Small Business Management // Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5 Exam

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Resource Maturity

Most typical fourth stage of small business; Characterized by relatively stable or slowly rising sales and profits over several years; In a firm that has a takeoff stage following the success stage, this stage occurs after takeoff

Efficiency-driven Economy

Nation where industrialization is becoming the major force providing jobs, revenues, and taxes, and where minimizing costs while maximizing productivity is a major goal (Ex. Russia, Brazil, China)

The Five Ps of Entrepreneurial Behavior

Passion, Perseverance, Promotion/Prevention focus, Planning style, Professionalization


Payment to a licensor based on the number or value of licensed items sold

Second career entrepreneurs

People who begin businesses after having left, retired, or resigned from work; Can include veterans of the armed forces and civilians from a broad range of industries.; 33% are self-employed

Existence Stage

Second stage of the business life cycle marked by the business being in operation; Not yet stable in terms of markets, operations, or finances; Second riskiest stage after emergence

Business life cycle

Sequence or pattern of developmental stages any business goes through during its life span; Predictable; Issues, lessons, and actions are different for each stage; Can help owners butter understand SB

Minimalized business professionalization

Situation that occurs when entrepreneur does nearly everything in simplest way possible

Entrepreneurial alertness

Special set of skills that help entrepreneurs identify good opportunities; Ability to notice the overlooked

Opportunity competencies

Skills necessary to identify and exploit elements of business environment that can lead to a profitable and sustainable business; Hope it is hard for others to copy (Related to E in BRIE)

Entrepreneurial culture

Special case of organizational culture for start-ups; Passion for mission, team, customer, innovation, and fairness


Taking products or services made in your home country and selling them in other countries

Goods or services

Tangible things (goods) or intangible commodities (services) created for sale

IDEO Screen

Technique for conducting a fast initial analysis of ideas for their potential; Looks at market desirability, technical feasibility, and organizational viability


Techniques based on internet-based services to get opinions through the involvement of others

Flexibility Rewards

The ability of business owners to structure life in the way that suits their needs best

Casual Model of Entrepreneurship

1/2 ways to think about business; You want to create a particular product or service that does not yet exist and to achieve that end, you have to cause the product or service to exist; May have to learn a new skill


A person who starts an organization, such as a business (Ex. Founder, buyer, heir)


A person's belief in his or her ability to achieve a goal


A person, organization, or entity that has interest in particular business or decision

Organizational culture

A set of shared beliefs, assumptions, or ways of dealing with problems within a company to demonstrate how things get done

Resource competencies

Ability or skill of the entrepreneur at finding expendable components necessary to the operation of the business such as time, information, location, financing, raw materials, and expertise (Related to R in BRIE)


Access problems for women and minority-owned SBs crop up most often as discrimination in...

CSI entrepreneurship

Acronym for the three forms of entrepreneurship, corporate, social, and independent

Sustainable entrepreneurship

An approach to operating a firm or a line of business that identifies, creates, and exploits opportunities to make a profit in a way that can minimize the depletion of natural resources, maximize the use of a recycled material, or improve the environment.

Promotion focus

An entrepreneur's attention to maximizing gains and pursuing opportunities likely to lead to gains


An examination-based acknowledgment that the firm is owned and operated as specified

Green entrepreneurship

Another term for sustainable entrepreneurship taken from the popular belief that green is the color of a healthy environment, as in forests or fields


Approach used to create alternatives in uncertain environments

What the BRIE model stands for

BOUNDARY: Something that sets up a firm (Ex. Business name or gov. registration) RESOURCES: Product or service being offered, financial resources, and human resources at a firm INTENTION: The desire to start a business EXCHANGE: Refers to moving goods in exchange for money and resources

Social ventures

Businesses that are organized as for-profit entities but are also solving or supporting solutions to social problems


Buying products or services from a place not your home country, and selling them to your home country


Characterized by being different or new


Characterized by being like or copying something that already exists

Necessity-driven Entrepreneurship

Creating a firm as an alternative to unemployment

Opportunity-driven Entrepreneurship

Creating a firm to improve one's income or a product or service

Entrepreneurial process

Feel, check, plan, do

High Performing Small Business

Firm intended to provide owner with high income through sales/profits superior to those of the traditional SB; Make $100K-1M/yr grow through multiple locations (20% SBs)


General term for conducting business online


Government contracting funds which are earmarked for particular kinds of firms, such as small businesses, minority-owned firms, women-owned firms, and the like.

Liability of newness

Set of risks faced by firms early in their life cycles that comes from lack of knowledge by owners about the business they are in and by customers about the new business.

Expert business professionalization

Situation that occurs when all the major functions of firm are conducted according to the standard business practices of its industry

Incremental Strategy

Taking an idea and offering a way to do something slightly better than presently

Funds come from others, marketing is most important, like to involve key others, focus of effectiveness, meta-strat. is novelty, grow when possible

What are some traits of a high-growth venture?

It is used to help business come together

What is the BRIE model for?

The family council keeps the family involved, the board of directors is focused on running the business and includes significant nonfamily members

What is the key difference between a family council and a board of directors?

High-growth Ventures

Firm started with intent of going public, following pattern of growth and operation of big business; Make $1M/yr and start small, intending to grow rapidly (5% SBs)

Emergence Stage

First stage of business life cycle, where entrepreneur moves from thinking about starting business to actually doing it


First step of entrepreneurial process; When entrepreneur has feeling about starting business or creating a product

Independent entrepreneur

For of entrepreneurship in which a person or group owns a for-profit business

Main Street Business

Popular term for SBs reflecting the idea that these are the firms you would expect to find on main street of an American city; Opposite of big or "Wall Street" businesses.

Brainstorming idea other than SCAMPER

Preparation (exploring from all directions), Incubation (Think about problem unconsciously), Illumination (Bring ideas together), Verification (Test idea)


Process of intergenerational transfer of a business

Slack resources

Profits that are available to be used to satisfy the preferences of the owner in how the business is run

Radical Innovation Strategy

Rejecting existing ideas, and presenting a way to do things differently

Traditional Small Business

SB intended to provide a living income to owner, operating on a schedule consistent with other firms in the industry and market; Make $25K-100K/yr (22% of SBs)

Lifestyle/Part-time Firm

SB intended to provide partial financial support for owner's lifestyle through operations that fit their schedule and way of working; Make $25k or less/yr and often operate seasonally (53% of SBs)

What SCAMPER stands for

SUBSTITUTE COMBINE ADAPT: How to change current products MAGNIFY/MODIFY: Create memorable images and advertising for consumers PUT OTHERS TO USE: Use others to form ideas ELIMINATE: Search for opportunities that arise when you get rid of something REARRANGE/REVERSE


Second step of entrepreneurial process; When entrepreneurs check likelihood for success through idea feasibility analysis

Role conflict

The kind of problem that arises when multiple responsibilities create different and conflicting demands (Ex. parent and boss)

Forms of Entrepreneurship

The settings in which the entrepreneurial effort takes place


The simplest form of discrimination against minorities and women

Corridor Principle

Theory in entrepreneurship that says that as you start pursuing one line of work or opportunity, you will encounter other opportunities.

Success Stage

Third stage of the business life cycle marked by the firm being established in its market, operation, and finances


Third step of entrepreneurial process; Thinking about going from an idea to a business through testing and small-scale set ups


This stage occurs after the success stage for a small percentage of businesses; Characterized by rapid growth (5-10%/month+)

False: 58%

True or False: Family Businesses makes up 88% of America's total work force

Social entrepreneurship

Form of entrepreneurship involving the creation of self-sustaining charitable and civic organizations, or for-profit organizations which invest significant profits in charitable activities

Corporate entrepreneurship

Form of entrepreneurship that takes place in existing businesses around new products, services, or markets (80% of self-employed entrepreneurs/12 million Americans))


Forms of business-related expertise (Related to B in BRIE, along with industry-speific knowledge)


Fourth step of entrepreneurial process; Acting on a plan and refining it until it becomes a successful firm


Funding a business online through the collective involvement of others who provide donations, loans, or investments

Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)

International term for small business

Small Business

Involves 1-50 people and has its owner managing the business on a day-to-day basis


Legal agreement granting you rights to use a particular piece of intellectual property

Comprehensive planners

Those who develop long-range plans for all aspects of the business

Critical-point planners

Those who develop plans focused on the most important aspect of the business first; Not long term

Habit-based planners

Those who do not plan, preferring to let all actions be dictated by their routines; Do very poorly in business world

Opportunistic planners

Those who start with a goal instead of plan and look for opportunities to achieve it; Fairly short term

Reactive planners

Those with a passive approach to planning, who wait for cues from the environment to determine what actions to take; Entirely short term + do poorly in business world


True or False: SBs create 65% of jobs in the US

False, they are handled by business outside of government or big business

True or false: Corporations handle certifications


True or false: To qualify for set asides, you must get a certification saying the business is owned by a woman or minority

Creative destruction

Way that newly created goods, services, or firms can hurt existing goods, services, or firms

Identifying the wrong problem, Judging too fast, Stopping at first good idea, Obeying rules that don't exist, Failing to act

What are five pitfalls to avoid when trying to be innovative?

Funds come from owner, sales are most important, like to retain autonomy, focus of efficiency, meta-strat. is imitation, grow when necessary

What are some traits of a SB?

Keep family issues out of the business

What is the most effect approach for avoiding role conflict?

Growth rewards

What people get from facing and beating challenges


Model used to spark creativity (making connections among distinct ideas or opportunities)

Income rewards

Money made by owning one's business.


Most successful high-growth ventures, those with a valuation of $1 billion or more.

Factor-driven Economy

Nation where the major forces for jobs, revenues, and taxes come from farming or extractive industries like forestry, mining, or oil production. (Ex. Jamaica, Pakistan, Venezuela)

Innovation-driven Economy

Nation where the major forces for jobs, revenues, and taxes come from high-value added production based on new ideas and technologies and from professional services based on higher education (Ex. Germany, Korea, US)

Overall growth strategy

One of four general ways to position a business based on the rate and level of growth entrepreneurs anticipate for their firm.


Organization that uses resources to produce a product, which it then sells

Time management

Organizing process to help make the most efficient use of the day

What the Five P's Stand for

PASSION: Intense positive feeling an entrepreneur has towards business or idea behind business PERSEVERENCE: Ability to stick with activity through thick and thin PROMOTION/PREVENTION FOCUS: Focus on maximizing gains and minimizing losses PLANNING STYLE: Having a planning style this is effective and suits your lifestyle PROFESSIONALIZATION: Extent to which a firm meets/exceeds the standards for its industry


People who create or start new businesses; Can be by themselves or through a franchise; Other groups include buyers and heirs

Specialized business professionalization

Situation that occurs when businesses have founders/owners who are passionate about one or two of the key business functions, such as sales, operations, accounting, finance, or human resources

Determination competencies

Skills identified with the energy and focus needed to bring a business into existence (Related to I in BRIE)

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