Social Psychology Chps 7-9

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The larger the users' social networks, the higher were users' __________ and perceived levels of _______

life satisfaction, social support

External events can temporarily boost or reduce the need to

affiliate with others

Social adaptability

The capacity to adapt to a wide range of social situations and to interact effectively with a wide range of people

Social astuteness

The capacity to perceive and understand others (their traits, feelings, and intentions) accurately


acting toward others in the way they have acted toward us

there is _______ evidence for the suggestion that opposites attract.

little, if any

A negative affect often leads to _______ evaluations of other people


______________ plays a role in our concept of an ideal romantic partner.

the stage of a relationship


A combination of emotions, cognitions, and behaviors that often play a crucial role in intimate relationships


An aspect of personality where persons high in narcissism have unjustified overinflated self-esteem, which leads them to focus on themselves while largely ignoring the needs and feelings of others

social comparison

Communicating about what is going on, comparing perceptions, and making decisions about what to do

Types of valuable social skills

Social astuteness, Interpersonal influence, Social adaptability, Expressiveness

Interpersonal influence

The ability to change others' attitudes or behavior by using a variety of techniques


The ability to show emotions openly, in a form others can readily perceive

need for affiliation

The basic motive to seek and maintain interpersonal relationships

similarity-dissimilarity effect

The consistent finding that people respond positively to indications that another person is similar to themselves and negatively to indications that another person is dissimilar from themselves

Evolutionary psychology explains that because our ancestors successfully cooperated with other people to obtain food and surviving danger,

a strong desire to affiliate with others seems to be a basic characteristic of our species.

Students are most likely to become acquainted if they are seated in

adjoining chairs

to a person being flattered, the flattery in question is likely to appear _______, even if it's not completely honest


Which of the "Big Five" personality characteristics are apparent almost immediately?


The repeated exposure effect works with.....

almost everything

Repeated exposure is found to have a positive effect on _______.


similarity produces _____.


the rule of reciprocity operates with respect to _______.


______ people are judged to be healthier, more intelligent, and more trustworthy


Because most of us possess a very positive stereotype for people who are highly good looking, we generally view __________ as possessing desirable characteristics

attractive people

Three steps of the "what is beautiful is good" effect

desire to form relationships with attractive people, this desire leads us to perceive them as interpersonally responsive in return, this projection that generates very positive perceptions of them


based on romance, physical attraction, and sexuality—the sexual motives and sexual excitement associated with a couple's relationship

interpersonal attraction is the _____ of many relationships


indirect effects caused by our emotions can be caused by ________

classical conditioning


cognitive factors such as the decision to love and be with a person, plus a commitment to maintain the relationship on a permanent or long-term basis

Composite face study

composite faces were rated as more attractive than most of the individual faces used to make the composite

As the relationship develops, the effect of physical attractiveness _______.



differences that, when combined, help to make the individual parts work well together

Positive and negative effects occur in two ways:

directly and indirectly

People who claim to have little or no need for affiliation actually ______.

do have a need for affiliation

This specific kind of complementarity leads to greater attraction than when the second person copies the first person

dominant and submissive

examples of complementarities

dominant and submissive, talkative and quiet, sadists and masochists

The repeated exposure effect is present _____ in life


The effect of attitude similarity is ____ effective on males and females


consensual validation

evidence that others share our views

two basic features of love—desire and commitment—grew out of out of __________ conditions


A theory of love is that it is simply a ______ that people share at certain times of life


The need for affiliation varies ______ from person to person.


Individuals ____ in social skills often receive ____ promotions and larger raises wherever they work

high, more

people ____ in social skills have ____ success in romance

high, more

The need for affiliation with others and to be accepted by them may be just as basic to our psychological well-being as _________ and _________ are to our physical well-being.

hunger, thirst

Despite widespread acceptance of the belief that attractive people are judged to be better, most of them appear to be _______.


social exclusion leads to increased sensitivity to

interpersonal information

Being "left out" by others hurts because

it leaves people with the sense that they have lost control and makes them feel both sad and angry because they simply don't belong

we value other traits differentially depending on the.....

kind of relationship we have with the other person

Facebook users most susceptible to mild depression are the ones with a ______ number of Facebook friends


In some research, frequent use of Facebook has been found to result in ___________ for many users

mild depression

"misery doesn't just love any kind of company, it loves only _______ company"


two students assigned to adjoining classroom seats are ____ likely to interact with each other than if their seats were several rows apart


We ordinarily respond with at least mild discomfort when we encounter anyone or anything _______.

new and unfamiliar

Attachment styles exert strong effects on........

our thinking about others and our relationships with them

irrelevant affective states can influence our liking for something, and hence our....

overt actions

_________ often plays a powerful role in interpersonal attraction and influences many aspects of social behavior

physical appearance

Before a relationship forms, _______________ may predict the choice of a romantic partner

physical attractiveness


physical nearness to others

Other aspects of appearance that influence attraction include....

physique, the extent to which a person is overweight

A positive affect, regardless of its source, often leads to ______ evaluations of other people


implicit egotism

positive associations with something about ourselves do indeed increase attraction toward others who share whatever these are

in many ancient cultures, as well as many modern ones, the color ____ has been associated with increased attractiveness, at least for women


When initial reactions to another person are negative, repeated contact leads to _______ attraction.


A theory of love is that because it was necessary for early humans to reproduce successfully,.....

reproductive success would be more likely if heterosexual pairs were erotically attracted to one another


revealing our innermost thoughts and feelings

Attachment styles affect our tendency to engage in......


couples who were ______ in physical attractiveness were more likely to continue dating than those who were _______ from each other

similar, different

the need to affiliate with others is both _____ and ______

strong, general

triangular model of love

suggests that each love relationship is made up of three basic components that are present in varying degrees in different couples - intimacy, passion, and decision/commitment.


the closeness two people feel and the strength of the bond that holds them together

attitude similarity

the extent to which two individuals share the same ways of thinking or feeling toward something or another person

attachment anxiety

the fear of rejection and abandonment by others

similarity hypothesis

the theory that similarity is often the basis for an important kind of relationship

We enjoy being evaluated positively, we welcome such input even when we know it is simply

undeserved flattery

social skills

a combination of aptitudes that help individuals who possess them to interact effectively with others

balance theory

a framework that suggests that people naturally organize their likes and dislikes in a symmetrical way

When people are reminded of their own mortality, a common response is the desire to.............

affiliate with others

attractive defendants are found guilty by judges and juries _____ often than unattractive ones


if you meet a stranger shortly after you receive a low grade on an exam, you will tend to like that person ____ than if you had received a high grade


social exclusion leads to ____ effective cognitive functioning


people respond to the similarity-dissimilarity effect in a surprisingly ______ way


Attraction is determined by the _________

proportion of similarity

Variables that can exert powerful effects on interpersonal attraction

proximity, repeated exposure, others' physical appearance, and our own need for affiliation, our degree of similarity to others, the extent to which they like us

falling in love leads to an increase in.......

self-efficacy and self-esteem

social comparison theory

suggests that people compare themselves to others, because for many domains and attributes, there is no objective yardstick to evaluate ourselves against, and other people are therefore highly informative.

"Big Five" theory

suggests there are five broad aspects of personality: openness, conscientiousness, agreeableness, extraversion, and emotional stability

repeated exposure effect

the more often we are exposed to a new stimulus, the more favorable our evaluation of it tends to become

parental investment theory

the one who invests and risks the most in reproduction—usually the female—will be the most particular when selecting a mate

attachment style

the ways in which we form emotional bonds and regulate our emotions in close relationships; the degree of security experienced in interpersonal relationships

narcissists may actually seem very likable at first because....

they are seen as charming, extraverted, more open, and even more competent than other people

"ideal person" study

trustworthiness and cooperativeness are seen as the most important traits, followed by agreeableness and extraversion

there are several traits that we value in everyone, which are.....

trustworthiness, cooperativeness, agreeableness, and extraversion

Physical appearance can be such a powerful factor in our liking for others that it influences us even when.....

we don't want it to

matching hypothesis

we tend to choose partners who are similar to ourselves in physical attractiveness, even though we'd prefer very attractive ones

Interpersonal attraction

why people like or dislike each other

Compared to ______, ______ invested more effort in building a relationship with the stranger when they were more similar to that person in attractiveness than when they were different

women, men

_______ are generally much less willing to express overt interest in a potential romantic partner than ______.

women, men

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