Social Ch. 6 (Attitudes), Exam 3 (Chp 7, 8, 9), PSY 376 Exam 3 cntd, PSY 376 Chapter 6, PSY 376 Chapter 7, Exam 3

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Which means of persuasion is least obvious to a person who is unfamiliar with social psychology?

persuasion from within

bogus pipeline

phony lie-detector device used to get respondents to give truthful answers to sensitive questions

a major difference between cognitive dissonance theory and self-perception theory involves the extent to which ___ is necessary to lead to self-persuasion attitude change

physiological arousal


positive, negative, or mixed reaction to a person, object, or idea


present them with weak arguments for smoking so that they can generate counterarguments


process by which attitudes are changed

minority influence

process by which dissenters produce change within a group


process of thinking about and scrutinizing the arguments contained in a persuasive communication

evaluative conditioning

process wherein one forms attitudes toward neutral stimuli because of association with positivity or negativity

theory of planned behavior

proposal that attitudes toward behavior, subjective norms, and perceived control influence people's actions

a negative reaction to the feeling that one's freedom is being threatened is called

psychological reactance

Selma's friends cant stand her new girlfriend patty

psychological reactance; feeling even more dedicated to her relationship with Patty

Sherif conducted a study in which participants in totally darkened rooms estimated how far a dot of light appeared to move. Asch conducted a study in which participants were asked to report which of three lines was identical in length to a standard line. Compared to the participants in Sherif's study, those in Asch's study exhibited more

public conformity

group cohesiveness

qualities of a group that bind members together and promote liking between members

Equity Theory

ratio between what they get out of a relationship matches what they put in for both partners

the "lipton ice"

really needed the item being advertised

Marla knows eating donuts is bad for her

reduce perceived choice

Leo has always believed strongly that fidelity in a marriage is very important

reducing perceived choice

the idea that people are more likely to be influenced by messages that match their frame of mind is known as

regulatory fit

communal relationships

relationships in which people's primary concern is being responsive to the other person's needs


the loss of self-awareness and self-restraint occurring in group situations that foster arousal and anonymity

mere presence

the mere presence of others is sufficient enough to produce social facilitation effects


the mode of thinking that occurs when the desire for harmony in a decision-making group overrides a realistic appraisal of alternatives

Lucio is preparing a brief radio ad for a politician on a very tight budget. He knows it is likely that the spot will be played early in the morning when people are preoccupied with getting to work or late at night when they are tired and getting ready for bed. Since people will likely be not be processing the message with close attention, it is likely they will rely on the belief that the longer the message, _____.

the more valid it must be


the obligation to return in kind what another has done for us

strachan and others (2002)

the participants were thirsty and water had been withheld

Eric is hoping to take advantage of

the peripheral route to persuasion

The tendency for groups to spend more time discussing shared information than unshared information is referred to as _____.

d. biased sampling

In the ____ model, individuals will try hard on a collective task when they think their efforts will help them achieve outcomes they personally value.

d. collective effort

Changes in behavior that are elicited by direct requests are referred to as _____.

d. compliance

The process whereby the presence of others enhances performance on easy tasks but impairs performance on difficult tasks is social _____.

d. facilitation

Research suggests that people facing an imminent threat seek each other out in order to _____ the danger they are in.

d. gain cognitive clarity about

A recent speed-dating study showed that _____.

d. men tend to overperceive sexual interest and women tend to underperceive sexual interest

Robert belongs to a family of doctors. His parents believed that being a doctor is a noble profession hence they encouraged him to go to medical school. Robert wanted to go into a different profession but to avoid displeasing his parents, he became a doctor, demonstrating _________influence.

d. normative

Research suggests that brainstorming groups are _____ as productive as an equal number of individuals working alone.

d. only about half

intimate loneliness

felt when someone wants but does not have a spouse, significant other, or best friends to rely on for emotional support, especially during personal crises

Loui runs a clinic to help individuals quit smoking

first scare clients by showing them gory lung-cancer operations. then outline the specific steps they could follow to stop smoking.

Over the years, social psychologists have studied two-step request approaches that lead people to gain compliance

foot-in-the-door and door-in-the-face techniques

process gain

getting more from the team than you would expect according to the capabilities of its individual members


giving priority to one's own goals over group goals and defining one's identity in terms of personal attributes rather than group identifications


giving priority to the goals of one's group (often one's extended family or work group) and defining one's identity accordingly

Before the meeting, each of several city council members was tentatively considering an air pollution ordinance. After the meeting, they expressed strong support of the ordinance. This outcome is an example of:

group polarization

Wedener et. al (1995)

happy people avoid processing only if it threatens to spoil their mood

A majority is more likely to be persuaded to change its views if the dissenting minority

has accumulated idiosyncrasy credits

Elias believes that gun control is neccessary

he anticipants giving a speech against gun control, and then gives the speech

social psychologists seek to understand

how and why persuasion occurs.

inoculation hypothesis

idea that exposure to weak versions of persuasive argument increases later resistance to that argument

cognitive dissonance theory

idea that inconsistent cognitions arouse psychological tension that people become motivated to reduce

social impact theory

idea that social influence depends on others' strength, immediacy, and number relative to target persons

high self-monitors respond more to ___ advertising



impression management theory

social facilitation

improved performance on simple or well-learned tasks in the presence of others

A cultural orientation in which independence, autonomy, and self-reliance take priority over group allegiances best describes


informational influence

influence that produces conformity when a person believes others are correct in their judgments

normative influence

influence that produces conformity when a person fears negative social consequences of appearing deviant

Before registering for class, Susan asks her friends about a professor. They all say the professor is a great teacher. Not knowing the professor, Susan therefore comes to believe that he is a great teacher and looks forward to taking his class. This illustrates

informational influence

Super persuaders, such as Buddhist monks, magicians, advertisers, con artists, and hostage negotiators, use simplicity, empathy, self-confidence, and other disarming tactics to effect __________.

instant persuasion

a condition in which people refrain from engaging in desirable activity, even though only mild punishment is threatened is called

insufficient deterrence

A social psychology graduate student who works long hours for little pay becomes increasingly convinced that she loves social psychology. This student's attitude toward her chosen field of study is most likely the result of

insufficient justification

foot-in-the-door technique

method in which an influencer prefaces the real request by first making a smaller request

door-in-the-face technique

method in which an influencer prefaces the real request with one that is too large


method in which an influencer secures agreement with a request but then reveals hidden costs

the feeling of ambivalence can be described as an attitude that is

mixed in terms of positive verus negative emotions

people high in need for cognition are

more likely to process a message along the central route

attitude scale

multiple-item questionnaire designed to measure a person's attitude toward some object

Jaycee is extremely judgemental. She has strong opinions about politics, social issues, and moral concerns. Jaycee is high in the

need for evaluation

Harmon-Jones and others (1996)

negative consequenes for lying are not essential to dissonance

Your friend is thinking of purchasing a self-help weight-loss CD that promises its effects through subliminal persuasive messages embedded in the music. What should you tell her research shows about the effectiveness of such programs?

no solid evidence exists to support such programs

need for cognition (NC)

personality variable that distinguishes people based on how much they enjoy effortful cognitive activities

the process by which attitudes are changed is called



behavior change produced by the commands of authority

Garland is participating in a research study of attitudes toward a variety of very sensitive matters including sexual behaviors and substance use. He is seated in a lab and hooked up to an elaborate device that appears to measure and record various physiological responses. He is told that it can also identify his attitudes by these measurements. Unbeknownst to Garland, the machine actually does none of this. Garland is most likely hooked up to a(n) _____.

bogus pipeline

Jacqueline, an attitude researcher, is interested in how people feel about alcohol. She would be well-advised to use a

bogus pipeline because it is not as susceptible to social desirability effects

source credibility is determined by

both competence and trustworthiness

the main factors influencing source likability are

both similarity and physical attractiveness

The reduction in group performance due to obstacles created by group dynamics such as problems of coordination and motivation is called _____.

c. process loss

which is not one of the four steps in the dissonance process?


the covert attitude measure that uses electrodes pasted onto the scalp to record the waves of electrical brain activity is called


facial electromyograph (EMG)

electronic instrument that records facial muscle activity associated with emotions and attitudes

In a study about political attitudes and opinions during the 2004 presidential election, researchers used brain imaging to examine what happened in the brain when participants listened to positive or negative statements about the candidate of their choice. They found that most affected were those areas of the brain associated with which of the following?


Research using fMRIs to study attitudes has shown that regions associated with _____ are activated when individuals hear statements regarding political candidates about whom they have strong opinions.

emotion but not cognitive processing

the primary difference between the models of persuasion proposed by Hovland and McGuire and that proposed by Greenwald is that Greenwald's model

emphasizes the role of elaboration in producing persuasion

people who are high in intelligence and/or self esteem tend to be __ vulnerable to persuasion when compared to people low in intelligence and/or self esteem.


A political candidate is often eager to win the endorsement of celebrities who are popular with hordes of people. The candidate hopes that the association of his or her campaign with a popular figure will result in the masses feeling more favorable toward his or her candidacy due to

evaluative conditioning

the process by which we form an attitude toward a neutral stimulus because of its association with a positive or negative person, place, or thing is callled

evaluative conditioning

adaptive advantage

The greater likelihood that an organism will survive, due to characteristics that allow it to be more successful than other organisms

han and shavout

"an exhilarating way to provide for your family"

There are two pathways by which people are persuaded by a communication:

(1) the "central route," people think critically about the strength and quality of arguments, or (2) the "peripheral route," people are influenced by surface cues, such as a speaker's appearance or reputation.

Triangular Theory of Love (Sternberg)

3 types of love: intimacy, passion, commitment

When Milgram exposed participants to an authority who demanded that they harm another person by administering electric shocks of up to 450 volts to him, he initially found that the percentage of participants who obeyed the authority's orders to administer all of these shocks was

65 percent

Solomon Asch Experiment

70% of subjects conformed to a wrong answer rather than giving a correct answer


A form of compliance that occurs when people follow direct commands, usually from someone in a position of authority

Which of the following is not an example of social influence?

A model who catches a glimpse of herself wearing a swimsuit in a mirror and suddenly becomes self-conscious about the way she looks

Which of the following people is least likely to conform to group pressure?

A person from an individualistic culture


A set of individuals who interact with each other and share some elements of identity.

which statement regarding LaPeer's (1934) study of attitudes is false?

Even though respondents who were asked self-report questions claimed that they would not be racially prejudiced, their behavior showed clear discrimination.


Adjusting one's behavior or thinking to coincide with a group standard.

Which of the following situations should prompt the least cognitive dissonance?

Audrey doesn't like cats much, so she devides that her new pet will be a dog

Which of the following people should be least likely to conform to a unanimous majority in a situation similar to that faced by the participants in Asch's study concerning line judgments?

Benjamin, who saw someone else dissent

Consider the prisoner's dilemma. You will receive the worst possible outcome in such a scenario if you decide to be ____ and your partner decides to be ____.

Cooperative; selfish

which of the following would not be considered an attitude?

Dalton drives a silver minivan

Muzafar Sherif Study

Experiment with auto kinetic effect (light seems to be moving without moving) about normative formation, people tend to adjust their answers to what others say about how much the light moved

In reacting to persuasive communications, people are influenced more by superficial images than by logical arguments.

False. As indicated by the dual-process model of persuasion, people can be influenced by images or arguments, depending on their ability and motivation to think critically about the information.

The more money you pay people to tell a lie, the more they will come to believe it.

False. Cognitive dissonance studies show that people believe the lies they are underpaid to tell as a way to justify their own actions.

When all members of a group give an incorrect response to an easy question, most people most of the time conform to that response.

False. In Asch's classic conformity experiments, respondents conformed only about a third of the time.

In experiments on obedience, most participants who were ordered to administer severe shocks to an innocent person refused to do so.

False. In Milgram's classic research, 65% of all participants obeyed the experimenter and administered the maximum possible shock.

As the number of people in a group increases, so does the group's impact on an individual.

False. Increasing group size boosts the impact on an individual only up to a point, beyond which further increases have very little added effect.

Researchers can tell if someone has a positive or negative attitude by measuring physiological arousal

False. Measures of arousal can reveal how intensely someone feels but not whether the person's attitude is positive or negative.

People are most easily persuaded by commercial messages that are presented without their awareness.

False. There is no research evidence to support the presumed effects of subliminal ads.

In which of the following situations is Matthew most likely to exhibit private conformity?

Matthew is not at all sure of the proper way to behave, and he is in the presence of three other people who are confident that their behavior is correct

Your friend convinces you to enter a singing competition to win tickets to her favorite R and B band. Although the competition is embarrassing, you gamely sing and dance your heart out and engage in other stunts because, well, she is your best friend. You win the tickets, and your friend insists that you accompany her to the concert, even though you dislike the group. Based on cognitive dissonance, how are you likely to review the concert?

Maybe I was wrong. The group is pretty decent.

Marcia has two boyfriends

Mickey will seem more attractive than ever, convincing marcia that she made the right choice

You are shopping in your local grocery store and have selected a plentiful supply of healthy fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain products as well as some fish and lean meat. You are headed toward the checkout line and pass a mini-cheesecake display and a bin with superpremium ice cream. You glance at the contents of your cart and decide that a pint of salted caramel gelato and a mini-turtle cheesecake would not hurt, as you have such a healthy cart otherwise. A social psychologist might identify this as an example of _____.

Moral licensing

chameleon effect

Natural (unconscious) tendency to imitate other peoples speech, inflections & physical movements

Which statement concerning the impact of body movements on persuasion is true?

People who nod their heads up and down express greater agreement with a persuasive message than those who shake their heads side to side.

Josephine coordinates a food pantry on her local college campus. Students are welcome to come take what they need and they are also encouraged to donate what they can. Everyone does their part and the pantry helps dozens of students every week. This is an example of a(n) ____ dilemma.

Public goods

Which statement is consistent with the mere exposure effect?

Someone you see regularly just grows on you after a while.

At the sales meeting, Leo clasped his hands behind his head and reclined in his chair. Within minutes, three other team members were sitting in the same posture, demonstrating the psychological tendency referred to as:

The chameleon effect

attachment styles

The expectations people develop about relationships with others, based on the relationship they had with their primary caregiver when they were infants

Which condition makes social loafing more likely to occur? A. Peer evaluations are used. B. The task is large and complex. C. The group in question is small. D. The task is small in scope.

The task is large and complex

Biased sampling

The tendency for groups to spend more time discussing shared information (information already known by all or most group members) than unshared information (information known by only one or a few group members).

Baumeister and Leary (1995)

This theory concluded that humans are motivated to form and maintain interpersonal relationships and human culture is adapted to enable people to satisfy the psychological need to live together.

Which statement is most consistent with the idea that we are attracted to others with whom a relationship is rewarding?

Tina likes Tony because he smiles at her and compliments her

Dr. Flinstone

Yes. If the change is to happen next year, the strength of the arguments will matter more than whom he hires to promote the idea.

Tristian has to choose between two potential mates

Tristan suggests that she was impressed by his career ambitions at first, but has come to realize that Charlie's busy work schedule would have been an obstacle to a successful relationship.

Conformity rates vary across different cultures and from one generation to the next.

True. Research shows that conformity rates are higher in cultures that are collectivistic rather than individualistic in orientation and that values change over time even within cultures.

People often come to like what they suffer for.

True. Studies show that the more people work or suffer for something, the more they come to like it as a way to justify their effort.

An effective way to get someone to do you a favor is to make a first request that is so large the person is sure to reject it.

True. This approach, known as the door-in-the-face technique, increases compliance by making the person feel bound to make a concession.

relational loneliness

When someone wants but lacks friendships from school and work and family connections

Which of the following is most accurate concerning gender differences in levels of conformity?

When they think they are being observed, women conform more and men conform less than they do in more private situations

Marlys wants to create a series of memes that will educate college students about high risk strains of human papilloma virus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection that increases risk of certain types of cancer. She became passionate about this issue after a friend of hers, who is in a terminal stage of cervical cancer associated with HPV, asks her to help educate others by taking and showing photos of her when she is weak, emaciated and obviously very ill. Are such scare tactics likely to be effective?

Yes, but only if Marlys includes a clear message about what to do to decrease risk.

Flash mobs and mass psychogenic illnesses reveal the awesome power of _______.

c. social influence

intimate relationship

a close relationship between two adults involving at least one of the following: emotional attachment, fulfillment of psychological needs, or interdependence


a feeling of deprivation about existing social relations

Rita has a strong desire to establish and maintain social contact with others. Rita has

a high need for affiliation

Shaniqua plans to use a self-report measure in which people indicate their agreement or disagreement with a list of statements. She is using

a likert scale

which of the following is not used to overcome the limitations of traditional self-report methodology?

a likert scale

Integrative agreement

a negotiated resolution to a conflict in which all parties obtain outcomes that are superior to what they would have obtained from an equal division of the contested resources

Prisoner's Dilemma

a particular "game" between two captured prisoners that illustrates why cooperation is difficult to maintain even when it is mutually beneficial

a sleeper effect occurs when

a persuasive message from a non credible source becomes more persuasive over time

Normative Influence

a phenomenon that occurs when another person's behavior provides information about what is appropriate

Which of the following is not an explanation for why people in a positive mood are more susceptible to persuasion?

a positive mood makes people more thoughtful, so they are more likely to engage in central processing.

exchange relationships

a relationship in which the participants expect and desire strict reciprocity in their interactions

that's-not-all technique

a sales technique in which the persuader makes an offer and then adds something extra to make the offer look better before the target person can make a decision

Shawna wants to join a sorority.

a severely unpleasant initiation

social dilemma

a situation in which a self-interested choice by everyone will create the worst outcome for everyone

Public conformity

a superficial change in overt behavior without a corresponding change of opinion that is produced by real or imagined group pressure

Evaluation apprehension theory

a theory that the presence of others will produce social facilitation effects only when those others are seen as potential evaluators

Distraction-conflict theory

a theory that the presence of others will produce social facilitation effects only when those others distract from the task and create attentional conflict

public goods dilemma

a type of social dilemma in which individuals incur the cost to contribute to a collective resource, though they may never benefit from that resource

According to Zajonc's conceptualization of the social facilitation effect, who would you expect to perform the best in front of an audience?

a. Anna, who is a gifted speaker, discussing environmental issues with ease, as the subject is close to her heart

According to the SIDE model of group behavior, deindividuation is the result of _____.

a. a shift from personal identity to social identity

Research on the qualities desired in romantic partners has found that, in the vast majority of countries, _____ was valued more by men, whereas _____ was more important to women.

a. good looks; being ambitious and industrious

People playing informal roles in a group play two fundamental types of roles, which are quite powerful but less obvious. The roles are _________.

a. instrumental and expressive

Studies show that shy people evaluate themselves _________ and expect to ______in their social encounters.

a. negatively; fail

Behavior change produced by the commands of authority is called ____.

a. obedience

According to the "matching hypothesis," people tend to become involved romantically with others who are equivalent in their _____.

a. physical attractiveness

When research participants interact with others who exhibit negative, antisocial behaviors, such as a hostile or disrespectful tone of voice, mimicry _____.

a. results in unfavorable perceptions

Latané proposed _____ theory, which states that social influence of any kind is a function of the others' strength, immediacy, and number.

a. social impact

An individual from the United States or another Westernized culture is most likely to _____.

a. view written contracts as binding but oral agreements as not binding

Abby compliments Sharon

abby must feel physiological arousal after her lie in order to feel cognitive dissonance

the central route of persuasion requires

ability and motivation

How often did respondents conform in Asch's study?

about a third of the time

an attitude that is brought to mind quickly and easily is said to be


Miss Roberto is concerned that Talia and Emily avoid playing with Michael because he is African American. Which strategy would best enable her to assess any unconscious dislike these two students feel toward Michael?

administer an IAT to examine the girls' racial attitudes

the theory of planned behavior posits that behavior is a function of attitudes, subjective norms, behavioral intentions, and the

amount of control we perceive to have over our own actions

passionate love

an aroused state of intense positive absorption in another, usually present at the beginning of a love relationship

which strategy for resisting persuasion is exemplified

an assertion of confidence

secure attachment style

an attachment style characterized by trust, a lack of concern with being abandoned, and the view that one is worthy and well liked

anxious attachment style

an attachment style that describes adults who demand closeness, are less trusting, and are more emotional, jealous, and possessive

for which type of attitude would an implicit attitude measure be more predictive than an explicit attitude measure?

an attitude toward committing suicide


an unscrupulous strategy whereby a salesperson induces a customer to agree to purchase a product at a low cost, subsequently claims it was an error, and then raises the price; frequently, the customer will agree to make the purchase at the inflated price

impression management theory suggests that people change their attitudes to match their behaviors in an effort to

appear consistent

Gino. He should do all the following except

approach perspective buyers who obviously care deeply about his product

an attitude is implicit if you

are unaware of it

because communicator trustworthiness is important, people tend to be readily impressed by speakers who

argue against their own interests

Door-in-the-face technique

asking for a large commitment and being refused and then asking for a smaller commitment, perceptual contrast with reciprocal concession and guilt

All of the following are necessary conditions for cognitive dissonance specified by Cooper and Fazio (1984) except that people must

assign responsibility for the behavior to an outside source

avoidant attachment

attachments marked by discomfort over, or resistance to, being close to others

a positive, negative, or mixed response to a person, object, or idea is called


formula and Petty

attitude can be strenghtened by a persuasive message or argument against it

According to Sternberg's triangular theory of love, companionate love represents _____.

b. intimacy plus commitment

Hoshino-Browne and colleagues (2005)

felt dissonance when making a decision for a friend rather than themselves

What type of relationship involves some combination of feelings of attachment, affection, and love; fulfillment of psychological needs; and interdependence between partners, each of whom has a meaningful influence on the other?

b. Intimate

Which type of loneliness results from someone wanting but lacking friendships from school, work, and family connections?

b. Relational

According to Steven Prentice-Dunn and Ronald Rogers, _____ cues affect a person's cost-reward calculations when considering a deviant act.

b. accountability

Social psychologists refer to the desire to establish and maintain many rewarding interpersonal relationships as the need for _____.

b. affiliation

When experiencing conflicts, happy couples tend to _____.

b. attribute undesirable behavior to the situation

Group _____ refers to the extent to which forces push group members closer together, such as through feelings of intimacy, unity, and commitment to group goals.

b. cohesiveness

Michael Walzer asserted that disobedience, when it is not criminally but morally, religiously, or politically motivated, is a(n) _____ act.

b. collective

The tendency to change our perceptions, opinions, or behavior in ways that are consistent with group norms is referred to as _____.

b. conformity

According to _____ theory, people are most satisfied with a relationship when the ratio between benefits and contributions is similar for both partners.

b. equity

According to _____ theory, performance will be enhanced or impaired only in the presence of others who are in a position to evaluate that performance.

b. evaluation apprehension

The continuum of social influence ranges from the most extreme yielding of _____ to the most extreme resisting of _____.

b. obedience; defiance

The exaggeration of initial tendencies in the thinking of group members through group discussion is referred to as group _____.

b. polarization

Will recently began dating his "true love," who happens to really like techno pop, a style Will does not even think qualifies as music. When with his date, Will outwardly enjoys the music while inwardly cringing. Will is demonstrating _____ conformity.

b. public

If you want to convince a friend to abandon an attitude and start thinking more like you, what would be the best approach?

be cautious in your approach and do not promote an idea that is too different than your friend's current attitude

Terrence has a network of close social ties. In comparison to individuals lacking such a network, research suggests that he will:

be less likely to die a premature death

Professor Shackleford

be less skeptical than usual about such an unlikely cause

sally is a democrat

become less certain

Yanquan is a staunch democrat

become more certain

Milgram was able to identify factors that increase and decrease the ________baseline rate of ______________ in more than 20 variations of the basic experiment.

c. 65%; obedience

Tonita is unsure what psychology elective to take next semester. She recalls that a number of other students she respects and admires have taken social psychology and decides that they probably know better than she would, so she takes social psychology. Tonita is demonstrating _____ influence.

c. informational

Lenore is always chosen for task groups at her job because she can always be counted on to do whatever it takes to accomplish the task. Lenore's typical role is best described as ____.

c. instrumental

In romantic relationships, we tend to prefer people who are _____.

c. moderately selective

According to Moscovici, majorities are powerful by virtue of their sheer _______, whereas nonconformists derive power from the _____ of their behavior.

c. numbers, style

Nearness or ____ is the single best predictor of whether two people will get together.

c. physical proximity

Nydia has a strange fascination with infomercials, even the relatively brief ones that often pop up before a YouTube video. She notices that many of them feature a somewhat overpriced gadget but then throw in extras "at no additional cost." Thus, a single universal charger costing $50 may become two universal chargers for that cost. This method is best described as _____.

c. that's not all

Cross-cultural research indicates that cognitive dissonance

can be seen across cultures, but emerges in different situations in different cultures.

central route

careful thinking about a communication leading to influence from argument strength

peripheral route

careless thinking about a communication leading to influence from superficial cues

While watching the presidential debate on television, Matilda critically evaluated the arguments made by each candidate and was persuaded to support a particular candidate because of the quality of her arguments. Matila exhibited

central route of persuasion

public conformity

change in overt behavior without a corresponding change of opinion that group pressure produces

private conformity

change of beliefs when a person privately accepts the position taken by others


changes in behavior that are elicited by direct requests

According to Cooper and Fazio, the second necessary step for both the arousal and reduction of dissonance is a feeling of personal responsibility for the unpleasant outcomes of behavior. Personal responsibility consists of which two factors?

choice and foreseeability

An unpleasant psychological state often aroused when people hold two conflicting cognitions is called

cognitive dissonance

Marge believes rather strongly that more money should be devoted to environmental concerns. However, she is agitated because she just signed a petition for a friend advocating the logging of a local forest in order to create new jobs. She then seems to soften her stance about the environment. This is best explained by

cognitive dissonance theory

collective loneliness

comes from remote relationships and the social identities we derive from

Empty Love (Sternberg)

commitment only

that's-not-all technique

method in which an influencer begins with an inflated request, then offers a discount

A well-known physicist sells a record number of books on his book tour, largely based on his claim that eating a predominantly protein-rich diet is scientifically sound. The people who hear him speak on tour are most likely to be persuaded by his _____.


insufficient justification

condition in which people freely perform attitude-discrepant behaviors without receiving large rewards

insufficient deterrence

condition in which people refrain from engaging in a desirable activity

Although neither group makes any explicit requests or demands of her, Sheetal expresses proconservative opinions when she is with her conservative friends and she expresses anticonservative opinions when she is with her liberal friends. Sheetal's actions best illustrate


The tendency to change our perception, opinions, or behavior in ways that are consistent with group norms best describes


persuasive communication is the outcome of three possible factors. Which is not one of these factors?


one way to increase the accuracy of self-report measures of attitudes is to

convince respondents that any deception can be detected


cultural orientation in which independence, autonomy, and self-reliance take priority


cultural orientation in which interdependence, cooperation, and social harmony take priority

Research suggests that a pre-sex confession of love may signal interest in _____.

d. advancing a relationship to include sexual activity

A group is a set of individuals who interact over time and have _____ fate, goals, or identity.

d. shared

According to ____ theory, people are motivated to maximize benefits and minimize costs in their relationships with others.

d. social exchange

sleeper effect

delayed increase in the persuasive impact of a noncredible source

need for affiliation

desire to associate with others, to be part of a group, to form close and intimate relationships

You suggest to your friends that going to a different ethnic restaurant each weekend would be a fun way to become acquainted with the various neighborhoods in town. You notice that Charlene seems to have a generally positive attitude toward all ethnic cuisines, while Stacie has a tendency to be negative. When you think about their attitudes toward other aspects of life, it occurs to you that Charlene's tend toward the positive, while Stacie's tend toward the negative. Charlene and Stacie are best described as differing in terms of their _____ attitudes.


Keana hopes that Naomi will pledge $5 and sign a petition in support of a community center. Keana first asks Naomi if she'd be willing to pledge $50 in support of a proposed community center. Naomi politely declines. Keana then asks Naomi if she'd be willing to pledge $5 and sign a petition in support of the community center. Naomi complies. Keana's ability to get Naomi to pledge $5 and sign the petition is likely to have been enhanced by Keana's use of the

door-in-the-face technique

amy joined the army

effort justification

Stanley the stockbroker


Cross-cultural research suggests _____.

everyone feels and tries to reduce dissonance, but cultures influence the conditions under which these processes occur

Research on implicit and explicit attitudes has found that, in general, _____.

explicit attitudes predict behavior better than do implicit attitudes

which of the following concerning the use of EMG to assess attitudes is true?

facial EMG can detect muscular changes not observable to the naked eye

An evolutionary perspective on attraction suggests that people prefer mates who

favor the conception and birth of their offspring.

which statement concerning the use of fear appeals is not supported by research?

fear appeals are generally less effective than messages that do not provoke fear

Langau and colleagues (2004)

fear arousal can influence even attitudes as important as political opinions

After narrowing their choices to a Toyota and a Honda, Tammy Faye and James have decided to buy a Toyota. It is likely that after making this decision, Tammy Faye and James will

feel less dissonance if they are told by friends that they have decorated their house nicely

implicit attitude

feeling, such as prejudice, that one is not aware of having

measuring attitudes by assessing physiological arousal tends to identify the __ but not the __ of the attitude

intensity; direction

According to Ajzen's theory of planned behavior, attitudes toward a specific behavior combine with subjective norms and perceived behavior control to influence a person's _____, which in turn guide behavior.


idiosyncrasy credits

interpersonal goodwill that a person earns by following group norms

Companionate Love (Sternberg)

intimacy and commitment

Romantic Love (Sternberg)

intimacy and passion

Liking (Sternberg)

intimacy only

Consummate Love (Sternberg)

intimacy, passion, commitment

In comparison to obedience and compliance, conformity

involves less direct pressure from others

according to the theory of planned behavior, one reason that a person's behavior might not be consistent with that person's attitudes is that the behavior

is determined by norms that we counter to the person's attitudes

Aronson and Carl Smith

is less likely than mild punishment to inspire cognitive dissonance

The fact that the presence of an ally, regardless of her competence, reduces conformity indicates that:

it is exceedingly difficult to hold out against the pressure to conform without at least one supporter in the group

Jon and Kate

it should yield a primacy effect.

Attitudes are useful because they

leet us quickly judge whether something we encounter is good or bad

the more products a celebrity endorses, the

less trustworthy she becomes in the eyes of consumers.

Roger and Mike

like the song less than he would have had he not talked to roger ahead of time

which source characteristic best explains why a company might recruit a supermodel to endorse its products


cacioppo and petty

listening to a agreeable message increased activity in the cheek muscles

Michelle is a salesperson who is paid on commission. She just sold a customer a very reasonably priced tablet, but only after the customer agrees to purchase that tablet does she reveal that a detachable keyboard is extra, as is the usual productivity software. Michelle seems to be relying on a method known as ____.


Oscar was walking in a relatively clean parking lot. Walking a few feet in front of him was a man named Felix. Oscar observed Felix stop to pick up and throw into a garbage can some litter that someone had thrown on the ground. Having seen Felix do this, Oscar, who was just about to throw his gum wrapper on the ground, stopped himself from doing this and instead threw the wrapper into the garbage can. Oscar was influenced by Felix's behavior because it

made Oscar more aware of injunctive norms

people who want to hold correct attitudes will often engage in central route processing. Doing so means that they

may fall prey to overcorrection

Implicit Association Test (IAT)

measure of unconscious feelings from the speed at which people respond to pairings of concepts

when message recipients use central route processing, which of the following will be true

memorable messages will be more persuasive than forgettable ones

what condition is not specified in Holland's model of persuasion as necessary for persuasion to occur?

message recipients must elaborate on the message

In order to convince people to buy lunch from their restaurant in the food court, employees at the Chinese restaurant gave out free samples of chicken teriyaki to everyone who walks by. The restaurant employees are hoping to take advantage of the:

norm of reciprocity

Karen needs to type a term paper. To persuade her roommate to let Karen use her computer, Karen first lends her some notes that the roommate needs and then asks if she can use her computer. Karen is using the

norm of reciprocity

Hector's friends all say a recent test was difficult. Hector thinks the test was easy. When asked what he thought, Hector agrees with his friends. This outcome illustrates

normative influence

Gallup pool



opposing powerful others or resisting social influence

Brady and Quinn

overheard conversations

Fastinger and Carl Smith

participants in the $1 condition experience greater discomfort and agitation when lying about how fun the task was than do participants in the $20 condition.

Fatuous Love (Sternberg)

passion and commitment

Infatuation (Sternberg)

passion only

implicit attitudes can be difficult to measure because

people are not aware of having them

flash mobs

people who gather at a set time and place to perform an action

one potential problem with self-report measures is that

respondents might not respond truthfully

Steele's research on self-affirmation and cognitive dissonance indicates that when self-affirmations fail, dissonance


when used to measure attitudes, physiological measures such as heart rate and perspiration

reveal the intensity of an attitude


revealing intimate aspects of oneself to others

Kirk is a strong republican

right after voting

which of the following has not been demonstrated in research on role-playing?

role-playing effects are stronger among those low in need for cognition than those high in need for cognition

After giving the matter a great deal of thought, Iris declared chemistry rather than physics as her major.


they basic prediction of __ theory is that attitude change occurs when people infer how they feel by observing themselves and the circumstances of their own behavior


The idea that we infer our own attitudes by coolly observing ourselves and the circumstances of our behavior is most consistent with

self-perception theory

The most direct and straightforward way to assess an attitude is through the use of

self-report measures

gloria has a negative attitude toward smoking, but she continues to smoke two packs of cigarettes a day. According to the theory of planned behavior, one reason that her attitude and behavior are inconsistent could be that

she doesn't believe that she can control her smoking behavior

Jerri thinks gossiping is wrong, but she chooses to engage in it anyways

she doesn't foresee the negative consequences

sam hates celine dion with a passion

she offers him a free coupon for his next dry cleaning order in exchange for listening to it

stephen kraus's (1995) meta-analysis on the relationship between attitudes and behaviors showed that attitudes

significantly and substantially predict future behavior

Over time, the impact of higher credibility speakers may fade while that of lower credibility speakers may increase. This is called the _____.

sleeper effect

resource dilemma

social dilemmas involving how two or more people will share a limited resource

According to the ____, whether deindividuation affects people for better or for worse depends on a group's characteristics and norms as well as the group's power to act according to those norms.

social identity model of deindivduation effects

A dozen participants were gathered into a group. An authority figure approached the group and ordered the group to do something most of the participants thought was morally wrong. The group defied the authority, refusing to obey. According to social impact theory, a factor likely to have helped the group defy the authority is that the

social impact of the authority was divided among the dozen targets

Jane conducts a new experiment based on Milgram's study of destructive obedience. She manipulates the number of authorities and participants present in the room. She finds that when there are three people in authority present all giving similar commands to one participant, obedience rates are extremely high. However, when there are several participants and only one person in authority giving orders, obedience rates are quite low. These findings are most consistent with

social impact theory

group support systems

specialized interactive programs that are used to guide group meetings, collaborative work, and decision-making processes

Bickman and his colleagues had a stranger (actually a confederate) approach people on the street and order them to do something. People were most willing to comply with these orders when the

stranger was dressed in a uniform

Balletic and Dunning (2007)

students in the high-choice condition underestimated how far they had walked relative to those in the low-choice condition

wells and petty 1980

students signaled their attitudes by nodding or shaking their heads


studied the mere exposure effect; familiarity breeds liking

Stanley Milgram's Obedience Study

study showing a person willingly harming another solely because an authority figure was there telling them to do so- used a shock board

Though in the minority and new to the Senate, a group of senators argued consistently, persuasively, and successfully against a particular bill. Most of the other senators eventually agreed with them that the bill should not be approved. In this example, the first group of senators derived their power to influence from their

style of behavior


tendency to change perceptions, opinions, or behavior to be consistent with social or group norms

Wilkin and others (2010)

the Japanese participants reported liking their favorites for a shorter time than the americans did

which indicator is not used to distinguish weak attitudes from strong ones?

the amount of perceived behavioral control

research on the attitude of twins suggests

the attitudes of identical twins are more similar than the attitudes of fraternal twins

"what is beautiful is good" stereotype

the belief that attractive people are superior in most ways

Minority influence

the case where a minority of group members influences the behavior or beliefs of the majority

the process by which a person carefully about a communication and is influenced by the strength of its arguments is called

the central route to persuasion

Private conformity

the change of beliefs that occurs when a person privately accepts the position taken by others

transactive memory

the combined memory of a group that is more efficient than the memory of the individual members

companionate love

the deep affectionate attachment we feel for those with whom our lives are intertwined, high levels of self disclosure

Sleeper effects can be reduced by reminding people that the source of a persuasive message was not credible. This supports which explanation of sleeper effects?

the discounting cue hypothesis

group polarization

the enhancement of a group's prevailing inclinations through discussion within the group

Joanie asked an acquaintance named Chachi if he would do a small favor for her. After he agreed and did the small favor, Joanie then asked him to do an even larger favor for her. This scenario describes

the foot-in-the-door technique

the hypothesis that there is a genetic component to some attitudes would be supported by all but which finding?

the human genome project has identified specific genes that are responsible for the ability to hold positive or negative attitudes

social impact theory

the idea that conforming to social influence depends on the group's importance, immediacy, and the number of people in the group

Research demonstrates that exposure to weak versions of a persuasive argument tends to increase later resistance to that argument. This is consistent with

the inoculation hypothesis

in trying to assess attitudes about particular subjects, public opinion pollsters have become aware that attitude responses seem to be affected by all of the factors below except

the length of the questionarre

Vicki the lawyer

the less expensive expert

the process by which a person is persuaded by cues in the persuasion context rather than thinking critically about the content of a persuasive message is called

the peripheral route to persuasion

mere exposure effect

the phenomenon that repeated exposure to novel stimuli increases liking of them


the process of getting a group to think of unlimited ways to vary a product or solve a problem

excitation transfer

the process whereby arousal caused by one stimulus is added to arousal from a second stimulus and the combined arousal is attributed to the second stimulus

As personal involvement regarding an issue increases

the quality of the arguments becomes a more important determinant of persuasion

process loss

the reduction in group performance due to obstacles created by group processes, such as problems of coordination and motivation

implicit association tests (IAT's) can detect implicit attitudes by measuring

the speed at which participants associate stimuli with a positive or negative word

social loafing

the tendency for people in a group to exert less effort when pooling their efforts toward attaining a common goal than when individually accountable

Foot-in-the-door phenomenon

the tendency for people who have first agreed to a small request to comply later with a larger request


the tendency to agree to do things requested by others

matching hypothesis

the tendency to develop relationships with people who are approximately as attractive as we are

hard-to-get effect

the tendency to prefer people who are highly selective in their social choices over those who are more readily available

Collective effort model

the theory that individuals will exert effort on a collective task to the degree that they think their individual efforts will be important, relevant, and meaningful for achieving outcomes that they value

social exchange theory

the theory that our social behavior is an exchange process, the aim of which is to maximize benefits and minimize costs

Idiosyncrasy credits

the tolerance a person earns, over time, by conforming to group norms; if enough credits are earned, the person can, on occasion, deviate from the group without retribution

which theory suggests that intentions to perform a behavior are best predicted by attitudes toward the behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control?

theory of planned behavior

psychological reactance

theory that people respond against threats to their freedom by asserting themselves

By their willingness to maintain independence from the majority, people in the minority force other group members to

think carefully about a problem

the most common approach to persuasion is

through information from others

which factor has the biggest impact on whether or not there will be a primacy or regency effect in persuasion?


Although they are distinct techniques, the foot-in-the-door, door-in-the-face, low-balling, and that's-not-all techniques are similar in that they all involve

two steps

research indicates that subliminal influence

usually occurs in the short term for simple judgements and actions

attitudes are best understood as

varying in strength along both positive and negative dimensions

social influence

ways people are affected by real and imagined pressures of others

Informational influence

we desire to be right about something, task must be ambiguous or difficult, defaulting to what others say

Ichiro, a member of a campus political group, is surveying how many students plan to vote in the 2018 interim election. According to the theory of planned behavior, which question would be the best predictor of whether or not a particular student would actually vote in the 2018 interim election?

what are your attitudes about voting in U.S. interim elections, when the presidency is not being decided?

social identity model of deindividuation effects

whether deindividuation affects people for the better or for worse reflects the characteristics and norms of the group immediately surrounding the individual as well as the groups power to act according to these norms

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