Semester 1 Child Development Exam 2

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hitting or biting

How does the typical 4-year-old express anger at another child?

cruelly teasing, taunting, insulting

How does the typical 6-year-old express anger at another child?


How is 3-year-old Rosie most likely to form the plural of the word man?

2 1/2 to 3 inches

How much does a 4-6 grow in height each year?

2 inches

How much should a child from ages 7 to 10 grow each year?

6.5 pounds

How much weight are children aged 7-12 supposed to gain each year?

small motor

Ignacio is able to drink from a cup, color, and play with blocks. What skills are these examples of?


In what type of play do children play near, but not interact with, other children?

they learn the connection between letters and sounds

In what way is reading alphabet books helpful to a child's language development?


In which area are the strong imaginations of children 4 to 6 most evident?

12 months

Janie's parents are getting ready to go to the grocery store. When Janie sees this, she says, "Janie go." Based on her speech, how old is Janie most likely to be?

He is beginning to develop a sense of group identification

Jeremy, age 5, insists that he doesn't want the "cartoon baby shirts" his mother has chosen; instead, he wants shirts with monster trucks on them like his friends have. What can Jeremy's mother assume about his clothing choice?

he will feel jealous

Joel's father complains about the mess in Joel's room. "Why can't you be tidy like your brother, Kevin?" the father asks. What is the MOST LIKELY result of the father's question?

7 to 10 years old

Jolene is described as being in middle childhood. How old is she?

around your 12th birthday

Lena, age 10, want to know when she will get her next set of molars. What is the best response?

large motor

Mrs. Chisolm watches her three-year-old daughter Jenny happily riding her tricycle on the sidewalk in front of their house. What skills is Jenny developing while she does this?

12 years

Ms. Acosta's class is taking a test. Some of the questions show the children a 3-dimensional shape and ask what the shape would look like upside down or rotated 90 degrees. How old are Ms. Acosta's students most likely to be?

natural consequences

Paco is playing roughly with his favorite toy car even though his mother has asked him to be careful. When the car finally breaks, Paco's mother says, "Playing too rough with toys can ruin them. Now, your favorite car is broken." what punishment technique did the mother use?

6 years

Rikki attends school full time, is stubborn, and has rapidly changing moods. How old is Rikki likely to be?

admiration and respect

Seven-year-old Kim has an older brother who is 15. Which of the following most likely describes Kim's feelings for her brother?

sibling rivalry will increase

Teanna's mother has reminded her again not to interrupt when adults are talking. "Why can't you be polite like your brother, Reggie?" the mother asks. What is the most likely result of the mother's question?

improved memory

Ten-year-old Ken can recite the periodic table of elements. What thinking skill of the concrete operations stage allows him to do this?


Three-year-old Leon doesn't know how to zip up his jacket. Which type of learning is most likely to help him reach his goal the fastest?

she will be taller than the average woman

Two-year-old Sherrie is tall for her age. Which statement about her future height is most likely true?


What area of intellectual activity is developed by playing "I Spy" with a child?

bacteria that lives on the skin

What causes body odor?

older children may be afraid of the dark

What change in sleep patterns occurs between age 1 and age 2-3?

hands and feet, arms and legs, torso

What correctly describes the sequence of growth between the ages of 7 and 12?


What developmental skills do coloring, working with clay, and self-feeding improve?


What does self-confidence help children develop?

estrogen and testosterone

What drives the physical changes of puberty?


What is not a factor that influences children's preferences about their own clothing?


What is the ability to focus on a task called?

waiting until the child shows readiness

What is the key to successful toilet training?


What is the mental ability to solve problems and recognize relationships called?

to learn how to make sense

What is the most imporant reason children need to spend time with other children, not just adults?


What is the specialist who straightens teeth called?

it's slower than the rate infants grow

What is true about the rate at which children grow from one to three years?

It follows a cyclical pattern of calm periods followed by stormy ones

What is true of children's emotional development?

calcium, phosphorous, and vitamin D

What nutrients are essential for healthy teeth and bones?

face, neck, chest, back

What parts of the body are most commonly affected by acne?

trial and error

What type of learning involves testing solutions to find the one that works?


What type of learning takes place by accident?

18 to 20 years

When do the third set of molars, called "wisdom teeth," typically come in?

6 years

When to children typically begin to lose their baby teeth?

feet, groin, underarms

Where should a person be sure to wash thoroughly to remove body odor?


Which core relationship becomes less important to children as they age?

back, legs, shoulders, arms

Which muscles are involved in the development of large motor skills?

walking, hopping, throwing a ball

Which of the following activities develop large motor skills?

making figures out of clay

Which of the following activities encourages creativity in young children?

tying shoelaces

Which of the following is a small motor skill that children from 4 to 6 develop?

cutting on a line with scissors

Which of the following is a small motor skill that develops around age four?

Having strong small motor skills will help them learn to write

Why is it important for children between the ages of 4 and 6 to master small motor skills such as cutting with scissors, molding with clay, and drawing with crayons?


doing the opposite of what others want


the idea that an object or quantity has the same characteristics even if there is a change in how it is presented


the process by which children learn to get along with other people

moral development

the process of learning to base one's behavior on personal beliefs of right and wrong

playing the piano

what activity requires dexterity?


what change of puberty takes place in both boys and girls?


what word or term does not describe a 12-year-old's thinking?

opposite sex

What is not expected in a friend of a child from 7 to 10?

the goal of punishment

to discourage a child from repeating an undesired behavior

formal operations

Alan is furious at the city council. They have once again refused to increase the budget for the homeless shelter in his town. "All the shelter needed was another $50,000!" Alan fumes. Which of Piaget's stages is Alan moat likely in?

3 years

At what age do children begin to engage in cooperative play?

18 months

At what age do children treat others as objects rather than as people and show the first signs of independence from family?

5 years

At what age do children usually start to favor a certain hand? (right-handed vs left-handed)

4 years

At which age are children more likely to express their anger physically?

someone to play with

Below the age of 7, what do children typically look for in a friend?

criticism by others

Between the ages of 4 and 6, what are children MOST sensitive to?


Brian just found out that Roger has more model airplanes than Carl, who has more than Brian does. Brian is now feeling envious of Roger. What concept is this an example of?


By age 2 years, about how many words does a typical child know?

7 years

Devon no longer is scared of monsters under the bed, but he is fearful of strangers. How old is Devon most likely to be?

concrete operations

Eight-year-old Melinda is looking through her stamp collection. She confidently sorts the Bahamian stamps with Queen Elizabeth II's picture on them. Which of Piaget's developmental stages is Melinda in?


Four-year-old Aldo is pushing a little shopping cart wildly through the grocery story, almost knocking into people and displays. What discipline technique should his mother use?


From their use of symbols, egocentric viewpoint, and enjoyment of make-believe play, four- to six-year-olds show that they are in which of Piaget's developmental periods?

5 years

Greg tell you that his little sister is able to tie her shoes and draw figures that are clearly human. From this information, how old is Greg's sister most likely to be?

10 to 12 years

Hassan is classified as an early adolescent. How old is Hassan?

3 years

At what age are children more likely to compare themselves to other children?

7 years

Elena has become very fearful of earthquakes. How old is Elena most likely to be?

4-5 pounds

From three to four, how much weight should a child gain?

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