The Passion and Death of Jesus Christ- Toben

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Who carried Jesus' cross?

Simon of Cyrene; because Jesus was so badly beaten.

Redemptive Suffering

Suffering willingly taken on for the good of others.

John's Passion

The EXALTATION of Jesus, how he remains in charge, driving the all action, completing the will of the Father, and being glorified as he is lifted up. Who's passion is this?

Importance of the Eucharist

The Eucharist is a sacrifice because it re-presents (makes present) the sacrifice of the cross, because it is its memorial and because it applies its fruit...the forgiveness of sin

Luke's Passion

The INNOCENCE of Jesus, how Pilate said he did not deserve death, and others (Herod Antipas, centurion, repentant thief) also recognized his innocence. Who's passion is this?

Matthew's Passion

The KINGSHIP of Jesus, how the de-facto ruling powers (esp. Pilate & Caiphas) conspired to get rid of someone they saw as a political threat. Who's passion is this?

Importance of the Passion

The Passion is an important part of the Paschal Mystery. As Jesus suffered and died for the atonement of humanities sin.

Who was Pontius Pilate?

The Roman governor of Judea. Although he found Jesus innocent, he sentenced him to crucifixion.

Mark's Passion

The SUFFERING of Jesus, how he was tragically rejected, unfairly condemned, viciously beaten, horribly insulted, and cruelty mistreated by multiple groups. Focuses on the suffering servant. Who's passion is this?

What ruling group of Jewish religious leaders was Jesus brought to before the crucifixion?

The Sanhedrins

Just as the ______ of the Paschal lamb liberated the Israelites from death and slavery, so did the death and resurrection of Jesus ______ the people from death and from slavery to sin.

blood; save

Jesus suffered pain and fear as he was betrayed. Jesus was still not _______ from these human feelings because of his Divine nature.


When we consider why both the Jewish and Roman leaders sought to have Jesus killed, we discover two _______.


By Jesus' death, he ____________. By Jesus' ressurection he __________.

liberates us from sin; opens for us the way to new life

Salvation from sin and death for every ____ in every _______ comes through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

person; age/time

The idea of ______ helps us to understand that Jesus paid to God the price of our freedom so that we are no longer "owned" by sin and death.


The Gospel explains that the events of the crucifixion of Jesus was the ________ of many Old Testament prophecies.


After the meal at Passover, Jesus went with his apostles to pray. Where was Jesus praying?

the Garden of Gethsemane

What is crucifixion

the execution of a person by nailing or binding them to a cross.

Jesus was a _____ to the Pax Romana.


The Suffering Servant describes an ________ servant of the lord who suffers greatly, not as punishment for his sins but to _____ the people of theirs

unnamed; save

Why was Jesus a threat in the Synoptic Gospels?

◦In Matthew's Infancy Narrative Jesus is already seen as the King of the Jews. ◦Jesus questions the religious leaders authority and claims authority of his own .◦He breaks Jewish Laws

Why was Jesus a threat in John?

◦Jesus claims that he is "I AM", he calls God his Father. ◦Better for one man to die than for the whole people to be destroyed. (11:48-53)

How is Jesus the Lamb of God?

-he takes away the sins of the world


Also called the Mass or Lord's Supper, and based on a word for "thanksgiving," it is the central Christian liturgical celebration, established by Jesus at the Last Supper. In the Eucharist the sacrificial death and Resurrection of Jesus are both remembered and renewed. The term sometimes refers specifically to the consecrated bread and wine that have become the Body and Blood of Christ.

What sacrament do Christians need to receive to be saved?


How is Jesus the ransom for many?

Jesus is the Lamb of God; takes away the sins of the world and in order to do that, the sacrifice of the lamb IS the ransom

Why did the Jews bring Jesus to Pilate?

Because they wanted to execute Jesus legally, with a reason that they would come up with (blasphemy). They did not really want to kill Jesus because he committed blasphemy.

What crime was Jesus accused of by the Jewish authorities and what crime was he ultimately crucified for?

Blasphemy; treason

How does Jesus fulfill the atoning mission?

By his loving obedience to the Father "unto death, even death on a cross". Jesus fulfills the atoning mission of the suffering servant who will "make many righteous; and he shall bear their iniquities"

Pilate was hesitant to kill Jesus, but he was told that if he stopped the crucifixion, he would have not been a friend of _______


How did Jesus suffer?

Jesus' physical suffering is great. However he also experienced a much greater spiritual suffering by taking on sins of the world.

Why does Jesus call himself the _________ _____ during the passover?

Paschal lamb; - Because Jesus is perfect and 'unblemished' just like the lambs that are sacrificed during the Passover meal. - Jesus gave up his life for the redemption of all humanity and became the sacrificial lamb of the New Testament.

What do we need to do to be saved?

Physical death is just a passing into a new and eternal lfe for people who have: -baptism -live a life of faith -die free of mortal sin

How was Jesus a threat to the Roman Empire?

Pilate believed, regardless of whether or not Jesus was a revolutionary, he was a threat to the peace that Pilate was pledged to maintain.

Who ordered the execution of Jesus?

Pontius Pilate

On Thursday evening of the Passover Jesus gathered with his closest friends; AKA the __________


The chief priests and scribes claimed that Jesus committed ________.


What are the 3 key events of the resurrection in John?

1) Appearance to Mary Magdalene -The women are always the first to see Jesus 2) Doubting Thomas -Proof this is a body and not a ghost 3) Reconciliation with Peter -After the breaking of the bread Jesus asks Peter to lead his Church

Jesus Anointed by a Woman

1) In Mark 14:3-9 and Matt 26:6-13, two days before the Passover, in the house of Simon the leper in Bethany (near Jerusalem), an anonymous woman anoints Jesus' HEAD with expensive ointment. 2) In John 12:1-8, in the house of Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. It is this Mary of Bethany (not called a "sinner") who anoints Jesus' FEET and wipes them with her hair.

Main Point in Anointing Jesus

1) Jesus is prepared for burial. 2) This event then foreshadows and prepares Jesus for his crucifixion and burial.

The two ironies of Jesus' execution:

1) Since Jesus was indeed the Son of God and the second person of the Trinity- so he was not and could NOT commit BLASPHEMY 2) In executing Jesus, Pilate set in motion the events that brought the KINGDOM OF GOD to its FULFILLMENT.

Last Supper Background

1) This was not just any meal it was the Passover Seder, which commemorates the events of the exodus from Egypt. 2) The Passover Lamb was used to save the Hebrews from the Angel of Death now Jesus becomes the Paschal Lamb to save humanity from sin.

What are the two aspects of the Paschal Mystery?

1. By His death, Jesus liberated us from sin. 2. Through His resurrection, Jesus opened the way for a new way for us to live

What is the hope of our own resurrection?

1. We will never die 2. We cannot be damaged by illness or disease 3. We will not be limited by physical constraints of time and space 4. We are not subjected to the temptations of sin

How many times did Jesus fall while carrying the cross?


The Last Supper

A Passover meal which literally became the last meal taken by Christ with his apostles, the night before his Passion. Through this meal, Christ instituted the Holy Eucharist and the priesthood when He said his body was the bread and His blood was the wine.

How would you answer the question, "why would God the Father allow his Son to suffer and dies as he did?

First, it was not an action of the Father's part that required the Son's redeeming death. It was our first parents' Original Sin that necessitated Jesus' sacrifice. The Father allowed his Son's death in order that the power of death might be destroyed. Second, the Father did not force his Son's sacrificial death. Jesus Christ freely accepted his Passion and death.

What were the Jewish leaders' reasons for wanting Jesus to be put to death?

For the religious leaders the answer is fairly clear: Jesus challenged their authority to such an extent that they believed Jesus was undermining their authority with the common person.

Purpose of the Passover

Happens the same week as the passion. Ever

What did Jesus do in his descent into hell after his death?

He brought salvation to all righteous souls who had died before his resurrection.

Only in Luke do we read that Jesus was sent to _______


What dramatic events occurred at the time of Jesus' death?

His death is accompanied by natural events: an eclipse and an earthquake. The earthquake splits the veil of the Temple, the curtain that separated the Holy of Holies from the rest of the Temple.

What city is the center of Jewish faith and worship? (esp. during Passover)


In the Gospel of John and John the Baptist refer to Jesus as the ______ of ____.

Lamb of God

Redemptive Love

Love that is willing to give everything, even one's own life, for the sake of redeeming, saving, or setting free another person.

The Plot to Kill Jesus

The religious leaders, upset after the cleansing of the Temple and the parable of the Tenants, plot to kill Jesus. However, they cannot do so openly. They wanted to do it legally by public embarrassment so they needed the Romans o be in on it.

How was Jesus mocked at his crucifixion?

The soldiers mocked him with the symbols or ROYAL power and authority including a scarlet cloak (or purple), a crown (of thorns), and a reed (instead of a scepter.)

The Passion Narrative

The sufferings of Jesus during his final days in this life: his agony in the garden at Gethsemane, his trial, and his Crucifixion.

The Road to Emmaus is what? What does it prove?

The two disciples were walking along the road, heading to Emmaus, deep in solemn and serious discussion, when Jesus met them. They could not recognize Jesus, and saw him as a stranger. It proved Jesus did resurrect.

What are three metaphors used to communicate the supernatural meaning of Jesus' death?

Their teaching tended to fall into three metaphors, or symbolic explanations: Jesus, the Suffering Servant; Jesus, the Paschal Lamb; and Jesus, the ransom for many.

Why do the women go to Jesus' tomb early in the morning?

To anoint his body.

In JOhn, why does Jesys wash the feet of the Apostles?

To show true leadership and service.

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