Science Ch. 3

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3-4 of the sun's mass is hydrogen and 1-4 is helium, along with small amounts of other elements. It has an interior and an atmosphere.

By the way hat is the sun's account of the total solar system?



A model of the solar system in which Earth and the other planets revolve around the Sun. It was not well accepted because people thought Earth was the center of everything


A model of the universe in which Earth is at the center of other planets and the stars.


An oval shape, which may be elongated of circular.

The inner planets- Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

Are all small, dense, and have rocky surfaces, no rings and few or no moons. They are often referred to as the "terrestrial" planets. "Terra" means "earth."


Areas of gas on the sun's surface that are cooler than the gases around the. Cooler gases do not give of as much light.


Astronomy is one of the oldest pure sciences.

What gas makes up Venus's atmosphere?

Carbon Dioxide


Central region where energy is produced by nuclear fusion- hydrogen atoms are combining to produce helium.

What are the three main layers of the sun

Crust, mantle, core.

Layers of the earth

Crust- solid rocky surface Mantle- layer of hot molten rock Core- outer core is liquid, but inner core is solid


During the day, the sun appears to move across the sky. From here on Earth, it seems as if Earth is stationary and the other heavenly bodies are moving around it.


During the day, the sun appears to move across the sky. From here on Earth, it seems as if the earth is stationary ad the other heavenly bodies are moving around it.

Radiation Zone

Energy is transferred mainly in the form of electromagnetic radiation. Because the radiation is so dense, energy can take more than 100,000 years to move through it. It is the middle layer of the sun's interior.

Who used the newly invented telescope to make discoveries that supported the heliocentric model?

Galileo Galilei

What is the main difference between the geocentric and heliocentric models of planetary motion?

Geocentric- planets and sun revolve around Earth Heliocentric- Earth and planets revolve around the sun


Greek astronomer who still said the solar system was geocentric, but his model had the planets moving in smaller circles around Earth.

What did Kepler find out about each planets orbiting?

He found that each of their orbit is slightly elongated

What did Galileo use to make discoveries that supported the heliocentric model?

He used his telescope.

Galileo Gailie

He used the telescope to make discoveries that supported the heliocentric model. He discovered the first four moons of Jupiter. The motions of these moons proved that not everything in the sky revolves around the Earth.

Johannes Kepler

He was Brahe's assistant. He worked based on Brahe's data. He discovered Mars orbit is an ellipse, not round. He determined the orbit of all planets is in the shape of an ellipse.

Who was Tycho Brahe?

He was a Danish astronomer who fine tuned the heliocentric model. Copernicus had said the orbits of planets were round, but Brahe, who had observed the planets for more than 20 years, said this was not true. ALL OF THESE OBSERVATIONS WERE MADE BEFOR THE TELESCOPE WAS EVEN INVENTED!

Nicolaus Copernicus

He was a Polish Astronomer who further developed the heliocentric model. He was able to work out the arrangement of the known planets and how they move around the sun.

What occurs in nuclear fusion?

Hydrogen atoms join together to form helium.


Is unique in our solar system because it has liquid water at the surface. It has enough gravity to hold on to most gases. These gases make up Earth's atmosphere which extends more than 100 kilometers above its surface.

Why does Mercury have a greater range of temperatures than any other planet?

It has extremely high daytime temperatures because it is close to the sun. At night most of the heat escapes- Mercury has such a small mass that it cannot hold on to even gases and has virtually no atmosphere.

What does photo mean?

It means light.

Was the heliocentric model accepted well or not?

It was not accepted well.

What is Earth's inner core made of?

Mainly iron and nickel

Which planet rotates on its axis in about the same at about the same amount of time that Earth does?



Mercury is the closest planet to the sun

What are three facts about Mercury?

Mercury's surface has many craters Mercury has no moons Mercury is the planet closest to the sun.

Which six planets were known to the ancient Greeks?

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

What planets are often called the terrestrial planets?

Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars


Middle layer of the atmosphere. Gives off a reddish glow. Chroma- means color, so,the chromosphere is the "color sphere".

Solar wind

Near the North and South poles, particles of energy can enter Earth's atmosphere and cause it to glow, as well as bending light rays. These are called Auroras. Solar winds can also effect Earth's magnetic field causing magnetic storms which may disrupt communications.

Does the sun have a solid surface?


Is life on Mars possible?

No because there is not enough available oxygen, no free water, food?


Not every one believed in the geocentric model because people just could not believe that God would not make Earth the center of everything.

What does the sun's energy come from?

Nuclear Fusion


Outer layer which looks like a white halo around the sun. Corona means crown in Latin. It hex tends into space for millions of kilometers. Gradually thins into streams of electricity charged particles called solar wind.

Convection Zone

Outermost layer of the Suns interior.

Convection Zone

Outermost layer. Hot gases rise from the bottom and gradually cool as they approach the top. Cooler gases sink, forming loops of gas that move energy toward the sun's surface.

What are the two moons of Mars?

Phobos and Deimos


Photo means light. Photosphere means where that gives off visible light. Gases of the photosphere are thick enough to be visible. When you are looking at the sun, you are looking at the photosphere.

Which layer of the sun do you see when you are looking at a typical picture of the sun?


Order the layers of the sun's atmosphere from inner layer to outer layer.

Photosphere Chromosphere Corona

Who said the solar system was geocentric, but his model had the planets moving in smaller circles around the earth?



Rediscovered loops of gas. They often link sunspots areas and can be seen extending over the edge of the sun.

What are three similarities among the inner planets?

Small Dense and rocky No rings Few or no moons


Smallest terrestrial planet and closest to the sun. Interior is probably made up of dense iron metal. Has virtually no atmosphere. High daytime temperatures. Because of the small mass, the weak gravity allows gas particles to escape into space. The temperatures are extreme.

The corona sends out a stream of electrically charged particles called the

Solar Wind

What are some features on the sun?

Some features on the sun are sunspots and prominences.

What did the Ancient Greeks name some of the planets?

Some of the names of the planets Mars, Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter

Name three features on the sun.

Sunspots Prominences Solar Flares

What were two observations that Galileo made through his telescope that supported the heliocentric model?

Thanks to Galileo we know that some of the planet's orbit is slightly elongated. We also know that space consist of asteroids, planets, moons, and space junk.


Thanks to Galilie, we know that Venus goes through phases, just like the moon. Know we know that the heliocentric model had to be correct.


The Church did not like Galileo's views of the structure of the solar system. They accused him of heresy and kept him on house arrest for the last years of his life. On his deathbed, his last words were, "But, it does move." He was not officially forgiven by the Church until 1992. He also discovered through his observations that Venus goes through phases just like the moon.

How did the Greek and Ptomely's model differ?

The Greek model showed the solar system enclosed in a giant orb. Ptomely's had planets moving in small circles which then moved in larger circles around the Earth.


The Greeks thought that the Earth was inside a rotating dome that they called the celestial sphere.


The Suns core reaches about 15 million degrees Celsius. The total mass of helium produced slightly less than the total mass of the hydrogen that goes into it. The mass is changed into energy which moves outward from the core eventually escaping into space.


The bigger the circles, the brighter the stars.


The geocentric model put forth by Ptolemy was accepted for nearly 1500 years. It was still incorrect but it did explain some of the observations about planetary movement.


The geocentric model put forth by Ptolemy was accepted for nearly 1500 years. It was still incorrect, but it did explain some of the observations about planetary movement.

What is the trapping of heat in the atmosphere of Venus?

The greenhouse effect

Why is Mars called the "red planet"?

The iron rich rocks are breaking down and are becoming reddish or "rusty".

What objects make up the solar system?

The objects that make up space are comets, planets and stars.


The pattern of the stars kept the same shape.

What is in the Suns atmosphere?

The photosphere, Chromosphere, and the Corona.

In a heliocentric model, what revolves around Earth?

The sun and other planets.


The sun exerts a powerful gravitational force throughout the solar system. The force decreases with distance, but it is still powerful to hold all of the planets and other distant objects in orbit.

What are patterns of stars called?

They are called constellations.

How did Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler contribute to our knowledge of the solar system?

They contribute to our knowledge of the solar system because they all observed and made measurements about space.

What did the Ancient Greeks notice in the stars?

They noticed the stars patterns didn't change but they did not move, either.


Venus is often mistaken for a star

Radiation Zone

Very tightly packed gas where energy is transferred.

What do we know today about the solar system?

We know that we are truly a heliocentric system.


We know that we have 8 planets and one plane tepid in our solar system as well as smaller objects that revolve around the sun.

Solar Flares

When loops in sunspots areas suddenly connect large amounts of the magnetic energy released. This causes an eruption of super heated gas into space called a solar flare.

Why do some regions on Mars look darker than others?

Wind blows dust around- darker regions are often where dust has blown away.

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