SOC 1100 Exam #1

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Key values of U.S. culture ________

1. equal opporunity 2. individual achievement & personal success 3. material comfort 4. activity & work 5. practically & efficency 6. progress 7. science 8. democracy & free enterprise 9. freedom 10. racism & group superiority

Which concept refers to a social position that is assumed voluntarily and that reflects a significant measure of personal ability and effort?

Achieved Status (Honors student, Olympic athlete, Nurse, Thief, ect...)

What concept refers to a social position that is received at birth or involuntarily assumed later in life?

Ascribed Status (a daughter, a Cuban, a teenager, a widower, ect...)

What is the term for the beliefs, values, behavior, and material objects that together make up the way of life for a group of people?


In Freud's model of personality, which element of the personality represents a person's efforts to balance the demands of society and innate pleasure-seeking drives?

Ego (meaning "I")

The pioneering sociologist who studied patterns of suicide in Europe was ________

Emile Durkheim.

The language widely spoken by people in more nations of the world than any other is ________


__________ are rules about everyday, casual living; __________ are rules with great moral significance.

Folkways; mores

Sociology first appeared as a formal discipline in ________


Carol Gilligan extended Kohlberg's research, showing that _______

Girls and boys typically assess situations as right and wrong using different standards.

Carol Gilligan's work on the issue of self-esteem in girls showed that _______

Girls begin with high levels of self-esteems, which gradually decrease as they go through adolescence.

Applying Freud's thinking to a sociological analysis of personality development, you would conclude that _______

Humans have basic, self-centered drives that must be controlled by learning the way of society.

Our basic drives or needs as humans are reflected in Freud's concept of the _______

Id (meaning "it")

Based on the Harlows' research with rhesus monkeys and the case of Anna, the isolated child, one might reasonably conclude that _______

Long-term social isolation leads to permanent developmental damage in both monkeys and humans

Which concept refers to a status that has special importance for social identity, often shaping a person's entire life?

Master Status (a job: tells a ton about a person's social background, education, and income)

Harold and Sybil are lost while driving to some friends' house. Harold will not stop to ask for directions as Sybil wants him to. This story illustrates the pattern that ________

Men avoid asking for directions because they want to keep a sense of control.

The Harlow experiments to discover the effects of social isolation on rhesus monkeys showed that _______

Monkeys isolated for six months were highly fearful when they were returned to others of their kind

The focus of Lawrence Kohlberg's research was _______

Moral reasoning, or how individuals judge situations as right or wrong.

The United States is the most _______ of all countries.


As a part of human culture, religion is an example of ________

Nonmaterial culture

The intangible world of ideas created by members of a society is referred to as ________

Nonmaterial culture

_____ is a way of understanding the world based on science.


For Jean Piaget, at which stage of development do individuals first use language and other cultural symbols?

Preoperational Stage (2-6 years of age)

According to Piaget, in which stage of human development do individuals experience the world only through sensory contact?

Sensorimotor Stage (first two years of development)

The process by which people act and react in relation to others is called ________

Social interaction

Which discipline defines itself as "the systematic study of human society"?


Which of the following concepts defines a social position that a person holds?


At any given time you occupy a number of statuses. These statuses make up your ________

Status set (Daughter, sister, goalie, student, ect...)

In Freud's model of personality, what represents the presence of culture within the individual?

Superego (meaning "above & beyond the ego")

If you were to put together the lesson learned from the cases of Anna, Isabelle, and Genie, you would correctly conclude that _______

The effect of long-term social isolation can never be overcome in any situation.

What might a sociologist say about people's selection of marriage partners?

Typically, a person marries someone of similar social position.

The early U.S. sociologist who described the difference between folkways and mores was ________

William Graham Sumner

The tragic case of Anna, the isolated girl who was studied by Kingsley Davis, shows that _______

Without social experience, a child is incapable of thought or meaningful action.

Sociologists define a symbol as ________

anything that has meaning to people who share a culture.

Which theory, developed by the psychologist John B. Watson, claims that human behavior is not instinctive but learned within a social environment?


Making use of the sociological perspective encourages ________

challenging commonly held beliefs.

Jean Piaget's focus was on _______

cognition, or how people think and understand.

Peter Berger describes using the sociological perspective as seeing the ______ in the _______.

general; particular

The United States falls within which category of the world's nations?

high-income nations

According to Emile Durkheim, categories of people with a higher suicide rate typically have ________

lower social integration.

Cars, computers, and iPhones are all examples of which of the following?

material culture

Almost all of Latin America (excluding Mexico) and almost all of Asia falls in the category of ________

middle-income nations

In the nature versus nurture debate, sociologists claim that _______

nurture is far more important than nature.

Sociologists use the term "social marginality" to refer to ________

people who are defined by others as an "outsider."

What concept refers to a person's fairly consistent pattern of acting, thinking, and feeling?


What concept refers to the lifelong social experience by which human beings develop their potential and learn culture?


The fact that instant messaging is based on a new set of symbols shows us that ________

the culture has evolved

The term Homo sapiens, the name of our species, comes from Latin meaning ________

thinking person

Standards by which people who share culture define what is desirable, good, and beautiful are called ________


In the United States today, the suicide rate is highest for which of the following categories of people?

white males

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