Short Story Test

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What is the imagery and symbolism found in Judy's appearance as she approaches Dexter at the University Club? (From "Winter Dreams")

A doll with lots of gold. She has a glowing smile

Identify three objects from the story that function as symbols in "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings"

Crabs, Chicken Coop, and Wings

Who is Lengel in A & P?

Friend of Sammy's parents Manager of A & P Sunday school teacher

Who is the author of "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings"?

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

How does George's mother greet Editha? Why does she respond like this? ("Editha")

George's mother doesn't greet Editha kindly. She read the letter Editha sent to George. Editha didn't think George would die, but he did. This means George's mother knows that women send men off to be heros but don't consider the consequences.

Why did Sammy quit his job in "A & P"?

He wanted to be an adult and protect the girls against Lengel. He also wants to impress and get the attention of the irls

What are Stoksie's aspirations?

He wants to be the manager of A & P

Hemingway's style

Iceberg - Leaving things out

What are the symbols in "Story of an hour"?

The Window and Louise's heart

Who is the author of "Editha"?

William Dean Howells

What is the setting of A & P?

1940-1990s, New England, A & P (a store)

Who is the main character of A & P?

A 19 year old boy named Sammy "In-betweener" - not adult enough, not kid enough

Who is Stoksie in A & P?

A 22 year old man Coworker to Sammy and married with two children

What is the setting of "Editha"?

America during the Spanish American War

What are possible conflicts in "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings"?

Angel and townspeople Priest and higher ups/church Internal conflict in the family, what do with angel?

How does the bazaar "Araby" represent the boy in the story (both literally and abstractly)?

Araby represents the boy in the story by both were full of beautiful expectations, but in the end was faced with dull and dark reality.

How is Judy characterized as an adult? How has she changed and what kind of person is she? (from "Winter Dreams")

As an adult Judy is much more sly and manipulative because she uses people to her advantage and then tosses them out when she's over them She dates a lot of men, desirable, but unattainable

How had Dexter's perception of Judy changed in part II? (from "Winter Dreams")

Beautiful, graceful, attractive, goes after what she wants, not super polite, self confident

What is the "Hills Like White Elephants" title significance in relation to the characters and events of the story?

Because white elephants are more a burden than a gift. It could symbolize that having a child would be a lot of effort.

What are some of Sammy's qualities in A & P?

Critical about the people around them, making assumptions and assuming he knows their lives

Explain the irony between Editha's expectations of meeting with George's mother and what actually happens.

Editha expected George's mother to mourn with her and be nice and gentle. However, she got George killed, so his mother is very unhappy with her.

How does Editha from "Editha" romanticise the war and what tactics does Editha use to make George believe as she does about the war?

Editha romanticises the war by calling the war holy and important. That any war is glorious if to liberate others. To make George believe the same as she she writes him a letter and packs up all of her gifts from him to give if he doesn't want to go to war. She also says God willed the war to happen. - Bad to disagree with a holy war, George doesn't want to go against god

Who is the author of "Hills Like White Elephants"?

Ernest Hemingway

How is the Fat/Old Man from "War" physically described?

Fat, red-faced, missing teeth, gray bloodshot eyes

How did Sammy discover Individualism in A & P?

He chose to quit his job. He made the decision and will use his own power to guide his life. He will control his own life.

How did Sammy change his possible outcome of becoming Stoksie or Lengel? (In A & P)

He decided to quit his job This changes his possibilities of working at A & P and becoming the co-worker who wants to be manager or manager.

Why does the boy decide not to buy anything for Mangan's sister in "Araby"?

He decides not to buy anything for Mangan's sister when he realizes that their relationship won't work out. Love isn't uncommon and people fall in love and flirt all the time

Why do you think Dexter quit? What is his primary motivation? (from "Winter Dreams")

He feel like he is too old to take orders from a spoiled child Insulted by the way Judy treated him, she is younger and a girl His pride was at stake

What does Dexter "surrendering" part of himself (beginning of part IV) mean? (from "Winter Dreams")

He resides himself to Judy, could have had anyone that wasn't Judy, but he devotes himself to pursuit of Judy Jones Doesn't look or think of other girls

How will the boy in "Araby" be changed as a result of his experience at the bazaar?

He will be changed because he will look at life differently. People flirt to pass the time and adults deal with things like drunkenness

What statement do you think William Dean Howells is making about war (specifically the Spanish American War)?

I believe William Dean Howell is trying to portray that war can be good if it's for liberation. It's important however to not become clouded by the thought of coming home a hero. War is a terrifying thing that takes lives. It's important to pick your battles carefully, and to think of the consequences that could come out of a war

How is the description of the actual bazaar different from the reader's and boy's expectations in "Araby"?

I expected a beautiful, bustling bazaar with exotic goods and was greeted with a dull, dark, empty and gloomy environment. The mood is completely different than what was originally thought.

Where in the text would you locate the moment of "epiphany" in "Araby"?

I would say that the epiphany is after the young lady at the stall has flirted with two gentleman. The boy becomes sullen and decides not to buy anything for his crush.

What is the setting of "Araby"?

In the opening paragraphs Joyce writes about North Richmond Street, Ireland. This street is dark, quiet, and detached. It sets a sort of dark and depressing.

What are possible theme topics of A & P?

Individualism and Power

Explain how Dexter's view of Irene compares to his opinion of Judy. (from "Winter Dreams")

Irene - She is very girl next door, and not very important to him, honorable, sweet Judy - absolutely beautiful, but she lacks empathy or knowledge of her actions She goes about her life making men fall for her physical attractiveness and then plays with them She is an unattainable dream girl

What point of view is used in the story, "Hills Like White Elephants"? Explain why Hemingway may have chosen this point of view. How does the point of view shape our understanding of the characters and events in the story?

It seems the story is told in 3rd person point of view because the reader cannot directly see the character's thoughts. We only see the characters talking to one another, but we don't see their inner thoughts. He may have done this so we could see the perspectives of abortions on both sides.

Who is the author of "Araby"?

James Joyce

What is the setting of "Story of an hour"?

Late 1800's in the United States, a domestic household/setting

What is the setting of "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings"?

Latin America

What is the point of view of "Winter Dreams"?

Limited Omniscient, 3rd person point of view with access to Dexter's thoughts

What kind of relationships do the Mallards have? (from "Story of an hour")

Louise Mallard does love Brently because he is her husband, but during this time period men treated women as their property, so when he died, she finally gained independence.

What does Louise's heart symbolize in "Story of an hour"?

Louise's heart might be a symbol of her mixed feelings toward marriage and her current unhappiness with her lack of freedom. The fact that her heart is so weak shows that it only takes a little to push her in either direction, as she fantasizes about the freedom she'll have after her husband dies and later dying due to the surprise she gets when her husband returns.

Who is the author of "War"?

Luigi Pirandello

Where does Luigi Pirandello set his short story "War" and how does that affect the characters?

Luigi Pirandello sets the story "War" on a train from Fabriano to Sulmona (Italy, after WW1). This keeps the characters contained in a space where they are forced to talk or hear one another.

Why is Mangan's sister in "Araby" not given a name?

Mangan's sister might not be given a name because the boy doesn't see her as a person. She is an obsession, he is obsessed with the idea of her.

What physical features or mannerisms could foreshadow the Fat/Old Man's (from "War") breakdown?

Mannerism: Repeats his words, "Nonsense". He might feel like he has to justify his opinion more. Physical Features: Bloodshot eyes means that he has been crying often or not sleeping well.

What view of marriage does the story present? (from "Story of an hour")

Marriage is oppressive to a woman in the relationship Societal pressures - be married and have children

What is the setting of "Winter Dreams"?

Minnesota, New York in 1900s (1920)

What are some qualities of Queenie and the Girls in A & P?

More liberal values, wearing bathing suit in store Represent opposite of status quo (the existing state of affairs especially regarding social or political issues), they're going against the normal flow Upper class

Mrs. Mallard is described as descending the stairs "like a goddess of Victory." In what ways does she feel herself victorious? (from "Story of an hour")

Mrs. Mallard feels victorious in that she realizes her freedom. She is finally free from oppression, and feels like she can do anything now, not controlled by husband

What are some of Lengel's qualities in A & P?

Old fashioned values - conservative Attentive, sees everything that's happening in the store

What is the point of view of "Story of an hour"?

Omniscient, third person, but access to characters thoughts

Discuss Elisenda's idea of charging admission to see him. (from "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings")

Only seek to exploit the angel. She only sees his usefulness for the money. Once he isn't an attraction anymore she is annoyed with him and relieved once he leaves.

What is ironic about this statement regarding the angel: "His only supernatural virtue seemed to be patience"? (From "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings")

Patience is supposed to be a human quality, and if anything else were described as patient it would be personification. Humans don't have enough patience. The townspeople threw rocks at him

Explain the theme of Dreams, Happiness and Reality in "Winter Dreams".

People tend to chase after their fantasies of happiness, love, and luxury. Sometimes things don't end up as planned, but if they are achieved they don't bring happiness and one is hit with the reality of life.

Explain the theme of Social Class and the American Dream in "Winter Dreams".

Rags to Riches idea, anyone can make it big in America Even if they attain the dream don't really get it on a deeper or maturity level Economy fluctuates, something dips, people kill themselves Social and Economic Prestige - Apparently, all of us can attain this stuff

What/Who is the antagonist of "Story of an hour"?

Restrictions that held women back - especially in marriage

What are possible themes for "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings"?

Sacred and Mundane - First angel in the mud, muck and crabs, filthy chicken coop next to sacred icon, roams around the house (everyday location) Patience, Empathy, and Cruelty - People display cruelty, angel is patient, no one empathizes with the angel even though they are religious

What class is Sammy in A & P?

Sammy is working class He was a cashier

Why does Editha give George a "clouded" liquid to drink? What might the liquid signify? ("Editha")

She gives George a clouded liquid to drink because he is symbolically agreeing and taking in the argument. He took in the philosophy and the ideals of his fiance. He however isn't fully committed because he doesn't drink her clouded drink too. His judgement and decisions are also being clouded by the alcohol when he signs up to go to war.

The author used metaphors, but what is Irene's description in "Winter Dreams"?

She is a curtain and a hand

How is Judy Jones characterized as an eleven year old? What does her treatment of the nurse reveal about her character? (from "Winter Dreams")

She is characterized as ugly beautiful, but we see she is entitled and spoiled (gets angry when she doesn't get what she wants)

Describe the context into which Mangan's sister from "Araby" is introduced. In what ways is she part of the world of North Richmond Street?

She is introduced in a dark setting as a sort of bright light or goal. Something the main character wants. She is also a brown figure which means that she is part of the brown, dull, scenery too.

Why does Mrs. Mallard close the door to her room so that her sister Josephine cannot get in, yet leaves the window open? (From "Story of an hour")

She shuts the door to keep her family out because she wants to start her own individual life. The window is a way out of her life and a pathway to individual power. This relates to the idea of being "free" because she now has an open door for an idea she can grasp. Originally, she was stuck in a gender role that stopped her rights to vote or be an individual

What is an appropriate theme for "Hills Like White Elephants"?

Sometimes one will face difficult decisions and like the train station people have to decide their path. Communication is key to making decisions in life Honest communication is essential when making difficult decision

How does the Old Man's physical description contrast with the idea that he is an angel? (from "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings")

The Old man is bald, has parasite ridden wings, few teeth, buzzard wings, dirty-half plucked wings This contrasts with the ideals of an angel being beautiful, virtuous, young, and miraculous. He doesn't show these qualities.

Why would the author describe a character as the Fat Man at the beginning of the story and as an Old Man towards the end? What do you think the author is trying to suggest? This is from "War"

The author describes the Fat Man as an Old Man because he spoke about how his son was happy to die for his country, but in reality he is old and weary. He loved his son and was really sad, breaking down, at the reminder his son is gone and dead. The author might be trying to suggest everyone hides their pain, and that everyone is a bit weary and old. People get tired about holding in their emotions. Pain and loss ages a person

What are the boy's feelings for Mangan's sister in "Araby" and to what extent is she the actual cause of those feelings?

The boy has a crush on her, and she is an obsession. He is barley the actual cause of the feelings. I get the feeling the boy was bored and needed something to do, and so he painted a picture in his head he loved her, so he became obsessed to try and live through the fake fantasy

How is the boy (narrator) in "Araby" characterized in terms of his personality and temperament? As the protagonist of the story what internal and external conflicts does he face?

The boy seems to be a stalker. He has an obsession about the girl next door. The boy watches her through the window every morning and when he saw her would follow her. He seems shy because he won't directly approach her and talk to her. There is a character versus character conflict between the main character and his uncle. There is also an internal conflict. The boy is struggling with how to confront his love.

How is the flying acrobat from "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings" similar and different from the Old man?

The flying acrobat chose to fly over the crowd. He saw his chance to become a star, but he was considered less interested and was ignored by the townspeople. The flying acrobat is free to do as he wishes, as the Old Man is trapped in a chicken coop. They are similar in that they fly around. They are also oddities in the world around them.

What is the role of the narrator's uncle in "Araby"?

The main character's uncle plays the role of the voice of reason. He tells his nephew that it's late and people will be asleep that the bazaar would be closing. The uncle is also a sign of maturity and life as an older man. He went to the pub and was drinking.

How do the characters' in "Hills Like White Elephants" attitudes about the subject differ?

The man doesn't want another person, or a baby on their adventures. The woman, Jig, seems to want the baby. In the end she will do the operation for the man.

What values and attitudes does the uncle from "Araby" represent?

The narrator wants things immediately and concerns himself with young love, an obsession. The uncle believes that it's important for the boy to learn and take his time.

Explain the Priest's view of the Old Man. How might Marquez's depiction of the priest be satirical? (from "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings")

The priest sees the man as too human, and the Old Man is a thorn in his side. He is unable to do anything without higher counsel, but he believes the Old Man isn't an angel. The priest can be seen as satirical because the priest is catholic. He is interested, but not as interested as one would think with a possible angel. The church isn't as happy or excited to see an actual one in real life. Instead of stopping the treatment the priest allows it to happen.

Why is the setting in "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings" at the beginning of the story important to the story on a symbolic level?

The sea and sky are dull and there are dead animals around the area. This creates a symbolically disturbing, dull, and sad setting. It symbolically can also signify the sadness of the family. The child is sick and the parents are worried. The world itself is quite sad at this moment

How does James Joyce use setting in the story, "Araby"?

The setting establishes tone and mood.

How is the spider women from "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings" similar and different from the Old man?

The spider women speaks the same dialect as the people. She also has a story and moral to her short-comings. She is stuck in a cage and is fed through her bars. She is kept separated from others like the Old Man. Both are looked to for entertainment for the townspeople.

What is the subject of the conversation between the American man and Jig (the girl) in "Hills Like White Elephants"?

The subject of the conversation is abortion.

"Hills Like White Elephants" is an example of which figure of speech?

The title is an example of a simile because it compares two objects with the word "like".

What is the significance of the title? "Winter Dreams"

The title represents the happiness and love Dexter was blindly chasing after by pursuing Judy Jones and this fantasy life with her.

Discuss the angel(from "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings")'s treatment by the townspeople.

The townspeople treat the angel very poorly throwing rocks at the angel for entertainment. The society and townspeople only care about themselves. If they are bored they wish for the angel to stand, and they pull feathers to cure themselves. They don't consult the angel, but abuse him.

What does the Window stand for in "Story of an hour"?

The window might symbolize the freedom and opportunities that await her after her husband has died. It is representative of her new future without being tied down by marriage and the demands of another person.

What does the woman say to cause the Fat/Old Man in "War" to breakdown and explain why you think that this happens?

The woman asks the Fat/Old man if his son is really dead. He may have broke down because he is reminded his son is dead and gone. He misses his son and holds some feelings towards the war because it took his son away from him.

In what ways is the setting in "Hills Like White Elephants" significant symbolically?

They are in a cafe at a train station. Trains take people to different places, for instance the two characters are going to Madrid. The train station could also symbolize that the two are about to make a choice. Their lives are moving and a big decision could change their lives. The big decision could be antsy. They can choose to keep it or not keep it, if they don't keep it they will keep traveling, but if they don't they will have a different way of life. They are debating whether or not to do it

What is Sammy's idea about Queenie/Girls in A & P?

They are objects, he sees them not with love, but lust

"When the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease-of joy that kills." In what ways is this an ironic statement? (from "Story of an hour")

This is ironic statement because she got a taste of independence, she was thinking about her life Her husband then walked into the house, ripping away the independence They thought that she was so happy she was alive, but actually she was devastated and died.

What class are Queenie and the Girls in A & P?

Upper class - buying odd food combinations (herring and sour cream), in bathing suit (life of leisure)

Explain what the author is trying to tell the reader about Patriotism, War and how it impacts people and the family. ("War")

War and too much patriotism isn't good for families because it tears them apart and brings about pain

What are possible meanings of "Hills Like White Elephants"?

White elephant came from Thailand, white elephants were considered sacred. The king gifted the white elephant to someone they didn't like. It looked like an honor, feeding, maintaining, and keeping a giant elephant could bankrupt someone. It's intended to be a burden and ruin them. The white hill could also signify a pregnant belly and female fertility.

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