Social Behavior Exam #3

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True of false: Only females incubate eggs.

False bothe parents take turns. Unlike most birds, the blue footed booby lacks a brooding patch so they use their feet to keep their eggs warm. The eggs hatch after 41-45 days and the chicks will sit on their parents feet to keep warm.

True or False: In laboratory strains of male mice cannot recognize their offspring as adults even if give the chance to interact with infant pups.

False can This recognition requires prolactin- mediated adult neurogenesis in the male parent's olfactory bub and hippocampus

True or False: Play is the opposite of goal oriented activities.

False. Chamois a short-horned goat antelope native to mountainous terrain in southern Europe.

____________________ a reliable source of food, but this may be in question if the mother is sick or unable to find food and water.


___________________ of parents by their young is certainly a way to learn critical survival techniques


What controls the length of incubation?

Species Temperatur Humidity Other enviornmental conditions Genetics

What is the critical sensitive period

Specific time: early postnatal life Ducks and geese: 24-48 hours after hatching, then the "following response" is learned VERY important for most parent-offspring bonds to be successful.

What mammal makes a nest that somewhat look like bird nesrs' size of a soccerball, and the inside is lined with dry grass, shredded bark moss, feathers, or other available materials

Squirrels The familar squirrel nest of twigs in the upper branches of a tree is called a drey, a single squirrel may have several dreys, and if one becomes infested with fleas of vermin, she will abandon and quickly rebuild another.

What forties imprinting?

Stressful Stimuli If there is an increased level of stress at the time of the original imprinting the learning is more robust than normal

the point of teaching is what?

Teaching young to be self sufficient.

________________________- is a way of transmitting information by social _____________________, and it does involve cost as it can be _______________ before the teacher _____________________.

Teaching, learning, years, benefits

True or False a pups submissive postre will defuse most aggressive tendencies in adults of the same species,


True or False: Imprinting is irreversible. retained for life. Not to be forgotten or unlearned. A rearing technique to avoid chick imprinting on humans, people will dress in white and feed chicks with a whooping crane puppet.


True or False: Killdeer are known for their ability to feign ijurty (usually broken wing) to sistract predators from their nests, thuse protecting their young.


True or False: Newly hatched songbirds are blind:


True or False: protecting, feeding, and training adolescents can be difficult and frusterating


True/False: Foals can be imprinted on humans


True/False: Some birds in Mexico use cigarettes to built nests


True or False: The instinct to nest is strong in mammals as well as avian species.

True - provides livingplace, protect young - Each species has a characteristic way of maing a home for its offspring MANY techniques dor constructing homes in anticipation and arrival of offspring

True or False: Not all behaviors are affected by imprinting.

True Sexual imprinting - Jackdaws - Sexually dimorphic species: sexual imprinting varies depending on whether the youngster is male or female. Male mallard duckling will identify his future mate by relating it to the appearance of his mother or attachment figure; not for the female Falcons: combination of human and avian stimuli

What stimulates the parrot finch mothers to regurgitate and feed their babies?

four metallic spots

Which bird weaves intricate and very tidy nest of thin fibers shredded from a specific type of grass. In this species male does most of the weaving, offerinf the finished product as a means of attracting a female?

grosbeak weaver

In sheep the onset of maternal responsiveness and the development of the mutual mother- young bnd are under the combined influence of what stimulations?

hormonal and visceral somatosensory stimulations

Imprinting is a ____________ learning process by which a newborn or very young animal establishes a behavior pattern of _____________ and _____________ towards other animals of its own kind, as well as to specific individuals of its species, such as its parents or to a substitute for these. Imprinting is important to ____________ animals because:

rapid recognition and attraction newborn - Critical sensitive period - irreversible - individual animal's preference for a certain species - some behaviors are affected by imprinting more than others - Stressful stimuli reinforce imprinting

True or False: Chimps show more empathy than the Bonobos


What is important in recognition of young?


What are some efects of being an orphan?

*Lamb* Hand-raised lambs, tend to not graze with the flock Early experience had profound effects on the orphan lamb's subsequent social behaciots. Orphan lambe sith skin of dead lab, coar to sidquise sent and promot fosterinf by dead labls mother, New Zealand. Wet fostering *Turkey* Hand-reared male domestic tukey As adult, courted most human males that walked thoguh his park (sexual imprinting) Attacked females - the tom or gobbler thought he was a person. - Maybe they did not like owmen brecause their skirts resembled wattles sand drooping wings..

What are some imprinting aids?

*Scent* Vocalization *Visual Cues* *Physical Contact* *All important in the parent-offspring bond.

What are the 3 stages of labor?

1. Contractions; rupture of the allanto-chorion 2. Delivery of the fetus 3. Delivery of the placenta Stages 2 and 3: repeated in litter-bearing species.

How do male emperor penguins flamingos produce crop milk?

A milk-like substance from the esophagus to feed chicks after hatching; critical if fishing females are late returning from the ocean with food to regurgitate; few days, and after females have returned they alternate hunting duties.

What is imprinting? What are the different types?

A process by which social attachments are made early in life that will influence behavior later in life Filial imprinting: social attachments form between parents and offspring Sexual imprinting: attachment forms by which an individual learns to direct it sexual behavior at members of its own species.

What is play?

A special form of social behavior Indulged in particularly by the young of primates and carniveorous mammals (chimps, dogs, cats, weasels, mongeese) - Dwarf mongoose pups playing with artic fo pups outside their den Noticiably absent in young of many of the large herbivores It may, however, be seen in lambs, foals, calves In many cases "play" is active practice to perfect a needed technique Dog pups stalk and wrestle with each other: developing the techniques neccesary for hunting; they generally play as though they were stalking and killing prey. - Polar bears sparing - DIngo pups stal and wrestle with each other: developing the techniques neccessary for hunting; they generally play as though they were stalking and killing prey Som anials (otters and dolphins) really do appear to play even as adults - Dolphins are probably one of the most playful species on earth, but they can also be quite savage. Be cafefull no confound play with aggressive behavior Japanese macaques play a game with rocke where tey pile them up and knock them doen

What is the super normal stimuli?

A stimulus that produces more vigourous response than normal stimulus eliciting that particular response The herring gull was presented with two wooden eggs, one accurately sized and the other larger than the other She attempts to incubate the abnormally large egg then the oversized one

How is imprinting viewed by the parent?

Aid parents in keeping track of their precocial young Prompts parents to feed and nurture young IS there effective natural selection for a young animal having a strong instint to imprint?

How do marsupials differ from placental mammals

Also marsupials have marsupial placenta: is very short-lived and does not make as much of a contribution to fetal nourishment Marsupials reabsorb rahter than deliver the placenta: no placentophagia; they do, however, vigorously lick birth fluids as they are excreted.

what is synchrony?

American Robin - Birds exhibit considerable variation in the degree of hatchign sychrony among eggs within a clutch Clutch= series of eggs lain in succesion and incubated as a group - Synchronous vs. asynchronous. Examples: - Some waterfowl: all young from a clutch hatch within 3-8 hours Some upland game birds: all eggs within a clutch hatch in 1 hour Large raptors: two chickes hatch 3-4 days apart

How is learning implemented in baboons?

As an adult male baboon stride in a dominant posture, submissice members of the troo cower When the male sits assuming less dominant posture, the babies begin to play. THey may be even invited to play with the adult depending on his mood Adult male baboon will discipline baby who has become too exuberant Athough this looks severe, the skin on the babies necck want not broke by the reprimand - baby squeals in fear, adopting the position of submission to avoid further discipline. - male loses interest and baby still cries

What are ways to transport babies?

Back, mother's pouch, mother's mouth

Baby pelicans can consume body temperature food from its mother after displaying what type of behavior?


How do flammingos produce crop milk?

Bird milk through glands along digestive tract; young flamingos: milk until they have developed thae mature filter feeding apparatus (~2 months) in their bills to allow them to feed on solid food

What is a stimulus for the blue titmouse parents to feed their young?

Coloration and shape of the babies mouths

How do meercats teach?

Cooperative breeders. Group of 2-40 individuals, arid and challenging environment Males and females of more than 3 months old help raise the infants ("helpers") giving them food, often scorpions -*scorpions*: a dangerous, toxic prey, so the helpers kill or disable a scorpion before giving it to a pup; as a pup mature, helpers hand them more intact prey: with practice and supervision, pups learn how to pull out the scorpion's stinger on their own. The pups make *different begging calls as they age*, and those sounds trigger the helper's behavior Playing recordings of the pup calls - Begging calls of older pups foraging groups with younger pups: the tutorrs were fooled and brought intact, more dangerous prey to the young, inexperienced pups - When creis of younger pups were played to geoups with older pups tutoes brought more, disabled, safer prey The helpers were not deciding what to feed the pups based on the youngsters capabilities, rather, the turtos were responging to the pups cries The faster the pups learn how to handle prey, they soonter theyll become helpers.

A _________ can also correct their young without doing srioud arm


What are chronical stages of maternal behaviors?

Courtship, fertilization Pregnancy Parturition Mother-infant attachment Weaning

What is the sequence of egg laying?

Daily or less - Pre-oviposition pacing or activity - Oviposition - Timing of incubation

What mammal as the pup gets older and larger, can still induce their mother to regurgitate food by begging?


True or false: A group of lion cubs line up with two adult females: alll observing a thino in consideration of a meal. Just because there is a kill, the cub are guarenteed acces to the meal. It is uncommon for lion cubs to starve

FALSE cubs are not guarenteed to accessmeals Not uncommon for them to starve.

True or False: For both synchronous and asynchronous species at least two days are required for an ovum (egg) to traverse the oviduct

False. One. eggs typically laaid every 24-48 hours Genetic variaion for length of time required for egg to tranvers the oviduct.

True or False: Robert Gomez of Blacksburg, VA does not imprint on his foals then they are first born because it lessens their innate fear of people.

False. Robert Labrie of Townshend, VT Imprints his foals when they are born

_____________- children is of the utmost importance


What animal forms a mound for a nest?

Flamingos damp mud is used because it can dry to form the mound Keeps eggs safe from environmental changes

What occurred in 2004 with juvenile whooping cranes and an ultralight aircraft?

Followed aircraft from Wisconsin to Florida

What is important between parents and offspirng

Gentle physical contact to rais then good future patens. Grooming essential for well being

Male and female __________ ____________________ share incubation and feeding duties for their young, who are housed in a hollowed-out tree. aN ADULT ___________ ___________ ROUTINELY CONSUMERS ABOUT 2,000 ______ per day. It will also eat other insects

Green Woodpecker (2x) ants

Which animal makes a nest of grasses which is quite recognizable as belonging to this species.

Harvest mouse

What research was done on Rhesus Monkeys?

In a series of experiment learned the importance of tactile stimuli. - Harry Hallow showed baby rhesus monkeys raised without mothers preferred a soft surrogate. When frightened or challenged, the babies always went to the surrogate that povided tactile comfort.

Which bird pierces holes in leaf edges and stitches them togeter in shape of a nest, using spider silk as a thread. The leaves are still attached to the tree and carfully positioned for sewing.

Indian tailor birds

What is the empathizing-systemizing theory?

It suggest that people may be classified on the basis of their score along with 2 dimensions: empathizing and systemizing It measures a person's strength of interest in empathy (the ability to identify and understand the thoughts and feelings of others and to respond to these with appropriate emotions; bonobos) and a persons strength of interest in systems (in terms of the drive to analyze or construct.

What are some characteristics of Jaguar coat color?

Jags may have spotted or black coat color. 4 Black jags (Panthera onca) : a rare color vairant of the onca species A word yaguar the Indian term meaning "killer which overcomes its prey in a single bound." Black jags are unique amoung big cats in their method of killing prey. Most powerful jaws of all big cats Black jags= the largesest big cat in C. and S. america; excellent climbers and can -excellent camouflage in the dense rainforest -Surplus of melanin; cause is a dominant gene mutation. which causes the fur to be VERY dark brown. - Considered mutation by most scientist - *color is dark brown* - Rossettes only visible in bright sunglight. Tawny with rosettes: the most common Black: much more melanin BUT rosettes are still visible Albinos occur but are quite rare

What birds nest precariously on rock ledges?


Who came up with the idea that a process of a newly hatched or born animal attaching itself to some large object which appears during the critical stage of development (early in life)

Konrad Lorenz

What is an important characteristic in baby flight animals?

Legs almost as long as adults.

What are 4 general survival strategies?

Long legs Camouflage, ability to freeze Behvioral signals associated with young (clicking in foals, submissice posture in pig, begging for food in many species) Importance of tactile support

What are the Maternal behaviors of mammals and avian species

Mammals -Courtship, fertilization - Pregnancy - Parturition - Mother-infant attachment - Weaning Avian - Courtship, fertilization -Prelaying pacing, oviposition - Incubation - Hatch -Imprinting - Fledging

The _____________ bind is VERY strong. Non-human _________________: langur carried her __________________- ____________ for 2 days before leaving it

Maternal, primates, dead baby

What are 10 amazing facts about birds nest

Number 10. Some of them are built on water. The Lily Trotter is one type of many that chooses a floating nest over trees or cliffs. Unfortunately, they're not very meticulous when it comes to construction and a lot of them end up sinking. Luckily their eggs are waterproof. Number 9. Not all birds use earth, sticks, and twigs. Take the Elf Owl, for example. This desert dweller has scant resources so it takes shelter in the holes in cacti and canyon trees left by Woodpeckers and Flickers. Number 8. Barn Swallows are particularly committed to the task. They make their abodes out of mud mixed with other materials, and building a single nest can take about 12 hundred trips between the material source and the construction site. Number 7. Sociable Weaver Birds build communes.The giant nests these southern African birds make are meant to house numerous other avian species. That way, the Sociable Weavers get added protection and information about new food sources. Number 6. Edible-nest Swiflets' creations are delicacies. The Southeast Asian birds build their nests on the sides of cliffs, using layers of their own saliva. Even though the structures have no flavor or nutritional value, they are a highly sought after edible and one of the most expensive food items in the world. Number 5. Cigarettes are a key feature in some nests in Mexico. Both house sparrows and house finches living in urban areas there have taken to throwing a few cigarette butts in their homes. It's believed they do it because the nicotine in the filter fibers wards off parasites. Number 4. The world's tiniest bird builds the world's smallest nest. The Bee Hummingbird is only about two inches long and makes a nest the size of a doll's teacup. It's so little, it's secured to branches with threads from spider webs. Number 3. For the Great Crested Flycatcher, texture is everything. These birds prefer crinkly surfaces, so often use snakeskin in their nests. They've also been known to take advantage of onion peels, cellophane and flimsy plastic wrappers they find along their way. Number 2. Gyrfalcons use their nests for millennia. Many birds build a fresh nest every time they lay eggs, but not these falcons. They return to the same one year after year and generation after generation. One such site in Greenland was radiocarbon dated and found to be around 25 hundred years old. Number 1. Tailorbirds sew theirs. They grab some leaves and spider web or cocoon silk and put their needle-like beaks to work punching holes and pulling the threads through them.

What is the only common feature of all mammalian mothers is?

Nursing young

What are placental mammals?

Placental mammals all bear live young which are nourished before birth in the mothers uterus through the *placenta) (a specialized embryonic organ attached to the uterus wall

What is placentophagy or placentophagia

Postpartum ingestion of the placenta - Quite common among mammalian speces, with camels and aquatic mammals being the *exception* Some reasons for this practice: - to keep nest clean - some nutritive value to mother - removal of source of attraction for predators Similar to gulls that remove eggshells and debris from nest?

What are secretary birds?

Roost in tall flat-topped trees on the savannah. named for its unusaual crest, which esembles the quil pens that british law secerataries used to stick into their wigs.

What aid is important in California Sea Lions?

Scent will be an important means of finding the pup on the crowded birhting grounds Pups can swim at birth and walk reasonably well within 30 mins Vocalization. Each mother sea lion recognizes the distinctive call of her pup among all those rookery

What are two important features to play?

Self-handicapping: A sdominant individual allowing him/serself to play a submissive role during a "playful" interaction, but only breiflyand with re-establishment of dominance before end of play session Role Reversal: essentially the same concept.

What about bonobos sharing?

Shares with strangers before aquaintances Bonobos live in groups run by females, and emphasize cooperation over competition. And like people, Bonobos use food to make new friends, not to keep old ones Researchers gave a salad bowl to a bonobo in a lcked enclosure; the bonobo has 2 neighbors in adjacent enclosures that do not have food; one is one they know the other is a stranger - Only the bonobo with the salad bowl can unlock the doors hat would let a neigbout in; most of the time the bonobo with the salad would share with the bonobo that it did not know Often the stranger would then let in the other bonobo Bonobo's try to extend their social network: they apparently value that more than maintianing the friendships they already hace. But f they are not going to see a social benefit they will not share.

What are some characteristics of the African Titi Monkey?

Small (1.5 to 3 lbs) monkeys Small, monogamous family units Unusual in mammalian species bc fathers contribute greatly to care for young Father is primary care taker ad source of emotional security Tail-twinning is a characteristic of family membres and is often beween father and offspring.

What are some nesting behaviors of armadillos?

The young are born in the nest chamber (burrow): soft pinkish, leathery skin which hardens to the armor-like covering of plates and scales Females are among mammals in possessing the reproductive trait of monozygotic polyembryony: their offspring are genetically identical due to the division of a single fertilized egg into four matching embryos Delayed implantation: the young are not typically born for eight moths after mating.

What is significant about warthogs running?

This type of social organization is a direct result of imprinting.

What are two methods that storked use to keep their babies cool when they are too hot?

White stork- cool w/ regurgutation of water Shoebill stork- shading its baby

Do animals teach?

Yes; Cheetah mothers school their cubs in what they eat and hot to catch and kill it; when her cubs are ~10wks old, a cheetah mom first introduces them to solid food by calling them to the carcass of an animal (usually a gazelle) she has just killed. Then lets her kids join her when she is hunting, although they do little more than play and disrupt her work Then she catches a new born gazelle and does not kill it. Instead, she releases it in front og her cubs: the neonate gazelle cannot run fast, and the cubs swat at it, and try to knockit off balance; it gets up and runs, the cubs knock it down; after about 10 mins, mother strangles it. Later will bring the cubs an adult ill Cheetah mother clearly changes her normal predation behavior when hunting with her cubs, and she surely hungry after she has hunted for a gazelle and brough it back only to watch her inept cubs let dinner run away (cost to the mother) Cheetah mother shows many hallmarks of being a good teacher.

How is play utilized in young carnivores?

Young carnivores invest time and energy in practicing these techniques Such activities also teach young - How to form social relationships - How to relate to other individuals - How to react to signals sent out by another individual which indicates socal stastus and mood (bite inhibition)

Do young have to be present for cow to lactate?

Zebu cows - young myst be rpesent to stiulate milk let-down This is not the case for Jerseys and Holsteins

Which animal constructs huge nest which when complete is strong enough to hold the weight of a man. the nest may reach 6 feet in height and weigh 100 lbs


Which animal makes a nest of mud?

bare-headed rock fowl

Misdirected parental care can be __________, ______________ of _________________, _______________ fitness. Recognition appear to evolve in species in which mixing of unrelated offspring is quite ________________.

costly, waste of energy. frequent

Intimate relationship within the class Mammalia between _____ and _______________________.

dam and offspring

The advantage of sibling imprinting is?

decreasing inbreeding

There is a fine line between __________ and ___________________ (or_________________) of a juvinile

discipline injury Death

What is the importance of having a well groomed child?

importance of neonatal handling Handling of rat pups by huans (15min daily, first few weels of life). Has subsequent positive effect on the rat's endocrine system and conative function as adults A repot in this issue indicated that this effect may be dur to the intestines licking and grooming that these handled pups receive by their mothers when they are returned to the fold Handling an increased maternal care are confounded in these experiments: one or the other or both of them made the difference Experiments with chickens , shows that handled chickens grew faster and more efficiently than unhandled ones.

Storks put their nest in very _____________ places.

inconvient lmao

How do avian species reproduce?

laying eggs are the only group to never evolve a live-bearing specises Probably becaus the additional weight if maintaining youn inside the body through getation would render females capable of flight.

True or False: For much of gestation, pregnant females are overtly distinguishable from other females and not within the last 24-48 hrs; restlessness and no indication of pain

not overtly distinguishable Indication of pain

What are some of the nesting characteristics of carrion crows?

noted for their ability to scrounge. this crow stole clothes hangers froma trashbin to make nest. When the nest was removed the bird built a second nest

What two birds produce crop milk? and what is it?

pigeons and doves Crop milk= regurgitated secretory products from the crop Female and male pigeons to feed their young (squabs) - This "milk" is essential for the growth and development of squabs; without it they will fail to thrive- Bird crops: store food; in pigeons the crop changes prior to lactation in response to *PROLACTIB* and returns to its "non-lactating" state at the end of the lactation period; squabs are fed milk until they are ~10 days old. During lactation, *a curd like substance* is created from *fat-filled cells that line the crop* and regurgitated to feed the squab: *proteins, fats, minerals, antibodies, bacteria*

What animal uses cryptic plumage (danger: freeze reseble branch) as they are highly noctournal and do not fly during the day. They generally will pearch on brances with eyes half closed.


In pigeons, the crop milk secretion is controlled by


Newly hatched __________________ are blind, but will respond to a hand (or parent) landing on the edge of the nest. They ________ directly up. At one week of age they can see well enough to respond to the hand, but still ___________ straight up. Within a few more days they will overcome instinct to gape straight up and they will orient ______________________ a stimulus

songbirds gape (2x) towards

Imprinting establishes an individual animal's preference for a certain ___________________________. once animals have imprinted , they will prefer to follow the ________________ stimulus rather than a member of their own species.

species learned

True or False: In Lanngurs food is not neccisarily shared even by their mothers. THe babies learn what ot eat by example and are expected to find their own food.


True or False: Wet fostering is where lambs are moved between ewes at the point of birth, when they are still wet. Older, dry lambs can also be wet fostered by covering them with foetal fluids from the foster ewe:


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