Six Day War 1967

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June 8th

Egypt accepts ceasefire; Israel won cotnrol of the West Bank of the River Jordan

June 7th

Got Sinai peninsula; UN calls for a ceasefire

June 6th

ISrael crosses teh SUez canal; Fighting for control of Jerusalem and the West Bank of the River Jordan against Jordan

One major result of the six day world

Israel captured Jerusalem and has held it ever since

Paraphrase the six day war

Israel fought a six day war against the surrounding Arab nations; Israel was super successful and gained more territory; Took control of Sinai peninsula; occupied the West Bank, Gaza Strip/ Golan Heights; Israel has kept most of the territory since; ahs made peace with many of its neighbors

June 5th

Israel v Egypt, Jordan, Syria; Israel bombs Egptian air force; Bomb Jordanian air force; Bomb Syrian air force

June 9th

Israeli troops attacked teh Golan heights

June 10th

Israelis took control of the Golan Heights. Syria accepted the UN call for ceasefire

Causes of the Six Day War

PLO in 1964, US support for ISrael; Attacks on Israel by Fatah (Palestinian guerrilla group); UN troop withdrawal from ISraeli/Egyptian border; Russian interest in Syria and Egypt (part of Cold WAr); "War Fever" amongst some Arab states; EGypt closed the Gulf of Aqaba (this can be considered the spark of the six day war); miscommunication from Russia about the mobilization of troops


Palestinian guerrilla group

Consequences of WAr

Symblic move of parliament to Jerusalem; settlements in conquered land; Palestinian Refugees; Arabs could stay but under Jewish laws; UN condemnation of occupation; Rise in Palestinain resistance; REsolution 242;

what was Israel's response to Resolution 242?

They said that if a peace treaty was agreed on it would give the ARabs back their land; however the Arabs did not want a peace treaty, they just wanted Isarel to give back their land period

Resolution 242, November 1967

it said Israel should return all conquered land and that all states in the Middle East should renounce war and recognize each otehr's right to peace; resolution never reached

Do the Arabs work together during this conflict?

yes, for the first time

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