soc chpt 3-4

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is a place where people are isolated from the rest of society for a set period of time and come under the control of the officials who run the institution

Total institution

an _________ is a social position a person assumes voluntarily as a result of personal choice, merit, or direct effort

achieved status

occupation is an ex. of _____________

achieved status

which of the following statements about social structure is false? a. it is not essential for individual well being b. it is essential for the survival of society c. it provides a web of family support and social relationships d. it connects individuals to the larger society

a- it is not essential for individual well being

which of the following is a gender difference in nonverbal communication? a. women are more likely to sustain eye contact during conversations to show involvement with others b. women are socialized to display less emotion through smiles or other facial expressions c. men are more likely to hug and touch others to indicate affection and support d. men tend to interact at closer distances that women regardless of age

a- women are more likely to sustain eye contact during conversations to show involvement with others

the significant difference between childhood socialization and adult socialization is that

adult socialization involves greater freedom of choice than does childhood socialization

Samantha, a teenager, has a 69-year-old grandmother who lives with her. Despite the fact that Samantha's grandmother is very active and flexible in her thoughts and ideas, Samantha always assumes that she is slow and rigid. As a result, Samantha refuses to go for walks with her and does not share any personal information with her because she thinks that her grandmother would not understand her life. This scenario exemplifies the concept of __________.


Since her birth, Amanda's parents have been teaching her the values and principles that they believe will help her differentiate between ethical and unethical activities and behaviors. They have also taught her the manners that are considered polite in society. In this context, Amanda's parents can be called __________.

agents of socialization

a young woman decides that she wants to become a professional basketball player. She joins her school basketball team, reads articles about the best basketball players, and attends basketball camps. This scenario is most likely an example of __________________

anticipatory socialization

an ____________ is a social position conferred at birth or received involuntarily later in life, based on attributes over which the individual has little or no control, such as race/ethnicity, age, and gender

ascribed status

which of the following is an ex. of achieved status? a. daughter b. husband c. African American d. adolescent

b- husband

which of the following statements is true of socialization? a. it is most crucial during early adulthood b. it is complete by the time individuals reach middle adulthood c. it only occurs through formal processes such as schooling d. it helps individuals learn how to communicate with other people

c- it only occurs through formal processes such as schooling

which of the following statements about socialization is false? a. socialization involves both formal and informal processes b. socialization enables us to adapt to new environments c. socialization is complete by the time we reach late middle age d. socialization is essential for an individual to live in society

c- socialization is complete by the time we reach late middle age

according to psychologist, Sigmund Freud, there are 3 different levels of the human personality. Which of the following is not one of these levels? a. the id b. the superego c. the libido d. the ego

c- the libido

which of the following is not generally considered a component of social structure? a. societal institutions b. rules c. values and beliefs d. social roles

c- values and beliefs

according to Emile Durkheim, organic solidarity is _________________________

characterized by interdependence and practical considerations

Daisy, a 15-year-old girl, is dared by her friends to break into the house of a stranger and draw an obscene graffiti on the wall. Despite knowing that this is unethical and illegal, Daisy goes ahead and completes the dare because she wants her peers to perceive her as a daring and cool person. In the context of Kohlberg's stages of moral development, Daisy is most likely in the __________.

conventional level

which of the following statements about personal space is false? a. physical space is an important component of communication b. the amount of space that one prefers varies from one culture to another c. age, gender, and the type of relationship are factors affecting the norms for personal space d. space is less important than other forms of communication, and violations of personal space are easily ignored

d- space is less important than other forms of communication, and violations of personal space are easily ignored

according to erving Hoffman, social interaction can be compared to a theatrical presentation in that an individual is an actor, observers are audiences, and interactions are guided by social scripts. the study of social interaction in this context is referred to as __________________

dramaturgical analysis

t or f: Aimee is pursuing her graduation and also works a day job. she finds it difficult to simultaneously handle the requirements of being a student and being an employee. this incompatibility between the 2 roles is an ex. of role strain


t or f: a person's occupation is a key defining characteristic in preindustrial societies, whereas his or her kinship ties are most important in industrial societies


t or f: according to ebaugh, an individual who decides that he or she must take some action to end a significant social role is in the first stage of role exit


t or f: applying the framework for cognitive development created by Jean Piaget, it is possible for a child to be in several stages at the same time, depending on the child's individual personalities


t or f: biological inheritance is more important that social interaction in establishing an individual's characteristics


t or f: intimate zone is the distance between 2 persons who know each other with relative intimacy, such as friends, brothers, sisters, or other relatives


t or f: resocialization is always involuntary


t or f: the most frequent form of child maltreatment is sexual abuse


t or f: the need for impression management is least intense for individuals with devalued statuses


t or f: the socialization process yields the same outcomes in all societies


t or f: unlike secondary groups, primary groups are large groups in which members engage in goal-oriented relationships for a limited period of time


Noor, a 16-year-old girl, frequently engages in highly abstract thoughts and can understand events that she has never seen. She also thinks about her future and compares the consequences of pursuing a college degree with the consequences of getting a job directly after high school. In the context of Piaget's stages of cognitive development, Noor is most likely in the __________.

formal operational stage

Most students behave differently in the classroom than they do in their own room or with friends. For most students, the classroom would be considered __________.

front stage

Ferdinand Tonnies used the term _____________ to refer to traditional society in which social relationships are based on personal bonds of friendship and kinship and on intergenerational stability


Throughout childhood and adolescence, boys and girls typically are assigned different household chores and given different privileges (such as how late they may stay out at night). This is an example of __________.

gender socialization

in the "nature vs nurture" debate regarding socialization, the "nature" component refers to ___________________


according to sociologists Langhout and Mitchell, the _____________________ results in African American and Latino boys being disproportionally punished for violating rules when compared to their white and female counterparts in schools. This discrimination supports the argument of conflict theorists who assert that students have different experiences in the school system depending on their social class, their racial ethnic background, the neighborhood in which they live, their gender, and other factors

hidden curriculum

When Steve, a 3-year-old, visits a department store with his parents, he sees a toy car that he likes. However, when his parents refuse to buy it for him, Steve starts crying and does not stop until his parents are forced to purchase the car. Steve's behavior is an illustration of the __________.


Alex was imprisoned for four years for arson. On the day he was taken into custody, he had to go through a degradation ceremony in which he was asked to strip, was searched by the prison guards, and was asked to wear the inmate uniform. Over time, the prison guards encouraged him to conform to institutional norms through a system of rewards and punishment. By the time Alex's prison sentence was over, he was rehabilitated. This scenario exemplifies __________.

involuntary socialization

the case of Genie, a neglected and abused child, illustrates that

it is not possible for children who experience extreme social isolation and neglect to ever achieve their full human potential

at the _________, the social structure of a society has several essential elements: social institutions, groups, statuses, roles, and norms


the term _____________ refers to large-scale organizations that use print or electronic means (such as radio, television, film, and the internet) to communicate with large numbers of people, to inform people about events, and to provide an array of viewpoints on current issues

mass media

Jane defines herself first and foremost as a student. For Jane, being a student is considered her _________ status.

master status

Durkheim used the term __________ to refer to the social cohesion of preindustrial societies, in which there is minimal division of labor and people feel united by shared values and common social bonds.

mechanical solidarity

according to psychologist Jean Piaget, toward the end of the second year of life, children begin to use words as mental symbols and to form mental images. he referred to this as the _____________________

preoperational stage

__________ include our family, close friends, and school- or work-related peer groups.

primary group

a ____________ is a set of behavioral expectations associated with a given status


When __________ occurs, we may feel pulled in different directions. We may prioritize our roles and first complete the one we consider to be most important. Or we may compartmentalize our lives and "insulate" our various roles.

role conflict

For any particular status, __________ refers to how a person actually behaves within her role.

role performance

carols is a freshman at the local college. as a student, he is feeling pressure. he wants to party like the rest of his frat brothers, but at the same time, he wants to maintain his 4.0 grade average. sociologists would say that Carlos is experiencing ______________________

role strain

sociologists define a __________ as a larger, more specialized group in which members engage in more impersonal, goal oriented relationships for a limited period of time

secondary group

Children desire the care, affection, and approval of their parents, who help them develop a self-identity through socialization. In this context, parents would most likely fit sociologist George Herbert Mead's definition of __________.

significant others

Some symbolic interaction theorists believe that there is very little shared reality beyond that which is socially created. They refer to this as the __________, which is the process by which our perception of reality is largely shaped by the subjective meaning that we give to an experience.

social construction of reality

in the "nature vs nurture" debate regarding socialization, the "nurture" component refers to __________________

social influence

the family, region, education, the economy, the government, mass media, sports, science and medicine, and the military are examples of _________________

social institution

is the process by which people act toward and respond to other people and is the foundation for all relationships and groups in society

social interaction

__________ refers to the state of being part insider and part outsider in the social structure, such as that of immigrants who simultaneously share the life and traditions of two distinct groups

social marginality

_____________________, or cohesion, refers to a groups ability to maintain itself in the face of obstacles. it exists when social bonds, attractions, or other forces hold members of a group interaction over a period of time

social solidarity

_________________________________ is the lifelong process of social interaction through which individuals acquire a self-identity and the physical, mental, and social skills needed for survival in society


_________________________ is the systematic study of how biology affects social behavior and asserts that nature, in the form of our genetic makeup, is a major factor in shaping human behavior


a ____________ is a socially defined position in a group or society characterized by certain expectations, rights, and duties, and it exists independently of the specific people occupying the position


Wearing a wedding ring proclaims that a person is married, owning a Rolls-Royce announces that one has "made it," and pushing a shopping cart is an indicator that one is homeless. These are examples of __________.

status symbols

the sociological term for any physical or social attribute or sign that devalues a person's social identity and disqualifies that person from full social acceptance is _____________


sociologist erving Hoffman noted that people consciously participate in _________________, a face saving technique in which one role ignores the flaws in another's performance to avoid embarrasment for everyone involved

studied nonobservance

the "I" is the ______________ element of the self and represents the spontaneous and unique traits of each person


In the context of Freud's theory of personality, the statement "It's wrong to steal" is an expression of the ________.


Hamid, a 65-year-old retired man, was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. As he didn't have any family or kin, he decided to move into a nursing home. After moving into the nursing home, Hamid had to internalize the social norms and values that were appropriate to the new setting. This scenario exemplifies __________.

tertiary socialization

One of the primary agents of gender socialization is __________.

the family

According to sociologist Charles Horton Cooley, the __________ refers to the way in which a person's sense of self is derived from the perceptions of others.

the looking glass self

t or f: Denver is a lawyer, a son, husband, part-time writer, and citizen of the U.S.. all these positions make up his status set


t or f: according to ethnomethodologists, interaction is based on assumptions of shared expectancies


t or f: functionalists emphasize the importance of families in providing emotional support and social experience to children, whereas conflict theorists emphasize how socialism through families contributes to and reproduces inequalities in the class structure


t or f: most human behavior is influenced by social interaction


t or f: social structure creates stability and order in a society, and it also creates boundaries and establishes unequal relations between groups of people


t or f: the increase number of body shaming incidents on social media sites such as Facebook illustrates how social media reinforce existing stereotypes of women as skinny


t or f: the media function as socializing agents because they provide an array of viewpoints on current issues and entertain individuals by providing them with the opportunity to live vicariously


t or f: the symbolic interactionists perspectives of Charles Horton Cooley and George Herbert Mead help us understand that we cannot form a sense of self or personal identity without social contact with others


t or f: touching as a form of communication has a different meaning to women than men, with women being more likely to use touch to indicate emotional support.


which of the following is not an example of total institution? a. university residence hall b. concentration camp c. military boot camp d. prison

university residence hall

what is it that sets peer groups apart from schools and families as agents of socialization?

unlike schools and families, peer groups allow children a degree of freedom from authority

Joe has decided to join a monastery. At this monastery, there will be silence for eight hours a day and fasting from food on a regular basis. Joe will experience ______ resocialization.

voluntary resocialization

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