Second Industrial Revolution

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The Balkan territories of Bosnia and Herzegonvia were placed under the protection of who


What were the two classes directly facing each other

Bourgeoisie and proletariat

What was/is critical to public health

Clean water and an effective sewage system

Between what classes was the new class created?

Lower-middle and lower

What were the causes and effects of the second Industrial Revolution?

Steel, chemicals, electricity , and petroleum were made and led the way to new industrial frontiers. homes and cities began to have electric lights when the light bulb was invented and so were cars and subways.

What were some of the most influential inventions of the second Industrial Revolution?

Steel, chemicals, electricity, petroleum, streetcars, the telephone, the light bulb, subways, hydroelectric power stations, coal-fired steam-generating plants, the assembly line, clocks, bicycles, electric lights, typewriters and many more.

At first laws were passed that made what illegal under any circumstance


What was Marx most important idea

The German social democratic party

To retain the workers' support, what did the liberals do?

The Liberals voted for social reforms, such as unemployment benefits and old-age pensions

Marxist parties we divided among what

Their goals

Why was there little national unity when Italy emerged as a united state

There was little national unity because of the gulf between the poverty stricken south and the industrialized north

What was he middle classes view on women

They should remain at home to bear and nurture children and should not be allowed to work

What were some signs that political democracy was expanding in Western Europe

Universal male suffrage laws were passed. Also, the prime minister was responsible to the elected legislator

Leisure came to be viewed as what?

What people do for fun after work.

what is a controversy

a dispute or quarrel

Austria-Hungry was convinced that Serbia and Serbian nationilism was what

a mortal threat to its empire

In theory, what did the constitutionset up

a parliamentary system with ministerial responcibility

What did the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovnia lead to

an international controversy

the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments gave citizenship and voting rights to who

African americans

What did the workers hope to achieve and how successful were they

A better life Varying

What is a revisionist

A Marxist who rejected the revolutionary approach, believing instead in evolution by democratic means to achieve the goal of socialism

Why did the number of children born to the average woman decrease

Economic conditions improved and there was an increased use of birth control

Who was The Women's Social and Political Union founded by

Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughters.

who were the two women that transformed nursing into a profession of trained, middle class "women in white"

Florence Nightingale and Clara Barton

fearing that france intended to create an anti-german alliance what did Bismarck do

He made a defensive alliance with Austria-Hungry in 1879

Marx believed that all of world history was a ___________________________________. According to him, oppressor and oppressed have always____________________

History of class struggles Stood in constant struggle

What were the two great areas of concern in the cities

Housing and public sanitation

Why did cities grow faster in the 19th century

Improvements of public health and sanitation

How did the expansion of government positivily effect women

It created job opportunities for them

Mass production

Production of goods in quantity usually by machinery

What was the working class called


what did the united states acquire that were the former Spanish possesions

Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines

What was the book written by Karl Marx and friedrich engals

The communist manifesto

Before the 19th and 20th centuries, who was education mostly reserved for

The elite and the wealthier middle class

The second industrial revolution combined with what fostered a true world economy

The growth of transportation

What is feminism

The movement for women's rights

What right did women argue for in the 1830's

The rift to own property

people in the first Industrial revolution were able to meet factory needs without training or expirence. How was the second Industrial Revolution different?

The second Revolution needed trained, skilled workers.

What did Marx predict

The struggle between the two groups would lead to a revolution

what led industrial workers to form socialist political parties and socialist trade unions?

The transition to an industrialized society was very hard on the workers. The desire to improve their working and living conditions led to this.

what did america have that was the best in the wold in the 1900's

steel and iron production

What did women believe was the key to improving their overall position.

suffrage or the right to vote

who did the Russians support

the Surbs

what was one change William made in foreign policy

to drop the treaty with Russia

how many opposing camps was Europe divided into


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