a bodyguard in this film series


SCIENCE MUSEUMS | 1600 | A Belgrade museum devoted to this electrical pioneer who later moved to America has an exhibit of his induction motor


PLACES, EVERYBODY | 200 | City:Takeshita Street in this Japanese capital is a center for youth culture & fashion


SOMEBODY CALLED FOR A DOCTRINE | 200 | His 1947 doctrine called for aid to anticommunist governments in Greece & turkey


THAT ANIMAL IS SOMETHING ELSE | 800 | ""Sheepish"" word meaning to force something into or through


WHERE IS THAT PLANET? | 1000 | Before missile; after jumpin'


RECENT SCIENCE | 1600 | Oxford research finds mammals evolved 10 times faster during this period 145-200 million years ago than any other


ANIMAL LIT FILL-IN | 600 | Dahl: ""Fantastic Mr. ____""

the fox

MOONS OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM | 200 | Greek for ""fear"" & ""terror"", Phobos & Deimos are the moons of this ""belligerent"" planet


ANIMAL GROUPS | 800 | Joe Walsh said these birds' goal after trashing hotel rooms was to cross the state line before a maid opened the door

The Eagles

GO HAMILTON FISH! | 1000 | Hamilton Fishes II, III & IV served in Congress; V owned this lefty magazine, the country's oldest political journal

The Nation

MEDICAL HISTORY | 400 | In 1980 this medical organization, the W.H.O., announced that smallpox had been eradicated worldwide

World Health Organization

THE BODY OF EVIDENCE | 200 | The gastrocnemius is the most prominent of the 7 muscles that make up this fleshy part of the back of your leg

a calf muscle

BODY LATIN | 2000 | Supercilium

the eyebrow

GONE FISHING | 600 | It's a fishing lure with an oval metal blade attached that revolves when drawn through water

a spinner

BIOLOGY | 1200 | Your floating ribs are so named because their anterior ends don't attach to this bone

the sternum (or breastbone)

ANCIENT SCIENCE | 800 | Anaxagoras was exiled from Athens for believing that this was a red hot metal larger than the Peloponnese

the sun

MEDICAL EQUIPMENT | 600 | In 1977 Raymond Damadian constructed the first one of these full-body magnetic scanners, naming it ""indomitable""

an MRI

ANIMALS OF THE AMAZON | 1200 | The females of this giant water boa are longer than the males by an average of around 10 feet

an anaconda

ANIMAL YOUNG | 600 | It's the largest animal whose baby is called a calf

a blue whale

DOCTOR WHO | 800 | ...created the inkblot test that's used to assess personality characteristics


GENERAL SCIENCE | 2000 | Most sponge skeletons consist of either calcium carbonate or this glasslike mineral


CHEMICAL ELEMENTS IN POETRY | 200 | Countee Cullen:""Some are teethed on a ____ spoon, with the stars strung for a rattle""




5-LETTER BODY PARTS | 800 | It's a word from the Latin; the frontal one is indicated here


SYSTEMS OF THE BODY | 2000 | In this 8-letter system, some of 270 important parts we have at birth get fused, leaving only 206 in adults

skeletal system


a fox

MARINE BIOLOGY | 800 | This small fish of the genus hippocampus has no stomach & must eat almost constantly to stay alive

a seahorse

THAT ANIMAL IS SOMETHING ELSE | 1200 | An embossed emblem

a seal

ANIMAL NAMES | 800 | Called ""canary of the sea"" due to its musical stylings, this kind of whale shares its name with a type of sturgeon


BODY | 200 | This tube serves as a passage for air, moistening & warming it on the way to the lungs

the trachea

PHYSICS 101 | 1200 | The fundamental constant of quantum physics is named for this German who originated the quantum theory

(Max) Planck

SUPERSTARS OF SCIENCE | 1000 | After discovering Uranus, he wanted to name it for King George III

(William) Herschel

ANCIENT SCIENCE | 800 | Around 270 B.C. Aristarchus calculated that its distance was 60 times the radius of the earth -- he was pretty darn close

(distance to) the moon

GONE FISHING | 1200 | This object attached to a fishing line floats on the surface to keep the bait at a specific depth

a bobber

SCIENCE | 800 | This playful creature is named for the shape of its snout

a bottlenose dolphin


a bull

DIRTY BIRDS | 400 | Loving soil more than sky, & not nocturnal like its kin, there's a burrowing type of this raptor

a burrowing owl

GEOLOGY | 2000 | The name of this flat-topped hill smaller than a mesa is from the French for ""low hill"" or ""mound""

a butte

STATE FISH | 400 | A sculpture of this fish, a symbol of Massachusetts for more than 200 years, hangs in the state house in Boston

a cod

ASTRONOMY | 800 | In November 2014 a spacecraft named Rosetta is scheduled to orbit the nucleus of 67P, one of these

a comet

TRUST THE SCIENCE | 400 | Ison, one of these space travelers, was called a ""sungrazer"", passing within 684,000 miles of the surface

a comet

HUGO AWARDS FOR SCIENCE FICTION | 400 | This Orwell novel that says, ""four legs good, two legs bad""

Animal Farm

BODY SNATCHERS | 200 | Henry VIII is said to have had this 2nd wife behearted as well as beheaded & to have kept her heart in a heart-shaped box

Anne Boleyn

ROBOTS & CYBORGS | 800 | The Cylons were on this 2005-2009 TV show

Battlestar Galactica

ROBOT CHECK-IN | 2000 | Zingbot 3000 is quick with a joke to light up the blokes on this reality show

Big Brother

MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN | 1200 | ""I'm getting a little seasick aboard this pirate ship, the Queen Anne's Revenge, Mr. Peabody;""""Yes, I too, Sherman, but it's this man's ship & in its own way...""[Chest opens]""...quite bootyful""


MAMMALS | 800 | The ""mule"" this stubbornly migrates 300 miles round trip, the farthest of any land mammal in the lower 48

a deer

THERE'S AN ANIMAL ON THE BILLBOARD CHART | 400 | Culture Club's ""Karma ____""


THE CONSCIENCE FUND | 600 | One 1990 gift was for $155,502, but the fund began with a $5 donation in 1811 during the administration of this president


ASTRONOMY | 1600 | Our closest galactic neighbors are two little satellite galaxies known as ""the Clouds of"" him


I AM SOMEBODY | 1600 | I'm the British 8th Army field marshal who beat Rommel at El Alamein


ROBOT CHECK-IN | 1600 | His awards include the Starcross, Medal of Honor with Clusters & Starfleet Command Decoration for Valor

Mr. Data

SHELLFISH | 1600 | The name of this fan-shaped shellfish is from the French for ""shell""

a scallop

MOONS | 800 | Saturn has a moon named this, also the name of a moon in ""Avatar""


ANCIENT SCIENCE | 2000 | Why not take this guy, who around 140 A.D. developed a model of the solar system with earth as its center


ENTERTAINING ANIMALS | 200 | Vinicius, the mascot of the 2016 Summer Olympics hosted by this city, is a mixture of all the Brazilian animals

Rio de Janeiro

THE SPACE RACE | 1600 | In 1967 cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov perished during re-entry aboard this spacecraft 1

Soyuz 1

ROBOTS & CYBORGS | 1000 | Gort visited Cold War-era Earth in this 1951 film

The Day the Earth Stood Still

DOCTOR! DOCTOR! | 200 | On both TV & film, Dr. Richard Kimble was this elusive title prey

The Fugitive

ANIMALS IN FRENCH | 1000 | This subject of songs, seen here, is le merle

a blackbird

ON THE PERIODIC TABLE | 200 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows the periodic table on the monitor.) Alkaline metals, which include lithium & sodium, are so named because when they react with water, they form strong these that neutralize acids


4-LETTER FISH | 1600 | The smallmouth species of this is also called a bronzeback due to its brown hue


ORDERS OF MAMMALS | 800 | Chiroptera is made up exclusively of these, which may be fruit- or insect-eating


DOUBLE ANIMAL NAMES | 1600 | It's a type of panda, or the nickname of the university of Cincinnati sports teams


BODY LATIN | 800 | Pulmo


AROUND THE BODY | 600 | The system inside these organs is commonly called the bronchial tree


WARBIRDS | 400 | Britain's WWI S.E.5 fighter carried 2 of these, a Vickers fixed in the nose & a movable Lewis attached to the upper wing

machine guns

MARINE MAMMALS | 2000 | Pups of the sea type of this weasel family member cannot dive under water because their thick fur traps so much air


ANIMAL WORDS & PHRASES | 2000 | It makes a difference ""whose"" this animal ""is being gored'


CHEMICAL ELEMENTS IN POETRY | 800 | Sandburg:""It is here the nostrils rush the air to the lungs. it is here ____ clamors to be let in""


CHEMICAL ELEMENTS | 400 | By mass, it's the most abundant element in the Earth's crust & in your body


ELEMENTS OF SONG | 400 | Sweet:""Love is like ____. You get too much you get too high""


MARINE BIOLOGY | 200 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents the clue from Baja California.) Baja's sea lions can dive deep because they have the ability to store substantial amounts of this gas in their blood & muscle


HEALTH & MEDICINE | 400 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a medical animation on the monitor.) A major cause of heart attacks & strokes, atherosclerosis is a narrowing of the arteries caused by a buildup of this combination of fatty substances, cholesterol & calcium on the artery walls


2-WORD SCIENCE TERMS | 1600 | This theory formulated in the 1960s says earth's outer layer is broken up into shifting pieces of dinnerware

plate tectonics

ALL ABOUT ANIMALS | 800 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows us some parrots in the jungle in Costa Rica.) Parrots aren't really great talkers; they don't even have vocal chords; their mimicry is actually whistling produced by an organ at the base of this, the windpipe

the trachea

BODY CHECK | 1600 | Hey, muscles, shoulder the burden of naming the right & left type of this muscle

the trapezius muscles

ANIMAL GROUP PHRASES | 1200 | Back in the '80s I ran to see Mike Score's distinctive hair in this British band

Flock of Seagulls

ANIMAL GROUPS | 1200 | In the '80s this ""I ran (So Far Away)"" band was known for the singer's majestic coiffure

Flock of Seagulls

ARCHAEOLOGY | 2000 | This ""man"" named for a German university city was first known from a single bone called the Mauer jaw

Heidelberg man

6-LETTER ELEMENTS | 200 | Because it is less dense than air, when we breathe this 2nd-lightest element, it comes out faster & at a higher frequency


HUMMINGBIRDS | 800 | Hummingbird feathers adorned the ceremonial robes of this early 16th century Aztec emperor


SCIENCE & TECH BOOKS | 400 | ""My Brief History"" is this physicist's account of his life of challenge & triumph

Stephen Hawking

THE MAP OF SCIENCE | 800 | The 17-mile tunnel of the Large Hadron Collider is on the border between France & this country


ANIMALS IN FRENCH | 800 | Down on a French farm, this is le mouton

a sheep

HYDROLOGY | 800 | Effluent is wastewater that flows from one of these facilities, like NYC's Bowery Bay

a water treatment facility

ANIMALS ALL AROUND | 200 | Don't ever forget that a herd of these African & Asian mammals is sometimes called a memory


UNUSUAL ANIMALS | 200 | The deepest-living of all octopuses, the Dumbo octopus gets its name from fins that look like these

elephant ears

WHO ORDERED THE MAMMAL? | 1200 | All the living examples of the order Proboscidea are these


EVERYBODY MUST GET BIRTHSTONES | 800 | May:Like Dorothy's destination city


FISH | 400 | This fish bears the name of the king of beasts on land

a lionfish

PSYCHOLOGY | 1600 | From the Sanskrit for ""circle"", in Jungian psychology, it's a symbol for the effort to unify the self

a mandala

SPOT THE MAMMAL | 200 | Turkey,marten,sponge

a marten

PHYSICS | 1200 | The gears in a clock are examples of the simple machine called a wheel & this

an axle

COLD SCIENCE | 400 | Proteins in Antarctic fishes act as a type of this, like Prestone in your car


MEDICAL HISTORY | 200 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew reports from the Dittrick Medical History Center in Cleveland, OH.) At one time a piece of cutting-edge technology, the atomizer sprayed carbolic acid to provide this type of surgical environment, pioneered by Joseph Lister

antiseptic (sterile accepted)


mercury (Hg)

HEALTH & MEDICINE | 1200 | In this disease, proteins called beta-amyloid & tau damage nerve cells in the brain, causing memory loss

Alzheimer\'s disease

WHO ORDERED THE MAMMAL? | 1600 | The monotremes are one of the oldest orders of mammals & include only the echidna & this unusual animal

a duck-billed platypus

SOUNDS MEDICAL | 800 | A sudden reappearance of an injury, it sounds like holding a tiki torch aloft

a flare-up

THE BODY OF EVIDENCE | 1000 | The triceps muscle is an extensor; the biceps is this, the opposite

a flexor

& THE FISH WAS THIS BIG! | 400 | Don't struggle clumsily; identify the summer type of this, which can grow to almost three feet long

a flounder

PLANT SCIENCE | 1200 | From the Latin for ""leaf"", it's the divided leaf of a fern or palm tree

a frond

PSYCHOLOGY | 2000 | Musical term for a mental state in which someone is conscious of his actions but retains no memory of them

a fugue (state)

SCIENCE 101 | 1200 | Look up at Messier 101, a beautiful pinwheel one of these

a galaxy

THE HUMAN BODY | 800 | DNA sequencing has greatly aided the mapping of this entire blueprint of a human being

a genome

MARINE MAMMALS | 800 | Unlike dolphins, which have cone-shaped teeth, these smaller cetaceans have teeth that are spade-shaped

a porpoise

ANIMAL YOUNG | 1000 | It's the only animal native to the U.S. that has a baby called a joey

a possum

MISNAMED ANIMALS | 1200 | This two-word ""canine"" seen here is actually a burrowing rodent that belongs to the squirrel family

a prairie dog

SCIENCE CLASS | 1600 | A hydrogen atom has one of these as its nucleus, with a single electron orbiting it

a proton

IS THERE A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE? | 1000 | Lungs & respiration are the breath of life for this doctor

a pulmonologist

TO THE EXOPLANETS! | 1600 | In 1992 the first exoplanets were found orbiting one of these rotating stars that emit regular bursts of radiation

a pulsar

NUCLEAR PHYSICS | 1000 | An E.M.P. or electromagnetic this was first noticed in the U.S. when electronics quit working after nuclear tests

a pulse

ANIMAL YOUNG | 800 | An armadillo baby is called this palindromic name

a pup

ANIMALS | 400 | If the 2-toed type of this mammal falls off its tree, thick skin protects it, but it will be mostly helpless until returned

a sloth

SOCIOLOGY | 1200 | Response rates for these, a vital research tool of sociologists, have fallen from about 30% to 10% in recent years

a survey (or public opinion poll)

& THE FISH WAS THIS BIG! | 200 | Up to 15 feet long, this fish has no teeth as an adult but does have a weapon for a nose

a swordfish

CHEMISTRY | 2000 | The buckyball, a stable, spherical molecule of this element, occurs naturally in soot


PERIODIC TABLE FOR 5 | 1200 | This nonmetallic element is found in all organic compounds as well as in all known forms of life


PLANET EARTH | 400 | Burning coal & oil in the Industrial Age has produced this, atomic No. 6--mix it with oxygen & you get a greenhouse gas


A SPAIN IN THE BODY PART | 1600 | Humans have doce pares de costillas, these bones


SCIENCE & NATURE | 1200 | A plume of magma rising from the earth's mantle can split a continental plate in 2 & form this type of valley

rift valley

HYDROLOGY | 400 | A structure such as the Pont du Gard, designed to transport water from a remote source, usually by gravity


GEE! IT'S GEOLOGY | 600 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a geological diagram on the monitor.) The source of many wells & springs is a permeable layer of rock called either a ""water-bearing stratum"" or this single-word name


BIOLOGY CLASS | 600 | It's the branch of biology that deals with glands such as the pituitary & thyroid


2-WORD SCIENCE TERMS | 800 | A deficiency of an intestinal enzyme usually causes this problem digesting dairy products

lactose intolerance

DISCOVERIES IN THE SCIENCES | 200 | A small rug inside the study of the skin

mat (in dermatology)

SCIENCE & NATURE | 600 | This contagious viral children's disease characterized by spots is sometimes called morbilli


INITIALLY MEDICAL | 800 | A shot for the young, it's a triple treater:MMR

measles, mumps & rubella

FUN WITH SCIENCE | 400 | In ""Back to the Future"", George misspoke & told Lorraine she was his this, mass per unit volume

my density

GEOLOGY | 2000 | You won't find Santa at this point located in the Arctic Ocean & moving toward Siberia at about 40 miles a year

the magnetic north pole

STATE BIRDS | 1000 | The scientific name of this Arkansas state bird means ""many-tongued mimic""

the mockingbird

GENERAL SCIENCE | 2000 | These white blood cells that have a single well-defined nucleus are the largest blood cells

the monocytes

5-LETTER BODY PARTS | 600 | From the Italian for ""stump"", it's the trunk of a human body independent of the head & limbs

the torso

""G--OLOGY"" | 2000 | The specific study of geologic time


SOCIAL SCIENCE BOOKS | 400 | This color comes before ""illusions"" in the title of a book on the ""dirty secrets of clean energy""


A SPAIN IN THE BODY PART | 1200 | I'd hate to put my pie in my boca (both, please)

foot & mouth

MEDICAL MATTERS | 600 | Studying dementia & epilepsy are 2 common subspecialties within this -ology


WE'VE GOT CHEMISTRY | 1600 | C10H14N2 is the chemical formula for this highly addictive natural substance


NASCAR TECHNOLOGY | 200 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from the Daytona Int'l Speedway in Daytona Beach, FL.) The tires used in NASCAR have another tire within them for safety reasons, & are filled with this gas, symbol N, because it contains less moisture than air, & the tire pressure doesn't change as much in a race


THE ELEMENTS | 800 | Daniel Rutherford discovered this gas that makes up most of the atmosphere & called it ""noxious air""


ANIMAL TALK | 1000 | Caprine term for an innocent person who bears the blame & suffers for others


THE ECONOMY OF MOTION PICTURE ARTS & SCIENCES | 400 | In 2015 Universal became the first studio ever to have 3 films each pass this monetary earnings mark

$1 billion

DOCTOR WHO | 400 | ...abandoned his medical practice after achieving success with his Sherlock Holmes stories

(Arthur Conan) Doyle

FILL IN THE BODY PART | 200 | Pleasant music:____ candy


THE ELEMENTS | 800 | About four-fifths of the earth's atmosphere is this gas


WHICH BODY PART? | 2000 | Graves disease:This gland


WARBIRDS | 600 | (Alex delivers the clue aboard a plane at the Aviano Air Base in Italy.) For over 30 years, the United States Air Force has relied on this fighter plane, a single engine, Mach 2 F-16, known as ""The Fighting"" this; it's a fierce type of hawk


SONG BIRDS | 800 | In 1977 Steve Miller was in the top 10 with ""Jet Airliner"" & this other song about soaring

""Fly Like An Eagle""

ASTRONOMY | 2000 | The comet discovered by Alan Hale & this Arizona astronomer in 1995 was visible to the naked eye for a record 19 months

(Thomas) Bopp

HEALTH & MEDICINE | 800 | In 1900 Karl Landsteiner developed a system for classifying blood into these 3 major letter groups

A, B, and O

ROBOT CHECK-IN | 400 | Spielberg's next 2-letter film after ""E.T."", it featured Jude Law as a handsome mecha called Gigolo Joe


1960s COMPUTING | 2000 | Bob Bemer was ""Father of"" the 5-letter standard by which computers read keystrokes & he later had it as his license plate


MYTHOLOGY | 400 | His mother Thetis made the mistake of bathing him in the River Styx by holding him by the heel, thus making his heel vulnerable


GEOLOGY | 800 | The Canary Current flows north to south along the edge of this continent


THE 4 ELEMENTS | 400 | Of the 4 classical elements, the one paired with ""Space"" in the name of a Smithsonian museum


HUGO AWARDS FOR SCIENCE FICTION | 800 | Daniel Keyes' ""Flowers for"" this lab mouse


EVERYBODY'S TALKIN' 'BOUT THEM | 200 | George Foreman called him ""the most intelligent, pure boxer I'd ever fought""; he ""let the dope throw his explosives""


PLANETARY BOOKSTORE | 2000 | ""The Moons of Jupiter"" is a short story collection by this Canadian female author of ""Lives of Girls & Women""

Alice Munro

COMPUTERS | 800 | Mother is a computer on the Nostromo in this 1979 Ridley Scott movie


GONE FISHING | 2000 | When he first meets Jesus, this brother of Peter is fishing so today he's the patron saint of it


ROBOTS | 400 | Many computer tablets use this operating system created by Google & named for a humanoid robot


MYTHOLOGY | 400 | This son of Zeus had many oracles, but Pythia at Delphi was the greatest


MOON WALKING | 800 | The second Moon-landing mission, this Apollo flight got hit by lightning about 36 seconds after launching

Apollo 12

MANNED SPACE FLIGHT | 1600 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a diagram of the Earth, Moon & a spacecraft.) 205,000 miles away from Earth, an explosion forced a free return trajectory around the Moon for this Apollo flight, landing in the Pacific 4 terrifying days later

Apollo 13

ANCIENT SCIENCE | 1600 | Eureka! He dreamed up a ""death ray"" using mirrors that was shown to be feasible in 2005


FOLKS OF SCIENCE | 1200 | This ancient Greek who loved the lever established statics, the study of a body at equilibrium


DAUGHTERS IN MYTHOLOGY | 400 | Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons, was the daughter of this Greek war god


ROBOT CHECK-IN | 800 | Disney asked the creators of the robot Sphero to make a toy version of this ""Force Awakens"" astromech


18th CENTURY TECHNOLOGY | 800 | In 1784 this American wrote in praise of bifocals, ""serving for distant objects as well as near ones""

Ben Franklin

INSTRUMENTAL IN SCIENCE | 1000 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew, at Harvard University's Historical Scientific Instruments, shows a machine.) Harvard lost most of its scientific equipment in a 1764 fire; state-of-the-art replacements, like an electricity-generating machine, were bought by this man in London on business for the colony of Pennsylvania

Benjamin Franklin

THE MAP OF SCIENCE | 1600 | The USA's oldest national laboratory is the one named for Ernest Lawrence at this university


TECHNOLOGY & STUFF | 800 | This ""colorful"" format gave a new option when popping in a video; the first product of its kind came out in Japan in 2003


ANIMAL GROUPS | 2000 | ""Don't Fear the Reaper"", & don't fear recalling this band & its rockin' cowbell

Blue Oyster Cult

ENTERTAINING ANIMALS | 600 | In a 2010 movie Justin Timberlake voiced this sidekick to Yogi Bear


PHYSICS 101 | 1600 | It's the colorful name for the random movement of microscopic particles in a liquid

Brownian motion

MY ROBOT PAL | 1600 | Mel Blanc was the voice of Twiki, the ambuquad sidekick for this man in the 25th century

Buck Rogers

ANIMALS ON THE MAP | 400 | This city in New York state is sometimes called ""Nickel City""


SCIENCE | 400 | Olden sailors got scurvy due to a lack of this vitamin


SCIENCE OF THE SKIES | 800 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew presents the clue.) The ballistics impact lab fires a simulated bird made of gelatin at high speed to study & mitigate events like Captain Sullenberger's 2009 river landing, where a flock of these knocked out both engines

Canada geese

ANIMAL PLANET | 800 | The Banff Springs snail: this country


OVER MY DEAD BODY | 1600 | ""For I'm going to run her till she leaves the rail or make it on time with the southbound mail""

Casey Jones

DAUGHTERS IN MYTHOLOGY | 1200 | Trying to win her love, Apollo gave this daughter of King Priam the gift of prophecy


ANIMAL PLANET | 600 | The Avalon Hairstreak butterfly: this island, part of Los Angeles County

Catalina Island

FUN WITH SCIENCE | 2000 | Looking for a new comet with your telescope? This Frenchman's 1781 nebula catalog will help you with the fuzzy bits

Charles Messier

BODY QUOTES | 1000 | This 1897 work includes the line ""a great nose indicates a great man""

Cyrano de Bergerac

THAT DOCTOR IS UNREAL! | 1000 | This doctor is the title of works by both Thomas Mann & Christopher Marlowe

Doctor Faustus

DOCTORED BOOKS | 800 | This doctor/poet was Boris Pasternak's alter ego

Doctor Zhivago

MYTHOLOGY | 400 | This father of Icarus was considered the first aviator


MYTHOLOGY | 800 | He made wax wings so he & his son Icarus could escape Crete; a great plan in theory, but...


ANTHROPOLOGY | 2000 | This now-extinct language was named for a strip of land along the Adriatic in Croatia


THAT DOCTOR IS UNREAL! | 200 | Soviet editors said this Pasternak novel had anti-Soviet material, so it was not published in the USSR

Doctor Zhivago

1960s COMPUTING | 1200 | Programming was ""women's work""; in a 1967 issue of this mag for worldly women, Grace Hopper said it's like making dinner


THERE'S AN ANIMAL ON THE BILLBOARD CHART | 800 | Elton's John's ""____ Rock""


WOMEN IN SCIENCE | 400 | 2 years before Crick & Watson, Rosalind Franklin used X-ray diffraction to show it had a helical shape


TITLE ANIMALS | 800 | With 5 Oscars including Christopher Walken's, this 1978 Michael Cimino film shot to the top

Deer Hunter

SCIENCE TIMELINE | 1000 | 1842:This Austrian physicist relates the observed frequency of a wave to the motion of its source


DOCTOR! DOCTOR! | 800 | Julian McMahon has played a plastic surgeon on ""Nip/Tuck"" & this fiendish ""Dr."" in Fantastic Four flicks

Dr. Doom

DOCTOR! DOCTOR! | 600 | This doctor needs a sample from you--to use on one of his rap songs, like ""Nuthin' But A 'G' Thang""

Dr. Dre

VETERINARY MEDICINE | 2000 | This ""Incredible"" vet has his own TV series on Nat Geo Wild that follows his practice in Central Michigan's farm country

Dr. Jan Pol

LITERARY DOCTORS | 1600 | Magazine stories about this young doctor spawned several movies & a TV series starring Richard Chamberlain

Dr. Kildare

LITERARY DOCTORS | 2000 | Shipwrecked in the South Seas, Edward Prendick stumbles on the island of this doctor who's creating human-animal hybrids

Dr. Moreau

DOCTOR! DOCTOR! | 400 | I wouldn't have minded getting a checkup from this frontier doctor played by Jane Seymour

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

MEDICAL HISTORY | 600 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Dittrick Medical History Center in Cleveland, OH.) It looks more like an old-fashioned sewing machine, but it's actually a 1920 model of this device that records the electrical activity of the heart

EKG (electrocardiogram)

MEDICAL HISTORY | 2000 | In 1798 this British doctor not only created the smallpox vaccine, he also coined the word ""vaccine""

Edward Jenner

SOMEBODY CALLED FOR A DOCTRINE | 400 | His 1957 doctrine promised aid to any anticommunist middle eastern government


MARINE BIOLOGY | 400 | This weather warming phenomenon that occurs every 3-7 years caused the death of much coral in 1997 & 1998

El Niño

THERE'S AN ANIMAL ON THE BILLBOARD CHART | 1600 | ""Shake Me Down"" by Cage the ____


LITERARY ANIMALS | 800 | This little girl who lives at the plaza has a turtle named ""Skipperdee who eats raisins & wears sneakers


SCIENCE FICTION MOVIES | 1200 | The title of this 2013 Matt Damon film is a paradise for heroes in Greek mythology


HEALTH & MEDICINE | 800 | There was outrage over Mylan's steep price boost for this autoinjector used for treating anaphylaxis


MOONS OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM | 400 | The smallest of Jupiter's 4 Galilean moons, it's named not for a continent but for a woman abducted by Zeus


1930s SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY | 1200 | Edwin Armstrong developed this new system of radio transmission & built the first station for it in 1939


ENTERTAINING ANIMALS | 800 | Brian is a dog that can speak on this TV show

Family Guy

THERE'S AN ANIMAL ON YOUR CAR | 600 | A medallion with a reared-up horse below it


THERE'S AN ANIMAL ON THE BILLBOARD CHART | 1200 | From Ylvis, ""The ____ (What Does The ____ Say?)""


ANIMALS ON THE MAP | 800 | Gillette stadium at 1 Patriot Place in this town is home to the New England Patriots


SOCIAL SCIENCE BOOKS | 1200 | ""What do school teachers and sumo wrestlers have in common?"" is one question asked in this ""crazy"" 2005 book


CHEMISTRY | 600 | Used as refrigerants, chlorofluoro-carbons are also called these, a trademark


SCIENCE IS A 7-LETTER WORD | 2000 | This lens that uses a series of rings to concentrate a beam of light is named for a French physicist


INSTRUMENTAL IN SCIENCE | 200 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew, at Harvard University's Historical Scientific Instruments, holds a metal right angle with a plumb bob.) One instrument, a geometrical & military compass, was used to find areas & volumes, & even determined how best to load & aim a cannon, thanks to this Italian astronomer, who devised it in 1597


SCIENCE | 2000 | This moon of Jupiter is named after a Trojan boy from Greek myth


HEALTH & MEDICINE | 2000 | In 2009 the FDA approved this HPV vaccine for boys & young men as well as girls


ASTRONOMY | 800 | One of the finest meteor showers each year is the one radiating from near Castor & Pollux in Dec. in this constellation


GIANTS OF TECHNOLOGY | 200 | You can look it up--Susan Wojicicki, employee No. 16 at this search engine company, rented it her garage as its early HQ


BODY PART TITLES | 400 | ""How I Got My Shrunken Head"" & ""The Headless Ghost"" are 2 of the scary titles in this R.L. Stine series


BODY SNATCHERS | 1000 | In 1973 this country-rock pioneer known as ""GP"" was treated to a homemade cremation by his drunk buddies

Gram Parsons

GO HAMILTON FISH! | 200 | In March 1869 this ex-general & new president appointed Hamilton Fish his Secretary of State


SCIENCE FICTION MOVIES | 1600 | This antagonist from a 1968 classic got its name from being a computer that's heuristic & algorithmic


MYTHOLOGY | 600 | In Greek mythology rivers leading into this place include Cocytus, Phlegethon, Acheron & Styx


ARCHAEOLOGY | 800 | 18th century archaeologists uncovered the Villa of the Papyri, an ancient library, in this neighbor to Pompeii


MYTHOLOGY | 200 | One of his labors was cleaning the stables of King Augeas


THE 4 ELEMENTS | 800 | 2 million kilowatts can be generated by the power plant at this dam on Lake Mead


LITERARY ANIMALS | 1600 | Gunpowder is the ""broken-down plough-horse"" this man rides in ""The Legend of Sleepy Hollow""

Ichabod Crane

ANIMAL PLANET | 400 | The Javan rhinoceros: this country


TECHNOLOGY | 600 | This chipmaker, the world's largest, has announced ""systems on a chip"" measuring 22 nanometers


SCIENCE | 600 | Scientist Albert Hoffman, who died at age 102 in 2008, was best known for synthesizing this 3-letter hallucinogen


SCIENCE SURVEY | 400 | ""Adam's Ancestors"" is a 1934 book by him, an alliterative anthropologist

Louis Leakey

MEDICAL HISTORY | 800 | An outbreak of this disease during a military vets convention in Philadelphia in July 1976 killed dozens

Legionnaires\' disease

HEALTH & MEDICINE | 600 | (I'm New York Times investigative reporter Dr. Sheri Fink.) In a 2014 series called ""The Ebola Ward"", I chronicled the disease's outbreak from an American clinic in this country with strong historic links to the U.S.


STATE BIRDS | 1600 | The Eastern brown pelican is this state's bird


SCIENCE GUYS | 2000 | This surgeon to Queen Victoria founded antiseptic surgery


ARCHAEOLOGY | 2000 | This financier of the King Tut excavation died 9 months before Tut's sarcophagus was discovered

Lord Carnarvon

MEDICINE | 1000 | Often found in areas with large deer populations, this bacterial inflammatory disease was first identified in 1975

Lyme disease

ARCHAEOLOGY | 1600 | For more than 100 years, archaeologists have explored this ancient city in South America

Machu Picchu

ART & MYTHOLOGY | 2000 | Eugene Delacroix painted this enchantress as she was about to kill her children


MYTHOLOGY | 800 | Hell hath no fury like this woman scorned--when Jason left her, she murdered their children & Jason's new love


ALASKAN AQUATIC LIFE | 1000 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows us a jellyfish swimming in Alaska.) Arctic Lion's Mane Jellyfish can be 120 feet long, impressive due to the fact they only live for about a year, most of its time in the fully developed stage named for this serpent headed Greek woman


ASTRONOMY | 400 | Craters on this smallest planet are named for giants of the humanities including Bach & Balanchine


PLANET FILL-IN | 1000 | San Jose ____ News, a paper in California


ALL ABOUT ANIMALS | 1000 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Smithsonian's National Zoo in Washington, D.C.) Extinct in the wild until recently, Przewalski's horse, the only truly wild horse, has been reintroduced back into China & this landlocked neighbor to the north, where it is a symbol of national heritage


MOON WALKING | 400 | This ""giant leap"" taker had previously performed the first docking of 2 vehicles in space

Neil Armstrong

CHEMICAL ELEMENTS | 1600 | After ""Omaha"" or Lincoln"", an addressed envelope could have the 2 letters symbolizing this element


MOONS | 400 | Galatea, one of its moons, is named for the daughter of a sea god


PLANETS OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM | 1000 | John Herschel, son of William, contributed to the discovery of this planet decades after his father's death


THE MOON | 400 | This planet:Nereid


MOONS | 1600 | Uranus' 2 largest moons are Titania & this one, named for a fairy king


MYTHOLOGY | 800 | After drinking from the fountain of Mimir, he becomes the wisest Norse god


SCIENCE GRAB BAG | 800 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a diagram of a constellation on a monitor.) A figurative sword marked by faint stars extends from Alnilam, the middle of a grouping of 3 stars representing the belt of this constellation


ART & MYTHOLOGY | 2000 | Created in the 1600s,the mosaic seen here depicts this masterful musician and son of Apollo


EATYMOLOGY | 1000 | Crabmeat, asparagus & bearnaise sauce are atop Veal this, said to have been named after a king of Sweden


MYTHOLOGY | 1200 | This Egyptian god's evil brother Set tricked him into lying down in a box that was thrown into the river


ANIMALS ON THE MAP | 2000 | Dolly Parton's Dixie Stampede in this Tennessee town is billed as ""the most fun place to eat in the Smokies""

Pigeon Forge

A REAL BUSY BODY | 800 | Last name of German-American gymnast Joseph, whose ""core"" exercise philosophy was 1st called contrology


RECENT SCIENCE | 800 | Researchers in Spain have given this character's name to an increase in temperature around the nose when people lie


THERE'S AN ANIMAL ON THE BILLBOARD CHART | 2000 | ""Time Of Our Lives"" by him & Ne-Yo


ASTRONOMY | 1600 | In March 1930 its discovery was announced at Lowell Observatory in Arizona


ASTRONOMY | 1600 | The elevation above the horizon of this star in Ursa Minor is equal to the observer's latitude


TECHNOLOGY MILESTONES | 600 | In the 1940s this company introduced its Land camera, which produced a finished print 60 seconds after exposure


MYTHOLOGY | 600 | Polydeuces is another name for this twin brother of Castor


MYTHOLOGY | 400 | This sea god was often depicted holding a trident


PLACES, EVERYBODY | 800 | Province:Canada's largest in area, it was once ruled by France


SCIENCE TIMELINE | 400 | This sleep stage during which most dreams occur was discovered in 1953

R.E.M. sleep

MY ROBOT PAL | 1200 | The name for this robot came about during the slating of the second reel of dialogue for the film ""American Graffiti""


ROBOTS | 200 | These 2 robots from a galaxy far, far away first appeared in a 1977 hit movie

R2-D2 & C-3PO

ART & MYTHOLOGY | 400 | (Alex presents the clue from the J. Paul Getty Museum.) Only a fraction of the paintings by this great Dutch masterdepict scenes from mythology, but the Getty has one showing Jupiter in the guise of a bullabducting Europa


STATE BIRDS | 200 | These 2 smallest states both have a variety of chicken as their state birds

Rhode Island & Delaware

ARCHAEOLOGY | 800 | In 2013 the bones found under a parking lot in England were proven to be those of this king killed at Bosworth Field

Richard III

ROBOTS | 1600 | This robot from ""Forbidden Planet"" spoke English & ""187 other languages""


ROBOTICS | 600 | iRobot Corporation, founded by a group from MIT, introduced this vacuuming wonder device in 2002


ASTRONOMY | 800 | The Omega Nebula in this ""archer"" constellation was named for its resemblance to the Greek letter


BODY SNATCHERS | 400 | Yes, Virginia, in 1087 Italians stole the reputed remains of this saint from Turkey

Saint Nicholas

FOLKS OF SCIENCE | 400 | The first American woman in space, she later became a professor of physics at UC San Diego

Sally Ride

SPACE SHUTTLE FLYOVERS | 400 | Over this city, Endeavour shows us a way to beat the bridge traffic.

San Francisco

PLANETS OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM | 800 | The second-largest, it's also the least dense & would float in water


ANIMAL TITLES | 800 | ""Do Androids Dream of Electric _______?""


GRAND MARSHALS OF THE ROSE PARADE | 800 | She was grand marshal as a child star in 1939 & also got the call in 1989 & '99

Shirley Temple

BODY SNATCHERS | 800 | George W. Bush's granddad is among those who allegedly stole Geronimo's head for this secret Yale society

Skull and Bones

MANNED SPACE FLIGHT | 400 | The last Saturn V rocket was launched on May 14, 1973 to lift this first U.S. space station into orbit


COMPUTERS | 1200 | ""Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines"" shows us the exact moment that this computer system says ""Hasta la vista"", humans


SPACE FIRSTS | 1600 | The mission of this first Mars rover lasted 3 months in 1997 before communications were cut from Pathfinder


GO HAMILTON FISH! | 400 | In 1873 Ham helped avert war with this nation, which had executed U.S. citizens seized aboard a rebel Cuban ship


ROBOTS | 800 | Like its pal Opportunity, this robotic rover, launched into space June 10, 2003, has roved for miles on Mars


SCIENCE OF THE SKIES | 1200 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew presents the clue.) Scarab, an articulating vehicle, can change distance between its wheels, a feature intended to prevent getting fatally stuck in martian sand as this rover did--the partner of Opportunity


DOCTOR WHO | 600 | ...wrote a book on the Vietnam War as well as the definitive book on ""Baby and Child Care""


COMPUTERS | 400 | James Doohan voiced ""The Oracle"" on this series' episode ""For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky""

Star Trek

ROBOTS & CYBORGS | 400 | Seven of Nine, a female Borg, turns up on this TV spin-off

Star Trek: Voyager

TECHNOLOGY MILESTONES | 400 | (Hi, I'm Ken Burns.) In 2003 this man introduced iMovie 3, which included a pan & scan feature known as the ""Ken Burns effect""

Steve Jobs

ARCHAEOLOGY | 400 | In the 1700s William Stukeley was the first to recognize that the objects of this British site were aligned on the solstices


MYTHOLOGY | 2000 | Greek gods swore their most sacred oaths in the name of this daughter of Oceanus & her river


NASCAR TECHNOLOGY | 800 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Daytona Int'l Speedway in Daytona Beach, FL.) Banking is the degree of incline of a racetrack's surface, which allows the cars to go faster in the turns with minimal lateral slippage; while Daytona has a 31% bank, Will Ferrell could tell you that this Alabama speedway is even steeper, at 33%


ASTRONOMY | 400 | The 2 horns of this bovine sign of the zodiac are represented by the stars El Nath & Al Hecka


THERE'S CHEMISTRY BETWEEN US | 600 | From 1947 to 1951, after graduating from Oxford, she worked as a research chemist before becoming a world leader


SCIENCE FICTION TITLES IN FRENCH | 800 | ""Chroniques martiennes""

The Martian Chronicles

SCIENCE FICTION | 600 | This TV series about a former NASA astronaut was based on Martin Cadin's novel ""Cyborg""

The Six Million Dollar Man

SCIENCE FICTION | 200 | In this Ira Levin novel, a community's women are turned into perfect, loving beautiful....robots!

The Stepford Wives

ANIMAL GROUPS | 1600 | Brian Setzer of this retro trio played Eddie Cochran in ""La Bamba""

The Stray Cats

ROBOTS & CYBORGS | 200 | The T-800 is an assassin in this 1984 film

The Terminator

LITERATURE IS FOR THE BIRDS | 1600 | A young woman's passion for a priest drives much of this epic saga of 3 generations of Australian sheep farmers

The Thorn Birds

DAUGHTERS IN MYTHOLOGY | 800 | Not surprisingly, Thrud, the daughter of this Norse god, has a name meaning ""strength"" or ""might""


SCIENCE TIMELINE | 2000 | In 1643 this Italian inverted a 4-foot mercury-filled tube in a dish, creating the first barometer


ANIMALS ON THE MAP | 800 | About 3% of this country lies at the eastern edge of southern Europe in Thrace


INSTRUMENTAL IN SCIENCE | 400 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew, at Harvard University's Historical Scientific Instruments, shows an enclosed clockwork model.) Clockmaker Joseph Pope was about halfway through his 12-year project of building a gear-driven model of the solar system that showed the relative motion of the planets & their satellites, when in 1781, this planet was discovered, but rather than start over, he didn't include it


IT'S A PLANET | 800 | Named for the first ruler of the universe in Greek mythology, it was the first to be discovered by telescope


MOONS OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM | 600 | Discovered in 1787, Titania & Oberon are this planet's largest moons


PLANETARY BOOKSTORE | 800 | From the creator of Cap. Underpants comes ""Rickey Ricotta's Mighty Robot vs. the Uranium Unicorns"" of this planet


PLANETARY MATTERS? | 2000 | In mythology, he's dad to the Cyclopes as well as the Titans


WHICH PLANET? | 1000 | The one originally named Georgium Sidus, after King George III


SCIENTIFIC & MEDICAL ABBREV. | 200 | You deserve a big bear hug if you known that UMa is an abbreviation for this constellation

Ursa Major

MEDICAL HISTORY | 1200 | In 1963 Hoffmann-La Roche introduced this tranquilizer, one of the most-prescribed drugs of all time


LITERARY DOCTORS | 1200 | This Dutch physician is knowledgeable in vampire lore & leads the group that destroys Dracula

Van Helsing

MEDICAL HISTORY | 400 | The first quarantine island to prevent the spread of disease was in this city's lagoon


ASTRONOMY | 1600 | This planet's lowest point is Diana Chasma, a 1.8-mile-deep rift valley


1930s SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY | 400 | Norman Haworth, who synthesized this vitamin aka ascorbic acid, won a 1937 Nobel Prize

Vitamin C

GRAND MARSHALS OF THE ROSE PARADE | 200 | This legendary animator was grand marshal in 1966; he died later that year

Walt Disney

MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN | 400 | ""Pay attention, Sherman; I've set the WABAC for this famous & dangerous June 1815 battle site;""""Maybe that short tempered general can tell us its name?""""Of course he can Sherman, of course he can""


SCIENCE & SCIENTISTS | 400 | This German-born engineer oversaw the production of Saturn rockets in Huntsville, Alabama

Werner von Braun

SOMEBODY CALLED FOR A DOCTRINE | 800 | This country's Hallstein Doctrine was a Cold War effort to keep other nations from recognizing East Germany

West Germany

PHYSICS | 400 | A roentgen is a unit of measure of the amount of exposure to these, discovered by Roentgen


GIANTS OF TECHNOLOGY | 1000 | Marc Andreessen tweeted, ""Marissa Mayer is a hero for taking on the challenge at""!


SCIENCE & TECH BOOKS | 1200 | Launched in 2011, ""Starman""' reveals ""the truth behind the legend of"" this pilot from the Smolensk region

Yuri Gagarin

THE SPACE RACE | 800 | At the Kremlin you can see the Cosmos oak, planted by this Soviet space hero on April 14, 1961

Yuri Gagarin

MR. ROBOT | 1600 | With names like Pookie & Snickle-Fritz, these robotic toy hamster pets have snuggled their way into our hearts

Zhu Zhu Pets

SCIENCE | 800 | Microcephaly is one of the birth defects related to this tropical virus that's becoming more prevalent


ANIMALS IN DANGER | 1600 | Though this Indian tiger is the most numerous tiger subspecies, there are as few as 2,500 left in the wild

a Bengal

STATE ANIMAL FIGHT! | 1200 | It's sea vs. land as Hawaii's state mammal, a monk seal, takes on this state dog named for the capital of Massachusetts

a Boston terrier

THE CONSCIENCE FUND | 800 | A religious vet sent $500 for stealing from the military, writing, ""I am"" one of these, ""However, I was not always""

a Christian

MYTHOLOGY | 200 | Odysseus blinded Polyphemus, one of these one-eyed giants

a Cyclops

THERE'S AN ANIMAL ON YOUR CAR | 400 | This make:a ram's head with 2 curled horns

a Dodge

SCIENCE & NATURE | 1200 | A national park near Twentynine Palms is named for this tree seen here

a Joshua tree

SCIENCE TERMS IN FRENCH | 400 | With or without Monsieur Bunsen, ""un bec"", one of these, should get temperatures rising

a burner

ALL ABOUT ANIMALS | 1200 | It's not George W.'s offspring, but this tree-dwelling primate of Africa

a bush baby

BODY LANGUAGE | 200 | A young bovine

a calf

ANIMALS IN POETRY | 800 | Elizabeth Anna Hart wrote about ""Mother Tabbyskins"", this type of animal

a cat

2 ANIMALS IN ONE | 800 | This bottom dweller is named for the barbels around its mouth that resemble feline whiskers

a catfish

ZOOLOGY | 1200 | This swift African cat has claws that are not fully retractable, enabling it to grip the ground when running after prey

a cheetah

WHAT KIND OF MOVIE ANIMAL ARE YOU? | 1200 | Bonzo, one of Ronald Reagan's co-stars

a chimpanzee

ETYMOLOGY | 800 | This word for a movie hall comes from an 1890s term used by the Lumiere Brothers

a cinema

ARCHAEOLOGY | 400 | The Almendres Cromlech in Portugal is an ancient megalithic complex arranged in this shape, just like Stonehenge

a circle

SCIENCE & GEOMETRY | 2000 | The ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun among constellations, is aka a ""great"" this

a circle

5-LETTER MAMMALS | 1000 | Hmm, what's that musky smell? Why, it's this catlike mammal found in Africa & Asia

a civet

FISH | 200 | No joke - this fish is also known as an anemonefish

a clownfish


a crab

SCIENCE | 600 | Humans have 2 of these long bones, the longest in the body

a femur

SCIENCE 101 | 400 | The Cleveland Clinic's website on this condition says if it's under 101, no treatment needed

a fever

PHYSICS TEST | 1200 | Hey, farmer! It's the physics term for a region in which every point is affected by a force

a field

WITH SCIENCE | 400 | From the Latin for ""sun stoppage"" comes this type of event that happens twice a year

a solstice

ARCTIC ANIMALS | 1600 | The fur of this largest weasel family land animal is used to trim parkas because it doesn't mat or freeze in the cold

a wolverine

ANIMALS IN DANGER | 1200 | One of the most endangered mammals is the northern hairy-nosed one of these marsupials

a wombat

BIRDS OF A FEATHER | 1000 | Red-headed,red-bellied,red-breasted sapsucker

a woodpecker

ANIMAL SUPERLATIVES | 800 | This wild ox of Asia is the highest-living large mammal in the world; talk among yourselves

a yak

5-LETTER MAMMALS | 400 | The stripes on the Grevy's species of this are narrower & closer together than on most other species

a zebra

MAMMALS | 2000 | Grant's this, Equus quagga boehmi of Africa, doesn't neigh, it barks

a zebra

MEDICAL ETYMOLOGY | 2000 | Another term for a scrape, it's from the Latin for ""to scrape off""


A REAL BUSY BODY | 200 | Men's Fitness says 4 sets of 25 reps of reverse crunches, with 2 minutes rest, will help you get some ""ripped"" these muscles, bro

abdominal muscles

ANTHROPOLOGY | 200 | This term can mean a native of any region, but usually it's applied to the indigenous peoples of Down Under


THE BODY | 1000 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows an anatomical diagram on the monitor.) Tonsils, if not removed in childhood, will shrink to the size of an almond; sitting above the tonsils are these other infection fighters that completely disappear at puberty


ALL ABOUT ANIMALS | 800 | While it feeds mainly on termites & the insect in its name, this toothless mammal also enjoys avocados

an anteater

BIOLOGY CLASS | 400 | By definition, a polypeptide is a chain of these linked together by peptide bonds

amino acids

BIOLOGY | 400 | These compounds are called the building blocks of protein

amino acids

MR. ROBOT | 1200 | From the Greek for ""manlike"", it's a robot that closely resembles a human in form & function


HEALTH & MEDICINE | 2000 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows an animation of a vein on the monitor.) Healthy blood has plenty of red blood cells to carry oxygen to body tissues; if the number of cells is reduced, causing weakness and fatigue, it may an indication of this condition, from the Greek for ""want of blood""


PREFIXATED ON SCIENCE | 1200 | Find this prefix before -meter & you'll have a device to measure wind speed


DISCOVERIES IN THE SCIENCES | 800 | An elemental unit inside the study of the physical structure of the human body

atom (in anatomy)

CHEMISTRY | 2000 | AMU stands for this ""unit"" based on the isotope carbon-12

atomic mass unit

ANCIENT SCIENCE | 1200 | Around 400 B.C. Democritus proposed that all matter is composed of these tiny units


ETYMOLOGY | 2000 | This type of cherry was developed at Seth Lewelling's nursery & named for his Manchurian foreman


ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE | 800 | 13-letter word describing substances designed to be decomposed by microorganisms


BIOLOGY | 1600 | It's the 10-letter term for the principle that living organisms are produced only by other living organisms


BIOLOGY | 1200 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew takes a sponge out of a microwave oven.) Your microwave can be a weapon in the fight against germs; zapping a wet sponge in the microwave for 2 minutes should remove 99% of these organisms, like E. coli


SCIENCE & NATURE | 400 | Rhizobium is a genus of these microorganisms in the soil that play an important role in nitrogen fixation in plants


ANTHROPOLOGY | 400 | Term for a group of families associated for foraging, or for a group like Styx or the Pixies


PSYCH! (-OLOGY) | 400 | This musical vehicle ""effect"" is where people feel pressured to conform; hop on it!


THE HUMAN BODY | 2000 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows an anatomical animation on the monitor.) Blood flows from the left atrium to the left ventricle via the mitral valve, which is also called this because it has two points, just like a certain tooth


GENERAL SCIENCE | 1600 | Sodium hypochlorite, NaOCl, is the main ingredient in this laundry product


HEALTH & MEDICINE | 1200 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows two medical illustrations on the monitor.) At birth, most babies are set to come out head-first; however, 3 to 4 percent present with their feet or buttocks against the cervix in this position & may need a C-section delivery


GENERAL SCIENCE | 1000 | This ""action"" draws liquid up a narrow tube placed vertically in the liquid

capillary action

COIF MEDICINE | 800 | The time-saving breakthrough of 2-in-1 products combined shampoo & this in one hair elixir


SCIENCE | 1200 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows animations on the monitor.) The three methods of heat transfer are radiation via particles & waves, convection via circulation, & this method where heat is transmitted from one medium to another by direct contact


MEDICAL TALK | 600 | Scratch your head & figure out how to treat your pityriasis capitis, this


SCIENCE & NATURE | 400 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents the clue from Norway.) Antlers are grown & shed annually, so they're classified as this, just like certain trees that lose their leaves every year


CHEMISTRY | 800 | Hydrogen peroxide in your bathroom is slo-o-owly undergoing this, a breakdown into components, like a dead organism


ANIMAL GROUP PHRASES | 2000 | Term for a group of people with villainous intent, or a bunch of poisonous snakes

den of vipers

PSYCHOLOGY | 1200 | According to David Kessler & Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, the 5 stages of grief begin with this & end with acceptance


COMPUTER TERMINOLOGY | 600 | If your website is DDoSED, you've got problems because DDoS stands for distributed this

denial of service

WATER SCIENCE | 1600 | It would cost about $2,000 to supply a family of 4 for a year with this, aka purified seawater

desalinated water

PSYCHOLOGY | 2000 | It's ""de"" treatment of a phobia by gradual exposure to the source of the fear


PHYSIOLOGY | 400 | These act as shock absorbers between the vertebrae


PSYCH! (-OLOGY) | 2000 | A conflict between overt behavior & belief is known as cognitive this 10-letter word


BIRDS OF A FEATHER | 600 | Mourning &Oriental turtle-


MYTHOLOGY | 1000 | In Greek myth, they're wood nymphs that live in trees


A SPAIN IN THE BODY PART | 400 | President Obama has been known to joke about his orejas, these


AROUND THE BODY | 400 | If you're giving someone your full attention, you're ""all"" these


IS THERE A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE? | 200 | What's that? An otologist specializes in the treatment of these organs?


STARTS WITH A BODY PART | 1200 | Ground, soil


THE 4 ELEMENTS | 1200 | Types of this kind of footwear made by Kalso include the Nomad & Outlier

earth shoe

SCIENCE TIMELINE | 800 | Around 450 B.C.:Empedocles posits that all matter is made of these 4 classical elements

earth, fire, air & water

PLANETARY PEOPLE & THINGS | 1200 | 11-letter word for pottery of hardened clay


SCIENCE & NATURE | 800 | Going backwards, the 4 stages of a bee's life are adult, pupa, larva & this stage


BIRDS WITHIN WORDS | 600 | Regrettably, it was hunted to near extinction

egret (in Regrettably)

FILL IN THE BODY PART | 600 | Hard effort:____ grease


THE BODY ELECTRIC | 400 | Got unwanted hair? Obliterate roots with electric current via this 12-letter method


PSYCHOLOGY | 2000 | In 1971 former encyclopedia salesman Werner Erhard held the first of these 3-letter seminars

est seminars

WHAT'S THE ""-OLOGY""? | 400 | Professor Gerald Cohen, an expert on word origins, edits a learned journal called ""Comments On"" this


PHYSICAL SCIENCE | 2000 | A liquid in an enclosed jar may be in a dynamic equilibrium between the processes of this -ation & condensation

evaporation (or vaporization)

VULCANOLOGY | 200 | In vulcanology, a volcano that hasn't erupted in 10,000 years is called this, like the dinosaurs


FISH | 600 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew is snorkeling in the water off Baja California, Mexico.) The black spots at the rear of the butterflyfish act as a decoy set of these organs. They trick predators into attacking the tail rather than the head, allowing the fish a better chance to get away.


MYTHOLOGY | 1000 | The ultimate night watchman, the mythical giant Argus has 100 of these


MEDICAL PROCEDURES | 2000 | ""Daddy, you're so handsome"", said the 3-year-old daughter of the man who got the USA's 1st full one of these surgeries

face transplant

HEALTH & MEDICINE | 400 | Diverticulitis is common in the U.S., where diets are low in this, AKA roughage


MEDICAL TALK | 1600 | This condition that causes pain, stiffness & tenderness in the muscles & joints is known as FM for short


BIOLOGY 101 | 400 | Cytokinesis is the money part of this asexual process by which amoebas reproduce


ANIMAL TALK | 800 | This 7-letter word that's often used of motels means cheap & run-down


PHYSICAL SCIENCE | 1600 | Nothing's final, it's all in this, also the name for magnetic lines that run from pole to pole forming magnetic fields


BODY PART-POURRI | 600 | It may be ""club"" or ""trench""


SCIENCE CLASS | 2000 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew demonstrates with Sarah standing far in the background.) Abbreviated F.P., this optical illusion makes for some very odd visual-size relationships

forced perspective

ANIMAL PARTS | 800 | Unlike some other whales, baleen whales lack this body part, so they can't gesture that they could've had a V8!


TECHNOLOGY | 800 | To shape molten metal, or the furnace used to melt metal


WHICH BODY PART? | 1000 | Adhesive capsulitis, AKA frozen this

frozen shoulder

CHEMICAL ELEMENTS IN POETRY | 400 | Thomas Nashe:""Rich men, trust not in wealth; ____ cannot buy you health""


ELEMENTS OF SONG | 800 | Fleetwood Mac:""Rock on ____ dust woman""


NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED | 400 | Bumps & berry


ANIMALS ALL AROUND | 400 | The western lowland type of this can sometimes be found in the mist


ETYMOLOGY | 1200 | In 1847 Thomas Savage gave this type of ape a name that referred to a legendary African tribe of hairy women


SCIENCE TERMS | 600 | Livermorium, atomic number 116, is considered unstable; this is less than 60 milliseconds


INITIALLY MEDICAL | 400 | You can treat it with diet & lifestyle changes as well as drugs:HBP

high blood pressure

TYPES OF FISHING | 400 | A saw is an important piece of equipment in this winter activity

ice fishing

ASTROLOGY | 200 | A planet in the zodiac with retrograde motion appears to be moving this way

in reverse (or backwards)

GENERAL SCIENCE | 1600 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew demonstrates.) Plasma spheres have differing effects on naturally colorless xenon & krypton, which are this class of gas; when they're near the sphere, they become ionized & colorful

inert (or noble)

SCIENCE | 400 | A long pole helps a tightrope walker by increasing this tendency of a body to stay at rest


SCIENCE & TECH BOOKS | 800 | The story of math genius Srinivasa Ramanujan is told in ""the man who knew"" this limitless concept


A CHEMISTRY SET | 800 | By definition this type of chemistry deals with the reactions & properties of all the elements except carbon


SCIENCE | 400 | By definition, it's the branch of chemistry that deals with non-carbon compounds


THE ELEMENTS | 1000 | It's the element whose magnetic properties have been known & studied the longest


AROUND THE BODY | 800 | Digestion happens in the small one of these, which is linked to the stomach, & in the large one that comes next


6-LETTER ELEMENTS | 600 | In solution, this element that can be extracted from seaweed is used as an antiseptic on cuts & scratches


CHEMISTRY | 400 | On the periodic table, tellurium precedes this element, symbol I, but its atomic mass is greater


GENERAL SCIENCE | 1600 | A bluish-black solid at room temperature, this halogen changes into a purple vapor when heated


ETYMOLOGY | 2000 | Something that produces a rainbow of colors is said to be this adjective, after the Greek word for rainbow


GENERAL SCIENCE | 2000 | 2 compounds made of the same elements in the same proportions but with different properties are called these


WE'VE GOT CHEMISTRY | 2000 | The amount of energy needed to transform a solid to a liquid is called this kind of heat

latent heat

SCIENCE UPDATE | 400 | Scientists at the University of Glasgow created a service robot that can sort & fold this


4-LETTER SCIENCE | 400 | One of the heaviest of metals, it's often used in alloys called Babbitt metals to make bearings




THE ELEMENTS | 400 | Until it was phased out, antiknock gasoline contained this toxic metal


STARTS WITH A BODY PART | 800 | Alfalfa & peas, for example


ARCTIC ANIMALS | 400 | A faked segment in a Disney documentary helped perpetuate the myth that these rodents commit suicide


ALASKAN AQUATIC LIFE | 400 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew holds a sea star while scuba diving in Alaska.) Pacific sea stars lack developed eyes, but at the tip of each arm are eyespots that help distinguish light from dark with the help of these light-focusing structures found in human eyes


SCRAMBLED MAMMALS | 200 | It has a spotty reputation:PAROLED


THE ELEMENTS OF STYLE | 800 | ""Fewer"" refers to number, while this word refers to amount; don't confuse them


SCIENCE UPDATE | 800 | In 2015 the earliest known case of this blood cancer was identified in a 7,000-year-old skeleton from Germany


THEOLOGY BRANCHES | 1200 | This controversial theology centered in Latin America tries to combine Catholicism & social justice for the poor

liberation theology

GENERAL SCIENCE | 1000 | These organisms are classified by their fungal partner, not their algal partner


BODY QUOTES | 800 | A World War II slogan said these ""sink ships""

loose lips

THE SCIENCE OF SECURITY | 1200 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents from Lawrence Livermore Nat'l Laboratory in Livermore, CA.) Keeping satellites safe is the goal of the STARE project, which can predict the orbit of thousands of pieces of space junk to within 100 meters using tiny satellites positioned in ""L.E.O."", short for this

low Earth orbit

NOT ON THE PERIODIC TABLE | 600 | In the middle of the category, it's from the Latin for ""the middle""


SCIENCE GRAB BAG | 1200 | Also called reduction division, it's the process by which cells divide in sexually reproducing organisms


BIOLOGY | 800 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a cat on the monitor.) More common in white cats is something called heterochromia where one eye is blue & the other is a different color due to a gene that prevents this pigment from reaching the blue eye


BIOLOGY | 400 | Insert 2 letters into ""melanin"" to get this hormone that helps make you sleepy


PHYSIOLOGY | 1600 | The pineal gland secretes this hormone that helps regulate sleep


SCIENCE | 800 | With a high one of these, 2,800 degrees F., scandium is used to make high-intensity lights

melting point

ETYMOLOGY | 1600 | The Latin for ""things to be remembered"" gives us this non-S plural word for souvenirs


4-LETTER SCIENCE | 1200 | It's the only 4-letter noble gas


BODY LANGUAGE | 200 | ""Pay through the ____""


WOMEN IN SCIENCE | 1200 | Leona Woods was the only woman on Enrico Fermi's team, which produced the first controlled one of these in 1942

nuclear reaction, or nuclear explosion

1930s SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY | 800 | Introduced by DuPont in 1938, Dr. West's miracle toothbrush was the first made of this synthetic polymer


DOCTORS WITHIN BORDERS | 400 | Norm Buckley, anesthesia chair at Canada's McMaster U., studies this sensation, both acute & chronic


HEALTH & MEDICINE | 200 | (First Lady Michelle Obama presents the clue.) Introducing kids to the rewarding experience of working in a community garden or cooking a healthy meal with their family instills a deeper appreciation for the food they eat & is part of Let's Move, an initiative I launched to combat this childhood medical issue


MEDICAL HISTORY | 800 | In the 19th century Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis ""gave birth"" to antisepsis in this medical field


DICTIONARY OF SCIENCE | 800 | ""O"" is for this gasoline additive with 8 single-bonded carbon atoms


WE'VE GOT CHEMISTRY | 1200 | In 1773 Carl Scheele discovered this element first, but Joseph Priestley beat him into print & inhaled the credit


WITHIN THE FICTIONAL PLANET | 800 | A conjunction in the name of the planet Mork is from

or (in Ork)

SHELLFISH | 400 | A group of these ""pearl"" bivalves is called colony, bed or reef


CHEMISTRY | 400 | On this scale, battery acid is listed as a 1, lye as a 14


FISHY SCIENCE | 800 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from the Georgia Aquarium.) Maintaining water quality is key when a fish first enters quarantine to match temperature, salinity & this measurement; a fish fresh from the ocean would be used to a level between 8.0 & 8.4


THERE'S CHEMISTRY BETWEEN US | 800 | Less than 7 represents acidity on this scale that mostly ranges from 0 to 14


HEALTH & MEDICINE | 600 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows an anatomical animation on the monitor.) The spine bends forward as the thoracic vertebrae become compressed in a condition called kyphosis, more commonly known as a Dowager's hump, a symptom of this disease of thinning bones


MEDICINE | 800 | A condition commonly called Dowager's Hump is part of the bone-thinning effects of this disease


ALL ABOUT ANIMALS | 400 | Including the giant & sea species, they're the most aquatic members of the weasel family


SCIENCE GRAB BAG | 400 | Cyanosis, a bluish cast to the skin, is caused by a lack of this gas in the blood


ANTHROPOLOGY | 1200 | Coprolites (fossilized poop) provide info about ancient life, like roundworms & other types of these


ETYMOLOGY | 800 | A French word for ""to talk"" gives us the name of this type of legislative body


VETERINARY MEDICINE | 1600 | Animal diseases that can be transmitted to humans are called zoonoses & include psittacosis, also called this fever

parrot fever

GROUP NAMES OF ANIMALS | 200 | When these birds get together, they're in a company or pandemonium; Polly wanna party!


KINDA SCIENCEY | 400 | 2-word term for the soil or gravel in which gold is found, or what you ""hit"" when you make a fortunate discovery

pay dirt

MEDICINE | 400 | The first society of chiropody was founded in 1895; today, the medical specialty is better known by this term


LATIN MAMMALS | 1200 | Porcus


4-LETTER FISH | 800 | This family of freshwater fish that includes the muskellunge can be identified by its duckbill-shaped snout


SCIENCE UPDATE | 200 | A 2016 report says the world's food supply is in trouble with the decline of bees & others who do this important job


ANTHROPOLOGY | 1600 | Polygamy can be divided into polygyny, having multiple wives, & this, having multiple husbands


SCRAMBLED MAMMALS | 1000 | A sharp dresser:UPPER ICON


WEIRD SCIENCE | 400 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew demonstrates the clue.) It would seem that blowing into the bottle would force the paper ball inside; however, the fast-moving air goes past the paper & hits the bottom of the bottle, increasing this 8-letter term inside, & forces the paper out


SCIENCE IN SPORTS | 1600 | A curveball curves because this is unequal on different sides where the ball's surface meets the air

pressure (or wind resistance)

INSTRUMENTAL IN SCIENCE | 800 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew, at Harvard University's Historical Scientific Instruments, shows a console.) From 1947 to 2002, this control console was at the Harvard cyclotron lab for pioneering research now used to treat cancer; the surrounding healthy tissue is relatively undamaged, but the cancer cells are destroyed by irradiation with these positive particles


ON THE PERIODIC TABLE | 600 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows the periodic table on the monitor.) Elements on the periodic table are arranged by atomic number, which is the number of these in the nucleus


CHEMISTRY | 1200 | A base receives these subatomic particles; acids give them up

protons (hydrogen ions accepted)

NUCLEAR PHYSICS | 800 | The strong force binds these subatomic particles into protons & neutrons


SCIENCE | 600 | ""Truth"" & ""beauty"" are alternate names that physicists once used for the ""top"" & ""bottom"" types of these particles


WE'VE GOT CHEMISTRY | 800 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew does a demonstration with water in some flasks.) Unlike tap water, when you place tonic water near a blacklight, you'll find that it glows, due to the fluorescent properties of this alkaloid used in the treatment of malaria


ANIMAL VERBS | 1600 | To tease the hair in order to give it volume


STARTS WITH AN ANIMAL | 1200 | It's the 12-letter word for the official approval of an amendment, or of the Constitution itself


SCIENCE CLASS | 400 | In 2013 the asteroid Chariklo became the 1st nonplanet found with these, 2 surrounding it with a 6-mile gap between them


GEOLOGY | 400 | A fluvial process such as erosion is caused by the action of this geographic feature


SCIENCE ROUNDUP | 400 | A delta is the region where one of these divides up & flows into an ocean


SONG BIRDS | 400 | Bobby Day & later Michael Jackson sang about a bevy of birds, but the title is ""rockin""' this one


EASY SCIENCE | 800 | mR are milli-these units of radiation named for a scientist who saw through you


BIRDS WITHIN WORDS | 400 | In Europe this bird may sit beside a babbling brook

rook (in brook)

BODY PARTS IN SONG | 800 | Josh Turner has a song called ""Cold"" this




ANTHROPOLOGY | 800 | In the 1700s Johann Blumenbach divided the races based on these bony body parts & claimed Caucasian ones are ""most beautiful""


ANIMAL VERBS | 1200 | A gastropod, or a verb meaning to strike heavily, as with a fist


4-LETTER SCIENCE | 800 | This photochemical haze is caused by the reaction of sunlight with hydrocarbons & nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere


PLANTS WITH ANIMAL NAMES | 400 | Disappointing but true, these flowers don't breathe fire


ANTISOCIAL SCIENCE | 200 | British sociologist Eric Dunning is an expert on hooliganism, especially in this sport


ASTRONOMY | 1600 | These extremely hot eruptions in the Sun's atmosphere can cause communications problems on Earth

solar flares



TECHNOLOGY | 400 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a diagram of a ship & a submarine on the monitor.) To hide a warship's engine noises, Prairie/Masker technology on the ship creates waves of bubbles, an effective tactic for outwitting the passive type of this detection device


FISHY SCIENCE | 400 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from the Georgia Aquarium.) This machine can tell us that a stingray is pregnant & image the vertebral columns of the unborn young

sonogram (or ultrasound)

COMPUTING | 200 | In 2004 a U.S. law named in part for this type of unwelcome e-mail took effect to prohibit deceptive subject lines


GONE FISHING | 1000 | Specialized equipment used in this type of fishing can include pronged arrows attached to a line

spearfishing (or bowfishing)

SCIENCE & NATURE | 2000 | Insects breathe via these tiny holes located on the sides of the abdomen


EASY SCIENCE | 400 | The N.Y. Times' 1945 Hiroshima story mentioned ""scientists' long-held dream of"" doing this to ""the atom""


SCIENCE STUFF | 1600 | Let's get to the point--they're the stone formations rising from the floor of a wet cave


THE CONSCIENCE FUND | 1000 | The fund received a 44-cent donation from a woman who confessed to reusing 2 of these


THE PERIODIC TABLE | 400 | This element that burns with a suffocating odor is also known as brimstone


ORDERS OF MAMMALS | 400 | Animals like anteaters in the order Pilosa are called edentates, meaning they lack these or have few of them


FISHY SCIENCE | 200 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from the Georgia Aquarium.) If an aquarium vet suspects an abscess or an unseen injury, a thermography camera looks for a difference in this just below the skin's surface


THE ECONOMY OF MOTION PICTURE ARTS & SCIENCES | 1000 | This ""wooden"" term for the main film released during the summer peak season implies that it holds up a studio's fortunes


PHYSIOLOGY | 800 | When you swallow, this flap of cartilage acts like a lid to the larynx

the epiglottis

SCIENCE | 1000 | For water, .0098 degrees Celsius & .00603 atmospheres is this point at which it can exist as a solid, liquid or gas

the triple point

MARINE MAMMALS | 1200 | Its scientific name, Odobenus rosmarus, means ""tooth-walking sea-horse""

the walrus

BODY PARTS IN SONG | 200 | DJ Kool had a request--""Let Me Clear My"" this


PHYSICS | 2000 | Meaning to neutralize a magnetic field, this term is derived from the name of a German scientist

to degauss

THERE'S AN ANIMAL IN MY DICTIONARY | 400 | To fold over the corner of a page of a book

to dog-ear

OLD-TIME SCIENCE | 2000 | Mutation is part of modern genetics; put a syllable before it to get this change of base metals to gold in alchemy


BIOLOGY | 2000 | Most of the water absorbed by a plant is given off by the leaves via this 13-letter process


WE LOVE PLANET EARTH | 400 | The emmer type of this was one of the first cultivated crops over 10,000 years ago


SCIENCE 101 | 1600 | Defined as 10-400 nanometers on the spectrum, these rays fall between visible light & X-rays


SCIENCE | 400 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew demonstrates.) The beads here have been specially treated so that indoors they're white, but when you take them outside and they're exposed to these invisible rays that can give you a sunburn, they change color

ultraviolet rays

OLD-TIME SCIENCE | 400 | Neptunism was the idea this once covered the earth & all rock precipitated from it


TO THE EXOPLANETS! | 400 | NASA has found an Earthlike planet within a ""habitable zone""--the area in a star system where this could exist in liquid form


A CHEMISTRY SET | 1600 | These 2 common antonyms precede ""cell battery""; one type is in your car, the other, in your flashlight

wet & dry

ANTISOCIAL SCIENCE | 1000 | In 1939 Edwin Sutherland put these 2 words before ""crime"" to describe bad things done by high-status people

white collar

2-WORD SCIENCE TERMS | 2000 | When all the frequencies in the visible spectrum combine, they produce this

white light

STATE ANIMAL FIGHT! | 800 | S.D.'s coyote takes on the white-tailed this 11 times, as 11 states claim it as a state animal or mammal of one kind or another

white-tailed deer

MEDICAL PROBLEMS | 2000 | With 40,000 cases in 2011, Australia was hit by an epidemic of this respiratory ailment that can be fatal in babies

whooping cough

PLANT SCIENCE | 1600 | The ""witch"" in this shrub's name comes from a word meaning ""bend""; helpful when it's used as a divining rod

witch hazel

BODY LANGUAGE | 600 | Having this ""in the pie"" means you're meddling in something

your finger

THE PERIODIC TABLE | 1200 | The 3 naturally occurring magnetic elements are cobalt, nickel & this one


MARINE BIOLOGY | 1200 | The 6 species of the deadly sea krait are related to this ""hooded"" Asian snake

a cobra

THE ELEMENTS OF STYLE | 1600 | In an essay, begin each of these with a topic sentence

a paragraph

I AM A MAN OF SCIENCE! | 800 | An astronomer by trade, he took the local temperature & used his fame to get money to build an observatory in Uppsala, Sweden

(Anders) Celsius

MY ROBOT PAL | 2000 | Ripley finds Bishop a trustworthy android in the film sequel with this title


PSYCHOLOGY | 400 | He coined the term ""psychoanalysis""


PHYSICAL SCIENCE | 2000 | In March 2015 the Dawn spacecraft began orbiting this object in the asteroid belt, the first dwarf planet ever visited


BODY WORKS | 200 | These smallest blood vessels are barely wider than the blood cells that pass through them single file


FOLKS OF SCIENCE | 800 | This Missouri man who loved to work for peanuts also developed a type of synthetic marble made from wood shavings

George Washington Carver

SPACE SHUTTLE FLYOVERS | 800 | On a visit to Los Angeles, the shuttle took itself out to the ball game, flying over this venue.

Dodger Stadium

SCIENCE & NATURE | 2000 | Born in 1996, a sheep named this introduced the world to reproductive cloning


SCIENCE TIMELINE | 800 | Sadly, in 2003 it was goodbye to this cloned sheep who was put to sleep due to a lung disease


DOCTORED BOOKS | 400 | Like his roommate, this doctor first shows up in ""A Study in Scarlet""

Dr. Watson

LITERARY DOCTORS | 400 | ""I was returning from a journey to a patient"", he tells us, ""when my way led me through Baker Street""--& the game is afoot!

Dr. Watson

THAT DOCTOR IS UNREAL! | 800 | He falls in love with Mary Morstan in ""The Sign of Four""; can you deduce who it is?

Dr. Watson

SCARY-SOUNDING ANIMALS | 800 | A literary character gave his name to this fish discovered in 2009--we want you to notice its fangs


MYTHOLOGY | 200 | In some versions of the myth, Uther had used this sword long before his son Arthur removes it from the stone


ANIMAL TITLES | 200 | ""So Long and Thanks for All the ____""


OVER MY DEAD BODY | 800 | Hers is in an English church, ""F.N. Born 12 May 1820, Died 13 August 1910""

Florence Nightingale

DOCTOR WHO | 200 | known as ""the father of psychoanalysis""


THE SCIENCE OF SECURITY | 1600 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, California) A device to radio activity at ports of entry is called GeMini--""Mini"" for its size & ""Ge"" for this element, whose semiconducting properties & high atomic number make it a great detector material


COMPUTERS | 1600 | The Cardiff Giant was a PC produced on this '80s-set AMC show whose title refers to a destruct command

Halt and Catch Fire

SCIENCE UPDATE | 600 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows an astronomical animation on the monitor.) In 2015, NASA said there appears to be a saltwater ocean, with more water than exists on the surface Earth, beneath the icy crust of Ganymede, the largest moon of this planet


I AM A MAN OF SCIENCE! | 2000 | Before his ""Sexual Behavior"" books were bestsellers, this biologist was known for his studies of gall wasps


ANIMALS ON THE MAP | 2000 | The 1912 eruption of Mount Novarupta covered this largest Alaskan island with 3 feet of ash

Kodiak Island

DAUGHTERS IN MYTHOLOGY | 2000 | Hera had the same parents as her brother & husband Zeus: Rhea & this Titan


ASTRONOMY | 2000 | In 1992 astronomers Luu & Jewitt found the first of these ""objects"", KBOs for short

Kuiper belt objects

TITLE ANIMALS | 400 | 2008 animated film about a portly black & white hero who becomes the Dragon Warrior

Kung Fu Panda

HAPPY DECEMBER, EVERYBODY! | 800 | Hallmark suggests including a strip of adinkra cloth with your card for this holiday


THE 8 PLANETS | 800 | Since it was discovered in 1846, it has completed only one orbit around the Sun


ENDANGERED ANIMALS AT THE SMITHSONIAN'S NATIONAL ZOO | 800 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew presents from Smithsonian's National Zoo in Washington, D.C.) Without native mammals present, kiwis thrived for over 35 million years, but today they're endangered & facing extinction, largely because they're flightless and can't escape from introduced predators in this, their native country

New Zealand

SCIENCE GUYS | 800 | He wrote that in 1666, ""I began to think of gravity extending to the orb of the moon""


PLANETARY BOOKSTORE | 400 | ""Monkey Planet"" was an alternative title of this Pierre Boulle novel that spawned a movie series

Planet of the Apes

IT'S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE | 1000 | Charon is the largest moon of this small onetime planet


NASCAR TECHNOLOGY | 400 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Daytona Int'l Speedway in Daytona Beach, FL.) The window net used to prevent injuries by keeping a driver's arms inside the car during a crash became mandatory after this NASCAR legend, known as ""King Richard"", almost died in a 1970 wreck at Darlington

Richard Petty

STATE BIRDS | 800 | This state bird of Maryland is black & orange

the Baltimore oriole

HAPPY DECEMBER, EVERYBODY! | 600 | This reserve part of the U.S. military celebrates its birthday December 13

the National Guard

SCIENCE & NATURE | 1200 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents the clue.) Saturn's moons range from boulder-sized moonlets to this enormous moon that's larger than Mercury


SCIENCE TIMELINE | 1200 | Named for a Shakespearean couple, these 2 large moons of Uranus were discovered in 1787

Titania and Oberon

SCIENCE TIMELINE | 1600 | In 1576 King Frederick II granted him title to the island of Ven to build an observatory

Tycho Brahe

WHERE IS THAT PLANET? | 400 | Before flytrap; after blonde


YOU DISCOVER THE ASTRONOMICAL BODY | 600 | I'll bet that more than seven used-up probes will someday orbit this planet

Venus (in seven used-up)

PLANETARY MATTERS? | 400 | She won Wimbledon singles titles in 2000, 2001, 2005, 2007 & 2008

Venus Williams

BLUE BIRDS | 600 | Found across North America, the blue-winged teal is a small dabbling one of these birds

a duck

SONG BIRDS | 600 | Rick Dees & his cast of idiots quacked up listeners with this ""disco"" fowl

a duck

MYTHOLOGY | 1000 | Asterius was the name of this hybrid creature kept in the labyrinth

a Minotaur

THERE'S AN ANIMAL ON YOUR CAR | 200 | This Ford sports car:a horse in mid-gallop

a Mustang

ANTHROPOLOGY | 1200 | In 2016 it was claimed that these prehistoric ice-age humans were wiped out because modern man was more artistic

a Neanderthal

MEDICAL MATTERS | 600 | Until the 1940s & this test named for its creator, cervical cancer was killing more women than any other kind

a Pap smear

FISH | 1000 | In many ecosystems it's both the most prized game fish and the top predator

a bass

ANIMAL SIMILES | 200 | That umpire was ""as blind as"" this mammal (not the equipment used in the game)

a bat

ANIMAL SUPERLATIVES | 1000 | Less than 2 inches in length, the bumblebee species of this is the world's smallest mammal

a bat

ANIMALS PLAYING DEAD | 1200 | When confronted, the hognose snake can play dead or spread its skin around its head & neck like a king this snake

a cobra

HEALTH & MEDICINE | 1600 | In 2013 a Lasker Award, one of medicine's great honors, went to developers of this type of implant that helps the deaf

a cochlear implant

WOMEN IN SCIENCE | 400 | In 1702 Maria Winckelmann Kirch became the first woman to discover one of these heavenly travelers

a comet

YOU DISCOVER THE ASTRONOMICAL BODY | 1000 | To see one of these objects, come to the observatory

a comet (in come to)

SCIENCE | 1600 | Common 4-letter term for an ordinary hexahedron

a cube

BLUE BIRDS | 800 | As well as the great blue, there is a little blue type of this long-legged wading bird

a heron

ALL ABOUT ANIMALS | 800 | These quadrupeds can open their jaws 150 degrees & are strong enough to bite a crocodile in half

a hippopotamus

TYPES OF FISHING | 800 | Angling takes its name from methods of fishing using an ""angul"", originally a word for one of these

a hook

2 ANIMALS IN ONE | 400 | Saddle up and name thislivestock pest seen here

a horsefly

ECOLOGY | 600 | In a parasitic relationship, this organism doesn't put out chips & soda; it provides nourishment unwillingly

a host

THE ANIMAL IN THE LOGO | 800 | Pocket Books,a division of Simon & Schuster

a kangaroo

SCIENCE UPDATE | 600 | A 62-mile crater discovered in Greenland in 2012, was created by a 3-billion-year-old one of these

a meteorite

TECHNOLOGY MILESTONES | 200 | Dutch lens maker Zacharias Janssen is credited with inventing the compound type of this device around 1590

a microscope

HEALTH & MEDICINE | 800 | From the Greek for ""half skull"", it may progress through 4 stages: prodrome, aura, headache & postdrome

a migraine

CHEMISTRY | 400 | In 2012 scientists actually achieved a temperature lower than -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit, better known by this term

absolute zero

WITH SCIENCE | 800 | Molecular motion doesn't stop at zero Kelvin, AKA this temperature; quantum mechanical motion remains

absolute zero

PHYSICAL SCIENCE | 800 | Examples of this 2-word sloping simple machine include a parking garage ramp

an inclined plane

EASY SCIENCE | 200 | The name of this class of vertebrates is from the Greek for ""double life"", referring to life in water & on land


UNUSUAL ANIMALS | 600 | The Mexican walking fish's name suggests it's one of these, comfortable in 2 environments


ANCIENT SCIENCE | 400 | Types of this calculating device using wires & sliding balls in a frame were used in Ancient Egypt & China

an abacus

CHEMISTRY | 400 | Being amphoteric, ammonia likes to react with either of these, the 2 types of substances on the pH scale

an acid or a base

GEOLOGY | 400 | It's an earthquake that follows a larger one & has its epicenter nearby

an aftershock

SCIENCE TERMS | 1000 | ""Oid"" vey! My grandson is into all kinds of these nitrogenous compounds, like nicotine & ephedrine

an alkaloid

ASTRONOMY | 1200 | In July 2015, one of these said to contain $5.4 trillion in precious metals passed within 1.5 million miles of earth

an asteroid

PLANETARY MATTERS? | 1200 | It's also called a night crawler

an earthworm

ETYMOLOGY | 400 | The Dutch for ""donkey"" gives us this word for a stand on which a painting is placed, much as a burden is placed on a donkey

an easel

SCIENCE | 2000 | This type of pulse that follows a nuclear explosion is also a feared weapon on its own

an electromagnetic pulse

NUCLEAR PHYSICS | 400 | Ionization energy is the amount of energy required to remove one of these from an atom

an electron

PHYSICS | 2000 | A 9-letter process or type of coil that produces high-voltage current from low-voltage

an induction coil

ANIMAL IMPOSTORS | 800 | The common European glowworm isn't an annelid but this

an insect

IS THERE A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE? | 800 | It's the 15-letter word for the type of doctor who deals with the structure, functions & diseases of the eye

an ophthalmologist

HEALTH & MEDICINE | 200 | The ""local"" variety is used on a limited area of the body; the ""general"" type involves the loss of consciousness


MEDICAL HISTORY | 1200 | Meaning ""moulded vessel"", this procedure to restore blood flow in a blocked artery was first performed in 1977


ANIMAL VERBS | 800 | Mimic or imitate


THEOLOGY BRANCHES | 2000 | It's not saying you're sorry, it's the branch of theology dealing with the defense of established doctrine


PLANT SCIENCE | 400 | Ornithophily is pollination by these


CHEMISTRY | 1600 | This device is used to separate solids from liquids & Iran's thousands of them are part of the 2015 nuclear deal


2-WORD SCIENCE TERMS | 400 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows an atomic animation on the monitor.) Absorbing a neutron causes fission in one atom, leading to fission in more and more atoms, creating this process that's usually controlled by nuclear reactors

chain reaction

SCIENCE | 400 | The name of the Cretaceous period comes from a Latin word for this substance used to write on a blackboard


RANDOMNESS IN SCIENCE | 200 | This 5-letter theory explores ideas like a butterfly's random wingbeat influencing events miles away


AROUND THE BODY | 1200 | This, skin drying & cracking due to cold & wind, can affect wrists & foreheads too, but lips seem to get it worst


MOVING FORWARD IN SCIENCE | 400 | Positive, negative or zero, the electric type of this is a basic property of elementary particles


BIOLOGY 101 | 1600 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows us an image of several cells with many green items inside them.) The green pigment necessary for photosynthesis is contained in these bodies within a plant's cells


DOCTORS WITHIN BORDERS | 2000 | In South Sudan Abdinasir Abubakar battles this water-borne infection that's caused 7 pandemics since 1800


SCIENCE & NATURE | 400 | Peas have 14, shrimp have 254 & humans have 46 of these nucleic acid structures, arranged in 23 pairs


BIOLOGY | 2000 | These microscopic hairlike projections on protozoans are used for movement


EATYMOLOGY | 600 | From the Spanish for ""spiced with chili"", they're corn tortillas wrapped around a meat or cheese filling & topped with sauce


SOCIOLOGY | 2000 | In his 1899 work ""The Theory of the Leisure Class"", Thorstein Veblen coined the term ""conspicuous"" this


THE ELEMENTS | 600 | All regularly minted U.S. coins today contain some of this element, symbol Cu


MARINE BIOLOGY | 400 | These polyps come in several varieties including thorny, gorgonian & mushroom


4-LETTER SCIENCE | 1600 | It's believed that the layer called the inner this spins slightly faster than the rest of the Earth


SHELLFISH | 2000 | Each year over 100 million of the red species of this shellfish on Christmas Island mass migrate to spawn in the sea


CHEMISTRY | 800 | In the Middle Ages, the best of these vessels used for melting materials were made in Hesse, Germany from a special clay


ANIMAL IMPOSTORS | 2000 | Crayfish aren't fish but these, like their relative the lobster


GREAT MEN & WOMEN OF MEDICINE | 1200 | (Dr. Oz presents the clue.) Dr. Dorothy Andersen named this disease, CF for short, & also helped create a test to diagnose it

cystic fibrosis

PLANETARY MATTERS? | 800 | This festival of sports, art & more has been held annually in Virginia Beach, Virginia since 1974

the Neptune Festival

VETERINARY MEDICINE | 1200 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from UC Davis Veterinary Hospital.) In 1990, the hospital established the first facility in the country to provide this service for pets that uses an artificial kidney to remove waste from the blood


SCIENCE IS A 7-LETTER WORD | 400 | At 10, this mineral is the hardest on the Mohs scale


ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE | 800 | Acupressure relies on pressure at specific body meridian points to control qi, the flow of this


KINDA SCIENCEY | 600 | In 1865 physicist Rudolf Clausius coined this term for the measure of disorder or randomness in a closed system


BIOLOGY | 800 | Most of these catalysts are proteins that end with the letters -ase


FISH | 2000 | Keeping their mouths open so they can strain meal, tilapia & herring are alliteratively termed this

filter feeders

BODY PARTS IN SONG | 400 | In 1984 the Police told of being ""Wrapped Around Your"" this


SCIENCE MYSTERIES | 800 | Maybe they're there to heighten our sense of touch, but no one is really sure why we have these aka dactylograms


ANATOMICAL ETYMOLOGY | 800 | No insult intended, but the name of this muscle means ""biggest butt""

gluteus maximus

STARTS WITH A BODY PART | 1600 | Its name is from the Greek for ""river horse""


STARTS WITH A FARM ANIMAL | 1200 | Reddish-brown dye used in temporary tattoos


HEALTH & MEDICINE | 800 | You can only get the D type of this liver infection if you already have the B type


HEALTH & MEDICINE | 2000 | First isolated in 1910, this chemical released by the immune system can cause itching & swelling in an allergic reaction


MR. ROBOT | 2000 | In 2015 a robot that had traveled 6,000 miles by this method was damaged beyond repair in Philadelphia


MYTHOLOGY | 1600 | After Pandora opened her box & released all the evils, only this remained


THE BODY ELECTRIC | 1200 | Saul's brother in ""Better Call Saul"" suffers from EHS, electromagnetic this, so leave your cell phone outside


ELEMENTS IN THE HUMAN BODY | 1000 | You contain copper, zinc & this metal, the most abundant element in our planet


THE ELEMENTS | 1200 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew demonstrates with by mixing in a beaker.) When vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, water & table salt are mixed with a starch, a chemical reaction occurs; the solution turns purple, indicating this element was present in the salt


GENERAL SCIENCE | 400 | Ferritin is a protein found in the liver & spleen that binds to this element for storage


SPOT THE MAMMAL | 400 | Kiwi,kinkajou,kookaburra


GONE FISHING | 400 | Useful in fly fishing, the nail & surgeon are types of these


THE ELEMENTS | 600 | Superman would find this element, atomic number 36, right at home


MR. ROBOT | 800 | The same company that makes the Roomba also made Ariel, a robot that detected & disposed of these buried munitions

land mines

BODY PARTS IN SONG | 600 | ZZ Top informed us, ""She's got"" these, ""she knows how to use them""


STARTS WITH A BODY PART | 2000 | Triglycerides are one type of these fatty compounds


CHEMISTRY | 800 | This state of matter is bypassed in sublimation


COLD SCIENCE | 800 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew reports from a testing facility at NASA Glenn Research Ctr in Cleveland, OH.) To simulate the temperatures in space, a cold wall inside the testing chamber uses this substance, LN, that can cause frostbite on contact

liquid nitrogen

MEDICAL HISTORY | 1600 | In 1926 George Minot & William Murphy reported that a diet of this raw organ meat could cure pernicious anemia


HEALTH & MEDICINE | 1600 | The most common cause of vision loss in people over 55 is age-related this, AMD for short

macular degeneration


mahi mahi

PSYCHOLOGY | 400 | Long-term types of this include episodic, semantic & procedural


PLANETARY PEOPLE & THINGS | 400 | This element & its compounds have been used in antiseptics & to treat syphilis


THE ELEMENTS | 200 | Liquid at room temperature, it has the same name as a planet


EARTH SCIENCE | 1600 | The 3 major rock classes are igneous, sedimentary & this, formed by changes to the other 2 types


GENERAL SCIENCE | 1200 | Marble is classified as this type of rock because it changed from limestone due to heat & pressure


INITIALLY MEDICAL | 2000 | A small pressurized can for delivering asthma medication:MDI

metered-dose inhaler

EASY SCIENCE | 600 | CH4, it's the chief constituent of natural gas


ANIMAL CARE | 200 | Petsmart recommends these creatures, frozen, as the best diet for your snake


LATIN MAMMALS | 800 | Simia

monkeys (or apes)

WE'VE GOT CHEMISTRY | 400 | ""Dead or alive"", these are the 2 main divisions of chemistry

organic and inorganic

SCIENCE & GEOMETRY | 1200 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew demonstrates.) Two batteries connected in a simple series circuit combine their voltage to produce a bright light; when they're connected in this type of circuit with a geometric name, they have a longer life but produce a dimmer light


STATE BIRDS | 800 | South Dakota's state bird, the ring-necked species of this is native to Asia & was introduced to the state in 1898


FAILED CHILDREN'S BOOK ANIMALS | 2000 | Terry Termite learns to read when he follows the line made by a pen whose ink mimics these chemicals


DICTIONARY OF SCIENCE | 2000 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows an animation on the monitor.) ""P"" is for this vascular plant tissue composed of specialized cells that moves food from the leaves


MEDICAL HISTORY | 800 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Dittrick Medical History Center in Cleveland, OH.) 19th-century doctors thought that the brain shrank & grew with use, leaving corresponding contours on the skull, which were read to determine a person's abilities and traits, using the 3-D bust as a reference guide in this pseudo-science


PERSONAL SPACE INVADERS | 800 | In 2013 the frequency of this crime by gypsy children shut down the Louvre


FISHY WORDS | 800 | In this mid-air position, a diver will bend at the waist while keeping her legs together & straight

pike (jackknife accepted)

SCIENCE SURVEY | 200 | Pu-244, an isotope of this, has a half-life of 80 million years, give or take


TECHNOLOGY | 600 | The first atom bomb using this transuranium element was detonated on July 16, 1945 in New Mexico


SCIENCE MYSTERIES | 1200 | Debate continues as to why cats do this, which has a pattern & frequency between 25 & 150 hertz


MEDICAL AKAs | 800 | This disease that infected dogs can transmit to humans is also called lyssa


MEDICINE | 2000 | The word for this disease comes from the same Latin root as ""rage""


VETERINARY MEDICINE | 1600 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Veterinary Hospital at UC Davis, CA.) The state-of-the-art linear accelerator with real-time imaging is designed to treat cancer more quickly by delivering precise doses of this to destroy abnormal cells


PHYSICS | 400 | It's the property of some unstable atoms that causes them to give off ionizing radiation


HYDROLOGY | 200 | This term for the surface flow of excess rainwater sounds like an additional contest after a tie


GENERAL SCIENCE | 600 | Newts & this other main group of tailed amphibians make up the order Caudata


FISH | 1200 | Tagging has shown many of the Pacific type of this fish, genus Oncorhynchus, return to the river where they hatched


STATE FISH | 1200 | Maine's state fish, the landlocked this, migrates to various lakes & rivers to spawn, laying eggs in nests called redds


4-LETTER SCIENCE | 2000 | Specifically, it's any compound other than water formed by the reaction of an acid & a base


UNUSUAL ANIMALS | 800 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a video on the monitor.) The flying snake can glide short distances by undulating to maintain balance as they come down & flattening the tiny plates called these on its skin


WOMEN IN SCIENCE | 1000 | With her husband George, Gladys Dick found the cause of this childhood disease named for its red skin rash & came up with a cure

scarlet fever

WRITERS ON THE PERIODIC TABLE | 1600 | ___ ___ Hinton

selenium (Se)

MOVING FORWARD IN SCIENCE | 800 | In medicine, depressants are the opposite of these, which include adrenaline & caffeine


BODY LANGUAGE | 800 | To face & endure something unpleasant, even nauseating


BODY PARTS | 400 | Wamble is a term for the sound this organ can make


GROUP NAMES OF ANIMALS | 1000 | A group of these tot-totin' avians get together as a mustering


ASTROPHYSICS WITH NEIL deGRASSE TYSON | 1600 | (Dr. Tyson delivers the clue.) The existence on Earth of heavy elements like gold, silver & iron confirms that our solar system was formed from the debris of one of these enormous cataclysmic explosions


BIRDS OF A FEATHER | 600 | Mute,Bewick's,trumpeter


ALASKAN AQUATIC LIFE | 800 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows us anemone shrimp underwater in Alaska.) Stinging tentacles don't bother the anemone shrimp because the shrimp has spent hours letting his host get accustomed to him so they can have the mutualistic this type of relationship, from the Greek for life


HEALTH & MEDICINE | 1000 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows an anatomical animation on the monitor.) An arrhythmia is any abnormal heart rhythm; when it's too slow, less than 60 beats per minute, it's called bradycardia; when it's too fast, more than 100 beats per minute, it's called this, from the Greek for ""swift"" & ""heart""


MARSUPIAL MATTERS | 600 | The endangered numbat feeds on these wood-eating insects that include a damp wood variety


BIOLOGY | 800 | In adult females, this primary male hormone contributes to the formation of estrogen in the ovaries


THE BODY | 1600 | It's the main male sex hormone


PSYCHOLOGY | 400 | Emmy-nominated animal psychologist Cesar Millan is better known as this to TV viewers

the ""Dog Whisperer""

SOCIOLOGY | 800 | ""Counterculture"" was a term popularized by Theodore Roszak to describe this decade's revolt against authority

the 1960s

PHYSIOLOGY | 1200 | Danish scientists discovered that athletes are better runners if this tendon is longer & thinner than normal

the Achilles

THE HUMAN BODY | 600 | The strongest tendon in the body, it's named for the king of the Myrmidons

the Achilles tendon

ANIMALS ON THE MAP | 1600 | In 1982 this archipelago off Africa's northwest coast became an autonomous region of Spain

the Canary Islands

WEIRD SCIENCE | 600 | Named for Bob Marley, the Gnathia marleyi crustacean lives on coral reefs in this sea

the Caribbean

ASTRONOMY | 1600 | This gap between Saturn's A & B rings is caused by the gravitational pull of the moon Mimas, which clears it of particles

the Cassini division

GEOGRAPHIC ETYMOLOGY | 800 | Spanish explorers named this river that originates in the same-named state due to its red hue

the Colorado

PSYCHOLOGY | 800 | The Penguin Dict. of Psychology says, ""An intense dialogue about the wallpaper"" would do as well as this inkblot test

the Rorschach test

ELEMENTS OF SONG | 1600 | America:""Oz never did give nothing to"" this man ""that he didn't, didn't already have""

the Tin Man

GEOLOGY | 800 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a geological diagram on the monitor.) Oceanic islands like Hawaii rise to the surface from the ocean floor; continental islands, like New Guinea, are simply unsubmerged parts of these shallow terraces at the edge of a continent

the continental shelf

WHO ORDERED THE MAMMAL? | 2000 | The order Sirenia comprises manatees & these other gentle aquatic giants

the dugong

SPACE SHUTTLE ENDEAVOUR | 1000 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the California Science Center in Los Angeles.) Flying above war-torn Rwanda in 1994, Endeavour used space-borne imaging radar to penetrate clouds over the Virunga volcano chain in an effort to help researchers track & protect this endangered species

the mountain gorilla

UNUSUAL ANIMALS | 1000 | This 5-letter animal looks like it has some zebra blood, but it's actually related to the giraffe

the okapi

BODY TALK | 1600 | This nerve carries impulses from the retina to the brain

the optic nerve

INITIALLY MEDICAL | 1600 | Pioneered in the 1950s by Dr. Sabin:OPV

the oral polio vaccine

FLIGHTLESS BIRDS | 1200 | It's the fastest of all flightless birds

the ostrich

GENERAL SCIENCE | 400 | This scale is measured in values from 0 to 14 with 7 being neutral

the pH scale

THE HUMAN BODY | 1600 | To visit the islets of Langerhans, take a trip to this gland that sits behind the stomach

the pancreas

ANIMALS IN DANGER | 400 | It's black & white & loved all over, not just in its native China, where it's considered a national treasure

the panda

SPOT THE MAMMAL | 1000 | Albatross,pangolin,darter

the pangolin

ANIMALS IN MYTHOLOGY | 800 | About once every 500 years, it builds a funeral pyre & allows itself to be consumed by the flames

the phoenix

BODY TALK | 2000 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a skeleton diagram on the monitor.) You can see from its shape why a Latin word meaning ""pipe"" or ""flute"" gave us the name for this long front bone of the shin

the tibia

BODY WORKS | 1000 | (Satah of the Clue Crew shows us a picture of a very tall man.) Robert Wadlow, the tallest man on record, grew to 8'11"" due to a condition called gigantism in which too much growth hormone is produced by this important gland at the base of the brain

the pituitary

ANIMAL CLOSE-UPS | 800 | This varmint gets his name from an Algonquian word meaning ""he scratches with his hands""

the racoon

5-LETTER BODY PARTS | 400 | It differs from the other digits by having only 2 phalanges

the thumb

HEALTH & MEDICINE | 800 | Tuberculosis was once known as this because of the way it ate away at the patient

the wasting disease (or consumption)

4-LETTER SCIENCE | 1600 | This force is responsible for the nuclear fusion reaction that powers the sun

the weak force

DOUBLE ANIMAL NAMES | 1200 | Emerging from eggs the size of footballs, newly hatched young of this largest living fish are 2 feet long

the whale shark

U.S. MARSHALS | 800 | Since 1971, the Marshals have given more than 18,000 people a new start via WITSEC, this program

the witness protection program

PHYSICS 101 | 800 | In 1906 Walther Nernst announced his heat theorem, now known as the third law of this


SCIENCE ROUNDUP | 2000 | This instrument's name is from Greek words meaning ""heat measure""


A SPACE ODDITY | 800 | Astronaut Chris Hadfield revealed they don't do laundry in space, they eject old clothes & this happens to them

they burn on re-entry

DISCOVERIES IN THE SCIENCES | 1000 | An involuntary movement inside the science of data collection & analysis

tic (in statistics)

EARTH SCIENCE | 2000 | In myth Aristotle drowned himself, unable to fathom reversing currents that are actually this type caused by lunar gravity

tidals (tides accepted)

WATER SCIENCE | 2000 | These natural pools whose water levels rise & fall exist in lava depressions in Hawaii

tide pools

HEALTH & MEDICINE | 1200 | (Sarah shows an anatomical illustration on the monitor.) In people younger than 50, a gray or white ring around the iris of the eye caused by deposits of lipids can be a sign of high cholesterol & these, named for their three molecules of fatty acids


SCIENCE | 800 | (Sarah presents three isotopes of hydrogen on the monitor.) Hydrogen has three isotopes: protium with its nucleus made up of one proton, deuterium with one proton and one neutron, and a third radioactive isotope with an additional neutron giving it a mass number of 3; hence, this name


TYPES OF FISHING | 1200 | Grouper are often caught using this method of slowly pulling a lure on a line behind a boat


ANATOMICAL ETYMOLOGY | 2000 | Though it doesn't look like one, the name of this piece of flesh that hangs from the soft palate means ""little grape""


SCIENCE CLASS | 1200 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew drops an egg and it goes ""splat"".) To calculate the speed of a falling egg from a resting position, use V = G x T, where T is time, G is the acceleration of gravity, measured at 32 feet per second squared, & V stands for this


ANATOMICAL ETYMOLOGY | 200 | From a Latin word meaning ""to turn"", they're the bones that make up the spine


PHYSIOLOGY | 800 | The lumbar spine is composed of 5 of these, L1 to L5


SCIENCE | 200 | Oxygen combines with lots of other elements; with this one it makes ZnO, used as an ointment


ASTROPHYSICS WITH NEIL deGRASSE TYSON | 1200 | (Dr. Tyson delivers the clue.) I got my undergrad & graduate degrees at other Ivy League schools, but I did have the inspirational privilege of meeting this man who taught astronomy at Cornell for almost 3 decades

Carl Sagan

MYTHOLOGY | 1600 | In Greek, here's the name of this gal, the personification of the dawn


THE MOON | 800 | Jupiter:This ""continental"" one aka Jupiter II


SPACE SHUTTLE FLYOVERS | 1000 | The flyover here is over this city & its 40-something-year-old dome


ROBOTS | 1200 | To create the android Maria in this 1927 Fritz Lang film, a plaster cast was made of actress Brigitte Helm's body


LITERATURE IS FOR THE BIRDS | 1200 | In this novel, a Tulane law student discovers facts that people will kill for, & if she doesn't get help, she might be next

The Pelican Brief

WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU? | 400 | Spider &rhesus

a monkey

BIRDS WITHIN WORDS | 800 | I saw this bird in my backyard in Andover

dove (in Andover)

MEDICAL AKAs | 400 | Rubeola is the measles; this similar word refers to German measles


DIRTY BIRDS | 1000 | Yeah, baby! This ""C"" bird that produces guano, valued as fertilizer, is also called a shag

the cormorant

ANIMALS IN MYTHOLOGY | 1600 | This creature killed by Hercules during his second labor was the offspring of the 100-headed Typhon

the hydra

BODY PART VERBS | 1000 | To identify a criminal to the authorities

to finger

ZOOLOGY | 800 | Anteaters belong to a suborder called vermilingua, which means ""worm"" this in Latin


ELEMENTS OF THE FAIRY TALE | 600 | A deliverer of cake & wine has serious lupine perception problems

""Little Red Riding Hood""

GENERAL SCIENCE | 800 | In 1851 this scientist used a pendulum in the pantheon in Paris to show that the Earth rotates on its axis

(Jean) Foucault

SCIENCE | 200 | A measure of distance, not brightness, one is equal to about 6 trillion miles

a light year

WHO ORDERED THE MAMMAL? | 800 | The rodents include many kinds of rat & this marsh-dweller with ""rat"" in its name

a muskrat

ENTERTAINING ANIMALS | 1000 | On film a Maine harbormaster & his family have their hands full with ""Andre"", one of these aquatic mammals

a seal

VETERINARY MEDICINE | 800 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Veterinary Hospital at UC Davis, CA.) The hospital has its own blood bank & a program for local dogs to give blood; dogs with type DEA 1.1 negative are considered this, their blood type suitable for any recipient

a universal donor

ENDANGERED ANIMALS AT THE SMITHSONIAN'S NATIONAL ZOO | 400 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from Smithsonian's National Zoo in Washington, D.C..) They're symbols of peace & friendship, & sadly, in their native China, only about 1,800 giant pandas remain in the wild, primarily due to destruction of the forests that provide this tall, woody grass that these guys can each eat over 50 pounds of daily


HEALTH & MEDICINE | 1000 | Shoulder or knee pain may be this -itis, inflammation of the sac that reduces bone friction


SCIENCE & GEOMETRY | 800 | The first electric light was an arc lamp with two rods of this element


RECENT SCIENCE | 400 | Using a process powered by the sun, chemists at GWU are capturing this greenhouse gas & turning it into nanofibers

carbon dioxide

ON THE PERIODIC TABLE | 800 | 1 of 2 elements named for scientists & identified in debris from the first hydrogen bomb explosion

einsteinium (or fermium)

PSYCHOLOGY | 1200 | A 1980s experiment using this, EEG for short, seemed to show the brain starting an action before a conscious decision is made


SCIENCE 101 | 800 | (Sarah demonstrates with a glow stick.) Three components make up light sticks--hydrogen peroxide, phenyl oxalate ester & a florescent dye; the two chemicals excite these negatively-charged particles in the dye, causing the mixture to glow


ECOLOGY | 200 | From the Latin for ""it dwells"", it's the natural home or environment of an organism


MEDICINE | 1600 | Myelin, a substance that protects & coats nerve fibers, becomes swollen & inflamed in this 2-word autoimmune disease

multiple schlorosis

PHYSICS | 2000 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew is in the lab.) You can see the arrows are pointing in the same way, right? Well, watch what happens when water is added, & this direction-changing physics property takes place


ROBOTICS | 1000 | This 5-letter prefix comes before ""mechanism"" to refer to the feedback device that lets robots self-correct


18th CENTURY TECHNOLOGY | 2000 | John Bird made the first of these navigating instruments with an arc of 60 degrees, or 1/6 of a circle


PLANET EARTH | 1000 | These 5 letters follow ""rock"" or ""mud"" in a type of event that killed thousands in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake


THE BODY ELECTRIC | 800 | This type of electricity can have 25,000 volts but low charge, so walking on carpet & touching metal won't kill you


FUN WITH SCIENCE | 1200 | It's annoying when you walk across carpet & touch metal but helpful when Xerox machines use it to make copies

static electricity

UNMANNED SPACE EXPLORATION | 800 | This Pasadena, California lab has been helping design U.S. spacecraft since Explorer 1 in 1958

the Jet Propulsion Lab

WE LOVE PLANET EARTH | 1000 | This puny type of tide has the smallest difference between high & low

the neap tide

SCIENCE GRAB BAG | 2000 | This male reproductive organ of a flowering plant produces pollen in the anther

the stamen

BODY WORKS | 600 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a myelin sheath on the monitor.) Myelin sheaths insulate nerve fibers and promote speedy impulse transmission, but in multiple sclerosis, it appears that these, also known as leukocytes, attack the sheath, causing nerve impulses to short out

white blood cells

ELEMENTS OF THE FAIRY TALE | 1000 | 2 starving kids discover some primo real estate apparently owned by an old lady cannibal

""Hansel and Gretel""

ELEMENTS OF THE FAIRY TALE | 400 | A tower with tough access demands a hairy solution


ELEMENTS OF THE FAIRY TALE | 800 | A dude gets all Eminem up in here with a miller's daughter with his ""Hi, my name is (what?), my name is (who?)"" act


ELEMENTS OF THE FAIRY TALE | 200 | Weavers don't weave; a kid tells it like it is; out goes a G rating for not-so-brief royal nudity

""The Emperor\'s New Clothes""

BODY PART TITLES | 1000 | ""There was only a flat patch on his face"" is the alarming discovery of a major in the Gogol story named for this

""The Nose""

BODY PART TITLES | 600 | Poe played an organ of a different sort--under the floorboards-- in this tense short story

""The Tell-Tale Heart""

SONG BIRDS | 200 | Prince sang, ""This is what it sounds like when"" this happens

""When Doves Cry""

MYTHOLOGY | 800 | One of the 12 labors of Hercules was working in animal control, stealing this 3-headed dog


SCIENCE MUSEUMS | 2000 | This city's Museum of Science & Industry is housed in the only remaining building from the 1893 Columbian Expo


ARCHAEOLOGY | 800 | A coin of emperor Yongle found in Kenya shows this Asian nation was trying to become an economic power 600 years ago


METEOROLOGY | 1600 | A North American people lend their name to this hot, dry wind of the Rocky Mountains


FOLKS OF SCIENCE | 1600 | This American woman's 1974 dissertation was titled ""The Behaviour of the Mountain Gorilla""

(Dian) Fossey

GREAT MEN & WOMEN OF MEDICINE | 2000 | (Dr. Oz presents the clue.) This South African performed the first kidney transplant in his homeland in 1959 & in 1967 performed the first ever human heart transplant, catapulting him to worldwide fame

(Dr. Christiaan) Barnard

GRAND MARSHALS OF THE ROSE PARADE | 1000 | In 1955, shortly after becoming chief justice of the U.S., he served as grand marshal

(Earl) Warren

ANIMALS ON THE MAP | 400 | This country's neighbors to the east include Iran, Georgia, Armenia & Azerbaijan


ASTRONOMY | 800 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a diagram on the monitor.) The Moon's phase occurring between the first quarter & the full moon is described as gibbous & this, meaning growing, as the illuminated area is increasing

a waxing gibbous

THE BODY ELECTRIC | 1600 | Irregular delta waves in brain-damaged patients can be studied on this device created by Hans Berger in 1929

an EEG (electroencephalogram)

MEDICINE | 800 | In this 3-initial stress test, you walk on a treadmill while hooked up to a heart machine

an EKG

BIOLOGY | 1600 | An epitope is the site on an antigen like a bacterium where this protective type of protein binds & attacks

an antibody

STARTS WITH A 3-LETTER BODY PART | 400 | A large wardrobe or movable cupboard

an armoire

HEALTH & MEDICINE | 200 | If you're having a heart attack, a 325-mg tab of this is smart, says the Mayo Clinic--less damage due to blood clotting

an aspirin

ASTRONOMY | 1200 | In 2010 Japan's Hayabusa spacecraft brought back dust samples from Itokawa, one of these objects

an asteroid

ASTRONOMY | 400 | On May 31, 2013 a 1.9-mile-wide one of these skimmed by the Earth at a distance of 3.6 million miles

an asteroid

LITERARY ANIMALS | 400 | When Tarzan called Tantor, one of these animals would come trumpeting & tearing a big path

an elephant


an elephant

2 ANIMALS IN ONE | 1200 | This largest pinniped is named for its size & for the trunklike, inflatable snout of the male

an elephant seal

WATER-LOVING MAMMALS | 2000 | The prominent snout of this largest seal doesn't begin developing until sexual maturity, around 3-5 years

an elephant seal

YOU'RE A 3-LETTER ANIMAL | 1600 | This flightless Australian bird can be more than 5 feet tall

an emu

THE HUMAN BODY | 800 | Orbicularis oculi palpebral muscles close this piece of tissue, palpebra in medical speak

an eyelid

SCIENCE 101 | 400 | In North America the Wisconsin glaciation was part of one of these that ended about 12,000 years ago

an ice age

MAMMALS | 1200 | Oh, dear--this South American animal has been known to eat monkeys

an ocelot

ANIMALS PLAYING DEAD | 400 | We couldn't do the category without showing the death face of this critter, the big faker

an opossum

GEOLOGY | 400 | For the metal nickel, the mineral pentlandite is a major one of these sources

an ore

UNUSUAL ANIMALS | 400 | The egg-laying mammal called the echidna is sometimes referred to as the spiny this


MEDICAL ETYMOLOGY | 1200 | From the Greek for ""coal"", it's transmitted by farm animals, contaminated wool & biological weapons


ANIMAL CARE | 400 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew gives the clue from the Madikwe Game Reserve in South Africa.) Rhino horns are sometimes humanely removed by activists to deter poachers who wish to create these potions named for a Greek love goddess


SCIENCE & SCIENTISTS | 800 | This zoological class includes spiders & scorpions


SCIENCE | 800 | This alphabetically first of the 6 noble gases is used in light bulbs & vacuum tubes


FILL IN THE BODY PART | 400 | A total babe:____ candy

arm (or eye)

BIRDS WITHIN WORDS | 600 | You'll find this old bird scooting along a marsh

a coot

SCIENCE & NATURE | 1000 | The fluff on this tree, a type of poplar, contains seeds that are dispersed by the wind for only two weeks a year

a cottonwood

CHEMISTRY | 400 | This type of bond is formed by 2 atoms each contributing 1 electron to a shared electron pair

a covalent bond

PHYSICS 101 | 400 | Wavelength is typically measured from one of these 5-letter high points on the wave to the next

a crest

CHEMISTRY | 1600 | This type of solid has 7 repeating, symmetrical systems called lattices that include cubic & triclinic

a crystal

PHYSICS | 1600 | In the 1930s physicist Ernest Lawrence developed this first circular particle accelerator

a cyclotron


a deer

FUN WITH SCIENCE | 1200 | If challenged to ""guess my phylum"", you're best off with this one of lobsters & ticks; 85% of animal species are in it


ANIMAL GROUPS | 800 | A group of these reptiles is a lounge, & you might also find the ""lounge"" type in a nightclub

a lizard

COMPUTER TERMINOLOGY | 400 | A circuit that allows data to travel between a peripheral & a computer is a ""local"" this vehicle

a local bus

TECHNOLOGY | 200 | In weaving it's the machine used for interlacing the horizontal & vertical elements

a loom

ANIMAL GROUPS | 1000 | Salamanders don't know that this word means a violent whirlpool, but they do know enough to gather in one

a maelstrom

THERE'S AN ANIMAL IN MY DICTIONARY | 1000 | The bird seen here, or a chatterbox

a magpie

ALL ABOUT ANIMALS | 2000 | The 3 green species of this poisonous African snake in the cobra family are small & timid, but the black one is big & mean

a mamba

A FISH IS STILL A FISH | 800 | Fishermen have reeled in over half-ton specimens of the blue type of this

a marlin

ANIMALS IN DANGER | 2000 | Along with the forests it inhabits, the golden lion species of this small monkey is in danger of disappearing

a marmoset

HUMMINGBIRDS | 1000 | Part of a male's courtship is this maneuver in which he reaches 50 mph & experiences 9G forces when pulling out of it

a mating dive

ALL ABOUT ANIMALS | 1200 | Also called a suricate, this member of the mongoose family stands upright when watching for predators

a meerkat

WHAT KIND OF ANIMATED ANIMAL ARE YOU? | 800 | Timon in ""The Lion King""

a meerkat

CHEMISTRY | 1200 | In osmosis, a liquid passes through a barrier usually called a semipermeable one of these

a membrane

WE'RE ON MARS! | 1600 | In 2005 Opportunity found heat-shield rock, an iron-rich one of these space rocks, the first ever seen on another planet

a meteorite

PHYSICAL SCIENCE | 400 | Narcissus Marsh's 1684 paper on acoustics introduced this word for an object our contestants wear

a microphone

WATER-LOVING MAMMALS | 400 | This semiaquatic little guy of the genus Neovison was once almost synonymous with women's fur coats

a mink

GEOLOGY | 1200 | Chrysotile, the fibrous form of serpentine, provides around 95% of this heat-resistant material in commercial use


MIND & BODY | 1200 | ""Every good boy does fine"" for the lines of the treble clef is an example of this device to enhance access to memories

a mnemonic

GROUP NAMES OF ANIMALS | 600 | 3-letter organized crime term for a bunch of kangaroos

a mob

THAT ANIMAL IS SOMETHING ELSE | 400 | A small spot on the skin, or a spy

a mole

MAMMALS | 400 | Here's the banded type of this pest controller

a mongoose

ANIMALS IN KIDS' BOOKS | 1000 | Zephir, Babar's friend

a monkey

ASTRONOMY | 1200 | Asteroid 1998 QE2, which buzzed by the Earth in 2013, surprised scientists who discovered it had one of these in tow

a moon

SCARY-SOUNDING ANIMALS | 1600 | You may recognize the death's-head hawk this from its star turn in the ""Silence of the Lambs""

a moth

OFFICIAL STATE ANIMALS | 400 | In 1995 Missouri designated this stubborn equine its state animal

a mule

WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU? | 1200 | It's the type of shoe seen here

a mule

THE ECONOMY OF MOTION PICTURE ARTS & SCIENCES | 200 | Increasing sales, one building containing several movie theaters is known by this term

a multiplex

MARINE BIOLOGY | 600 | The name of this tusked whale comes from the Old Norse for ""corpse whale"", referring to its whitish color

a narwhal

WATER-LOVING MAMMALS | 800 | It's now believed that the nerve endings in the tusk of this ""unicorn of the sea"" are used to find food & mating females

a narwhal

A SPACE ODDITY | 1000 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew presents the clue.) A pillar was formed by radiation and charged particles from stars within the Carina one of these

a nebula

GONE FISHING | 400 | Trawl ones are pulled behind a boat; drift ones are carried along by the tide or current

a net

MEDICAL TALK | 800 | Epistaxis is this condition, & I think I'm getting one from sitting in the highest seats in the arena

a nosebleed

THE ANIMAL IN THE LOGO | 400 | The WWF(the World Wildlife Fund)

a panda

WHAT KIND OF MOVIE ANIMAL ARE YOU? | 2000 | Polynesia in 1967's ""Doctor Dolittle""

a parrot

NUCLEAR PHYSICS | 600 | The Van de Graaff generator is a type of this, just like the Large Hadron Collider

a particle accelerator

ALL ABOUT ANIMALS | 2000 | During their trip around S. America, Magellan's crew saw new creatures including this bird they called a black goose

a penguin

BLUE BIRDS | 400 | The smallest species of this bird, the fairy or little blue, nests in burrows, not in the ice & snow

a penguin

EARTH SCIENCE | 1600 | This name for a type of glacier tells you it forms at the foot of a mountain

a piedmont

ANIMAL YOUNG | 400 | A shoat is a young one of these & as such might cry ""wee wee wee"" all the way home

a pig

ANIMALS IN KIDS' BOOKS | 800 | Olivia, who ""Saves the Circus"" & ""Forms a Band""

a pig

BIOLOGY | 1200 | In the eye the size of this round opening is controlled by dilator & sphincter muscles

a pupil

ANIMAL GROUPS | 400 | A group of cobras, or a holder for a group of arrows

a quiver

ANIMAL NAMES | 400 | Sylvilagus palustris hefneri is, of course, a type of this animal

a rabbit

WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU? | 1600 | Grete Waitz served as one of these pacesetters in her first New York City Marathon: she won the race & set a world record

a rabbit

METEOROLOGY | 1200 | The Doppler type of this enables meteorologists to determine how fast a storm is moving & in what direction

a radar

IS THERE A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE? | 600 | Good news! This doctor who specializes in making & interpreting X-rays says nothing's broken

a radiologist

ANIMALS IN POETRY | 2000 | Coleridge, not Poe, wrote a poem with the question ""Where then did"" this bird ""go?""

a raven

BIRDS WITHIN WORDS | 800 | This ill bird had to be treated intravenously

a raven

GROUP NAMES OF ANIMALS | 800 | Nevermore will you be unaware that a group of these birds is known as an unkindness

a raven

SPACE STUFF | 1200 | Arcturus, one of the brightest stars in the night sky, is classified as one of these, larger & brighter than the sun

a red giant

HEALTH & MEDICINE | 600 | From the Latin for ""slide back"", it's the return of a disease after an apparent recovery

a relapse

BIRDS OF A FEATHER | 400 | American,European (aka redbreast)

a robin

ALL ABOUT ANIMALS | 1600 | The name of this Eurasian bird of the crow family also means to cheat or swindle

a rook

WHAT KIND OF ANIMATED ANIMAL ARE YOU? | 1000 | Diego, voiced by Denis Leary

a saber-toothed tiger

MARSH MADNESS | 2000 | New England's 20,000-acre Great Marsh is this type of marsh whose name reflects its irrigation by seawater

a salt marsh

ECOLOGY | 800 | Lions, elephants & giraffes are found naturally in this type of biome with grassy plains, few trees & sometimes a final ""H""

a savannah

A FISH IS STILL A FISH | 600 | You might say giddyap! to this long-snouted fish (yes, it is a fish) that sucks food into its cylindrical mouth

a seahorse

ANIMAL IDENTITY | 2000 | Lobodon carcinophagus, the ""crabeater"" type of this aquatic mammal, actually eats mainly krill

a seal

SOUNDS MEDICAL | 1000 | I pretty much know it all now so I'll just put up a sign--I'll hang out one of these & go pro

a shingle

BIOLOGY | 2000 | Though jellyfish are spineless, they form a hydrostatic one of these structures when they take in water

a skeleton

ANIMAL CLOSE-UPS | 1000 | Seen here is the distinctive ""V"" shape running down the back of this mammal

a skunk

ANIMAL SIMILES | 600 | Plastered, blotto, ""drunk as"" this mammal, Mephitis mephitis

a skunk

ANIMALS IN POETRY | 1600 | Emily Dickinson's poem about this kind of animal begins , ""A narrow fellow in the grass"" & ends, ""zero at the bone""

a snake

ANTISOCIAL SCIENCE | 400 | One theory is that a psychopath has no sense of morals whereas this dangerous ""-path"" does--it just isn't the same as ours

a sociopath

CHEMISTRY | 1200 | When a substance forms clumps in water you've got a colloid; if it disperses uniformly it's this, like a 7% one

a solution

COMPUTING | 800 | In 1961 Les Earnest created the first program of this type, now a word processing tool, & yes, computer, his name is Les with 1 S

a spell check

ASTRONOMY | 800 | The Sombrero Galaxy is classified by astronomers as this type of galaxy having a pinwheel shape

a spiral galaxy

ANIMALS IN MYTHOLOGY | 1200 | In Norse mythology, ratatoskr is this type of rodent that scurries up & down Yggdrasil, the World Tree

a squirrel

WHAT KIND OF ANIMATED ANIMAL ARE YOU? | 200 | Rocky of Rocky & Bullwinkle fame

a squirrel

GENERAL SCIENCE | 1000 | Fog doesn't come on little cat feet, but it can come on one of these 7-letter low-level clouds

a stratus cloud

STATE FISH | 800 | Known as the ""striper"", it's South Carolina's state fish

a striped bass

THE ANIMAL IN THE LOGO | 1000 | Swarovski,maker of crystals

a swan

ANIMAL PARTS | 1200 | Biologists say snakes do have a distinct one of these, going back from an outlet called the cloaca

a tail

ANIMALS OF THE AMAZON | 2000 | This pig-like mammal has a prehensile snout that it uses to pluck fruit or leaves from branches

a tapir

SCIENCE TIMELINE | 600 | 1608:Hans Lippershey applies for a patent for this, which he calls a ""looker""; Galileo is all eyes

a telescope

BIRDS WITHIN WORDS | 1000 | This afternoon, I saw this sea bird

a tern

SOCIOLOGY | 400 | Of a third, half or two-thirds, the approximate fraction of American adults with at least a bachelor's degree

a third

OFFICIAL STATE ANIMALS | 800 | Kentucky & Maryland, which both host legs of the Triple Crown, both have this as the state horse

a thoroughbred

ANIMALS IN KIDS' BOOKS | 600 | Shere Khan, Mowgli's nemesis

a tiger

2 ANIMALS IN ONE | 2000 | This predator of the deep includes the name of an Asian predator

a tiger shark

MISNAMED ANIMALS | 2000 | Not a rodent as it might seem, the tufted this is a bird that feeds mainly on insects

a titmouse

BODY PART-POURRI | 200 | My shoe and mouth each have one

a tongue

ANIMALS OF THE AMAZON | 800 | This colorful bird's large bill, which may reach 8 inches in length, helps regulate its body temperature

a toucan

1960s COMPUTING | 800 | E.A. Johnson came up with this tactile idea in a 1965 article subtitled ""A Novel Input/Output Device""

a touchscreen

MEDICAL PROCEDURES | 400 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents the clue from the American Red Cross in Washington, D.C..) The amount of blood taken from you is one unit, or about a pint, less than half the amount used in one of these medical procedures where someone else gets your blood

a transfusion

18th CENTURY TECHNOLOGY | 1600 | Musicians can thank John Shore, who invented this in 1711; it vibrated at 423.5 cycles a second

a tuning fork

MEDICINE | 800 | The Weber hearing test is conducted by striking this instrument & placing it on the head

a tunng fork

TECHNOLOGY | 400 | A stopcock is an external this 5-letter item used to control a liquid flow through a pipe

a valve

ZOOLOGY | 400 | An African type of this carrion eater, the Ruppell's griffon has been known to fly as high as 7 miles

a vulture

MARSUPIAL MATTERS | 800 | The rock type of this kangaroo relative has grooved skin, helping it grip rock surfaces

a wallaby

CHEMISTRY | 1600 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents the clue.) On TV, these two symbols play a part on ""Breaking Bad"", but in chemistry, they represent these two elements--one a toxic liquid, the other a metal

bromine & barium

PLANTS WITH ANIMAL NAMES | 1600 | Equisetum is the genus of the flowerless perennial called giant this for its brushy look

brushy horsetail

SOUNDS MEDICAL | 600 | What a nurse may do if you need a test, or a first strike proving that a battle has been joined

draw blood

ANIMALS IN FRENCH | 600 | Le canard is this; someone pass the orange sauce


TITLE ANIMALS | 1000 | As Rufus T. Firefly in 1933, Groucho doled out this avian potage

duck soup

WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU? | 1000 | Eider &Muscovy


MOON WALKING | 200 | In 1972 Eugene Cernan needed to tape the fender back onto his lunar rover; of course, he used this type of tape

duct tape

ASTROPHYSICS WITH NEIL deGRASSE TYSON | 800 | (Dr. Tyson delivers the clue.) We started getting hate mail at the Hayden Planetarium in 2001, 5 years before the official reclassification of Pluto to this 2-word status

dwarf planet

CHEMISTRY | 800 | In 1856 William Perkin created the first synthetic one of these ink-like colorants; it was mauve


MEDICAL HISTORY | 1600 | In 1896 physician Pringle Morgan described this condition as ""word blindness""


A FISH IS STILL A FISH | 400 | Slow & nearly defenseless in its normal state, it's intimidating & hard to swallow after doing its thing

blowfish (or pufferfish)

ELEMENTAL ETYMOLOGY | 200 | 2 substances, borax & carbon, give us the name of this element used in nuclear control rods


THE ELEMENTS | 2000 | Alphabetically, it's the first chemical element to have a single-letter symbol


WOMEN IN SCIENCE | 1600 | In June 1960 she began studying Vervet monkeys on an island in Lake Victoria, as a trial run for her later chimp studies

Jane Goodall

ANTHROPOLOGY | 1200 | Ruth Benedict's ""The Chrysanthemum and the Sword"" is a classic 1946 study of this country's culture


THE SPACE RACE | 400 | On Sept. 12, 1962 he proclaimed, ""We shall send to the moon, 240,000 miles away...a giant rocket more than 300 feet tall

John F. Kennedy

PLANETARY BOOKSTORE | 1200 | Other books by this author include ""Mars & Venus in the Bedroom"" & ""The Mars & Venus Diet & Exercise Solution""

John Gray

SOMEBODY CALLED FOR A DOCTRINE | 600 | ""Doctrine and Covenants"", one of the 4 scriptures of Mormonism, contains more revelations from this man

Joseph Smith

GENERAL SCIENCE | 200 | In 2014 scientists found the first evidence of tectonic plates outside the Earth on a moon of this largest planet


IT'S A PLANET | 400 | Its most prominent feature, the Great Red Spot, is more than twice as wide as the Earth


WHICH PLANET? | 600 | The Great Red Spot is there


SCIENCE FICTION | 1200 | In 2010's ""Blackout"", people with this academic job are sent back from 2060 to do fieldwork in World War II

history professors

NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED | 600 | Feathers & latitudes


ROBOTICS | 200 | Isaac Asimov's first law of robotics says that a robot may not allow one of these to come to harm


BIRDS OF A FEATHER | 400 | Calliope,Anna's,ruby-throated


ALASKAN AQUATIC LIFE | 200 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows us a stream in Alaska.) As pink salmon near their spawning grounds, males develop hooked jaws and dorsal lumps that make them look more imposing to other males, which accounts for this whale-like nickname


PLANET EARTH | 600 | This dark, organic substance found in soil & formed from decaying matter is good for plants; some might try to eat it with pita


SCIENCE-Y STUFF | 800 | The stomach's gastric acid consists primarily of this other acid along with a few enzymes like pepsin


ALL ABOUT ANIMALS | 600 | A cackle is a group of these African mammals, one of which is heard here


PREFIXATED ON SCIENCE | 1600 | Hydro- refers to water & this prefix refers to water vapor


HEALTH & MEDICINE | 1600 | This, high blood pressure, contributes to the hardening of the arteries & damages the heart


1960s COMPUTING | 1600 | On Dec. 9, 1968 in San Francisco, ""the mother of all demos"" introduced the mouse, GUI & this linking, the H in HTTP


PSYCHOLOGY | 1200 | Sometimes used in police work, hypermnesia is the technique of increasing a person's memory using this


MEDICINE | 1600 | The name of this anti-inflammatory comes from the longer version, isobutylphenyl propionic acid


COLD SCIENCE | 1200 | The ""Medieval Warm Period"" that began in the 10th century ended with the ""Little"" this 400 years later

ice age

CHEMICAL ELEMENTS IN POETRY | 600 | Whitman:""You convicts in prison cells---you sentenced assassins chain'd and handcuff'd with ____""


STARTS WITH A FARM ANIMAL | 2000 | To reprimand or beat baaadly


EARTH SCIENCE | 400 | The higher the silica content of this 2,200-degree liquid, the higher its viscosity; some types, you just can't outrun


SCIENCE TERMS IN FRENCH | 600 | This element is ""le plomb""; get it out!


THERE'S CHEMISTRY BETWEEN US | 400 | The EPA says it's a problem if water has more of this element than 15 parts per billion; in 2015 Flint, Mich. tested at 27


WRITERS ON THE PERIODIC TABLE | 1200 | ___ ___ Shelley

lead (Pb)

ANIMAL TALK | 600 | To move ahead of someone or something; it refers to a certain amphibian's ability to jump


CHEMISTRY | 200 | Photodegradation is chemical change affecting the usefulness of a material due to absorption of this


GENERAL SCIENCE | 200 | By definition, bioluminescence is the production of this by living organisms


SCIENCE | 2000 | It was soon after the Big Bang that lighter elements formed, like hydrogen, helium & this next one on the periodic table


SCIENCE | 1200 | The Higgs boson is what endows all elementary subatomic particles with this fundamental property of matter


SOCIOLOGY | 400 | Sociological term for a system with the mother as head of the family


STATE BIRDS | 2000 | Both Montana & Nebraska have the western type of this bird


SCIENCE | 800 | This potent greenhouse gas has the formula CH4


TECHNOLOGY | 1000 | CSIRO has developed technology that helps drain this gas, CH4, released by the mining of coal


WEIRD SCIENCE | 1000 | Microbes feeding on an ancient Antarctic forest may be generating billions of tons of this greenhouse gas, CH4


WITH SCIENCE | 1600 | (Neil deGrasse Tyson presents the clue.) We astrophysicists talk of the CMB, or ""cosmic"" this ""background"", referencing the nearly 14-billion-year-old-phtons that have cooled to their current wavelength


SCIENCE STUFF | 800 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows off some animal footage on the monitor.) The Greek for ""imitator"" gave us this term for the camouflage ability the octopus is exhibiting here


& THE FISH WAS THIS BIG! | 800 | A general term for a small fish; most American ones are less than 6 inches, but one in the Colorado River can run 6 feet


BIOLOGY | 2000 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a cell diagram on the monitor.) Inside an animal cell, besides the nucleus, there are different organelles, including these powerhouses of the cell that convert food to usable energy


BIOLOGY | 1600 | 2 genetically identical daughter cells are produced in this process of cell duplication


SCIENCE 101 | 1200 | Prophase, metaphase, anaphase & telophase are stages of these 2 forms of cell division

mitosis & meiosis

BAR SCIENCE | 1000 | (Jon Taffer delivers the clue.) You need a sophisticated, urban crowd to succeed with a bar based on this -ology, the art of crafting cocktails


PHYSICAL SCIENCE | 400 | Also a kind of tooth, the sum of the atomic masses in a molecule is called this mass

molar mass

NOT ON THE PERIODIC TABLE | 400 | Things are going our way; we've got this, also called Big Mo


NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED | 200 | Wrench & shines


CHEMISTRY | 1600 | A synonym for simple sugars, like glucose, this word is quite polysyllabic


SCIENCE | 1600 | New studies say the rise of the Himalayas & cooler climates helped to form these winds over 12 million years ago


EARTH SCIENCE | 2000 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows an astronomical animation on the monitor.) When the sun & moon align, their gravitational forces work together to produce big springs tides at right angles; the forces partly cancel each other, producing these smaller amplitude tides

neap tides

BODY LANGUAGE | 400 | ""An albatross around one's ____""


HUMMINGBIRDS | 200 | You can feed hummingbirds with a homemade version of this syrup; start with 1 part sugar to 4 parts water


BEHAVIOR & PSYCHOLOGY | 1000 | Dr. Abraham Maslow worked to understand human behavior by relating it to his ""hierarchy of"" these


ELEMENTS OF SONG | 1200 | Simon & Garfunkel:""When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a ____ light""


PERIODIC TABLE FOR 5 | 400 | This noble gas lights up the periodic table in between helium & argon


ORGANS OF THE BODY | 1600 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows an anatomical diagram on the monitor.) In your kidneys, helping to filter the entire body's content of blood every 45 minutes, are millions of these small tubular units


SCIENCE ROUNDUP | 1600 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew delivers the clue.) To communicate reactions to things like heat or pain, messages from your brain can travel at 200 miles per hour along these bundles of axon and dendrite fibers




CHEMISTRY | 400 | Melvin Calvin won a 1961 Nobel Prize for mapping the chemical reactions in this plant process


SCIENCE STUFF | 400 | Scientists have generated electrical currents by intentionally disrupting this process in plants


BIOLOGY | 1200 | In taxonomy, animals are classified by domain, then kingdom, then this subdivision


PHYSICS | 2000 | A subatomic particle consisting of a quark & an antiquark, the J particle is also called by this Greek-letter name


BODY CHECK | 2000 | A treatment for atrial fibrillation is PVI, short for this vein isolation


SCIENCE IN SPORTS | 1200 | Golf's hottest controversy is over a type of this club with a longer shaft to stabilize your swing & nerves


A REAL BUSY BODY | 600 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew demonstrates a stretch.) Support yourself on a wall, tighten your stomach muscles & gently lift your heel up & back to stretch these large muscles that cover the front & sides of the thigh


GENERAL SCIENCE | 1200 | 6 noble gases were discovered between 1894 & 1900 with argon being the first & this one, Rn, the last


ON THE PERIODIC TABLE | 400 | The heaviest noble gas in nature, it can be very dangerous if allowed to go unchecked in basements


STATE BIRDS | 400 | This orange & black state bird of Maryland is also called a Firebird or golden robin

the Baltimore oriole

THE 4 ELEMENTS | 1600 | EPA programs under this act include Ozone Layer Protection, the Acid Rain Program & Climate Change

the Clean Air Act

HYDROLOGY | 1000 | In the Americas this hydrological line stretches from Cape Prince of Wales in Alaska down to Southern Patagonia

the Continental Divide

ARCHAEOLOGY | 400 | This collection of nearly 1,000 religious texts was discovered beginning in 1947 at Qumran

the Dead Sea Scrolls

MANNED SPACE FLIGHT | 1200 | This Lunar Excursion Module used by Armstrong & Aldrin was left in orbit & has crash-landed

the Eagle

BIOLOGY | 2000 | Only about 1 1/3 inches long & less than 1/10th of an inch in diameter, it ventilates the middle ear to keep pressure normal

the Eustachian tube

NEW IN SCIENCE | 2000 | Scientists are helping Darwin's finches on these islands fight off parasitic flies with the help of a mild pesticide

the Galápagos

FUN WITH SCIENCE | 800 | A museum exhibit was called ""Diving into"" this, the collective DNA of a species

the Gene Pool

ANIMALS ON THE MAP | 1200 | This river rises in New Mexico & flows into the Colorado River near Yuma, Arizona

the Gila River

ART & MYTHOLOGY | 1600 | A painting by Raphael shows this trio of Greek sisters each holding an apple

the Graces

COMPUTER TERMINOLOGY | 800 | A pun on one of China's claims to fame, this is the nickname for China's Internet barriers

the Great Firewall

HUMMINGBIRDS | 600 | When migrating, the ruby-throated hummingbird flies more than 500 miles nonstop over this body of water to reach the Yucatan

the Gulf of Mexico

GEOLOGY | 200 | This mountain system was formed by the Eurasian & Indian tectonic plates ramming into each other

the Himalayas

SPACE SHUTTLE ENDEAVOUR | 200 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew reports from the California Science Center in Los Angeles.) In 1993, Endeavour made the first service mission to this malfunctioning project launched three years earlier & gave it what NASA called ""a new pair of glasses""

the Hubble Space Telescope

PRO TEAMS ARE FOR THE BIRDS | 400 | Jose Bautista went north to become Joey Bats, author of an iconic 2016 bat flip for this team

the Toronto Blue Jays

WE LOVE PLANET EARTH | 200 | These are the regions within about 1,600 miles north & south of the equator

the Tropics

GENERAL SCIENCE | 800 | In a lead-acid battery, this liquid used to conduct current is usually 35% sulfuric acid, 65% water

the electrolyte

ORDERS OF MAMMALS | 1000 | The Proboscidea order only has one living family today, this one

the elephant

ZOOLOGY | 400 | Now extinct, the huge, flightless Aepyornis maximus was called this ""bird"", like the one born in ""Horton Hatches the Egg""

the elephant bird

FLIGHTLESS BIRDS | 800 | This largest penguin breeds in the coldest environment of any bird

the emperor

SYSTEMS OF THE BODY | 1600 | Composed of 8 glands, this system maintains internal balance by releasing hormones

the endocrine system

YOUR BODY HAS A SYSTEM | 2000 | The pituitary & thyroid glands are in this system that regulates body processes by secreting hormones

the endocrine system

BIOLOGY | 1200 | A bird's crop is an expanded area of this muscular tube that serves as a temporary storage area for food

the esophagus

PHYSIOLOGY | 2000 | Food passes from the pharynx to the stomach via this straight, muscular tube

the esophagus

TRUST THE SCIENCE | 800 | After you swallow food, it passes through this relatively straight muscular tube down to your stomach

the esophagus

SCIENCE OF THE SKIES | 400 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew presents the clue.) The treadmill is made as close as possible to the one on the InternationalSpace Station; it's tilted up 90 degreesto simulate this, a characteristic of space travel


BAR SCIENCE | 800 | (Jon Taffer delivers the clue.) A customer needs to get what he asked for, so if the request is for a call drink like ""Captain Morgan & Coke"", never switch this type of drink named for the area under the bar




CHEMISTRY | 2000 | When placed in the flame of a Bunsen burner, copper produces a blue flame; sodium, this color


ALL ABOUT ANIMALS | 200 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew reports from the Smithsonian's National Zoo in Washington, D.C.) In China, giant pandas, with their black-&-white fur, were thought to be a physical manifestation of these two principles that come together to create peace & harmony

yin & yang

ASTROLOGY | 1000 | To know your horoscope, an astrologer needs your place & time as well as date of birth so he can cast this

your astrological chart

THE BODY | 400 | The distal phalanges are the bones at the tips of these body parts

your fingers

ANIMAL CLOSE-UPS | 200 | These animals' markings are like fingerprints, allowing for easy identification

zebras\' stripes

ASTRONOMY | 1200 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows some images on the monitor.) The ancient Polynesians were remarkable navigators; they were probably guided by stars such as Sirius that appeared directly above them at this celestial point, from Arabic for ""way over the head""


SCIENCE & NATURE | 1600 | An appliance marked 1,000 watts & 250 volts requires a current of this many amps


ASTRONOMY | 2000 | The 2 brightest stars in Orion are Betelgeuse in the shoulder & this 5-letter one in his foot


PSYCHOLOGY | 1600 | This psychiatrist became enamored with inkblots in high school & later published his research in a 1921 book

(Hermann) Rorschach

ENTERTAINING ANIMALS | 400 | Buzz the Bee is the mascot of this General Mills cereal

(Honey Nut) Cheerios

BIOLOGY CLASS | 1000 | In 1937 this German-born biochemist discovered the citric acid cycle that bears his name

(Hans) Krebs

OVER MY DEAD BODY | 2000 | In Meudon, France, a bronze sculpture of a man deep in thought

(Auguste) Rodin

DOCTORED BOOKS | 1600 | Dr. Faustus is a scholar & magician in a work by this English playwright published posthumously in 1604

(Christopher) Marlowe

SCIENCE GUYS | 2000 | This Rome-born physicist designed the first nuclear reactor

(Enrico) Fermi

SOCIOLOGY | 1200 | This German social scientist co-wrote ""The Communist Manifesto"" & edited Marx' ""Das Kapital""

(Friedrich) Engels

HEALTH & MEDICINE | 1200 | Celiac disease involves an intolerance to this protein combination found in grains


SCIENCE FICTION | 400 | In 1979 this creator of ""Star Trek"" wrote a novelization of ""Star Trek: The Motion Picture""

(Gene) Roddenberry

SCIENCE SURVEY | 800 | Published in 1866, the results of his heredity experiments went unnoticed for 34 years

(Gregor) Mendel

ROBOTS | 1000 | In ""I, Robot"", a sci-fi collection by this author, a robot become self-aware & begins to feel emotions

(Isaac) Asimov

GENERAL SCIENCE | 400 | By ringing a bell, this Russian physiologist made dogs drool even if they couldn't see food

(Ivan) Pavlov

TO THE EXOPLANETS! | 1200 | The first Earth-size exoplanets were found by the NASA satellite launched in 2009 & named for this 17th c. German astronomer

(Johannes) Kepler

SCIENCE & SCIENTISTS | 2000 | In 1867 he came up with the idea of using carbolic acid to kill germs in surgical wounds

(Joseph) Lister

LITERATURE IS FOR THE BIRDS | 800 | In this author's ""Lonesome Dove"", a motley assortment of heroes, outlaws & more live & die in the title Texas town

(Larry) McMurtry

PHYSICS TEST | 2000 | We'll test you to the max & ask for this German who introduced the fundamental constant of quantum theory

(Max) Planck

SUPERSTARS OF SCIENCE | 800 | In 1957 this Danish physicist became the first recipient of the USA's Atoms for Peace Award

(Niels) Bohr

EVERYBODY'S TALKIN' 'BOUT THEM | 600 | Stonewall Jackson:He ""is the only man I would follow blindfold""

(Robert E.) Lee

DOCTOR WHO | 1000 | ...came out of Cornell med school & revolutionized dieting with his high-protein, low-carb system

(Robert) Atkins

FOLKS OF SCIENCE | 2000 | This 17th c. British scientist's law states in part that volume increases as pressure decreases

(Robert) Boyle

EVERYBODY'S TALKIN' 'BOUT THEM | 1000 | A 1953 newspaper column called this Wisc. man the only politician ""who can be labelled 'liar' without fear of libel""

(Senator Joseph) McCarthy

I AM A MAN OF SCIENCE! | 400 | One of his many titles: Director of Research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at Cambridge

(Stephen) Hawking

GIANTS OF TECHNOLOGY | 400 | ""iWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon"" is the 2006 autobiography of this Apple co-founder

(Steve) Wozniak

SCIENCE FICTION MOVIES | 2000 | 1962's ""La Jetee"", about a man sent back in time to avert apocalypse, was remade as this numeric Bruce Willis film

12 Monkeys

STARTS WITH A FARM ANIMAL | 800 | Ship accommodation for the poorest of passengers


ANCIENT SCIENCE | 1600 | This pupil of Plato observed that dolphins bear live young attached by an umbilical cord


STARTS WITH A BODY PART | 400 | Peace activists use this biblical word to describe a possible nuclear world war


ROBOTS | 2000 | The first animated character in the Robot Hall of Fame was this young lad created to replace Dr. Tenma's deceased son Toby

Astro Boy

MYTHOLOGY | 600 | This goddess of wisdom had an unusual parentage-- no mom, just sprang full grown out of Zeus' head


PRO TEAMS ARE FOR THE BIRDS | 200 | This city is bird-brained, boasting the Falcons & the Hawks (the Thrashers flew off to Winnipeg)


SPACE STUFF | 800 | You get an ""A"" if you know the U.S. ended its manned space program with the final landing of this shuttle in 2011


GEOGRAPHIC ETYMOLOGY | 400 | Just under 3 million square miles, it gets its name from a Latin phrase that translates to ""unknown southern land""


ASTRONOMY | 2000 | Named for an astronomer, these gleams are formed by sunlight shining through lunar valleys during solar eclipses

Baily\'s beads

WE'RE ON MARS! | 400 | The NASA video seen here shows this SUV-sized rover as it nears its landing in Gail Crater in August of 2012


I AM SOMEBODY | 800 | I'm ""the great"" king of Persia, Koresh in Hebrew, who ended the Jews' Babylonian exile


THAT DOCTOR IS UNREAL! | 600 | In letters to his children during WWI, Hugh Lofting created this title physician

Doctor Dolittle

LITERARY DOCTORS | 800 | This Russian physician is married to Tonya but falls in love with Lara while working in a military hospital

Doctor Zhivago

GONE FISHING | 1600 | This 121-year-old hunting & fishing mag stays current with articles like a 2016 one about fishing using drones

Field & Stream

HAPPY DECEMBER, EVERYBODY! | 1000 | In December 1936 members of the United Auto Workers began a sit-down strike against this automaker

General Motors

U.S. MARSHALS | 400 | The oldest federal law-enforcement agency, the U.S. Marshals were established when this man signed the 1789 Judiciary Act

George Washington

SPACE FIRSTS | 400 | In 1986 the Giotto spacecraft became the first to fly by the nucleus of a comet, this comet

Halley\'s Comet

SPACE STUFF | 800 | It passed by Earth in 1986 & is not expected to return until 2061--hope you kids enjoy that

Halley\'s Comet

PLACES, EVERYBODY | 1000 | Neighborhood:125th Street is the heart of this traditionally African-American part of Manhattan


GO HAMILTON FISH! | 600 | Ham signed an 1875 treaty with this kingdom exempting it from U.S. sugar duties & paving the way for its later annexation


SCIENCE GUYS | 1600 | This giant of modern physics was diagnosed with ALS as a graduate student at Cambridge


COIF MEDICINE | 1000 | Pyrithione zinc is key to this flake-fighting Procter & Gamble product introduced in 1961

Head & Shoulders

MYTHOLOGY | 1200 | Here comes the sun god, this Egyptian deity who could have gone by ""Ol' Falcon Head"" but did not

Horus (Ra)

SCIENCE | 2000 | The original ""handy man"" was this early human whose name means just that

Homo habilis

ASTROPHYSICS WITH NEIL deGRASSE TYSON | 2000 | (Dr. Tyson delivers the clue.) If you divide the velocity of galaxies receding from our Milky Way by their distance from us you get this ""constant"" named for an American astronomer that helps us to determine the 13.8-billion-year old age of the universe


PERSONAL SPACE INVADERS | 600 | LBJ got physical when persuading or motivating; this ""Happy Warrior"" once showed reporters his leg scars


GEOGRAPHIC ETYMOLOGY | 2000 | This country's name is from the Slavicized Turkish phrase ""on ogur"", which referred to the tribes who settled there


SCIENCE FICTION TITLES IN FRENCH | 400 | ""Je suis une légende""

I Am Legend

ARCHAEOLOGY | 1600 | The 2012 discovery of a girl's skull at this Virginia colony was the first evidence of cannibalism in the British colonies


SCIENCE FICTION MOVIES | 400 | This movie jumped the gun a bit in 1996, actually opening on July 3rd

Independence Day

ENDANGERED ANIMALS AT THE SMITHSONIAN'S NATIONAL ZOO | 2000 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from Smithsonian's National Zoo in Washington, D.C..) The Sumatran tiger is the smallest subspecies & has the narrowest stripes; largely due to habitat loss & the illegal wildlife trade, there are as few as 400 left on their native island in this country


MOONS | 2000 | This 2-letter moon of Jupiter is the most volcanically active body in the solar system


MARSH MADNESS | 1200 | What was once the Mideast's largest wetlands, mainly in this country, faced draining in the '90s & face drought today


ELEMENTS OF SONG | 2000 | Black Sabbath:""I am"" this man, ""has he lost his mind?""

Iron Man

SCIENCE FICTION | 400 | (I'm Elon Musk, C.E.O. of Spacex) My belief in the importance of space travel & planetary colonization for the survival of the human species was influenced in part by the epic depiction of the rise & fall of civilizations in this author's ""Foundation"" series

Isaac Asimov

MYTHOLOGY | 1200 | Alphabetically this Babylonian goddess of love & fertility comes between Iris & Isis


ART & MYTHOLOGY | 800 | An ancient statue in the Louvre's Egyptian antiquities collection depicts this goddess suckling Horus


18th CENTURY TECHNOLOGY | 1200 | In 1785, 16 years after his patent for an improved steam engine, he developed a fuel-efficient furnace

James Watt

RIGHT NOW SCIENCE | 1600 | This spacecraft did a flyby of Pluto within 8,000 miles of the surface, showing it as never before

New Horizons

SCIENCE & TECH BOOKS | 2000 | A biography of Michael Ventris is titled ""The Man Who Deciphered"" this ancient Cretan script

Linear B

MEDICAL MATTERS | 800 | A tick-transmitted infection, it gets its name from a Connecticut town

Lyme disease

SPACE FIRSTS | 800 | The 1st commercial facility built as a spaceport, spaceport America lies north of Las Cruces in this state

New Mexico

SCIENCE & SCIENTISTS | 1200 | He was in charge of Italy's radio service during World War I


WOMEN IN SCIENCE | 2000 | In 1929 this anthropologist traveled to New Guinea to study children there

Margaret Mead

GREAT MEN & WOMEN OF MEDICINE | 1600 | Her work as an obstetrical nurse for poor women made her an advocate of birth control, a term she coined

Margaret Sanger

GEE! IT'S GEOLOGY | 800 | 1,600 miles long, it's the deepest valley on the ocean floor; James Cameron made the first solo visit to its deepest part

Mariana Trench

WOMEN IN SCIENCE | 800 | In 1929 President Herbert Hoover presented her with a $50,000 check to buy a gram of radium for a Warsaw lab

Marie Curie

EVERYBODY'S TALKIN' 'BOUT THEM | 800 | William Dean Howells called him ""sole, incomparable, the Lincoln of our literature""

Mark Twain

SCIENCE GUYS | 400 | This Austrian monk found pairs of genes separate in a random fashion when a plant's gametes form


SCIENCE 101 | 800 | Number 101 on your periodic table is named for this guy who created the table


THE PERIODIC TABLE | 800 | Here's the periodic table as he laid it out


MYTHOLOGY | 2000 | The Romans equated this god with the Norse god Wotan; both lent their names to the same day of the week


PLANETS OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM | 600 | It always rises or sets within 2 hours of its buddy the Sun, so it's never observable in full darkness


WHERE IS THAT PLANET? | 600 | After Freddie; before Morris


SOCIOLOGY | 800 | Also known as Generation Y, this group of young adults was born between 1982 & 2000


DOCTOR! DOCTOR! | 1000 | On ""The Mindy Project"" she plays pop-culture-obsessed OB/GYN Mindy Lahiri

Mindy Kaling

SPACE SHUTTLE ENDEAVOUR | 800 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the California Science Center in Los Angeles.) Orbiting 200 miles over Russia, in 1998, Endeavour made a flawless docking with this Russian craft whose name meant ""peace"" to bring it water, supplies, & a new American crew member


SPACE SHUTTLE FLYOVERS | 200 | This city's peoplegot to see the Enterprise, but good luck getting a cab.

New York City

ANIMAL PLANET | 1000 | The Haast tokoeka kiwi: this country

New Zealand

SCIENCE IN SPORTS | 400 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents the clue.) The force required for a 220-pound running back to stop and turn upfield is about 450 pounds, per this man's third law of motion


SUPERSTARS OF SCIENCE | 400 | In the 1660s, with Cambridge closed by plague, he went home & started inventing calculus


GRAND MARSHALS OF THE ROSE PARADE | 600 | He got the nod in 1953 as a senator from California; he rode again in 1960


GENERAL SCIENCE | 600 | The name of this geologic era in which amphibians & reptiles were introduced means ""ancient life""


THE MOON | 600 | Saturn:This one named for a mythical mischief-maker who should've left things a-jar


SCIENCE UPDATE | 800 | in 2015 a team of Harvard scientists announced a breakthrough using anti-malarial drugs to treat this neuron disease


SUPERSTARS OF SCIENCE | 600 | This 19th century chemist saved France's beer, wine & silk industries


TO THE EXOPLANETS! | 2000 | In 1995 astronomers confirmed the first exoplanet orbiting a sunlike star, in this ""equine"" constellation


ANTHROPOLOGY | 2000 | From a single molar found in China in 1927, Davidson Black postulated on the existence of this early human

Peking Man

MYTHOLOGY | 800 | During Odysseus' absence, she wove a never-finished shroud


THERE'S AN ANIMAL ON YOUR CAR | 1000 | The combative cat seen here is on this car


CHEMICAL ELEMENTS | 1200 | This glow-in-the-dark element is the only one whose name ends in ""us""


ROBOTS | 400 | Anthony Daniels & Kenny Baker, who played these 2 robots, are the only actors to appear in all 6 ""Star Wars"" films

R2-D2 & C-3PO

SCIENCE & NATURE | 1600 | The transfer type of this genetic material delivers the amino acids necessary for protein synthesis to the ribosomes


THERE'S AN ANIMAL ON YOUR CAR | 800 | On this caar, a griffin (though you only see the eagle head, wearing a crown)


SCIENCE-Y STUFF | 400 | Larger than the planet Mercury, Titan is the largest moon of this planet


UNMANNED SPACE EXPLORATION | 2000 | The Cassini-Huygens probe has discovered a body of water the size of Lake Superior on this planet's moon Enceladus


YOU DISCOVER THE ASTRONOMICAL BODY | 200 | Everyone wants a turn gazing at this spectacular planet

Saturn (in wants a turn)

GEOLOGY | 600 | This Mideast country has around 16% of all the world's oil reserves, with an estimated 268 billion barrels

Saudi Arabia

BIRDS IN THE BIBLE | 1600 | This king's pursuit of his son-in-law David is compared to a partridge hunt in the mountains


HUGO AWARDS FOR SCIENCE FICTION | 1600 | To the short story ""I Have No Mouth, and I Must"" do this


DOCTORED BOOKS | 2000 | Dr. Bernard Rieux forgoes escape to stay behind & fight the deadly contagion in this Albert Camus work

The Plague

ANIMAL GROUPS | 400 | In 2008 this band of women offered up an album called ""Doll Domination""

The Pussycat Dolls

PSYCHOLOGY | 400 | A delusion that your life is scripted & being filmed has been named by doctors after this Jim Carrey film

The Truman Show

THE CONSCIENCE FUND | 200 | The Conscience Fund, voluntary donations from people who believe they owe the U.S. money, is run by this Cabinet Dept.


ANCIENT SCIENCE | 400 | Chinese general Huang-ti used a lodestone as one of these around 300 B.C., perhaps by floating it in a bowl

a compass

SPACE STUFF | 400 | The Big Dipper is part of this constellation, from the Latin for ""great bear""

Ursa Major

ART & MYTHOLOGY | 400 | Both Titian & Giovanni Bellini painted this beautiful Roman goddess gazing in a mirror


IT'S A PLANET | 200 | Our closest neighbor, it has a surface temperature hot enough to melt lead


PLANET FILL-IN | 800 | The ____ of Willendorf, a prehistoric sculptured figurine


SPACE FIRSTS | 1200 | In 1975 a Soviet spacecraft landed on this planet & sent back the first photographs from the surface; the craft soon melted


THE 8 PLANETS | 400 | This planet shines the brightest in our sky


ROBOT CHECK-IN | 1200 | Thanks to DreamWorks, this defender of the universe is bringing cosmic justice to Netflix screens in a 2016 reboot


ASTRONOMY | 1200 | A 1990 photo of Earth taken by this space probe prompted Carl Sagan to call planet Earth a ""pale blue dot""

Voyager 1

ASTRONOMY | 1200 | Spock would be proud! This suggestion won a 2013 online poll to name a moon of Pluto


WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU? | 800 | Douglas Engelbart's 1970 patent for this device calls it a ""position indicator control""

a computer mouse

SCIENCE GUYS | 1200 | From 1988 to 1992 this collaborator of Francis Crick directed the Human Genome Project


I AM SOMEBODY | 2000 | I'm the author of ""Sartoris"" & ""Intruder in the Dust""

William Faulkner

SCIENCE FICTION | 2000 | This author of ""Johnny Mnemonic"" has been called the ""noir prophet"" of cyberpunk

William Gibson

ZOOLOGY | 1600 | The nesting group of this large tropical seabird is called a colony, not a hatch

a booby

4-LETTER SCIENCE | 800 | As with yeast, a single one can be a complete organism

a cell

SCIENCE | 200 | Newts & toads are members of this class of animals


WARBIRDS | 800 | During the Korean War, the U.S. unsheathed the F-86, nicknamed this, after a cavalry sword

a Saberjet

A FISH IS STILL A FISH | 1000 | You ""betta"" believe this type of ""fighting fish"" will even attack its own image in a mirror

a Siamese fighting fish

YOU'RE A 3-LETTER ANIMAL | 400 | Available in more than 1,100 species, it's the only mammal to have evolved true flight

a bat

ANIMAL LIT FILL-IN | 200 | Michael Bond: ""A ____ Called Paddington""

a bear

ANIMALS ALL AROUND | 600 | California's flag has one

a bear

PERSONAL SPACE INVADERS | 200 | This ""beastly"" embrace is a Wall Street term for a takeover bid with a share price so high, the board can't refuse

a bear hug

ANIMAL SIMILES | 400 | Hot dam! You're ""as busy as"" this flat-tailed rodent

a beaver

NATIONAL ANIMALS | 600 | Canada's national animals are a horse & this one whose pelt played an important part in its history

a beaver

ANIMAL COLLECTIVE NOUNS | 400 | Just as you can have a this ""of roses"", you can also have one of oysters

a bed

A REAL BUSY BODY | 400 | The ""big 3"" exercises of powerlifting are the squat, the deadlift & this ""press""

a bench press

ANIMAL IMPOSTORS | 1200 | Don't feed cheese to a titmouse, silly! a titmouse is one of these

a bird

THE ANIMAL IN THE LOGO | 200 | Twitter

a bird

DOUBLE ANIMAL NAMES | 400 | A canine trained to retrieve fallen avian creatures, or a person who steals another person's date

a bird dog

WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU? | 400 | It's another name for the shuttlecock in badminton

a birdie

OLD-TIME SCIENCE | 1200 | Early OB/GYNs thought eating too many strawberries during pregnancy gave the baby the strawberry type of this

a birthmark

RIGHT NOW SCIENCE | 800 | Astronomers geared up for fireworks when the enormous gas cloud G2 passed Sagittarius A*, one of these

a black hole

SPACE STUFF | 1200 | Seen during a total lunar eclipse in 2014 was the phenomenon known by this sanguine term

a blood moon

ANIMALS | 800 | This was the first dog breed to collect admissible evidence for American courts of law

a bloodhound

MARINE MAMMALS | 400 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew observes a whale at Baja California in Mexico.) Gray whales create heart-shaped spouts as they exhale because they have two of these vents instead of one liked toothed whales

a blowhole

A SPACE ODDITY | 400 | When real, this phenomenon is caused by atmospheric dust; when part of a metaphor, it refers to a rarity

a blue moon

SCIENCE TERMS IN FRENCH | 800 | In chemistry, ""une liason"" is one of these, perhaps ""ionique""

a bond

MEDICAL HISTORY | 1000 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Dittrick Medical History Center in Cleveland, OH.) Sometimes during surgery, the heart convulses, loses rhythm & stops pumping blood; Cleveland surgeon Claude Beck used cardiac massage & applied electrical current directly to the heart to reverse the phenomenon using this device; those techniques led him to develop CPR

a defibrillator

ANATOMICAL ETYMOLOGY | 800 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew demonstrates on himself.) A large muscle that covers the shoulder joint is what determines your shoulder's shape & definition; its resemblance to a certain Greek letter gives it this name

a deltoid

MEDICAL PROCEDURES | 800 | Reduction is the medical name for ""popping it back in"", which tough guys try to do with this displacement of a joint

a dislocation

NATIONAL ANIMALS | 1000 | There are no photographs, only illustrations of this symbol of Mauritius

a dodo (bird)

PLANTS WITH ANIMAL NAMES | 1200 | You are barking up this tree, whose small flowers are seen here

a dogwood

ANIMALS ALL AROUND | 800 | This water mammal has long been thought friendly--in mythology Arion rode to safety on its back

a dolphin

SCIENCE TERMS | 400 | A mouthbreeder is one of these, especially a cichlid, that carries eggs or young in its mouth

a fish

ALL ABOUT ANIMALS | 400 | This tallest land animal was once known as a camelopard

a giraffe

ANIMAL CLOSE-UPS | 600 | Young males of this species stay in bachelor groups & engage in necking bouts

a giraffe

PHYSICS | 1200 | This massless subatomic particle sounds like an adhesive; it binds elementary particles together

a gluon

SCIENCE & NATURE | 400 | I'm gonna say hi to this animal. Its Angora type comes from Turkey & gives mohair. Say hi to your mother for me

a goat

ANIMALS IN POETRY | 1200 | Ted Walker cleverly likened this colorful pet fish to the ""spillings of rich coins on a miser's table""

a goldfish

MEDICAL CENTER | 600 | Term for the transplanting of tissue from one part of the body to another, or the tissue itself

a graft

SCIENCE & NATURE | 800 | A Mormon cricket is a long-horned type of this insect; if we could jump like them, we could leap about 120 feet in the air

a grasshopper

STAR FISH | 200 | The shark in the original ""Jaws"" was this species

a great white

OFFICIAL STATE ANIMALS | 600 | School kids in Montana chose this fierce brown bear to be the state's official animal

a grizzly

FISH | 800 | Careful - as an adult, this aquarium favorite is cannibalistic and must be separated from its young

a guppy

MOON WALKING | 600 | If I had one of these, I'd drop it on the Moon with a feather like Dave Scott did in August 1971 to test a Galileo theory

a hammer

ANIMAL SIMILES | 800 | Alice knows you're ""mad as a March"" this

a hare

ORGANS OF THE BODY | 1200 | These swishing or hissing sounds heard after normal heart action may indicate leaky valves

a heart murmur

MEDICAL EQUIPMENT | 1000 | The bulldog type of this is used to clamp an artery or vein to stop blood flow

a hemostat (or forceps)

MEDICAL MATTERS | 800 | An inguinal type of this occurs when soft tissue protrudes through a weak point or tear in the lower abdomen

a hernia

ANIMALS IN MYTHOLOGY | 2000 | Represented as this canine, Anubis was gatekeeper of the underworld; statues of him often guarded tombs

a jackal

BIRDS OF A FEATHER | 800 | Scrub,Steller's,blue

a jay

BLUE BIRDS | 1000 | The blue bird seen here is Steller's this, noted for its beautiful plumage & harsh call

a jay

GEOLOGY | 800 | If rocks on 2 sides of a fracture have moved away from each other, it's a fault; if not, it's this, like an ankle or knee

a joint

2 ANIMALS IN ONE | 1600 | This little rodent hops on its hind legs, just like its namesake marsupial

a kangaroo rat

MEDICAL HISTORY | 400 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Dittrick Medical History Center in Cleveland, OH.) An earlier version of the Travenol used a Maytag washing machine as its tank--fitting, as it cleansed waste from a patient's blood, acting as an artificial one of these organs

a kidney

NATIONAL ANIMALS | 200 | The name of this creature is a nickname for a citizen of New Zealand

a kiwi

MISNAMED ANIMALS | 400 | ""Bear"" sometimes follows the name of this Aussie mammal that's actually 100% marsupial

a koala

THE BODY SHOP | 200 | For its intricate chambers & passages, the inner ear is sometimes called this, like a Greek maze

a labyrinth

NEW IN SCIENCE | 1600 | In 2015, the Intl. Year of Light, new uses of this beam device included making metal water-repellent & measuring sharks

a laser

STARTS WITH A 3-LETTER BODY PART | 2000 | An official representative of the pope

a legate

ANIMAL NAMES | 200 | This animal got its name because it was originally thought to be a hybrid of a lion & a panther

a leopard

EARTH SCIENCE | 2000 | From the Latin for ""whiteness"", it's the amount of sunlight reflected back from a planet; for Earth it's about 33%


SCIENCE | 600 | Lack of camouflage & sensitivity to UV radiation doom any wild alligators with this condition from a mutation


BIOLOGY 101 | 1200 | Whether dominant or recessive, different forms of the same gene are called these


THE ELEMENTS | 1600 | ""God bless"" this radioactive element, atomic No. 95, that was first produced by a team of U.S. chemists in 1944


CHEMISTRY | 400 | The name of this gas comes from Amun, a temple in Libya near where its salts were obtained


SCIENCE & SCIENTISTS | 1600 | Fritz Haber won a Nobel Prize for producing this gas from hydrogen & nitrogen


SCIENCE | 2000 | The early Earth had this, NH3, in its atmosphere; today what there is comes from decomposing animal waste


GEOLOGY | 1600 | From the Greek for ""without shape"", this term refers to a mineral that has no definite crystalline structure


SCIENCE IS A 7-LETTER WORD | 800 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents the clue.) We all know what it feels like to get shocked, and though the tensionof the spark contains several thousand volts,it's harmless due to its small amount of this 7-letter word

amperes (or current)

SCIENCE ROUNDUP | 1200 | There are more than 400 different types of salamanders, & all belong to this class of animals, not reptiles


A CHEMISTRY SET | 400 | Melting points are usually measured at an applied pressure of 1 atm, ""atm"" short for this


SCIENCE 101 | 1600 | Pressure at sea level is called one this, about 101 kilopascals


THE BODY | 600 | This word for an upper chamber of the heart is also used for a sunny central courtyard


DOUBLE-LETTER SCIENCE | 1000 | The orientation of a spacecraft's axes relative to earth is this; you may develop a bad one if you get it wrong


GEOLOGY | 1600 | In geology it's a type of erosion; in business it's reducing staff without layoffs


ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE | 1200 | A type of therapy is named for this field that surrounds the body & is visible as light


THE BODY ELECTRIC | 2000 | Neurons send information via impulses carried away from the nucleus along these, also known as nerve fibers


MEDICINE | 200 | In the 1730s, Stephen Hales first measured this by using a crude manometer; he stuck a tube in a horse's artery

blood pressure

SCIENCE UPDATE | 1000 | In 2015 astronomers found 2 giant ones orbiting each other at the center of a nearby quasar

black holes

YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! | 400 | This national symbol of the U.S. has a wingspan of more than 6 feet

bald eagle

BODY QUOTES | 200 | ""O, Susanna! O, don't you cry for me, I've come from Alabama with my"" this

banjo on my knee

ANIMAL PARTS | 2000 | These fish whiskers sound like gym equipment


ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE | 2000 | Shielding the mainland from storms is the job of islands of this type off the Louisiana shore--& erosion is an issue

barrier islands

EARTH SCIENCE | 800 | The most abundant rock on the Earth's surface is MORB, mid-ocean-ridge this volcanic rock


WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU? | 600 | Spectacled &American black


INITIALLY MEDICAL | 1200 | For a cardiologist or a DJ:BPM

beats per minute

ANIMAL TALK | 200 | To have one of these ""in one's bonnet"" means to be obsessed with an idea


HEALTH & MEDICINE | 600 | A doctor may perform the needle type of this procedure to determine if a lump is a cyst, a benign tumor or cancer


MEDICAL CENTER | 1000 | Abbreviated P.O., ""per os"" means to take medication this way

by mouth

BEHAVIOR & PSYCHOLOGY | 400 | A treatment called exposure & response prevention tries to ease this type of behavior, the ""C"" in OCD


SCIENCE | 1200 | The ""skin effect"" in this movement of electricity through a medium is 'why a hardtop is safer in a lightning strike than a convertible


ELEMENTS IN THE HUMAN BODY | 800 | This essential mineral is the most abundant metal in your body


PERIODIC TABLE FOR 5 | 1600 | Atomic number 20 belongs to this element found in limestone & eggshells


THE ELEMENTS | 800 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew bends a chicken bone like rubber.) Look what happens when a strong, healthy bone is soaked in vinegar; the acidic acid dissolves this key element, atomic No. 20; without it, the bone becomes soft & weak


WATER SCIENCE | 400 | Mineral water from natural springs usually has a high level of carbonate of this chemical element


CHEMISTRY | 2000 | New Mexico's White Sands national monument takes its name from its miles of gypsum crystals, hydrated this-- CaSO4

calcium sulfate

ANIMALS | 200 | A spotted pattern on the whale shark seems to act as this, but how do you hide when you're 40 feet long?


WITHIN THE FICTIONAL PLANET | 400 | A container in the name of Spock's home world

can (in Vulcan)

CHEMISTRY | 1600 | Creating modern electronics depended largely on doping, adding impurities to pure silicon to increase this quality


ANATOMICAL ETYMOLOGY | 400 | Even smaller than a strand of hair, these tiniest blood vessels get their name from a Latin word for hair


SCIENCE | 1600 | It seems to defy gravity when a liquid goes up tubes by means of this action

capillary action

CHEMICAL ELEMENTS | 800 | The Roman numeral for 100 is also the symbol for this element


THE SCIENCE OF SECURITY | 800 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from Lawrence Livermore Nat'l Laboratory in Livermore, CA.) A new military uniform material under development protects personnel from chemical and biological weapons using CNTs or these nanotubes which close up like tiny pores during an attack


GENERAL SCIENCE | 400 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew demonstrates with a beaker and candle.) Add vinegar to baking soda to create this gas; because it's heavier than air, when poured from a glass, it will extinguish a flame

carbon dioxide

THERE'S AN ANIMAL IN MY DICTIONARY | 800 | This bird whose name also means ""of prime importance"" can precede ""virtue""


WATER SCIENCE | 800 | Less steep waterfalls are called these, like a Northwest U.S. mountain range


GONE FISHING | 800 | It's the skill being demonstrated here


ANIMALS IN FRENCH | 200 | Raining or not, the French names of these 2 animals are chat et chien

cat and dog

GENERAL SCIENCE | 800 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a chemical equation on a television monitor.) In an equation for a chemical reaction, a formula over the arrow refers to a substance playing this role, speeding up the reaction


VETERINARY MEDICINE | 1200 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from the Veterinary Hospital at UC Davis, CA.) As seen in the ""before"" & ""after"" photos, dogs benefit from eye surgery to restore vision loss caused by this clouding of the lenses


STARTS WITH AN ANIMAL | 2000 | It's a book or manual of basic Christian doctrine in the form of questions & answers


GONE FISHING | 800 | Bottom fishing is a good way to catch these, like the North American ""Big Three""--blue, flathead & channel


FISHY SCIENCE | 1000 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents from the Georgia Aquarium.) Used to remove small tumors, the radio surgical instrument not only cuts through tissue, but simultaneously prevents blood loss by doing this to vessels

cauterizing them

THE ELEMENTS | 2000 | Chemist Carl Scheele named the gas that bleached flowers dephlogisticated muriatic acid; we call it this element


MAMMALS | 1600 | A member of the raccoon family, the coati is also known by this longer name


THE ELEMENTS | 2000 | The Ming Dynasty vase pictured here got its blue color from a glaze made with this element, No. 27


THERE'S CHEMISTRY BETWEEN US | 200 | Chemically, this stimulant is the principal alkaloid of coca leaves


WEIRD SCIENCE | 800 | Researchers at NC State are equipping these household insect pests with mini-transmitters for eventual use in disaster zones


HEALTH & MEDICINE | 2000 | A keloid, a raised scar resulting from an abnormal healing response, is caused by an excess buildup of this protein


MEDICAL PROCEDURES | 1600 | You can plump up those wrinkles by injecting zyderm, a cow type of this protein


PHYSICS | 1600 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew gives the clue from Geneva, Switzerland.) The ""L"" in LHC means large-- 17 miles in circumference; ""H"" is for hadrons, the particles being accelerated, and ""C"" refers to this, what happens when the particles moving in different directions meet


HEALTH & MEDICINE | 1000 | Daltonism is a type of this, a problem with cone receptors

color blindness

THE ELEMENTS OF STYLE | 400 | Enclose parenthetic expressions between these (not parentheses)


SCIENCE | 1000 | Stomp rockets are powered by what's usually called this type of ""air"" that's been squished under greater than normal pressure

compressed air

COMPUTING | 1000 | WinZip is a popular tool for doing this, reducing file size to store or transfer more data


THE HUMAN BODY | 400 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows some optical diagrams on the monitor.) Most people have three types of this color receptor in their eyes, but some people, called tetrochromats, have four, allowing them to see millions more hues than the rest of us


ASTRONOMY | 2000 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows an astronomical animation on the monitor.) Also a term for a part of speech, it's when the Earth, a heavenly body like Venus, & the Sun are all nearly in a straight line


ANATOMICAL ETYMOLOGY | 1600 | Prone to inflammation, this membrane that covers the eyeball & inner eyelid is from the Latin for ""to join together""


ASTROLOGY | 800 | This 4-letter term refers to one born on the border of 2 signs


ANIMAL CARE | 600 | Vets discourage this procedure unless absolutely necessary: it severs tendons & can make kitty a biter


TECHNOLOGY MILESTONES | 800 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Historical Scientific Instruments at Harvard University.) During World War II, computer pioneer Grace Hopper helped maintain the Harvard Mark I & its successor, the Mark II; one day, she removed a moth from the circuits, making her the first to literally do this to a computer


THEOLOGY BRANCHES | 400 | Angelology, the theological study of angels, is logically matched by this opposite -ology


SCIENCE & NATURE | 2000 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from Alaska.) It's summer now, but during their winter sleep, bears don't eat, drink, or urinate; how their kidneys remove toxins from the blood is unknown, but if it could be replicated in humans, it would eliminate the need for this process for patients with kidney failure


RANDOMNESS IN SCIENCE | 800 | Also used to describe the scattering of reflected light, it's the random movement of molecules in a fluid


IT'S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE | 800 | You dilute a solution by watering it down; you do this to your pupils, 1 letter different, by making them expand


PHYSICS TEST | 1600 | Newton's third law: when 2 bodies meet, they exert forces on each other that are equal in magnitude & opposite in this


GENERAL SCIENCE | 800 | Thrust propels the weight of an airplane forward; this directly opposing force tends to hold it back


PHYSICAL SCIENCE | 400 | A bummer, man, or an aerodynamic force opposing an aircraft's motion through the air due to friction


EARTH SCIENCE | 400 | Way back in the 2nd century A.D., Chinese scholar Zhang Heng made a device called a seismoscope to detect these


MEDICAL TERMS | 400 | Cerumen is the medical name for this, so be careful with the Q-tips


SCIENCE TIMELINE | 200 | Around 480 B.C.:Anaxagoras explains the cause of these events, one of which darkened Greece in 478 B.C.


BIOLOGY | 1600 | In 1935 botanist Arthur Tansley coined this word for an environment as it functions with its organisms


SCIENCE | 1600 | Disease-specific genes have been found that could help tell psoriasis from this skin affliction, aiding in treatment


MEDICAL TERMS | 800 | Doctors use this 5-letter term for swelling or bloating in the body due to an excess build-up of fluid


PHYSICS | 1200 | eV for short, this unit of energy used in nuclear physics is so small, a trillion of them equals the motion of a mosquito

electron volt

COMPUTER TERMINOLOGY | 1000 | Different from emoticons, these pictographs come from the Japanese for ""picture writing""


WITHIN THE FICTIONAL PLANET | 2000 | A flightless bird in the Coneheads' planet

emu (in Remulak)

BIOLOGY CLASS | 800 | While red bone marrow gets its color from developing red blood cells, yellow marrow gets its color from this


ANIMAL GROUPS | 400 | A stand of these pink wading birds can also be called a flamboyance


MISNAMED ANIMALS | 1600 | This word comes before ""lemur"", but the animal really only glides a couple of hundred feet--& isn't a lemur


ANIMAL GROUPS | 600 | You might find a skulk of these crafty canines skulking about your henhouse


MEDICAL TALK | 200 | Ephelides is the technical term for these marks on the skin of kids & Howdy Doody


NASCAR TECHNOLOGY | 600 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Daytona Int'l Speedway in Daytona Beach, FL.) Engines with carburetors ruled NASCAR for decades, but since 2012, all cars have been equipped with EFI, electronic this, because it's more efficient & produces a better air-gas mixture

fuel injection

SCIENCE 101 | 2000 | In 1986 the 101-key IBM keyboard, which became the PC standard, moved these keys from the left to a line across the top

function keys

THE SCIENCE OF SECURITY | 400 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from Lawrence Livermore Nat'l Laboratory in Livermore, CA.) National security along with national wealth would be enhanced with safe boundless process that powers the Sun; one approach involves a powerful laser working like a spark plug


SCIENCE | 1600 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows an animation on the monitor.) When a positron reacts with an electron by annihilation, it produces this ""hulk""-ing kind of radiation

gamma radiation

EVERYBODY MUST GET BIRTHSTONES | 2000 | January:Its color is one of the school colors of Florida State University


WE'VE GOT CHEMISTRY | 800 | Pneumatic chemistry deals with elements in this state of matter


PREFIXATED ON SCIENCE | 800 | Belly up to this prefix that means ""stomach"" or ""belly""


WHAT'S THE ""-OLOGY""? | 1600 | It's the medical branch devoted to the stomach & intestines & their ailments


""G--OLOGY"" | 800 | The science of precious stones


SCIENTIFIC & MEDICAL ABBREV. | 600 | Vegetables that have had their DNA altered to produce better traits are known as GM foods, standing for this

genetically modified

GEE! IT'S GEOLOGY | 1000 | A hollow stone nodule lined by mineral crystals growing inward


HEALTH & MEDICINE | 400 | Ketosis occurs when this sugar is unavailable as a source of energy, causing the body to use fats instead


THERE'S CHEMISTRY BETWEEN US | 1000 | A boiling dilute acid breaks down starch into a simple sugar called this


ASTRONOMY | 400 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows an astronomical animation on the monitor.) Planets become nearly spherical in part because rotation helps round off the edges after dense molten matter is pulled towards the center by this force


ASTRONOMY | 800 | It's the main force that pulls things toward black holes


SCIENCE | 200 | It's the universal force of attraction acting between all matter


FUN WITH SCIENCE | 800 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew presents the clue.) Stick two forks together, insert a toothpick into the tines, and you'll find that you can balance it on the side of a glass; it's a method of finding the center of this and it looks cool

gravity (or mass)

ANIMAL VERBS | 400 | As a noun, it's a chickenlike game bird; as a verb, it means to complain or grumble


FISHY WORDS | 600 | It's the fish seen here; elsewhere in the animal world, it's the sound made by a hog


THERE'S AN ANIMAL IN MY DICTIONARY | 600 | We don't condone testing on animals but a lab rat or this small tailless rodent might be the subject of an experiment

guinea pig

STARTS WITH AN ANIMAL | 400 | No relation to the sea bird, it describes a person who is easily deceived or duped


STARTS WITH A 3-LETTER BODY PART | 2000 | Pertaining to the throat, though it sounds like it means pertaining to an area near the stomach


""G--OLOGY"" | 400 | It's from the Greek for ""woman study""


SCIENCE | 800 | A Mars rover found this, hydrated calcium sulfate, indicating not Martian drywallers but Martian water


ANIMAL WORDS & PHRASES | 400 | A wee bit of drink intended to cure a hangover is called this

hair of the dog

BODY QUOTES | 600 | Pontius Pilate ""took water, and washed"" these ""before the multitude"", saying he was innocent of the blood of Jesus


MEDICAL TALK | 400 | You might want to stay out of the meadow today if you've got allergic rhinitis, this affliction

hay fever

SCIENTIFIC & MEDICAL ABBREV. | 400 | Fast or slow, HR or HRT is short for this

heart rate

BODY QUOTES | 400 | Rudy Giuliani after 9/11: these ""are broken, but they continue to beat, and the spirit of our city has never been stronger""


CHEMISTRY | 800 | This 2nd-lightest gas is the only element that can't be solidified by cooling at normal atmospheric pressure


IT'S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE | 400 | The symbol for this element is He


PHYSICAL SCIENCE | 1200 | The exosphere, the edge of the atmosphere, is primarily made of particles of hydrogen & this element


THE ELEMENTS | 400 | Hydrogen has an atomic number of 1; this light gas, 2


THE ELEMENTS | 400 | Inhaling some of this second-lightest element makes your voice sound all funny


DISCOVERIES IN THE SCIENCES | 600 | A dress bottom inside the study of the elements

hem (in chemistry)

PLANET EARTH | 200 | It's the name used for any half of the globe


MEDICAL MATTERS | 400 | Thalassemia, an inherited form of anemia, occurs when red blood cells have less of this oxygen carrier than normal


PHYSIOLOGY | 400 | Almost the entire dry weight of a red blood cell consists of this protein


ZOOLOGY | 2000 | 2 basic substances in snake venom are neurotoxins & these, a word for poisons that damage blood vessels


GEE! IT'S GEOLOGY | 200 | A flat, broad upland area; Tibet occupies the highest one in the world


BIOLOGY 101 | 800 | Also called thrombocytes, these disklike cell fragments are important in the clotting process


ON THE PERIODIC TABLE | 1000 | Turkish ruins have revealed a ""gate to hell"" termed this, also the name of a periodic table element


MOVING FORWARD IN SCIENCE | 2000 | This verb can mean ""to cause to happen"" or ""to fall from the sky"", the way snow does


SCIENCE TERMS | 200 | As well as rain or snow, it can mean the process of separating a solid from a solution


COMPUTING | 400 | A set of operating rules for computer information exchange; it can also mean proper diplomatic etiquette


WHAT KIND OF MOVIE ANIMAL ARE YOU? | 1600 | Ben & Socrates in ""Willard""


ANIMAL GROUPS | 200 | A group of these black birds is known as an unkindness; you can ""quoth"" me on that


EATYMOLOGY | 400 | Though its name may go back to a Latin word for ""turnip"", this pasta is usually stuffed with anything but


SCIENCE | 400 | Similar to reflex, humans' average for this time is roughly 1/4 second & we're going to test yours... !


PHYSICAL SCIENCE | 1200 | The science of stoichiometry studies the amounts of substances needed to produce these chemical events


PREFIXATED ON SCIENCE | 400 | Erythro- & chloro- are these 2 colors; happy holidays!

red & green

SCIENCE | 1000 | It's what RNA stands for

ribonucleic acid

EVERYBODY MUST GET BIRTHSTONES | 400 | July:Like Dorothy's slippers


WE'RE ON MARS! | 1200 | Mars's color is from being covered in this which may have been caused by water starting the oxidation of iron


WE'VE GOT CHEMISTRY | 400 | Produced by oxidation & found on old cars, it consists chiefly of ferric hydroxide & ferric oxide


BIOLOGY | 800 | A halophyte is defined as a plant that thrives in soil with high levels of this


THEOLOGY BRANCHES | 1600 | Soteriology is the theological branch dealing with the nature & means of achieving this


PHYSICS | 800 | Silicon & germanium are examples of these materials with resistivity between that of conductors & insulators


THE HUMAN BODY | 1200 | The name of these heart valves mean ""half moon""


ETYMOLOGY | 400 | The kids of 15th century B.C. Mesopotamia might have liked Samassamu Street; samassamu gave us this word


MEDICINE | 400 | In 2012 scientists announced that injection of human embryonic these in the inner ears of deaf gerbils restored hearing

stem cells

FISHY WORDS | 400 | It's a person unusually skilled in a particular activity such as cards or pool


ANIMAL GROUPS | 800 | Shiver when you see a shiver of these, whether they be nurse, bull or mako types


FILL IN THE BODY PART | 800 | A type of party:____dig


MEDICAL AKAs | 600 | Herpes zoster is another name for this disease that's caused by the same virus as chickenpox


MEDICAL PROBLEMS | 1200 | The same virus that causes chicken pox in kids may reemerge in adulthood as this ailment


SCARY-SOUNDING ANIMALS | 1200 | Hey, you old bag of bones--this type of shrimp, also known as the praying mantis of the sea, hangs out with us in SoCal

skeleton shrimp

BODY LANGUAGE | 400 | ""Having thin"" this means criticism bothers you


BODY WORKS | 200 | By definition, if you're undergoing dermabrasion, you're having this removed


A SPAIN IN THE BODY PART | 2000 | Bone up on the craneo, this 5-letter word in English


ANIMAL COLLECTIVE NOUNS | 600 | A stench, sometimes used for a group of these mammals, may be appropriate but seems a bit unfair


SCIENCE 101 | 2000 | Among the world's lightest solids are carbon aerogels, nicknamed ""frozen"" this

smoke (air accepted)

TECHNOLOGY | 200 | Gooo--wait, is it? Yes! Gooooooal! In 2012 this sport's FIFA approved the use of goal-line technology


VETERINARY MEDICINE | 400 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from the Veterinary Hospital at UC Davis, CA.) One of the most important procedures students learn in the U.C. Davis Veterinary Hospital is how to perform these two birth control surgeries, depending on if the animal is male or female

spaying & neutering

BIOLOGY | 1600 | Ferns reproduce asexually by means of these cells


SCIENCE MUSEUMS | 400 | Kids love the generator at the Center of Science & Industry in Columbus, Ohio that produces this kind of electricity


ANCIENT SCIENCE | 1200 | In the 1st century, Hero of Alexandria invented the aeolipile, the first engine powered by this


VETERINARY MEDICINE | 400 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from UC Davis Veterinary Hospital.) Researchers at UC Davis are making great strides in regenerative medicine & in the treatment of various injuries and diseases using these--not the controversial kind from embryos, but from bone marrow & fat tissue

stem cells

MEDICAL TERMS | 2000 | From the Greek for ""narrow"", it's a narrowing of a duct or canal, especially the spinal canal


MEDICAL TALK | 1000 | After childbirth, a woman may complain about these, striae gravid arum; you're still beautiful, honey

stretch marks

CHEMISTRY | 2000 | In this process, a solid such as dry ice converts directly into a gas without going through the liquid stage


SCIENCE STUFF | 2000 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew makes a bubble top to a tub.) The soapy water over the tub expands because the dry ice in the bowl is undergoing this process, in which a solid is transformed directly into a gas


PSYCHOLOGY | 800 | Adjective for info received by the brain on an unconscious level, from the Latin for ""below the threshold""


PLANT SCIENCE | 800 | This tall perennial grass, Saccharum officinarum, needs up to 120 inches of rain a year

sugar cane

6-LETTER ELEMENTS | 800 | It's used to vulcanize rubber & to make gunpowder


PHYSICAL SCIENCE | 800 | One of the EPA's ""six common air pollutants"" is SO2, this highly reactive gas

sulfur dioxide

FUN WITH SCIENCE | 2000 | Have fun with the over 300-year-old ""3-body problem"", determining the motions of these 3 bodies based only on mutual gravity

sun, moon, and Earth

ASTRONOMY | 400 | In September 2011 astronomers announced that just like Tatooine, Kepler-16b orbits 2 of these

suns (or stars)

SCIENCE-Y STUFF | 2000 | 2 parts gold to one part bismuth yields a substance with this 17-letter quality of very low electrical resistance


DOCTORS WITHIN BORDERS | 800 | In 1871 John Maynard Woodworth became the first man appointed to this top U.S. medical post

surgeon general

THE HUMAN BODY | 400 | The thickest & most powerful tendon in the body, it's formed by the calf muscles & inserts into the heel

the Achilles

SCIENCE MUSEUMS | 800 | Want to touch a moon rock? Then check out the Milestones of Flight hall in this Smithsonian museum

the Air & Space Museum

VULCANOLOGY | 600 | The world's highest active volcano, 22,600' Ojos del Salado, is in these South American mountains

the Andes

1960s COMPUTING | 400 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew gives the clue from the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California.) Developed by MIT, the guidance computer for this NASA program that got the first men to the moon and back again had only 72 kilobytes of memory

the Apollo program

PRO TEAMS ARE FOR THE BIRDS | 800 | In 2005 Larry Fitzgerald caught 103 passes, including 10 TDs, for this team

the Arizona Cardinals

MYTHOLOGY | 400 | Centeotl, a god of these people aka the Mexica, was big into solar & also associated with feasting & pleasure

the Aztecs

WARBIRDS | 1000 | The Cold War era Soviet TU-4 was a copy of this U.S. bomber; several had landed in Russia after bombing Japan

the B-29

SPACE SHUTTLE ENDEAVOUR | 400 | (Kelly of the Clue Crew reports from the California Science Center in Los Angeles.) In 1998, Endeavour carried the U.S.-built Unity module into orbit, docking it with the Russian-built Zarya module, marking the first step in the assembly of this multi-national structure

the ISS (the International Space Station)

ASTRONOMY | 400 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a photograph on the monitor.) Photographer Thierry Legault traveled to Oman to get a photo of a partial solar eclipse; an added bonus was capturing this craft in the image

the International Space Station

ARCHAEOLOGY | 2000 | The beginning of this metallic age varied geographically, with China being a latecomer in around 600 B.C.

the Iron Age

ARCHAEOLOGY | 2000 | Robert Koldewey began excavating this 8th gate of Babylon; it was reconstructed at the Pergamon Museum in Berlin

the Ishtar Gate

ASTRONOMY | 2000 | Dwarf planets lying within this belt at the edge of the solar system include Haumea & Makemake

the Kuiper Belt

SPACE STUFF | 1600 | Pluto is one of the larger KBOs, objects found within this belt

the Kuiper Belt

GENERAL SCIENCE | 2000 | The Baffin & West Greenland currents meet to form this current off Newfoundland that carries icebergs south

the Labrador current

MARSH MADNESS | 400 | The Chinese Communists squelched through the Zoige Marsh on this 1930s trek

the Long March

GEOLOGY | 2000 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents the clue.) New York State uses 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas a year; there may be 500 trillion cubic feet within this underground shale formation named for a village near Syracuse

the Marcellus Shale

MANNED SPACE FLIGHT | 800 | The monument seen here at pad 14 at Cape Canaveral honors the men of this program

the Mercury program (the Mercury seven accepted)

TO THE EXOPLANETS! | 800 | In 2013 Caltech scientists announced there are more than 100 billion planets in this alone--about one per star

the Milky Way

DIRTY BIRDS | 600 | Since 1896 a Toledo baseball team has been known as these swamp dwellers

the Mud Hens

DAUGHTERS IN MYTHOLOGY | 1600 | These 9 daughters of Zeus & Mnemosyne presided over the arts & sciences

the Muses

CHEMISTRY | 800 | On the periodic table, the halogens are located to the left of this group of gases that includes Krypton

the Noble Gases

PLACES, EVERYBODY | 600 | Region:About 1/6 of the Lower 48 states is the ""Great"" these flat areas

the Plains

ASTRONOMY | 2000 | Aldebaran, from the Arabic for ""follower"", is so named because it follows this cluster of 7 sisters in the sky

the Pleiades

SCIENCE TERMS | 1000 | This imaginary line used to indicate 0 degrees longitude terminates at the North & South Poles

the Prime Meridian

RIGHT NOW SCIENCE | 2000 | Research suggests Joseph ""The Elephant Man"" Merrick's illness was this syndrome named for a shape-changing god

the Proteus syndrome

MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN | 2000 | ""Ancient Eygpt & Cleopatra are really dazzling, Mr. Peabody;""""Yes, and as the last ruler of this dynasty that was originally Greek...""[Water splashes]""...perhaps she's in denial""

the Ptolemaic Dynasty

EARTH SCIENCE | 400 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) It wasn't until after the 1906 San Francisco earthquake that scientists discovered that this fault ran 800 miles from Northern California all the way to the Salton Sea

the San Andreas Fault

MARINE BIOLOGY | 1000 | Each fall silver eels migrate to this ""sea"" within the North Atlantic to breed, some traveling across land

the Sargasso Sea

BIRDS IN THE BIBLE | 400 | In this address Jesus asks, ""Behold the fowls of the air; for they sow not...yet your heavenly father feedeth them""

the Sermon on the Mount

GEOLOGY | 1200 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) The continents were built around these large stable areas of very old crystalline rocks; the Laurentian, or Canadian one, extends for 3 million square miles across northern North America

the Shield

ARCHAEOLOGY | 400 | An 1847 study of the mound builders of Ohio was the first publication of this Washington, D.C. institution

the Smithsonian

ARCHAEOLOGY | 1200 | In 1970 the wreck of the El Gran Grifon, part of this fleet, was found off Scotland 382 years after it sank

the Spanish Armada

MARSUPIAL MATTERS | 1000 | Though it can't spin like a mini tornado through a boulder, this marsupial still looks fierce, doesn't it?

the Tasmanian devil

STATE ANIMAL FIGHT! | 2000 | Utah's Rocky Mountain elk can't figure out the unique gait of this ""Volunteer State"" equine

the Tennessee walking horse

MYTHOLOGY | 800 | In Norse myth these maidens chose the men who were to die in battle & then brought them to Valhalla

the Valkyrie

ANIMAL GROUP PHRASES | 400 | There were no rabbits on this official group that looked into President Kennedy's assassination

the Warren Commission

FAILED CHILDREN'S BOOK ANIMALS | 400 | Champion Slobbering Runaway has misadventures at this dog show's 50th edition in 1926

the Westminster Dog Show

ARCHAEOLOGY | 1600 | The temple pyramid known as El Castillo dominates the ruins of a city on this peninsula

the Yucatán

EARTH SCIENCE | 1200 | Some believe an asteroid strike at Chicxulub, a crater in this peninsular region of Mexico, killed off the dinosaurs

the Yucatán

AROUND THE BODY | 1000 | If you want to be formal about it, ""vermiform"" comes before the name of this probably useless organ

the appendix

MEDICINE | 600 | Named for an American surgeon, McBurney's incision is a cut in the lower right abdomen used when removing this

the appendix

MOVING FORWARD IN SCIENCE | 1600 | Arthur Eddington used the image of this object, a weapon & indicator, to explore why time only goes forward

the arrow

A REAL BUSY BODY | 1000 | Tone your muscles with exercises where you're supported by this ballet class apparatus

the barre

STATE ANIMAL FIGHT! | 400 | Oklahoma's state flying mammal, the Mexican free-tailed bat, bites this Oregon State & Oregon State University animal

the beaver

ROBOTICS | 800 | For decades, robots have been used by this type of police squad as humans watch from a distance

the bomb squad

5-LETTER BODY PARTS | 200 | Its right half is believed to specialize in nonverbal concepts

the brain

BODY PART-POURRI | 800 | The tough outer layer of this organ is called the dura mater

the brain

ANIMAL PARTS | 1600 | The gorget is the colorful feathers of this part of the hummingbird

the breast

ANIMALS IN DANGER | 800 | With fewer than 1,000 living wild in the Gobi Desert, the Bactrian type of this is critically endangered

the camel

ARCHAEOLOGY | 1200 | In 2009 the earliest known depictions of the Apostles from the 4th c. were found in these underground tombs in Rome

the catacombs

SCIENCE IN THE WORLD | 1200 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a javelin on the monitor.) In 1984, for safety reasons, after one was thrown a staggering 343 feet, the javelin was redesigned to underperform by moving this point, ""CM"" for short, by 4 centimeters, which keeps the nose down

the center of mass

THE BODY SHOP | 400 | This largest part of the brain is divided into 2 hemispheres

the cerebrum

BIOLOGY | 1200 | The 24-hour physiological cycle that regulates sleep & feeding is known as this ""rhythm""

the circadian rhythm

SYSTEMS OF THE BODY | 400 | (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows us a diagram of the human body.) It's the term for this system that transports blood to and from all parts of the body

the circulatory system

YOUR BODY HAS A SYSTEM | 1600 | Arteriosclerosis is a common disease of this, AKA the cardiovascular system

the circulatory system

HEALTH & MEDICINE | 1600 | This circular structure in the ear contains tiny hairs called cilia; if the cilia are inefficient, it can cause tinnitus

the cochlea

THE HUMAN BODY | 200 | The radius, ulna & humerus all converge at this joint

the elbow

PHYSIOLOGY | 400 | The oculomotor nerve controls 4 of the 6 muscles of this organ

the eye

BODY PARTS | 200 | Phosphenes are the sensations of light you get when pressure is applied to these

the eyes

WHICH BODY PART? | 1600 | Strabismus:Misalignment of these

the eyes

BODY LANGUAGE | 200 | To ""put my"" this ""down"" means I'm ending the discussion once & for all

the foot

WHICH BODY PART? | 800 | Plantar fasciitis

the foot

YOU'RE AN ANIMAL! | 2000 | Growing to more than a foot long, this giant is the largest of all frogs

the goliath frog

SCIENCE | 800 | The 4 fundamental forces in physics are the strong, the weak, the electromagnetic & this one

the gravitational force

BODY WORKS | 800 | Be careful with your Achilles tendon--it connects your calf to this other 4-letter body part

the heel

SYSTEMS OF THE BODY | 1200 | The lymphatic system is on the front lines of this system that fights abnormal substances

the immune system

YOUR BODY HAS A SYSTEM | 1200 | Antigen-presenting cells surround foreign substances & take care of business within this 6-letter system

the immune system

MEDICINE | 800 | Around 3 out of 5 organ transplants in the United States involve this organ

the kidney

THE BODY | 400 | Dialysis is a substitute for its normal function

the kidney

BODY WORKS | 600 | This chamber, also called the voice box, is larger in males than in females, producing a deeper voice

the larynx

DOUBLE ANIMAL NAMES | 2000 | This sea creature feeds on penguins & is named for its black-spotted gray coat

the leopard seal

THE BODY SHOP | 600 | The gallbladder sits in a depression under the right lobe of this organ

the liver

ORGANS OF THE BODY | 400 | Inside these organs, branches 3 millimeters wide or less are called bronchioles

the lungs

SCIENCE TERMS | 400 | You've got about 300 million alveoli in these organs

the lungs

GEOLOGY | 1000 | There are various North Poles; some scientists believe this one may move from Canada to Siberia within the next 50 years

the magnetic North Pole

SPOT THE MAMMAL | 600 | Shoebill,sea horse,narwhal

the narwhal

BODY TALK | 400 | Your 7 cervical vertebrae stiffen this part of your body where they're found

the neck

THE PERIODIC TABLE | 1600 | Appropriately, it was Lord Rayleigh & Sir William Ramsay who discovered most of these gases in the 1890s

the noble gases

SCIENCE TERMS IN FRENCH | 200 | This part of a cell that contains the chromosomes is ""le noyau""

the nucleus

SOCIOLOGY | 2000 | Karl Marx said a capitalist system has 2 classes: the bourgeoisie, which controls resources, & this laboring class

the proletariat

YOUR BODY HAS A SYSTEM | 400 | Your left lung is smaller in volume than the right in this system due to the heart's asymmetrical position

the respiratory system

MEDICINE | 400 | The sensation that a dark curtain is being pulled across the eye can indicate that this has become detached

the retina

ASTRONOMY | 800 | The Cassini Division is a dark gap between these structures orbiting the sixth planet

the rings (of Saturn)

VETERINARY MEDICINE | 2000 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Veterinary Hospital at UC Davis, CA.) With a fistulated cow, students literally have a window into the beginnings of the digestive process & what happens to food & nutrients in this first chamber of the stomach

the rumen

THE BODY OF EVIDENCE | 400 | This term for a part of the nose comes from the Latin for ""fence""

the septum

BODY WORKS | 400 | A common injury among baseball pitchers affects the rotator cuff, the 4 muscles & tendons in this body part

the shoulder

BODY | 800 | The jejunum, the middle section of this organ, is a deep red color because of its rich blood supply

the small intestine

EASY SCIENCE | 1000 | A focus of Mayan astronomy was these points when the sun is farthest from the equator

the solstices

ZOOLOGY | 2000 | This toothed whale has the largest brain of any animal & can dive to a depth of almost 2 miles

the sperm whale

ARCHAEOLOGY | 1200 | In 2013 the stone paws of one of these creatures dedicated to Egyptian King Menkaure were found in Israel

the sphinx

THE HUMAN BODY | 1000 | The meninges are membranous envelopes whose job is to protect both the brain & this

the spinal cord

ANATOMICAL ETYMOLOGY | 1200 | Used as a synonym for thorn, this structure's name comes from a Latin word for ""thorn""

the spine

HEALTH & MEDICINE | 200 | If you want to vent this lymphatic organ, you'll find out that it filters old red blood cells out of the bloodstream

the spleen

ORGANS OF THE BODY | 2000 | This lymphatic organ located under the diaphragm is divided into red pulp & white pulp tissues

the spleen

SCIENCE & TECH BOOKS | 1600 | Harold Evans covers 200 years of science history in ""They Made America: From"" this ""Engine to"" this ""Engine""

the steam engine & the search engine

PHYSIOLOGY | 1200 | The ""T"" in T cells refers to this gland where they mature

the thymus

PHYSIOLOGY | 800 | Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents the clue: To do a neck check, look in the mirror and take a sip of water. A bulge below the Adam's apple but above the collarbone could mean this gland is swollen and not functioning normally

the thyroid

RANDOMNESS IN SCIENCE | 600 | We predict you'll know this Werner Heisenberg principle about randomness in quantum mechanics

the uncertainty principle

ENDANGERED ANIMALS AT THE SMITHSONIAN'S NATIONAL ZOO | 1200 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from Smithsonian's National Zoo in Washington, D.C..) Known since ancient times & extinct in the wild until recent reintroductions, the scimitar-horned oryx is noted for its long, curved horns; if one breaks off, it doesn't grow back, which may have inspired the myth of this legendary creature

the unicorn

THE HUMAN BODY | 1600 | The endometrium is the tissue that lines this organ

the uterus

PHYSIOLOGY | 2000 | Take a gamble & name this longest cranial nerve, which runs from the brain through the neck & thorax to the abdomen

the vagus

PLANTS WITH ANIMAL NAMES | 800 | This flower shares its name with a character in ""Peter Pan""

tiger lily

BODY PART VERBS | 200 | To take responsibility for ""the bill""

to foot

MIND & BODY | 400 | When you build up this gradual immunity, the body will need more & more of a drug to achieve the same effect


BODY PART PREFIXES | 400 | Glosso-


ANTHROPOLOGY | 400 | These, carved by natives in the Pacific Northwest, often included a genealogy but you need good eyes to see the top

totem poles

ANIMAL GROUPS | 200 | Kangaroos & gorillas gather in these groups (as do Boy Scouts)




DOCTORS WITHIN BORDERS | 1200 | In prisons in Azerbaijan, Rafail Mehdiyev fights this lung disease caused by a bacillus


SCIENCE & NATURE | 800 | This element's symbol W comes from wolfram, its alternate name


DOUBLE ANIMAL NAMES | 800 | The 3 French hens were a fine gift, as were the 2 of these reddish-brown ground feeders of the pigeon family


WITHIN THE FICTIONAL PLANET | 1200 | A French number or article in the planet also called Arrakis

un (or une) (in Dune)

BIOLOGY | 1600 | ""Dorsal"" means relating to the back, while this means relating to the underside

ventral or abdominal

THE BODY | 1200 | The name of this type of heart chamber is from the Latin for ""little belly""


BODY WORKS | 1000 | This adjective used of your vermiform appendix means that it's useless evolutionally but still around


CHEMISTRY | 1600 | Herbert Evans & Katherine bishop discovered this vitamin, or alpha tocopherol, while studying the diets of rats

vitamin E

ROBOTICS | 400 | Toyota built systems including VR, this ""recognition"", for Kirobo, the first talking robot in space

voice recognition

GEOLOGY | 1200 | (Sarah of the Clue Crew gives the clue from Easter Island.) The Moai statues of Easter Island are made of tuff & basalt, & some of the statues feature topknots made of red scoria; all of the rock on the island is of this basic type

volcanic (or igneous)

GEE! IT'S GEOLOGY | 400 | A maar is a big hole caused by this type of explosive activity


WEIRD SCIENCE | 200 | A 300-mile-long mass of pumice found floating in the Pacific in 2012 was spewed up by an undersea one of these


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