Soc 1 CH 10

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Which of the following are correct statements about race and the Census?

-About 10 percent of babies born in the United States in 2013 were multiracial. -About 2.8 percent of the U.S. population in 2013 selected two or more racial categories when questioned by the U.S. Census. -About one in eight new marriages in 2013 were between spouses of different races.

examples of racialization

-housing segregation based on race -retail workers following black customers in stores -government forms requiring racial identification

features of diaspora

-some tension between new countries and members of the diaspora -a strong ethnic identity sustained by members of the diaspora -large-scale forced or voluntary dispersal from the homeland to new countries

According to the textbook, which of the following factors contributed to the rise of racism?

-the invention of race as an inheritable and naturally hierarchical trait -preexisting notions about the meaning of "white" and "black" as symbols of good and evil -exploitive relations between Europeans and those whose lands they settled

events lead to racial struggles in chronological order

1. Civil War 2. abandonment of project of racial equality 3. segregation and disenfranchisement in the South 4. civil rights movements 5. color-blind ideology

The infant mortality rate is ____ times higher among blacks than whites.


Based on the racial categorizations of people living in these countries, which of the following statements best represents variation in racial and ethnic identification across countries?

Countries base racial and ethnic organization on different traits


Immigrant and the dominant group's cultures exist separately, but both participate in society on an equal footing.

melting pot

Immigrants adopt some of the dominant group's culture, while the dominant culture is also altered by immigrants' influence.

According to structuralists, why is racial categorization inconsistent in the United States and reflective of larger economic and political forces?

Racial categories in the U.S. Census are inconsistent

scientific racism

Those who engage in scientific racism have long used flawed and biased data to try to prove that there is a racial hierarchy or that some races are superior to others.

Why is it important to consider the history of Western imperialism if one wants to understand today's racial and ethnic divisions?

Western imperialism brought about colonialism, which helped create divisions between race/ethnic groups


behavior that denies to the members of a particular group resources or rewards that can be obtained by others

minority groups are distinguished by _______ compared to the dominant group

being disadvantaged


engaged coexistence of distinct racial or ethnic groups

Residential segregation has declined considerably over the past 25 years.



holding preconceived ideas about an individual or group, ideas that are resistant to change even in the face of new information


involuntary separation of groups by legal or social means, based on race or ethnicity


large-scale murders of members of racial, political, and cultural groups


merging into the larger culture and shedding one's separate identity

Social psychologists are interested in how ______ between individuals shape larger societal patterns.

micro-level interactions

institutional racism

patterns of racial discrimination that have become structured into existing social institutions

Structuralist theories describe _____ as a tool for the maintenance of _____ through the monopolization of ______.

racism/white privilege/economic resources


refer specifically to the process of moving out of a country


the attribution of characteristics of superiority or inferiority to a population that shares inherited physical characteristics


thinking in terms of fixed and inflexible categories

Structural theories of race and racism argue that race is more important for determining an individual's life chances than gender and social class.


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