Semi, Colons, and Dashes Notes

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semi-colons: The class has finished the nonfiction unit *therefore* we will begin the poetry unit on Monday. (cause and affect)

after unit (The class has finished the nonfiction unit; *therefore* we will begin the poetry unit on Monday )

semi-colons: The cravings come from the Oaxaca Valley in fact, 90 percent of the two hundred families who make them live in just three villages

after valley (The cravings come from the Oaxaca Valley; in fact, 90 percent of the two hundred families who make them live in just three villages)

dashes: Our family owns two vehicles a station wagon and a pick-up truck. (a colon could work as well)

after vehicles (Our family own two vehicles--a station wagon and a pick-up truck)

dashes: The weather was unseasonably warm in the low eighties for February

after warm, after eighties (The weather was unseasonably warm-- in the low eighties--for February)

dashes: "What I meant was " Vonda began as the doorbell rang

after was ("What I meant was " Vonda began as the doorbell rang)

semi-colons: not all birds migrate south for the winter cardinals, *for instance*, can stay in northern climates year round

after winter (not all birds migrate south for the winter; cardinals, *for instance*, can stay in northern climates year round)

Semicolons - a *punctuation* mark that is used to separate ____________ sentences without __________________

compound, conjunctions

confusing or clear? June sat with Tony, Pat, and me*,* and Josh sat with Flora, Zack, and Geraldo


confusing or clear? Searching for the house key, I found a dime, a nickel, and a penny*,* and John, my brother, found his lost watch


Use a semicolon between *independent clauses* joined by a _______________ ______________ or a *transitional expression

conjuctive adverb

Semicolons - separate sentences with _____________ *adverbs* or _____________ expressions and separate *series of items* when the items contain ____________

conjuctive, transitional, commas

What are these? accordingly, also, besides, consequently, furthermore, however, indeed, instead, meanwhile, moreover, nevertheless, next, otherwise, still, then, therefore

conjunctive adverb

Use a colon in certain....

conventional situations

You may need to use a semicolon (rather than a comma) before a _____________ *conjunction* (FANBOYS) to join *independent clause* that contain ___________

coordinating, commas

incorrect or correct? At the new amusement park we rode the roller coaster, the Ferris wheel, the bumper cars, and the water slide


incorrect or correct? Our family has lived in California, Arizona, and Texas


Use a dash to mean "namely, that is, or in other words", or to otherwise introduce an ________________________. Also, use a dash after the *explanation if the sentence continues*


2. Use a colon before a long ____________ statement or quotation


use a colon between the _____ and minute


Semicolons: Everyone else in my family excels in a particular sport I seem to be the only exception

after sport (Everyone else in my family excels in a particular sport; I seem to be the only exception)

semi-colons: (there's two) In 2000, the three largest metropolitan areas in the United States were New York, New York Los Angeles, California and Chicago, Illinois

after the second New York, after California (In 2000, the three largest metropolitan areas in the United States were New York, New York; Los Angeles, California; and Chicago, Illinois)

Use a dash to indicate the beginning and the end of an __________________ in thought or speech or to indicated an _________________ thought

abrupt break, unfinished

colon: 1 Corinthians 13 1-13

after 13 (1 Corinthians 13: 1-13)

semi-colons: (there's three) You may turn in your book reports on Thursday, September 14 Friday, September 15 Monday, September 18 or Tuesday, September 19

after 14, after 15, after 18 (You may turn in your book reports on Thursday, September 14; Friday, September 15; Monday, September 18; or Tuesday, September 19)

semi-colons: (there are 2) After his concert in New York, my uncle Vittorio will come to visit on Thursday, March 25 Friday, March 26 or Saturday, March 27

after 25, after 26 (After his concert in New York, my uncle Vittorio will come to visit on Thursday, March 25; Friday, March 26; or Saturday, March 27 )

colon: 6 15 p.m.

after 6 (6:15 p.m.)

colon: Sometimes the paper comes at 7 15 A., but other times it doesn't hit the drieway until 8 00

after 7, after 8 (Sometimes the paper comes at 7:15 A., but other times it doesn't hit the driveway until 8:00)

colon: Psalm 8 9

after 8 (Pslam 8:9)

colon: 9 55 tomorrow morning

after 9 (9:55 tomorrow morning)

semi-colons: The Mixtec built a tremendous pyramid in Cholula it was the largest pyramid of the ancient world

after Cholula (The Mixtec built a tremendous pyramid in Cholula; it was the largest pyramid of the ancient world)

semi colon: Ralph Ellison is best known for his 1952 novel, "Invisible Man" he also, *however*, wrote short stories and essays

after Man (Ralph Ellison is best known for his 1952 novel, "Invisible Man"; he also, *however*, wrote short stories and essays)

colon: My little sister's favorite book is "The Great Kapok Tree" "A Tale of the Amazon Rainforest" by Lynn Cherry.

after Tree (My little sister's favorite book is "The Great Kapok Tree": "A Tale of the Amazon Rainforest" by Lynn Cherry.)

colon: Dear Ms. Weinberg

after Weinberg (Dear Ms. Weinberg:)

semi colons: The poems will be dicussed in class *meanwhile*, we will be working on our research papers on our own time. (time)

after class (The poems will be discussed in class; *meanwhile*, we will be working on our research papers on our own time.)

semi-colon: Lenor is planning to become an engineer *however*, she is also interested in graphic design

after engineer (Lenor is planning to become an engineer; *however*, she is also interested in graphic design)

colons: The only tools allowed in the examination area are *as follows* pencils, compasses, rulers, and protractors

after follows (The only tools allowed in the examination area are *as follows*: pencils, compasses, rulers, and protractors)

colon: (answers the question "why"?) Preston slapped his forehead He had forgotten to put oregano in the sauce.

after forehead (Preston slapped his forehead: He had forgotten to put oregano in the sauce.)

semi-colons: only two people registered for the pottery lessons *as a result*, the class was canceled

after lesson (only two people registered for the pottery lessons; *as a result*, the class was canceled)

dashes: The party I'm sorry I forgot to tell you was not changed to next week

after party, after you (The party--I'm sorry I forgot to tell you--was not changed to next week)

semi-colons: most students are studying poets from the distant past I, *however*, am researching the poetic devices of a modern songwriter (contradicition)

after past (most students are studying poets from the distant past; I, *however*, am researching the poetic devices of a modern songwriter)

colons: During summer vacation, Juanita read biographies of *the following people* John Ross and Annie Wauneka

after people (During summer vacation, Juanita read biographies of *the following people*: John Ross and Annie Wauneka)

colon: (answers the question "why"?) He deserves a raise He completed the project on schedule and under budget.

after raise (He deserves a raise: He completed the project on schedule and under budget.)

Semicolons: The river is rising rapidly it is expected to crest by noon

after rapidly (The river is rising rapidly; it is expected to crest by noon)

colon: Thomas Paine's first pamphlet in the series "The American Crisis" starts with these famous words These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman

after words (Thomas Paine's first pamphlet in the series "The American Crisis" starts with these famous words: These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman)

3. use a colon before a statement that *explains* or __________ a preceding statement


confusing or clear? June sat with Tony, Pat, and me*;* and Josh sat with Flora, Zack, and Geraldo


confusing or clear? Searching for the house key, I found a dime, a nickel, and a penny*;* and John, my brother, found his lost watch


Use semi-colons between items in a series if the items contain ___________


incorrect or correct? At the new amusement park we rode*:* the roller coaster, the Ferris wheel, the bumper cars and the water slide


incorrect or correct? Our family as lived in*:* California, Arizona, and Texas


use semicolon between ______________ clauses that are *closely related* in thought and that are *NOT JOINED* by and, but, for, nor, or, so, yet


colon: Sherry's favorite artists are Jacob Lawrence, Romare Bearden, and Margaret Boroughs.

not needed

semi-colons: Fortunately, Candace remembered the address, or we would have been quite late, Roseanne

not needed

semi-colons: Art in Mexico is varied and distinctive and it exhibits a strong Spanish influence.

not needed (the word and is present)

1. use a colon to mean...

note what follows

Colons - a punctuation mark used to denote "____________________;" a long formal statement or ___________; clarification for a preceding statement and conventional situations

note what follows, quotation

Dashes - A punctuation mark that sets off _______________ from the main thought


transitional expressions and conjunctive adverbs clarify ______________ between ideas and can help express your *meaning* better


Use a colon after the ___________ of a business letter


What are these? as a result, in spite of, for example, for instance, in conclusion, in other words, in fact, that is

transitional expressions

note: do not use colons between a _____ and its *complements* or a _____________ and its *objects*

verb, preposition

use a colon between chapter and _______ in Biblical references


note - when a *conjuctive adverb* or *transitional expression* appears ________ one of the clauses instead of ________ the clauses, it is usually set off by *commas* (clauses may still be separated by a semicolon)

within, between

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