Services marketing chap 3-4

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her head. A haircut is adequate when it doesn't when she is going out on a date. Jamie desires a haircut that will look just as attractive when she awakens in the has to do to fix her hair is to shake morning as it does brushing was all that was needed to fix it. Jamie's recent haircut was in her because while it didn't look great all the time, a quick have any stray long hairs and it hides her cowlick. With the desired haircut, all she

) Zone of tolerance Area of acceptability C. Area of impartiality D. Zone of endurance E. Zone of minimal variation

Customer are beliefs about service delivery that function as standards a against which performance is judged.

A. Attitudes B. Judgments Goals D Expectations E. Perceptions

Lillie worked as a caterer when she was in college. She was highly critical of the caterer and its staff that her parents selected for their 50th anniversary party. Lillie's attitude about how a caterer should act reflects her:

A. Augmented service expectation B. Personal service philosophy Derived service expectation D. Cultural service expectation E. Situational factors

W hen customers have been surprised assessments of the reasons can influence their by a service outcome that is much better or worse than satisfaction. These perceived causes of service expected, they tend to look for reasons and their success or failure are known as:

A. Blame states B. Fairness assessments C. Perceived disadvantages D. Service advantages E Service attributions

11. Which of the following statements about customer satisfaction and service quality is true

A. Customer satisfaction is a focused evaluation that reflects the customer's perception ofs pecific dimensions of service like reliability and responsiveness B. Service quality is more inclusive than customer service It is correct to use the customer service and service quality interchangeably Customer satisfaction is influenced by perceptions of service quality N one of the above statements about customer satisfaction and service quality is true

late. Leonard's expectation that his train will be 5 minutes late reflects his time, he knows from his experience as a commuter that it is more likely the train will be 5 minutes untington, a suburb of New York. Although Leonard would like the orning he takes the 7:00 a.m. train that is scheduled to arrive in New onard has b een commuting to New York City on the Long Island Railroad for 10 years. Every train to arrive in New York at 8:15 a.m. from York on level of service for the Long Island Railroad.

A. Desired B Adequate C. Transactional D. Functional E. Available

when the customer interacts with the service firm. From the customer's point of view, the most vivid impression of service occurs in the service

A. Event B. Socialization Encounter D. Arrangement E. Linkage

K a cottage on Martha's October. expects great service When Karen because than it is during the tourists island destinati destination for tourists from about service, her visits the Vineyard, a popular island in March to dine at her are not there. Because she proum aorite favorhe s she pizza w will ill receiv receive receive great great the tourist season.

A. Level of desired B. Tolerance C Level of of situational service will be higher factors will be higher D. Zone of adequate service will be higher E. Level of tolerance will be wider adequate service will be lower

Customers' tolerance zon es vary for different service the factor, the the zone of tolerance is likely to be. attributes or dimensions. The

A. More important; wider B More important; narrower C. Less important ; wider D. Less important; narrower E. More important; less important

Ally Bank advertises "24/7 live customer care" which means that customer can call by telephone and speak with a human being about their banking matters any time of day or night. Ally Bank customers never have to talk to a machine. With this service feature, Ally Bank is emphasizing the dimension of service quality.

A. Reliability 3) Responsiveness Assurance D. Empathy E. Tangibles

The dimension of service quality is the caring, individualized attention given to customers

A. Reliability B. Responsiveness Assurance D Empathy E. Tangibles

For years, Allstate Insurance dimension of service quality is this Allstate promotional has used the slogan, "You're in good hands with Allstate. " Which campaign emphasizing?

A. Reliability B. Responsiveness Assurance D. Empathy E. Tangibles

The Walt Disney Company dress code requires male cast members with mustaches or beards to trim their facial hair to no longer than one-quarter of an inch and be well-groomed. Male cast members without mustaches and beards must be clean shaven every day. All cast members must keep their nametags visible at all times, have no visible tattoos, and be professional in appearance. The Walt Disney Company's dress code e reflects the thedimension of service quality.

A. Reliability B. Responsiveness C. Assurance D. Empathy Tangibles

After his home was burglarized, Rich became concerned about the safety of his wife and three children since he often traveled out-of-town on business. To prevent further burglaries and ensure his family's safety, Rich decided to purchase a home security system from ADT Security Systems. Rich's expectation that an ADT home security system will protect his family and prevent future burglaries is influenced by his

A. Social needs B. Derived service expectations C. Personal service philosophy D. Perceived service alternatives Adequate service expectations

service is the level of service the customer hopes to recei

Desired B. Adequate C. Functional D. Predictable E. Augmented

from for a particular service, or if If customers believe they have multiple service providers to choose their levels of adequate service are those of customers who believe it is not possible they can provide the service for themselves, to get better service elsewhere.

Lower than B. Higher than C. More volatile tharn D. More stable than E. The same as

unhappy with recent repairs. level of adequate running after the mechanic service and a zone of tolerance Luke who complained because Jack and Luke used the same mechanic to fix their cars. Both were than Jack who did not complain his car was improperly repaired will have a about how poorly his car was put in new spark plugs and did other maintenance.

Lower; narrower B. Lower; wider C. Higher; narrower D. Higher; wider E. Stays the same; stays the same

industry. A critical factor in Southwest's success has Southwest Airlines has consistently had one of the best on-time performance records in the airline been its use of second tier in Los Angeles. These lower airports such as in Ho uston, City in Detroit, and Ontario to have a faster turnaround for its airplanes so they spend a minutes. Southwest Airline's on-time performance reflects the percent of Southwest's flights have a dimension of service quality turnaround time of 15 greater percentage of their traffic airports allow Southwest Midway in Chicago, Hobby time in the air. Seventy

Q. Reliability B. Responsiveness C. Assurance D. Empathy E. Tangibles

The prompt service. dimension of service quality refers to the illingness to help customers and provide

Reliability B Responsiveness C. Assurance D. Empathy E. Tangibles

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