sevi ch. 10

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A(n) _______ is characterized by risk-taking and problem-solving.

adhocracy culture

job enlargement

Expanding a worker's assignments to include additional but similar tasks

Employee pay has proven to have more effect than

Herzberg's theory indicates, but the effect of pay may depend on how it is distributed.

Ana works as a bank loan officer. She loves her job, gets along well with her supervisor and other coworkers, and thinks very highly of her employer. Which of the following is correct regarding morale?

High morale leads to employee dedication, loyalty, and a desire to do the job well.

______ means a worker's assignments are expanded to include additional but similar tasks.

Job enlargement

clan culture

Characterized by a family-like structure that values loyalty, cohesion, and personal relationships within the firm

scientific management

The application of scientific principles to management of work and workers

Charles has set up a rewards system using play money and a rewards chart. Employees who reach predetermined goals are issued the money to purchase items on the rewards chart or to accumulate to purchase higher valued rewards such as a week-long all-expense paid trip to Cancun or Hawaii. Charles believes that his employees' motivation is based on how much they want something and on how likely they think they are to get it. He is using ____.

Vroom's expectancy theory

______ allows employees to work a 40-hour work week in four days instead of five.

a compressed workweek

Expectancy theory is based on a relationship of three components. Which of the following is correct?

effort---> performance---> reward

Maslow's ______ need means that people have a need for self-respect and respect from others—recognition and status.


With the exception of administrative personnel, employees at Restin Engineering can work any hours they choose as long as they work 40 hours from Monday through Saturday and between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. This plan is called ____.


______ is a system in which employees set their own work hours within certain limits determined by employers.


____ is a theory of motivation suggesting that employees are motivated to achieve goals that they and their managers establish together.

goal-setting theory

Gerald, a former captain in the U.S. Army, now owns a consulting firm. The culture in the organization is very formal and there is a traditional chain of command. This company likely has a(n) _____.

hierarchical culture

An organization that values loyalty and personal relationships within the company likely has a(n) ______.

clan culture

All of the following are characteristics of a type Z organization except ______.

nonspecialized career paths

Then, we compare this ratio to what we perceive as the input-to-outcome ratio for some other person, such as a co-worker or friend (this person is called a comparison other)

§If the two ratios are roughly the same, we feel that the organization is treating us equitably If our ratio is the higher of the two, we feel underrewarded and are motivated to make changes

We conceive of equity in the following way:

§Inputs are the time, effort, skills, education, experience, etc. that we contribute §Outcomes are the rewards we receive such as pay, benefits, recognition, and promotions

Andrew is leaving for parental leave. Upon his return to work, he does not want to work full-time. His employer has given him a choice between part-time work and job sharing. What is the difference between these two arrangements?

Part-time jobs can be done in less than full-time; however, in job-sharing, a full-time job is created from two part-time employees.

Management by objectives (MBO)

A motivation technique in which managers and employees collaborate in setting goals

Susana works for a social media firm that is known for its risk-taking and its problem-solving acumen. Susana's employer has which of the following types of organizational culture?


compressed workweek

Allows employees to work a 40-hour week in four days instead of five

Which of the following is not true of a Theory Y manager?

Assume that people like to be directed, avoiding responsibility and seeking security

By providing medical, dental, vision, and retirement benefits to employees, Google is satisfying which need on Maslow's hierarchy?


Joana works in a large bakery. The production and operations process is centered on an assembly line, and management's overriding focus is to make the assembly line run as fast as possible, subject to the ability of workers to keep up with the speed of the line. Management is data-driven, studies the best way for workers to perform each job, and tries to make the assembly line process as efficient and effective as possible. What theory of motivation does Joana's employer use?

Scientific management


Something that causes a person to act

human relations

The study of people and groups in the workplace and what motivates them to achieve organizational goals


Working remotely all the time or for a portion of the work week

hygiene factors (dissatisfaction---none)

supervision, working conditions, interpersonal relationships, pay, job security, company policies and administration

A clan culture is characterized by ______.

an internal focus that values loyalty, cohesion, and personal relationships within the firm

An organization that is achievement focused and result-oriented has a(n) _______.

market culture


•An employee's feelings about the job, about superiors, and about the firm itself −High morale results mainly from the satisfaction of needs on the job or as a result of doing the job.

equity theory

A theory of motivation based on the premise that people are motivated to obtain and preserve equitable treatment for themselves

reinforcement theory

A theory of motivation based on the premise that rewarded behavior is likely to be repeated, whereas punished behavior is less likely to recur

job redesign

A type of job enrichment in which work is restructured to cultivate the worker-job match


An action that follows directly from a particular behavior

market culture

Characterized by being very results-oriented

Which of the following is not true of management by objectives (MBO)?

Increases in salary and bonuses are not tied to goal achievement, so employees usually feel less motivation when goals are set by MBO.

In her Introduction to Business class, Chiara is studying the concepts of motivation and morale. Which of the following is correct regarding these concepts?

Morale is an employee's attitude or feelings about the job, about superiors, and about the firm itself.

Based on what she has learned about employee motivation from her Introduction to Business class, Mariana is a strong advocate of the expectancy theory of motivation. Which of the following is correct regarding expectancy theory?

Motivation depends on how much we want something and how likely we think we are to get it.

_______ strengthens desired behavior by eliminating an undesirable task or situation.

Negative reinforcement

part-time work

Permanent employment in which individuals work less than a standard work week

Six months ago, Marlon lost his job as a front desk clerk at a downtown hotel. Since then, he has not been able to find another job, and he is "down to his last dollar." Recently, Marlon was evicted from his apartment, and he has been living in his car as a result. Marlon finds it very difficult to sleep in his car. He does not know where he will find his next meal. Marlon is at which of the following levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?


step 2

Top management establishes preliminary goals that reflect a firm's mission and strategy

Job redesign is _________.

a type of job enrichment in which work is restructured to cultivate the worker-job match

motivation factors (satisfaction--none)

achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement, growth, work itself

Stanley works in the tech industry. His company is very results-oriented. His company likely has a(n) ______.

market culture

Target holds morning meetings which gather all employees together briefly. During the meeting, the manager acknowledges employees who excelled in their work the previous day. This daily praise session is based on the theory that rewarded behavior is likely to be repeated and that punished behavior is less likely to recur, and is called _____.

reinforcement theory

goal-setting theory

•A theory of motivation suggesting that employees are motivated to achieve goals that they and their managers establish together •Rewards should be tied directly to goal achievement.

Type A Firms (American)

- short-term employment - individual decision making - individual responsibility - rapid promotion - explicit control mechanisms - specialized career paths - segmented concern for employees

Type J Firms (Japanese)

-lifetime employment -collective decision making -collective responsibility -slow promotion -implied control mechanisms -nonspecialized career paths -holistic concern for employees

Type Z Firms (best choice for American firms)

-long term employment -collective decision making -individual responsibility -slow promotion -informal control -moderately specialized career paths -holistic concern for employees

Theory Z

A concept of management which emphasizes participative decision making, with a holistic concern for employees


A consequence of undesirable behavior

expectancy theory

A model of motivation based on the assumption that motivation depends on how much we want something and on how likely we think we are to get it -Each action is likely to lead to several outcomes, some of which we want and others we do not.

job enrichment

A motivation technique that provides employees with more variety and responsibility in their jobs

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

A sequence of human needs in the order of their importance

employee ownership

A situation in which employees own the company they work for by virtue of being stockholders


A system in which employees set their own work hours within employer-determined limits

Which of the following is not true about equity theory?

A worker that changes work inputs will only decrease efforts.

job sharing

An arrangement whereby two people share one full-time posi

hierarchical culture

Characterized by formality with a traditional chain of command

adhocracy culture

Characterized by its risk-taking, problem-solving nature

Miguel works for a small café. Over the years, the shop's owner, Claudia, has established an organizational culture that values loyalty, cohesion, and personal relationships within the business. In fact, Claudia often refers to the café and its employees as her "family." Miguel is employed by a business that has which of the following types of organizational culture?


Hawthorne studies

Conducted by Elton Mayo between 1927 and 1932 in order to determine the effects of the work environment on employee productivity

As the manager of a Stumptown Coffee Roasters café, Leonie is a strong proponent of the expectancy theory of motivation. According to expectancy theory, managers must recognize all but which of the following?

Employee outcomes are largely irrelevant since corporate outcomes are paramount.

Margarida works for an accounting firm that requires its employees to work a total of eight hours each day, Monday through Friday, for a 40-hour-workweek. Additionally, employees must be at work between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. daily. This gives Margarida and her coworkers the option of coming in early and getting off early, coming in later and leaving later, or taking a long lunch break. Margarida's employer has adopted which of the following systems?


Graciela has been a biology instructor at the local community college for the past ten years. Graciela is loved by her students and co-workers alike. She has twice received the excellence in teaching award. Graciela loves her job, and she considers every moment in the classroom to be a privilege, particularly since she understands the transformative nature of education. Money is not really an issue for Graciela; even though she will never become financially rich through teaching, she is financially secure, and she believes that true wealth comes from life and career satisfaction rather than through money. Graciela would like to finish her career with her current employer. Which of the following can be said about Graciela's morale and morale in general?

High morale leads to dedication, loyalty, and a desire to do the job well.

Thomas is considering quitting his service representative position at the local communications company branch office. After only six months on the job, Thomas has concluded that he hates his job, detests his manager, and dislikes the company itself. Which of the following is correct regarding morale?

High morale results only minimally from the satisfaction of needs on the job or as a result of doing the job.

As a business major in college, Ida has learned a great deal about organizational culture. Which of the following is correct regarding organizational culture?

It can have a powerful influence on employee motivation.

As the manager of a local tire shop, Joel is a vocal advocate of the goal-setting theory of motivation. Which of the following is correct regarding goal-setting theory?

It states that employees are motivated to achieve goals that they and their managers establish together.

As a key component of its corporate identity, Apple Inc. constantly strives for innovation, which is a major factor that determines business competitiveness in the information technology, online services, and consumer electronics industries. For Apple Inc., this focus on innovation is an integral part of which of the following?

Its corporate culture

Tiago works for a shipping company. The shipping company expands each worker's assignments to include additional but similar tasks. Tiago's employer has adopted which of the following motivation techniques?

Job enlargement

Gustavo works for a printing company. Over the past year, the company has implemented a plan that provides employees with variety in their work tasks while giving them some responsibility for, and control over, their jobs. As a result, Gustavo's work motivation has increased dramatically. Gustavo's employer has adopted which of the following motivation techniques?

Job enrichment

step 4

Manager and employees meet periodically to review employee progress

William is the father of a six-month-old child. Riko, who works for the same employer as William, is the mother of a one-year-old child. Their employer has allowed them to "split" the work responsibilities for one full-time position. This allows both William and Riko to spend more time caring for their offspring. In this scenario, the employer has approved which of the following types of work arrangements?

Job sharing

step 3

Levels of the target behavior are measured again to determine whether the desired changes have been achieved

Silvia works for a wind turbine manufacturing company that seeks to motivate its employees by having managers and employees collaborate in setting goals. Which of the following motivation techniques does Silvia's employer incorporate in its business practices?

Management by objectives (MBO)

step 5

Manager and each employee meet again at the end of the designated time period to determine which of the goals were met and which were not, and why

Based on what he has learned about employee motivation from his Introduction to Business class, Kesse is a strong advocate of the equity theory of motivation. Which of the following is correct regarding equity theory?

Managers can try to avoid problems arising from inequity by ensuring that rewards are distributed based on performance and that everyone clearly understands the basis for their own pay.

step 2

Managers provide positive reinforcement in the form of a reward when employees exhibit the desired behavior

Rosa works for a financial services firm. The firm is very results-oriented, resulting in a "high-stakes, pressure-packed" work environment. Rosa's employer exemplifies which of the following types of organizational culture?


Mikkel worked for TK Concrete for five years. His sales surpassed those of every other salesperson regardless of the shift he worked because he had excellent up-selling techniques. In spite of his efforts, he discovered that he earned far less than any of the other salespeople. Consequently, he quit and took a sales position with a competitor who paid salesmen a commission in addition to a salary. According to equity theory, ____.

Mikkel felt his inputs were greater than those of his comparison others

Olivia is having a difficult time at work. Although she has several tasks in her "inbox" to complete this week, Olivia simply cannot seem to even get started on the first one; instead, she keeps reminiscing about the wonderful time she had with her friends boating on the lake last weekend. Olivia lacks which of the following?



Not responding to undesirable behavior with the hope that the behavior will eventually go "extinct"

negative reinforcement

One that strengthens desired behavior by eliminating an undesirable task or situation

positive reinforcement

One that strengthens desired behavior by providing a reward

step 1 (motivation techniques)

Secure top management acceptance

Broad Street Productions has its own network site where employees can post pictures, personal notes, accomplishments, and network with employees in other offices and other countries. When employees use this site, what needs are they meeting?


step 1 (behavior modification)

Target behavior—the behavior that is to be changed—is identified and measured

social needs

The human requirements for love and affection and a sense of belonging

Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene Theory

The idea that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are separate and distinct dimensions


The individual internal process that energizes, directs, and sustains behavior; the personal "force" that causes you or me to behave in a particular way

organizational culture

The inner rituals, traditions, processes, and values of a firm

esteem needs

The need for respect and recognition from others and a sense of our own accomplishment and worth (self-esteem)

self-actualization needs (top)

The need to grow, develop, and become all that we are capable of being

safety needs

The things we require for physical and emotional security

physiological needs (bottom)

The things we require to survive

Ethan is a front-line supervisor at a small hosiery manufacturing company. He has worked in this position for the past eight years. Based on his experience, Ethan believes that workers are inherently lazy, and they can only be motivated through threats of punishment such as poor performance evaluations, no pay raises, and job loss. Ethan's management philosophy relates to which concept of employee motivation?

Theory X

Vihaan, a supervisor at a hardware store, continually monitors employees' performance and often goes into the stock room to make sure they are working. He reprimands employees who talk to one another while working the registers, even if no customers are present, and surveys the breakroom to ensure employees do not take longer breaks than allotted. Vihaan most likely uses _____ assumptions when dealing with employees.

Theory X

Constanza is a manager at a financial services firm. She has worked in this position for the past three years. Based on her experience, Constanza believes that employees are inherently motivated "self-starters." She believes that employees assume responsibility and work toward organizational goals. Constanza's management philosophy relates to which concept of employee motivation?

Theory Y

Quentin is a solo practitioner who owns and operates his own law firm. He has five employees. Quentin's management philosophy is on "we" rather than "us versus them." He encourages participative decision-making from all of his employees. Quentin views each of his employees as a family member, frequently inviting them to cook-outs and parties at his house. He has even been known to "pick up the tab" for an employee's child's college tuition from time to time. Quentin's management philosophy relates to which concept of employee motivation?

Theory Z


X: direct Y:indirect

attitude towards work (area)

X: dislike Y:involvelemt

control systems

X: external Y:internal

employee potential

X: ignored Y: identified

use of human resources

X: limited Y: not limited

level of commitment

X: low Y: high

The primary purpose of MBO

clarify the roles employees are expected to play in reaching the organization's goals.

In ______, employees are offered stock options as a means of motivation.

employee ownership

For empowerment to work, all of the following are true except ______.

employees must self-evaluate

The Hawthorne studies concluded that _____.

employees' motivation to work is influenced by human factors

MBO increases employee motivation by

empowering them with an active role in goal-setting and performance evaluation.

Hygiene factors must be present to...

ensure workers can function comfortably.

Enola is the director of personnel for the technology development department for a large company. She wants to institute an MBO system nationwide. She should begin by ____.

ensuring that top management endorses and participates in MBO

Hannah is an employee at a tire-manufacturing plant. Just last week, Hannah learned that her hourly wage was 10 percent lower than her male co-workers who perform the same work. Hannah is very upset about this, and she is considering filing a gender discrimination complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Hannah's reaction relates to which of the following theories of employee motivation?

equity theory

According to _______, a manager that works with employees to develop performance expectations that are specific and attainable yet challenging will see performance improve.

goal-setting theory

researchers concluded

human factors are at least as important to motivation as pay rates.

this led to....

human relations movement in management

Working conditions, pay, and interpersonal relationships at work are considered _______ factors.


Southwest Airlines is known for its unique hiring style, its company Christmas party held in a hangar at Love Field in Houston, Texas, flight attendants that give announcements with humor, and job-swap days during which employees have the opportunity to do a different job for the day. These activities are part of the organizational culture which is generally defined as _____.

inner rituals, traditions, processes, and values of a firm

Chiara's business separates the computer repair technicians from the customer service personnel. After repeated returns of computers from customers with complaints, Chiara decided to combine the customer service and repair functions to improve customer-technician communications and motivate employees to improve the quality of their service. This motivational technique is called _____.

job redesign

Tingzhe works in the marketing department for a real estate firm. There are many days when they don't have any tasks to complete and they are bored. Tingzhe feels that their boss is too demanding and Tingzhe doesn't really like them. Tingzhe's ____ is low.


______ is an employee's attitude or feelings about the job, about superiors, and about the firm itself.


Nerea is a nurse in a medical office. She loves talking to the patients as she checks their weight, blood pressure, and other vitals. She has several other members in her family who are nurses and it has always been a passion of hers. Although she doesn't like many of her co-workers, Nerea feels like she is really making a difference in her profession. Nerea's ____ is high.


A state of no dissatisfaction cannot exist....

people always will be dissatisfied with something.

Dani's Glass Shop sells handmade glass objects produced by her employees. She pays the employees a set amount for each piece they produce regardless of the amount of time it takes. She pays them on a ____.

piece-rate system

One of Herzberg's motivation factors is _____.


Safety equipment, healthcare plans, life insurance, retirement plans, job security, and gym membership are workplace examples of which of Maslow's needs?


The piece-rate system was developed from which historical perspective of motivation?

scientific management

behavior modification

•A systematic program of reinforcement to encourage desirable behavior −Involves both rewards to encourage desirable actions and punishments to discourage undesirable actions

Theory Y

•: A concept of employee motivation generally consistent with the ideas of the human relations movement; assumes responsibility and work toward organizational goals, and by doing so employees also achieve personal rewards −People do not naturally dislike work; In fact, work is an important part of all of our lives. −People will work toward goals to which they are committed. −People become committed to goals when it is clear that accomplishing the goals will bring personal rewards. −People often seek out and willingly accept responsibility. −Employees have the potential to help accomplish organizational goals. −Organizations generally do not make full use of their human resources.

Theory X

•A concept of employee motivation generally consistent with Taylor's scientific management; assumes that employees dislike work and will function only in a highly controlled work environment −People dislike work and try to avoid it. −Because people dislike work, managers must coerce, control, and frequently threaten employees to achieve organizational goals. People generally must be led because they have little ambition and will not seek responsibility; they are concerned mainly about security.

motivation factors

•Job factors that increase motivation, although their absence does not necessarily result in dissatisfaction −When motivation factors are present, they act as satisfiers.

hygiene factors

•Job factors that reduce dissatisfaction when present to an acceptable degree but that do not necessarily result in high levels of motivation


•Making employees more involved in their jobs by increasing their participation in decision making -To work effectively, managers should set expectations, communicate standards, institute periodic evaluations, and guarantee follow-up

step 3

•Manager explains to each employee that they have accepted certain organizational goals and asks them to think about how they can help achieve these goals •Manager later meets with each employee individually and, together, they establish individual goals for the employee •Manager and employee decide what resources the employee will need to accomplish their goals

Managers should utilize hygiene factors to make the work environment...

•as positive as possible but should expect only short-term improvements in motivation. −Managers must focus instead on providing those satisfiers that will enhance motivation and long-term effort.

As a means to motivate executives and managers to feel invested in the company..

•some firms provide stock options as part of the employee compensation package −An option is simply the right to buy shares of the firm within a prescribed time at a set price −If the firm does well and its stock price rises past the set price, the employee can exercise the option and sell the stock to cash in on the company's success

Frederick W. Taylor

•sought to identify efficiencies due to his own experiences in manufacturing plants −His interest in improving the efficiency of individual workers led to the development of scientific management −Observed that workers "soldiered," or worked slowly, because they feared that they would run out of work and lose their jobs −Developed the piece-rate system: a compensation system under which employees are paid a certain amount for each unit of output they produce

Organizational culture exists in all organizations whether they are small businesses, large corporations, or nonprofit organizations

−Includes both the formal rules and structure of a firm as well as informal and even unwritten norms, stories, rules, dress codes, etc. −Can influence public perception of an organization and can have a powerful influence on employee motivation, performance, and choices Sets the tone for how managers view and treat workers

A goal should be:

−Very specific −Moderately challenging −One that the employee will be committed to achieve

2nd set of experiments

−focused on the effectiveness of the piece-rate system in increasing the output of groups of workers. §Output remained constant irrespective of the "standard" rates management set.

1st set of experiments

−tested the effect of lighting levels on productivity by subjecting one group of workers to varying lighting and the second group to none. §Productivity increased for both groups.

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