Semester 1 Exam- APCSP

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Character values are represented by an equivalent integer value according to the character's _________ code


2 parts of the main function of a C++ program

Declaration Section Executable Statement Section


the info the program needs to execute


the phase of software development method where the solution is developed


each step is necessary with out extra or ineffective steps

What happens to the value of the variable on the left side of the equal sign in an assignment statement?

previous value is erased and new value stored

set of instructions and commands used to tell a computer what to do


C++ identifiers that are created by the programmer to be used as the names of variables, constants, and functions

programmer-supplied identifiers

What's the numbering system used within the computer to store data and perform its operations?


What type of memory holds programs you write for execution?


Arithmetic commands that produce integers


list of steps used to describe the sequence of how something is done, forming the basis of a computer program



an algorithm should always produce correct results

Error can occur when you add an extremely large value to an extremely small value

Cancellation Error

*What is cybersecurity?*

Cybersecurity is the protection of computers and networks from theft or damage to the hardware, software, and to the information on them as well as protection from disruption or misdirection of the internet services. Secure passwords-changed frequently- not the same on multiple accounts- not opening questionable emails- using security software---personal monitoring software- track access to sensitive data-encryption-firewalls- secure wireless connections---businesses

Ex of an auxiliary memory device

Flash Drive

A ____________ is a graphical way of representing an algorithm with special symbols that display the logical constructs of the algorithm, such as input of output, processing steps, and decisions


Three categories of programming languages

High Level Assembly Machine

Type of programming language that resembles the English language


List the four basic functions of a computer system

Input, Output, Process, and Store Info.


Integrated Development Environment

Type of programming language that is the computer's "native" language


part of a C++ program used to indicate the beginning of the main function of the program?

Main function heading

___________ code is created by the compiler, with the extension of _____

Object .obj

part of a C++ program used to identify which libraries need to be linked to the program?

Preprocessor directives

__________________ is the process of representing an algorithm using a combination of English language statements and programming language constructs


What type of memory is temporary and erases when the computer's power goes off?


What are the two types of main memory?


What type of memory is permanently stored inside the computer?


What does RAM stand for?

Random Access Memory

What does ROM stand for?

Read Only Memory

Error occurs when you assign a value to a variable that is too large for the variable to hold

Real Overflow

Error occurs when the value 0.1 is actually stored in memory as .09999999876

Representational Error

___________ code is created by the programmer in the editor; in C++, this usually has the extension of ______

Source .cpp

A ____________ is a graphical way of representing an algorithm that shows the process of subdividing a problem

Structure Chart


each step must be doable


each step of an algorithm is in the correct order


each step of an algorithm is terminated in a tolerable amount of time


each step of an algorithm must be defined clearly with out any confusion or ambiguity

C++ identifiers must start with ______ and can only contain _____

letters or underscore; letters, underscores, and/or numbers

C++ identifiers (cout) that have a special meaning but are found in external files from the compiler and can be redefined to a new meaning

library identifiers

data analysis

making sense of data, finding patterns, and drawing conclusions

What happens to the value of any variables on the right side of the equal sign in an assignment statement?



organize resources to carry out tasks at the same time in order to reach a common goal


reducing complexity to define main idea


representing a situation or problem with model of a process, or running experiments with a model

Identifiers that have special meaning in C++ and can't be used for other purposes

reserved words

*Two types of careers in cybersecurity*

security analyst-detects and prevents cyber threats to companies and organizations security engineer- builds and maintains IT security solutions for an organization

algorithms and procedures

series of ordered steps taken to solve a problem or achieve some end

name of the function that allows a programmer to set the field width of a string, integer, or real number

setw ( )

Name the 6 stages of the software life-cycle in order

1. Analysis 2. Design 3. Coding 4. Testing & Verification 5. Maintenance 6. Obsolescence

5 main sections of a C++ program

1. Preprocessor directives 2. Constant and type definition section 3. Main Function Heading 4. Declaration Section 5. Executable Statement Section

Decimal to Binary: 45


floating point (10^2)


fixed point (10E+002)


Decimal to Binary: 99


In machine language, all data and commands are stored as a pattern of _____

1s and 0s

Binary to Decimal: 11011011


Binary to Decimal: 101011


4 main components that are part of the Visual C++ IDE

Editor Compiler Linker Libraries

___________ code is created by the linker, with the extension of _____

Executable .exe

*Describe what happens in RAM when a variable is declared in a program*

When a variable is declared, a memory location is set aside in RAM to holed the particular type of data. The declaration specifies the amount of RAM to set aside and the type of information that it can hold.

the three levels of precedence for arithmetic order of operations in C++

( ) % * / + -

data representation

displaying and organizing data in appropriate graphs, charts, words, or images

*What's a compiler?*

A compiler is a program that translates a high-level language program into machine language The programmer creates the source code in an editor. The compiler then attempts to translate the source code into machine language. If there are syntax errors, the compiler can't finish the translation then the programmer needs to fix the syntax errors in the source code and recompile it. If the compiler is successful in translating the code it creates the object code which is a direct machine language translation of the source code. The Linker then joins the object code with other files that are needed for the program to work creating the executable code (the final program in machine language).

*What's a data packet? How's it used to pass data through the internet?*

A data packet is the way information is sent through the internet from one computer or server to another. Information is grouped together into a single unit to be transferred along the internet. In addition to the actual data, packets will include the length of the packet, source of data, and destination of the data, tags to help reconstruct the data by the destination, and code to help check to make sure the information is free from error.

*Describe the features that make a programming language a high-level language*

A high-level language has syntax similar to the English language, is portable (able to execute on a variety of computers without modification), must be translated into machine language, and has a specific language syntax.

Name the three main parts of the CPU

Arithmetic-Logic Unit (ALU) Control Unit Clock

What kind of computer language is represented by the following: LOAD X ADD Y STORE Z

Assembly Language

What are the two types of memory in a computer system?

Auxiliary Main

Name the part of the computer known as its "brains"

CPU- central processing unit

Ex of High-Level computer languages

C++, Java, HTML, Python, Visual Basic

data collection

The process of gathering appropriate information

_________________ is the process of designing an algorithm of breaking a problem into smaller problems, and then breaking those steps into smaller steps

Top-Down Design

What's the term referring to one circuit within the computer?


What characters are considered "white space"?

blank space, tab, and enter key

problem decomposition

breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable parts

Each keyboard character is represented by a _____


What's the name of the program that translates a high-level language into machine language?


What's the name of the operation when two strings are added together?


name of the function that allows a programmer to set the number of decimal places displayed when outputting a real number

cout.precision ( )


having computers or machines do repetitive or tedious tasks

name of the library file that supports the manipulation of the formatting of the output


name of the library file that allows you to input data from the keyboard and output data to the screen


What's the complete program called in the Visual C++ IDE?


Arithmetic commands that produce doubles

sqrt fabs pow ceil floor

List of rules for a computer language are known as its ______



the info the program needs to give you

A portable language is one that can be ______

used on different types of computers with little modification

What has to be present on the left side of the equal sign in an assignment statement?


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