SDS 3340 exam 2

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"employability security"

changed from job security to employability security. aka they develop skills that someone is willing to pay for in the marketplace.

Job Sharing

(alternative ways of working) ---one job is shared between two people. Each typically works about 20 hours per week, opposite hours, maybe 2 or 3 overlapping. -ideal for someone with child care (or leisure interests they want to pursue) where 40 hours might be hard -will get about .5 the benefits of the position- what you wouldn't get if you just had a part time job.

4 Macro-level changes that impact our careers

-changes are taking place that will continue to affect the way we "career" in the futures. 1. global economic markets 2. organizational culture 3. alternative ways of working 4. relationship between men and women at work and at home impossible to separate and all have been impacted by technology. 1. global economic market- technology, trade agreements between nations can change the way products and services are sold, etc. 2. organization culture- work organizations are changing the way they function. organize and communicate differently and in new ways. 3. alternative ways of working- odd work schedules, job sharing, working from home, etc. 4. career and family roles- dual-career families, changing men and women roles over time, etc.

organizational culture

1. Schein views culture as a characteristic of a stable social group that has a history, and where members have shared important experiences in solving group problems 2. These common experiences have lead the group members to have a shared view of the world and their place in it. 3. This shared view has worked successfully long enough for it to be taken for granted by the group and has now dropped out of the members' awareness. They take this shared view for granted as members of the group. 4. "Culture" may be views as a learned product of group experiences, and it is found in a group or organization with a significant history -each department or team in the organization may have its own subculture.

Services Industry

2 basic kinds of industry: goods producing and service producing. In the chart of 20 industries expected to produce the biggest employment growth in 2010-2020, construction is the ONLY industry that is goods producing, the other 19 are service producing. -industry employment is concentrated in the services sector which includes professional and business services. prediction- by 2020 71% of the US economy will be service producing and 23% goods producing.

Third Sector Employment

Rifkin predicted the development of the more powerful "Third Sector", which will contribute to what he calls the "social economy". This third sector also known as the independent, nonprofit, or volunteer sector, will balance the public sector (government) and the market sector (business) The third sector, or social economy, includes volunteer and community based organizations that feed the poor, protect the environment, teach, reading, run youth basketball programs, care for the elderly, operate museums, etc. More are employed in third sector organizations than work in the construction, electronics, transportation, or textile/apparel industries. -we are all becoming increasingly green and socially responsible. -social entrepeneurship

Friedman and the "flat world"

The most recent era is marked by the capacity of individuals to use new software to collaborate and compete globally. unlike the past, it is not driven by european or american individuals or companies, but instead by all parts of the world. THIS MEANS this phase of globalization has truly shrunk and flattened the world- individuals who have skill and knowledge can now directly participate in the global economy. -new forms of business and new ways of working and suggests that 3 billion people outside of western Europe and north america are now able to compete and collaborate in the new global economy. OUTSOURCING- means taking some specific organizational function and having some other organization do the work and return the output. OFFSHORING- movement of an entire factory to another location where exactly the same goods are produced but at a lower cost.


as organizations have laid off regular permanent employees, they have contracted with other companies to do the work previously done by those laid off. the new workers are hired on a contingency basis and are called contingent workers. -ex) janitors are fired. they now hired a different company called service master. it is possible that the same people will be cleaning but now be working for a different employer. -every kind of job is affected by growth in the contingent work force- hourly jobs, tech jobs, etc. organizations call this OUTSOURCING. outsourcing cleaning services would enable the original people (dollardown) to save money on health insurance, payroll taxes, and retirement. these costs might be taken over by servicemaster. AKA---- many functions previously thought to be core internal elements of an organization are now contracted outside (staffing services, accounting, research, legal services, etc) -work or job is still there. but employer may change. meaning you must be flexible for change.

"glass ceiling"

as women enter the workforce they experience glass ceiling. -artificial barriers based on organizational attitudes and occupational bias that prevent qualified women from advancing into mid and senior level management positions. women might have more opportunities to move in top management positionsif organizations would be open to creating new patterns that work for both sexes b/c many challenges are faced in the pressed multitasking demands of their varied life roles.

Drucker's beliefs about new world society

be believed that by 2010 and 2020 that our primary resource would be knowledge. That the world would be nonsocialist and post capitalists. Nation-states would be replaced by mage-states and it would be a society of organizations, each devoted to a specific task. aka the Knowledge Society his ideas are reinforced in these chapters. -believed future careers would occur in a global context where people having management and information-processing skills would work in an information society. the knowledge workers would find themselves working as members of organizations and teams, each seeking to accomplish its own limited objectives.

Dual career marriage and potential problems

both parents working -travel and relocation. when one travels the responsibilities shift to the one at home.If one needs to move, it means potential job loss for the other. -child care. the stress of finding child care or not being there at home with the children -feeling overworked- stress associate with work and home demands.

Temporary workers

defined as contingent workers when they do not expect to stay with their current employer for more than one year or the job has a specific end date. -if one has continues employment with a temporary services company then the work is permanent, not temporary. this means that one can have permanent employment with a temp agency. -a person doing temp work is known as an employee or contractor and the temp help organization is known as the employer. the organization for whom temp employment services are being provides is known as the client. temp work used to be assembly line and clerical workers, but now its lawyers, accountants, engineers, etc. in staffing services industry. temp employers are often offered permanent positions inside these staffing services.


enterprise webs as high-value business enterprises and they are complex, flexible work organizations. like a spider web, where information is exchanged by the workers. Very different than the pyramid model in the past. now, speed/ time is very important. aka who will correctly identify and solve the problem first? aka can be found anywhere in the world through computer networks and international travel. -many different shapes and sizes.

Lean production?????

improving flow and smoothness of work. Reduces Waste

New social contract

is based on the employees opportunities for training and development, and one's loyalty may be more to the profession than to the organization. -had changed from job security to employability security. aka they develop skills that someone is willing to pay for in the marketplace. -strong commitments to the work skills and to their coworkers - the nature of this social contract has changed, and many organizations now view workers like other parts of the production process (machines, buildings, money, etc)

Factors affecting women's careers

low pay, stress, traditional sex role expectations, occupational stereotypes, glass ceiling, harassment, and becoming an entrepreneur. current factors- becoming a mother later in life, balancing the demands of career advancement, caregiving, glass ceiling, higher levels of education and training. later mothering- having kids later in life because of higher education demands, fertility treatments, and changing attitudes toward marriage. women now getting higher degrees than men. sometimes meaning a higher advantage in obtaining employment.

Feller and Wichard

old structure= triangle. top 15% is executives. 85% is most workers. Now= new diamond shape. although the top is still reserved for the top executives and managers, this represents only 5-10% of the workers in the organizations, a smaller number than before. -the bottom portion is 15-40% of the workers that might be employed as contract workers or temporary employees the core workers 50-80%- lead teams, supervise coworkers, and monitor quality control, and those who excel move to positions in the far right or left points of the diamond. -social and enterprising areas are rewarded in this new organizational model because it involves written communication, teamwork, lifelong learning, leadership and self directed career decision making.

"sandwich generation"

people who have simultaneous demands of caring for aging parents and supporting dependent children. several factors have led to increased attention to this issue: -more middle aged people have living parents -parents live farther away, which complicated caregiving -women are having children at a later age so parents are older and children are still young -children are supported longer than in the past -women are working outside the home 46% of women 40% of men -also increased amount of recent college grads living at home -multigenerational households.

Distinctions between regular, permanent jobs and contingent work

permanent full time- most common way of working. 40ish hours a week. may not be totally permanent because now people are more likely to change jobs. historically, these were filled for life unless they messed up or chose to leave the organization. although it is not as common to be a lifetime thing, these positions still make up the core workers in the diamond. -they work directly for an organization. Contingent workforce- things that go with contingent workforce- -employee leasing, temporary services, contract employment, self employment, freelancing, flexible staffing, outsourcing, other professional services. ---contingent definition- uncertainty, possibility, chance, unforeseen conditions, dependent, conditional, and unpredictable. -GROWING FAST. work may not last longer than a year.

Amerco case study

sociologist went and spent 3 years living and working with employees at Amerco. It is said to be a huge company that is family friendly, yet it was still losing highly trained women faster than it was losing men. they found: -99% employees worked full time ~47 hours -flextime was popular family friendly program, 25% used it, including 33% of working parents -less than 1% shared a job and only 3% of parents with young children took advantage of part time work options -worker with young children actually put in more hours than those without children Why were they not taking advantage of these programs?! -because----working families were not asking to use them. -why? -work became a refuge away from family problems- like marriage and childcare stress -workers felt more at home at work because they were more appreciated and competent there -began outsourcing home services like cleaning and child care -men didn't want to sabotage with their careers or seem like they were not serious about work by asking for these family friendly programs -parents stole time from their children, not the company -work- first shift. home-second shift was more rushed. aka third shift was longer because it was spent doing more coping with children's negative emotional reactions from compressed time at home. -no easy solutions. -re read the solutions on page 143


the presence of both masculine and feminine qualities in each person. It provides both men and women with opportunities to move beyond the traditional gender stereotypes. men fear gaining femininity too because it will lead to them not being the breadwinner. this is unappealing to them and makes it difficult for them to incorporate child care and housework

Strategic Career Thinking

when an organization "thinks strategically" they ask themselves: 1. where does our organization want to go? 2. Are we in the right business relative to other businesses we could be in? definition: the process of developing a vision of where the institution wants to go, and then developing managing strategies (plans) on how to get there. -begins by developing a vision. strategic thinking is doing the right things (effectiveness) whereas operational planning is doing things right (efficiency) sometimes organizations get lost in doing things right that they lose sight of being effective and doing the right things. organizations can fail for being either ineffective or inefficient for choosing a career: -a vision about what success is to you. -get organized and prepared to do the "right things" -implement a plan to do those things right

Independent contractor

who obtains customers on his or her own. they are more likely to work part time and hold managerial, professional, sale, or precision production jobs. -starting to even replace state employees for certain services like social workers and counselors. -employee or independent contractor? -I.C= no training, can hire and pay others, relationships limited to completion of tasks, hours set by worker, work when they choose, paid by job or commission, supply own materials, can make profit or loss, cannot be fired, etc.

Career management vs workforce planning

workforce planning- is something that the organization dos for itself to make sure it grows properly. career management-something that individuals in the organization do with respect to their interests, values, skills, and goals.

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