SHRM Exam 1

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3 basic roles of HR

1) admin services and transactions - handling admin tasks effectively, such as hiring and benefits admin 2) business partner services - working with department/ managers to identify needs, such as recruiting and training for specific jobs 3) strategic partner - has a place at the table in the C-suite. contributions to corporate strategy through actions such a developing strategic plans and recruiting the top execs

changes in the labor force

1) aging workforce - baby boomers are retiring 2) increasing diversity 3) skill deficiencies - STEM job deficiencies (science technology, engineering)

pros and cons professional associations

1) although every profession has its own professional organization - society for human resource management - American accounting association - institution of management consultants 2) pros - get individual with good skills/ interest match - usually gold job fairs and interviews during conferences 3) cons - can be expensive - facing lots of competition within industry

civil rights act of 1991

1) amendments to Title VII of CRA 1964, CRA 1866, ADA, and age discrimination act 2) adds compensatory and punitive damages in cases of discrimination under title VII 3) the amount of punitive damages is limited by the size of the organization charged with discrimination

ways to measure recruitment outcomes

1) computerizes applicant tracking system 2) phantom applicants 3) hire a consulting firm 4) survey applicants

vocational rehabilitation act of 1973

1) covered organizations must engage in affirmative action for individuals with disabilities - the act covers executive agencies, contractors, and subcontractors that receive more than $2,500 annually from the federal government 2) employers are encouraged to recruit qualified individuals with disabilities and to make reasonable accommodations to them - affirmative action program

develop recruitment strategies

1) develop a specific plan of action to help create a recruitment strategy 2) some questions to ask: - what type of individual should be targeted? - where can these people be found - when should the recruitment campaign begin - how can the targeted individuals be reached - what recruitment message should be communicated?

ADA 1990

1) disability defined as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, a record of having such an impairment, or being regarded as having such an impairment 2) protects individuals with disabilities from being discriminated against in the workplace 3) prohibits discrimination based on disability in all employment practices 4) employers must take steps to accommodate individuals covered by the act

compensation and benefits

1) planning pay and benefits - how much to offer in salary and wages - how much to offer in bonuses, commissions, and other performance related pay - which benefits to offer and how much of the cost will be shared by employees 2) administering pay and benefits - systems for keep track of employees earning and benefits are needed - employees need info about their benefits plan - extensive record keeping and reporting is needed

view of diversity in the workplace

1) politically correct term 2) recruitment and selection of minorities 3) management of individuals from different backgrounds

employee relations

1) preparing and distributing - employee handbooks and policies - company publications and news letters 2) dealing with and responding to communications from employees - questions about benefits and company policy - questions regarding possible discrimination, safety, hazards, possible harassment 3) collective bargaining and contract administration

categories of diversity

1) primary categories- genetic difference that affect self image and socialization, sex 2) secondary categories - learned characteristics, that are acquired and modified throughout life, gender

age discrimination in employment act

1) prohibits discrimination against employees who are over 40 2) employers may be in trouble if they offer early retirement incentive packages 3) cannot change status without consent 4) age discrimination complaints make up a huge percentage of complaints filed with the EEOC

pros and cons of college recruiting

1) pros - allows companies to form relationships with particular college - can lead to best candidates being referred - can form relationships with colleges that specialize in areas that organizations need - internship programs allow both parties to try things out 2) cons - can miss out on great applicants at colleges where is no relationships - doesn't necessarily help with diversity

pros and cons of job boards

1) pros - can generate a number of leads - not very expensive - can tailor them some, pick local or industry focused job board 2) cons - often get too many, too varied applicants - may be more costly in terms of filtering through applicants - increase need for search terms - may not allow for differentiation of employers

pros and cons of company websites

1) pros - captures applicants who are already interested in organization - inexpensive 2) cons - less effective for small businesses with little exposure


1) simple means differences - can be visual (race, gender, age) - can be personality/ behavioral (extrovert/ introvert or outgoing, shy) - can be background (educational, hometown) - can be actual or perceived - exposure reduced perception of diversity

technology and HR

1) social networking changing the game - changes how HR might recruit/ hire - changes in how we monitor employees 2) increased skill necessary - not only basic software packages but many jobs calling for specific knowledge 3) greater connectivity means more blurring of work/life lines - when are you ever off work anymore? - can employers take action if you do not answer on the weekend?

consequences of scientific management

1) soldiering - producing the amount the informal group decides on 2) binging - punishment by an informal group for being a rate buster meaning it is a person who makes more widgets than what the informal group decided on 3) goldbricking - doing extra work and saving it for a rainy day

self managing work teams

1) teams that have authority for an entire process or segment

work flow

1) work flow design - the process of analyzing the tasks necessary for the production of a good or services 2) job - set of related duties

job enrichment motivation

3 critical psychological states 1) experience meaningfulness 2) experienced responsibility 3) knowledge of results - these increase when the hob enrichment characteristics increase

trend analysis

constructing and applying statistical models that predict labor demand for the next year, given relatively objective statistics from the previous year


contracting with another organization to perform a broad set of services

outcomes of effective HRM

1) effective HRM creates opportunities 2) an organization can succeed if it has successful competitive advantage - people are companies best form of sustainable competitive advantage - good HR practices are valuable, rare, cannot be imitated, and have no good substitute 3) employees and customers tend to be more satisfied 4) the companies tend to: - be more innovative - have greater productivity - develop a more favorable reputation in the community

recruitment methods

1) employee referrals 2) organizational websites 3) job boards 4) social networks 5) college recruiting 6) professional associations 7) creative methods

job enrichment

1) empowering workers by adding more decision making to jobs

aging workforce facts

1) fastest growing segment of the workforce is employees 55 and older 2) currently half of the workforce is over 40 3) challenges include: - significant retirements in the near future - rising healthcare costs - generational conflicts (becomes a diversity issue) - this is the first time that we have ever had 4 generations working together at the same time

flexible work schedule

1) flextime - a scheduling policy in which full time employees may choose starting and ending times within guidelines specified by the organization 2) job sharing - a work option in which two part time employees carry out the tasks associated with a single job 3) telework - a broad term for doing ones work as well as work schedules

opportunities and challenges of diversity

1) opportunities - increased D.M. capabilities - increased creativity - can enhance performance (div. talents) - ethics - right thing to do 2) challenges - lower satisfaction - more conflict - can inhibit work being done

personnel policies

1) organizations depend on their HR department to help establish and communicate policies related to: - hiring - discipline - promotions - benefits 2) all aspects of HRM require careful and discreet record keeping

HR planning

1) organizations should carry out human resource planning so as to meet business objectives and gain a competitive advantage over competitors - human resource planning compares the present state of the organization with its goals for the future - then identifies what changes to must make in its human resources to meet those goals

high performance work systems

1) organizations that have the best possible fit between their: social system (people and how they interact) and technical system (equipment and processes) 2) key trends occurring in today's high performance work systems: - reliance on knowledge workers - the empowerment of employees to make decisions - the use of team work

off shoring

moving operations from the country where a company is headquartered to a country where pay rate are lower but the necessary skills are available

industrial engineering

optimizing processes to be as efficient as possible

key to prevent sexual harassment

organizations should: 1) develop a policy statement making it clear that sexual harassment will not be tolerated in workplace 2) all employees should have training 3) the organizations can have a formal mechanism for reporting sexual harassment in a way that encourages people to speak out

four fifth rule

rule of thumb that finds evidence of discrimination if an organizations hire for minority group is less than 4/5s the hiring for the majority group FORMULA = hires/ applicants = % hired for each different class then % hired for class (non-protected) / % hired for class (Protected)


set of duties (jobs) performed by a particular person


set of related duties


the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and behaviors that improve an employees ability to meet changes in job requirements and in customer demands

Human resource management definition

the policies, practices, and systems that influence employees: behavior, attitudes, performance


the process by which the organization attempts to identify applicants with the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics that will help the organization achieve its goals

job design

the process of defining the way work will be performed and the tasks that a given job requires

job analysis

the process of getting detailed information about jobs


the process through which the organization seeks applicants for potential employment

ways to maximize company websites for recruiting

- by easy to navigate - include all important information in one spot - provide easy way to post resume - keep communication open (notify when steps and completed) - keep it positive

Model of employee recruitment process

- establish recruitment objectives - develop a recruitment strategy - carry out recruitment activities - evaluate recruitment results

Job characteristics model

- skill variety - the degree to which a job requires multiple skills - task identity - performing a task from beginning to end - task significance - the degree to which a job has a impact on others - autonomy - the degree to which a worker has freedom to schedule and choose how to do work - feedback - the degree to which a workers gets information about his/ her effectiveness

standards for identifying ethical practices

1) HRM practices must result in the greatest good for the largest number of people 2) employment practices must respect basic human rights of privacy, due process, consent, and free speech 3) managers must treat employees and customers equitably and fairly

mergers and acquisitions

1) HRM should have a significant role in carrying out a merger or acquisition - difference between the businesses involved in the deal make conflict inevitable - training should include developing conflict resolution skills - there is a need to sort out different in the two companies practices with regard to compensation, performance appraisal, and other HR systems

Lilly Ledbetter

1) To clarify that a discriminatory compensation decision or other practice that is unlawful under such Acts occurs each time compensation is paid pursuant to the discriminatory compensation decision or other practice, and for other purposes.

transitional matrix

1) a chart that list job categories held in one period and show the proportion of employees in each of those job categories in future period

disparate impact

1) a condition in which employment practices are seemingly neutral, yet disproportionately exclude a protected group from employment opportunities

yield ratio

1) a ratio that expresses the percentage of applicants who successfully move from one stage of the recruitment and selection process to the next 2) allows HR to determine which methods are most successful and least expensive

organizational recruitment brand

1) a recruitment brand is how the organization wants prospective and current employees to see the company 2) strategies for communicating brand: - highlight the brand on your website - describe it in recruitment literature - sponsor college campus events - treatment of prospective employee during application and interviewing


1) an attempt to determine the supply and demand for various of human resources to predict areas within the organization where there will be labor shortages 2) 3 major steps to forecasting - forecasting the demand for labor - determining labor supply - determining labor surplus or shortages

affirmative action

1) an organizations active effort the find opportunities to hire or promote people in a particular group - started no with race or gender, but for individuals with disabilities and veterans

human capital

1) an organizations employees describe in terms of their: - training - experience - judgement - intelligence - relationships - insight 2) the concept of human resource management implies that employees are resources of the employers

8 HRM practices

1) analysis and design of work 2) HR planning 3) recruiting 4) selection 5) training and development 6) compensation 7) performance management 8) employee relations

responsibilities of HR depts

1) analysis of design of work 2) recruitment and selection 3) training and development 4) performance management 5) compensation and benefits 6) employee relations 7) personnel policies 8)compliance with laws 9) support for strategy


1) any activity carried on by the organization with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees

job enlargement

1) broadening the types and tasks performed in a job - job extension and rotation are 2 popular types - job rotation - work in different places in the factory on a week to week basis

Title VII of CRA

1) forbids discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sec, or national origin - may not use these factors as the basis for not hiring, firinf, or discriminating against the terms of pay, conditions of employment, or privileges of employment 2) does not apply to organizations with less than 15 employees 3) employers may not retaliate against someone for: - opposition - expressing to someone through proper channels that an alleged illegal employment practice is taking place - participation - testifying in an investigation or hearing regarding an illegal activity

ways to improve job characteristics

1) form a natural work group 2) combine tasks 3) establish client relationships 4) vertical loading 5) open feedback channels

scientific management

1) frederich taylor - father of scientific management - considered with productivity and efficiency - assumes rationality of workers, motivated to obtain rewards and avoid punishment 2) Principles of scientific management - job simplification - break down job into smallest components - job specialization - training individuals to perform simplified tasks 3) time and motion studies - methods to determine how long it takes, and the best way to perform a task 4) therblig - smallest component of a task

compliance with laws

1) government requirements include: - filing reports and displaying posters - avoiding unlawful behavior 2) managers depend on HR professionals to help them keep track of these requirements 3) lawsuits that will continue to influence HRM practices concern job security

Civil rights acts (1866-1871)

1) granted all persons the same property tights as white citizens, including the right to enter into and enforce contracts - includes employment contracts 2) CRA 1871 - granted all citizens the right to sue in federal court if they feel they have been deprived of a civil right - both allow the plaintiff to recover compensatory and punitive damages

key characteristics of boomers

1) grew up during turbulent time - civil right, cold war, sexual revolution, assassinations, riots 2) believe in personal growth and gratification 3) team players 4) money is a motivator 4) prefers in-person communication, but has adapted to technology


1) human resource information system - computer system used to acquire, store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve, and distribute info related to an organizations human resources 2) and HRIS can: - support strategic decision making - help the organization avoid lawsuits - provide data for evaluation programs or policies - support day to day HR decisions

support for strategy

1) human resource planning - identifying numbers and types of employees the organization will require to meet its objectives - the organization may turn to its HR department for help in managing the change process - skilled HR professional can apply knowledge of human behavior, along with performance management tools, to help the organization manage change constructively

attraction-selection-attrition framework

1) individuals are attracted to certain organizations and jobs because of their skills, interests, and personalities 2) organizations selected employees based on needs of the organizations - HR departments can help select based on strong match between employees and organization (southwest, whole foods) 3) attrition occurs when it is not a good fit - either individuals find they don't like the org./ job and leave or the org. finds the individual is not a good fit and terminates - orgs. that are good at managing this have a system in place (like trial employment periods and team voting)

external labor force

1) individuals who are actively seeking employment 2) the number and kinds of people in the external labor market determine the kinds of human resources available to an organization

top 5 skills employers are looking for

1) interpersonal skills 2) work ethic 3) initiative/ flexibility 4) honesty/ loyalty 5) strong communication skills (verbal and written)

internal labor force

1) its employees 2) the internal labor force has been drawn from the external labor market

fleishman job analysis system

1) job analysis technique that asks subject matter experts to evaluate a job in terms of the abilities required to perform the job 2) when the survey has been completed in all 52 categories, the results provide a picture of the ability requirements of a job

Key characteristics and value of millennials

1) most ethnically diverse generation 2) most connected of any generation, having grown up with the internet 3) most inclined to trust institutions and authority 4) rule followers 5) optimistic 6) team players 7) most educated - 1/4 has at least one parent with a college degree 8) most wanted/ planned/ watched over generation in history

psychological contract

1) new psychological contract - employees and employers no longer have expectations of life time employment; job security is low - training/ development often the responsibility of employee - employees want flexible work arrangement and higher pay 2) flexibility - alternative work arrangement, flexible work schedules

establish recruitment objectives

1) number of open positions to be filled 2) date by which positions should be filled 3) number of applicants 4) type of applicants sought: - level of education - knowledge skills and abilities - interests and values - diversity 5) job performance goals for new hires 6) expected new hire retention rate

pros and cons of employee referrals

1) pros - current employees tend to refer good individuals because their reputation is at stake - current employees are likely to give the applicant realistic job information so there inst a problem with fit - current employees will likely help the person once they get the job - referrals bring in individuals who are not actively looking for a job but have the desirable skills - inexpensive 2) cons - less likely to bring diversity into the organization since people refer who are similar to themselves

pros and cons of scientific management

1) pros - greatly increased productivity and efficiency - easy to replace people - can clearly evaluate performance 2) cons: - workers have no control over work - assumed workers are lazy, greedy, motivated by money and fear - workers have no opportunity to learn news skills which leads to low morale, high turnover, and high absenteeism

14th amendment

1) provides equal protection for all citizens and requires due process in state action 2) applies only to the decisions or actions of the government or private groups are deemed government actions - does not apply to private employers

Veterans readjustment act of 1974

1) requires federal contractors and subcontractors to take affirmative action toward employing veterans of the Vietnam War - affirmative action

equal pay act of 1963

1) requires that men and women performing equal jobs receive equal pay 2) however, the act allows reasons such as seniority, merit, and other factors that result in differences, just cant be clearly gender 3) state of affairs - women still paid less on average than men - work still needed to achieve parity - Lilly ledbetter fair pay act - women still earn only about 80% of what men earn on average, make up 3% of CEOS and 12% of board memberships


1) responsible for enforcement of EEO laws

employee rights

1) right of free consent - people have the right to be treated only as they knowingly and willing consent to be treated 2) right of privacy - people have the right to do as they wish in their private lives, and they have the right to control what they reveal about private activities 3) right of freedom of conscience - people have the right to refuse to do what violates their moral beliefs, as long as these beliefs reflect commonly accepts norms 4) right of freedom of speech - people have the right to criticize an organizations ethics, if they do so in good conscience and their criticism does not violate the right of individuals in the organization 5) right to due process - if people believe their rights are being violated, they have the right to a fair and impartial hearing

key characteristics of gen x

1) saw changes in family connections - working mothers divorce, movement, and inflation all contribute to greater independence - embrace diversity - embraced technology - self reliance - pragmatic - value freedom/ flexibility over money - entered workforce in difficult job market


1) the assignment of work to groups of employees with various skills who interact to assemble a product or provide a service 2) can be in office or virtual 3) virtual teams often culturally diverse and made up of member from different countries 4) teams generally produce improvements in decision making, creativity, productivity, performance, and efficiency

equal employment opportunity

1) the condition in which all individuals have an equal chance for employment, regardless of their race, color, religion, sex, age. disability, or national origin 2) includes: - legislation and constitutional amendments - executive orders - court orders

performance management

1) the process of ensuring that employees activities and output match the organizations goals 2) the human resource department may be responsible for developing and obtaining questionnaires and other devices for measuring performance

Job analysis

1) the process of getting detailed information about jobs

important recruitment metrics

1) time to hire 2) cost of filling position 3) new employee retention rate 4) new employee performance level 5) hiring managers satisfaction with the recruitment process 6) applicants perception of the process

key characteristics of traditionalists

1) traditional values - money to be saved - orders to be followed - women/ children have particular role 2) believe in hard work and sacrifice 3) honor is key 4) prefers individual work to teamwork

key characteristics of generations

1) traditionalists - core values - respect for authority, conformers, discipline - family - traditional nuclear - education - a dream - communication media - rotary phone, one to one, write a memo - dealing with money - put it away, pay cash 2) baby boomers - core values - optimism, involvement - family - disintegrating - education - a birthright - communications media - touch-tone phones, call me anytime - dealing with money - buy now, pay later 3) gen X core value - skepticism, fun, informality - family - latch key kids - education - a way to get there communication media - cell phone, call me only at work - dealing with money - cautions, conservative, save, save, save 4) Gen Y - core value - realism, confidence, extreme fun, social - family - merged families - education - an incredible expense - communication media - internet, camera phone, email - dealing with money - earn to spend

generations in the workplace

1) traditionalists, matures, greatest generation, silent generation (1900-1945) 2) baby boomers (1946-1964) 3) gen X (1965-1981) 4) Gen y, millenials (1982-1997) 5) gen Z (2997-present)

pros and cons social networks

1) two basic types of recruitment - general - employer places ad on social networking site - specific - use search function to look for individuals with qualifications or ask current employees to advertise position to their contacts 2) pros - relatively inexpensive - can be somewhat targeted 3) cons - can raise legal questions

sexual harassment

1) unwelcome sexual advances as defined by the EEOC 2) can be unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical contacts 3) can also be the creation of a hostile work environment

conflicts between the generations

1) value differences 2) communication styles/ preferences 3) work ethic 4) facetime vs. flextime 5) feedback preferences 6) technology

job description

a list of tasks, duties, and responsibilities (TDRs) that a particular job entails

job specification

a list of the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics that an individual must have to perform a particular job


a planned effort to enable employees to learn job related knowledge, skills, and behavior

disparate treatment

differing treatment of individuals, where the differences are based on the individuals race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability status

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