Soc 202 Chapter 22
The concept of "megalopolis" refers to which of the following?
A vast urban region containing many cities and suburbs
The Industrial Revolution had what effect on U.S. cities?
All of these responses are correct.
Urban decentralization has led to ________
All of these responses are correct.
Which of the following concepts refers to the number of live births in a given year for every thousand people in a population?
Crude birth rate
Which of the following concepts refers to the study of the interaction of living organisms and the natural environment?
"Zero population growth" refers to cases in which a nation's birth rate drops to zero.
Because our planet is mostly covered with oceans, there is no shortage of fresh water.
Demographic transition theory states that humanity must act now to reduce fertility if we are to save the planet.
The average life expectancy for U.S. children born today is about sixty years.
The concept of fecundity provides a simple and useful way to measure population increase.
The crude death rate is the same measure as the infant mortality rate.
The movement of people out of a territory is called immigration.
A metropolis is a large city that socially and economically dominates an urban area.
As societies gain technological power, more population, and affluence they have a greater and greater effect on the natural environment.
At the present rate of loss, almost all of the rain forests will be gone by the end of this century.
Durkheim's concept of mechanical solidarity parallels Tönnies's concept of Gemeinschaft.
It would be fair to say that Malthus was a pessimist about the future of the world.
Most people migrate due to a combination of "push" and "pull" factors.
Protecting the rain forests is vital to maintaining the Earth's biodiversity.
As a rich nation that values consumption and convenience, the U.S. can be described as ________
a "disposable society."
Demography is defined as the study of ________
human population.
The concept of "environmental deficit" refers to ________
long-term harm to the environment caused by a short-sighted focus on material affluence.
The concept of "zero population growth" refers to the level of reproduction that ________
maintains population at a steady level.
The basic idea behind demographic transition theory is ________
population patterns reflect a society's level of technological development.
Fertility refers to ________
the incidence of childbearing in a nation's population.