Sinoatrial and Atrioventricular Node

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Define pacemaker

a device that automatically self-excites at a faster rate than the rest of the heart initiating the heart beat

What is the sinoatrial node?

a small mass of specialized cardiac muscle

Where are purkinje fibers grouped together? What is also known as?

in the atrioventricular bundle also known as the Bundle of His

Where is the SA node located?

in the right atrium between the orifice of the superior vena cava and the auricle

Intermingled with the atrial muscle fibers are the...

internodal fiber bundles

The SA node is the biological...


Where is the AV node located?

right atrium, lower part of the interventricular septum

The fibers of the SA node are fused to what?

surrounding atrial muscle tissue

Why can impulses not directly travel from atria to ventricle?

the fiberous skeleton

The fiberous skeleton makes...

two separate systems

Purkinje fiber conduction is how fast?

very rapid at 1.5-4 meters per second

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