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Brought to the United States by their parents as children, ______ are a marginalized group whose rights are violated by police, employers, the criminal justice system and immigration officials.


Many uninsured Americans receive less preventive care than insured Americans, as they have a higher use of emergency rooms to receive care and lack ongoing relationships with their doctors.


Most of the high-poverty schools are located in rural settings, and graduation rates are comparable to the schools in other settings.


Over 280,000 people with mental conditions are placed in prisons each year, where they receive quality mental health services.


Research shows that the suicide rate in county jails has had a dramatic increase during the past 20 years.


The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires that patients have immunization vans where they receive a broad array of outpatient and inpatient services and there is a focus on preventing illness and slowing the development of chronic diseases. You Answered


The federal government first developed policies to deal with child abuse and neglect in 1967


The federal government requires school administrators to provide written or oral translation of school announcements and notices.


Undocumented immigrants qualify for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act.


Which level funds entitlements such as Social Security and Medicare?

Federal government

When a policy context assists an advocate in micro, mezzo, or macro level policy, advocacy is referred to as a(n) ______.


When a social worker in direct practice work goes to the state house to speak to legislators about their proposed budget cuts to mental health services, this is a form of ______ policy intervention.


Individuals can obtain SSI for which of the following?

mental disability

Social workers in direct practice work with community and agency leaders to reduce paperwork or waitlists that adversely affect clients. What form of policy intervention is this?


When a social worker in direct practice helps their client gain access to Medicaid, this is a form of ______ policy advocacy


Social Workers need to continue to engage in policy advocacy at which level or levels to help American society catch up to other industrialized nations? Correct!

micro, mezzo & macro

Research demonstrates that persons who are incarcerated are ______ than other persons to recommit crimes and experience recidivism.

more likely

The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act of 1974 was passed in response to the public outcry over ______.

neglect of children

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 paved the way for Equal Educational Opportunities act, declaring that all public school attendees are entitled to equal opportunities without regard to ______.

race, color, sex, or national origin

Clients who repeatedly return to service providers are said to be caught in a revolving door. Advocates may need to help them ______.

receive preventative, counseling or other services to address causes of the repetition

Many ascribe to a ______ mission for the criminal justice system in the United States.


Which of the following dictate how policies are implemented?

rules and procedures

Limited English Proficiency is the term to describe an immigrant who speaks English "not well" or "not at all." This is identified by which one of the following?


In 1942, which of the following immigration policies allowed Mexicans to enter the United States to work on farms and ranches to meet labor needs?

the Bracero program

What do the suicides of Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade in 2018 illustrate?

the tragic results of people feeling ashamed about experiencing depression

The ______ policy used in many states has contributed to the rise in incarceration rates in the United States.

three strikes and you're out

An example of how the Core Problem 2: Improving the Quality of Social Programs occurs in the welfare sector is when a consumer ______.

who meets DSM-5 criteria is not diagnosed for clinical depression or anxiety

In 1997, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons issued a formal policy to insure that female prisoners had the same rights as male prisoners.


______ has/have greater adverse health effects than the obesity epidemic and is equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day.


A person who has been pushed away from their home or country of origin due to their religion, race, nationality, or group membership is referred to as a(n) ______.


Immigrants are not eligible for specific programs that may prevent poverty.


Women who have remained at the bottom 20% of the economy live an average of ______ years less than women who have remained at the top 10% throughout their lives.


______ of the total population of the United States is foreign born.


How much does Affordable Care Act (ACA) seek to decrease the number of medically uninsured people by 2020?

16 million

What year was federal minimum wage established?


Between 2000 and 2010 the population of for-profit correctional facilities increased by what proportion due to lobbying efforts?

2 times

In 2030, the number of adults 65+ will increase by what percentage?


What year was the President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health established?


According to the text, what percentage do children represent of the total population living in poverty?


In 2007, even the poorest fifth of households paid an average of ______ of their incomes.


Former foster youth who have aged out of the system are eligible for Medicaid coverage up to age ______.


Roughly ______ of adults with clinical depression fail to receive medication and therapy.


Applicants for social security must have ______ lifetime work credits to receive benefits.


In 2011, how many adults received SSI?

5 million

Roughly what percentage of seniors retire with no assets such as a house, stocks, or savings?


It is estimated that ______ of prisoners suffer from a mental health problem.


Roughly what percentage of physicians do not use evidence-based medicine to treat patients with depression and asthma?


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that ______ of Americans experience mental issues over their lifetimes.


In 2017, approximately how many people were homeless, on any given night?


Approximately how many children in foster care belong to minority groups?


The number of persons arrested at local, state, and federal years and fingerprinted is estimated at ______ million per year in the United States.


What percentage of persons of all ages were uninsured in 2016?


______ Americans are more likely to live longer, have access to exercise options, and have access to fresh fruits and vegetables.


Franklin Roosevelt decided not to include a national health insurance in the Social Security Act, out of fear that ______ would block the Social Security Act from passing.

American Medical Association

Which President, along with Congress, approved TANF as the replacement for AFDC?

Bill Clinton

______ is an example of the Core Problem: Patients' Rights.

Confidential medical information

An older adult fails to receive adequate information about long-term care housing options across the continuum to make an informed decision. This is an example of a Red flag Alert for which core problem?

Core #7 Engaging in advocacy for home and community based services for seniors

Honoring self-determination, preserving confidentiality, and meeting basic survival needs fall under which core problem?

Core Problem #1: Advancing the Ethical Rights, Human Rights, and Economic Justice

Federal and state laws explicitly exclude immigrants from sexual harassment, workplace injuries which resulted from employer negligence, and worker's compensation.


Ideally, schools should ask children to serve as intermediaries in parent-teacher communications when parents have limited English proficiency.


The New Deal was a set of sweeping social programs and reforms enacted by which president?

Franklin Roosevelt

When Maggie Kuhn was angry about being forced to retire at the age of 65, she formed a group called ______ in 1970.

Gray Panthers

Which of the following resources for advocates asks hospitals to create and disseminate policies on patient's rights to consumers?

Joint Commission's accreditation standards

______ often impede(s) the development of shelters and housing for homeless people.

Local politics

Moderate-income Americans benefit from various provisions in the federal tax code. For example, they can deduct ______.

Mortgage interest

President Clinton enacted which Act in 1994 to eliminate policies that favored same-race placements?

Mulit-Ethnic Placement Act

The Supreme Court ruling stating that individual states had the right to organize separate learning facilities for Caucasian and African American populations stemmed from the ______ trial.

Plessy v Ferguson

As part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), what new fund was created to prevent diseases through early detection and support?

Prevention and Public Health Fund

While a conservative, President ______ surprised many by enacting many social welfare policies, including indexing Social Security benefits to inflation to assure regular increases and expanding Food Stamps.

Richard Nixon

______ laws are intended to improve educational outcomes, and reduce ______.

School choice; educational disparities

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 is often called the ______.

Stimulus program

_____ provided funding for free preventive wellness exams for seniors.

The Affordable Care Act

Poverty rates for adults 65+ were more than double those for adults aged 18-64 following ______.

The New Deal

Jane Addams is well-known for being a founder of the Social Work Profession. Addams worked with which American president to found the Progressive Party? Correct!

Theodore Roosevelt

Which of the following pieces of legislation is a major source of funding for children's programs under the Social Security Act?

Title IV-E

According to the text, transitional planning is often inadequate because hospitals and clinics don't hire sufficient social workers and discharge nurses to provide effective interventions.


All people, regardless of age, race, religion, or income, are vulnerable to mental illness.


Although it didn't pass, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 had bipartisan support


Immigrants fear they will suffer possible deportation if their children use educational, preschool, and other programs for which they qualify.


In the 1950s, child protection became recognized as a profession.


Prevention programs for older adults was a "young field" up to 2000 and includes primary prevention and secondary prevention


Restorative justice emphasizes repairing the harm caused by crime.


Social workers can empower clients to self- advocate, but they should also follow up with clients to see if they have taken key actions.


The Social Worker's Code of Ethics requires advocacy.


Exhibiting excessive sedentary behaviors and eating excessive meat and few vegetables are examples of ______ habits.

Unhealthy eating

Micro policy advocacy helps clients or consumers obtain ______ for ______.


According to the McKinney-Vento Act, educational goals of foster children and youth are the shared responsibility of the ______?

child welfare agency and the schools

Public Law 92-142 was expanded and later became known as IDEA 2004 to protect which set of children?

children with disabilities

Which of the following best describes a social policy?

collective strategies to prevent and address social problems

In 1984, the Task Force on Black and Minority Health examined mortality rates for six leading causes of death. Which of the following were the two leading causes of death during that time?

diabetes and cancer

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) provide short-term counseling, at the expense of ______.


Dorothea Dix was an advocate for which cause?

ensuring the fair and appropriate treatment of prisoners in the mid 1800s

Which of the following is believed to contribute to mental illness?

environmental stressors

Low-income people have ______ of anxiety and depression than affluent persons. And low-income people have ______ access to mental health services than others.

higher rates; far poorer

Which of the following is a reason for the underrepresentation of minority teachers today, according to the text? Correct!

inadequate academic preparation of minorities

Reagan's economic beliefs turned out to be ______.

incorrect as his deficits exceeded the sum of all the deficits of prior American presidents

In the three-tiered model, the first tier works along which of the following efforts?

increasing resilience and school connectedness

According to the text, many Asian American students struggle with getting assistance with homework or the college admissions process due to a lack of parental ______.


Workforce investment boards (WIBs) are an example of which type of safety net program?

job-related programs

Which of the following are types of courts that handle legal matters dealing with child abuse and neglect?

juvenile court, civil court and criminal court

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